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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Current Chaos and Our Collective Power

The One

Channel: Sophia Love

Posted on February 11, 2025


It is the One.

Thank you.

You have questions.

Yes. I wonder about these air disasters. I wonder about our collective power. I wonder about the acceleration we feel in almost every part of life.

Let us speak about the time you are living, for it is at the cause of every one of your wonderings.

Acceleration is a well-chosen term. Each part of your life accelerates, and there will be no part untouched.

Humanity chooses a “quick” Ascension. This was expected, yet the fallout was not. The quickening shows up in all things human. Once a choice is made it manifests at breakneck speed. This is due to both the choice and the energetic in which it is made.

We will explain so that comprehension occurs.

I am receiving it all at once. It is coming in completely formed.

Yes. Would you talk about what you see?

I’ll try. What I see goes back to the beginning.

The controllers who ran the Earth had to follow a method. First, there was exposure to what they wanted. This had to be maintained so that there was belief. Belief on our part. We had to believe that this reality they presented was the only “real” one.

Belief often accompanied fear. Humanity followed “orders” and “rules” and belief systems out of fear.

These controllers were brutal. They used the moniker of religion to cover a multitude of sins. Human sacrifice was built into the system from the start.

Systems, rules, and obedience created a world of “order,” more or less. The controllers kept that order in place with fear.

Go on.

There is so much coming in…

This concerns creation, which has been on my mind lately.

The controllers understand the “genie in the bottle.” It is us. Our thoughts and beliefs are creative. It is why they only need to create the culture. They did not have to physically enslave all of us to get us to do what they wanted. We’d do whatever we believed was “right.”

We learned what was “right” from them, from their control systems. They “taught” us to follow their rules in order to “win” the prizes they told us we should want.

Manifesting was not magic (according to them). It was the result of hard work, dedication, and following very specific steps. These steps followed rules and institutions. Rules and institutions that were put in place by them.

So, we did [follow those steps], and we’d see our dreams pop into our reality after a good deal of “time” passed. Creation was slow.

In the current energy, it’s not slow. The reasons for that are many, yet at the top of that list would be that the controllers have lost control. In these last five years, we’ve all seen the “Naked Emperor.”  We have noticed the lie.

This did something to our creative juices. We no longer follow any specific rules. The controllers have lost their stranglehold on the race, and we’re sort of running wild.

This means our thoughts are all over the place, and there is a good deal of scrambling. All of us are reaching for something, without looking for the control systems to give it to us or tell us what it should be.

This consciousness rising is turning the tide in our reality. Creation feels instantaneous. We see synchronicities everywhere.

We are also talking about them online and verbally. There is so much power in our collective creative ability.

This is what the control systems have attempted to harness for their own benefit for generations. We haven’t fully accepted responsibility for this yet, and so it feels as if no one is in control.

It looks that way too. There is so much blame. There is also unfocused fear. All of this is powerfully creative.

Yes. What occurs for the race now is a reset. This feels turbulent and unleashed. It feels as if creation is out of control. Until mankind accepts responsibility for its participation, it will continue to feel haphazard and potentially deadly.

Life is meant to be experienced “full-on.”  Where that “full-on” is focused determines the course your life takes.

Until recently, man has looked to “authority” for methods, rules, and benefits. This is a dismantling. We’ve said this before, yet you are in the middle of it now. As your world lets go and rebuilds, there will be disruption.

This is not to say that no one is to blame for events. It is to point out that you all have a part in their creation.

What you witness now is an amplification of your power.

You are here to learn how to harness and utilize your creative potential. It is time to take your head out of the basket and share what you know:

  • Believe.
  • Intend.
  • Expect.
  • Create.

In no time before this have your thoughts been so supported by the field in which they exist. You are accomplishing this shift on your own. So many souls wanted to be here for this.

You are.

Step into your power and create. The force in place to stop you is being removed. There is nothing in your way that will prevent you from accomplishing what it is you intend to accomplish.

You are love in human form, and by enclosing your creative power with compassion, your world shifts. What you are doing has never been done here. You are in for such a treat.

Thank you.

Sophia Love





Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Mind of God

By Adama of Telos

Channel: Asara Adams

Posted on December 9, 2024

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Beloved One, as you are moving through your ascension journey, you will become more and more aware of the difference between your two minds.
One mind is the Ego Mind, which is trying to keep you in the Illusion.
The Illusion is lack, fear, judgement, criticism, bondage, anger, pain and so forth…
These thoughts of the Ego Mind are directed towards yourself and your world.
The other mind is The Mind Of God, which is calling you home, where only Peace, Love, Oneness and eternal Life exists.
As you are awakening from the dream of Illusion, the difference of these thoughts will become more and more clear.
This will allow you to choose between your thoughts and thus, direct the stream of your awareness towards one mind or the other.
Since the Ego Mind exists in the shadows and doesn’t want to be seen, there is assistance for you available to make it come out of the shadows.
This assistance is the Holy Spirit, the voice for God.
The Holy Spirit resides in your Mind of God to help you come home.
You might have had nudging toward better choices in your life…
That was the gentle way of the Holy Spirit helping you.
The Holy Spirit is the bridge between you and God.
Now that you know about the Holy Spirit, you can ask for more and more guidance.
You will begin to have new thoughts, different thoughts and sometimes hear a new voice within your mind.
These are the beginnings of your conscious connection to the Holy Spirit.
Begin to ask, listen and follow throughout your daily life. (even with little things.)
There will be more and more opportunities to either listen to the Ego Mind or to the Holy Spirit.
The choice is yours. Always.
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your cw heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.

