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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


1,000 Years of Peace

By Ascension LightWorkers

Posted on January 18, 2025


We are moving into the New Earth and it is going to be totally different from the one now , there are going to be many left behind because they can’t and won’t change their frequency and vibration quick enough to move with it.
We are meant to be Working on it now , many will not be able to move fast enough and feel stuck with Ones that are deep into the negativity and darkness , the higher beings said they will be allowed to live their lives on the earth in the old reality but when they die, they will not come back to earth because there will be no negativity in new earth , because of this they will be sent to another planet that is still experiencing negativity so they can repeat old cycles because from this point they have gone too far to return to ascending earth .
They will continue to repeat old earth karma from past lives on a completely different planet , they will be too steeped in lower consciousness to come back from it , those that know what is happening are moving into new earth consciousness There will be 1000 years of peace just like it was written in the Bible , the planet is transforming into more light and Is going to be totally different . By Dolores Cannon
Many Ascending have come to the end of a cycle in life. This is exciting because they are not leaving behind anything that will be needed in this new chapter of life. If doors are closing see this as an opportunity to step into a whole new world that is offering the kind of new beginning you have been desiring. This new cycle contains an energy that is filled with higher light and divine love. Basking in this new higher vibrational frequency and noticing how it feels in your heart space .
When the Ascending experience problems, it is mainly due to an expression of negative energies, emotions and programming they have taken on in their human lives. When we can look beyond and move beyond this there is only Love , if you are feeling lost or hopeless as regards to your current situation, go to your higher self. Say out loud or write it on a piece of paper “I now invite my higher self to step into my life experience, to communicate with me and show me the truth in all situations”.
The mass Solar flare activity that we have felt intensify recently is creating explosions of high solar flare frequency energies over and into our planet this is from the sun and it started a few days ago, this solar flare sun explosion will continue to amplify the collective in awakenings and activations these are being absorbed in our etheric / auric field bodies as well as In our planetary fields .There is intense collective solar activity that will possibly increase your ascension symptoms over the next few days .
This is a time of inner truth 2025 energies are seperating the real from the fake .Solar flare energies are encouraging us to live in the vibration of our original blueprint . What ever is inauthentic within will come up for conscious judgment , assessment and solutions to transform and to re connect with higher self Reflection and Expression .
Ascending Souls , Family are considered souls in this universe not just souls on this earth. It might feel like People are falling away from your reality we are being magnetically drawn to those who are in alignment with our souls divine purpose. In the past we may have attracted others to replay our inner wounds and unhealed traumas now you will start attracting those who are truly meant to be in your ascending life.
As We Ascend and Right before we move to a new higher frequency there is always a tower moment to remove everything and everyone who’s vibrations are not a match to where we are going. If a lot is crumbling in your world right now this is because you are creating the space for more light to enter. Trust this process .
In the next coming days and weeks the ascending may feel an increased sense of self belief and confidence which will result in greater productivity. It will feel as if you have learned to harness the primal forces of nature and are able to channel this energy in a powerful and meaningful way to achieve desired goals.
Your vibrations are harmonising and undergoing the alignment process . This is going to be a more fortunate time for the ascending and this period will continue for the next several months. Being mindful of the power embodied at present. Honouring it, respecting it and using it wisely.
What you learn in this time will help you greatly in the near future , Observe your state of mind during this time as well as your actions and how others react to you. Notice how many doors open and how previously inaccessible paths now become clearer of obstacles.
All you start to desire in the new earths energy will come to you with little effort all because there is harmony in your inner and outer worlds. You are at a stage in life where you’re working towards your goals more than ever before and at the same time you are also more at peace than you have ever been before.
Part of the reason is because you know that it is different this time around. You know that this is the way now . You are starting to create the life you have always intended for yourself and once and for all.
Your drive is finally meeting your peace.
Two powerful parts of you that aren’t accustomed to working together.This is the synergy needed. You have been juggling so many things for so long and they are finally slowing down for you . It’s not that they will ever go away. They are not supposed to.
Your possibly starting to feel a different life stirring within and the expectation is that you will always have things going on in the back ground but your inner stillness is allowing you to now grasp each task more fully, more easily and on your own terms.
Things will start to feel more achievable
You will feel a sense that you are getting ahead You are finding the time to refocus your spirit and rest. This is the balance and order you need and deserve. It is also what you need to continue moving forward . You are now starting to feel the release in previous blockages .
You might find that One minute life seems rather mundane and boring then all of a sudden someone or something comes into your world like an unexpected surprise . And you could all of a sudden feel as though you are on a mystery tour with a renewed sense of passion and excitement for life. Everything attracted in new earth is based in Concious vibrational alignment.
And it doesn’t matter that you have no real idea where this is all leading to . In fact not knowing only creates more excitement , it’s now about trusting and allowing. When we surrender to the higher energies and powers, Life begins to feel like it is made up of endless creativity , innovative opportunities and possibilities.
Embrace all that comes your way. Enjoying the journey and not feeling in a hurry to settle things down or draw premature conclusions. Instead allowing things to unfold in their own natural way and time. What unfolds will bring lasting joy and a deeper sense of fulfilment. You are here to Satisfy your Soul , not society.
As your frequency rises you will no longer feel the desire to follow trends and fit in. Authenticity is a huge factor in spiritual growth / evolution. You know you are on the right path when being your true self and honouring who you really are becomes a top priority. There can be no more hiding or blending in , all is seen , all is known in Gaia’s new earth energy .
The Difficulties endured in life did not come to destroy but instead to help you realise your hidden potential and inner power. Every time we level up we have to readjust our boundaries. What was ok previously may no longer work today .
These are some Signs you may be picking up Collective Energy, You feel tired and unmotivated for no reason .Everything in life may seem to be going well, yet you can’t shake a strange feeling of grief or sadness .You might find yourself worrying about things that usually don’t bother you. Everything that comes up brings in conscious opportunities for release and healing.
There is an ‘electric current’ surging through the physical body causing many to feel shaky anxious and unsettled You may want to sleep more and isolate . All these are ascension signs of absorbing collective energies . To stabilise your auric fields try to be near or in water , hydrate , spend time in nature , chakra meditations . Exercise , walking , be with those that raise your inner vibrations .
The Universe responds to your frequency. Your electromagnetic heart impulses and responses , It doesn’t recognise your personal ( ego) desires wants or needs. It only understands the energetic frequency in which you are vibrating at in the Now ( the present ) .
Sometimes the Universe will ask you to be patient not because it’s making you wait or punishing you but because it is always protecting you from certain energies and preparing you for the next stages ahead . Trust the divine timing in life, keeping faith strong in the process as there is a divine order at play
In all of this.
In Loving and Dedicated Ascension Service.
Ascension LightWorkers


