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A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Setembro 07, 2024


September Gateways

By Sandra Walter


Posted on September 6, 2024

Blessings Beloveds


September is full of gateways, providing a brand new experience of our Ascension. It does – and will continue to – feel quite different. Focus on pure Heart intelligence and the expansion of consciousness itself, and this realm-shifting process will unfold with more ease and grace.

Mother Plasma is amplifying its influence on the lower realms. It feels like Liquid Light flowing in the field, our bodies, and our consciousness. Less particle, more wave.

Plasma grows in intensity as these cosmic gateways unfold. Receive and integrate with deep meditation in the living stillness of zero point.

Gaia asks us to hold the field in Divine Neutrality for something brand new to unfold. Stargate-keepers and stewards of the Crystalline flows, it will be an active month.

September Gateways

The current refinement of the Kryst/Unity field changes our Ascension experience. Positive outcomes amplify, lesser agendas fade.

Mother Plasma intelligence is a vibrant frequency. We are able to receive and generate this new light as fast as it rises. This acceleration quickens each moment, no longer inhibited by denser magnetic influence.

Narratives flip with more ease, grace, and acceptance. Revelations become stronger and more frequent as the lower realms collapse.

The September gateways connect conduits of Kryst/Unity consciousness. This unified activation of the I AM Presence level rapidly changes collective realities and outcomes.

Conduits are more stable now, since our unified Hearts have established a direct reconnection to Source. This enables conduits to hold these higher frequencies without any entanglement in collective fears or external projections.

Many will sense ‘new timeline’ sensations as the Stargates open, which is the Ascension of unified/Kryst consciousness rising into higher realm states of positive co-creation, or New Earth realm states.

As the true power of LoveLight Intelligence increases, conduits of the I AM Presence rise into fully functional organic Creator BEings. True freedom as the collective veils dissolve.

Eclipse – Equinox – Eclipse Gateway

Stargates open September 3-7, bringing in consciousness-expanding flows for the brief and powerful Eclipse-Equinox-Eclipse window.

  • Stargates Open: September 3 – 7
  • Lunar Eclipse: Tuesday, September 17
  • Equinox: SUNday, September 22.
  • Solar Eclipse: Wednesday, October 2

Higher frequency plasma waves flow through Galactic center, saturating all realities in the higher Universal harmonics. This provides greater strength for Co-Creators of the new realm intelligence.

Aligned conduits of the I AM Presence become stronger, unveiling the higher realities of Gaia right through us.

Infinite LoveLight to all as we walk through these realm-shifting gateways as One.

In Love, Light, and Service,

Sandra Walter


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Março 30, 2021


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Ben Fulford: Rockefeller-Biden Scam Falling Apart As World Shuns It
The coup carried out in the United States by the Rockefeller family and their Council on Foreign Relations slaves is falling apart as the world shuns this heinous crime family. Following the exit of Donald Trump, there is a growing consensus among the power elite that Joe Biden’s fake presidency is becoming a disaster movie. That is why a third alternative is being worked on at the highest levels of world power...
And Still
The most loving, giving and compassionate people you will experience in your Earth plane existence are the ones that have ‘been there, done that’. They have walked through fire, bear deep scars and know the pain of loss, abuse and betrayal intimately……yet they are still willing to extend their hand and offer assistance regardless of the circumstance. Why? They know the dark side and what it does, but they also know that a flame is still flickering deep within and, once it has been fanned, can c...
The energies of this Full Moon have been building towards a powerful release. Within this time unresolved emotions have been surfacing bringing new insight to the challenges and difficulties we face. Any imbalances within us are becoming more apparent offering the opportunity for us to begin to rectify the balance within. Before we can balance our external world, our internal world needs attention. In the light of this Full Moon, you can expect sudden realisations to occur that reveal where the imba...
Egyptian Authorities Planned to Unload the Ever Given, Now Sailing Again
This is not the latest story. A later story appears below it. The point of reproducing it is to cover President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi’s intention to offload the containers. What would they find if they did? That intention may or may not have been overtaken by events, the ship having been refloated. Evergreen is said to be a joint partnership of the Clinton Foundation and Walmart. Ship Stuck In Suez Canal: All The Latest Efforts To Free The Ever Given Carlie Porterfield, Forbes...
Our Bodies, Our Selves
This week, the UK Parliament voted by an overwhelming majority to renew the Coronavirus Act, giving the government wartime powers to pass laws without going through Parliament – or indeed allowing any sort of independent debate. This doesn’t seem to make sense. Cases and deaths from Covid have fallen precipitously in the UK. Some 40 percent of the UK population have now been vaccinated, about a third of the population have been exposed to it in all forms and 80 percen...
Message from the Fates
The equinox last week was so very powerful and it feels like a huge shift has taken place. Time feels to have sped up even more and with it the energy we are receiving. It’s like the gloves are off. No more pulling punches. The energies are twisting and turning us every which way and inside out. So much is changing so quickly. I decided to journey with the intent to understand what it is that we need to know to hopefully gain a greater understanding of the energies and where we are headed as an ascending group. I turn...
The Great Awakening is Upon Us
Logical thinking and connecting all known dots, learns the following conclusion; Every ship that sails through the Suez Canal has a recognised and experienced pilot on board who takes over the captain’s authority. The pilot is in the WH plot to ground the boat. And the tub boats’ name is Barak 1! Is that a coincidence? Presumably not. Now, all or many containers have to be taken off board to re-float the boat by losing weight. Meanwhile, the MSM has also reported, and when soon children come out of the contain...
The present moment
Dear Ones, more and more you are being redirected back into your Now moment. You may experience this as not knowing what your next steps are or how to proceed. While this may seem frustrating to you, it is actually serving you in a very profound way. It is causing you to focus on the only thing you do know for sure, which is your present moment. The present moment is your power base. It is where all your future moments are born from. It is the womb of all creation. So rather than resist, why not explore your N... 
A Vision for the Release of Outdated Systems
Here's the first of several Visions from Carol Bennett that came to her while viewing a photo of the Crop Circle hieroglyphs at Milk Hill in Southwest England. Thank You, Carol! She says:* I see those who have experienced heartfelt struggles from living in a society based on duality releasing the past, aligning with life, and integrating new effective tools into their lives. I see the highest good in the forefront of everyone's hearts, minds and actions. I see their highest light r...
Your Faith and Trust in The One God
The Beloved: “The deeply felt desires of your heart are known to Me, and the aspiration to leave this world a better place lives in the hearts of many people. “This will someday become a collective desire, which will then verily catapult this picturesque small orb into Light and life. “Until this is brought about, much work remains to be done. “Right now, your planet is still in the barbaric stages, where brothers fight and ki...

