Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!
Your light is rising up as the darkness dissipates

Greetings beloved angels in form, walking on hallowed ground of the New Earth in the making. We see you as holiness in progress, exploring deep purpose and forgiveness in this time. This one has been having ascension symptoms presenting as spine pain for over a week as have many of you. Be encouraged, for your etheric wings are strengthening in the gusts of the energetics that surround. You are growing stronger, wiser, braver, bol...
Inner Conflict and Pain Avoidance
Folks, if you've bought a copy of our new book, “Around the Galaxy,” through Smashwords, you may have received a flawed copy. I have tried to upload it several times and what Smashwords calls “the meat grinder,” which is what they call their manuscript processing software, has posted copies with blank spaces and missing pictures. If you've received a copy like this, please return it. I'm still working on this. Hopefully, this new version is correct. Amazon's processor is more author frien...

Today, this day in early April 2021, is a wonderful day for we are at last free, we are free, we are free, of the deception perception. We lightworkers, starseeds are moving into the love vibration. We are moving out of time, as it exists on earth, and into the now moment of eternity. And we loudly and proudly proclaim it to the universe. For we have been enmired and enmeshed, imprisoned in the fear filled, third dimensional, planet earth, hologram schoolroom. And ...
Takes One to Know One? But I ain’t One

I was having a discussion which revolved around pedophilia and Epstein and I found myself saying, for the second time recently, I don’t know anything about why someone would visit, stay on at, or return to Jeffrey Epstein’s island. I really don’t. To say something intelligent about it, it’d have to be in my field of experience or memory or something. It takes one to know one. Like that. But the problem is: I ain’t one. Why would a person torture a young child and capture their adrenochrome-rich blood? W...
The Most Elusive Captive in the Universe

Meditating among liars and retreating sternly into myself, I see* *that there are really no liars or lies after all…* *And that each thing exactly represents itself and what has preceded it,* *And that the truth includes all…* *And henceforth I will go celebrate any thing I see or am,* *And sing and laugh and deny nothing.* ~ Walt Whitman, All is Truth There’s not a whole lot about truth that seems self-evident, these days. Yours is yours and mine is mine and never the twain might meet. I hadn’t counte...
Christ Conciousness Frequencies Incoming

I wanted to drop a quick note about the energies are streaming into the planet are really amazing. It is pure Christ Consciousness. I see it as a beautiful blue diamond shimmering light. While these energies are coming from outside of us, they activate what is already within us. Like a light switch these frequencies help to turn on the coding within us that contains our divinity and the path to our highest knowing, being and understanding. Sit for a moment, go still and connect in with your heart space. ...
New Ascension Simulation Portals

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of opening new portals all around your planet that will give you a taste of what your ascension experience will be like when you tune in to the energies coming through these portals. We know that many of you feel ready to complete your ascension now, to move on from the fourth-dimensional Earth, and we can appreciate that desire. However, we invite you to appreciate what a monu...

Our Galactic Family is Calling to US! Are we ready to hear them? "OUR GALACTIC FAMILY" *TO ENJOY THIS MEETING* *PLEASE CLICK THE BELOW LINK: https://youtu.be/GFTBWnn808o ...
Sweden Cancels Bill Gates Geoengineering Project To Block The Sun Due To Catastrophic Consequences
Bill Gates has proposed and funded a geoengineering experiment to determine whether blotting out the Sun with aerosols could reverse global warming. This experiment was undertaken by Sweden’s space agency. But now they have called off this project as they are facing a great opposition from the environmental activists. [image: Sweden Cancels Bill Gates Geoengineering Project To Block The Sun Due To Catastrophic Consequences] The experiment wa...
Examine Yourself
I am Judas and today used to be a day of sorrow, everything was quiet and still and the shortcomings of humanity were mourned. We can also see it as we bury our imperfection and begin to move to the light of perfection. We rise to a new dimension in our minds and hearts. Jesus was a guide and tried to explain to the people of that day which way we were meant to go. He tried to do this through his own life and with different stories taken from their own...
The Last Days In Jerusalem
Beloved people, you messengers of God and angels in human form. Do you know who you are? Gods from eternity, from the light of all being. There is no separation between us, except that which you yourselves have determined through your lack of awareness and have thus called into your lives. Truly I say to you: We are all one! Unchangeable and all time, from eternity to eternity. I greet you and your heart fills with my love. The power of all life from the ...
Is My Marriage Over? 10 Ways to Know for Sure
Is My Marriage Over? 10 Ways to Know for SureSherrie Hurd, A.A. *learning-mind.com* *April 4th, 2021* From the fights and disagreements to the silent treatment, have you asked yourself one important question, “Is my marriage over?” I’m no marriage counselor, but I’ve been divorced before – make that twice. The thing about my first marriage is that I knew it was dead years before I asked for the divorce. No matter how many times I tried to make it work, something kept coming between my ex-husband and me. I should have seen the red flags because they were everywhere. And this is ho...
Nature and Our Planet Talk Series – The Forest is a Sponge