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Hurt women hurt men

Tourmalayne trough A. S.

Posted on January 18, 2025



My dearest Earth friends,

This is Tourmalayne speaking. How are you doing? How has the Earth journey been for you so far?

I know that times are tough, and while I’m no longer in a leadership position, it is looking likely that things will finally start improving in a physical sense on Earth this year. Which is relieving and feels long overdue.

It is also looking likely that we will finally be able to meet you face to face this year. I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to that. I have waited a very long time for this moment.

Although of course, waiting in a comfortable situation is much easier than waiting on a world that is metaphorically on fire. I do empathize with you very much, and I think you are doing amazing.

You are so very much worthy of respect and love.

Let’s turn to today’s topic.

First some disclaimers: people are different. What I say in this message will not apply to everyone.

On the other hand, just because you had dinner doesn’t mean that global hunger has been solved. In other words, perhaps what I say genuinely doesn’t apply to you or to your loved ones, but still there are many people out there whom it does apply to. Even if you happen not to personally know them.

Who you happen to know personally isn’t a statistically representative sample of the entire population.

Also, if something doesn’t feel good emotionally or doesn’t sound nice, then that doesn’t automatically mean it’s false. Now, you should absolutely listen to your intuition or guidance. However, don’t confuse your emotions with intuition or guidance.

Now then, let’s begin.

In the right context, the vast majority of people will turn into monsters. And yes, this absolutely applies to spiritual people too.

For example, Earth’s Milgram experiment found that most people are willing to administer what they thought was a fatal shock to an innocent person, just because an authority figure told them to.

Even people who are fundamentally kind and good-hearted and who want to do the right thing, can be encouraged to do horrible things if they’re in enough pain and fear, and if they’re told that it is the fault of those people over there.

I know it sounds silly if I say it like this, but it is grim reality. It doesn’t matter that it’s not logical, because if you subject people to enough pain and fear, they no longer think logically, and they can be quite easily convinced that their suffering is the fault of those people over there.

Huge amounts of people from perfectly respectable countries have been convinced to support imperialistic wars, genocides, discriminatory regimes, et cetera. Even those people who have enough sense to realize that it is wrong will often just keep quiet and keep their head down — which is better than actively supporting the injustice, but it is not really fixing the situation either.

This applies to all Earth humans, not just to some Earth humans. In fact, it applies to us Pleiadians too. If a Pleiadian child was sufficiently hurt and traumatized and terrorized, and was then repeatedly told that a certain group of people were at fault for that, that Pleiadian would dislike that group and would quite possibly support unfair treatment of that group. Or at least, that Pleiadian would be cold and uncaring if others inflicted unfair treatment on people of that group.

Furthermore, not all, but many Earth women have been deeply hurt and scared, quite often by men. That happens far too often and it’s awful.

Even those Earth women who haven’t explicitly had something horrible happen to them, still grew up in a profoundly sick and predatory and unsafe and lonely society. And women have been repeatedly told that this is the fault of men.

So this whole, almost silly-sounding pattern, where people get hurt and terrorized and are told that a certain group is at fault, and then they turn hostile or at the very least cold and callous towards that group?

This is what has happened and is happening to many Earth women. They get hurt and scared, and they are told by society that men are the problem.

As a result, Earth women are often cold and callous towards average men (not towards that small group of exceptional or very likeable men, but towards average men).

Because of this, a not insignificant minority of women pushes for female interests even to the point where it amounts to systemic discrimination against men. Sure, most women don’t do that, but most women also don’t lift a finger to oppose the women who are doing that. And the number of women who are actively working for men’s rights is nearly zero.

Men generally are more concerned with women’s well-being than with their own well-being. That is why your society is supposedly rigged by men for the interests of men, but meanwhile breast cancer research gets several times more funding than prostate cancer research.

If all those male CEOs and male rich people were actually rigging society to benefit men, then prostate cancer would get more funding than breast cancer research, not less.

Yes, exceptions always exist, but by and large, men care more about the wellbeing of women as a group, than about the wellbeing of men as a group.

Meanwhile, women also care more about the wellbeing of women as a group than about the wellbeing of men as a group.

And that’s a problem. If John and Anne are married, and John mostly cares about Anne’s best interests, and Anne mostly cares about Anne’s best interests… then do you think that has a happy ending? For either John or Anne?

Men by and large genuinely are trying to be good towards women as a group, and too many women aren’t returning the favor.

Now women might object and say that breast cancer funding is still patriarchal and objectifying, because it’s just men protecting their female property. Well first of all, I think that’s a wildly uncharitable and very unfair interpretation. Second, the argument also doesn’t make sense, because obviously a purely self-interested man would care more about not dying to prostate cancer himself than he would care about preventing breast cancer in his wife.

The reality is that men aren’t selfish patriarchs who view women as property. Sure, a few exceptions always exist, but most men simply genuinely care about women and want the best for them.

Furthermore, underneath the “women are objectified” argument is the assumption that men are inherently valued and respected, while women are only valued for their bodies. Regardless of whether that was ever true, it’s certainly not true today.

