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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Decisions Part 2

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on December 20, 2024

On 17 December 2024, came the new details about the latest Co-Creators and Galacom Committee’s decisions on further Earth’s developments, which scenario for our planet and humanity will be carried out, and who is responsible for what (see – Decisions, Part 1, DNI, 15 December 2024). As it turned out, these are completely different scripts that write and implement different Higher Entities. The screenplay for humanity is created by ones, approved by others, and implemented by thirds.

In the past, Gaia was among those who endorsed of scripts, but didn’t have the right to make independent decisions and fulfill them. Now, only she and Al-Terra-Gaia have been given exclusive authority to do so. All others can act solely as consultants. Why was it different before?

The former planetary Logos was filled not only with aspects of Gaia, but also the former Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe, his then dipole World Mother Sophia, their son Yaltabaoth and other Light, Dark and Gray entities. That is why, the Earth’s Logos and Gaia couldn’t make decisions on the scenario of the planet’s evolution.

Today, after the appearance of the new 14D Logos, Al-Terra-Gaia, the situation has changed dramatically. These two Higher Entities have received exclusive rights to develop of terrestrial script and its performing, but not of human civilization, which remained of the Absolutes and Co-Creators’ prerogative and responsibility. But both “play-scripts” are aligned and sync.

From now on, on Earth, mainly Al-Terra-Gaia would face the challenge of opposing decision-making center that NAAs head and execute own script for our planet and us. And it won’t be easy to change this situation and the System, because we are flesh, blood and strength of the latter, and not even imagine our existence without it. We are its principal pillar and backbone by every our breath and wish, thought and comment, endeavor and decision. We are its masterpiece.

Bent, broken and completely subjugated by the System, we are looking for happiness only for ourselves, but will never build it, because each always searches outside for the means for this, and they are quickly exhausted. Happiness can only be shared, and as a desire to come from within, not ab extra. We don’t understand and refuse to take that, and this is the greatest achievement of the System and its division law.

The System continuously unjoints and atomizes us, at all levels and in everything. Using our tacit consent, it successfully immerses our consciousness in an impenetrable cocoon of separate existence, blocking and erasing the awareness that humanity is a single organism, an extension of the Absolute and the Source in the physical world. Everything coming from the System is aimed at destruction, schism and pitting, so that each of us is busy only with ourselves beloved and our problems.

Our endless desires are generated not by the Soul, but by the body and ego. Knowing this very well, the System fulfills them, but only for a fee, and we have to pay with the most valuable thing we have, our life force. To satisfy unlimited wishes, we spend a huge amount of mental energy, which is necessary for our right hemisphere of the brain, through which we are connected to One. And it depends solely on our free will, choice freedom and decisions, with what and by whom we fill our inner world.

For thousands of years, the NAA has been perfecting the System in order to evoke in us more and more new needs that can be met for money and other comeback. Money is always a high-priority. It concentrates and helps NAA and Darks to size the most precious asset – an enormous volume of our psychic energy. That is why they hooked us on insatiable urge to possess wealth, which fully removed the Source from our Soul and consciousness.

This bias towards the brain left hemisphere, controlled by the ego, has turned us into weak-willed and obedient zombies. We can no longer be satisfied with enough. We need more and more, and there is no end in sight. This is how we make selves, backed by the System and its MSM, the fashion and entertainment industry, advertising and the coveted Vogue world of glamour, prestige and status, stimulating us to dream about them all our lives.

We have forgotten why we came to this world, aggressive, vindictive and cruel. Having turned into an insatiable consumer of things, entertainments, games and bets, gambling and profiteering, we are trying to drown out pain and loneliness, to shield selves from destructive external influences. But it does not come from there, but from our own depths and desire to get away from reality. This is how we extinguish an inexhaustible and most powerful spring of power – the Source’s Spark in our Soul.

The instinct of self-preservation is natural, and inherent in all living things. But in us it’s perverted by the ego, which generates a lot of fears in our consciousness. The ego serves as both a refuge and a prison. Inside it, we are calm and comfortable, but our heart is tightly isolated in cage from the rest of the world and the awareness of the scale and speed of its transformation. Our perverted taking and distorted decisions are also a System’s highest achievement.

By masterfully manipulating our ego, free will and choice freedom, the System went further, herding and locking us in many ghettos – nationalities, States, various faiths, classes, parties, movements, communities, etc. Completely identifying ourselves with them, we build new insulating walls and boundaries with our own decisions and hands. But inside “gutta” we face the same conflicts and wars, poverty and greed, avarice and corruption, the cult of profit and power.

