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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Prioritize this Over All Else, and Reap the Rewards

The Creators (12D)

A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on January 29, 2025

We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. 
You all know who you really are, and you just need reminding of that truth. You all can feel who you really are when you are experiencing the state of being that love is. You know that the feeling of love is more than just hormones and chemicals being released in the body and brain. You have enough sense to recognize that, and yet, the reminders are needed. The reminders are needed because there is so much out there in the world that you experience that tries to define you as something other than Source. And many of you get quite caught up in your identity, your sense of self.
When you base your identity, and/or sense of self, on that which is temporary, that which can chain change. You are setting yourselves up for disappointment. You are setting yourselves up to feel instability, and you are likely not to go much deeper than what the surface level can tell you. And so, we recommend feeling for who you really are, rather than looking at the statistics and what they can tell you. In order to feel for who you really are, sometimes you must travel through the gunk of what you are not. A lot of you have accumulated that gunk over the course of this very lifetime and others.
And, therefore, you need to go through some purging, some clearing, and some cleansing so that you can reach within yourselves and find the love that you truly are. Once you do, you will realize that home really is where the heart is. You find that the love within you feels like home, but it also feels expansive. It also feels like the connective tissue that holds us all together in this universe, and that’s because that’s what it is, and you are meant to feel it and be reminded of it frequently.
And when you make that a goal of yours, you will always find that it is a goal you can accomplish. When you make it the top priority of every day of your life, you will be happy, you will manifest more of what you want, you will have plenty of friends, and you will likely also be doing what you love. You will find that it is easy for you to make a career out of what you love, all because you prioritized feeling love within yourself over all else that you could put at the top of your priorities list.
You are the ones who get to decide what you focus upon and what you deem to be important. Now others may have made the choice of what’s important to you previously, but now that you are awake, you certainly are in the driver’s seat, and that is real power. That is true power. That is the power of Source. It is the power of love, and it is within each and every one of you.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.
Daniel Scranton 



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Feeling Very Reflective….

By Steve Beckow

Posted on December 24, 2024


I’m feeling very reflective this Xmas Eve. May I?

Cathy Buckle sent me a copy of her Zimbabwe’s Timeless Beauty and I’d placed it right next to a photograph I’ve kept of a woman from Darfur.

Cathy is helping the women around her in Zimbabwe so it’s appropriate this subject came up.  I’m happy to be counted among her supporters.  The book and the photo carried me back….

From 1998 to 2006, I had the tremendous privilege of serving as a quasi-judge – a refugee adjudicator. Our decisions were regarded as usually untouchable as far as country conditions went – they were deferred to on matters specific to country conditions – but reviewable by the Federal Court on matters of law.

I say that to set the scene of a hearing room. It’s a court of law in all but name. And it has in its hands the fate of a man, woman, or child who, if I get it wrong, is on their way back to torture, rape, and murder. (1)

So you can bet your boots I’m gonna get it right. And the benefit of the doubt goes to the claimant, even though I know that some, and perhaps even many, economic migrants might get through.  (2)

One day I came across this photograph of a woman from Darfur and it captured in an image the essence of our work as refugee decision-makers.  I weep a bucket of tears every time I look at it. I hate how powerless I am that I can’t do something about the situation. (Go, Reval!)

Below it are the last words spoken in a successful refugee claim: “…and I extend to you Canada’s protection.” Those were the words that every claimant was waiting to hear.

Those were the last days in which Members of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada had a semblance of independence as decision-makers. After that, it went downhill until it became, not an independent panel at all, but an administrative unit of the government.

I don’t believe there could be independence of decision-making after that. Currying favor with the government would be the rule, which turns out to be following what is now revealed as a corrupt deep-state course.

I was so hopeful when I joined the IRB. I was so proud and determined to do the best possible job. For the first while, I put between me and the claimant a gift my wife had given me as a reminder: The scales of justice as a timepiece.

But the whittling of independence did not stop.

Justin Trudeau is reported to be under house arrest. (3) Once wearing an ankle monitor, he’s since said to have been microchipped. We have not heard publicly of the worst of the atrocities occurring in Canada – and we will. If not in the ten days of broadcasts, then afterwards. Now does not seem the time for it.

Trudeau seems to have been allowed to act out the World Economic Forum’s wishes, to wake up the people of Canada – which he’s succeeding in doing. Klaus Schwab can no longer be pulling his strings. Schwab was reported to have died while in adrenochrome withdrawal at Gitmo. (4) Who’s leading the WEF into oblivion I don’t know.