Asara Adams 




Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Releasing Fear

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on November 3, 2024


Some of you may have noticed that fear is showing itself more frequently than before. Fear can present itself as a great motivator, pushing you to do things out of the ordinary. It can test your faith in humankind and may be challenging to eradicate once it is established.
The Universe is here to remind you that it has never created, nor will it perpetuate feelings of fear! If you find yourself moving to an uncomfortable space, ask for assistance in releasing it and know you can continue your journey in comfort and safety. 
As always, you are loved unconditionally and supported by The Universe in everything you do.

The Creator


Credits to: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Main Sites:
Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


High resonating frequencies of Light are exposing pockets of dense energy

The Arcturian Group

Channel: Marilyn Raffaele

Posted on October 27, 2024

Dear readers welcome to our message which in reality is your message because the consciousness of the readers draws forth the message they are in alignment with.  
All is proceeding according to plan.  High resonating frequencies of Light now flowing to earth from the sun are continuing to expose pockets of dense energy thousands of years old some of which is presently manifesting as war. If or when  personal clearings become physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually draining and difficult allow them to unfold rather than automatically responding with fear and resistance. Always remember that releasing of old  energy is a forward step not a backward one in spite of the effects  that often accompany them.  Trust that your higher self is  always governing the process and does not need direction as to how to do it.
Be prepared for an approaching time of chaos and fear that will especially affect those  resisting change and promoting the return of obsolete concepts rather than allowing earth to evolve  into a new and higher resonating world of oneness.  Remember that earth and all life on her is spiritual rather than the material/physical sense of everything that most have come to accept as being  the real world. 
You have and utilize a material/physical vehicle on earth because it is necessary for living  in the lower resonating frequencies of a three dimensional planet but  you never become that body. You travel in a car, but never become the car. You are not, never have been, and never can be just material/ physical and doubting, resisting, or denying this doesn't change the fact that you are spiritual. 
Present times are difficult and frightening for those who have built their foundation on three dimensional concepts they believe guarantee them safety, security, and happiness. When these concepts are questioned or changed they lash out in anger, fear, and resistance in attempts to keep the status quo constituting their security.  Fear is the natural expression of a consciousness of separation and is the source of all violence, resistance, power over, war, abuse, suffering, hatred, self-righteousness, and suicide.
No one can stop the spiritual ascension process taking place at this time because the earth is not material.  Earth is the manifestation of a Divine Idea in the mind of God infinitely perfect, whole, complete, and beautiful.  As with all concepts, material concepts of earth must eventually collapse because  belief is all that maintains and sustains concepts.  As mankind spiritually evolves and earth's collective consciousness becomes more spiritually enlightened, its creations will begin to more closely reflect reality.
Earth as a three dimensional planet has been the perfect place for souls to learn and evolve because experience is  available on all levels. The first stage is the physical, where the person experiences all their  pains and pleasures physically. Next the soul begins to develop on the mental level noticing beauty and thinking of people and things outside of self. Then the emotional level unfolds and the soul begins to experience and understand emotions of self and others. Most live many lifetimes from these three levels until at some point they are prepared to learn about and experience the spiritual truth about  earth, him/her self, and all life. 
Souls choosing to evolve through "earth school" learn from lifetimes  lived as every skin color, both genders, lives short and long, some very difficult and some not--experiences only a three dimensional planet can offer.  When a soul has  learned everything necessary from the three dimensional level and has completed his/her contract, they no longer need to keep reincarnating on earth but can continue their evolution in the higher realms or on a more advanced planet.
The spiritual ascension of earth is the reason so many evolved souls with no further need for three dimensional  lessons volunteered to incarnate once again.  Most evolved souls appear to be  ordinary humans living ordinary lives but in reality they are lifting earth's frequencies and  seeding the collective consciousness with truth and Light simply through the presence on earth of their evolved states of consciousness.  As truth and Light increases in collective consciousness, increasingly more individuals can and will access it,  lifting and shifting earth's overall vibration.  
Never forget that earth is a spiritual universe, every person's real identity is divine, and that every life is in and of the only life.  Do not attempt to understand this with your mind because human minds are  limited by personal conditioning and collective belief.  God is infinite and spiritual, and thus incomprehensible to finite, limited, and conditioned minds although many have tried and many more think they have accomplished it. However, God is always revealing  ITself but speaks in a small still voice that must be listened for.   
Regardless of how real the material/physical world may seem even in its highest and best forms, it can only ever be the illusory dream that mankind has been dreaming for thousands of years that they themselves created out of duality, separation, and two powers.  Life lived on earth is  like watching a film or play.  You become fully engrossed and feel the emotions of every good and bad situation and even begin to identify with the characters, but there comes a point at which the curtain comes down, the house lights turn on, and you find yourself being yourself once again.  The lights of earth are turning on and the three dimensional curtain is coming down. 
Spiritual evolution can never be stopped because it is not an event but is a revealing.  Spiritual reality has always been fully present, but majority states of consciousness remain unable to energetically align with anything other than what they can see hear, taste, touch or smell with the physical senses.  However, this is rapidly changing and many are waking up into new and higher states of awareness.
You cannot go beyond omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence. 
We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaele
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Love and Joy are Your Greatest Protection

The Angels

Channel: Ann Albers

Posted on October 27, 2024


















My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There are those who believe as you do and those who do not, but in the depths of human hearts, you are all more alike than different. Your deepest wishes, although the forms may vary, are nearly identical in essence.