The System is not only and not so much an infrastructure. It is a giant energy being, alive and super intelligent, invisible and ubiquitous globally. It was created 70 thousand years ago, during the war of the Third Atlantis and its NAA, Dracos and Repts inspirers, against Hyperborea (see – On The Way To The 5TH Race, Part 3, DNI, 18 October 2020) that never stopped and again is at the height today.

That egregore accumulated and bears the fierce hate, aggressiveness, egoism and power thirst of Atlantis’ Black Priests, their zealots and inheritors. In subsequent eras, other similar field creatures joined its core, producing a huge pyramid on the Subtle Plane. On surface, it manifests as a global power structure that trapped the dirtiest collective thought forms of dehumanized elites and their genetic hybrids (see – Clones, DNI, 11 October 2024).

On the body of Earth and the Local Universe, this field pyramid is a cancerous tumor. It lives only by constantly feeding on our negative energy, which cannot produce itself. This is one of the main reasons why NAA and their minions planted so many bloody cults and rituals on Earth, staged dozens of pandemics, hundreds of global cataclysms and thousands of wars, which till today fill the egregores with strength and vitality (for more, see – Our Egregores, Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5, DNI, 29 and 31 January, 3, 4 and 5 February 2022).

Only we voluntarily back the System with our life force, helping it rule the world. All our suffering, fears and conflicts are vital to the pyramid. Without us, it cannot exist. By feeding it with our energy, we increase its deficit within ourselves, which makes us weak, manageable and obedient in opposing the Source. Similar to NAA and Darks, we are extremely aggressive and accusatory in our hatred of Co-Creators. Entered any website, we elevate selves above these silly little chaps and cast in their face our harshest words and raps.

We always thought it was funny that they reacted by saying that they were not at fault and that we were the only ones at fault. That’s why things turned out like this. So did Co-Creators do a good job and take care of us so that we suffered through all these bad things? They are clearly responsible for this situation, so they are trying to solve the problem. The rest of us, except them, failed to solve the issue. The problem is that if they handle it inefficiently, we are the ones who suffer the damage and pain, so we have the right to comment on that. It’s the same as when someone else makes a mistake and the wrong person gets hurt. They are quite self-centered, lack empathy, and have unfair aspects.

The most frustrating thing is that due to the neglect of your race and the higher races, the good people on Earth have already been defeated by the bad people and have to live day by day, but you higher races have not helped them, so the good people have to survive on their own. Many people have become disabled, sick, or dead because they could not endure. Isn’t it a pity that they have to suffer crimes and survive because there is no protection for them? Are those good people just throwaway cards to you? Why don’t you directly help solve the space problem or racial attacks?

What do you want people who have already been hurt to do? People who can’t even endure for a day or two? How will the already suffering good beings endure when their Co-Creator does not even provide them with a meal or help? Where can they get help when the social system and public officials are already on the side of the invading race? … Just kill all the bad guys quickly and it will be easy and convenient to solve the problem and the planet will be better. These are such long-winded situations. When is it done? You have to get rid of all the darkness. Don’t Co-Creators have ability to do that? It would be easier if they just got rid of everything…

In that nicest kind of us Al-Terra-Gaia would have to make decisions and act. It has time until 21 December 2024. And on the 22nd, an evolutionary program (event scenario) for the next cycle period, Co-Creators will loaded into the Causal Matrix of the Earth’s Logos. What it will be, Disclosure News will inform very soon.


 Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Decisions Part 1

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on December 18, 2024

On 12 December Earth’s time, at Galactic Committee, went an enlarged Evolutionary-Karmic Council, focused on terrestrial issues. Based on analysis provided by its experts and the discussions that took place, the planetary scenario for the next stage was approved. For the first time in the Earth’s history, the decision on it was made not by Co-Creators, but by the new Earth’s 14D Logos, Al-Terra-Gaia. This info was conveyed by the Lightwarriors’ ground team, which online followed the entire session from the Power Place at Mountain Elbrus, Caucasus. Details are disclosing gradually, and DNI will continue sharing them.

No matter how significant the role of the 14D Logos, the Pleroma, its Hierarchs and Co-Creators may be, in the “field” the main work is loaded on us. That is why and for what we came to Earth, and before the incarnation, each made the following commitment:

‘I fully understand and accept everything that is occurring on Earth now, and what may happen to me, us and everyone who went here to work and develop, in this third density and its evolutionary platform. My task is to wake up all I can reach, as much as possible and to the maximum, for upgrading and moving forward. This goal stands, stood and may remain as the basis of this planet, which I chose, where came to and will stay on by my free will and choice freedom.