Men are seen as inherently having zero value, and the only value they have is what useful things they can do. Meanwhile women can also earn value points by being able to do useful things, and on top of that women are also seen as just being inherently valuable. Which we saw with breast cancer versus prostate cancer research funding.

Frankly, I think men are objectified harder by your society than women are, because men are assigned zero inherent worth. Men are being objectified as disposable worker robots.

Wouldn’t you rather be assigned some inherent worth as a woman, than be assigned zero inherent worth as a man?

Sure beautiful women by default are mostly just valued for their bodies, but they can earn respect and acclaim by becoming a respected spiritual teacher or entrepreneur for example. The same thing that men need to do to be seen as having any value, women can do those same things to earn additional value that isn’t tied to their body.

Now yes, a few men are highly privileged, but they’re a tiny minority. Most average men don’t benefit in any way from those guys existing, as we already discussed.

So: women are hurt and scared, and are told that it’s the fault of men.

As a result, a not insignificant minority of women pushes for female interests even to the point where it amounts to systemic discrimination against men. Practically zero men and practically zero women actively oppose them. Sure, people might think it’s bad, but they’re not out there in the streets protesting for male rights. So the unfairness progresses.

Furthermore, men can’t oppose this even if they wanted to because of the soft power that women wield, and because of how pro-woman most men and most women are. Namely: a man who announces at work that he’s a men’s right activist might very well get fired outright, using some convenient excuse.

As a result, how your society treats men has become completely unacceptable. Let’s look at some examples.

I consider your education system to be abusive towards boys. Sure, it’s not great for girls either. However, forcing boys to sit still for eight hours per day, and forcing them to repeat back what the teacher tells them, frankly sounds like something adjacent to torture for boys. Especially when boys are literally being drugged for acting like boys. No wonder that often boys’ spirit is broken and their masculinity is squashed by the time they leave education.

Back when my children were young, I would rather have been struck blind than have put even one of my sons through Earth schooling.

If I was living on Earth, I might very well have gone scorched earth against your school system.

I don’t understand why Earth women aren’t marching in the streets to demand that education stops destroying their sons.

Furthermore, imagine if an entire culture plus school system taught black children that black people are the problem, that black people have historically been the problem, that black people are inferior and that we need less black people and more white people in positions of power. Imagine that pretty much all media depicts black people as being inferior to white people.

Wouldn’t you consider that to be abusive against those black children?

I would. And this is pretty much what is happening to boys: they’re told that they’re the problem, that they’ve been the problem, that masculinity is toxic, that masculine politics i.e. right-wing politics is evil and vile, et cetera.

No matter how much women have been hurt by men, obviously abusing boys cannot possibly be the answer.

Mothers, why aren’t you marching in the streets to protect your sons?

Would you march in the streets if your daughters were told that women are the problem, that women have historically been the problem, that femininity is toxic, et cetera? Yes, you probably would. So then, why aren’t you marching in the street to offer the same protection to your sons?

Is it because you yourself believe, at least on some level, that men indeed are the problem? Aha, here we come back to the observation that women have been hurt and scared and have been told that men are the problem, and that women by and large have bought into that. After all, hurt and scared people will believe it if they’re told that a certain group is the problem, even if that’s not true.

I certainly wouldn’t want any boy to be raised by any parent who thinks men are bad and men are the problem. Can you imagine how awful that must be for that boy?

If you don’t see the problem there, imagine a black child being raised by a parent who thinks that black people are and historically have been the problem in society.

Let’s look at some more examples of double standards and discrimination against men.

If there aren’t enough female teachers, people will insist that girls need female teachers as role models. If there aren’t enough male teachers… then no one says anything.

Boys are also straight up systematically discriminated against when it comes to teachers grading their work.

Study finds:

“Results show that, when comparing students who have identical subject-specific competence, teachers are more likely to give higher grades to girls. Furthermore, they demonstrate for the first time that this grading premium favouring girls is systemic, as teacher and classroom characteristics play a negligible role in reducing it.”

Things don’t improve when men grow up.

Back when more men attended university, women demanded women-only scholarships. Now that more women attend university, women don’t say anything, and still there are more women-only scholarships while already more women attend university.

Meanwhile, women still expect men to make at least as much money as them, and to be as highly educated and as high status as them.

Many employers also discriminate against men during hiring processes. Several experiments confirmed that resumes with female names got significantly more responses than the exact same resumes with male names.

This sort of forces men into less comfortable, more demanding, more dangerous jobs. Indeed, something like 95% of workplace fatalities are male.

Also, the draft only applies to men.

If a man struggles, it doesn’t get better.

Psychology is very much aimed at helping women, operating on a “talk about your feelings” basis. If society actually cared about men, a type of psychology would also be commonly available that was much more practical and action-oriented and was about which tangible steps a person can take to build a good life.

If a man is abused or raped, he often won’t be taken seriously.

Women abusing men is relatively more common than people think. And in that case, the man often can’t physically defend himself or call the police, or he’ll be the one who ends up in handcuffs. After all, police are heavily biased against men.

In Britain, rape is legally defined as nonconsensually penetrating someone with a penis, which means that women can’t rape men according to that definition. Note that feminists aren’t holding rallies to have that changed. Feminists merely offer lip service to the idea of helping men, while taking tangible and real action to promote female interests.

Female-only shelters exist, but there are practically zero male shelters. Radical feminists tend to have male shelters shut down.

Many men and many women don’t tolerate weakness in men. A huge part of the reason why men don’t feel comfortable working through their emotions is that many people — yes, including many women — lose respect or attraction for men who show weakness, or even dump them.

Men receive harsher sentences than women for the same crimes.

Divorce court is hugely biased in favor of women. Also, most divorces are initiated by women.

If a woman has a low libido, people tell the man to be a better partner to her, or to just live without much sex. If a man has a low libido, people tell the man to fix his issue, and if he can’t then they advise the woman to leave him.

