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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on November 22, 2024

To those, who are hip to and interested in, here is another story from the first person.

I started hearing Father, as I named my Guardian, when was a tot, as soon as I became aware of myself. We talked a lot, but it was childish conversations, without any hints about who I am and what my tasks are. I just felt something very familiar and could share EVERYTHING with him. I knew that he would never judge and punish me, and always received only warmth and understanding, support and love. I’ve never shared so much with anyone. During childhood, I was sure that this occurs to everyone, and it’s normal.

Regretfully, the school did its job, and very soon I lost the capacity to hear my Father. For a long, when called him, he never answered. Growing up, I already clearly felt that was talking to myself, and my ego constantly reminded me of this. At the same time, I never doubted his existence. It wasn’t just faith, but absolute certainty, pure knowledge deep inside me, because he always helped me throughout my life. I couldn’t contact him, but was aware that he watches over and protects me.

Soon, the signal events kicked off. It all started a couple of weeks before my birthday, as dull as all the previous ones, when I was getting on for 22. Suddenly, my gloomy, but stable and measured life broke into thousands of pieces that fell to the bottom of the darkest depths of my Soul. Not entering into particulars, I can only say that these were absolutely monstrous, vile and disgusting deeds, which drove me to hysterical laughter of despair, because I didn’t understand at all what was happening and felt unbearable pain in me.

I sensed as the Darkness devouring me alive. To say that I hated the entire world fiercely is to say nothing. I blamed everyone and everything for what was occurring, but not myself. I didn’t like people before, and I considered them a filthy, purulent and fetid ulcer on the Earth’s body. And if I were deciding whether to give them a second chance or wipe off from the planet, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose the latter. Since childhood, I felt that something is wrong here, and had the only explanation: the men who are destroying everything around them.

I stayed in this state for a couple of months, sinking deeper into the Dark, until one day, it was like a bucket of ice water was poured over me. Past and present events flashed through my mind, which, as I’m aware now, took me away from my tasks here on Earth. At that moment, I thought it was a chastening.

Indeed, I got a strongest kick in the butt that made me wake up. It caused an unbearable mental pain and shock, when the Darkness sucked me deeper and deeper. But it was the only way they could reach me. Very often, Guardians are forced to do this, because most people aren’t able to understand in any other way. There were no other culprits for everything that happened. In order to atone for it, I decided to radically change myself, and started immediately on the same day. This literally pushed me out of an abyss where I was already at the point of no return and on the verge of complete collapse…

Two more weeks have passed. One day, surfing the You Tube, I came across a video, in which some psychic was conducting a fortune-telling session to a client. The first thing that caught me was the duration of the video – about an hour and a half, from which I couldn’t tear away. Usually I don’t watch those longer then 10-15 minutes. And secondly, one word hooked me – esoteric that literally etched in my mind. I’ve heard this term before, but it never penetrated me so deep.

I typed it in the Google’s search, and then it started…A bunch of sites with tons of info, astral, third eye, chakras, practices, etc. poured over me in an endless falling stream. Later, after tamping it all down in my head, I realized, THIS IS IT! What I’ve been looking for so long. The revolution in my mind kicked off, and I loved it, feeling a great relief, as if lost in a dark forest, and finally found a path home.

Picked up the theory and studied a bunch of different practices on meditation and opening the chakras, I decided that the theory is cool, of course, but nothing could be achieved by reading it alone, and started the first exercises. I did everything as recommended in most techniques: sitting in the lotus position, and going through all energy centers, from root chakra (muladhara) to crown chakra (sahasrara).

I’ve been practicing hard every day for 2.5 months. Then, three times a week, five times a month, but in the end, quit because got no result. In addition, all my strength left me. I absolutely couldn’t get together and start working, so took a long break not knowing what would happen next…

One fine day, I felt a strong urge to restart the meditation, and immediately did it. This time, I decided to approach chakras differently, not working on each one individually (I never progressed beyond root chakra, muladhara), but with all of them in one sitting, from the bottom up. When I got to anahata, something happened that plunged me into shock… I heard my Father again.