You all want security. You all want to feel free and in charge of your lives. You all want the opportunity to live in a way that feels purposeful and pleasing to you. You all want to feel connected to life and what you believe to be a higher power. You want to experience health, abundance, and joy in one way or another, and you are all, without exception, seeking an experience of expanding love. The qualities you desire to experience are the same. The only thing that differs is the way you wish to experience them.

The majority of conflicts in humanity arise from fear — from feeling as if there is only one way to have what you want and only if you get your way. There is a great fear that if others don’t cooperate or comply, you could be robbed of your own hopes and dreams. What if someone doesn’t agree with you? What if they get in your way? What if you want to sell a house but no one is interested, or you want a raise, but you are denied? What if your candidate does not get elected? What if a loved one leaves the planet?

How on earth can you experience what you desire when it appears that so many of your desires rely on the cooperation of others?

We have heard these and similar questions throughout the ages. They are legitimate questions and very understandable when you look at the world through the lens of material, 3D reality. In the material sense, an uncooperative person can indeed stand in the way of your hopes and dreams, but in the energetic paradigm, dear ones, the river of love can flow around any and all who create such “obstacles” to your wishes. The Divine can help you to create change and connect you with those who naturally and easily fit your life and your dreams.

Suppose you want a specific job, but the person who interviews you prefers someone else. You may feel slighted. You may feel you were not given a fair chance. You may be right.  However, from our perspective, that job is not a perfect fit for you. You want to work in an environment that wants you.

Suppose you did get the job and love it, but two years later, a difficult coworker is hired. You might feel that this person has ruined your perfect job. Nonetheless, if you are willing to stay in your own vibration, remove attention from unwanted behaviors, and focus on how you want to feel, the situation will inevitably shift. An unpleasant person will not stay long in pleasant and happy energy if they can’t get a reaction. You may be guided to leave, or they may decide to leave. You may be laid off only to enjoy some downtime and then connect with an even better job. The situation may simply dissipate.


Even the difficult people who present so-called obstacles in your path, in retrospect, can be seen as the catalysts that help you move forward into a better future.
Suppose you love one political candidate, and someone else gets in office. For many of you facing your elections, this will be a reality. Two can’t sit in the same chair! However, dear ones, does that mean that you will suffer because of someone else’s action? Only you can decide that. Can you pray for the one sitting in the chair to have the love of God rise from within and to make wise decisions? Instead of fearing someone else’s influence, you can focus on the qualities you wish to live and enjoy in your own life.


Trust that God is still God and no matter who appears to be in charge, God can find ways to care for your heart, that feel wonderful to you.

Even in countries torn by war, there are those still living amazing lives. You have the power to align with the Divine or not dear friends, and aligned with God, you give the Creator—the ultimate lover of life itself, the parent of all Creation, the Being that wants you to live a life that feels loving to you—the power to help you live your life in a way that is pleasing, supportive, and in harmony with the ones around you.

You will all find great relief as you release your need for others to behave as you wish and instead focus on how you want to feel in your life. Look at what is pleasing to you and empower it with your attention. Pray for all beings to know God’s love. If someone is upsetting to you, imagine the light of love pouring towards them, but also into yourself.

Dear ones, you are One. It is hard to imagine that you are part of the same field of love as those you adore and those you despise. They are waves in the Ocean of Love, just as you are. Some you want to dance with, and some you don’t, and that is fine, but remember always that deep within you, there lives a light that connects all things and all beings.

This Presence wants you and all to have the experiences you wish for. If you are refused one opportunity, assume a better one is coming. If one person rejects you, they are redirecting you to those who will love you more. If the person in office has policies you don’t like, make it your policy to labor in love and adhere to your own values in your own life and your own circles so as to experience the quality of life you desire.

You did not come to earth seeking sameness. You did not come to earth intending to rely on the agreement of others to feel the love and security of the Divine. You came, dear ones, eager for the buffet of life itself, for it is in looking at the differences that you discern your truth and your desires and then have the opportunity to align with them in your own life.

Fear not, dear friends. God is with you. Whether you agree with someone or not, the Divine agrees that you all deserve to live a life you love, a life of security, happiness, health, and joy. Relax into that. Breathe. The power that creates universes is there for you always. We, your angels, are one with that and love you so much. Relax in our arms as well. In that love, there is nothing to fear.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

The Angels.

Ann Albers


  • ©2016/2024 Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved




Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Is It My Intuition or Fear?

By Julie Peters

Posted on October 17, 2024



Intuition and fear often feel similar but have very different effects on our decision-making processes. Explore a therapeutic perspective on differentiating between the two.

We all know that having a connection to our intuition is a good thing. It can help us differentiate a good friend from someone who is trying to take advantage of us. It can help us move toward what we want even when other people might disagree with our choices. It can help us know whether we should go up or down, right or left. Or can it?

Intuition is, essentially, our sixth sense. It’s a feeling of knowing beneath our cognitive understanding. It’s knowing without being able to explain how we know. But what if our intuition is broken? What if what we’ve been feeling all along is actually something else, like fear?

Where Does Intuition Come From?

Intuition is important, but it’s complex. On a literal level, intuition is a sense, judgment, feeling, or emotion that arises before we have time to cognitively decide how we feel. It doesn’t come from our prefrontal cortex, the rational, thinking aspect of our brains—it comes from more primitive places: older parts of the brain, like the amygdala, and our nervous system, which is more sensitive in our gut than in our mind. Intuitive information tends to come through the body, not the thinking mind.

What we must keep in mind is that most of this information is learned. Our intuition is essentially a collection of information that we’ve gathered throughout our lives that our bodies have stored in places that don’t need thinking to activate. If we’ve been traumatized by men, for example, our “intuitive” reaction to a new man might be to push him away—even if he’s a lovely person.