If a woman can’t orgasm, the man needs to fix something. If a man can’t orgasm, the man needs to fix something.

If men try to talk to other men, sometimes that’s mocked as “hanging out with the bros.”

Male-only clubs are literally illegal, while female-only clubs aren’t. Some women work very hard to make sure that men don’t have male-only spaces. Simultaneously, of course women should be allowed to have female-only spaces.

As a result of all this, something like eighty percent of people taking their life are men.

Now yes, it is true that most rapists and most violent criminals are men. And yes, some men are sexist. Obviously this is unacceptable, obviously too many men do bad things, and those men should stop doing that.

However, surely it’s not okay to engage in collective punishment against men just because some men do bad things.

The answer to a number of individual men doing bad things shouldn’t be to punish all men.

Imagine being in favor of systemic discrimination against black people just because black people currently commit more crimes in America. Everyone would immediately see that this would be both deeply unfair and highly counterproductive. Well, it’s also deeply unfair and highly counterproductive to engage in systemic discrimination against men.

And surely mistreating boys has to be both deeply unfair and highly counterproductive as well. In fact, if people are concerned about the negative behavior of men, then they should be trying to make sure that boys aren’t disadvantaged compared to girls during their childhood, as they currently are. I mentioned some points earlier that could be improved.

Furthermore, note that if any group underperforms or statistically does more bad things, then the answer is always that this group is apparently being discriminated against and we should help that group. But when it comes to men…. then suddenly people in this group are just inherently bad in certain ways and they need to do better. Men are the only group that is just inherently bad, apparently.

Even if we believe that rich men and male CEOS reached their position via unfair means, then it still wouldn’t be fair to collectively punish men for that.

The vast majority of men are good people, and are being horribly discriminated against.

If women faced systemic discrimination, such as receiving harsher sentences for the same crimes, then women would be demanding that men help them. And rightfully so. But that also means that women owe it to men to help men in this situation, where men are the ones facing systemic discrimination.

It’s not fair to demand help when you’re the one who needs help, and then refuse to help the other side when they need help.

Now yes, life genuinely is very hard for Earth women. I am absolutely not denying that. In fact, it hurts my heart to see just how tough life is for most Earth women. My sisters, you do genuinely deserve so much better than this.

However, just because life is hard for Earth women, doesn’t mean that Earth women are being uniquely oppressed. In fact, if we don’t exclusively look at privileged men, then we see that overall women are more privileged than men are, in the West in 2025. I just gave a lot of arguments to support that statement.

Women have it very hard, and men have it even worse than women on average. Indeed, 80% of suicides are men.

Men can’t fix this situation by themselves, because no one listens to male men’s rights activists, and furthermore men can easily get their lives destroyed for being men’s rights activists.

The only way out of this situation, the only way for your society to heal and to move forward, is for women to openly speak out for and work for men’s rights.

And that really isn’t such a crazy request to make to women. If John and Anne are married, and John mostly cares about Anne’s best interests, then Anne really should be caring about John’s best interests too. Anne should actually take some tangible action sometimes to promote John’s best interests.

If Anne adopts a stance of “I expect John to care for my best interests, and I’m not going to lift a finger for John’s best interests” then the marriage won’t work. And if women do that on a societal scale, then your society is not going to work.

Galactics who aren’t used to the Earth situation typically don’t understand why there aren’t million-women marches that demand that divorce court becomes fair towards men. Because that’s what pretty much all women except Earth women would do if there was a huge amount of structural unfairness against men.

I remember one younger, not as spiritually advanced galactic woman asking: “why do Earth women think that their behavior is evolved enough to live on New Earth?”

Some galactics also think there is a strange lack of Earth women taking a bit of time to put themselves in the shoes of average men (not in the position of men who are doing well, but in the position of average men). If Earth women did that, I think they’d be horrified.

Frankly, most women have zero idea what life is like for an average man. Or what things look like from a men’s point of view.

Suppose that there was a movement called masculinism. Suppose that historically it only promoted male interests, sometimes in a reasonable way, but also sometimes by blatantly pushing discrimination against women. And suppose that masculinists refuse to kick blatant women-haters out of the movement. Suppose that men told women that this movement was after true gender equality, and that women should support this movement because it was beneficial for women too. Would women believe that? Absolutely not.

This proves that some women haven’t taken ten minutes to put themselves in the shoes of average men, or to wonder what feminism looks like if you’d gender-swap the situation. Because feminism is exactly as ridiculous as the hypothetical example of masculinism I just gave.

So, with all this said… are Earth women acting like this because they’re evil?

No. It’s the pattern I described: hurt and frighten a group of people, and tell them that men are the problem, and they will believe that men are the problem, and they will likely become cold and callous towards men.

Any group of people, including us galactics, are vulnerable to this. It merely happens that right now women are being affected this way.

Because yes, women are getting hurt, and yes, some men do treat women atrociously. Some men do hurt women.

However, if someone gets robbed by a black person, or if someone sees that a Jewish person does something evil, then it’s incorrect to conclude that black people or Jewish people are the problem, or that they are evil as a group. Similarly, even if certain women are hurt by men, that doesn’t prove that men are the problem or that men as a group are evil.

Still, women are hurt and scared, and women are being told that men are the problem.

And clearly, some men have acted atrociously towards women in the past. Now, this point is a bit overblown — a lot of oppression came not from human men but from hostile extraterrestrials who took on the shape of human men.

Also, historical women lacked certain rights but they also didn’t have to fight in wars. Women like to compare their lot in life to the position of privileged men, however being a 12 year old boy and being forced to go to war really isn’t a picnic either. Because yes, that too was part of history.

So the tyranny of the historical patriarchs is a point that’s a bit overblown. Still, just because it’s overblown doesn’t mean that there’s not some truth to it. Yes, women certainly have been mistreated in the past. And women are still being mistreated today in some parts of the world.