I accept the terms of a complete shutdown of my memory and all resources, which I used in other dimensions and worlds where I came from. I understand that this platform is made for those who come here gain experience and learn to evolve in unusual conditions and without previously used means. I’m aware that only with the correct passage of the levels and the plan of incarnation, I could restore the channel of communication, capacities and access to information that I had before coming on Earth, and totally recall myself.’ (For more on the topic, see – Friendly Space Races, Part 1-1Part 1-2Part 1-3Part 2Part 3-1Part 3-2, DNI, 24, 26, 28 June and 14, 16 July 2021; The Adjusters, DNI, 27 December 2021; Mission, DNI, 10 October 2023; Live Portals, DNI, 26 February 2024; Holders, DNI, 18 August 2024).

Today, on Earth, live more than a billion descendant of other worlds – Starseeds, Indigo, Crystalline, Radiant and Star entities, Lightworkers and others. They began to come here in the 50s with the aim of changing our civilization from the inside during the most dangerous period for it and the Local Universe. By starting atomic tests in the 40s, we thereby showed our complete inadequacy in assessing the consequences of our actions.

According to Cosmic Laws, Co-Creators cannot interfere with evolution and violate free will and choice freedom. But nuclear explosions and other experiments like the Large Hadron Collider ruptured the 3D Matrix and protective fields between dimensions and worlds, and our technogeek “pranks”, plus, an endless jets and flows of hate and aggression, threatened other evolutionary schools. That is why UFO sightings have become more frequent since then. We not only demonstrated the ugliest selves in physical reality, but also opened loopholes into others densities, from where new NAA, Darks and Grays rushed down upon Earth.

Due to our arms race, non-stop wars and other insanities, Co-Creators decided to “dilute” the Earth’s suicidal civilization with representatives of positive space races who could bring new ideas, new knowledge and new psychology to us. First, our planet sent a hyper-spatial SOS, to which many Light Hierarchs and civilizations responded. Then, the newcomers’ arrival kicked off through reincarnations and Souls’ exchanges. The pathbreaking volunteers landed here in the 1950s-1970s and got the toughest experience. Unfortunately, it was no easier for the second wave in the 1970s-1990s, and the third – since the early nineties to the present, when the flow became highly intensive.

Today, more and more of us are opening info space channels offline. This indicates that many already upgraded in solving personal Rubik’s cube, and it’s time to move on, actively focusing on wakening up others. It makes no sense to remain silent. The more mute we are, the longer we sit alone, trying to comprehend what’s going on and/or considering selves chosen or lost, and fully unprepared to commune with like-minded ones.

There’s not much time left. Judging by events in the world, the global transition and interaction towards self-organization and unification of collective consciousness through the planetary neural network – the Earth’s crystal lattice – has accelerated. How peaceful and long this process will be depends only on us and our willingness to share new info and help each other.

Everything around us has consciousness, and each of these consciousnesses can choose any dimension, space and platforms of evolution at will. From other Planets, Stars, Galaxies, Metagalactics, Logos and Universes, they came to Earth to learn, challenge selves and gain new experience. For billions of years, our terrestrial home was a testing ground for mixing different types of consciousness. Each entity that comes here brings only echoes of the achievements reached in other worlds. Here, in 3D, their capabilities are averaged with the aborigines, and all play on equal terms.

A physics student cannot go down to the nursery and openly talk about astrophysics to tots. He has to lower self to their level. This is the only way for dialogue between them. When the higher Stellar consciousness descend down into 3D to awaken and train us, first, it must understand how to live and work in our toxic and hateful reality, and how to interact with our deranged taking. In their dimensions and worlds, many consciousnesses don’t have opportunity to share knowledge and experiences with others – the languages, call signs and protocols differ too much from each other. Earth is a unique melting pot where this is possible.

Our planet is growing up, developing and realizing self as a whole. People are its neural network. When we learn to understand that we are one, even though came from different Universes and densities, and must play as a team, then we realize our “I Am” and own mission. Experience is gained at all levels – by 14D Logos, Al-Terra Gaia, through it, – by 3D Gaia, and via the latter, – by us, its guests. Recently, the central crystals of the Moon and the Sun were synchronized, and new information waves are going through them to Earth. We feel the effects of this energy too, but its primary target is our planet, not earthlings.

In the Greater Cosmos and for the Source, the value of Earth is much higher than humanity, despite the absolute importance of the current Fifth Race. The planet hosts a lot of peaple, and all are relatively easy to replace, with all their perceptions, crystals, physical and Subtle Bodies. In addition, by incarnations we can travel in various dimensions forever. But Earth is the only one like that. Too much effort and resources were invested in, and carrying it through death and birth cycles is unacceptable for the Almighty, the Absolutes and the Universe. That is why Co-Creators guide it, adjust, correct and carefully protect.

