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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Earth Does not Belong to the Darkness. It Belongs to the Light

Posted by Steve Beckow

Posted on November 15, 2024

How could we lose?


In my opinion, getting President Trump elected to drain the swamp is only half the battle. The other half is to dislodge the deep state from government altogether. And they will cry “Hitler!” in the process.

However, if we compared Hitler to today’s deep state in America, which uses bioweapons, weather-warfare weapons, and directed-energy weapons on their own people, I think the ones behind the Biden/Harris administration would prove to be the heirs of Hitler. In fact I think Hitler would have been dazzled by their handiwork.

President Biden and his family ran a money-laundering operation, with wars being the reason for sending the money in the first place. One of the functions of the Ukrainian war, apart from using (up) the military-industrial complex’s newest products, is, I believe, to launder money, much of it back to the original donors, plus.

It’s a way of getting the taxpayer’s money eventually into the pockets of the Biden family and their cronies. And the Democratic Party, etc. (1)

But winning the election, in my very humble opinion, is not by any means the end of the journey.

It’s just two knights putting on their armor for the tournament. The deep state is by no means dead and is well used to working in opposition. Think: Intrigue. Machiavelli. The Medicis.

Except this time the imponderables are helping the deplorables. This time the invisible forces that God revealed to Elijah’s servant (those who are with us are far greater than those who are against us) work with us as well.

Archangel Michael picked up where Elijah left off and discussed some of those invisible helpers:

Archangel Michael: Our tipping point is when the darkness becomes far too powerful and too strong – it has to be within the purview and choice, the Dream, of the Mother – it has to be exposed and destroyed, and that point was reached some time ago. …

We do not come forth like a raging force of avenging angels. We do not come forth in what many have described as ‘Armageddon.’ No.

We have come forth, yes, in exposure, but also in sacred union partnership – that is why there are so many angels on Earth at this time – and it is a sacred partnership to, quite literally not just stem the tide but to turn the tide.

It is not about to happen. It has happened! What you are seeing is what that looks like. So pay attention, bright one. The little signs and the big signs are all around you. (2)

I’m looking, Lord.

What would a sign look like?

I don’t know how many times I’ve watched the video of the UFO over Vandenberg disabling their nuclear missile. Or heard Capt. Robert Salas describe the neutralization of all Minutemen rockets in their silos at Malmstrom AFB many years ago now. (3) Those were two pretty clear signs.

If I were to assert that our star family won’t permit the use of nuclear weapons, I’d point to these two incidents as my evidence. You now can see how all this talk about nuclear war and Kim Jong Un shooting another “nuclear” missile into the sky is all theatrics. (4) Just to wake people up.

So this is not just the Untouchables against Al Capone. This is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets. It is Biblical.

And the message of it is: Earth does not belong to the darkness. It belongs to the Light.


(1) You and I know how fruitless money-laundering will be. By Executive Order 13818, all ill-gotten wealth such as this will be confiscated. When Bill Gates was arrested by Special Forces, he said he’d make them rich if they’d let him go. They informed him that he had no money. His wealth, as with others’, had been confiscated.  If I’m correct, it’ll be redistributed to the populace.

(2) “Archangel Michael on Our Power to Create and to Co-Create,” October 10, 2019, at

On sacred partnership with the angelics, see The Rewards of Co-Creative Partnership with the Company of Heaven at

On why there are so many angelics incarnated on Earth at this time, see An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at

On what makes “these times” so significant, see Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension at


UFO (top) neutralizes test missile over Vandenberg AFB

Dr. Robert Jacobs describes the neutralizing of a Vandenberg AFB ICBM in flight.

Video Player

Capt. Robert Salas describes UFO intrusion and neutralization of ICBMs in their silos

The message is: Nuclear war will not be permitted on Earth.

(4) “Ukraine Planning to Build a Nuclear Bomb If U.S. Aid Cut?” (JFK Jr. on Telegram, Nov. 15, 2024. Someone tell the Ukraine.


Steve Beckow



My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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A Terra É Como A Maioria Das Almas Quer Que Seja

Ashtar através de A. S.