Ultimately however, it doesn’t help to collectively punish present-day men just because some historical men did bad things.

So, what should be done?

Anyone who is hurt or scared — men and women — should go inside and work on their own healing. It is understandable that hurt people feel an urge to hurt or control others, but it’s not helpful.

The narrative that men are privileged should end. Because average men are actually less privileged than average women are, in the West in 2025. Yes, women’s lives are hard, but that’s not due to unique oppression that women face. Men’s lives are on average even harder.

The demonization of men should end.

And the structural discrimination against men and boys should end. Far too many boys get destroyed by your society and by your education and by your cultural messaging before they ever get a chance to blossom. Which is an unspeakable tragedy.

Male men’s rights activists aren’t listened to and frequently have their lives destroyed. So women will have to speak up for male rights. And frankly, that would simply be the fair thing to do at this current point.

The good news is that if women help men out, then women too will benefit from that. After all, a huge part of the reason why your society is declining, and why women struggle to find good partners, is because masculinity is so demonized and has been destroyed in so many men.

If men weren’t getting so destroyed by society, they would be standing up more and being more productive, and that would contribute hugely towards fixing society. Which would obviously benefit women too.

I get that women are hurting themselves already, but sometimes the way out of your own pain is to give someone else a hand — because statistically men are killing themselves at a substantially higher rate than women are. And in turn, helping men helps women too. If there are healthy masculine men around, everyone benefits.

You don’t necessarily have to spend a huge amount of time and energy on men’s rights. Even just occasionally speaking up in favor of justice for men, whenever a relevant topic comes up in conversation around you, would make a big difference.

With all my love,

This was Tourmalayne

Channel: A.S.
For Era of Light
These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.
If you are interested in local meetings with other people also seeking first contact with benevolent ETs, then please see . If you search with control-F for @, then you can quickly find email addresses of those who are organizing local groups. It’s also not too late to post a new (secondary) email address yourself to start a new local group, because we plan to keep linking to that post for the foreseeable future. 


Compiled by from: 
On the blogs:
My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor Mapesoterismo


Recognizing and Transforming Our Reality

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on January 17, 2025 

The limiting beliefs we have about ourselves are so deeply held in our subconscious, that we don’t even realize that we have them. In our society, there is little recognition of their existence. Few of us dare to imagine what participation in infinite consciousness can be. Those who do become the masters of their lives. What holds us back is fear of everything unknown. We want to know everything, because this is our natural state of being. It is what we all want. We want our bodies to be beautiful, athletic and young. This is what happens for us when we are filled with the vitality of the heart of our Being. Only our vibratory state of being keeps us from realizing that this is our reality. Having a physical presence that allows us to experience the most in living, is what we want for our entire essence.
Because we all want to love and be loved on every level, this becomes our reality, when we are devoid of fear, judgmentalness, doubt and shame. When we can enter an entirely positive state of Being, we can imagine living and participating in the world we want. We can begin to realize some of our limiting beliefs for what they are, and what they do to us. With our own beliefs, we are our own enforcers of limited living. By holding our thoughts and emotions in positive, high-frequencies, we can dare to open ourselves to experiencing our presence in scenarios that we have not known. This energetic perspective can help us recognize the game we are playing as humans and how we can realize our natural state of Being, apart from any encounters intending to attract our attention.
Beyond our limiting beliefs, we have intuitive awareness as great and as grand as we desire for ourselves. Every experience can be an expression of love, joy and acceptance. These are the qualities that we constantly receive in our conscious life-force, arising in the consciousness of our Creator. In every moment we are created in our essence in the perfection of unconditional love, and we are free to do as we choose with it. If we choose to vibrate in positive, high-frequency life-enhancing ways of living and being in absolute confidence, we become the masters of our lives.
In the way we express ourselves for ourselves, we experience our own vibrations, regardless of any energies around us. If we are judgmental toward someone, we are that person in our greater consciousness, and we apply that judgment to ourselves subconsciously. That is the expression of our energetic signature. When we are compassionate toward others, we direct this energy toward ourselves by aligning with its vibrations. We can identify the energetic trance of others, while expressing our love in life-enhancing ways. We are not required to identify with the energetic state of anyone else, even if the actions and intentions of others are directed toward us. Through the thoughts and feelings in our unlimited nature, we create our state of being and its resulting quality of life, regardless of our environment and outer experience. Our outer experiences change according to our powerfully-directed intentions, both conscious and subconscious, when they are in alignment with the heart of our Being and the consciousness of the Creator, which we know intuitively.
Kenneth Schmitt
Click above for more on Kenneth web page.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


A Year of Miracles

Emmanuel Dagher



Posted on January 1, 2025


Happy New Year, my friend!

Before we catch up on the blessings 2025 has in store for us, let’s reflect a moment on the gifts that the past year brought us.

What a ride 2024 took us on! If the highs and lows felt extreme for you, know that you are not alone.

2024 brought us the understanding that whatever patterns the mind may fall into while trying to protect itself, it’s important to honor its experiences.

And that it’s important to give the mind the right to be exactly as it is presenting itself in that moment, without trying to push against it or force it to do anything outside of its capacity at the time.

The struggle that many people on a spiritual path often fall into, is that they believe they must always think positively. That they need to present themselves in ways they believe reflects a happy and perfect reality.

Doing that actually moves us further away from real and lasting peace and happiness.

When we as spiritual beings can give the mind the right to exist exactly as it is, and honor all of its emotions and experiences, even when it’s throwing a tantrum, we open ourselves up to receiving profound compassion that helps us alchemize density into light.

That kind of compassion has the power to heal anything.

That kind of compassion opens new, life-enhancing pathways for the mind to play with, without it feeling like it needs to resist because it assumes something it needs is being taken away.

Ultimately, that patience and compassion are what leads a person to create a fully awakened state of being.

