e com ele a necessidade de encarardes vossas escolhas, para vos entregardes a correção daquelas que não revelaram a luz do Pai que vos criou. Misericórdia, amados, a vida vos oferece, através da luz da misericórdia, o momento sa...
Verdade sobre a ‘Pandemia’ começa a emergir nos tribunais da AlemanhaO Ministério Federal do Interior da Alemanha contratou “cientistas” de vários institutos de pesquisa e universidades para justificar os rígidos bloqueios na primeira onda da pandemia em março de 2020. O órgão “encomendou” aos pesquisadores do Instituto Robert Koch e de outras instituições a criação de um modelo de cálculo com base no qual o Ministro do Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), usou para justificar as duras...
A transição para uma nova era para o continente americano deve começarFontes P3 dizem que o fundador da Amazon, Jeff Bezos, agora, é o diretor de fato que toma as decisões como zelador interino, o chamado presidente Joe Biden está realizando suas apresentações ovais no Castle Rock, nos estúdios da Amazon, em Culver City, Califórnia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3bx42MrtZw Em Washington DC a Casa Branca permanece desocupada. De acordo com um colega com credencial para a ...
SUA LUZ...A vela não se preocupa em se proteger da escuridão. Ela sabe que sua própria luminosidade é a única coisa de que precisa para ser a luz e honrar seu propósito. É o mesmo para você, querido. Tudo o que você sempre precisou fazer é abraçar seu estado de ser e permitir que a bela e luminosidade de sua alma conduza seu caminho adiante. Qualquer coisa que não apoie isso será naturalmente dissipada ou transformada pela eficácia de sua própria luz. Arcanjo Gabriel *Shelley Yo...
O PODER DO MOMENTUM ESTÁ SOBRE SINós somos o Conselho Arcturiano. Temos o prazer de nos conectar com você e com todos vocês. Estamos nos dando a chance de descansar e relaxar neste momento, porque entendemos o poder do momentum, e sabemos que tem havido momentum suficiente criado a partir do que temos explorado para nos dar a oportunidade de recuar um pouco e desfrutar o momentum que sabemos que criamos. Também entendemos que sempre que colocamos ene...
TENHA FÉEsses tempos de incertezas e mudanças estão nos encorajando a abandonar as ideias sobre quem pensamos que somos e os apegos de como as coisas deveriam ser. Como resultado, temos que abrir mão de nossa confiança no intelecto e entrar nas misteriosas profundezas de nossa intuição. É nessas profundezas que encontraremos as soluções de que precisamos para os problemas que enfrentamos. Com a construção de energias para a Lua Nova de amanhã, você está limpando o antigo e criando espaço para o no...
PERDOE A SI MESMOO Universo nunca puniu e nunca irá puni-lo por algo que você fez ou não fez. Não é assim que funciona, Meu Amor! Por favor, entenda ... O Universo sempre amou você e nenhuma quantidade de autopunição pode desfazer esse Amor. Comece perdoando a si mesmo. Assim que a roda começar a girar, ela liberará sua energia e o perdão que você tanto ansiava aparecerá...
A Crônica de Akakor: Correlações e referênciasExplicações suplementares, correlações e referências com outras culturas
A chegada dos descobridores espanhóis e portugueses* A chegada de Cristovão Colombo à América em 1492 iniciou os contatos entre os conquistadores europeus e os povos do Novo Mundo. Sua tradição era receber os estrangeiros com gentile.
‘My Life Is Going Nowhere’: What to Do If You Feel This WaySometimes I feel like my life is going nowhere. At times, I think we all feel this way. What can we do? Life, for some, seems to be locked in a pattern of eating, work, sleep, and repeat. These activities take so much time that we barely have the chance to pursue dreams. For others, we’ve just become complacent. *I Feel Like My Life Is Going Nowhere: What Do I Do?* When you feel like your life is going nowhere, then you’ve reached a realization. In fact, it’s the fi...
A Vision for the Manna of Love and ForgivenessHere is another eloquent Vision from our friend, Dean Sanna of Portland, OR.* Dean says: I in-vision a world full of caring people. A world where we all come together in prayer to bring in this new and amazing world. Where the veil of ignorance is erased by heartfelt love and commitment to be of service to all, regardless of race, color or creed. I intend to live my own life in harmony with all life, through strong determination and an unwavering commitment to follow the light....
Negativity: Ignore it, Avoid itHere's me: Ignoring it, avoiding it, thanking God someone didn't launch any at me, thanking God her email was more positive this time, avoiding talking to someone so I'm not expected to complain along with them, not wanting to deal with a problem so I don't have to be confronted by negativity.... you name it. I do it. I avoid negativity. Many of you do too. I still have my bouts of it, but otherwise I avoid it like the plague. I've been watching videos on the Ra books: Law of One, and they spea...
Dr. Coleman's Emotional Honesty Teaches us How to Save our WorldDr. Coleman's Emotional Honesty Teaches Us How To Save Our World* *"He's the Lone Ranger, Robin Hood and the Equalizer rolled into one." (Glasgow Evening Times)"Britain's leading health care campaigner" (The Sun)"Dr Vernon Coleman is one of our most enlightened, trenchant and sensible dispensers of medical advice." (The Observer)"Sharpest mind in medical journalism." (Daily Star)"Perhaps the best known health writer in the world today" (The Therapist)"Probably one of ...
The Defended EgoI just heard this on a show. And it's just an example I've heard, there are many times I've heard something similar in the past. This is from my list of 365 useless behaviours. “You say things like, "He's a great guy, isn't he? He speaks very highly of you." I just heard that in a conversation with a high ranking American official. What's the guy supposed to respond with? "No, you're wrong. He's a dirt bag and I can't stand his guts!" This is all lying, folks. All of it. You're stacking the deck so that this m...