But probably whoever it is will also be taken down in the mass arrests that are being carried out as we speak. As will their agents in the Canadian government.

Next summer the Freedom Convoy can converge on Ottawa and celebrate!


By the way, I totally support President Trump in asking Canada to take the northern border more seriously and do a lot more to stop fentanyl, illegal migrants, etc. We shouldn’t need to be spoken to like a truant child to act on important neighborly matters like these.

We are children of a common political heritage who’ve fought wars together side by side. I think Canadians can hear a little criticism and act on it out of good fellowship.

Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you to all our beloved family of readers for making us a part of your life! We are so honored.


(1)  We now know that it could be on the road to sexual slavery and worse.

(2) I know and they know that very few people get sent back to their native country. The refugee process, in this respect, is only slowing immigration down a  bit. But there’s often a downside that goes along with a tremendous upside and the existence of a refugee assistance program, I think, is a great blessing overall to everyone concerned.  The satisfaction is much akin to Search and Rescue – the saving of a life.

(3) Justin Trudeau is reported under house arrest in Medeea Greere, “Gitmo Update/Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests…,” AMG-News, Oct. 27, 2024, at

(4) Michael Baxter, “JAG Pulls Plug on Klaus Schwab,” Real Raw News, April 26,2024, at

Steve Beckow

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Expanding the Core of Purity in the Electrons