Traduzido a 31 de outubro de 2024

Meus queridos e amados irmãos e irmãs da Terra,
Fala o Ashtar. Saúdo-vos e considero - vos parte de mim, e considero-vos exemplos espantosos da Graça, da perseverança e da luz da fonte.
Em outras palavras, eu os amo, e vocês têm todo o meu respeito por perseverar e se apegar à graça e à luz no meio de tais trevas. Para os galácticos que têm olhos para ver, o que estão a fazer é inspirador e é um grande serviço.
Está também a ensinar-nos a manter-nos firmes, não importa o que o resto do mundo pense de si. Nós, galácticos, não estamos habituados a estar numa situação em que a maioria das pessoas à nossa volta pensa que somos loucos ou iludidos, e essa é certamente uma área em que somos mais experientes e onde podemos aprender consigo e onde podemos procurar inspiração.
Respeito-vos o suficiente para vos apresentar hoje aquilo que considero ser uma perspectiva elevada e desafiante. Espero que consiga lidar com isso.
Meu objetivo para esta mensagem é ajudá-lo a transcender a consciência da vítima e ajudá-lo a se alinhar mais com sua alma.
Então: todos os dias ouço pessoas da Terra a pedir intervenção ou ajuda.
Na verdade, estamos a fazer muitas intervenções subtis e encobertas. Cada um de vocês teria uma vida muito pior neste momento, ou estaria morto, se não estivéssemos a fazer nada.
Dito isto, posso certamente compreender a perspectiva de que não estamos a fazer o suficiente e de que devemos intervir ou aterrar praticamente hoje.
Outros Pleiadianos me apontaram em discussões que, se meus filhos literais estivessem na terra agora vivendo uma vida típica da terra, pelo menos parte de mim gostaria de intervir imediatamente. E sim — isso é verdade - mas não se pode fazer política com base nisso. Ainda assim, entendo esse argumento, e considero inteiramente válida a perspectiva de que devemos intervir ou aterrar o mais rapidamente possível.
Dito isto, permitam-me que partilhe uma perspectiva alternativa, a que muitas vezes escolho operar. Também utilizo frequentemente outras perspectivas, como a perspectiva de que, se intervirmos, isso pode causar instabilidade a longo prazo, mas hoje falemos de uma perspectiva específica.
A perspectiva é: toda a criação é um grande e livre playground para as almas, e é em grande parte como deveria ser.
Agora, sim, existem alguns asteriscos aqui. Houve uma Armadilha de reencarnação na Terra que foi desmantelada. E seres que estão perturbando tanto o playground que muitos outros não podem ter as experiências que desejam, podem, em circunstâncias excepcionais, ser desfeitos e ter sua energia reabsorvida na fonte.
Ainda assim, a criação é um playground para as almas, e você é principalmente uma alma que teve muitas, muitas, muitas encarnações. Esta encarnação atual é uma que você deixará para trás em um relativo piscar de olhos, mas você — sua alma — é realmente velha.
O que querem as almas? Bem, a maioria das almas deseja principalmente experiências e crescimento da alma. Para eles, o prazer, o conforto, o amor e a unidade são agradáveis, e estar com dor, ser oprimido ou morrer de fome são igualmente agradáveis. São experiências igualmente válidas e valiosas.
Portanto, a criação é um parque infantil. As almas podem encarnar onde quiserem, mais ou menos. As próprias almas não podem ser prejudicadas, exceto por serem desfeitas em raras situações, se forem excepcionalmente perturbadoras. E o que os eus inferiores veriam como experiências dolorosas e indesejáveis são vistos pelas almas como tão válidos como valiosos como o que vocês veriam como experiências felizes e desejáveis.
Portanto, a galáxia não é um lugar que tem algumas civilizações leves que são boas, agradáveis e desejáveis, e alguns planetas que produzem resultados ruins e dor e opressão indesejáveis. Do meu ponto de vista, é um enorme parque infantil e há algumas áreas, como as Plêiades, que proporcionam um tipo de experiência, e algumas áreas, como a terra, que actualmente proporcionam outro tipo de experiência. O parque infantil tem passeios agradáveis e divertidos, e o parque infantil tem passeios mais desafiantes e exigentes.
Assim, a nível fundamental e global, se deixarmos de lado algumas questões que têm de ser abordadas e alguma gestão que tem de acontecer, a realidade é um grande parque de diversões.
A realidade é realmente como deveria ser.
Assim, mesmo que o seu eu inferior tenha uma vida dolorosa, mesmo que as coisas sejam difíceis para o seu eu inferior, não há necessidade de o seu eu inferior entrar na consciência de vítima. Afinal, a maioria de vocês, como almas, escolheu encarnar na Terra. E cada alma está consentindo em permanecer na terra todos os dias. Porque se você, como alma, não deseja mais estar na terra, então é muito fácil para você organizar que seu eu inferior tenha um ataque cardíaco ou seja atropelado por um carro e morra.
Então, sim, a terra é um passeio desafiador — mas é um que você (no sentido de sua alma) provavelmente se inscreveu, e é um que você (no sentido de sua alma) continua consentindo todos os dias.
Então, embora de uma perspectiva você possa ser uma vítima, também é verdade que, dessa perspectiva superior, você não é uma vítima. Agora, com certeza, não destrua as partes de você que estão com dor, mas, ao mesmo tempo, é válido poder ver essa perspectiva mais elevada também.
Agora, é perfeitamente possível que sua mente consciente não esteja alinhada com o que sua alma deseja. É perfeitamente possível que sua mente consciente esteja atualmente em resistência à dor. Mas então isso é simplesmente algo para trabalhar, porque quer sua mente consciente goste ou não, sua alma e não sua mente consciente está no Banco do motorista para sua vida em grande medida.
De facto, nós, galácticos, não estamos a ser insensíveis. Estamos fazendo o que a fonte quer que façamos, e a fonte quer que equilibremos ajudar a libertar a humanidade com dar às almas da terra o que elas querem no momento presente.