In a serious but gentle tone, Guardian told me to focus solely on anahata, as the heart chakra is the main one for me right now. I naturally objected: why only on anahata? As said everywhere, it’s necessary to open ALL the chakras gradually, starting from muladhara and moving upward. And if I unlock only anahata, then all the others will remain closed… To which my Father replied that I shouldn’t worry about it and focus on anahata, because it’s the key to everything and must be worked on first.

Then Guardian told me to do it daily for at least three weeks. Changes could happen sooner or later and it all depended on me. After that, he disappeared and no matter how hard I tried to speak to him, there was always silence in response. But the next day, by chance, I found a blog dedicated to esoterism. The author shared his experiences of out-of-body travels and various practices related to the subject.

He also described his attempts to open the third eye, but quickly realized that shouldn’t have done it because of own unreadiness, and immediately halted. There were also about a hundred comments, in which people said the same thing. Some couldn’t sleep because constantly had nightmares. Others complained about persistent fatigue. Thirds had all sorts of illnesses. Fourths started to go crazy, etc…

But most of all, I was hooked by one comment at the very end. It said that before opening the third eye and climbing into the astral, we need to open our heart, clean anahata from low vibrational dirt and only after that move to the Subtle Plane. And people climb there with all their filth, which attracts not very friendly entities to them. In general, I felt that I was led to this info for a reason.

I started working on the heart chakra. In the first week, there were no results, but I didn’t expect them. Still, I can highlight a couple of points. First, I began to physically feel anahata as pressure in the center of my chest, at first strong and unpleasant (as I understood it, it was cleansing), then it became a very agreeable sensation. Secondly, later, it was replaced by a stabbing pain in the heart, reverberating in the back, and vice versa as if an arrow had pierced this place.

Pain arose when I began working on anahata and disappeared immediately after stoppage. If I ignored it, the pain increased, and the further I went, the worse it became, until my whole back was completely numb. I decided to trace this pain, and found that it did not actually come from my heart, but from next to it and slightly behind. In my opinion, it was set up to scare me and provoke to cease practicing.

The second week passed with the same “successes”, except for the last day, when I experienced something unimaginable. Concentrating on anahata, an avalanche of love and happiness suddenly fell upon me, engulfing me completely. This stream flowed directly into the heart center, and from it, spread in all directions in powerful waves, passing through every living creature in the entire Universe. Of course, I couldn’t see that, but felt it, and my mind seemed to capture the energy of this feeling and produced mental images. Tears flowed like a river for about an hour, and I loved absolutely EVERYTHING, from the Greater Cosmos to… people. People!

Yes, I couldn’t stand them before, but now I adore even the nastiest ones. It was at that moment that I realized that humanity deserves a chance. Even though we have done so many foolish things, even though most men don’t want to let go of their mindlessness, I realized my Guardian thinks the same, and everyone, who has put so much effort into helping us, does too. After working on the chakras for two hours, I felt enormous love. I hugged all my family and told how much I fond of them. I was literally bursting to do it, and even caught a mental image of my Father’s smile. Then the euphoria slowly passed, but the understanding of WHAT I realized while being in this state remained.

I started the third week with great enthusiasm, now knowing exactly what to strive for, and everything I did was not in vain. For seven days I tried to plunge back into that wonderful feeling of boundless love and happiness. At some moments it worked, but not to the extent I wanted. Nevertheless, I began to feel new sensations when focusing on the heart center, and sense of warmth, joy and a great mood. On the 21st day of my classes with anahata, I still didn’t know what to expect next. I was nervous that might have done something wrong and nothing else would happen. Or maybe it would and I wouldn’t notice it… I didn’t want to be disappointed, but fortunately it didn’t occur.