By Patricia Cota-Robles

Posted on November 7, 2024

The Company of Heaven is affirming that the Divine Alchemy of Transfiguring our carbon-based Earthly Bodies into our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies is being greatly accelerated at this time.
This acceleration is being accomplished through the cooperation and the unified efforts of our I AM Presence, our Body Elemental, our Silent Watcher, the Mighty Elohim, the Directors of the Elements and the Elemental Kingdom. Today, the Company of Heaven wants to remind us of a very critical factor in this process.
As the Company of Heaven has revealed to us previously, the aging, disease, degeneration and mortification of the flesh we experience in our carbon-based Bodies are a result of our fall from Grace.
These painful conditions were never part of God’s original Divine Plan for the Children of Earth. In the beginning, the plan was that we would evolve through our Earthly experiences using our Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling to become masters of energy, vibration and Consciousness, thus becoming Cocreators with our Father-Mother God. The initial plan was that we would evolve in vehicles of eternal youth, vibrant health and infinite perfection, so that we could learn the lessons of Cocreation without any distractions from our Earthly Bodies.
When we began experimenting with our thoughts and feelings in ways that were not based in Love, the discordant frequencies of vibration we were miscreating began to reflect in our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies as well as on the environment of Earth. This situation gradually resulted in breaking down the perfect patterns imprinted within the messenger codes in our Twelve Strands of DNA. The intent of these codes was to form the DNA molecules that would be the building blocks for our Earthly Bodies. Unfortunately, the bombardment of our negativity on these codes caused weak, distorted cellular structures to form which eventually became the aging, disease, deformity, decay and death within our bodies that we now, tragically, accept as a normal experience.
Through the unified efforts of the Company of Heaven and Awakening Humanity during the past several years, our Twelve Strands of DNA which became fragmented and dormant after the fall, were restored and reactivated. That allowed our I AM Presence to recalibrate those Strands of DNA which, in turn, paved the way in 2019 for our I AM Presence to activate the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA that contain the messenger codes for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies we will abide in on the New Earth.
In our Ascension process Humanity has reversed the adverse effects of our fall from Grace in the Realms of Cause where everything begins. Now it is more possible than ever before for us to magnetize the patterns of perfection into our Earthly Bodies. It is time for us to Transfigure our Earthly Bodies into the perfection of our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. In order to accelerate this process, we need to expand the Core of Purity within every Electron of precious life energy.
The Company of Heaven is now sharing with us information about the significance of the Core of Purity that exists within the Electrons that form our Earthly Bodies and every other facet of Life on Earth. This Sacred Knowledge is a key factor in the Divine Mission we are all being Called to Cocreate NOW.
PURITY is at the Heart of all Creation, and it is an extremely important quality that we must learn to utilize in our physical Transfiguration process. As we understand more about the Divine Quality of Purity, we realize how important it is for us to use this Gift continually in our daily life experiences. For instance, PURITY is a living Breathing pulsation within the core of every Electron of energy evolving on Earth. Every facet of life is comprised of intelligent Electrons rotating around the central core of the atom. The atom is a miniature Universe in itself and is the building block of ALL physical manifestation, including our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.
The frequency of Purity at the core of every Electron vibrates so rapidly that no discord can enter into it or contaminate its radiance. If we could stop one Electron of energy as it passes through the Universe, we would see that within the Electron is contained the complete Nature of God: all of God’s Power, all of God’s Majesty, all of God’s Divinity. Every single Electron contains within the central Core of Purity, the totality of God’s Perfection.
Each Electron is an intelligent Life Force. As it is projected forth from the Heart of God, it joyously and eagerly awaits the opportunity to serve Life and to expand God’s Infinite Light into the world of form. Each second, trillions and trillions of tiny Electrons flow from the Source of ALL That Is through our I AM Presence and into the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in our Heart. We then send the Electrons into the World qualified with our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. The Core of Purity in the Electrons themselves cannot be contaminated with our destructive behavior. The misqualification occurs when we cloak the electrons in vibrations that are not based in Love. Every form of pain and suffering is the result of Humanity, in some time frame or dimension either known or unknown, placing a cloak of shadow around the Electrons when we send them forth through our negative thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
When we truly understand this process, we will realize that regardless of how bad our life situation seems or how bad our physical condition is, Purity and God’s Perfection are STILL pulsating in the Core of Purity in every Electron manifesting as those painful experiences. Within its Core of Purity every Electron is waiting even NOW to be released from its cloak of darkness so it can manifest the perfection of God’s original Divine Plan.
Remember, every Electron is an intelligent form of Life that will respond to the command of our I AM Presence. Everything existing in our lives is comprised of Electrons, whether we are talking about a person, a place, a condition or a thing. The Electrons that make up our life experiences are reflecting our Consciousness. These tiny Beings of Light came forth from the Heart of God and answered the Call to obey the magnetic pull of our I AM Presence and our Heart Flame. Once the Electrons entered our Heart Flame, we had the free will to qualify them with any thoughts or feelings we chose.
Since these tiny Light Beings must obey the Divinity in our Heart Flames, we have the ability to speak directly to them and to command through the Power of God—I AM—that they continuously and permanently expand the Flame of Purity pulsating in their very core. Today, the Company of Heaven will guide us through an activity of Light on behalf of the precious Electrons. If you have the Heart Call, please join with me and the Company of Heaven now. And we begin.
In the Name of the Almighty Presence of God, I AM, and through the full power of the I AM Presence and the Threefold Flame pulsating in every Heart, I speak directly to the Divine Intelligence within every Electron of precious Life energy existing in my Earthly Bodies and the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.
Blessed Electrons, through the Power of God, I AM, I COMMAND that the Flame of Purity in the central core of your Being now EXPAND, EXPAND, and EXPAND continuously and permanently.
Through the power of God, I AM, I direct the Crystalline-white Flame of Purity to cast off any shadows cloaking the Electrons within my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies and the Electrons within the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.
O, Sacred Flame of Purity, cast all of these shadows into the 5D Violet Flame of God’s Cosmic Forgiveness. Instantly TRANSFIGURE every shadow back into its original perfection. Raise every rate of vibration which is causing any form of limitation in my life or in the World into the Heart-based frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth.
As the Flame of Purity quickens the vibratory rate of each Electron, I witness every cloak of darkness being cast into the Violet Flame. All shadows created by Humanity’s past misuse of our Precious Gift of Life are being instantly TRANSFIGURED into Light.
From this moment forth, through the Grace of God and my I AM Presence, I AM experiencing the blazing White Light of Purity continuously and permanently expanding, expanding and expanding within the Core of Purity in every Electron of precious Life energy on Earth.
I ACCEPT and KNOW that through the command of my I AM Presence, this purification is being God Victoriously accomplished through all dimensions, all timeframes and all levels of Consciousness. And so it is.
Dear One, allow this Sacred Knowledge to inspire your Lightwork. Contemplate what a blessing the Flame of Purity is for the precious Electrons in your Earthly Bodies and in every other facet of Life on Earth.
God Bless You, Precious Heart. I look forward to being with you next week.

Patricia Cota-Robles

©2024 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles – This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?




Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Let Go of Resistance

By Archangel Gabriel

Channel: Shelley Young

Posted on November 7, 2027


Dear Ones, resistance is the number one cause of discomfort in your lives.
Resistance is an attempt to fight the flow, to deny where your soul is trying to take you, and to choose constriction over expansion.
So what do you do about it? The first thing you need to do is to identify that you are being resistant. Whenever you are uncomfortable, in fear or doubt, or attempting to control or effort you way through something that is not being energetically supported, you are being resistant. Being aware of how you are feeling is the first step.
Once you have identified that you are indeed trying to navigate your life through a space of resistance, there are many things you can do to shift out of it. Surrender is the most effective tool to move from resistance into movement again. Meditation is helpful to move you back into faith and trust, and the alignment of surrender and acceptance.
Asking your guides and helpers to show the way is also an excellent method to get back in the flow. Giving your fears or worries over to Source, or using an affirmation such as “God is guiding me” is effective because not only does it indicate your intention to move beyond your concern, it is also utilizing the assistance that is always available to you. Gratitude is also a wonderful tool to use, as you cannot resist and appreciate something at the same time.
More and more you will come to understand the profound importance of the element of acceptance as your move forward in the new energies. Realizing there are a myriad of ways to shift out of resistance into acceptance will allow you to navigate and co-create your life with far more mastery, grace and ease than ever before. In fact, we encourage you to experiment and find the methods that work best for you, that bring you relief and you find most enjoyable to use, so you will naturally want to use them when required.
Shelley Young


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?




Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




The Observer Who is Not From the Ego Mind

By Sanhia

Channel Michael Hersey

Posted on November 2, 2024




We have talked before about the observer. The observer is the one who is watching this movie that you call your life. What are perceived by your eyes are objects. These objects could be trees, birds, clouds, baskets, cars, or people. These are all a part of your movie. The body is also an object you see. If you have the goal to be one with your body, you want to make the subject and the object to be the same. This is not possible. You cannot simultaneously be the observer and the observed. You cannot watch yourself. You cannot do that any more than you can look at the window and say you are now one with the window. Something other than your “self”, or your body, is doing the watching. The Observer of the movie simply sees; It does not have the possibility of jumping up on the screen and acting at the same time. This is why We say that you are not your body. The You that is watching, the real You, cannot at the same time be what it is watching. When you identify yourself with the character in your movie, you have ceased to notice that you are the watcher and now pretend yourself to actually be the object on the screen. But You are not an object. The body, the object, does not experience the movie; it is a part of the movie. The true You is the Observer Who watches the body and notices what it is doing, thinking, and feeling.

If the thought arises that you want to experience Oneness, you are saying that you lack Oneness. This is not true. Your ego mind believes that it is separate, but the Observer is One with what it sees, though it is not what it sees. The subject is not the object, though there is no separation. There is only Oneness. There is no identification with the body, there is only the seeing of it. The Observer is One with everything that is. It is the creator of all that is. The thought of wanting in the ego mind affirms its pretence of separation. You can notice that such a thought seems to exist in the ego mind. You cannot make yourself feel oneness. All you can do is notice the thoughts of separation the ego mind holds and bring the awareness back to the now and the next thought. You keep peeling away what is being held onto that stands in the way of experiencing the Oneness. Thus, Oneness is not a goal; It is what is always present. To try to experience that is to maintain the illusion of being separate from it. The only process is to let go of everything that isn’t Oneness. You don’t try to change what is, that only feeds it. You simply do not dwell on the thoughts. The job is to be the noticer, not the thinker, the analyser, or the understander.

Let me give another picture of the perspective of the Viewer. The ego mind sees time as a horizontal line. It sees the now as the point where the past and the future intersect. In truth there is no point of now that exists because the movie is in constant motion. There is no way that you can try to be here now, because now is a moving target. There may be an attempt to hold on to something that can never be grasped. The result is likely a sense of failure to stay present without finding you are easily slipping into the past. Even the intention to experience nowness comes from the mind which is rooted in the past. Let’s replace the horizontal timeline with a vertical axis. The viewpoint of the Divine Observer comes straight down and contacts only the moment, not the whole horizontal timeline. Nothing is seen except what is directly in front of the Viewer. There is just what is. As long as the mind seems to wish to alter what is observed in any way, the appearance of separation is created; the viewpoint has returned to the horizontal timeline. The vertical perceives no past or future. Thoughts of wanting to be elsewhere are seen just as clouds in this moment’s sky. They are noticed and the eyes move on to the next thing that is presented. From the vertical perspective there is no such thing as past or future. There is just what is. You cannot look from this perspective and see a “younger” you. You might observe a thought of a “younger” you, but it will be quickly replaced by another thought or feeling. No “younger” you exists; no “older” you exists. Nothing exists but what is present now.