Estamos a ouvir o que as almas da Terra dizem todos os dias, e estamos a dar — lhes exactamente o que querem-e a simples verdade é que a maioria das pessoas na terra ainda está a dormir, e a maioria dessas almas continua a pedir-nos mais tempo para acordar, porque esperam que também possam juntar-se à nova terra se tiverem um pouco mais de tempo para acordar. Além disso, eles estão atualmente alcançando muito crescimento da alma.
Assim, nós, galácticos, estamos a fazer exactamente o que a maioria das almas na Terra quer que façamos. É que o que as almas querem é principalmente experiências e crescimento da alma, e este momento atual é uma oportunidade única e surpreendente para o crescimento e para experiências únicas que a maioria das almas não quer que acabe ainda. Querem que dure um pouco mais. Não muito mais, mas um pouco mais.
O que está acontecendo na terra é literalmente o que a maioria das almas está pedindo.
Agora sim, seu eu inferior pode estar sofrendo, mas lembre — se de que o verdadeiro você — sua alma-provavelmente escolheu voluntariamente encarnar em um mundo obviamente doloroso. E sua alma todos os dias está consentindo em estar aqui, o que é confirmado por você ainda estar vivo. Então, se você quer culpar alguém por sua dor, eu acho que você poderia culpar sua própria alma — mas então isso não faz muito sentido porque é mais preciso pensar em si mesmo como sua alma do que pensar em si mesmo como seu eu inferior.
Pessoalmente, aconselho-o a alinhar-se com a sua alma e deixaria de rotular a dor como má e errada. É compreensível não gostar da dor, mas rotulá-la como ruim e errada e como algo que precisa ser consertado é uma forma de resistência. E a resistência à dor cria sofrimento.
Portanto, não há nada de errado com a situação na Terra. O que está acontecendo na terra é literalmente o que a maioria das almas está pedindo. E se o seu eu inferior não está feliz com a vida que está experimentando, bem, sua alma determina em grande parte o que se manifesta em sua vida. Se a sua vida é uma merda, muito provavelmente é porque o seu eu inferior ainda não abandonou certas resistências ou aprendeu certas lições ainda.
Agora, reconhecidamente, pode acontecer que até a sua alma prefira que os bandidos sejam presos hoje e que nós, galácticos, aterremos hoje. Isso é possível — as almas de algumas pessoas realmente se sentem assim. É só que eles não são a maioria, e atualmente nós, galácticos, estamos ouvindo a maioria das almas que querem que isso aconteça, mas não querem que isso aconteça ainda.
Já foi dito que o Senhor é incrivelmente poderoso. E você é-desde que não limite a definição de "você" apenas à sua mente racional. Sua alma é muito poderosa, e se você alinhar seu eu inferior à sua alma, então você é ainda maior.
O grupo de almas humanas da Terra é ainda mais poderoso. Suficientemente poderoso, de facto, para que a humanidade da terra, enquanto colectiva, tenha bastante influência sobre o que se manifesta. E, de facto, o mundo que vêem à vossa volta todos os dias é praticamente o mundo em que a maioria das almas humanas da Terra quer viver, a fim de aprender lições e ter experiências.
Você pode culpar os reptilianos, você pode culpar os controladores das trevas, você pode culpar a ganância e a falta de consciência — mas, na verdade, o mundo é aproximadamente como a maioria das almas humanas da Terra quer que seja.
Se a maioria das almas humanas da Terra quisesse detenções em massa neste momento, isso provavelmente aconteceria muito rapidamente. Nós, galácticos, consideraríamos seriamente intervir se fosse isso que a maioria das almas da Terra quisessem, mas muito provavelmente nem teríamos de fazer isso porque vocês próprios o fariam muito rapidamente.
Agora, para ser claro, a maioria das almas da Terra quer ter prisões em massa e a criação de uma nova terra maravilhosa, ou eles querem deixar a terra e continuar suas lições em outro lugar — eles simplesmente não querem que isso aconteça ainda. Vai acontecer, as almas das pessoas só querem um pouco mais de tempo.
Além disso, a Source e os galácticos positivos dos EUA também querem que a situação na Terra termine num futuro não muito distante, o que vai acontecer. Não é a nossa principal consideração, mas de certa forma o resto da galáxia não pode avançar até que a Terra seja libertada.
Além disso, reconhecemos que, embora as sementes estelares e os trabalhadores da luz sejam uma minoria na terra, ainda são muito importantes e, de facto, devemos-lhes muito. Portanto, não vamos ignorar os seus desejos para sempre. Em um futuro não muito distante, vocês realmente verão a nova terra.
Agora, no passado, mensagens nesse sentido foram por vezes acusadas de relativismo moral. Ou, em outras palavras, as pessoas às vezes disseram que as mensagens são ruins se não estão profundamente investidas em parar o mal.
Para isso, peço-lhe que reflita se está em resistência à dor em si mesmo ou nos outros. E se você é, bem, a resistência à dor cria sofrimento.
Agora, sua alma pode, no presente, desejar ter experiências agradáveis ou conhecer sua família Galáctica, mas isso não é o mesmo que rotular a dor como uma experiência ruim ou inválida.
Sua alma não está em resistência à dor em si mesmo ou nos outros. Para a sua alma, são apenas experiências.
Além disso, no passado muito distante, a Source experimentou situações em que não havia maldade. E era enfadonho, e tanto a fonte como aquelas almas desejavam mais experiências e mais excitação e mais contraste e catalisadores. Assim, os seres começaram a experimentar perder sua conexão sentida com a fonte e com os outros, e assim a solidão e o mal foram criados.
Ainda assim, eu não condenaria o mal. Na verdade, eu até abandonaria completamente o conceito de mal e apenas falaria sobre pessoas que estão actualmente a comportar-se de forma destrutiva e contra as quais os inocentes precisam de ser protegidos.
Afinal, praticamente todos tiveram encarnações onde eram boas e encarnações onde eram más. Então, só porque alguém agora está em uma boa encarnação, por que isso os torna superiores a alguém que agora está em uma encarnação do mal?