The Higher Soul ConnectionSome of you may have a very strong belief in angels or God but still feel somewhat separate from them. You know they exist, you just aren’t sure that they are listening or aren’t too busy to help you. If this is the case, we invite you to simply start connecting with your soul. You understand you are always connected to your soul. You know your soul has a plan for this incarnation, and knows the highest outcomes for you. So we recommend that if you are feeling stuck or lost, you simply say, “Ok ...
Facing the Shadow on the HearthBeloved Ones, we greet you with love and joy on this beautiful sunny morning. We realize that you may not see life on planet Earth as one about which to be joyful, due to circumstances around you and throughout the world. Please know that what you are only able to see in your world is the opposite of what we see on the other side of the veil. Because of the duality/polarity aspect of your present 3D world, you see things as exact opposites at both ends of the same pole. The idea is to bring...
Love and Oneness are the SameI had an insight into how I/we come to comprehend and be oneness. They said: “A realization of oneness begins at the person’s level of awareness. In the beginning it may express as the desire to help someone less fortunate within one’s immediate circle–family, friends, or church group. “Over time the person begins to be aware of and take an interest in the needs of individuals and groups outside of his immediate circle (strangers and animals) and eve...
A MESSAGE FOR HUMANITY: UNITEToday is the day I AM going to ask everyone for the biggest favour of all. It is because of the deep thought of what is happening right now worldwide. I understand alot of what is going on but I also know that there are those that right now are losing themselves. The theme is about Unite. Although it has also information about the New Moon and the Chinese New Year, and other very valuable information, the focus is on Lorie Ladd's video mostly to Unite people and to help them understand the division going ...
A Big Part of Your Destiny on EarthWe are pleased to connect with all of you. We are studying all of you from afar, but we are also right there with you, observing you from within you and all around you. We are ninth-dimensional beings, which means we have no physicality, no bodies, and no borders to confine us. We get to go where we want to go and put our attention wherever we want to put it in this beautiful universe of ours, and we choose to focus on humanity there ...
Step Into The WarmthStep Into The WarmthThe Creator WritingsTranscribed by Jennifer Farley *February 10th, 2021* You can spend every day out in the cold, with your nose pressed up against the glass, longing for what is on the other side. The only way to know if you truly want it is to leave your fear at the door, step into the warmth and experience a bit of it for yourself...
The BeginningThis message is for all souls on Urantia that are willing—that they may understand the mystery of the Indwelling Presence of Universal Father living and working in their mind. We, the Thought Adjusters of Urantia, are making known to you—blessed souls—the meek, the kind, the loving, the beautiful, and the good, that by acknowledging ...
‘Vaccine Apartheid’: Immunity passports to hit numerous countriesThe introduction of vaccine passports has arrived and could cause a divide between many social classes that leads to a worldwide system of “vaccine apartheid”, an expert has warned. Despite this, governments and airlines across the world are beginning to finalise immunity passport schemes, which many expect to become widespread in the next few months. *‘VACCINE APARTHEID’* In May 2020, TOTT News asked the simple question: Are immunity passports on the way? Over...
HAVE FAITHThese times of uncertainty and change are encouraging us to let go of the ideas around who we think we are and the attachments to how things should be. As a result, we are having to let go of our reliance on the intellect and step into the mysterious depths of our intuition. It is within these depths that we will find the solutions we need for the problems we face. With the energies building for tomorrows New Moon you are clearing out the old and creating space for the new. Things may feel somewhat unsettled and vulner...
How the globalist controllers have already lost the end gameThe globalists realize humanity is rapidly awakening, and new, grassroots technologies will soon make centralized control systems largely obsolete. So they're desperate to kill off as many human beings as possible before the global revolution against evil manages to succeed. That's why they're pushing genocidal vaccines, plandemics and bioweapons so aggressively. But it's already too late. They've lost the end game. All we have to do is survive and help promote the new dec...
10 Key Traits of ENTJ Personality Type: Is This You?The ENTJ personality type is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, based on Carl Jung’s theory on personality types. The Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator explains why people behave differently, why some individuals share preferences, inclinations, and fears, while others are the complete opposite. The ENTJ acronym is derived from the four cognitive psychological functions that define this type: Extroverted (E), Intuitive (N), Thinking (T), and Judging...
Explained - The essential framework for human freedomUnder tyrannical big government, the swamp elitists want to make us all their slaves. To establish and defend our freedom, we must first understand where our rights actually come from. They don't come from government. They actually come from God and are granted to you at the moment of conception. They persist through your entire life. In today's philosophical Situation Update, I reveal the key origins of all human rights and how to instantly notice when governments or corporation...
6 Ways Entitled Parents Ruin Their Children’s Lives*Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)*https://www.learning-mind.com/Frabruary 8th, 2021 Whether you are revising for exams or learning for the pleasure of it, it’s hard to downplay the advantages of fast learning. After all, we are all busy, it makes sense to be smart with our time. So can science help us to be a fast learner? Back when I went to school, lessons consisted of reading passages from coursebooks out loud in class. We would also copy the teacher’s notes verbatim, and repeat times tables by rote. Nowadays, research shows that the...
Have PatienceSometimes it is most important to just let things go. Over-thinking really seldom pays off in the long run as it often just wastes as much time as not making a decision at all. Just let it go for a bit and give things time to fall into place instead of trying to rush it, slow it down, and ultimate change the outcome. Don’t worry…really that is such a waste of time…Trust that things are falling into place and they are! Thought for today: *Have patience and stop worrying. Thi...