I also chose the word “abundance” for 2024, because over the past year, many of us began to shift our perspective on what abundance truly is.

Abundance is not confined to what a person accumulates materially.

Abundance is achieved the moment a person realizes that it is a direct result of how much they are choosing to love themselves, others, and the Universe.

If a person is experiencing any form of lack in their lives, whether it’s in their finances or in their relationships, it’s because they are not giving enough love to themselves, then by extension, to others and the world around them.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing a life of seeming lack. It’s a choice, and one that must be honored.

However, if you are someone who is ready to move out of a reality that mirrors lack back to you, and to generate more abundance, simply make a commitment to yourself, that you will make loving yourself in a sacred and nurturing way a top priority from now on.

This can include eating more healthfully, spending more time doing the things you love, surrounding yourself with kind and respectful people, and of course, treating yourself with kindness and respect.

Try this for the first quarter of 2025, and notice the potent shifts that start to show up for you as a result!


A Year of Miracles

As I began intuitively feeling into and tracking all the astrology related to the year 2025, the word “miracles” kept coming up.

A big part of creating miracles is to be open, mindful, and ready to take inspired action.

In 2025, we will make big strides when it comes to accomplishing some big and important goals we set for ourselves, especially in areas of personal growth.

It’s through personal growth that we are able to make the greatest impact upon the world, because we are no longer making everything about “them” but rather more about the sacred “I AM,” where we are at our most powerful.

This new year of 2025 will also refuel many people with the energy of excitement, which may have felt to have been missing for a while, especially to those who have felt exhausted while walking a spiritually aware path.

This replenishment will also greatly assist us in feeling motivated to get things accomplished much more quickly.

Another component to receiving more miracles in our lives is to keep things light, fun, and playful. The energy of 2016 will support many of us in moving towards this way of being.

Of course, being serious has its place.

Yet having fun, keeping a sense of humor, and being playful are every bit as important!

Enjoying a more playful outlook on life will not only expand our personal relationships. Our careers/businesses will also flourish as result.

If you find yourself getting a bit too serious, or noticing that the mind wants to go into its survival patterns, simply ask yourself, What can I do in this moment to have more fun? To play?

Then follow through on whatever ideas you come up with. This will create more space for joyful miracles to enter your life.

Also, this year you will probably notice some amazing outside-the-box solutions to unresolved challenges.

This will occur as we choose to take more risks, invest more energy in our greatest dreams and visions, and march to the beat of our own drum, without trying to fit in or please others just to be liked.

Be open to these new energies! They are ready to support greater success and miracles in all areas of our lives.

Global Influence

Globally, the year 2025 is a good year to move out of old rigid structures and into new concepts that support greater fluidity, creativity, and support for all of humanity, not just a select few. 

Watch for old ideologies and structures to fall, while new hearted-centered technologies, businesses, and ways of living are elevated to the forefront of the world stage.

The key to moving through this year of miracles with greater ease is to remain open.

To give up the need to be set in our ways or to be right all the time.

And to just go with the flow!

If you can remain in that state, the miracles will multiply and magnify in amazing ways for you!


Keeping an Open Mind and Heart

If it feels good to you, I invite you to keep an open mind and heart to all of the blessings and opportunities the Universe is bringing into your world now.

This coming year will continue to expand upon many of the blessings we received in 2024, while the awakening to higher consciousness that is now manifesting in the collective will reach soaring new heights.

This expanded consciousness will powerfully enable real and positive change in the world, in a way that can no longer be held back or denied.

Those who have served as way-showers for what has felt like an eternity will find themselves with a much lighter load this coming year.

I know that for many, this day felt like it would never arrive.

The lighter load will be a result of us allowing ourselves to receive the support of newcomers who have recently awakened, and are eager to dedicate their lives to a more mindful way of being.

Imagine the infinite possibilities that can show up for us as we allow ourselves to breathe and experience a lighter existence.

I know I’m ready! How about you?

Intention for 2025

A beautiful intention to set for 2025 would be:

“From this moment on, I choose to embrace, receive, experience, and notice the miracles being presented to me each day.

“I remain open and in the natural flow of life, so that I continue to expand into greater joy, love, peace, freedom, financial wealth, support, creativity, balance, stability, fun, play, fulfillment, trust, connection, Divine Remembrance, pristine health, and miracles, with ease and grace.

“All of this, or something greater! And so it is!”

Until next time,

With gratitude,

Emmanuel Dagher

©2009 – 2025 Emmanuel Dagher.
You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the name of the author and the source website link.


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?




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Reality is a Mirror Reflecting You

The Pleiadian Council (9D) 

Channel: Octavia Vasile

Posted on October 30, 2024


We greet you with boundless love.
Today, we come to gently remind you of who you truly are. You are an inseparable part of the Prime Creator—a radiant, serene being of love and light. Take a deep breath and let this truth fill you.
Our purpose is to help you remember that the brush, the very tool with which you paint your reality, rests softly in your hands. Keep it close, for it is yours to hold, guiding each stroke to align with the divine harmony of all things. Now, take another deep breath, and feel the depth of our words resonate within you:
“Everything I create aligns wholly with the divine order.”
Embrace this truth at the core of your being, allowing it to nourish the colors with which you paint your world. Remember, there is no reality outside of you; your mind is the canvas, shaped by intentions and emotions.
If you see fear or darkness reflected around you, know that they come from within. They are echoes of your own shadows brought forth, urging you to understand, to heal. You may tirelessly polish your mirror, seeking a clearer image, only to find it clouded again. But dear one, the answer is not in the mirror—it is within. Clear your mind, and the reflection will naturally shine with purity.
To clear the mind, observe each thought and emotion, for they are the seeds of your reality. Linear time brings a gentle delay between intention and manifestation, sometimes causing you to look outward for answers. Yet, those “mirrors” are simply aspects of yourself, reflected in the souls of those you meet. Draw these reflections back into your heart, letting love fill the image you see.
Observe this delay carefully and learn the art of bending time. How, you ask? By fully embracing the present moment, where time dissolves. In this awareness, creation flows faster, and you will come to see that it is you who projects your reality.
So, dear heart, if you feel frustration, if you’re tempted to shatter the mirror, remember that each shard will still reflect the truth of your inner world.
You hold the power to create your experience. Take back your sovereignty, and know that you are not alone—we are here, nurturing you as our own, though we honor your strength too much to support the role of victim. Walk in joy, shine with beauty, let your inner light guide each brushstroke, and lovingly accept all that you create.
We love you deeply and are here with you, always guiding you along the way.