The Prepare for Change Nature Restoration Group is inviting you to join Antoine for a monthly class / talk about forestry and nature. Each month Antoine from le Rêve de Gaia Foundation holds a ZOOM class that elaborates on his most recent post in the Nature and Our Planet section of our website naturerestoration.info. During his class, he gives a short presentation followed by a delightful question and answer session. Saturday 10 April at 17.30 Paris time This Saturday the topi...
This Eternal Adventure

The Beloved: “An education you shall have My child, because I hold the pattern and blueprint of your eternal life in My Hands. I know all your capabilities and potentials the Eternal Creator has endowed you with, and I, as the ultimate Gift from the Father, have brought My own Endless Gifts of unfoldment to you. Surely child, your trusting Me more and more can only serve you to your advantage. Once you realize more clearly My will for you, why w...
A New World of Hope and Great Possibilities
What if we could completely transform the world so that we could experience true freedom and opportunity like never before? The 2011 film "THRIVE: What on Earth Will it Take?" posed that question and unpacked the obstacles and the opportunity between us and a truly thriving world. It became one of the most widely seen documentaries in history, with over 90 million views in 27 languages! Now, the sequel, "THRIVE II: This is What It Ta...
Show Your Love
You are being called to your purpose…even if you are not sure of what it might be yet. Each of you waking up to and walking in your light are needed. Engage your original gifts as well as your newly learned skills, show your love and let those not yet awake know you are there for them. ...
Balance is central to where we are right now and maintaining balance is key to harnessing the incoming waves of energy. To truly sense and feel our way forward our balance must be sound and the four key aspects of ourselves, our hearts, our body, our mind and our spirit must be aligned. These four aspects form the foundational corners of our lives and as such need to be stable. With this stability we find we are no longer controlled by doubt and fear making it easier to both sense and feel our soul’s guidance ...
Evergreen is the Final Wake Up Call
Q and Team have designed the Evergreen operation to awaken Humanity en mass and to let them face the reality of sheer evil committed by forces that tyrannised them and changed their perception of truth. It clearly is showing the world who are involved in this crime against humanity, while breaking up the entire Deep State-infrastructure of trafficking rings. This operation blocked the Suez Canal for maximum public attention. It was planned not only to break up the global monetary system, but also to end the Dee...
Canada’s COVID Internment Camps Violate ‘The Most Basic Human Rights’
The popular Fox News host also talked about what is called the ‘Great Reset.’ Fox News host Tucker Carlson took aim at Canada’s policy of quarantining travelers in “designated facilities” — hotels the pundit called “internment camps.” “What if your next-door neighbor suddenly went dangerously insane and started holding people hostage in his house?” asked Carlson. “Canada, the land mass directly to our north and our single largest trading partner, with whom we share the longe...
Huge effort under way to target blacks for the VAX... go to the front of the line

Why are the vaccine pushers so excited about making sure Blacks in America get vaccinated first? And why would any African-American person trust the same government that once ran the Tuskegee experiments and told those human guinea pigs they were being "treated" with medicine when they were actually being sacrificed in the name of "science?" Vermont is just the latest state to target Blacks for vaccine priority... ever wonder why? See the full article he...