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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Living as a Hybrid Being on Earth

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channel Daniel Scranton

Posted on February 9, 2025

We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
You are remarkable beings, and many other beings throughout the galaxy and the universe are taking notice of humanity. You have traveled quite a bit to get to where you are, to lower your vibration enough to be able to have the myriad experiences that you do there on Earth, and all of it is fascinating to consciousness from all across this universe. We get to share the galaxy of the Milky Way with all of you, and we feel very fortunate to be able to call you our galactic family. We know that the choice to be there on Earth is often questioned by you throughout the life that you are living, and we know that you can be facing many different challenges all at once. And we want you to know that it serves you very much at times just to let go.
Let go of the idea that you are supposed to be somewhere other than where you are. Let go of the notion that you should be further along than you are right now. Let go of any attachment that you have to your life being different from how it is right now. Let go, let go, and let go some more, and you will find yourself sinking comfortably into the now moment, where you can, upon letting go of the struggle, just settle in and experience it. Experience it from the knowing that you are creating it for your own highest good. Experience it with the knowing that it will be changing all the time, no matter what it is that you are experiencing. Experience reality as it is right now with the knowing that you can access more of who you really are when you slow down and stop altogether, and you can be more of a human/Source Energy hybrid.
And as you recognize this, you can see how facing emotions is a big part of the ride, a big part of the journey, because much of what you do there on Earth is to cover up, to mask, to suppress, to numb yourselves to one or more emotions. But as you face them and move through them, you become more powerful, like steel that has been forged by fire. You become ready for what is coming next, and you can experience whatever is coming next in a new and more aligned way, because when you find yourself, you find your whole self. And your whole self, when guiding you, can do so with far more knowledge from the higher mind.
We want you to know that we feel you have been doing a wonderful job under the circumstances of all that life has to throw at you, and we want you to know that it’s also going to get better because the higher consciousness that is upon you is taking effect. You are being gripped by higher-frequency energies, and you are shaking loose all that is lower vibrational. And you are becoming one with your whole selves, so that you can experience this next period of your lives with much more joy, love, excitement and peace in your hearts, and that’s all you can ever really ask of yourselves. Change your experience of reality right now, and change everything. That is the way to live as one who is a human/Source Energy hybrid.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
Daniel Scranton


My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Urgente message for the Lightworkers

From Metatron, Sananda, Mother Mary, Ashtar

 Channel: Dancing Dolphin

Posted Aeptember 5, 2024



Hello, Lightworkers! I felt a giddy energy this morning combined with an intense heart-filled love that made me cry. I sensed that someone wanted to give me a message for the Lightworkers and I could feel the urgency of it. I am grateful for the holiday weekend in the USA so I was able to sit down to my computer. After grounding and protection I asked Metatron to guard the gate and to speak as well if he wished.

Archangel Metatron



Hello, Diana, it is I, Metatron here to serve as your Gatekeeper and also I wish to speak with the Lightworkers. Seems like many of you have had a difficult time with the energies ramping up so high. This is to be expected. You are doing a stellar job of holding the light and anchoring it into Gaia. I have seen that some of you feel like you’re not doing a good job—but you are indeed. You are doing fabulously just by BE-ING here, boots on the ground and bringing this extra intense light energy in through your physical bodies. It’s OK to feel exhausted, drained of all energy, body aching all the time, etc. Please listen to your body and follow it’s direction on what it needs; be it extra rest, fluids, grounding, salt bath, what have you. It will tell you what it needs. Please honor it and this will ease your symptoms.

You ARE doing God’s work! This IS what you came here to do and you are doing it marvelously. You also cannot help but share and shine this light as you go about your day. Whether you are grocery shopping, meditating, crashed out on the couch, or at work. Your bodies have been integrating these light downloads and have transmuted it into useable energy to beam out. Do you see? You are indeed lighthouses!!! You are blasting this light and love out to those who are wondering about aimlessly in the dark. They need you and you are there! And all you need BE is to BE there—on Gaia. You don’t have to DO anything other than to be BE.

