Mensagem urgente para os trabalhadores da luz
De Metatron, Sananda, Mãe Maria e Ashtar
Canal Golfinho Dançante
Tradução a 5 de setembro de 2024
Olá, Trabalhadores Da Luz! Senti uma energia vertiginosa esta manhã combinada com um intenso amor cheio de coração que me fez chorar. Senti que alguém queria dar-me uma mensagem para os trabalhadores da luz e pude sentir a urgência disso. Estou grato pelo fim de semana de férias nos EUA, por isso pude sentar-me ao meu computador. Após o aterramento e a proteção, pedi a Metatron que guardasse o portão e falasse também, se quisesse.
Lovely, Diana. It is I, Sananda here to bring you grateful tidings of love on this fair day. I have seen how many Lightworkers are indeed putting on a tough face and taking a stand when it comes to raising their frequency in order to help the collective ascend. They are working very hard and we see this. We want to say Thank You from the bottom of our hearts! Monitoring your positive thoughts, emotions and energy is of utmost importance at this time. Thank you!!!! Your service is very much appreciated and treasured, dear Lightworkers. Your energy boosts will continue to be ramped up by Mother God/Source and by your Galactic Family who are also sending these intense energies to Gaia. This will continue in volume and intensity until the Grand Solar Flash will burst upon the scene.
I understand and empathize with you on feeling like sometimes it’s just too much. This one sometimes feels like she is charged up like a battery and we have seen her use her grounding mat to help elevate that feeling. It is highly recommended to do whatever you can to bring yourself & your body comfort. Brother Metatron spoke on this subject beautifully before I stepped in, so I will not repeat.
I am here to thank you and remind you to monitor your thoughts, for your thoughts have very strong manifestation powers. Only focus on what it is you wish to amplify! Sometimes you may wake up ‘in a funk’ as this one says. You can change this just by focusing on happy thoughts as you all know, but often forget. Another example is how your body is hurting and you may suddenly think “I’m getting sick.” Your body goes hot to cold in a flash, you’re dizzy, head hurts, joints ache, etc. A way to turn around this thinking is to acknowledge that it’s the energies that are causing you to feel this way. Know that you are healthy!! You are healthy! Think positively in all aspects as much and often as you can. We are encouraging you to do this, to consciously do this until it becomes an unconscious response. These small actions collectively raise humanity’s vibration. Every action counts dear hearts!
We are with all of you every moment of every day and night! We send you our love! We are winning! You have our love and support always. We will see you soon and you will celebrate with us!