P’taah: You create your own reality from your beliefs enwrapped in your emotion. You may say that emotion is the power place that enables the Universe to support what it is that you focus upon. So this, in a way, can be quite amusing if you think on it, because you focus on that which you do not want, and then wonder why you have created such!
If you continue to imagine and focus upon that which you do wish to create, then usually you may do so. However, of course, the emotional content, as we have said, in a way is the power of the creative force, and for many of you – and of course for most of you at varying times – that powerful emotion is fear.
So in a way it is to really be aware of, pay attention to, where your thoughts go and what the focus is, eh? When you come to negative thoughts, and those negative thoughts are encased in the energetic frequency of fear, then really you may guarantee that that is what it is that you shall create.
We would be delighted if you would all really come to appreciate how powerful you are, each entity.
Q: So how can I stop war?
P’taah: You focus upon peace! And that, simplistically, is the truth of it. And where there are groups of peoples who come together and focus upon peace, and actively promote peace, then indeed that will be the perceived reality.
G'day dear P'taah and Jani friends
This cactus is growing in my neighbour's yard, it's even taller than the palm trees around it and I took this photo over our back fence - I love how there are flowers everywhere I look, including up in the air, in this magic season!
Well time has been flying again and we're now nearly half way through December! So this newsletter is very late, however it was worth holding it up so it could include a wondrous festive season gift to us all from our beloved Jani - a 39 minute video of P'taah, in Jani's garden, responding to the most asked questions over the last five years (compiled from monthly Conversations with P'taah, 2019 to 2024). Many thanks to P'taah friend John for helping out, and to my dear nephew James for doing a lovely job of the filming.
You will find the full video, along with a set of bite-sized videos that align with the tracks in the November 2024 Conversation with P'taah, on the Light Source P'taah You Tube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@LightSourcePtaah
I know you all join me in expressing our heartfelt thanks to Jani for this valuable gift. I have watched these videos so many times already and always I find our beloved P'taah mesmerising, and I feel filled with love.
You can see the topics discussed in the November 2024 Conversation with P'taah here:
Jani is well, also enjoying the flowers in her garden along with the lovely rain we've been getting, perhaps heralding a start to our wet season - although you never can tell, the weather is such an adventure these days!
Jani is currently available for Personal Sessions with P'taah, a wonderful gift to yourself in these times of great change - please send an email to ptaah@ptaah.com.au if you would like to book a session, or to seek further information.
Wishing you all a wondrous, joy-filled festive season totally focused on love and peace.
With love to you all from Annie (and Jani)
Light Source P'taah