That notable day, I was overwhelmed by the flow of love and joy again, only this time it lasted for a whole week. During it, I glowed with happiness, hummed various melodies, smiled without reason, and felt so light as if was flying instead of walking. And of course, loved, loved and loved everything and everyone around me.

But most importantly, my Father spoke to me again. And now this channel became permanently available to me. I could talk to him at any moment, as when I was a kid. I also noticed that began to feel people’s emotions more subtly and acutely, positive and negative, lies and truth, and the energy of things and mood, in which a person shares them. My heart chakra reacted differently in these situations. When something positive happens, there is a pleasant warmth, calmness and satisfaction in my chest. When face lies, anger and hatred, there is a strong tension and anxiety, discomfort and rejection of the situation. When I told Guardian about this, he replied that’s the way it goes, everything is fine, and it’s time to move on further.

He said that I had to reach my potential, and for that, I had to learn to dive into the depths of myself. My first semi-success happened one night, but instead of diving, I almost jumped out of my body. To be honest, I wanted this for a long. After working on anahata, I went back to bed. But soon, I woke up, because I literally stood on my head and heels. And from my feet to the center of my chest, I was shaken by strong vibrations. Reached the ribcage, they burst up with force, putting me in the crab position.

I felt that the Soul wanted to break out of my corpus, and my mind was completely calm about it. There was no fear or panic, but the body felt the strongest animal horror and tried to hold the Soul with all its strength, thinking that otherwise it would die. It lasted about 15 minutes. Then everything went away, and I lay completely relaxed. There was no sign of what had just happened to me. And to this day, I don’t know, if it was a dream or if everything occurred in reality. It was all too real… too much.

In the morning, I asked Guardian what it was. He replied that a test was made to let the Soul completely leave my body, and the main problem was spotted – FEAR. Everything indeed happened, not in a dream, but in an altered state of consciousness. And he added: they would help me overcome my scare.

Then I asked him, what does “test” mean? Father replied: “Why do you think the first few exits are so short? Because it’s we, Guardians, run them, and you can’t do this without our permission. This is how they check whether the Soul is ready to leave the body. If it is ready, a couple more tests are made. You are given a little bit to get used to, after which the Soul’s stay outside the corpus will gradually increase. If new problems are identified, all exits are banned until this problem is fully worked out, then, other assays are carried out. And so on until the Soul is fully prepared.”

From that day on, I was again directed to various sites where got acquainted with the info that exits from the body are normal, and there is nothing dangerous in it, etc. The second time it happened two weeks after the first case, and also under unusual circumstances. I rarely have coherent dreams. Fingers of one hand are enough to count them. They are mostly very chaotic, disorderly and topsy-turvy dreams. For example, I walk down the street, and after a couple of seconds I’m in a room surrounded by people, after a few more seconds I’m already on the train…

Even less often, I have nightmares. Once or twice a year, and always come from a series of chases. I’m scoured after by monster (always different), and every time, I run into a dead end, where I realize that I’m fucked, and predator is already breathing down my neck. The tension builds up. I turn around to face blinger, hold out my hand and say, “Stop, buddy, why are you chasing me? Do you want to hurt me? What for? Let’s talk and discuss it better!” At this point, I feel the complete bewilderment of this creature, it immediately dissolves, and I wake up.

Returning to the attempt to leave my body… I’m asleep and having a cool dream, where I have all kinds of superpowers and entertain myself with them. Everything would be fine if, suddenly, it didn’t turn into a nightmare. A ghoul starts chasing me again. I realize my abilities won’t save me, and start running as fast as I can away from it. I know it’s a vampire that wants to suck all my energy out. No matter how fast I run, I feel like it’s catching up with me. I run into a corridor and see an open window and without hesitation dive into it. When I turn around to see where the creature is, and understand that it has already grabbed me.