Se condenas o mal, condenas-te a ti mesmo, porque foste mau.
E só porque o seu mal foi em uma vida passada, não o torna superior a alguém que atualmente vive uma vida onde é mau. Você não é superior a eles, você só acontece de estar em um momento no tempo agora em que você está sendo bom e eles estão sendo maus. Mas noutra altura, eles eram bons e tu eras mau, e a dor que causaste não era menos real só porque isso acontece agora no passado.
Agora, sim, não há problema em proibir as pessoas de magoarem os outros. Também é uma boa ideia impedir activamente que pessoas destrutivas prejudiquem inocentes. Concordo plenamente com essas coisas. E sim, alinhar-se com a luz é um caminho muito preferível a ser destrutivo, por várias razões. Aconselho outros a alinharem-se com a luz.
No entanto, uma vez que concordamos que as pessoas não devem ferir os outros e que os inocentes devem ser protegidos... uma vez que concordamos com isso, não ajuda realmente julgar as pessoas más.
A parte de julgar outras pessoas, a parte em que você as rotula como ruins, não contribui em nada. Você pode simplesmente concordar que as pessoas não devem ferir os outros, e que os inocentes devem ser protegidos, sem julgar as pessoas más.
Entendo que, muito provavelmente, foram feridos nesta vida por pessoas más e, mais uma vez, concordo plenamente que devem ser impedidos de ferir outras pessoas. No entanto, em última análise, a solução para a dor de ter sido ferido por pessoas más é olhar para dentro, para a sua própria dor e para as suas próprias partes internas feridas.
E como a última parte desta mensagem, considere a seguinte metáfora:
Imagine que você é a Boca de um homem chamado Tom. Nesta metáfora, você como a boca representa sua mente consciente, e o homem chamado Tom representa sua alma.
Nesta metáfora, a comida doce representa amor e experiências agradáveis. Alimentos não doces representam experiências desafiadoras ou dolorosas.
Suponha que você, como a boca, esteja experimentando que a comida não doce simplesmente continua aparecendo aleatoriamente em você, na boca, e você realmente não gosta disso. Você prefere alimentos doces, que às vezes aparecem em você, mas não tão frequentemente quanto você deseja. Você, como boca, tenta várias coisas, e algumas dessas coisas ajudam um pouco, mas você continua recebendo menos comida doce do que deseja. Então você fica chateado e rotula a situação atual como errada e ruim. Pede-nos aos Pleiadianos que resolvam esta situação inaceitável.
Damos uma olhada e observamos que Tom (sua alma nesta metáfora) está escolhendo atualmente comer principalmente alimentos não doces, juntamente com alguns alimentos doces.
E curiosamente, a Boca (sua mente consciente nesta metáfora) não entende que a comida não aparece apenas aleatoriamente nela, mas que, na verdade, Tom está ativamente colocando comida não doce na boca. O que é uma escolha válida, há benefícios para a saúde a serem obtidos desta forma (experiências dolorosas podem levar ao crescimento da alma).
Então, devemos nós, como galácticos, intervir agora e garantir que mais comida doce seja colocada na boca de Tom? Não, o Tom está a fazer a escolha do livre-arbítrio compreensível de não comer actualmente muita comida doce, para benefícios para a saúde. Não há necessidade de chutar a porta e forçar comida doce pela garganta de Tom, apenas para agradar a Boca de Tom.
Aconselhamos a Boca de Tom a perceber que faz parte de um todo maior.
Agora, você está impotente aqui, como a boca? Não, como a boca, você certamente pode pedir a Tom um pêssego doce — você certamente pode pedir ou orar para que certas coisas aconteçam. Você pode usar técnicas de manifestação. E se pedirem alguma coisa, podem obtê-la.
Mas, novamente, se você pedir um pêssego, Tom (sua alma) pode decidir comer brócolis de qualquer maneira. É por isso que não existe uma técnica de oração ou manifestação que leve a resultados para todos sempre, mesmo que as técnicas de oração ou manifestação funcionem muito bem às vezes.
Se continuas a ser confrontado com uma certa realidade desagradável, então a tua alma não te está a torturar. Isso é apenas a sua alma repetidamente apresentando-lhe uma oportunidade para liberar a resistência ou curar ou aprender uma lição. Aparentemente, ainda não libertou a resistência ou ainda não aprendeu a lição, razão pela qual a situação desafiante continua a voltar.
Se libertarem a resistência, curarem e aprenderem as vossas lições, então coisas mais agradáveis começarão a manifestar-se na vossa realidade.
E não se apresse em dizer que já aprendeu todas as suas lições sobre a Terra. Quase nenhum humano terrestre fisicamente encarnado aprendeu plenamente todas as suas lições. Se você acha que já aprendeu todas as suas lições, sinta-se à vontade para se teletransportar para a Nova Jerusalém, e teremos o maior prazer em recebê-lo. Se você não pode, então ainda há lições que você pode aprender e crescimento que você pode alcançar. E enquanto eu entendo que você pode estar cansado ou lutando, este ainda é um momento verdadeiramente único e excepcionalmente favorável para aprender lições e alcançar o crescimento da alma. É por isso que a maioria das almas da Terra quer que esta situação actual se prolongue um pouco mais.
Com tudo isto dito:
Você ainda estará livre.
Seu futuro ainda é incrivelmente brilhante e cheio de luz, graça, facilidade, conexão e calor.
Vão encontrar-se connosco num futuro não muito distante.
Nenhuma dessas coisas mudou, e nenhuma dessas coisas mudará.
Mesmo que a maioria das almas da terra continue a pedir mais tempo 3D, em algum momento, num futuro não muito distante, o seu tempo acabará, e chegará a era da Nova Terra que vocês e nós, os galácticos, temos estado à espera.
E o nosso encontro será realmente glorioso.
E, pessoalmente, mal posso esperar para conhecê-lo.
Deixo-vos hoje com todo o meu amor e respeito.
Somos um,