There may be something more to intuition, however. Many people believe we can access something bigger than ourselves when we pay attention. We could call this Spirit, the collective unconscious, guidance from angels or spirit guides, or advice from a higher self. This type of intuition is a little different, and it works differently from the aforementioned quick reactions based on past experiences.

A Gut Feeling Versus Spiritual Intuition

In my experience, this spiritual intuition is slower and more long acting. It shows up when we are paying attention without fear or judgment; when we are “tuned in” to ourselves or another person. One way to know if this type of intuition is true spiritual guidance or just fear is if it sticks around no matter your mood, over days, weeks, or even months. This type of guidance helps you grow and learn and not just keep you safe.

Another way of defining intuition is through understanding our inner emotional compass. We were born with the capacity to feel a number of core emotions that are intended to guide us specifically in our relationships. Fear is a core emotion that tells us something is unsafe. This emotion gets a pretty bad rap, and yes, it can hold us back when we’re confusing unsafe with uncomfortable. But when things are genuinely unsafe, we should listen to our fear and get away.

Similarly, anger is a much-maligned emotion that’s supposed to help us understand our needs and boundaries and ensure we are protected. When we constantly suppress our anger, we can’t discern what our needs and boundaries even are, let alone stand up for them.

With both fear and anger (and most of the other core emotions), it’s a good idea to measure these emotions against our intelligence and the general context of what we’re experiencing. Ideally, we don’t need to react the moment we feel these emotions, but rather slow down and feel into them so we can understand the message they are trying to give us, cleared of any emotional or contextual debris (like, for example, we are tired, hungry, or dysregulated).

Intuition and the Attachment Styles

Intuition may be most challenging when it comes to love. That’s because our love relationships tend to trigger our oldest relational wounds, and it’s very easy for fear to arise and tell us we’d better not take the risk (whether that’s to stay, leave, approach someone, etc.). We learn love through the dynamics we grew up with, so if love was associated with anxiety and abandonment, for example, our “intuition” may look for those feelings in love relationships and avoid someone who invokes feelings of safety and stability.

Most of us form an attachment style in childhood that can show up in our romantic relationships looking like intuition. If we grew up with secure, consistent love, we will tend to assume love is available and possible. We’ll be less likely to become dysregulated with our partners, and it might be easier to move into a safe, connected state when we can attend to our intuition.

If we grew up with inconsistency around love in some way (including the loss of a parent or experiences of trauma), we will tend to experience anxious attachment, which means we’re much less likely to trust in our lovers. Our intuition can be overridden by a need for reassurance and closeness—even when we don’t particularly like the person we’re with.

If our needs were consistently unmet in childhood, we tend to experience avoidant attachment, which means we feel safer alone, used to meeting our own needs without the complication of another. Our intuitive responses to love will tend to lean towards breakups, distance, and separateness because those experiences feel safer. We don’t decide these reactions cognitively; they are wired in as strategies to deal with stressful childhood experiences that influence us well into adulthood.

How to Discern Between Intuition and Fear

So how do we know if it’s intuition or fear? Well, there’s truly no simple answer to this question, as intuition and fear both come with so many layers based on what we’ve been through and how tapped in we are to Spirit and ourselves. As many of us have learned, even when we’re feeling tapped in and are listening to ourselves closely, our intuition can still turn out to be wrong.

It’s important we don’t think of this “sixth sense” as infallible, like being able to look into a crystal ball and tell the future. Especially when it comes to love, it takes time to get to know people and figure out if someone is a good choice for us in the long term. Some of the work around intuition might be about trusting ourselves to take risks and make mistakes and know we’ll be okay if things don’t go the way we hoped.

That being said, here are a few hints to be able to tell the difference between unreasonable fear and healthy intuition:

  • Intuition comes through when you feel calm and safe, not when you are already dysregulated.

  • If you’re afraid, ask yourself if you are actually in danger or if something simply feels uncomfortable, challenging, or unfamiliar.

  • Pay attention to the intuitive feeling when it arises—does it pass when you eat well or get enough sleep or when an argument is resolved? Or does it stick around through various moods and cycles?


    Try to set aside overthinking and rationalization and notice what is happening in your body.
    Allow yourself to settle into one side of a decision. What do you feel in your body? If there is tension, nausea, and a sense of being “not right,” that is likely an intuitive “no.” Do the opposite, and look for a sense of settling, exhaling, calmness, and “rightness,” even if there might also be emotions like sadness and fear. That is closer to an intuitive “yes” from your body.


  • Compare your intuitive feeling against your past experiences and the opinions of trusted friends and loved ones. Maybe even ask the opinion of various “parts” of yourself.

  • Keep in mind that intuition is just one aspect of decision making, and it’s a good idea to use all your parts, your bodily reactions, your emotions, and your mind when deciding what to do.

Julie Peters


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




To What Extent is Your Personality False?

By R’Kok

Channel: A. S. 

