12 November at 05:23 PM CET, Co-Creators’ ground team disclosed the details of the energy operation they started jointly the day before, as well as about decision on further events’ scenario. Recall that this op is carried out in sync with cleansing the physical, etheric and Subtle planes from the NAA’s destructive programs (see – Second Stage, Part 1 and Part 2, DNI, 17 October and 2 November 2024).
November is ideal for both operations. It began with a powerful energy wave of the New Moon in the forceful Scorpio, which exacerbated polarization in many countries and on the planet as a whole. Regretfully, it’s very traumatic but absolutely necessary phase due to a lot of reasons, with many of us don’t take and aggressively reject (see – Polarization, DNI, 8 November 2024). The mightiest vibrational confrontation of the Scorpio’s two rulers, proactive Mars and dominant Pluto on the cardinal axis Cancer-Capricorn, acted as a sledgehammer and booster to dismantle the 3D System and download new soft, codes and programs needed for implementing future laws and order on Earth.
On November 19, transformer and cleaner Pluto moves from conservative Capricorn to freedom-loving Aquarius (where it will remain for the next 20 years), accelerating the intensive removal of the NAA’s legacy and global breakthrough. It is backed by the Red Planet’s vibes, when it exits from introvert Cancer (focused on saving of habitual way of life) into an assertive and fiery Leo, shifting the emphasis to active actions, charging them with the energy of reforms.
The interaction of both planets sharpens conflicts and critical situations with powerful transforming radiations. They will reach their highest intensity in the middle of the month, when, during the confrontation between the Sun and Uranus, a tense Full Moon will occur on the Taurus-Scorpio crisis axis, pushing for radical changes and renewal.
Space events have created a perfect background for the Scorpio Gate’s operation. Earth induces incoming space energies that destroy the foundation of parasitic structures and the very possibility of their existence. They prepare the planet and our consciousness for the transition to the next level and a cycle of higher frequencies. Co-Creators steer this process with Solar flares, fire and water plasma. Until November 21, the Sun will stay in Scorpio. Of all the water signs, it has the strongest ability to change, going through three stages of transformation and encouraging us to do the same. Which ones exactly?
Scorpio-Scorpio (first stage) manifests strength through lower aspects, based on survival instincts: hit and run, aggression, intolerance, conflicts, etc. Scorpio-Eagle (second stage) demonstrates a connection with the Soul, the highest intellectual maturity, compared to the previous form, sees the hidden motives of actions and the events’ background, finds the best ways to solve problems and achieve goals. Scorpio-Phoenix (the third stage) connects with the Absolute and the Source, love, healing and transformation. Or through suffering, death and rebirth, gives a sense of the infinite Universe and its higher Spiritual realms.
The intensity of these sub-timelines culminated on November 11, when Scorpio Gate opened. Through this channel, a Niagara of high-frequency energy poured on Earth, and everyone could adjust their vibrations to any level of the Portal – Scorpio, Eagle or Phoenix. It again reminded us that the time for global shift and personal choice has come, whether we want it or not, whether we are satisfied with the actions of Co-Creators or they should act only our way, on which we frantically insist. But it is we, not they, who choose our own future, the scenario of life and bear full responsibility for this, for the discipline of our thoughts, emotions and actions.
How is the operation technically going? As in many previous ops, Co-Creators asked team members to be live conduits of the new Light codes’ batchers and energy flows, sent via Sun’s Logos and Scorpio Gate. For that, on November 11 at 11:11:11:11 Local Time, Lightwarriors’ groups, by relay, one after the other, uniting into a single energy wholes, began to take in their heart chakras and distribute the highly charged streams all over the globe and its Subtle Plane.
The planets and their major aspects were very favorable for it. Sun in Scorpio availed thinking very clearly, to assess situations very well, succeed at work and gave enough energy to achieve results. Moon in Pisces brought the greatest sensitivity and perceptiveness of surroundings. Mercury in Sagittarius enforced intelligence and ability to analyze and act. Venus in Capricorn backed values and principles. Mars in Leo supported driving force, initiative and courage to overcome obstacles. Jupiter in Gemini guided and facilitated the efforts. Saturn in Pisces focused on what should be achieved. Uranus in Taurus eased to do things in a new way. Neptune in Pisces brought Spiritual impulses. Pluto in Capricorn gave ability to destroy negativity and bring on healing and transformation.