A. S.

Para Era da Luz

Para Era da Luz
Esses canalizações são enviados exclusivamente para pelo canalizador. Se você deseja compartilhá-los noutro lugar, inclua o elo ao pôsto original.

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As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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Earth Is As Most Souls Want It To Be

Ashtar via A.S.

Posted on October 31, 2024


My dearest and beloved Earth brothers and sisters,

This is Ashtar speaking. I greet you, and consider you to be part of me, and I consider you to be amazing examples of Source’s grace and perseverance and light.

In other words, I love you, and you have all my respect for persevering and holding on to grace and light in the midst of such darkness. To those galactics who have eyes to see, what you are doing is inspirational and is a Great Service.

You are also teaching the rest of us how to stand steadfastly, no matter what the rest of the world thinks of you. Us galactics aren’t used to being in a situation where most people around us think we’re crazy or deluded, and that’s certainly an area where you are more experienced and where we can learn from you and where we can look to you for inspiration.

I respect you enough that today I am going to present you with what I think is a high and challenging perspective. I trust you to be able to handle it.

My goal for this message is to help you transcend victim consciousness, and to help you align more with your soul.

So: every day I hear Earth people asking for intervention or help.

Now, we actually are doing lots of subtle and covert interventions. Every single one of you would have a much worse life right now, or would be dead, if we weren’t doing anything.

That said, I can certainly understand the perspective that we are not doing enough and that we should intervene or land pretty much today.

Other Pleiadians have pointed out to me in discussions that if my literal children were on Earth right now living a typical Earth life, that at least part of me would want to intervene immediately. And yes, that is true — but you can’t make policy based on that. Still, I get that argument, and I very much do consider the perspective to be entirely valid that we should intervene or land as quickly as possible.