With the help of powerful Solar storms, they synchronize its new codes, but this affects us indirectly. And as much as we would like to do otherwise, our primary task in this incarnation is not to work on Earth, but for and with Earth! We did not come here to play in the sand-pit, but to fulfill the terms of our mission. This is the most important, key moment.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t get the Earth’s priority. Even less are we aware of the fact that it’s not Gaia who must imbue us with positive energy, but we should empower her. This also applies to embodied Indigo, Crystalline, Radiant and Star beings. After completing incarnation, they return to their home worlds and dimensions. But Earth remains, and for the Source and the Absolute it is much more valuable than we, so beloved and dear to selves.

The ongoing layering of 3D and 5D realities resembles the pressing, which helps to shape the curd into a firm block where gathered everything low vibrational, toxic and negative, and sealed for future use in other densities. The freed platform will be more open, with accessible channels to the higher realms. But this is done as soon as it’s ready. The activators have been running for a long time, the clock is ticking, the Pleroma is waiting. Only when the key elements are synchronized, and the rest will catch up with them, then the process will speed up. In the meantime, it’s at the start of the final straight. The spread between those who joined with Darks and Lights is so huge, and 3D reality is so strongly shaken and literally cracking at the seams due to their incompatibility.

Our mood swings and malaise right now aren’t accidental. It is caused not only by powerful quantum waves from the Galactic Center, aimed at supporting Earth and the vibrational stratification of earthlings. A strong impact on us comes on the surface from the activators and, in parallel, from NAA and their ruling minions, who don’t benefit from it. The activators draw lines and form an iridescent golden sieve. The latter sifts all the components of the planetary ecosystem into two layers according to the level of vibrational densities. So, two realities appear on opposite sides of the grid (sieve), with their basic parameters, but differ in density and frequencies. How does this occur technically?

Crystalline quantum flows create a multidimensional network, which is built on the principles of sacred geometry. A pattern of quantum ribbons running from one nodal activator’s crystal to another, together, form the basic edge of the structure. With the addition of the third key node, a facet appears. Several facets make a sifting grid. A subnet is built inside each facet. The activators’ crystals of the second wave turn on; the lattice cells become even smaller and thicker, and are pierced by new quantum strings.

To fill the structure with energy, make it continuous and transfer from discrete analog to quantum, the connections between the key nodes are debugged and synchronized at the crystal level. All the elements work as a single unit. And through this sieve, all Grays and Darks’ dirt is squeezed out and removed into a dense 3D part, filtering the Earth’s space into low and high freqs parts.

This network unites us not physically, but by thoughts, feelings and states. It does not impose the ideas, but unlocks a new breadth of perception, a vision of ourselves and the world. The energy and will accumulation for pumping up the network comes, first of all, from the activators’ crystals and the Earth’s Higher Consciousness. At the lower levels, only intention and free will work, which remains untouchable.

We must not forget where a road, laid out of good intentions, can lead, so always need a commune with Earth, our Soul and the Source’s Spark in it. They alone know how not to harm and not to do evil with good. Today, most people are only interested in their own problems, and don’ give a damn to the rest around. But if we don’t do anything for the world, should it do something for us?

It became very difficult to establish contact based on complete trust, even with like-minded people. Petty conflicts and suspicions constantly arise. We have all the necessary means initially – communication, friendship, respect and interaction, built on mutual confiding and leading to vibrational/energetic co-resonance. The larger is harmonious interaction, the more powerful its potential, influence and speed of manifestation.

But we still stuck in choice: either to take off all the dampers and shields set by our ego and learn to feel and radiate with our Soul, or remain in multi-layered armor, like armadillos, unable to change anything. How many of us can open up Spiritually and, at this level, maintain relationships with friends, loved ones and twin flames? Are we able to transform commune from information exchange into energy interaction, making it basic?

Co-Creators give us a unique opportunity to learn to take each other without blinkers and suspicions, without seeking out the other’s flaws and imposing our views, without arguing whose practice is more true and reliable… Redirect our thinking and life from the closed, centripetal (the basis of my world is me) to the open, centrifugal (the basis of my world is everything that exists, since I am everywhere).

Codes synchronization affects everything, and it cannot be otherwise, because everything is interconnected. It’s much easier for Earth now because it gets what it needs from many cosmic sources. In turn, the planet begins to restore its balance, to build a new 5D space, and this will continue to have a strong impact on all of us. Could we cope with it? All of this was taken into careful consideration by the Galactic Committee when deciding who would now be primarily responsible for Earth.

(To be continued)


 Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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