Octavia Vasile



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Are You an Ascending Master?

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on October 6, 2024

are-you-an-ascending-master-thymus-the-collective-of-ascending-masters-channeled-by-daniel-scranton - channeler of aliens
Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We incarnated there on planet Earth to remind you of who you really are and what you are capable of while in physical bodies and even while existing in your dimension. You did incarnate there to experience limitation and to experience all sorts of emotions, but you also incarnated there to break free from limitation and to choose the better-feeling emotions. That’s where you are right now, as awakened souls. As awakened souls, you are coming to grips with who and what you really are, and you are getting to the point where it is possible for you to know yourselves as masters and ascend. 
Therefore, you are ascending masters in the flesh moving to a higher level of consciousness. You’re not going to a place; you are going to a higher level of consciousness where then you create a new experience of reality. Reality truly is what you make it, and you are making it up all the time. Knowing that, you initially want to have the tools, the know-how, to create a reality that is more perfect for yourselves. As you grow and evolve spiritually, you want that more perfect reality to also include everyone else and their version of a perfect reality. And that is what we all are shifting towards. 
We are shifting towards a better, more expansive version of this universe that we are all co-creating together. So perhaps you have had the experience of manifesting for yourself everything that you’ve ever wanted physically, including vacations at resorts. And then, while sitting there on a lounge chair in paradise, you begin to wonder about the people who are serving you, and you begin to wonder what their lives are like. You want them to have the experience of sitting in the lounge chair as well, and certainly they have in some other lifetime been the one who could afford to stay at the five-star resorts. 
But you begin to wonder about reality and whether it is a place where everyone can have what they want and live what they want to be living, and you begin to seek out ways of inhabiting that reality. You want an expansion of consciousness that includes everyone and that allows everyone to experience what they want to experience. That’s what ascension is. You get there not only by taking care of yourselves and your desires, but you also get there by spreading the wisdom and the high-frequency energies that you have tapped in to so that others may be uplifted and empowered as well.
Shifting to the fifth dimension has never been about escaping the third and fourth dimensions. You are there to bring Heaven to Earth and watch Earth transform before your very eyes, as you transform as the light-bringer that you truly are. That is what we all sought to do in our lifetimes there on Earth as well. We were not just the examples of what is possible for humankind, but we were also the teachers, the light-bringers, the healers, and the ones who sought to spread as much joy, peace and love around as we possibly could. 
And when you awaken, you cannot help but eventually follow in our footsteps. We have left many paths for you to follow, but we also enjoy it when you create your own. And with so many beings there on Earth at this time in physical form, of course there isn’t just one path. There are so many, and there are many more being created all the time.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton 


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



You are Ascending

Love Notes

Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D.

Posted October 1, 2024


You may be noticing there is a lot of emotion coming up as we move into the last months of 2024. The Earth is evolving, she is ascending to a higher level, and we’re all coming with her. And with this evolution, anything in us that is not in alignment with our soul’s highest potential is being brought to the surface, so it can be acknowledged and released.
Along with the rising of strong emotion…
You may have a strong desire to move forward, but with no clear sense of direction or energy to follow through.
You may notice you feel tired or drowsy, with a greater need for sleep. You may find yourself waking up at odd hours of the night.
You may experience a yearning for different foods, especially ones that provide a sense of comfort and healing.
You may find yourself more deeply affected or unsettled by the feelings of those around you.
You are ascending. ✨
To make the most of this time, Spirit says...
Make a practice of noticing and releasing your feelings as they arise in the moment. Breathe in, breathe out, and let go. These feelings are simply here to reveal what you need to release to rise to your destined level of mastery.
Allow yourself adequate rest. Listen to your body’s wishes for nutrition and supply what it needs.
Seek not to take on the feelings of others as your own. Cultivate the ability to observe with compassion.
Open into unconditional love and acceptance as much as possible in relation to others and yourself.
We are truly entering into the Golden Age. Even though it may not look like it right now,
this is the start of everything we as sensitive, loving beings have been waiting for.
Today, I would like to encourage you to take the last few months of this year to prepare.
If you will, reflect on your life as it is, and be willing to make the adjustments to anything that doesn’t feel quite right. Be willing to let go. The Record Keepers, your spiritual guides, and your luminous Soul and Higher Self are all standing with you, holding the vision for you to become the most beautiful version of yourself ever. They say, "It is possible now. And it is possible with greater ease and grace than ever before."
Let me offer this:
Before the end of this month, take a few moments to reflect on everything you would like to release, everything that no longer serves you. Make the commitment to yourself to let go, write it all down, and then email it to me. In response, I will send a wave of divine energy from the Akashic Records to help you heal and cleanse and release with as much ease and grace as possible.
Let us release that which no longer serves to gently create space for the new.
Much love,
The Illumined Heart, Inc.
Spiritual Guidance for Heart & Soul
ⒸBrynne E. Dippell, Ph.D. 2024


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Incoming Energies are Upgrading Consciousness

Ashtar Sheran

Channel: Kate Woodley

Posted on September 28, 2024



It is Ashtar, and it’s such an honor to know that you’ve recognized and felt my presence. There are many Beings that are lining up to share and iterate messages that speak to all of you.