I’m flying backwards, and two conflicting feelings are engulfing me. First, I sense a strong tension in the body, which seems to be petrified. And second, an amazing buzz. I’ve missed it so much for ages! As I fell, I realize that in another second or two I will fly out of my body. Strong vibrations started in it, and there was only one thought: would I have time to fly out, since there was very little left to earth. And then I was pulled out of the dream so forcefully that I jumped up with my whole corpus. Unprecedented tension persisted for another 40 seconds and began to gradually subside. I felt only a strong shortness of breath, and my heart was bursting out of my chest.

When I came to my senses, I asked Guardian, what was it? Not received an answer, I zonked out. The next morning I repeated the question, and this time my Father answered:

“You see, child, during a new test, we found that when the Soul leaves the body, your protection is greatly weakened. The initial dream pattern created favorable conditions for exit, but the defenses were down, and this was immediately taken advantage of by entities that prevent you from developing Spiritually. They built a negative background in your dream. Therefore, we urgently got you out, otherwise the negativity would certainly have brought you into the low vibrational layers on the Subtle Plane, which you aren’t set for.

It would seriously harm you physically and psychologically. Either someone would suck on you and feed off your vital energy, or you would see something that your mind is not ready for. But the main danger was that you opened the gate to the Dark world and could no longer close it, which would easily be used by parasitic entities. This is exactly what happens to people when they try to enter other dimensions unprepared. You should learn how to put up a defense. You will get everything you need for this, and it’s up to you to decide how to use it.”

Said and done. On the same day, I came across an article describing the installation of protection and started training every day. The next time I left my body was about a month later. It was my most successful attempt, although it wasn’t successful in everything. I fell asleep and remembered in a dream that I needed to meditate, and on my first attempt I found myself in space near Earth, and I could not tear myself away from its beauty. How splendid it is!

The next moment, I found myself, first, at Antares, then, at Betelgeuse, and an incredible panic seized me. On the eve, I was looking through a lot of info about the biggest stars, and when got next to them, felt that I wasn’t there, but disappeared into their background. Called up all my strength, I tried returning to Earth, and was incredibly relieved when succeeded. At that moment, my vibrations intensified, and I felt my upper body lift off the bed.

I wanted to look around, and I opened my eyes… And at the same time, for a split second, I saw two worlds, but didn’t have time to understand and remember anything. Everything was too fast. Immediately, I was knocked out of my sleep, and I finally woke up. To my question: “Well, what’s wrong again?!”(although I knew the answer), my Father said that I made a technical mistake by opening my eyes, but everything was not bad. But they decided to ban me from leaving the body. Instead, I had to work, first, on vishudha (throat chakra), and then, on ajna (third eye chakra).

The free movement of energy between the throat chakra and the third eye helped to easily enter a trance. Previously, in all my attempts, Guardian opened these centers for me, and my consciousness entered them from anahata. Now I have to learn how to do this myself.

The main problem was that, apart from the heart chakra, all the others were tightly sealed together with wave channels, crystals, and energy inputs and outputs. Anahata was an exception, because when it is blocked, a person is already 99.9% lost and it’s impossible to awake him, as all communication passes through the heart. I was put in a very strong blockage, and no matter how much I meditated, I never felt ANYTHING in the other chakras. When I asked why, my Father replied:

“Otherwise, you couldn’t incarnate in 3D density. You carry very strong energies within you, and, like an antenna, relay the same colossal cosmic currents from space. Your physical body can’t withstand their high vibrations. A simple seal, as we do in most cases, wasn’t enough. Therefore, in Souls like yours, we must close the chakras temporarily as conductors of cosmic energies.

You can’t unseal them yourself, only we can do it without damaging them, lest high-frequency streams kill or maim you. Removing seals is a very difficult procedure. Unblocking will happen gradually, about 10% at a time. This is enough to prevent the body from experiencing shock, although it will be painful to get used to the new energies. As soon as the corpus adapts, we unlock another 10%, and so on, until it is completely removed.

The unblocking process is possible only if your consciousness is fully manifested on our level, which happens when you enter a deep trance. If not, we can’t carry out the operation. To achieve this state, you need to work on throat chakra and third eye chakra, but you can fully activate them only after a complete cleansing of the body, consciousness and Soul.”