That said, let me share an alternative perspective, the one that I am often choosing to operate out of. I frequently use other perspectives too, such as the perspective that if we intervene it may cause long-term instability, but today let us talk about one particular perspective.

The perspective is: all of creation is one big and free playground for souls, and it is largely as it should be.

Now yes, there are a few asterisks here. There was a reincarnation trap on Earth that has been dismantled. And beings that are disrupting the playground so much that very many others can’t have the experiences they want, can in exceptional circumstances get unmade and have their energy re-absorbed into Source.

Still, creation is a playground for souls, and you are primarily a soul that has had many, many, many incarnations. This current incarnation is one that you’ll leave behind in a relative blink of an eye, but you — your soul — is old indeed.

What do souls want? Well, most souls primarily desire experiences and soul growth. To them, pleasure and comfort and love and unity are nice, and being in pain or being oppressed or starving to death are equally nice. They’re all just equally valid and valuable experiences.

So creation is a playground. Souls can incarnate wherever they wish, more or less. Souls themselves cannot be harmed, except for being unmade in rare situations if they’re exceptionally disruptive. And what lower selves would see as painful and undesirable experiences are seen by souls as just as valid as valuable as what you would see as happy and desirable experiences.

So the galaxy isn’t some place that has some light civilizations that are good and nice and desirable, and some planets that produce bad outcomes and undesirable pain and oppression. From my perspective, it’s one huge playground and you have some areas such as the Pleiades that provide one kind of experience, and some areas such as Earth that currently provide another kind of experience. The playground has pleasant and fun rides, and the playground has more challenging and demanding rides.

So on a fundamental, big-picture level, if we put aside some issues that do need to be addressed and some management that does need to happen, reality is one big playground.

Reality really is as it should be.

So even if your lower self has a painful life, even if things are hard for your lower self, there’s no need for your lower self to go into victim consciousness. After all, most of you, as souls, chose to incarnate on Earth. And every single soul is consenting to remaining on Earth every single day. Because if you as a soul no longer wish to be on Earth, then it is very easy for you to arrange that your lower self has a heart attack or gets hit by a car and dies.

So yes, Earth is a challenging ride — but it’s one that you (in the sense of your soul) most likely signed up for, and it’s one that you (in the sense of your soul) keep consenting to every single day.

So while from one perspective you may be a victim, it’s also true that from this higher perspective you aren’t a victim. Now sure, don’t bulldoze the parts of you that are in pain, but at the same time it is valid to be able to see this higher perspective too.

Now, it’s entirely possible that your conscious mind isn’t aligned with what your soul wants. It’s entirely possible that your conscious mind currently is in resistance to pain. But then that’s simply something to work on, because whether your conscious mind likes it or not, your soul and not your conscious mind is in the driver’s seat for your life to a large extent.

So in fact, us galactics are not being callous. We’re doing what Source wants us to do, and Source wants us to balance helping liberate humanity with giving the souls of Earth what they want in the present moment.

We are listening to what the souls of Earth say every single day, and we are giving you exactly what you want — and the simple truth is that most people on Earth are still asleep, and most of those souls keep asking us for more time to wake up, because they’re hoping that they too can join New Earth if they get a bit more time to wake up. Plus they’re currently attaining a lot of soul growth.

So us galactics are doing exactly what most souls on Earth want us to do. It’s just that what souls want is primarily experiences and soul growth, and this current time is such a unique and amazing opportunity for growth and for unique experiences that most souls don’t want it to end yet. They want it to last a little longer. Not a huge while longer, but a little longer.

What is happening on Earth is literally what the majority of souls are asking for.

Now yes, your lower self might be in pain, but remember that the true you — your soul — most likely willingly chose to incarnate in an obviously painful world. And your soul every day is consenting to being here, which is confirmed by you still being alive. So if you want to blame anyone for your pain, I guess you could blame your own soul — but then that doesn’t make a lot of sense because it’s more accurate to think of yourself as your soul rather than think of yourself as your lower self.

Personally, I would advise you to align with your soul and I would stop labeling pain as bad and wrong. It’s understandable to not enjoy pain, but labeling it as bad and wrong and as something that needs to be fixed is a form of resistance. And resistance to pain creates suffering.

So there is nothing wrong with the situation on Earth. What is happening on Earth is literally what the majority of souls are asking for. And if your lower self isn’t happy with the life it is experiencing, well, your soul to a large extent determines what manifests in your life. If your life sucks, quite likely that is because your lower self hasn’t yet let go of certain resistances or learned certain lessons yet.

Now admittedly, it could be the case that even your soul would prefer that the bad guys get arrested today and that us galactics would land today. That is possible — some people’s souls genuinely do feel that way. It’s just that they’re not the majority, and currently us galactics are listening to the majority of souls who want that to happen but don’t want that to happen quite yet.

