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A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Fevereiro 27, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

In this February of 2021, on our planet earth, in this human experience, we lightworkers, we starseeds feel as if we are on hold. On the surface nothing appears to be happening. Yet we are calm, we are peaceful and we know all is well. We have now got beyond the waiting for promises of change on predicted dates. We have been so often disappointed. For a year now, ever since the start of isolation and social distancing, ever since the infliction of the supposed virus upon us, we have waited for and desperately ...
How to Tune Yourselves to Higher Frequencies
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are sending you transmissions in every moment of every day. They are energetic transmissions, and so is this. This is an energetic transmission that this channel has been able to pick up and run through his physical body, and no...
The Humane and Kind has been Taken out of Humanity and Mankind
It is another beautiful day in Paradise dear friends, dear brethren, if we make it so. For, in this February of 2021 every day can be a beautiful day in Paradise. It is the great awakening, the time of the great revelation of Mankind’s enslavement. It is the time of his release from that enslavement. The time when the frequencies on the earth are increasing exponentially to support the ascension of humanity out of the fear vibration. It is the time for mankind to ret...
The Power Over Others System
Since we're on the subject of the dark ones, creating Loosh and energy vampires, we'll do a review of what the power over others system is. For starters, the power over others system is the opposite of the power over self, or self mastery system, in which the authentic, self empowered person retains control over all decisions pertaining to self in their life and allows others to do the same without undue interference. Any interference in others' lives is often carried out because of fear, by the w...
Pentagon says military does not have resources for 'urban combat' in dystopian 'megacities
Pentagon says military does not have resources for "urban combat" in dystopian "megacities" With the new domestic "war on terror" quickly gaining steam, the Pentagon is anticipating a dystopian future in which the military is entirely ill-equipped for "urban combat." In a video entitled, "Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity" that was shown at... By Ethan Huff | Read the full story New Videos from Situation Update, Fe...
Isolation, Introspection, Illumination
For it is important that awake people be awake, or a breaking line may discourage them back to sleep; the signals we give — yes or no, or maybe — should be clear: the darkness around us is deep. ~ William E. Stafford ~ In my view, the only real upside to our enforced isolation is it can lead to introspection, which can lead to illumination. For instance…if someone offered me an all-expenses-paid writer’s retreat (and I had no pressing obligations), I would jump to the moon. And then pack a bag. Writer’...
Fully and Forever in This Wonderful Space of Higher-Dimensional Love
The Self exists in the deepest reach of the heart, called the seat of the soul. Credit: Ute Possega Rudel. I promised my friend Traci a post for her fiftieth birthday. I’m pretending that I get one chance to communicate this. It’s like: If the whole world were listening, what would you say – that kind of thing? THE most important thing I can do with this marvelous opportunity is to try again to put into words what higher-dimensional love is and is like. There’s nothing more importan...
Shifting beyond codependency doesn’t mean you are no longer going to help people. It means you will start to help people in new, far more empowering ways, and sometimes that will involve lovingly stepping back and holding the space with wisdom and encouragement so others have the opportunity to discover their own divine capability. ...
Heart And Soul
Video below ~ Heart and soul, I fell in love with you. Heart and soul, the way a fool would do, madly. -Hoage Carmichael ~ That’s how I feel about this country. Maybe it was because I was born on the 4th of July, who knows. But I love this country, heart and soul. But you can love someone (or country) and not always like it. And I am not liking large parts of my country right now. The part of my country that seems to have no heart or soul. That is making every issue a political football, condones the uber wealthy making money ha...
Nice vs. Kind: How to Know the Difference?
Would you say that you are a nice person? What about being a kind person? Let’s talk about these two similar characteristics and compare nice vs. kind. Is there really a difference between the two? It’s so common to say things like, “Oh, she is so nice.” However, this statement may not mean what you want it to mean. Let’s just say you’re trying to pay a compliment about the good things a person does, and how warm she seems to be. Well, there is a better word for that. Maybe sayi...
Call it Forward
Each new day is truly a gift that so often is put aside as you pick up the remains of yesterday. Remember that when old programs and doubts pop up you are offered the opportunity to transform that piece of emotional/mental dysfunctional energy. You are transformers, pure and simple. You have the tools and the master keys of energetic alchemy. Every human is equipped with the awesome power to transform their reality. The shift and the transmutation of energy from patterns of dysfunction to patterns of empowerment and gr...
SARS Variants, Spike Proteins and More All Rest on 1 Big Fat Assumption
Above: what has never happened and seemingly never will: *true virus isolation*. SARS variants, spike proteins and more all rest on 1 big fat assumption: that SARS-CoV-2 exists. But we are still without proof of that. AT A GLANCE... *THE STORY:* As the WHO, CDC and Governments ramp up COVID fear with new scary stories of SARS variants, let's get back to the basics: there still has never been true virus isolation. *THE IMPLICATIONS:* No matter how much the MSM tries to convinc...
Support of the Universe
Greetings and love I, Archangel Michael, extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence as I bring forth the energy, love, and peace of the Angelic Kingdom. May this vibration and frequency download into your being, through your being and into Mother Earth so she may experience the blessings and gifts that we share with you and with all. Today I, Archangel Michael, wish to bring forth an insight. ...
Our focus in the coming months is two fold. On the one hand we will be encouraged to continue to let go of the old, to let go of the past. On the other hand we will continue to align with our soul and co-create the life we are destined for. As a result, the places and the spaces where we are out of balance both internally and externally will become more and more evident. The urge to consciously engage with your soul’s purpose is growing shaking up the familiar and pulling you towar...
Creation and Manifestation
It is time to release the need to bemoan what you do not have and celebrate what is in your life. As you joyously embrace what you do have, you create feelings of thankfulness which, in turn, opens your whole being to receive. What exists in your world is in direct relation to your thoughts of who you are and what you think of yourself. Being grateful creates the energy needed to co-create and manifest! The Universe is ready and waiting for you! ...
Raise His Voice!
A group of men preparing to stone an adulterous woman to death were addressed by Jesus with the words: 'He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. [John 8:7] ~ Thought Adjuster:* “Jesus had a keen ability to defuse volatile situations, which earned him the honorary title of Prince of Peace. Those of you who wish to follow in his remarkable footsteps have to do it from a place of peace—not one of emotional turmoil. Only the unruffl...

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