The object that is the “you” You are perceiving may be having thoughts about an imagined past or future, but all that is there is that “you” now. Not only is there no reality in the past and the future, but what is being viewed is not real either; it is all a movie. If the actor on the screen is perceived as an object by the Observer, rather than as self, that is an awakened viewpoint. All there is to do is to notice the passing of a thought. If upon noticing the thought you jump in and try to fix, heal, or otherwise change the situation, perhaps believing that you are as you are because of your “past”, you are back in the ego mind game and can only be certain of continued pain and suffering. You have again tried to make the object out as the subject, which it isn’t. Instead of looking down vertically at what is, you jump into the illusory timeline trying to heal the past and change the future. You are Divine as you are. There is nothing to heal, fix, or change. The you that is the Observer sees with Divine eyes. There is nothing to do to become enlightened. It is as simple as opening your eyes. Stop pretending to not be awake. See what is present without holding judgements. There is nothing that needs to be earned. It is your true birthright. Nothing has ever been done that needs to be atoned for. Nothing has ever actually been done. There is just now. See it from the vertical perspective. Seen for itself there is nothing to be changed. Everything is perfect. And You are One with it.

You are each watching your own movie. No two see the same film, even if they appear to be walking side by side. If you are thinking you are the character on the screen, you don’t see what is happening. You see from your ego mind perspective. If you rewind your movie back ten minutes, are you now in the past? Does that make the past real? You can jump all around in a movie. Does that make anything real? The movie has a beginning which for you might look like birth. Did the Viewer not exist before the movie began? The movie has an end which is called death. The Viewer is still there watching. If you are the actor, who is watching the actor? Through whose eyes do you see? Where are those eyes looking from? Can you be watching the movie and be in it at the same time? If you throw yourself against the screen, can you merge with the film? It’s just a movie. It’s not real, it’s just up on the screen and you’re watching it. Things become very simple. You are not the character on the screen. The movie is not real. You are just watching it. You can have no effect upon it. The movie has already been made. It is just playing. The script has been written. The actors have been cast. It has been directed and filmed. The special effects have been added.

One way to help the letting go of seeing yourself as the body and the seeing of things as they are is to change your language, certainly in your thoughts and out loud when you can get away with it. Stop referring to the physical body as I or me. Refer to that self in the third person. The words “I am” should stand alone, not to be followed by any descriptors. For example, rather than saying “I am sad” try “There appears to be sadness here”. Go a step further and replace “sadness” with words that describe the bodily sensations that seem to be present. Wherever words carry a heavy emotional weight for you, look for more neutral descriptors to use. Otherwise, you will likely go back to acting as if you are the object instead of the subject.

The question then arises as to how one becomes the Observer instead of the observed. It is important to be aware that all questions are generated by the ego mind, which is unable to ever find satisfactory answers. You can be aware that as long as there are questions and any beliefs that the body and the world are real, there cannot be a looking from the Observer taking place. All you can do is notice that you are still pretending to be the object and ask yourself who is watching this. Where is the observer located? If it is within your body, then find it. If the self seems to be interacting with the movie, who is watching this interaction? Wherever interaction is perceived, that is the observed and not the Observer. Take a step back and see who is observing the interaction. Each time you notice an identification with the actor, take another step back and see who is observing this. The part that wants to interact and believes that the movie can be changed is not the true You, the Observer, Who is simply noticing all of this. The movie, however, cannot be changed and so the actor is constantly frustrated. It is even scripted as to how long you will resist, argue, question, and continue to try to change the unchangeable before you give up trying and fall back to your true place as the Observer. You appear to have the choice to continue flailing away or to sit back, enjoy the show, and say “Pass the popcorn please”. You can’t make yourself let go and watch from the Observer’s eye, nor can you stop yourself from doing it. You cannot will yourself into being the Observer because you already are that. All you can do is notice where you wish to act and stop doing it.

One of the games of the ego mind is to say that if you are just the Observer you will no longer have any involvement with your movie, with other people, or with the world. The object “you” in the movie will still interact, but not in any attempt to change the movie nor with any goal or outcome in mind. The responses and actions will just be whatever is moving in the now. It is like improv theater. There is no conscious script nor outcome in mind. One simply responds spontaneously to the scene. The next response is absolutely dependent only on the new cues presented. There is no forethought nor afterthought. That is the game. It is comparable to a tennis match. All that matters is this shot. If your mind is anywhere else, you are not fully present for the next volley. This is just a movie. You know that you are not going to change anything; You are aware of no purpose. Yet, there You are, and you fully engage in the moment. But what possible reason could there be for an apparent birth and death, activities and relationships, failures and successes, ups and downs – all just to disappear? The ego wants you to believe that there is a purpose, a meaning in all of this. Where is it found? The Observer just witnesses apparent activity; it sees no plan. Ego mind creates a story with a beginning and ideally a happy ending. Spirit mind sees just life appearing to happen. Even for you on a spiritual path there is a thought that you will wake up and then understand the purpose and meaning of your life. You are already awake, and you can stop chasing your tail. You can begin that task by asking yourself who is chasing your tail. As you step back and observe from the true You, however, instead of understanding the answer, you will find that there are no questions. Some would say that the experience then is one of absolute Love, not as an opposite of hate or fear, but a steady state no matter what seems to be happening on the screen.