It has been said that you are incredibly powerful. And you are — so long as you don’t limit the definition of “you” to just your rational mind. Your soul is very powerful, and if you align your lower self to your soul then you are even greater indeed.

The group of Earth human souls is even more powerful. Powerful enough, in fact, that Earth humanity as a collective has quite a lot of influence on what manifests. And indeed, the world that you see around you every day is pretty much the world that the majority of Earth human souls want to live in, in order to learn lessons and have experiences.

You can blame the reptilians, you can blame the dark controllers, you can blame greed and lack of consciousness — but really, the world is approximately as most Earth humans souls want it to be.

If most Earth human souls wanted mass arrests right now, it would probably happen quite quickly. Us galactics would seriously consider intervening if that’s what most Earth souls wanted, but most likely we wouldn’t even have to do that because you would be doing it yourselves very quickly.

Now to be clear, most Earth souls do want to have mass arrests and the creation of a wonderful New Earth, or they want to leave Earth and continue their lessons elsewhere — they just don’t want that to happen quite yet. It’s going to happen, people’s souls just want a bit more time.

Furthermore, Source and us positive galactics also want the situation on Earth to end in the not too distant future, so that is going to happen. It’s not our primary consideration, but in some ways the rest of the galaxy can’t move forward until Earth is liberated.

Plus, we recognize that while star seeds and lightworkers are a minority on Earth, they still very much matter, and in fact we owe them a great deal. So we’re not going to ignore their wishes forever. In the not too distant future, you really will see New Earth.

Now, in the past, messages along these lines have sometimes been accused of moral relativism. Or in other words, people have sometimes said that messages are bad if they’re not deeply invested in stopping evil.

To that, I would ask you to reflect if you are in resistance to pain in either yourself or others. And if you are, well, resistance to pain creates suffering.

Now, your soul might in the present desire to have pleasant experiences or to meet your galactic family, but that’s not the same as labeling pain as a bad or invalid experience.

Your soul isn’t in resistance to pain in either yourself or others. To your soul, it’s all just experiences.

Also, in the very distant past Source has experimented with situations where there was zero evil. And it was boring, and both Source and those souls desired more experiences and more excitement and more contrast and catalysts. Hence, beings started experimenting with losing their felt connection to Source and to others, and so loneliness and evil were created.

Still, I would not condemn evil. In fact I would even drop the concept of evil entirely and just talk about people who are currently behaving destructively and whom innocents need to be protected against.

After all, pretty much everyone has had incarnations where they were good, and incarnations where they were evil. So just because someone right now is in a good incarnation, why does that make them superior to someone who right now is in an evil incarnation?

If you condemn evil, you condemn yourself, for you have been evil.

And just because your evil was in a past life, doesn’t make you superior to someone who is currently living a life where they are evil. You’re not superior to them, you just happen to be in a moment in time right now where you’re being good and they’re being evil. But in another time, they were good and you were evil, and the pain you caused wasn’t any less real just because that happens to be in the past right now.

Now yes, it is entirely fine to prohibit people from hurting others. It is also a good idea to actively stop destructive people from harming innocents. I completely agree with those things. And yes, aligning with the light is a much preferable path to being destructive, for several reasons. I would advise others to align with the light.

However, once we agree that people shouldn’t hurt others and that innocents should be protected… once we agree on that, it doesn’t actually help to judge evil people.

The judging other people part, the part where you label them as bad, doesn’t contribute anything. You can just agree that people shouldn’t hurt others, and that innocents should be protected, without judging evil people.

I get that most likely you have been hurt in this life by evil people, and again I fully agree that they should be stopped from hurting other people. Yet, ultimately the solution to the pain of having been hurt by evil people is to look inwards at your own pain and at your own hurt inner parts.

And as the last part of this message, consider the following metaphor:

Imagine that you are the mouth of a man named Tom. In this metaphor, you as the mouth represents your conscious mind, and the man named Tom represents your soul.

In this metaphor, sweet food represents love and pleasant experiences. Non-sweet food represents challenging or painful experiences.

Suppose that you as the mouth are experiencing that non-sweet food just randomly keeps appearing in you, the mouth, and you really don’t like it. You prefer sweet food, which sometimes appears in you, but not nearly as often as you want. You as the mouth try various things, and some of those things help a bit, yet you keep getting less sweet food than you want. So you get upset and you label the current situation as being wrong and bad. You ask us Pleiadians to fix this unacceptable situation.

We take a look, and we observe that Tom (your soul in this metaphor) is choosing to currently eat mostly non-sweet foods, along with some sweet foods.