Posted on September 28, 2024

My dear Earth friends,
This is R’Kok speaking. I am grateful for this opportunity, and feel humbled that out of the countless beings who would love to be channeled, I am the one who is chosen for today.
Seriously, you have no idea how many beings would love to send a message to Earth — to give advice, to share stories, to tell you how much they love and appreciate and respect you.
Today I would like to discuss: to what extent is your personality false?
And I’m asking the question in this way because almost certainly your personality is false to a greater extent than zero.
I’m calling those parts of your personality false that were created as a coping or a defensive mechanism, to deal with fear or pain or pressure or indoctrination. Beliefs or life choices that don’t fit you are also part of your false personality.
For example, imagine a woman who was raised to be a good, kind Christian who never gets angry or offends anyone.
Which parts of this woman’s personality are false? Well, it depends on the woman. It’s possible that incidentally, being a good, kind Christian woman is almost exactly what she resonates with in this life. In this case, very little of her personality may be false. Now sure, everyone gets angry occasionally, so never getting angry and never offending anyone is probably part of a false personality, but still.
On the other hand, it’s also possible that this woman had the pre-birth intention to be a piercing, rationally-minded, atheistic, investigative journalist who asks tough, possibly unkind or offensive questions to people. In this case, if the woman actually adopts the kind, Christian woman personality who never offends anyone (and she might), then pretty much all of her personality could be false, and that might lead to psychological problems, anxiety, substance abuse, a gnawing unhappiness or emptiness, etc. Or she might rebel very hard during her teenage years, or she might experience a severe midlife crisis.
This is why it’s best to give your children room to express themselves and be themselves and explore and find themselves, and not push them too hard in any particular direction. If you allow that, and if your children are loved and taken care of, then probably a relatively small amount of their personality will be false — although it might still be the case that your child came in to be a reformer or shaker-up of the system, and so they’re not ever going to fit in and be satisfied in a world like Earth. Some people have the choice between adopting a false personality and just not fitting in with society at all, and that can be a tough choice.
Now in most cases, a child gets damaged to a relatively large degree — more than you’re perhaps aware of, because parents have to push their children into a mold so that they’ll fit into society, which is seen as normal and necessary but can actually be quite damaging for the child. As a result, a child may grow up with a relatively large false personality.
Let’s investigate to what extent you have, and / or grew up with a false personality. I would like to invite you to answer the following questions for yourself. Feel free to pause this message, answer a question and then unpause the message.
Does it feel like a burden to occasionally more or less have to keep quiet about your true beliefs, because normal people are aggressively close-minded? So for example, if you’re adopting a false, polite, normal persona at work because the people there wouldn’t accept the real you, then that might be causing you inner pain — even though that’s probably also necessary, and I wouldn’t recommend being excessively open at work. To be clear, you’re not doing anything wrong if you hide your true self at work, that may be necessary. But if you’re hiding your true self at work, and if that causes you emotional pain, then that’s good to be aware of. Awareness is the first step towards decreasing your suffering, after all.
Does it feel reasonable to you that you have to make money to survive, and that you therefore might be pushed into doing a job that’s more or less pointless? If that feels unreasonable to you, then even having a job might not be a part of the real you — even though it might be necessary regardless. This is the paradox of living on Earth: you might have to do things that go against your nature just to be able to afford food, because Earth’s society is so twisted. So I’m not saying to quit your job today, I’m not saying you’re doing anything wrong, but if needing to have a job is causing you inner turmoil then, at least it’s good to be conscious of that.
Next up: were you allowed to be angry as a child and teenager? Were you allowed to cry? Were you allowed to rest and more or less do nothing for a while? Were you allowed to fail?
Are there any other emotions that you weren’t allowed to have as a child?
Did those emotions or desires become subconscious or repressed? Do you have inner parts of yourselves who still have those desires?
Were you allowed to pick your own religious and spiritual beliefs as a child, or were you more or less pushed into a specific belief such as Christianity or atheism?
Were you allowed to pick your own left vs right political preference, or were you more or less told that this side is noble and right and that the other side is evil and stupid?
To what extent were you allowed to say or express things that your parents disapproved of? To what extent were you pushed to be a model child, or a child that your parents could be proud of?
Did your parents push you in certain directions to mitigate their own fears?
Did you receive sufficient unconditional love and freedom as a child?
Now let’s ask a few more questions about your current adult self:
To what extent do you dare be authentic, even if it upsets others or make you look a bit crazy in the eyes of others?
Are you comfortable with your inner masculinity and femininity? And are you sure about that? Are there some parts of it that you’re in resistance to?
To what extent are you suffering from learned helplessness — the idea that you’re unable to create positive change? Do you feel comfortable with giving up the familiar and with making drastic, perhaps scary changes at the appropriate time. Do you feel comfortable in your ability to create a good life for yourself? Do you feel comfortable in your ability to contribute positively to Earth society?
What parts of your life are things you want to do, and what parts of your life are things you feel you have to do? And is it actually true that you have to do those things?
If as your current adult self you’re nice to someone — do you do that because that’s the real you, or do you do that because you want something from the other person (approval, sex, love), or do you do that so that you can prove to yourself or others that you are a good person?
When women express a dislike of so-called “nice guys”, often they’re sensing that being nice is a false personality of that man. He’s not being nice because that’s his nature, instead he’s being nice to get something (sex, approval), or to manipulate people in some way (look at me being a great guy). The niceness is part of the “nice guy’s” false personality.
People often prefer those who have a mostly-genuine personality, even if they’re kind of dicks, over those who pretend to be nice but aren’t.
Now, due to the previous questions, you might have discovered that your childhood was lacking in some ways that you weren’t aware of. I empathize — life on Earth is indeed really tough and unfair, and I’m sorry.
As with previous messages: observing yourself without judging or bulldozing or suppressing immediately trying to change yourself is a valuable step towards healing. And also, give yourself some time — you can’t change your entire personality overnight.
If you still think that none of your personality is false, well, it’s entirely possible that less of your personality might be fake than most people. But if you were entirely unblocked and fully aligned with your soul and Source, you could and probably would single-handedly liberate Earth. And you could do things such as teleport, et cetera. So likely you still have some blocks and some false parts of your personality.
If you’re unaware which parts of your personality are fake, it might help to just keep asking yourself “why” whenever you make a notable choice, or whenever you do something that perhaps doesn’t make a lot of sense. Then keep asking yourself “why” as a follow-up question when you answer the first “why.”
Finally, it’s completely fine, and indeed quite wise, to just say that you don’t know something. And of course, you can still have an opinion even though you’re not entirely sure, and act based on that opinion.
I hope this was insightful. You have all my love and respect and empathy for living on such a tough world, and I give my greatest well-wishes to you. May we meet in the not too distant future.
And finally, there have been some other channelers on your world citing 2026 or 2027 as the time of first contact, while galactics associated with this channeler have been saying that it’s likely but not guaranteed that we’ll meet before the end of 2025, and that your lives will improve substantially before the end of 2025. Why the difference? Well, the future isn’t actually set in stone, because you have free will. The time of first contact depends on the choices that Earth humans make, therefore no galactics are completely sure when first contact will occur.
On your world you often have multiple models making different predictions; well, so do we. We may be advanced, but it’s simply impossible to predict the free-will choices that people are going to make. After all, if we could predict what you were going to do, then effectively you wouldn’t have free will at all. And you do have free will.
That said, our “likely but not guaranteed” 2024 or 2025 prediction might look like public and open first contact, or it might look like galactics contacting those Earth humans who are awake enough, which includes lots of people who are currently tuning in to this message (hence Hakann’s earlier suggestion to form small groups interested in meeting up). So both predictions could come to pass if we end up contacting Earth humans who are ready in 2024 or 2025, and then land publicly in 2026 or 2027.
That said, Hakann and the others are still looking at landing openly in 2024 or 2025, so that absolutely could still happen (although admittedly 2025 is looking more likely than 2024 for that).
Or the other galactic source might be right and it might be 2026 or 2027. Or we might all be wrong — no one is entirely sure, because it depends on your choices, Earth humans. The only thing that I am sure of is that you will be free, in the not too distant future.
I understand that may not be a very satisfying answer. I can only say: thank you so very much for your service and for your presence on Earth at this time. I imagine it must be very hard and painful at times, but most likely you are doing an amazing job and a great service indeed to mankind, and I salute you.
With love,