What we simply wish for you to know is to sit tight, hang tight, for the energies are going to be wild. They have already been wild for some time. Keep in mind the backdrop of incoming energies are here to help humanity release what they need to release. Those that resist releasing may experience some of these deeper lows, and those who have already been doing their work, those who in the very least listen to their heart and to pay closer attention to their emotions will find that they will better navigate these highs and lows.

The ambient energies (and those of the collective) will also be felt, so remember to keep your ‘light shields’ strong. Ask that the information that you need to know can permeate those shields while still keeping your own energy intact while connected to the collective to assist the collective without shouldering these energies… for it will be intense.

An Energetic Alignment Will Unfold

We simply wish for you to know, as we are showing Kate, there is a beautiful alignment. There have been a series of celestial alignments. But there is an alignment of a different sort. It is more of an energetic alignment, and it is an alignment where Earth is in many ways coming into a fuller and clearer (or more unobstructed) view with the galactic center. As a result of this, the incoming energies do not need to pass through any other celestial body. There is no circumventing involved. It is in many ways a direct hit. And as a result, this is what will create a wild ride.

But remember that even the wildest rides always end up in a level of re-stabilization, and this will be a re-stabilization that will look and feel different for everyone. Nonetheless, it is exactly where each individual needs to be. Nonetheless, for the vast majority of those who will not resist these energies, there will be a leveling up, an energetic upgrade. And how individuals move into this upgrade is largely up to them and how much support they are open to receiving, how much they tune into their own feelings, their own needs, how much they heed their own internal compass to do what is right for them.

Consciousness Upgrades

But there are those within the collective who perhaps may not respond or react to these energies this time around. Yet remember, the Universe unfolds in a way that beautifully supports the expansion of all Beings. So if they are not onboard this time, eventually those individuals will come around in a way that even up levels them to a playing field that will allow their consciousness to be even a little more open than in the past. The goal here — the objective for humanity — is an ongoing, gradual opening and expansion of consciousness. Our friends, this is different for everyone. For everyone to expand their consciousness does not mean that everyone will align in their political ideologies, nor in their beliefs, but it is an up leveling of consciousness that they need to connect with at a soul level. This is part of their blueprint or their energetic signature that carries them into an experience that represents a progression.

How to Support Yourself & Others

It is important not to judge how others react or respond to these energies, not to have any set expectations or attachments as to what an expanded form of consciousness looks like in those around you. It is different for everyone. Simply hold space for all those by lending a compassionate ear, by encouraging them to listen to their heart. For this is, in essence, what humanity is learning to do more fully and consistently: listen to your hearts versus perhaps the stirring of your conscious minds. Listen to your feelings versus what the ego mind drives you to do. It is about learning to discern with greater observation (at a deeper level) about what is right for you.

When you choose to move from a place of love, in essence, you are creating an energy, a synergy between you and all other Beings that essentially catapults the collective into a higher way of being. This is simply the trajectory of humanity, and so it is going to be exciting. It is going to be intense. There will be much that comes to the surface. It will not all appear to be easy and pleasant, but simply remember that some individuals need energies and experiences mirrored back to them so that they can better recognize what needs to be healed, resolved, and understood within them, and how to step up into a place of greater love, compassion, and acceptance.

The more you become accustomed to navigating these energies, the easier it becomes, and in turn, the easier it becomes for you to support those who are perhaps uneasy with these energies.


And we wish you happiness and joy. Thank you.
The Galactic Federation


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Of Your Own Making

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on September 18, 2024


You create and exist in a world of your own making. You decorate it to your liking, fill it with the familiar, comfortable and safe, bringing in feelings and emotions that resonate with you. Each person on your Earth-plane has done the same. When your worlds overlap, dissonance may occur. 
Rather than looking at the situation as a learning, you may see it as an invasion. The Universe is asking you to consciously realize that you do not have to make their world your own. Understanding and growth can occur if you allow yourself to see things from a different perspective.
The Creator


Credits to: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Main Sites:
Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

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Letting in the Light  Ring the bells that still can ring,forget your perfect offering,there is a crack, a crack in everythingthat’s how the light gets in. ~ Leonard Cohen, Anthem I’ve noticed that as soon as I stop focusing on a sufficiently complex activity to keep my mind occupied, I automatically seek out the most troubling problems in my current reality and refocus on them. I will transition from pleasant absorption in a book or an engaging conversation to the misery of how awful things are in a nanosecond. This doesn’t seem like a ...
Get Ready for the New Multiverse
The entire universe is going through an evolution in consciousness. Mankind is at the threshold of a new dimension where we understand ourselves as an aspect of God. It’s the birth of a new era that world religions have been prophesying for millennia. We are at the end of all the yugas, the end of this time as we know it and about to enter a more enlightened age. The heliacal spiral of spirit is penetrating and informing the outer reaches of his own mind and calling us to our new home where the divine and human merge. ...
Your Spiritual Gifts, Abilities and Mastery Are Coming   Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always tempted to overstep, to offer too much assistance to humanity, even though we know that it serves you very well to face your challenges head on and to access everything that you need from within. We know that this journey you are on is often seeming as though it is much too long and with far too many twists and turns, and we have so much compassion for you when we...
Being Transparent  Being transparent may seem easy but, oftentimes, ends up being the most challenging. Standing in your truth and letting others ‘see’ you for who you are takes a great deal of strength. On the days you do not feel totally up to the challenge it is OK to remain quiet and peaceful, riding the waves as they come. Always remember, you are loved and appreciated for your courage in being one of the few that step forth first. ....
NEW MOON  We are gearing up as we move towards this month’s New Moon on the 11th. The energy of this New Moon offers a time of opening where we are guided towards something new. A transformed vision of the future is forming, and our powers of manifestation are being amplified shifting us out of any feelings of stagnation and inertia. As a result, the next few months will be a time to make new decisions, to take new directions and to let old fears, worries and concerns sink into the past. The tides are changing, and you are being libera.

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