Março 23, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

The ‘Harry Potter’ Conspiracy
Who among us could not fail to enjoy the harmless fun and yet enjoyably scary tales about *Harry Potter*, the heroic boy-wizard and his epic fight against the forces of evil, along with his plucky chums, Hermione and Ron Weasly? What wonderful entertainment we have all had from the vivid imaginings of Joanna K. Rowling, that ‘single-mother made good’ who somehow against all the odds, managed to drag herself almost from the gutter singlehandedly, to become a multi-billionaire and a ...
Ben Fulford Report: BIS Crime Syndicate Clings to Power with Murders and Bribes
The source of the ongoing dystopia in the West has been traced to the Bank for International Sins in Basle, Switzerland. This Nazi Khazarian Mafia institution has been murdering European Royals and others while simultaneously trying to bribe the Asian Dragon families into cooperation, according to NSA and Asian Secret Society sources. These are the criminals behind the fake Joe Biden presidency and the probable murder of Queen Eli...
Surfing The Energies of March 2021
There is so much change, with so many new possibilities, that it’s disorienting. The phrase “cognitive dissonance” has entered everyday lexicon to describe the trance-like state that surfaces as you gradually begin to understand. The way you thought things were, never was? How can that be? The institutions that made you feel safe and protected – lies? Manipulations? Control mechanisms? Steady deterioration and decline of health and well-being, so much death, an incredibly prosperous, costly healthcare industr...
When We Seek
When we truly seek – we shall be given to the measure that we can receive. When we knock – the doors will be opened so that we can step into the higher dimensional states and find ourselves guided every single step of the way. If we ask that the Power of Love, unconditional love, reveals its bounty in all forms and expressions thereof, we will receive and experience this is the most profound, powerful and beautiful ways – indeed, we will be left speechless, as only the heart can truly express and experience Love through the soul, ...
Memories, Daydreams, Tuning in the Present
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Take a moment. Look around. What is happening in your world right here and now? What room are you in? Are you in your car? Outside? Take a moment to appreciate your computer, phone, tablet, or the device with which you are reading our words. Take a moment to appreciate your environment. Take a moment to appreciate yourself for taking a few minutes to connect with those of us in the heavens who love more than we can possibly ever convey with worl...
MASSIVE Anti-Lockdown Protests Rage Worldwide: Burn Your Masks!
Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns [which are illegal] and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable [or no] science — which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking. Protesters in United Kingdom (London), Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherland...
A Vision for Death and Grieving
Our Vision for today is so heartfelt and eloquent that we feel blessed to share it with you. It was sent in by Joni Stone and she said it was written "In Memory of a Bright Light Spirit and one I called Friend, Ramya, 9/12/11."* I have a vision of a world that embraces the Dying process as part of our Living process - that it no longer hides in faraway facilities and funeral homes, and those who mourn are embraced and consoled appropriately whether family or friend. That this fact of life can...
Social Distancing Rule Not Based On Science
According to former US FDA Chief Scott Gottlieb, the social distancing rule followed worldwide is not based on science. “This six-foot distancing requirement has probably been the single costliest mitigation tactic that we’ve employed in response to COVID … and it really wasn’t based on clear science. … We should have re-adjudicated this much earlier,” he said. In a recent interview, former US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said “This six-foot distancing requiremen...
What Is Humanly Possible
After more than five weeks of unbroken communion with his Paradise Father, Jesus became absolutely assured of his nature and the certainty of his triumphs over the material levels of time-space manifestation. He fully believed in, and did not hesitate to assert, the ascendancy of his divine nature over his human nature.” [UB 134:8.5]* Thought Adjuster: “The 32-year-old Jesus spent six weeks in solitude on Mount Hermon in communion with his Thought Ad...
Feeling Your Place in the Infinite
We greet you, in love. We are happy to have this opportunity to communicate with you. We are always with you, but you are not always aware of our presence. We surround you always, with love and are here to assist you in fulfilling your higher potentials; the intentions of your soul and the reasons for your embodiment. You each came here intent upon specific things -- experiences you wished to explore and creation in domains that were of interest to you. We join you as t...
The Path of Realization & Transmutation. Mayan year of 13 E - Mayan Kiche' Calendar (Traditional Calendar) The number 13 (JUN or HUN) is the power or driving force of this year. This year (13) is rooting or anchoring the base of a huge body of cosmic work. The Maya call this the base of the pyramid as everything created descends from the cosmos. In many places, on temple carvings, we can see the descending Gods....
Turn It Over…
There may be times when human words of comfort will not be enough to make a situation better or more peaceful. When this happens, turn it over to The Universe. There is more comfort and peace in one moment of Unconditional Love than all the words on your Earth plane. ...
With the Equinox we reach a turning point which marks the beginning of a new season and a new phase in our evolutionary journey. We have navigated a week of intense energies that have brought to the surface many old emotions and negative through patterns, which the incoming energies are helping us to clear. It looks like much of this will continue into this week as we are urged to let go of the past and embrace where we stand now. This particular Equinox has highlighted your inner world and the relationship you h...
Your skin creates a radiance
Greetings, friends of the light, I am your brother and friend, Stefon. I come through this one today with a message of hope for you, for earth times are appearing arduous at best. We are filling your skies with light, love and with healing modalities and technologies. We are in full support of the Mother’s Tsunami of love which is pouring toward your sphere. The dark ones are aware of this and are running out of tim...
Love One Another!
JFK: My beloved Patriots, Lightworkers, TruthSeekers, and all others...I welcome you all to my message here today! I love you all, and I watch over you all! Each one of you souls, are very important to me! It is a very exciting time, is it not, dear ones? Yes, it is also very exhausting and frustrating, I agree with you on that...however, can you not feel how every single event that is happening daily now, is showing those who have “eyes to see”, how very close we are to the tide turning completely in the Light’s favor... 
Food as Loosh
First of all, folks, I want to mention something. I went over to my neighbour's house and as they turned the channel on the TV, this strangely colored being popped up on the screen, along with a boy. I asked, “What is THAT?!” and it was explained to me that this was an alien show. I thought, “Oh goody, I'll just sit here and wait until I can blow holes in the narrative,” because obviously this is why there are so many of these shows on air right now – shows about aliens. They KNOW disclosure is coming and they use ... 
Ascension is not the End of the Journey
This article grew out of the research for the book on the Time of Separation, but is not a part of the book. Is our Ascension the end of evolution? Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Ascension is not the end of evolution but merely the beginning of another phase, this time in joy and happiness where all is in harmony and love. (1) Archangel Michael: The Ascension process is an on-going journey, not a destination. (2) Divine Mother: Do not think simply because you have arrived in the Fifth Dimension with Gaia that...
We Innately Want to Connect with Each Other
I realized this upon watching Aurea's video, “How Unity Consciousness Looks in 3D,” which I put out the other day. Think about it, separation consciousness can only be practised at the lower levels because at the highest level, we are aware we're all One, part of God. Humans instinctively want to connect with each other. Aurea wanted to connect, in love, to all around her, all through her life because it was natural for her, but it was very very difficult because she met so many unlov...
Faster and Faster Manifestation by the Newly Awakened
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are electrified with enthusiasm about where you are headed as a collective there on Earth. We have noticed how many individuals there on Earth have awakened recently, and we have felt their enthusiasm, their excitement, their eagerness to explore who they really are and what they can create. The newly awakened actually have an advantage in the creation department, an advan... 