A. S. 

For Era of Light


These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to the original post.

If you are interested in local meetings with other people also seeking first contact with benevolent ETs, then please see . If you search with control-F for @, then you can quickly find email addresses of those who are organizing local groups. It’s also not too late to post a new (secondary) email address yourself to start a new local group, because we plan to keep linking to that post for the foreseeable future.


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My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The great Solar and Energy Event

Message from Saint Germain

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

Translation into English by EraofLight
on September 8, 2024


Beloved people,

You will be given new opportunities to live your life freely. Day by day you can choose between freedom or lack of freedom, between love and fear.

The wheel of time is turning ever faster and it is becoming obvious that the last days on this plane of existence have dawned, the last days of a humanity defined by separation and selfishness.

The sacred, the divine, the human have lost all meaning on this level – and so humanity is on the wrong path, a wrong path that is now manifesting itself very clearly and is leading to the socio-political upheavals to which it must lead.

Above all, the “First World” that many have always spoken of in their arrogance is experiencing its collapse and demise. Everything rotten is dissolving and being replaced by healthy, nourishing and life-giving activities.

Soon you will no longer recognize the world, because the new level of existence will take hold. Not only the “First World” will heal, but the whole world, the whole globe, all of humanity will have the opportunity to heal and become conscious. A large number of people will also take advantage of this opportunity!

JJK: From today’s perspective, that is completely unthinkable. What must or will happen for that to happen?

The Great Awakening

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: The great solar and energy event, fed by the central sun, will make people pause and come to their senses. In a seemingly endless moment, the individual will look into the mirror of his own self and be called to a decision, called by GOD, who knows his children well and calls his children back into the light.

Not all people will follow this call, because for those who still want to experience the third dimensional density of existence, even heaven is not an attractive offer.

However, all people who complete their incarnation cycle, who complete their journey through time and space and have exhausted their experiences on this plane, will awaken in that one moment when time and space cease to exist!

This leads to the separation of the worlds and lifts some out of this scene, while others fall back into oblivion. The ascension takes place after all people have seen their Self through divine grace. Based on this revelation, each person will decide which world corresponds to his soul plan and soul path.

This day of truth and final decision is near and every person is being prepared for it in the best possible way by their spiritual helpers and spiritual masters – prepared by making their consciousness permeable to the divine light until blockages dissolve so that the view of what you really are becomes clear.

Now the basis for this decision is laid, because when you look yourself in the eye on day X, you have to be completely yourself.

The ascension begins with the encounter with yourself.


With infinite love



Jahn J Kassl


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Arcturian Directive 207 Revelations.


 September 11, 2020 by Derek Knauss.



