We are here to acknowledge you with our love, support and this energy conveyed by these words. We are reminding you that you are the chalice, the physical container so to speak that is receiving the impulse of cosmic and galactic energies. These energy impulses and frequencies are offered to all. Yet many are blocked by their own limited beliefs and programmed patterns.
When energies of transformation are offer to a dimensional reality which has a free will aspect, it is always honored. So the energies of new patterns, possible realities and shifts are made available however these energies require a conscious willing receptive host that is physical in that dimension. So dear one, you are invited to be the host of this new transformation energy that is bathing every aspect of your planet.
You are witnessing the upheaval, chaos, turmoil and agitation taking place at this time. Individual are being triggered, repressed emotions can no longer be suppressed. You are observing the collective shadow rising up. There is an emotionally charged pushing against the differences. These are patterns that have been in the collective throughout time.
Even in the midst of this out picturing of violence and hatred that is a force moving through the awakened ones, like yourself, who are holding the pattern and template of a new reality. You are the driving force that will bring about this incredible transformation of consciousness. You are witnessing and are a very important player in this true shift of the ages.
Be mindful as you observe and witness what is happening around your world that is in such discord, do not let your vibration and focus drop to match that dense negative frequency. When this takes place you are adding to the very thing you want to transmute. Quickly shift how you are responding to what you are observing, do not let yourself be "plugged in" to these patterns of dysfunction being express by mass consciousness.
You selected to be here at this time doing this amazing transformational work. Own it. Step into your personal ownership of your power and magnificence. In the face of all that appears dark, fearful, and impossible, continue to hold and anchor firmly a new life sustaining reality.
With every thought, word and intention consciously seed the incoming cosmic energies with
with the unlimited possibilities of a future in which all people are honored, all people are care for and respected. A reality in which humankind is in partnership with nature and all living things.
Trust us when we say you remember other realities in which this these truths are so. This planet is a living library of the galaxy. It has been seeded by many, many life forms and patterns. Look around with awe and amazement at the diverse life forms and expressions. Divine expression has
offered this unlimited unfolding of life. You as a divine creator are participating in securing these multitudes of life forms in a space of harmony and peaceful co-existence.
What you are witnessing is the trashing out of the misqualified energy, suppression and misuse of personal power. We assure that the expression of love, gratitude and appreciation anchored and offered by all those who are awake and aware at this time are making a difference.
If you could see the expression of divine light radiating from those offering the highest frequency consciousness you would be humbled. So we invite to stay strong in your dedication and purpose as you walk your personal life. You are a part of the divine light we are speaking about.
The shadow aspect of your planets journey to ascension will be a small part of the story in the total amazing unfoldment. The possible realities that are being downloaded into the minds of conscious earthwalkers now would astound and amaze you. This planet is on the threshold of another so to speak awakening renaissance. This planet is moving up the spiral of evolution and rebirth in the most divine expression of the truth.
In order for this to occur the dense misqualified energy must be transformed. It cannot be transformed when it is hidden or suppressed. Once this energy of anger/rage, hatred, prejudge
is no longer hidden but exposed to the light of true understanding it will dissipate and lose its power.
Each awakened being is given all the celestial support they request to do this work of shifting and transforming the expression of misqualified emotions and energies. Think of the negative energy as a dark space, and you bring some form of light to that space, some of the darkness evaporates. Now consider millions and millions of conscious light beings shining their personal light onto this darkness until it is no longer visible or expressed.
This is truly what is occurring now. You are personally participating in bringing consciousness and light energy to the dark shadows of your personal life expanded to the collective. So whatever you are experiencing that feels and appears as shadow, be diligent and dedicated in offering a higher frequency of divine understanding and transformation.
Remember you are powerful beyond measure. You have the entire company of divine being available upon request. Be excited that you are finally able to anchor a new amazing reality, there are crews of awaken beings along with you who are bringing about this shift.
The future possibilities are being called forth. In which this planet will be restored to it pristine integrity, with clear air, clean water, respect of nature and all sentient beings living in harmony. Hold this vision, hold this truth, seed this reality. Imagine it the way you want it to be and know it is possible. It is you as divine creator who will call this forth.
We are honored to embrace you and acknowledge your courage to be embodied. We acknowledge the challenges that you transform with each and every breath. Know that you are loved and surrounded by our deep gratitude. the 'team'
©2024 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
"The Team"