Março 20, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

Public Health England Admits It Cannot Scientifically Prove That COVID-19 Is Contagious
At the start of this ‘pandemic’ I read about four separate experiments/ investigations carried out by the US Military during the Spanish Flu, all of which demonstrated that the Spanish Flu could not be passed from very sick to healthy persons, even by getting the healthy to drink the warm sputum of the sick. I wondered why no similar investigation was being conducted into the transmission of COVID-19. Such experiments would not have to be so ‘gross’. Furthermore. It’s not l...
Reporters Demand To Know Why They Have ZERO Access To Border Crisis
As the immigration crisis on the border worsens every day, reporters demanded Wednesday to know why they have not been given any access to facilities housing migrants, and why border officials have effectively been placed under a gag order, as reported by NBC News. During the White House press briefing, Jen Psaki was grilled by reporter after reporter on why an administration that promised transparency is doing the exact opposite. “It’s now been three weeks since I think in this room, you w...
Myanmar Military Seizes Bank Accounts of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation For Funding Unrest
The Myanmar military is also planning to take legal action against billionaire George Soros’ OSF. Massive protests have been funded by OSF and local authorities are also planning to arrest other employees of OSF. An official from OSF, Phyu Pa Pa Thaw, has already been detained by local authorities. The Military also took control of illegal flow of money to OSF and controlled assets of OSF bank accounts at SMED and Co-operative Bank (CB), Ayeyarwady Ban...
The Spring/Fall Equinox: A Time for Harmony and Prosperity
According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Spring / Fall Equinox occurs on March 20 with the Sun and Venus in the water sign of Pisces. This is the day twice a year when the amount of daylight and evening is about equal. Many ancient traditions honor this sacred time on Mother Earth to show gratitude for their lives and nature’s abundance. What would bring you joy and help you connect with this sacred time? How do you feel drawn to serve as a good steward of Planet Earth? With the Moon in t...
And so it is mid march of 2021 and spring is shortly upon us. And there appears to be no significant movement in the governmental picture with which we are presented. The dark appears to be in charge still. And, in our lower frequency moments, we doubt if our ascension will, in fact, take place. Or has the dark won? Yet, in our heart of hearts we know all is well. We feel, deep within us, the Divine energy, the love, the power that animates the universe. We feel a knowing a glowing growing w...
Jesus Discusses Growing the Cities of Light, Transmuting C0v1d/Vaxxines, Easing of the Mother’s Pause, and more
This beautiful channel is lovingly shared with us by the Denver City of Light Group from their reading with Linda Dillon. Greetings, I am Jesus, I am Yeshua, I am Yeshi. I am known by so many names, for Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Sananda, all are One and all are ...
The Sacred Spiral
I go where I’m guided and this morning I’m guided to talk about … not the symbolism, because the relationship is not symbolic … but the similarities between the Nautilus shell and our journey from God to God. That journey forms a spiritual arc, going out into the world and returning to God. Everyone who’s heard this before may surge ahead to the next article. I was driving my car on Friday the 13th March 1987 when, having asked a question of the universe, its response was to show me an 8-second vision of the to...
We thought we would send our first youtube over to you. The above video was the first video one we made. We made it one year ago on the 18th (tomorrow) at the very beginning of the pandemic Between then and now Many of our lives have greatly changed. And we have no idea how much more our lives Will change, and change, and change? Or, perhaps our lives will not change, but it is Too late to think that, as the changes are already Occurring more and more within this NOW However, it is vital that we all remember That change c...
Feel the Power of Being in the Flow
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very excited to share with you the following transmission. We have been noticing the very beautiful ways that all of you who are awake have been processing your emotions, and we notice that there is a greater understanding now than there ever has been before of how powerful and significant those emotions are, as you gradually expand your consciousness and become your higher selves. You ar...
Stunning new details about the digitally faked Joe Biden - you won't believe this