Of course, there are ways you can focus and send out your energy to directed places or people who need it most. Or, you can visualize covering your whole globe with a blanket of soft, white comforting light. You have wanted to be ‘of service’ and I wanted to speak today to inform you that you are indeed being of service this very moment!! This happens as you sip your coffee (or tea), pet your dog (or cat) and daydream about shining light and love to all those around you. Imagine a 5 mile radius around your home. Start small. Fill it with light and love, then continue to expand it to your city, state, country and then to all of Gaia. The more you share, the more your heart will burst with love! Try it! It makes this one cry. This pure Source love and light is so intense and yet gentle.

You are all doing a stellar job. Please know this in your hearts. You are accomplishing your mission at this very moment. Find the peace in that for it is truth. Others who had similar missions may have crossed over but they are able to continue their mission from where they are. You are supported from many realms, dear hearts. This life has not been a fool’s errand, or one lived in vain. It is a successful life and one well lived. You have all suffered greatly but have stayed strong. How do I know this? If you weren’t strong, you wouldn’t still be here doing this sacred work. Staying steady to offer those who are lost a loving hand or hug. “Everything will be OK” your energy says to them. Things may get rockier from here but stand strong together, dear Lightworkers! Shine your lights, blast them out of your Lighthouses and know that you are supported and loved. This is your Metatron.

Thank you, dear Metatron for this inspiring message!!

You are welcome dear heart. Now I shall serve as your Gatekeeper and allow the next speaker to come through.



Lovely, Diana. It is I, Sananda here to bring you grateful tidings of love on this fair day. I have seen how many Lightworkers are indeed putting on a tough face and taking a stand when it comes to raising their frequency in order to help the collective ascend. They are working very hard and we see this. We want to say Thank You from the bottom of our hearts! Monitoring your positive thoughts, emotions and energy is of utmost importance at this time. Thank you!!!! Your service is very much appreciated and treasured, dear Lightworkers. Your energy boosts will continue to be ramped up by Mother God/Source and by your Galactic Family who are also sending these intense energies to Gaia. This will continue in volume and intensity until the Grand Solar Flash will burst upon the scene.

I understand and empathize with you on feeling like sometimes it’s just too much. This one sometimes feels like she is charged up like a battery and we have seen her use her grounding mat to help elevate that feeling. It is highly recommended to do whatever you can to bring yourself & your body comfort. Brother Metatron spoke on this subject beautifully before I stepped in, so I will not repeat.

I am here to thank you and remind you to monitor your thoughts, for your thoughts have very strong manifestation powers. Only focus on what it is you wish to amplify! Sometimes you may wake up ‘in a funk’ as this one says. You can change this just by focusing on happy thoughts as you all know, but often forget. Another example is how your body is hurting and you may suddenly think “I’m getting sick.” Your body goes hot to cold in a flash, you’re dizzy, head hurts, joints ache, etc. A way to turn around this thinking is to acknowledge that it’s the energies that are causing you to feel this way. Know that you are healthy!! You are healthy! Think positively in all aspects as much and often as you can. We are encouraging you to do this, to consciously do this until it becomes an unconscious response. These small actions collectively raise humanity’s vibration. Every action counts dear hearts!

We are with all of you every moment of every day and night! We send you our love! We are winning! You have our love and support always. We will see you soon and you will celebrate with us!

Mother Mary



Dear heart, this is Mother Mary, I am the Ascended Master know as Mother Mary. I wanted to step up to speak to all Lightworkers on this day to offer my heartfelt respect for what you have accomplished so far, and to offer the encouragement to stay on track and keep going! You amaze me. You all amaze me! Your strong and steady dedication to your mission is a tribute to your pure hearts. To still be here at this stage of the game is nothing short of an astonishing accomplishment. You are the pinnacle of light warriors! Thank you, I AM grateful for your Service!!!!!

