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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


How to Feel Safe in Your Body

Archangel Gabriel, and Shanta Gabriel

Posted on November 10, 2024 


We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of #26 of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
This message from Archangel Gabriel packs powerful support about the concept of grounding, and how to use it to change your consciousness.
Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the Earth, then bring an open heart into the present moment.
Until late 1988 I was not even aware of the concept of grounding. If anyone had brought it to my attention, I would have asked, "Why?" My life was focused in the upper realms of the Divine, and the Earth held very little interest. That is until something bothered me, and then my emotions would engage and I would become very upset at the way my life on Earth was appearing in that moment.
When my mentor suggested the need to ground my thoughts and emotional states, it became clear that I really never felt safe to be in my body. This was a revelation of sorts. I had never felt "at home" on the planet.
Like the story of the Mistaken Zygote in Women Who Run with the Wolves, I was sure there had been some mistake and I had landed here by accident. At the very least, I did not believe that my Soul had planned that this Earth, with all its darkness and challenges, was the one I volunteered to incarnate into.
Still, I paid attention to the advice I was given and began to do Safety Affirmations: It's safe to be on the planet. It's safe to be who I truly am. It's safe to live in my Truth. Those helped tremendously, but it was not until I started to incorporate the grounding process into my daily spiritual practice, that life began to change more dramatically.
Download a list of Safety Affirmations on my Free Resources page here:
I found that the process of grounding the excess energy I was experiencing brought me immediate relief from the anxiety-producing sensation of having my finger in an electrical socket. I also noticed that I could feel nurturing energy running up my legs from the Earth, and the base of my spine felt more free and open. The most surprising thing I discovered was that the more I embodied my spiritual life in my physical body, the happier I became.
Two side benefits also occurred that I was not expecting. One is that my body has a natural wisdom that can really assist my process in the world and alert me when I need to pay attention. For most people that will seem obvious, but for many energetically-sensitive souls, it has been too painful to fully inhabit our physical bodies. This left my personality and small physical being to take care of the task of life, which she was woefully unprepared to do.
The second thing that helped me love this process was learning that when I am grounded in my body, my heart immediately feels more open and I am more at peace inside.
There are some that say we should not ground our negative energy into the Earth, that she has enough problems already. My experience, however, is that the Mother of the Earth does not judge our energy as negative or positive. It is just "energy," and as such has great value. When we confer energy onto the planet, we are blessing her. This is especially true if it is our intention.
In 1990 Archangel Gabriel gave me an alignment exercise for bringing Divine Light through every chakra to ground in the earth. For many years I have used this Golden Pillar of Light, from my connection to Source energy above the head flowing down below the feet, in a powerfully whole visualization that demonstrates our attributes as a Blended Being working as a bridge from Heaven to Earth.
Once we have an intention to ground any excess energy we are experiencing, something as simple as slowing down our breath and placing our hands on our heart will bring us back into our body awareness, where we can be more resourceful in dealing with life.
Grounding allows us to integrate the new frequencies and learn powerful ways to stay connected to Source energy in every area of our lives. The intensity of the Light frequencies we are all experiencing, as well as all that is transpiring on Earth, is having an impact on our nervous systems. We need to be able to detach from the high level of emotional upheaval that is all around us and be more present in our bodies in order to feel more peaceful.
We are here to spiritualize our lives so there is no separation between our heart and mind. This allows us to bring spirituality more profoundly into our work and into our relationships. When you ground any excess energy that is causing you to feel anxious or over-emotional, you can come back very quickly into your heart. The resourcefulness that you create will be able to establish a deeper place of Peace and Harmony within you that is incredibly practical.
Most of the people reading this information have chosen to be in this life to bring a deeper connection to the realms of divinity and blend those aspects of Self into the fullness of their humanity. With every choice we make to bring Spirit into matter and be present with the wisdom of the Earth, we are affecting the world around us in beautiful ways. Each person grounding their deeply spiritual intention for life affects hundreds of thousands of people.
Finally I have realized that it is to introduce ways of living in the Spirit while being in a physical body that I believe my Soul planned for me to do here on Earth. We are all recognizing that our hearts hold the key connection to being able to create the world we want to live in, have Beauty and Well-being active within and around us, and to be deeply fulfilled and happy.
When we are fully grounding our spiritual connection into our physical bodies, we become a powerful force for Love on the planet. From that place, miracles occur naturally.

Divine Presence,


Thank you for blessing me with a physical body in order to fulfill my soul’s purpose. With every breath I take, may I bring more of my divinity into my human form to anchor Heaven on the Earth for all beings.