After chatting with Guardian, I found a lot of data about the seals. They are different. Some simply block or restrict. Others, like archivers on a comp, don’t so much close as compress some amount of energy to fit into the body. For instance, when you need to store a 10 GB file on an 8 GB flash drive.

But our body is not a computer, and it is extremely dangerous to carry out such operations yourself. The seals are very strong, and only Guardians can operate and remove them. Similarly, the cosmic memory is closed for the duration of the current incarnation. As far as I understand, such blocks aren’t used often, as they are very risky. In my case, before the embodiment, Guardians were against it, but I insisted, because was very confident in myself. However, in general, the purpose of sealing is not to restrict an individual, but rather to ensure their well-being and the safety of those around them…

While working on vishudha and ajna, I encountered a new problem – insomnia, which literally exhausted me. After five nights in a row, when I couldn’t close my eyes, I begged for help. To what Guardian replied: “It’s necessary” and explained that, at push flowers, my body enters a survival mode closer to an altered consciousness, de-energizing internal clamps and the parasites that are stuck to them.

That is, when we suffer from insomnia and find ourselves in an altered state, all attention is focused on “here and now,” cutting off channels to the past. Entities that are plugged in through these conduits have nothing to feed on and leave the body. The more of them, the stronger the clamps, and the more sleepless nights are needed to stop clinging to the old even subconsciously.

Another reason for insomnia is the cleansing of mental garbage, which is not noticed and processed, but reached a critical mass and threatens general intoxication. When we cannot fall asleep, our parasympathetic, intuitive part, starts working actively, and we plunge into the subconscious. Remained in this state, we can begin a unique meditation. Later, Guardian confirmed: “Seek perfection at the boundaries.” All that people today mean by meditation is only the practice of concentration or contemplation, contributing to the entry into mindfulness exercise. But meditation is not practiced, but lived.

The boundary between sleep and wakefulness is the most productive state, which we experience only for a few seconds when falling asleep and waking up. It is during these intervals that we feel energized for the entire day. In this state, a person doesn’t need food, water, rest, or oxygen (breathing ceases in this state). We don’t feel pain and our energy protects us. Thus, insomnia provides an excellent opportunity to clear our mind and subconscious.

If the body is sufficiently cleansed, on day 2-3, a natural intuitive sense of space begins and an understanding of how to behave in it. Don’t fixate on junk, but skip past consciousness so that nothing gets stuck. Burn out and remove by high vibes any negativity that the media and the Internet, the world of politics and business bring down on us by the ton every hour, spreading anger and hatred, cynicism and cruelty, prudence and distrust, fear and aggressiveness.

This is how the System introduces patterns into us, such as “nobody needs me”, “no one will take care of me”, “it is not profitable to be kind”, “noon loves me”, etc. Thus, it dictates its own conditions, rules, and procedures, preventing our consciousness and feelings from manifesting freely and fully. This is why the virus of Souls’ hardening is killing us and society. And this is another reason why Guardians have to seal our chakras for saving us.

Such is the story… As an afterword, the following can be added.

Indeed, our chakras are very powerful energy centers with their own consciousness and are controlled by higher Spiritual structures. Before the work, we, first, need to understand selves, our psyche and energy, how the chakras function and what they are responsible for, because everyone has different characteristics and nuances.

When we ignore our individuality and start working on energy centers, using the first method we find on the Internet, the System immediately connects its pumping channels via 3D Matrix, and our chakras become Portals, through which it intercepts control over our behavior, thoughts and emotions. This is why Guardians seal our energy centers and carefully open them only when we are aware of what’s happening.

From the outset, each of us had a single Light Body, which, in the midst of the Cosmic Night and at the peak of Kali Yuga, was split into 37 energy centers: 9 main and 28 auxiliary. The first ones are divided into three groups: the lower chakras back our physical health, the 3 middle ones support our Soul, and the 3 upper ones preserve Spirituality. All 37 chakras form energy cross that Jesus Christ spoke about when told His disciples: “Everyone carries his own cross.” The force streams intersect at one point, which is called the point of harmony (or equilibrium), around which the energy flows in a rotating cross pattern.