Yes, we all work as a Team and we all have our specialties. Yours is to be a transmuter of the light and yes, a Lighthouse to power it out all over Gaia, to each and every person. Time is short until your mission is complete. Please continue doing what you came here to do for a short time longer until it is done. We need you. We support and love you unceasingly. Call on any of us, call on me and we will be here to lift you up! Instantly! You are never alone, many of us are by your side at all times.

You are strong! You are light warriors and love holders. You receive Mother God’s light, transmute it with your bodies and then share it with her love infused in the light blasts that you send. You can do this right now from you room or your car! Intention is key as you know. You are the pure hearts with intense courage who took on this mission and we will all be victorious! What a long journey we have enjoyed and endured together. We have all played many parts, taken on various lifetimes, bodies and missions to get here. We’re a breath away from the finish line, dear hearts!!! Soon you will enjoy our loving embrace and celebrate with us. We in the higher realms see this and are pre-celebrating at this moment. Bask in our love, encouragement, respect and awe of YOU. I AM your Mother Mary.



What can I say? What is left to say when one goes last? (chuckles). This is Ashtar and I represent your Galactic Family, dear ones. The Angelics and Ascended Masters have been represented here and so I thought I would give you my perspective and voice. This Grand Experiment has been going on for eons and is “a breath away” of being complete, we are told.

Gaia was over-run with the dark and it was ALL OF US who answered the call from Mother God to step up and return the Light to Gaia so she and her people may ascend. Yes, we all took on many characters, suits, lives in many forms to assist. “High” or “low” we have always worked together. We planned out our lives before coming into existence each time. You–all of you–have Soul Sparks (as this one calls them), or “other lives” where you were indeed a Galactic. And, we galactics have all had experiences living on Gaia or other planets. This long, arduous Ascension process has occurred all over the galaxy and universe. Gaia’s rebirth is not the first and will not be the last. This does not in any way diminish any of our work!!

Gaia’s Ascension has been a monumental undertaking for all of us. I dare say though, it has been one of the most difficult that I recall. The level of complexity of The Plan is daunting. As you may or may not see, the continuing efforts of your planet’s military combined with our assistance at Mother God’s request to remove the dark ones from your planet has been arduous to say the least. That, combined with the dismantling the powers of the dark ones over your world’s leaders and governments is another aspect that we, your Galactic Family, have been working on for many, many years. We have indeed been working with Gaia’s light forces and your Leaders with a light quotionet high enough to visualize and make this plan a reality. The dark had taken over every aspect of humanity and that tangled web has been difficult to remove. We also are grateful for the support of Light Beings and loved ones who have crossed over to assist us with this exhausting work.

We (the Galactic Federation as you call us) are a collective of many galaxies who have a commitment to assist Mother God with her pronouncements. We could not have continued this work without the spiritual assistance that we have received. You–Lightworkers, the “boots on the ground” are an integral part of this enormous mission! We all have our talents and together we are a well-oiled machine, using this one’s parlance. I do not have the knowledge of when our missions will be complete. However, I wanted to offer our thanks and support to our Gaian brothers and sisters. We all shall meet soon and we are greatly looking forward to it! We love you immensely.

THANK YOU, Metatron, Sananda, Mother Mary and Ashtar for coming to speak with us this morning. We are very grateful for your love, support and offers of encouragement.

Dancing Dolphin


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

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What is Sacred?


Through Suzanne Lie


September 17th, 2020

Note: due tags' overload.

Dear Galactic Family,

I am asking you within this NOW to assist us, the members of Earth's humanity, to understand what is really happening to our beloved planet Earth, also known as Gaia. I have always felt that you, the members of our Galactic Family, are always around, beyond and above us, as well as "within us." 