With every step I take, may I bring more nourishment into my physical body so I may be a blended human and radiate Well-being through me into the world. May all find resonance with their most Divine Selves and ground that aspect into the Earth for the awakening of all humanity. And so it is.


Shanta Gabriel

November 10, 2024


The Gabriel Message #26

Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the Earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation.
Dear One,
Grounding excess energy means being aware that any time you are feeling anxious, angry, fearful or over-excited, you are experiencing excess energy in your body, which can be consciously redirected. This energy is very potent and can be used in a constructive way.
A metaphor might be useful. In electrical terms, it is necessary to have something called the "ground." For instance, in a house there is a grounding wire which connects to the earth so electricity flows in the proper circuits.
It is similar with your body. You are receiving energy from the Divine Source at all times. There are perfect channels in your body for the energy to flow through. If you are not grounded, that is, if you are so caught up in your mental activity that you are not consciously aware of your connection to the earth, this energy can flow into channels that may feel uncomfortable. It can then circulate through your nervous system, over-stimulating your mind and causing anxiety and other mental imbalances. When you notice yourself feeling upset and anxious, it is very helpful to remember that you have feet as well as a head.
Your feet are in touch with the earth, a place of bountiful supply and nourishing energy. When you are aware of the earth's presence, you feel supported and nurtured. You can visualize energy leaving your feet or from the base of your spine like moving beams of light into the earth. This will allow the excess electrical energy in your mind to dissipate.
It is also important to calm your emotional body. Just as the mental body is electric, the emotional body is magnetic. This means that your emotions have the power to attract to you what you are experiencing through the Law of Attraction. Many times what you attract is the opposite of what you think you want to have in your life. It is important to ground these excess emotions as well. On the electrical beam that grounds into the earth, you can wind a coil for the magnetic energy of your emotions. With your intention, you can send these excess emotions into the earth.
If you have trees, mountains or bodies of water near you, it can be useful to see these as places to ground excess energy. You can visualize light beams radiating from your feet, powerful light cords from the base of your spine, or pillars of light from heaven to earth; whatever image suits you. This is a very simple but powerful tool for you to use.
As you become more aware of this grounding process, you will begin to be more present in the moment. Being present means bringing an open heart to wherever you are and whatever situation is challenging you at the time. When your heart is open, you are able to make decisions from a place of love and not fear. As more people do this, the consciousness of the whole planet is raised. As more minds are consciously connected to the One Mind, all are blessed and can live more freely in love and peace.
You can be a part of this peace-filled evolution with the choices you make every day. Choose to live in love, not fear. Notice when you are running anxiety or anger through your body and are feeling "over-amped." Take the time to send this excess energy into the earth with a prayer, asking to experience only love. Know that all on earth are blessed when one person chooses to open his or her heart in love to another. Know the earth is blessed when you give energy to her, so in turn, all will be blessed as this great planet gives back in sustenance and life.
In these simple ways you can bring peace to the world when you...
Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
November 10, 2024
copyright: Shanta Gabriel 2024


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


You Are No Longer in 3D

By KejRaj (KayRy)


Posted on October 11, 2024
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj(KayRy).
The world is no longer in the Third Dimension. You are in the Fourth.
Have you noticed that you did not ‘die’ to transcend the Third? The change is subtle, yes, and it is still taking place.
In prior times, you had to ‘die’ in order to enter the Fourth Dimension, or the Astral plane.
You also do not see all the demonic entities. They are there. However, you are on different timelines of the Fourth Dimension. And your perception is still expanding, such as your Third Eye, and your spiritual eyes, together with the High Heart.
Acute observation is needed in order to notice the change in the appearance of the Fourth from the Third Dimension.
You are to continue rising in vibration, because this is not your octave or destination, at least for those who are aware of ascension, and for those who choose love.
You are to enter the Fifth Dimension. And again, the transition will be seamless. The scenery on the other hand, will be entirely different. For it will be a reality designed with pure divine light, reflecting the Higher Self of Earth, and your extrasensory abilities fully activated.
All the light to You!




Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




God Exists in All Circumstances

Archangel Gabriel, and Shanta Gabriel

Posted on September 22, 2024 


We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages #21 to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel challenges us to expand our perspective about what we see in the world around us and remember a deeper Truth.
Be aware of the simple truth that God exists in all circumstances.
The idea that God exists in all circumstances can be a very challenging concept. This is especially true when faced with some of the more horrendous experiences people are having around the world.
It is difficult to see how there could be a benevolent Universal Presence working in these situations and yet, another name for God is All That Is.
God is a word that is probably the most volatile and misunderstood word in any language. More wars have been fought in the name of God than for any other reason. For me, when I use the word, coupled with my understanding from Archangel Gabriel, it means an Infinite, All Pervasive Presence of Divine Love and Intelligence.
My challenge in every situation of my life is to remember this Divine Truth as quickly as I can re-focus my attention and begin to pray — not only for the situation and the people involved but also for myself, so I can see from a more expanded perspective and stay in balance emotionally.
I have found the most difficult times for me are those moments when my soul is learning the biggest lessons I came on Earth to receive. At times it is not easy to surrender to this process and recognize there is Divinity working within and for me, but since my commitment in this life is to my Soul's Highest Wisdom, it is imperative that I remember. My life depends on it.
We all want so much to believe that we are not alone, that there is a Presence that exists to support us in life. We feel disconnected and yet in our natural state, we are swimming like a fish in the Divine Substance of All That Is. God is the presence in which we live, move and have our being. There is nothing for us to seek, when in fact this Universal Presence exists all around us, within us and as us — always.
Sometimes when I have separated myself from my divinity, I asked from this deep need in my heart to truly know at the core of my being that the Divine Presence exists within me and within all things. There were times when I ached to Know, truly Know with a capital K, that this is true. It is this longing that draws God to us, but it is our willing acceptance of the Infinite Intelligence and Love being offered that makes it real in our lives.
As always, that is why Faith is important and is an integral part of our life-sustaining, daily Spiritual Practice.
Here is my prayer to assist my belief system:
Divine Presence:
Thank you for increasing my Faith and my inner knowing. I AM grateful that I have assistance to be open so I can have a personal experience of an Infinite Loving Presence in my life.
Please work in and through all that I AM and all that I do in every moment. Help me to stay in alignment with your Love and Intelligence so I can see that there is a true Divine Order that exists in all life, no matter how it appears.
Thank you for guiding me and lifting my consciousness to a Divine Perspective. I am grateful for all that I need to thrive in my life. I ask to truly Know, to the core of my being, that all my needs are met with Grace and Ease and I AM cared for eternally. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
September 22, 2024

The Gabriel Message #21

Be aware of the simple truth that God exists in all circumstances.
Dear One,
The light of God is always shining and this Divine Light exists in all people, all things and all circumstances. Awareness of this Light will bring it into your consciousness, enabling you to see from an enlightened perspective.
The Divine Presence is the very energy in which you live, move and have your being. This energy is infinite and all-encompassing and exists in all situations. This truth may be difficult to remember at times. In fact, it may appear as though there is nothing but darkness. However, remembering this Divine Power is available will bring light into every dark circumstance.
Energy follows thought. If you think of God in any situation, the very thought produces illumination, as though a candle were lit in a dark room. When you ask for Divine Order, that prayer directs this high-frequency energy so that you will be surrounded with heavenly light and spiritual solutions will flow through your entire being.
Awareness of Divine Light enlightens every situation. Each time you turn toward the Source of true light, you are blessed. When even one person turns toward the light of God, the earth is blessed. This blessing creates change. At times this change can be instantaneous, at others healing can occur in a less obvious way. Have faith, and know healing happens in accordance with Divine Timing. Always affirm the greater truth in every situation in order to bring your awareness back to the Divine Presence.
When you call upon your guardian Angel, you focus upon Divine Light in the midst of your darkness. Your guardian Angel, and all Angelic messengers from God, are here to assist you in bringing more Light and Love into your life. No matter what it looks like, no matter how dire the circumstances may appear to be, you will receive immediate assistance when you call on the Angels for help. Ask for what you truly want in your life.
Do your best not to focus on how bad things seem to be, but turn your attention toward the light, and you will indeed find the situation enlightened.
By being aware of the simple truth that God exists in all situations, you can bring Light into your life. Turning your attention toward the Divine by the use of your breath can change the energy frequency in your world. Remember to create a cocoon of protective, nurturing light around you by giving yourself time to breathe balanced breaths and to pray for the qualities you want to see manifest in your life. These you can place with intentional respect in your protective energy field.
Where your focus goes, energy flows. The question is: do you want to dwell in darkness or in light? It is your choice. Return through your breath to a divine Cocoon of Golden Light. You will come to the place where you are safe, surrounded and filled with God’s love at all times. Your world will begin to change when you turn your attention to this loving Presence of Divine Eternal Light.
This may all seem too easy. However we will ask you to remember that your message from the Angels today is:
Be aware of the simple truth that God exists in all circumstances.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
September 22, 2024
copyright: Shanta Gabriel 2024


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

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