It's now fully confirmed: Joe Biden is a fake digital mirage, and his "presidency" is completely staged using green screens and video compositing. This is why there's no actual Joe Biden at the Oval Office, and it's why the White House is dark. It's also why there has been no State of the Union address. Now they're shoving the lies in our faces, making it so blatantly obvious that only a fool would fail to see it. In today's podcast, I reveal the stunning details of this ...
Transformation of Your Multi-Faceted Self
Greetings, we extend our energy to you now, we are the Andromedans. We come forth as a collective, as a collective energy of pure love and truth. We are known as one of the most evolved and enlightened civilisations of the star beings. We bring forth an expression of the Creator, we bring forth the truth of the Creator. Today we wish to speak of transforming your multi-faceted self. There are m...
The Universe knows there has been pain. Circumstances in your life may have made you doubt the flow, made you scream, cry and curse at the wind. Those moments may have made you doubt the existence of your Higher Power. It is easy to hear, “I have always been with you”, but incredibly hard to understand when you are in the throes of your deep hurt. However, The Universe has always waited silently and patiently for your trials to run their course, supporting and loving you unconditionally…rea...
A Vision for Responsible Manufacturing
We see a world where the practice of manufacturing products so that they break or wear out in a predetermined time frame is now seen as one of the most detrimental activities we could have ever allowed to persist on this planet; where the businesses who used to create goods with built-in, planned obsolescence in mind have now seen the wisdom in abandoning their old ways in favor of a more responsible use of the finite supply of our raw materials. Now, all of our goods and products are b...
Many Enjoyable and Beneficial Things
In a human life, the inner journey is most important. It does not matter how far you go ‘out there’, how many places you visit, or how much your peers admire your achievements. The inner achievements are more important, those that only you will be able to evaluate when you look back at your life objectively under the light of the spiritual vision provided by the pres...
Chief Norwegian Investigator Confirm AstraZeneca Vaccine Caused Rare Blood Clots Due To Unexpected Immune Reaction
In a huge development the Chief Norwegian Investigator and Physician Pal Andre Holme who examined the three hospitalized health workers has confirmed that it was indeed the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine which caused the rare blood clots due to unexpected immune reaction. Chief Norwegian Investigator Confirm AstraZeneca Vaccine Caused Rare Blood Clots Due To Unexpected Immune Reaction Earlier, one of the three health workers who were adm...
Scientists Want To Turn Entire Sahara Desert Into A Giant Energy Farm With Solar Panels
GREAT GAME INDIAMarch 18, 2021 A team of Finnish scientists estimated that the world needs 69% of its primary energy from solar farms for achieving net-zero goals. This estimation was made 2 years ago stating there may be a need for more solar farms. As per the agreement Sahara was chosen to be a suitable option and scientists want to turn the Sahara desert into a giant energy farm with solar panels. But according to two researchers (Benjamin Smith from Western Sydney University and Zhengya...
Enhanced Circuits Explained
This message is for all souls on Urantia—that they may understand the mystery of the Indwelling Presence of Universal Father living and working in their mind. Each one of you has a powerful Fragment of deity (the Thought Adjuster) that works with you to see that your souls are progressing by providing insights to your consciousness that you ma...
End Human Trafficking
Be a teddy bear ( l o v e ) for a person in need of safety from human trafficking. *“Everyone should know the international sign for Help me. Let’s make this famous,” *at this link with video:  as seen on Saturday, March 13, 2021, with screenshot ...
In The Company of Heavens
So many souls are looking outside of themselves, on global levels for answers, guidance and soul growth, when in truth the answers to their soul purpose, mission and calling and fulfillment of this, lies not in outside forces on earth, but within their own soul, their soul contracts, and their soul groups, amplified by the Divine Source, the Angelic, Archangelic Forces, plus their own Ascended Masters and their own Higher Guides. The truth is that no soul ever incarnates on planet earth, without the Divine and Universal ...
Found 1,524 cases where V targets COVID-19 (COVID19) and Patient Died
As the world spirals deeper into the total disinformation and censorship state, you are going to have to get used to researching on your own to discover the hidden truths that remain under the surface. For now, you can find some of this information at sites such as the VAERS database which collects data on vaccines. Of course, this would only represent information they receive and therefore would not be the actual complete and total...   