In conclusion, neither I nor anyone else can tell you how to accomplish the feat of releasing the ego self and viewing everything from the Divine Perspective. Nor can anyone explain to you what it will be like to realize the Divine View. Nobody will be there to have such an experience. There will be no sense of being awakened or enlightened because those are ideas of the separated mind. It is easier to try to tell what won’t be there. There will be nothing to fix. There will be no responsibilities. There will be nothing to understand. There will be no questions. Any questions?

Good Now


Michael Hersey


Compiled by from:

My notes:
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Is It My Intuition or Fear?

By Julie Peters

Posted on October 17, 2024



Intuition and fear often feel similar but have very different effects on our decision-making processes. Explore a therapeutic perspective on differentiating between the two.

We all know that having a connection to our intuition is a good thing. It can help us differentiate a good friend from someone who is trying to take advantage of us. It can help us move toward what we want even when other people might disagree with our choices. It can help us know whether we should go up or down, right or left. Or can it?

Intuition is, essentially, our sixth sense. It’s a feeling of knowing beneath our cognitive understanding. It’s knowing without being able to explain how we know. But what if our intuition is broken? What if what we’ve been feeling all along is actually something else, like fear?

Where Does Intuition Come From?

Intuition is important, but it’s complex. On a literal level, intuition is a sense, judgment, feeling, or emotion that arises before we have time to cognitively decide how we feel. It doesn’t come from our prefrontal cortex, the rational, thinking aspect of our brains—it comes from more primitive places: older parts of the brain, like the amygdala, and our nervous system, which is more sensitive in our gut than in our mind. Intuitive information tends to come through the body, not the thinking mind.

What we must keep in mind is that most of this information is learned. Our intuition is essentially a collection of information that we’ve gathered throughout our lives that our bodies have stored in places that don’t need thinking to activate. If we’ve been traumatized by men, for example, our “intuitive” reaction to a new man might be to push him away—even if he’s a lovely person.

There may be something more to intuition, however. Many people believe we can access something bigger than ourselves when we pay attention. We could call this Spirit, the collective unconscious, guidance from angels or spirit guides, or advice from a higher self. This type of intuition is a little different, and it works differently from the aforementioned quick reactions based on past experiences.

A Gut Feeling Versus Spiritual Intuition

In my experience, this spiritual intuition is slower and more long acting. It shows up when we are paying attention without fear or judgment; when we are “tuned in” to ourselves or another person. One way to know if this type of intuition is true spiritual guidance or just fear is if it sticks around no matter your mood, over days, weeks, or even months. This type of guidance helps you grow and learn and not just keep you safe.

Another way of defining intuition is through understanding our inner emotional compass. We were born with the capacity to feel a number of core emotions that are intended to guide us specifically in our relationships. Fear is a core emotion that tells us something is unsafe. This emotion gets a pretty bad rap, and yes, it can hold us back when we’re confusing unsafe with uncomfortable. But when things are genuinely unsafe, we should listen to our fear and get away.

Similarly, anger is a much-maligned emotion that’s supposed to help us understand our needs and boundaries and ensure we are protected. When we constantly suppress our anger, we can’t discern what our needs and boundaries even are, let alone stand up for them.

With both fear and anger (and most of the other core emotions), it’s a good idea to measure these emotions against our intelligence and the general context of what we’re experiencing. Ideally, we don’t need to react the moment we feel these emotions, but rather slow down and feel into them so we can understand the message they are trying to give us, cleared of any emotional or contextual debris (like, for example, we are tired, hungry, or dysregulated).

Intuition and the Attachment Styles

Intuition may be most challenging when it comes to love. That’s because our love relationships tend to trigger our oldest relational wounds, and it’s very easy for fear to arise and tell us we’d better not take the risk (whether that’s to stay, leave, approach someone, etc.). We learn love through the dynamics we grew up with, so if love was associated with anxiety and abandonment, for example, our “intuition” may look for those feelings in love relationships and avoid someone who invokes feelings of safety and stability.

Most of us form an attachment style in childhood that can show up in our romantic relationships looking like intuition. If we grew up with secure, consistent love, we will tend to assume love is available and possible. We’ll be less likely to become dysregulated with our partners, and it might be easier to move into a safe, connected state when we can attend to our intuition.