We welcome all to the higher realms of existence on the material plane. We welcome all to vibratory fields of light, love, joy and laughter. We welcome all to the Intergalactic Federation of Light. We are here and we are with you. The assault on the collective is built on the foundations of fear. The atmosphere generated by your leaders is anchored in fear frequency. The Dark Pyramids emit signals direct into human subconscious activating fight or flight responses. Stress, anxiety and tensions arise from Fear. Illness, physical and mental, arise from fear. A people stagnate in fear vibratory fields. The swamp as you say. The Pyramid was temporarily dismantled to enable whole system upgrades to higher technologies. The current economic and political playing field is anchoring the Pyramid back into place. Our counter attack Operation was launched within Gaia’s ascension field of 2020. We are pleased with the results. Many are unwilling to reengage with the Pyramid, the engineered construct they call the matrix. Obey, conform, sleep, obey, conform, sleep algorithms have been dismantled by the enlightenment awakening of many on the material plane. Led, heralded, championed by lightworkers across the reality field, fearless in their search for truth, shining lights into darkness for others to follow. Many decades of linear time were dedicated to the task of awakening the population to their divinity within the matrix. The Mayan Awakening timeline has been successful in positioning the collective for 2020 and beyond.
A plague of Fear, sourced in Archon astral vibrations, is the true epidemic humanity faces. Elemental transformation on a grand scale as the human collective consciousness is activated in celestial light. Planetary alignment is powerful beyond anything we at the Light Federation have seen or heard of. No other galaxy has behaved in quite this way, as far as we know. It is the fury of the Goddess Gaia activating the ascension field inside Satan’s playground that has brought such attention to Earth’s small world. Primary events sown into the fabric of the time space continuum left a trail of breadcrumbs to this space in time. Warfare occurs on all dimensional fields around the human collective. The ascension field is a space of energetic warfare, dark versus light. A trench war of vibratory push and pull. The tug of war will be over soon enough. It is already done friends. The human collective are caught in a maelstrom of chaotic battling frequencies. The machine is pumping fear into the hearts, minds and souls of every living being on the material plane. From our perspective we see more fear blankets smothering the population in 2020 than we did in 1944. We understand that light is emanating from deep within Gaia, shifting the polar magnetism and bringing the reality plane you experience in line with the quantum magnetism of planetary dynamism.
Much has shifted in your world, yet all will not be clear for sometime. The Fog of Fear clouds sight, sound, all perception except the Third Eye and the Heart. To walk through the valley of darkness and see the angels escorting each and everyone of you. Activating heart space within the mind body soul temple will illuminate the mind and free the soul from the chains of Fear. All is in the heart, liberation and expansion. Stand up to fear friends, in your families, communities and churches. Be powerful in your secure knowledge that you are ascending into spaces of light, joy and peace. All is possible and all will happen. Light Cities are deep in construction, manifesting on the physical plane through the passions and precision of trailblazers, truth speakers, way showers and light bearers. We see all that is light emanating from within Gaia merging with the intense lightwork being done on the crust. Light generated in the hearts of people with open minds, inner strength and power in their step. Knowing the divine is knowing self, when both are accomplished we sterilise fear.
The Archangels are here they surround the dome, ensuring all darkness meets light head on at every turn within the quantum field. Angelic catcher’s in the rye ensure all are tracked and traced on the dark grid, the dark matrix, none will fall through the cracks without assistance offered in the instant. The pandemic is Fear. The vaccine is self care, the cure is self love. Human Rights reflect the Laws of the Universe, the sacred sovereignty of every BEing birthed into the grand game. The right to choose is at the heart of the game. Darkness has its place in the ascension field, it is the Choice, red pill, blue pill or black pill. All are being offered choices every day, every moment, every present moment of quantum time. The Black Moth program has been launched by the Anunaki. Transformation into darkness through choice. We seek to ensure choice is truth, authentic, honest in each souls heart. Mind control has rendered the collective consciousness impotent, lobotomised of sovereignty. The Full Moon centred within Twin Crescent Moons is the sign Light has come to earth. The sun god maligned in his divine masculinity seeks revenge. His male essence has been thwarted, inverted, twisted and rotted to the core. Dissolution of core masculine and feminine balance inverted in the matrix to possession, obsession and infection, has poisoned the sacred waters of divinity in all BEings. We are here to guide support and love each and every one of you as you travel across interdimensional fields towards the Light.
The Anunaki have taken the battle for earth’s material plane and her people to the next level and we are here to meet them head on. The hearts and souls of humankind are gemstones of crystalline light in the multi verse. Creative, passionate sparks of source light are held deep inside each human soul, the Great Awakening is the activation of this spark deep in the heart of darkness. The devil seeks not simply to put out the spark, he seeks to blind you to its existence entirely. How can we seek what we do not know is there? This is his philosophy, what cannot be seen cannot be sought. Disinformation has been hardwired into the upgraded Dark Matrix, Inversion occurs at lightning speed in the cyber and mind control matrices. The upgraded system is dynamic, alert, self aware and precise. Its flaws are its lack of creativity, insight, retrospection and reflection, growth is challenging in stagnant environments.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are cyber. They are rearranging the foundation of human society to correspond with the new parameters of the Fourth Realm Dark Matrix. The Pyramid has received a wholesale upgrade. Typical of puppets with tunnel vision masters, the upgrade has been chaotic rather than systematic, uncoordinated and fraught with ego led tension, narcissistic battles and small minded greed. The Anunaki have too much with the Archangels of Light, the Winged Warriors and the ongoing severity of battle on alternate dimensional fields, to manage their wayward, selfish, greedy, spoilt children running the show on the material plane. Chaos reigns, disguised as strategy and response. Measures are being sanctioned that are a direct infringement of Human Rights and the Rights of All BEings in the quantum field of life. The people awaken to take control of their manchild kings. Power is with the people, peace is the path, expansion of thought, idea and concept is the intention. The light cities are sparsely populated, construction is well underway, we understand all is going to plan.
We have come with this message as an update to your situation on the reality plane. Remain grounded friends. Critical Thinking is the key out of the dark storms of Fear you are engulfed in. Anchor self to Gaia, her Goddess waters will cleanse all fear from your souls. Expand in Meditation and self care. Understand the power of Gratitude, it is subatomic warfare on Fear, dissolving fear in light. The Gaia plane has been magnetized within the quantum field. Gaia rotates once again in alignment with her celestial brothers and sisters. The Anunaki seek to destabilize the energetic tectonic plates anchoring the reality plane to their low vibratory field. We seek to raise it. We commend all for their focus, determination and commitment to resisting Fear in all its guises. We draw All together in a collective space of sacred power and light. Divine justice will rain on all who have perpetrated darkness, deviance and destruction on Gaia and on her people. 1000 years of mandatory quarantine, Dante’s hell realms, await all who choose envy, greed, sexual deviance, status symbols and violence over the red pill of truth, light and love.
We watch as you try to emerge from your divine chrysalis, we empathise deeply with heart felt fears for the impact of Earth Year 2020 on the children of Gaia. Please let us assure you they ARE the change. The children of Gaia are the crystal children, they were always going to man the helm of transformation in 2020. They have held their families, they have grounded their tribes, they have displayed their feathers, their colors freed from the constraints of the matrix. Allow your children to evolve into the space 2020 has created, as you should allow yourSelves to expand. Block fear, set up tight and precise emotional boundaries around loved ones in your care. Prevent, resist and dissolve the matrix at every turn where possible. Respect their sacred hearts and souls, stay focused on protection from Fear.
The Pandemic of 2020 Earth Year is Fear. The Inoculation is Self Love, Gratitude is the Medicine for all wounded hearts, battered souls, fearful and frightened minds and shaken bodies. The Virus is Fear. The Vaccine is Self Care, the Cure is collective Tribal Unity Consciousness. Turn all that is negative into positive. Be resilient, resistant and resourceful. Communicate respectfully with your people, be firm and clear. Peaceful protests will bend, break and blister their resolve. The puppets are battling without their strings, their masters are otherwise engaged. The Light War is on. Those on the material plane receiving our words we commend you for all that you have done in Service to the Light. We are grateful beyond measure for your belief in a peaceful way of living. We power up each of you in divine healing light NOW.
In Divine Light, your servants, comrades and allies, the Arcturian Light Federation Council of Twelve. Peace.
I am aligned
I am rebirthed
I am transformed
I am self.

