A. S.
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A. S.
Para Era da Luz
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Kiev was using artillery to attack civilian targets. Kiev was and is allowing neo-nazis to openly serve in the army while wearing neo-nazi symbols, such as Ukranian soldiers with straight-up swastikas here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21FWQlBqQF8&t=910s . Ukraine is even allowing neo-nazis to wield neo-nazi banners during official state parades, such as the yellow banner in the top photo of https://geohistory.today/azov-movement-ukraine/ . You can see that wolfsangel symbol more clearly here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwue0RpMaPE . Meanwhile the Western media is covering this up, as you can read in https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/journalists-are-asking-ukrainian-soldiers-hide-their-nazi-patches-nyt-admits .
Kiev has also made the birthday of a nazi collaborator a national holiday, see https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-nazi-collaborator-birthday-holiday-anti-semitic-1272911 . Kiev was training child soldiers to kill Russians even before the Russian invasion, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpV16BQfbrQ . Recall that the Nazis also mobilized the youth. Normal governments don’t do these things. Hence the Ukranian government is not a benign government in whose country unfortunately a few neo-nazis live. Instead, the current Ukranian government pursues quasi-nazi-policies on a national level.
If this sounds unbelievable, go back to the previous links. What kind of a government openly shows neo-nazi symbols during official parades, or makes the birthday of a nazi collaborator a national holiday, or trains child soldiers to kill people of a certain ethnicity? A quasi-nazi government, that’s who.
Recall that virulent anti-Russian sentiment has always been a part of nazi ideology.
Of course we’re not saying that every single Ukranian is a nazi. The vast majority of them are not. We are making a statement against the current Ukranian government, not against the Ukranian people.
Hence the current Russia – Ukraine conflict is more complicated than “Putin bad.”
Suppose that the US was placed in Russia’s position. Suppose that Texas previously seceded from the US. Then China aided a coup to oust the Texan pro-US government. This new Texan government banned the use of the English language, and then started using their military to kill anyone who insisted on speaking English, including using artillery on civilian targets. Suppose the US tried to make a deal to stop the violence, which Russia did during the Minsk accords, but the Texan government and China didn’t keep their end of the bargain and broke the agreements. And also, China actively sent weapons to this anti-US government in Texas. Don’t you think that sooner or later the US would invade Texas? Well, that’s more or less the equivalent of what Russia is doing.
If you don’t accept that comparison, then here’s a stripped-down comparison. Russian willingness to declare war so that their backyard doesn’t get militarized by a hostile power really isn’t different from American willingness to declare war so that their backyard doesn’t get militarized by a hostile power during the Cuban missile crisis.
If you want to say that war is always wrong, maybe, but all great powers on Earth enforce their interests, using violence if needed. Russia really isn’t worse than China, who conquered Tibet. Russia also isn’t worse than the US. The US killed at least half a million Iraqi children, for no valid reason whatsoever, and also the US tortured people in Abu Ghraib. The US invasion of Iraq was far less justified than Putin’s current invasion of Ukraine.
Why hasn’t Europe sanctioned the US over the Iraq invasion? Why haven’t American athletes been banned from competing in international competitions over the Iraq invasion, as Russian athletes have been?
Lots of people simply assume that the US is good and Russia is bad, and therefore the Iraq invasion was “unfortunate” while Russia’s invasion is iron-clad proof that Russia is evil. But if you don’t make that unfounded assumption, then America has done at least as much evil as Russia has. And that is also why most of the non-western world is siding with Russia and is trying to become members of BRICS.
We’re not saying that Putin or Russia are angels, but they’re not monsters either. They’re simply morally gray nationalists, and the US isn’t better — the US is led alternatively by gray hats or black hats. And also, if Putin or Trump had never come into power, there would probably be significantly more suffering in the world today, because Putin and Trump have been relatively effective at pushing back against the black hats.
If you live in the west, odds are that your current government would love to murder you and your family. They’re just being prevented from doing that by fear of the population rising up, not to mention those pesky nationalists in positions of relative power. Gray hat nationalists are globally winning the covert war against the dark controllers.
Why are people so divided politically? Well, humans are trained to think in terms of: one side is good and one side is evil. For example, this is the good-cop-bad-cop trick that the demons named “god” and “satan” were pulling off, as we discussed at the start of this message. Similarly, Americans either think that the political left is good and the right is evil, or vice versa, when in reality both American mainstream political parties are part of the dark controllers. Similarly, people try to put Putin and Trump in either the white or the black box. However clearly they’re not white because they’ve done some bad things, but clearly they’re not black because they ultimately want what’s best for their country and in practice they’re fighting against people who are far worse than they are. If you think that Putin and Trump can be characterised as plain good or plain bad, then talk to people who have the opposite perspective and they’ll probably be able to point out some things that you weren’t aware of.
It’s psychologically very comforting to divide the world in black and white, because then you can say: the problems are caused by those bad people over there, and the solution are these good guys over here, and we can solve all problems simply by fighting those bad guys and supporting these good guys. Moreover, if I support the good guys, then I’m a good guy too. This is a psychologically very pleasing and very comforting narrative. But the current reality on Earth isn’t one of black and white. The current reality is one of black and gray. Which is also why the situation on Earth is so difficult.
What’s the long-term solution? The long-term solution is to empower average men and women. This is why in previous messages we have called on the gray hats to share information and new technologies with the public with much more speed than is happening now.
At least, that’s my perspective. I love you unconditionally and endlessly, whether you agree or disagree with me.
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