If we grew up with inconsistency around love in some way (including the loss of a parent or experiences of trauma), we will tend to experience anxious attachment, which means we’re much less likely to trust in our lovers. Our intuition can be overridden by a need for reassurance and closeness—even when we don’t particularly like the person we’re with.

If our needs were consistently unmet in childhood, we tend to experience avoidant attachment, which means we feel safer alone, used to meeting our own needs without the complication of another. Our intuitive responses to love will tend to lean towards breakups, distance, and separateness because those experiences feel safer. We don’t decide these reactions cognitively; they are wired in as strategies to deal with stressful childhood experiences that influence us well into adulthood.

How to Discern Between Intuition and Fear

So how do we know if it’s intuition or fear? Well, there’s truly no simple answer to this question, as intuition and fear both come with so many layers based on what we’ve been through and how tapped in we are to Spirit and ourselves. As many of us have learned, even when we’re feeling tapped in and are listening to ourselves closely, our intuition can still turn out to be wrong.

It’s important we don’t think of this “sixth sense” as infallible, like being able to look into a crystal ball and tell the future. Especially when it comes to love, it takes time to get to know people and figure out if someone is a good choice for us in the long term. Some of the work around intuition might be about trusting ourselves to take risks and make mistakes and know we’ll be okay if things don’t go the way we hoped.

That being said, here are a few hints to be able to tell the difference between unreasonable fear and healthy intuition:

  • Intuition comes through when you feel calm and safe, not when you are already dysregulated.

  • If you’re afraid, ask yourself if you are actually in danger or if something simply feels uncomfortable, challenging, or unfamiliar.

  • Pay attention to the intuitive feeling when it arises—does it pass when you eat well or get enough sleep or when an argument is resolved? Or does it stick around through various moods and cycles?


    Try to set aside overthinking and rationalization and notice what is happening in your body.
    Allow yourself to settle into one side of a decision. What do you feel in your body? If there is tension, nausea, and a sense of being “not right,” that is likely an intuitive “no.” Do the opposite, and look for a sense of settling, exhaling, calmness, and “rightness,” even if there might also be emotions like sadness and fear. That is closer to an intuitive “yes” from your body.


  • Compare your intuitive feeling against your past experiences and the opinions of trusted friends and loved ones. Maybe even ask the opinion of various “parts” of yourself.

  • Keep in mind that intuition is just one aspect of decision making, and it’s a good idea to use all your parts, your bodily reactions, your emotions, and your mind when deciding what to do.

Julie Peters


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Prometeu é o Professor
Recebido por Renée

Traduzido a Outubro 20, 2023



Alberta, Canadá, 31 De Maio De 2013.
Professor prometeu: "grandes atos de generosidade não podem ser medidos pela mente calculista, mas pelo sentimento que se experimenta no coração e pela Garantia de confiança de que uma bondade foi oferecida.
"O ato sincero de generosidade não envolve qualquer análise de sacrifício, mas é dado para aliviar o sofrimento, apoiar o crescimento e o desenvolvimento de outro, oferecer companheirismo e compaixão, consolo ou simplesmente conforto.
"A generosidade monetária tem valor se ajudar os outros a sustentar, manter ou contribuir para a sua qualidade de vida, saúde, bem-estar, felicidade ou para aliviar conflitos. 'Pequeno 'é apenas uma palavra Relativa e rotular um ato de generosidade genuína como' grande 'ou' pequeno ' é inadequado no sentido espiritual.
Em geral, se você se sentir "satisfeito com a alma" em sua ação ao escolher dar palavras, ações, tempo, apoio emocional, educacional, financeiro ou espiritual, considere-o sincero e evite glorificar seu ego anunciando o ato de dar aos outros.
"É louvável partilhar e não esperar nada em troca, mas desnecessário atribuir um sentimento de orgulho à doação, antes um sentimento de humildade, uma vez que, em última análise, todo o bem volta para vós e é um investimento de amor pelo qual fostes criados.
"Eu sou prometeu.”
* O Grupo Progress 11:11.
Todas as qualidades elementares do amor são inerentes à luz
recebemos-Prometheus, 2013.

Transcrito por  com agradecimentos a: 

As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)
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7 Things to Do When Feeling Defeated by Life

Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

September 6th, 2020.


