More extremely elevated cosmic energy began surging into planet Earth last evening at approximately 8:00 PM (EST), and it is continuing today.
Solar filaments that are harboring energy for intense “X-Class” flares are directly facing our planet.
Should the “X-Class” flares definitely explode, the global vibrational frequency and amplitude of Earth — the “Schumann Resonance” — will highly escalate because of the reception of shock waves.
As of now, upper “C-Class” flares (“C.8”) have erupted which are almost in the “M-Class” range.
The planetary magnetosphere is once again being densely pressured by proton plasma which has come into its far side and, as stated, pressured into it.
As we adjust to the energy that has already arrived on the planet several days prior, more energy has now come that must be adjusted to, and thus, there is a continuing need for acclimation.
We are also now fully in the portal of the coming “Super Full Moon” on Friday, November 15th, which will further heighten the “pull” upon the planet. Be aware that physical, emotional, and mental systems will be affected by these cosmic events, and we are also about to experience the “Mercury Retrograde” beginning on November 25th which will not conclude until December 15th.
The energetics affect humanity in waves during the day. For a period of time — perhaps for a few minutes or a few hours — there is a sense of stability and grounding, but then, suddenly a sense of enormous fatigue can occur along with other symptoms of the energetic surging.
Even after having had a blissful sleep at night, many people are awakening feeling very tired.
Other symptoms at this time and ongoing throughout November can be headaches, back aches, heart palpitations, dizziness, anxiety, and other discomforts.
The tremendous amounts of protons that are entering our realm are the cause of much of these symptoms; however, the process of transformation of cells and DNA which is “re-designing” every aspect of the physical vessel and consciousness, also has the same symptoms.
Therefore, a double dose of energy is occurring.
As has been previously suggested, obtain as much extra rest this month and throughout December as possible.
Obtain some nutrition even if you do not have much of an appetite. (Some people are just the opposite and are having a voracious appetite).
Vegetable smoothies, for example, are good if you lack appetite.
Drink lots of spring water because these energetics can cause dehydration and also can deplete proper oxygenation in the cells.
Do not add any unnecessary meetings or social events to your calendar.
You may not have the energy to participate, and with Mercury in its pre-shadow at this time and about to enter its full retrograde soon, anything decided upon at meetings will not succeed as planned (staff, for example, will not follow-thru for some reason or management will cancel certain happenings or some staff will resign or retire, and be unavailable, etc.).
Social events will be met with some frustration as many changes will need to be made.
We do not worship the cosmos, but the planetary energetics — created by SOURCE — do have messages and vibrations which affect each other which includes our planet Earth — known as the “Blue Planet” because of its being mostly of the water element.
Dr Schavi M Ali