Março 14, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

Federation of Light 2021/03/14
Blossom GoodchildMarch 14th, 2021 . Hello there. I’m looking forward to our chat today and thank you in advance for all that is to come through in ways of upliftment and hope! It occurred to me recently, that quite a while before Christmas you said there would be an announcement followed by a global lockdown, that would take us into phase two of five. Are we then, not even in phase two? Firstly, we choose to Welcome all those who take the time to follow that which we have to say, for the benefit of the ...  
Twin Flames: A Divine Path of Unconditional Love
The twin flame journey is a path of energy awakening, shaping, shifting, activating, and creating. It pushes you through layers and layers of wounding in order to create a higher energy frequency on the planet. This multidimensional connection brings soul lovers into oneness as they balance and energetically merge. It is in this energy frequency that they physically reunite to continue their mission together. A twin flame is magnetic, the chemistry is raw, and ... 
Yeshua: The Tsunami
  Beloved and holy and only Child of our heavenly Father, Child of the one Source, Child of Light, divine. That is who you are. Take it deeply within the consciousness and contemplate what that means. Child of Light, divine, from before time began. Allow yourself to feel radiantly alive, putting aside all of the thoughts that you have come in with, all of the thoughts that are as baggage, putting them aside and just breathing, feeling the breath of spirit. Now, shall we have some fun this evening? Of course. It is your ... 
Mining for Light
 Beloved One, There is so much happening on the outer world, but what is taking place in your inner world always takes precedent. The outer is a reflection; the inner is your truth. So, in all manner of cases, your internal landscape is your peace, your source, your navigation and your pathway of ascension. You have come to learn that everything is inverted, and you are the master correctors of the inversions, taking back your rightful indicators, one at a time. With each gesture, you correct the errs and ... 
An Inconvenient Truth
 It has become increasingly obvious to even the most socially engineered and unconscious something is wrong with this picture. Nothing is adding up. On the CDC and the WHO websites they are saying Cov 19 is nothing more than a mild cold with a 99.8% survival rate. Plausible deniability. Doctors, Universities and Labs around the world are crying foul, *all they found was influenza A and B.* Neither the CDC or the WHO have an isolate therefore they cannot make a vaccine. The vaccine is not ... 
What Next? Spear Control?
 For people who still have fears about the threat of a violent takeover of the federal government, a ruling by Washington, D.C., federal Judge Royce C. Lamberth has gone a long way to relieve such fears. In a decision denying bail to one of the January 6 protestors, Jacob Anthony Chansley, who is often referred to as the “QAnon Shaman,” Lamberth no doubt succeeded in calming the fears of Washington lawmakers and members of the mainstream press who remain convinced that there was a s... 
Watch Fauci Admitting There Is No ‘Science’ Behind Continued Lockdown
  In a rare moment of truth of CNN Wednesday, Anthony Fauci admitted that there is no scientific reason why people who have had the COVID vaccine are still having their freedoms restricted. CNN host John Berman asked Fauci “What’s the science behind not saying it’s safe for people who have been vaccinated – received two doses, to travel?” “When you don’t have the data and you don’t have the actual evidence, you’ve got to make a judgment call,” Fauci replied, declaring that ... 
How We Know SARS-CoV-2 Absolutely Leaked From a Chinese Lab
 Dr. Mercola:   Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, many scientists suspected SARS-CoV-2 might have originated in a biosafety laboratory, most likely in Wuhan, China, where the outbreak began in December 2019. Among them, Jonathan Latham, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and a virologist, and Allison Wilson, Ph.D., a molecular biologist were experts who discussed the idea of a lab origin. I interviewed Latham about some of their theories in July 2020. His interview is featured in “... 
The Eternal Journey
  Wow, what a discipline it is not to fall off the wagon and resort to pushy, aggressive behaviour, however subtle. I may be in the black, on the uplift, but my behaviour patterns – the leftovers and last to go – are still suspicious, hostile, etc. Only so much time remains to cleanse and purify before it’s showtime. After that, nothing is assured. Or perhaps I should say after that it’s all on-the-job training. Our overall focus is on Ascension but I hasten to add that Ascension is not the end; in fact it’s more like the begin... 
Ten nations halt covid vaccine; Bill Gates gets massive covid bailout money