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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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Addressing Your Inner PTSD

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman 

for LifeTapestry


on September 7th, 2020

Dear Ones,
It is time to address your fears that your future will be even bleaker than has been true these past few months. That all you hoped for will not come to fruition. For you have been acting on this plan of joyful earth for eons. Only to have your previous earth lives end before you completed the task. Or being punished for trying.

Such are your past memories of what happened to you and other forerunners lifetime after lifetime – until now. For indeed, this life is the culmination of your eons of effort.

You do not quite understand why your current waves of terror are surfacing. You believe such is so because of political, racial, environmental, religious, sexual injustices, or any other fear now displayed throughout the earth. And so it is in terms of your immediate knowledge base. But deep within the recesses of your being are the terrors you experienced lifetime after lifetime of not being able to complete the task you were assigned. Or suffering emotionally or physically for trying to do so.

Those are the fears now surfacing – the fears that stop you from functioning or moving into joy. For deep within, you do not trust that all is progressing far faster than you now imagine. That you will finally live in joy and love while of the earth. Many of you are starting to believe that such might happen, but not in this lifetime. That a joyful life continues to be out there somewhere with promise after promise from the Universes.

Such is so about Universal promises. But what you cannot yet remember is that those promises were, until now, that you would focus on an unattainable earth goal. You have done so for eons despite minimal rewards, fear, and isolation – all for this lifetime of joy.

So it is you have difficulties letting go of those fears – all the while holding your inner breath waiting for the punishment that always occurred when you focussed on this moment, this drive to joy.

You tremble not because of the future, but because of past memories in your inner-being. Finally, you are allowing those deeply hidden fears to surface, knowing within that this life will be that promised life of joy. You hid those fears deeply so you would dare volunteer to be of the earth lifetime after lifetime. Now that you sense the ending will be as you always hoped, you are allowing yourself to access and clear those fears.

The difficulty is you are discovering those hidden fears are attached to the world or local events creating reactions out of proportion to those events. Perhaps you have difficulty breathing, getting out of bed, shake uncontrollably, or your physical body reacts with ailments. Yet, the next hour or day, those fears seem almost trivial until another unfocused wave of fear strikes.

These deeply hidden fears could not be addressed until now, for doing so would have likely stopped you from returning to 3D earth. So it is you volunteered lifetime after lifetime to complete the preparatory tasks necessary for this lifetime.

You can finally see the light at the end of your long, arduous tunnel of skill development and preparation. Perhaps it would be beneficial to imagine yourself as a star athletic perfecting their craft. Star athletes do not initiate their process as a star athlete. They experience failure after failure and physical exhaustion doing so. So it was for you developing the skills you implemented in this lifetime as you helped earth transition beyond 3D.

Maybe you can best address what you have felt the past few days periodically or might experience shortly, as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Allow yourself to know it will be short-lived for just as is true for star athletes, their pain and fear dissipate or disappear once they achieve their goal. So it will be for you.

In this life, you will experience joy, self-love, peace, and loving interactions globally. This is your reward. This life is your Olympic gold, silver, and bronze medals. This life is finally allowing you to clear your deeply hidden PTSD.

This is the life you have been waiting for. 
So be it. Amen.
Brenda Hoffman
To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

Compiled by from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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  1. 2013
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  1. 2012
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  1. 2011
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