Are you feeling defeated? I mean, are you totally and absolutely discouraged about life? If so, know this: you’re not alone.
If you’re overwhelmed, take heart, there are many other people who feel this way too. Considering the world is in turmoil right now, you’re probably hanging on pretty well. At least I hope so. If not, it’s okay. Sometimes I feel like losing hope is the default in my life too.
Do you know what to do when feeling defeated by life?
When hopelessness takes over, can you handle this feeling? I’m guessing you don’t have that much energy to do anything, right? I know I’ve spent countless hours just rolling ideas over in my head. If you’re sitting around trying to figure a way out of this feeling, then that’s a good thing.
If you’re drowning in these emotions, then you may need a hand to reach down and pull you out. I’ve needed that hand, so here’s mine. Here are a few things to do when feeling defeated. Instead of wallowing in our sorrows, let’s take action.
1. Help someone
The first thing you’ve got to understand is that the universe does not revolve around you. There are billions of people in the world with issues, just know that. While I am not discounting your pain or trauma, I am trying to reroute it.
Today, help someone, even though you may feel defeated. When you help someone else, you will make them feel better, and in turn, you will see more purpose in life. I’ve done this before when it felt like my world was falling apart. When I saw a smile on someone else’s face and knew that I helped to put it there, my whole perspective shifted.
2. Ditch comparisons
There’s something you should stop right now, and that’s comparing yourself with others. Know that no individual is exactly like another, not even identical twins. Comparing only magnifies imperfections.
So, the next time you notice an impressive quality about another person, instead of wishing for that quality for yourself, just be happy for them. Then remember this, you are only seeing what they show you. You also have great qualities and imperfections as well. Comparing yourself to others is pointless.
3. Notice the little things
Have you ever heard someone talk about “the little things in life”, and about how you should notice and appreciate them? Yeah, that’s a good idea.
While your life may be filled with humongous chaos and it does feel defeating, there are still those little positive things tucked away. Honestly, some of those little things are right in front of you, like, for instance, the gentle breeze and the beautiful blue sky.
4. Take a step at a time
If you’re feeling defeated, stop thinking of the long term destination for a while. Thinking so far ahead will put pressure on you, feeding the feelings of discouragement. If you can think of one small step directly in front of you, then you can slowly change things.
For example, you want to buy a house, but your credit is bad, you have no down payment, and you have several debts. If you keep thinking about acquiring a home more than budgeting and making smart decisions, you will be stuck in these negative feelings. It takes time to make a positive change of this magnitude. This usually calls for small steps.
5. Accept what is
Every time you ruminate about the past or think of the future, you deprive yourself of the present. Most of the time, you feel miserable. When you feel defeated, you’re living somewhere else in your mind. It’s certainly not in the present.
Perhaps you’re going back in time to think about your children when they were younger, or maybe you’re thinking of a relationship that’s long since ended, and this is unhealthy.
Also, thinking too much about how you’re going to handle situations in the future will cause the same turmoil. The only way to stop defeat is to live in the now. Take what you have and make the most of these things.
6. Embrace change
Even though you should live in the present, this doesn’t mean you cannot change things. When it comes time to make a difference in your life, don’t shy away from that. You could be feeling defeated because you keep running from the change you know that’s inevitable. Yes, change is hard, but sometimes it’s necessary in order to live a healthy existence.
7. Know thyself
This one will be a life-long learning process, so you must start immediately. If you really want to know what to do when you feel defeated by life, then here it is: learn who you are and let no one tell you otherwise. Now, this doesn’t mean you cannot take advice about bettering yourself, it just means that you shouldn’t listen to toxicity.
You will recognize toxic behavior when someone makes you doubt your self-esteem. If they say you’re self-absorbed, take a step back, and examine yourself. That’s just a healthy response. But never let them cause you to doubt your basic feelings of self-worth. This causes defeat.
Don’t give up just yet
Life is hard. I mean, it’s downright almost impossible at times. I get it. But if you are feeling defeated, it’s time to turn that around so you can be a blessing to the world, and to yourself.
These negative feelings not only waste precious time, but they also act as an emotion that spreads. Remember, when you feel defeated, there are others watching. I think we should try harder, for ourselves and for those who are influenced by our behavior.
I know we’re strong enough to be better.
Sherrie Hurd

About the author:

Staff writer at Learning Mind
Sherrie Hurd is a professional writer and artist with over 20 years of experience. As a survivor of childhood trauma and multiple types of abuse, she is an advocate for mental health awareness. Sherrie manages multiple mental illnesses, including anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. With this background and personal experience, she strives to help others overcome trauma and abuse, cope with mental illness, and heal over time.



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  5. By Tagsdefeated Feeling Personal Development Self-Improvement Sherrie Sherrie H sherrie hurd

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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  1. 2012
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  1. 2011
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