 Mike Adams, NaturalNews; As yet more proof that our world is going completely insane, Bill Gates just scored billions in covid bailout money. Meanwhile, the covid vaccine has been suspended in 10 European nations due to blood clots that sometimes kill people. A corporate training program in California has gone "full cult," with weird, twisted psychological abuse of Panda Express employees, according to a lawsuit complaint, that somehow seemed perfectly okay to Left Coast liberal execu... 
Respect For Others’ Opinions
 John Cali and Berna Copray; We’re living in a contentious era of disrespect and disregard for others’ opinions, especially if they do not agree with ours. Do you have a hard time talking with someone who does not agree with you? *Spirit* Although this is rapidly changing, many of you still struggle with speaking with those whose ideas, lifestyles, and opinions are different from yours. Today we’re asking you to ask yourselves why this is. And what you can do about it. We’ll give you a few of our ideas here. Then you can do some soul-sear... 
 The Creator Writings, Transcribed by Jennifer Farley;  Every morning upon waking, you have a chance to see the world in a different light. Again, the choice is yours…continue to see things as they appear to be or smile and know that there are miracles happening all around you.  ... 
How to Get Your Subconscious Mind to Work for You
  At some point over the course of our lives, we have all heard the phrase, ‘the power of the mind’. What many individuals don’t understand is that this power lies within our subconscious mind. When we begin to understand that our subconscious mind is the source of an infinitesimal amount of power, we begin to realize we have the ability to set the course of our lives the way we want them to be. By understanding specific laws that govern the power of the subconscious mind, and by utilizing the... 
Planting the Garden of Your Soul
 Message for Equinox from Archangel Gabriel Trough Shanta Gabriel; Dear Ones, Planting the Garden of your Soul invites the Grace of the Angels to work in your daily life. *This focused activity demonstrates your desire to co-create what you need to harvest a more bountiful future. *The Equinox is always a moment of Profound Balance — a time to reassess your life and choose anew*. You are in the Equinox portal from March 18-21. When you plant clear intentions for your most empowered future, the manifestation of your dreams can bec... 
Mother Mary Invites us "Come and Play with Me"
 Channeled by Linda Dillon; I ask of thee, “What is your intention for your new life? What is your intention for joy? How do you intend to spend the rest of your life on planet?” ~ Channeling: Greetings, I AM Mary, Universal Mother, Divine Mother, Mother of One, Mother of all. And yes, I step forward first, this day and every day, to embrace you sweet angels of light, sweet angels of change, sweet angels of love, who, with the clearest intention, with the purest of hearts... 
Where will the Dark Go? They will Die, be Brought Home, and Go out again
 By Steve Beckow; Accountability* I’m producing a book on the fate of the dark, which will be published in parts. Are there many choosing to leave at this time? What is their reception? Divine Mother: Yes, there are many choosing to leave at this time, and each and every one of them are escorted and joyfully received, welcomed back into my arms, and they are nurtured and they are healed and they are attended to. (1) Divine Mother: Those people – and thi... 
Out of the chaos will come some massive changes all for the good
 Mike Quinsey's Higher Self; At last events appear to have reached a point where it seems possible for a major event to take place, it could be just weeks away but the timing must be absolutely correct as so much is at stake. It will certainly not be broadcast in advance, as it would give the dark Ones warning of a long established plan to make their supporters answer for their crimes against humanity. Such action would be the forerunner of many changes to restore freedom and th... 
The New Moon in Aquarius: Time to Claim our Sovereignty
  According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the new Moon is on March 13, with the Sun, Moon, Neptune, Venus and Aquarius conjoined in the air sign of Aquarius, and we may feel this strong energy over the weekend. It’s time to plant your seeds of intention for the next month, and take some quiet time to reflect and receive valuable inner guidance. Read more here: It’s time to reclaim our sovereignty as citizens of planet earth, align with other like minded souls, and create a joyful, sustainable li... 
O Breath of Life!
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Activate Your Arcturian DNA
 Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have learned from many humans who we consider to be enlightened spiritual masters there on your world. We have witnessed so many individuals who have that Arcturian DNA fully activated, and as a result, they pursue that which is taking them to higher and higher heights of spiritual awareness, of unity consciousness, and of unconditional love. These individuals are not waiting for anything to happen. T... 

