Enough is Enough!
By Steve Beckow

I’d like to expand on something I said earlier when a ceasefire was declared between Israel and Gaza.
And everyone is so happy to have a ceasefire that they overlook the devastation that the deep state has wrought on this area to advance their goals. Let’s stop supporting sides and see the work of the puppetmaster behind the curtain.

I can understand why Iris Chang, the author of The Rape of Nanking, committed suicide. The sense of responsibility imposed on her as a result of knowing in detail what happened in Nanking must have been more than she could bear.
But returning to my main point, the deep state plans things such that, when they take a step in the overall plan to secure world domination, it carries with it such destruction that the world is glad just to have it end and does little to investigate what really happened.
The deep state’s plan of divide and conquer rolls on from one issue to the next, one diversion to the next. I’m seriously considering a widget that lists the deep state’s diversions of the month.
For our part, we (not lightworkers, truthers, patriots, etc.) allow ourselves to be led by the mainstream media running cover for the deep state. Having watched so many Democrat retrospectives since the election, I’m surprised at the level of what I think of as the brainwashing I see.
I’m busy brainwashing myself too; not saying otherwise. But their brainwashing seems to take us in a direction none of us would want to go in if we could see it for what it is – a cover for an attempt at world domination by a group of elitists who worship Satan.
The cabal, deep state, New World Order, Illuminati – whatever you want to call them – have just “played” us: maximum hostility and brutality as two hostile camps divided world opinion so badly that a simple cessation of hostilities bred a relief that hid the success of the operation – to divide the world and make it that much easier to conquer.
I think we need to focus on the puppetmasters and refuse to be sucked into fighting each other. If ever there was a time for trust, at least in the white-hat camp, now’s that time.
We need to stop our feuding, again in the white-hat camp, and get to work on the task of rescuing trafficked women and children, caring for the victims of hurricanes and wildfires, train derailments and other deep-state, false-flag catastrophes. (1)
Declare G/NESARA. (2) That will instantly provide everyone with the finances they need to bring their lives back to normal.
Don’t tell me there’s no money. The US flew 650 planeloads of gold from tunnels under the Vatican to either Fort Knox or Cheyenne Mountain (or both), depending on which source you read. (3) We have the money. It’s time to release it.
No one needs to be sleeping out in the snow in western North Carolina or in burned-out surroundings in southern California. It’s time now to blow the whistle, shout “Cut!” and end the movie. Enough is enough.
(1) The anticipated “med beds” are already being used to restore trafficked women and children.
(2) The Global/National Economic and Security Reformation Act drops income tax, provides a universal basic income for all, restores wealth that the Illuminati stole from the populace, by restitution, etc. It will transform people’s lives at the stroke of a pen. Start G/NESARA now!
(3) “A global military operation seized 650 plane loads of gold and cash from the Vatican and delivered it to the US Treasury, according to Charlie Ward, Ph.D. The operation dismantled the Vatican’s control over global corruption, exposing its role in funding the Deep State and the Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult.
“The Fall of the Vatican’s Power: Ward revealed that military forces arrested 13 bloodline family heads, mafia leaders, and even the Pope, clearing out Vatican valuables. Over 6,000 Vatican Bank accounts tied to blackmail, human trafficking, and other heinous crimes have been shut down. This marks the collapse of the Vatican’s money-laundering empire, a critical blow to the global cabal.” (Gitmo TV on Telegram, Dec. 4, 2024.)
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
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February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.