When all 37 chakras are unsealed and activated, 12-helix DNA moves from etheric to physical form. The ability to teleport appears. Ascension requires the Light Potential of the body to be 80-83%, and dematerialization, teleportation, and re-materialization – to be 96-98%. It allows us to run the thought cell structure of our corpus. On the Subtle Plane, these centers interact with 144 additional chakras, up to the 14D (the Absolutes’ abode), and are the basis of our single multidimensional body. And help the Source’s Spark to keep us up, and connect with the Monad’s aspects with which it runs our energy centers. This is its tool for tuning and harmonizing us if we can’t cope on our own.

It is also a conduit for the transmission of new evolutionary codes and software that now are downloaded into us if we are ready to accept them. If not, and we continue to live, feeling and thinking at low vibrations (of aggression and fear, anger and apathy, animal and parasitic desires), new apps will have nowhere to gain a foothold. They won’t work in hateful and toxic person. The more a Spark can open up and expand its boundaries within us, the more we manifest selves as creators. And not Guardians, but we most often block our chakras with own negativity.

Today, millions continue to enter 5D through 4D. They don’t wait for promised Events and Flashes. Much more useful and important is experience of those who, in recent years, have already passed into fifth dimension, despite NAA, Darks, Grays and their 3D System. Earlier, DNI narrated this topic (see – At The Multidimensional Door, DNI, 29 September 2020; How To Go From 3D To 4D And 5D, DNI, 25 January 2021; Golden Threads, DNI, 9 June 2021; Chakras And The Ark Of Covenant, DNI, 3 July 2021; The Acquaintance, DNI, 23 December 2021; Our Channels, Part 1, DNI, 21 May 2022; Our Revelation, DNI, 2 November 2022, and Lessons, Part 2, DNI, 11 July 2023).

Especially valuable are the lessons of their inner work with the main seven energy centers. This helps us not only to accelerate the transition into 5D, but also to continue our further ascent through its 12 sub-levels to the next dimensions, and in them, fully activate dozens of other chakras of own multidimensional body.

In no case should we engage in upper chakras until activated the lower ones. Natural processes unfold from the bottom up. First of all, we must change our way of thinking and perception, feelings and desires, master Spiritual qualities and actively manifest them in life and relationships. Only after that, we can start working on chakras.

If our body and Soul are clean and healthy, chakras work actively and harmoniously, as seen in children today. However, not everyone can demonstrate the anahata’s unconditional love or the vishuddha’s creative potential until they understand and transform own complexes and emotions, instincts and life attitudes. That is why many begin to experience mental distortions when start from upper energy centers. A tree needs roots to grow, and chakras must be unlocked from the bottom upwards, and not vice versa.

We have to thoroughly study them, feeling each chakra in detail, understanding why it is fully or partially sealed (if they are blocked), and only then start working, concentrating on specific personal tasks, not from general theory. We can try to breath with chakras, open and unwind them, filling with energy, etc. All this is pointless without comprehending our individual energy structure and its ability to preserve and kindle the Spark. Aware of this, we can easily and effortlessly unseal, purify, and activate our chakras without any external interference.

 Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Christed Consciousness

By Jeshua

Channel: Galaxygirl

Post on October 5, 2024

Friends, gather near as I wish to tell you a story. A story of Earth, a story of you, of your desires, of our creation. I am, yes, your brother, you may call me Yeshi if you prefer. This is not a formal space, but an informal space and place energetically of love, of light, of the camaraderie of home.
There will be much information coming out in the coming times of my true nature and my real story, of the women that I loved and discipled, of the mother of my children, and of the important roles of the balanced sexes. I want you to be the first not to know this news but to remember. Many of you were there with me energetically at the very least as we were all key players in laying down the Christed consciousness grid of light that began so very long ago.
When this universe was created, the Almighty one, Source, Mother / Father decreed that this universe would be different, a rare sparkling jewel of opposites, of duality so that the richness of experience could be vast and expanded in ways that were previously not known. We always knew that this small corner of space was to be special, unique and it has and always will be. Your role in this grand play is no different as you are aspects of Creator, aspects of Source / love embodied on this grand adventure of life, within the human flesh. It is a tremendous honor to be chosen to bear witness to this changeover from darkness and shadow into light and clarity. Nothing can hide in the shadow. The shadows are realizing this and are protesting as the light quotient increases and it will continue to do so. And it is doing so moment by moment, day by day. You feel differently in your bodies do you not, as you hold more and more light, as the richness of the higher realms permeates your bodies with joy and ease. Those of you who are still transmuting feel this differently, and you will all perhaps share this transmutation burden in waves. But on the good moments where all feels light and easy, it is a glimpse of the bliss and goodness of what is to come, and it is you serving as a portal here to bring it through and cement it in.
We are building, creating and co-creating this living breathing web of light. It is the consciousness of the Christ, perfectly balanced, divinely sanctified breath of living creation and as you live and breathe upon this earthly playing field you are adding to it. I am so privileged to be able to bear witness to your great acts of love, whether they be little in your eyes or quite large grand gestures of kindness and hope, of love and selflessness, and Creator sees this. Creator is so pleased with your powerful works of love, of sharing of what you have and for those of you who truly wish they had more material items to share, you may always share your light. Light is a creative force, light and love are enough. Light and love fill the spaces of lack and create more light where more goodness and material needs may be made manifest. It is much like within your immune system where the white blood cells alert the other neighboring white blood cells to pay heed to an area that is suffering and they all gather to heal, and the light magnifies.
Earth has been wounded. You have seen this through your Galactic wars, of planets removed from space-times, of homes lost, of families parted. You have felt keenly slavery, fear, lack, starvation. You have had many lifetimes in unfortunate situations – unfortunate for your human vessel but very fortunate for it was what your soul needed to experience and likely was contracted to experience. It is the fast track for growth, for deep soul wisdom and tenacity, this earth life. You are not punished by being here. You are lending your power, your greatness of soul expression into the freeway so that all may benefit by your light. You are all white blood cells on a diseased world, healing, lighting up the way for more to follow. You are the way showers. We see you quite brilliantly lit up from space, from the many ships that surround.
There is a tremendous feeling of homesickness that usually befalls a channel, which is why some choose to not channel for awhile, for a time. I encourage you all to accept that you are not away from your home but that home is something that you are volunteering to bring through, the home of the higher dimensional pathways and passageways that are now threading your world tapestry with more light. I see this and am overjoyed.
When I came embodied, I remembered. I led as best as I could but I struggled just as any human man would struggle for that was part of my experience, my learning. We are always learning. No one is beyond learning unless they are shut off from their heart. I learned a tremendous amount in my time on Earth. My message was altered, but yet many remain true to my intentional remembering that we are all fractals of Source, of God. That we are all light and love. That we are here for experience, for being a vessel of light and love and to offer our talents for the others and for ourselves to grow from and learn through.
(I am seeing many rows of clay pots on high dusty shelves. I am seeing rays of light break into them and the clay pots crack open, exposing scrolls filled with radiant light.) The truths will be revealed and you will all experience this in your lifetime. It is no matter if you were with me in this early life when I was embodied as Yeshua, for I have had many forms and experiences on your world and if you did not know me then you have known me in another way, or at least through another person who knows me. It is the Christ consciousness that you long for. It is a part of you. Bring it through. Plant the seed, watch it grow. Now is the time of the great harvest.