Setembro 08, 2020


The September 2020 Equinox Energies

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

September 7th, 2020.


Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exploring the different possibilities that you have in front of you for the equinox that you have coming up this month. You have been able to assimilate the September energies quite well thus far, and all of us who are responsible for sending you new and improved energies take note of what you do with what we’ve already sent. We know that you are asking for a feeling that everything is going to be all right, but we can’t just give you that feeling. It has to be a choice. And so, what we are excited about regarding the upcoming September equinox energies is giving you all a louder and clearer mechanism internally for recognizing that you have a choice.

You get to decide whether you are going to look at what is happening on your world right now with a sense of positive expectation or with negative expectations. If you truly believe that you are ascending, then you must also believe that everything is in service to your ascension and that nothing can stop it from happening. Of course, you also get to decide whether you’re going to suffer between now and the completion of your shift, or if instead you are going to choose joy.

You can choose to go outside and breathe in the fresh air at any time, leaving all of your devices behind. You can choose to sit under a tree and meditate. You can choose to play, like you did when you were a child. Or you can continue to let other people decide for you what your fate is. You can look at the numbers, the trends, the articles of speculation, and you can go on a downward spiral with all of that, or you can do what is natural, which is to be on the upward spiral of ascension.

And when you are in Nature, things that are natural tend to happen. What we are saying here is that you don’t need as much information as you’re getting in order to make a choice. All you need is what we were just telling you about in our previous transmission, which is a little powerful thing called awareness. You need awareness in order to choose. You need to be aware that you are the ones making the decisions.

You are the ones choosing the timeline, and we are here to help you look within yourselves for the only information you really need. But you have to pay attention, and you have to act, and speak, and think based on what you are getting when you go within. So it is our desire to give you a stronger, louder, more powerful inner voice that will convince you that you get to decide what is going to happen next on your world and in your lives.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you
Daniel Scranton

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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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Outubro 17, 2019


Teri Wade.

Traduzido por Adriano Pereira

a 17 de outubro de 2019.