I sense that now, more and more each day, more and more of us are remembering that WE are the "Ones who forgot to forget"  

What is it that we "forgot to forget?" We forgot to forget that there are other, higher frequencies of reality. Some of us, in fact, more and more of us, are beginning to remember a certain family that resonates to another reality. 

This "other reality" is actually a higher frequency of the reality that we have known as planet Earth. Of course, we cannot be positive that our imaginations, and dreams, are actually memories. And we cannot be positive that these "memories" are being remembered by more and more of what we have called "third dimensional humans." 

"What is a third dimensional human?" one may ask. In fact, more and more of us are beginning to remember, imagine, dream about, and/or desire to learn and/or remember more  about that which is just beyond our ability to fully remember and experience.

But now, something is happening to our third dimensional Earth, as well as to our third dimensional life. The planet Gaia, has come into the NOW in which She can no longer tolerate the human abuse to Her wonderful planetary self. 

Gaia wonders why her humans have somehow allowed the vast destruction that has been occurring on Her planetary body. Fortunately, there are awakened humans who are also wondering what is happening to Gaia, and why it is happening within this NOW. 

Why now, and How can all this horrible destruction occur? 

Gaia has suffered many difficult times of upheaval, wars, storms and fires. However, the fires that are occurring now, in more and more parts of western United States are a call for humanity to examine how this vast destruction could occur.

The vast destruction of so much of Gaia's beautiful Earth, Air, and Water, has be taken over by the vast and total destruction of much of Gaia's beautiful Nature. Many brave humans have been risking their lives to conquer the many fires and to save as much of Gaia's wonderful Nature that they can.

"Why, why is this happening?" many humans are asking. However, Gaia cannot answer these questions as She is too busy fighting for Her Planetary SELF. 

Yes, we understand that humans seldom think of Nature as being a REAL Being! However, all the beings of Nature, including the many humans who also love nature, and also loved the homes, and entire neighborhoods, that were lost, the air that is toxic, and the many trees, plants and animals that are all fighting for their lives. 

But how can a tree fight for it's life, or the sky fight for it's clarity and/or the waterways to fight to  stop filling up with ashes and fallen trees and/or homes?  Just as many humans  have also lost their homes, many animals, birds, and all other forms of life have lost their homes, as well as their lives.

Yes, in every third dimensional reality there are good times and difficult times. However,  these "difficult times" are much, much worst than just "difficult!" These are times in which humanity, who is supposed to be the most evolved beings on the Gaia's Earth, is suffering WITH Gaia's Earth.

Long ago, many "primitive humans" knew that they could communicate with Gaia's Earth, with Gaia's  air, with Gaia's water and could communicate with Gaia's fire. These "primitive people" thought of Gaia as a "living being." 

In fact, these "primitive ones" believed that they could get directions about how to live their lives by looking into their fires, walking the Earth, smelling the air, and entering their waterway, so that they could better communicate with Gaia in a very intimate and sacred manner.

But, then the humans became "civilized!" Then the humans where better than the elementals of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. They were too "advanced" to think of Nature as a "Living Being." 

The humans no longer noticed when Gaia was calling them to "provide a sacred ritual," "talk with the ancient Ancestors," "Communicate with the animals of the forest, the birds of the sky, or the messages from their small fires, or by bathing in  Gaia's sacred waters.

In fact, the "primitive ones" knew that ALL of Gaia was SACRED. The "primitives" knew that they could see the messages in the stars, in the sky, and in their sacred fires. The "primitive ones" thought of Gaia as their Mother Earth and Father Sky protected them. 

The primitives knew how to communicate with all of life because they were PART of all of life.

The primitives did not need to be better than the world around them. Instead, they worshiped the world around them.

In fact, the world around them was also within them, above them and below them because the Earth, the Air, the Fire, and the Water was ALL sacred.

And then... The "white man" came and NOTHING was sacred to them, except for money.

Suzanne Lie


Compiled by from: 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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  1. 2014
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  1. 2013
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  1. 2012
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  1. 2011
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