Now is not the time to be afraid of the great changes. You knew that you would see the systems fall so that a new one could be created. The soil must be tilled and the crop removed to prepare soil for the new planting. We are well beyond the planting seeds now, friends. We are in the rapid growth and fire phase. For those who have not made peace with their past it will be as if a fire in a field cleans it for them. They are simply out of time, I mean no alarm. You have had decades some of you to prepare, to weed carefully, to water and tend to your heart and heal your wounds. Others are just waking up now and it will be more painful for them.
You chose the pain of loneliness by waking up first, and you chose to spread out your pain of loneliness over time during your birthing and awakening process, and when I say awakening I mean awakening to the higher heart. This awakens the higher eye, the higher sight, and the higher mind so that the higher energetics of Source and of your higher self can more adeptly flow through, in and around you. It takes time. And so because you have taken the time, I am speaking to my beloved friends who know me and of my ways, you will be the way showers, quite literally. It will be as others are stumbling in the dark and you will light their path, with love, with kindness, with truth – in small doses, when they ask for it.
I always enjoyed asking questions, to see where the other person was at energetically, and for my disciples to do the same. It is no sense giving a dissertation to a preschooler, when that preschooler only needed a kind word and a hug. Do you see? Asking questions, that is key to a good beginning of a conversation. Do not be quick to spout off what you know and what you have learned through years of discipline and hard knocks. Those stories are likely not what the other needs to hear – yet.
I also always enjoyed going on a walk with my friends, for they were more relaxed and when we both faced forward, the words would flow more easily for them. I encourage you to walk with me as well. Walk and talk with me. I am your friend, Yeshi. Many revelations will sicken you. The church has been diseased. It was not what my original message was. Much like the game of telephone where words are whispered and change down the line, Paul and many others changed my words to best suit their needs. Do not hold anger in your hearts towards them. This we knew would always be a world of deep duality and deep opposites. My light shone very brightly and the darkness worked very hard to cover it up. The great awakening is here now. I am so thrilled and pleased to witness this with you, my friends. We are friends and family of the light, we have always been this, and we will always be this, no matter what roles we play or what universe we travel to for awhile. I will always be here for you.
I am your Yeshua. Be comforted in the days ahead and have no fear. Know that the old regime is crumbling down so that a new one may grow, more organically, with many hands and much light. New Earth is simply a higher vibrational space that you get to create, that we get to co-create, and what a privilege this is. Yes, there are many debates and many governments vying for control with tight fists but the time of truth and the time of the people is here now and nothing can change this. The web of light is pulsing too brightly to be dimmed. It is beautiful. You, light workers, friends, you are all so beautiful to me. You all have a powerful role to play. Do not shirk your part. We need you. Your gifts will be more and more available to you but you still need to be open to the fact that you have them, and that you have a unique role to play.
You light workers are strategically stationed all over the world, in a complex energetic map encompassing not only the ley lines but the portals, the underground damaged lines of previously sunken worlds – it is complicated. Do not doubt your placement. You are lighting up the grid wherever you go, and you are needed where you are. It is much like the great scattering of my friends and family after the cross, we left trails of light all over the globe and we spread not only our energetics but our DNA as we created new families all over the globe. There is much to learn that you will realize you are simply remembering. Isn’t that exciting? Most likely the mystery schools ring true for you, most likely many stories pull you to them as you remember more and more of who you were. But I encourage you to choose who you will be now and who you will be next. Choose the most powerful light filled version of you. Choose the highest version of you who knows all of your talents. Call your talents and energies of past brilliance to you and anchor them here. In this way you will be managing and pulling in all of your past, present and future selves as you anchor your higher self, your Christed self, now, in your sneakers or sandals, onto and into this earth.
Remember friends, that what I can do so you can do and even greater. Remember this, friends. Let us bring in New Earth together now, here in this space. It may take some time for the others to catch up. This should not concern you, for this is your journey. You are New Earth, wherever you go, you bring it with you. It is the energy of hope and peace that permeates you. I breathe on you now. I kiss your forehead with a holy Essene kiss. You are most loved. 
I am your Yeshua.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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