Entender como a estrutura magnética do planeta foi manipulada e como podemos transformá-la é mentalmente estarrecedor. Mas, muitos neste planeta estão recuperando essa memória e muito mais!
Estamos no início de começar toda uma nova realidade neste planeta. O nosso sistema solar faz parte de um sistema solar muito maior chamado Plêiades, as Sete Irmãs, que estão a girar em torno do seu Sol Alcione.
O nosso planeta gira em torno do nosso sol a cada 365 dias, e o nosso sol faz uma revolução em torno de Alcione a cada 25,630 anos, Alcíone faz uma revolução em torno do centro da galáxia a cada 225 milhões de anos.
Em 21 de dezembro de 2012 passamos a pré-Precessão do Equinócio, que foi o início de todo um novo ciclo, o início de uma realidade completamente diferente.
O fim de uma revolução do nosso sol em torno de Alcione e o fim de uma revolução de Alcione em torno do centro da galáxia.
Uma nova era em Aquário... lembre-se, cada constelação tem uma certa frequência, uma realidade diferente, o que faria sentido quando nós entramos na era de aquário, e passamos a perceber uma realidade totalmente nova.
O que a pré-Precessão do Equinox significa, é a conclusão de 25,630 anos da Terra de um ciclo em torno de todas as 12 constelações. Passamos 2000 anos em cada constelação.
Nós deixamos a era dos peixes em 2012, era que se tratava de controle e opressão, de uma realidade de baixa frequência.
Então, quando você pensar nisso, verá a maravilha que esses controladores de fora do mundo projetaram para as religiões? Você se admiraria que eles tenham criado um salvador para o último ciclo de 2000 anos da era de peixes? 😏
Tudo isto se correlaciona com a era do controle e da opressão. Estamos agora na Era de Aquário a mover-se por estas intensas altas frequências que fazem parte do Cinturão de Fótons... pois assim faz sentido que estamos a entrar em uma realidade mais alta. O significado, as religiões e todo o controle está caindo de lado, as pessoas estão acordando devido a essas frequências mais altas, todos em transição para esta nova era.
Então, ao final deste ciclo que é chamado de pré-Precessão do Equinócio, significa que o nosso sistema solar entrou no Cinturão de Fótons, que é um Oceano de Luz, com frequências muito altas de Luz que rodeiam Alcione.
O que isto significa, é que estamos em um momento incrível na nossa história, e em toda a nossa história dos sistemas solares para testemunhar esta incrível mudança. Há ondas de frequência sonora que se espalham através de estruturas antigas, locais sagrados, pirâmides e bases militares colocadas em nosso planeta em certos pontos energéticos na rede da Terra para controlar e manipular a consciência coletiva.
Estes sinistros de fora do nosso mundo, secretamente tem vindo a transmitir baixas frequências vibracionais por estes locais, tudo para manter os seus habitantes zumbido a uma vibração muito baixa e densa, pois assim, somos muito mais fáceis de sermos controlados. Mas, estamos agora a recuperar o controle, daí o caos intenso neste planeta.
Exemplo... a Torre Eiffel na França é usada como uma antena energética, um portal para espalhar energia baseada no medo, bem como os círculos de pedra na África do Sul. Além disso, este é o caso para todas as bases militares na Terra.
Mas, assim como estes sites de baixa frequência foram colocados, então há também sites de alta frequência benevolentes. Os locais de energias de alta frequência foram colocados durante a nossa criação original pelos Plêiadianos, durante a semeadura da raça humana neste planeta.
Há muito tempo, os Plêiadianos olharam para este planeta e escolheram 12 pares de pontos de energia. Eles iriam representar a dualidade no planeta. Estes pontos de energia são encontrados em 24 locais geográficas, picos de montanha e desertos foram selecionados pelos Plêiadianos pois pareciam os mais promissores. A maioria destes locais são grutas de cristal localizadas debaixo da Terra. São cápsulas do tempo, que agora estão a espalhar energias novas e mais altas.
Eles desempenham um papel muito importante, e são automatizados para serem usados em nossa vantagem. Quando ativadas essas frequências mais altas, elas passam a dissolver as energias baseadas no medo que são emitidas pelas antigas estruturas dos Annunaki.
Estas cápsulas Plêiadianas de energia de maior frequência estão a ajudar a criar esta nova mudança vibracional que estamos a sentir, juntamente com as frequências mais altas vinda do nosso sol central.
Isto está desativando inteiramente as antigas energias do medo e do controle. Estamos experimentando algo extremamente grande. Uma transformação massiva de absolutamente tudo, o que não vem sem resistência.
Mas, tudo evolui para a Luz, para uma maior frequência, por isso quando passamos pela pré-Precessão do Equinócio e entramos no Cinturão de Fótons, não há nada que possa impedir a humanidade de evoluir. Nós fazemos parte desse ciclo, e é só para cima a partir de agora.
Estamos entrando cada vez mais nas altas densidade de Luz, por isso agora não há desculpa para não ficarmos em nosso poder e usarmos esse conhecimento em nossa vantagem, pois nosso próprio poder está sendo amplificado exponencialmente por essas frequências mais altas, que vão beneficiar toda a vida na Terra.
A raça humana pode transformar todas essas energias baseadas no medo... guerra, sofrimento etc. Todas as energias vibracionais com base no medo podem ser transformadas pelo poder da consciência humana. Vamos fazer isso, não há outra opção, somos Deus na carne, literalmente. Somos aquela faísca sem limites que está em cada um de nós que temos desde nossa criação.
Lembre-se, só existe uma mente infinita. A mente em um nível extremamente macro de existência e esta é integral. Temos um poder infinito através das emoções e, como eu já disse muitas vezes, nunca estaremos totalmente controlados enquanto tivermos emoções.
Somos uma força infinita de criação através das frequências, o Amor é a nossa verdadeira natureza, porque essa é realmente a única forma que sabemos ser, e todos sabemos disso intuitivamente.
Tudo cabe a nós, e até onde podemos ir, é determinado pelos nossos pensamentos e imaginação através da nossa consciência.
Tudo está mudando intensamente e nada pode impedi-lo agora. As realidades mais baixas estão se dissolvendo e estamos a trazer esta nova realidade mais elevada da existência. Não resista a isso! Abandone todas as suas crenças religiosas e sociais, elas estão limitando a sua realidade e apequenando-o. Deixe tudo pra lá!
Teri Wade.
Fonte: Facebook de Teri Wade
Teri Wade


Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

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Recomenda-se o discernimento.


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