At present, the op continues and will last up to 21 November, when Scorpio Gate will gradually be closed. Despite a lot of experience and resistance to such super loads, many Lightwarriors have a hard time in withstanding the pressure. The download of new energies occurs early in the morning, usually at sunrise, in the borderline state between sleep and wakefulness. At some points, the energy of the heart, blood pressure and body temperature have to be restored and maintained with large doses of drugs.
But they are often powerless against such inevitable injuries as dislocation of the vertebrae in the thoracic region, enlarged lymph nodes, and inflammation of the ternary and temporal nerves. Usually, within a few days after the ops, this goes away, and everything regenerates itself, getting used to new energies and freqs. The main thing is to survive here and now…
As Disclosure News previously reported, on 11 November, Co-Creators and the Evolution Committee of the Local Universe planned to make an interim decision on changing or accelerating the global events’ scenario for starting an active terrestrial reformat and final phase of Transition into 5D. After analyzing the data, provided by the expert group, it was concluded that Earth is ready for such a breakthrough. The final decision will be made at an expanded meeting of the Committee on 12 December 2024…
In the meantime, the planet remains in the epicenter of the proton storms. The bombardments of Earth by these highly vibrational streams coming from the Sun and the Galactic Center significantly increased the Schumann Resonance. Powerful geomagnetic (radiation) tempests will go on the next weeks and until the end of the year, as well as throughout 2025. The physiological, emotional and mental symptoms of purification, enlightenment and enlightenment will manifest in everyone.
We have accumulated and continue to carry too much 3D energy and patterns of the past. To align with higher frequencies and cosmic energies, we must get rid of this toxic burden, change emotionally, mentally and spiritually, as many already do. But even the awakened ones experience uncomfortable states, as if they are lost in space and time. Bouts of longing and misunderstanding, anger and loneliness, despair and hopelessness show how hard our perception of the changing world.
This is a temporary but necessary stage. It is better not to get hysterical and demand the impossible immediately, but to learn from own past and present, never forgetting that our Higher Self brings what we need, and only when we are ready. Let this change happen. 4D space is our current transitional waiting room, where we learn to let go the NAA’s control of our consciousness. This is prep for enter new, 5D space. We cannot go on a journey there with suitcases, stuffed with fears and regrets, impatience and hatred, depression and mistaking of selves and what is happening.
The transition into 5D is impossible without constant and intense inner work, which begins with the unlocking of love in self, without selfishness and narcissism. It is the awareness of one’s worth, one’s dignity and kind attitude towards oneself and others that heals all selfish wounds and traumas of the Soul.
On 13 November at 04:55 PM CET and on 14 November at 04:34 PM CET, came the new details. Through a Single Hierarchical Channel, Co-Creators informed that up to this day the cleansing of Earth’s etheric and Subtle Plane from the NAA’s Systemic destructive technogeek’s energies is 99 per cent complete. But still a lot of work has to be done to compensate the mass defect to restore the planetary balance after the removal of the negative substances.
Recall that Co-Creators did it with help of their Portal on the Subtle Plane above the CERN Large Hadron Collider near of Geneva (see – Second Stage, Part 2, DNI, 2 November 2024). Everything happened at the moment of its launch. Due to its technical characteristics, the Portal pulled together the global technogenic destructivity from all pre-prepared Earth’s sites and removed them from the planet.
The most sensational thing is who oversaw this process. On the Light Side, it were the Archangel Michael and Melchizedek with their dipoles, and from the Dark Side… drum roll… Baphomet! How did this become possible? It turned out that Co-Creators made him a very tempting offer, which he couldn’t refuse. But on condition that he does the dirtiest work. And as reward, will get one of the leading positions in a parallel Black Universe that Absolutes built for Darks and Grays being removed from Earth.
Baphomet coped with this task perfectly. At the LHC launch, He drew in his multidimensional Subtle Body the entire installation’s technogenic field, acting as bio-crystal magnet, and via Co-Creators’ Portal delivered to the Black Universe. The planetary Satanists still don’t know about it. The one they worship as Antichrist and serve now is no longer on the Dark Side. And we’ll see a lot of new dead cats bounce on the world demonic stage due to the failed Antichrist advent. But Baphomet will never return, neither on Earth nor in our Local Universe anymore…And ahead, are other Co-Creators’ special operations to neutralize and outroot all global Evil.
- https://purpelligh.blogspot.com/search?q=Lev
- https://chamavioleta.blogs.sapo.pt/tag/Lev
- https://violet-rays.blogspot.com/search?q=Lev
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
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PT/EN chamavioleta.blogs.sapo.pt/
EN https://purpelligh.blogspot.com/
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.