And curiously, the mouth (your conscious mind in this metaphor) doesn’t understand that food doesn’t just randomly appear in it, but that in fact Tom is actively putting mostly non-sweet food into the mouth. Which is a valid choice, there are health benefits to be gained this way (painful experiences can lead to soul growth).

So, should we as galactics intervene right now and make sure that more sweet food gets put into Tom’s mouth? No, Tom is making the understandable free-will choice to currently eat not a lot of sweet food, for health benefits. No need for us to kick in the door and force sweet food down Tom’s throat, just to please Tom’s mouth.

We would advise Tom’s mouth to realize that it is part of a greater whole.

Now, are you powerless here, as the mouth? No, as the mouth you can certainly ask Tom for a sweet peach — you can certainly ask or pray for certain things to happen. You can use manifestation techniques. And if you ask for something, you might get it.

But then again, if you ask for a peach, Tom (your soul) might decide to eat broccoli anyway. Which is why there isn’t a prayer or a manifestation technique that leads to results for everyone always, even though prayer or manifestation techniques work very well sometimes.

If you keep being confronted with a certain unpleasant reality, then that isn’t your soul torturing you. That’s just your soul repeatedly presenting you with an opportunity to release resistance or heal or learn a lesson. Apparently you haven’t yet released resistance or learnt your lesson yet, which is why the challenging situation keeps coming back.

If you release resistance and heal and learn your lessons, then more pleasant things will start manifesting in your reality.

And don’t be too quick to say that you’ve learnt all your Earth lessons already. Almost no physically incarnated Earth human has fully learnt all their lessons. If you feel that you have learnt all your lessons already, feel free to teleport up to the New Jerusalem, and we’ll happily welcome you. If you can’t, then there are still lessons that you can learn and growth you can achieve. And while I get that you may be tired or struggling, this is still a truly unique and exceptionally favorable time to learn lessons and achieve soul growth. Which is why most Earth souls want this current situation to go on for just a bit longer.

With all this said:

You will still be free.

Your future is still incredibly bright and filled with light and grace and ease and connection and warmth.

You are still going to be meeting us in the not too distant future.

None of those things have changed, and none of those things will change.

Even if most Earth souls keep asking for more 3D time, at some point in the not too distant future their time will be up, and the New Earth era will arrive that you and us galactics have been waiting for.

And our meeting will be glorious indeed.

And personally I can’t wait to meet you.

I leave you today with all my love and respect.

We are one,


A. S.

For Era of Light

These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!





Earth Is As Most Souls Want It To Be

Ashtar via A.S.

Posted on June 1, 2024


My dearest and beloved Earth brothers and sisters,

This is Ashtar speaking. I greet you, and consider you to be part of me, and I consider you to be amazing examples of Source’s grace and perseverance and light.

In other words, I love you, and you have all my respect for persevering and holding on to grace and light in the midst of such darkness. To those galactics who have eyes to see, what you are doing is inspirational and is a Great Service.

You are also teaching the rest of us how to stand steadfastly, no matter what the rest of the world thinks of you. Us galactics aren’t used to being in a situation where most people around us think we’re crazy or deluded, and that’s certainly an area where you are more experienced and where we can learn from you and where we can look to you for inspiration.

I respect you enough that today I am going to present you with what I think is a high and challenging perspective. I trust you to be able to handle it.

My goal for this message is to help you transcend victim consciousness, and to help you align more with your soul.

So: every day I hear Earth people asking for intervention or help.

Now, we actually are doing lots of subtle and covert interventions. Every single one of you would have a much worse life right now, or would be dead, if we weren’t doing anything.

That said, I can certainly understand the perspective that we are not doing enough and that we should intervene or land pretty much today.

Other Pleiadians have pointed out to me in discussions that if my literal children were on Earth right now living a typical Earth life, that at least part of me would want to intervene immediately. And yes, that is true — but you can’t make policy based on that. Still, I get that argument, and I very much do consider the perspective to be entirely valid that we should intervene or land as quickly as possible.

That said, let me share an alternative perspective, the one that I am often choosing to operate out of. I frequently use other perspectives too, such as the perspective that if we intervene it may cause long-term instability, but today let us talk about one particular perspective.

The perspective is: all of creation is one big and free playground for souls, and it is largely as it should be.

Now yes, there are a few asterisks here. There was a reincarnation trap on Earth that has been dismantled. And beings that are disrupting the playground so much that very many others can’t have the experiences they want, can in exceptional circumstances get unmade and have their energy re-absorbed into Source.

Still, creation is a playground for souls, and you are primarily a soul that has had many, many, many incarnations. This current incarnation is one that you’ll leave behind in a relative blink of an eye, but you — your soul — is old indeed.

What do souls want? Well, most souls primarily desire experiences and soul growth. To them, pleasure and comfort and love and unity are nice, and being in pain or being oppressed or starving to death are equally nice. They’re all just equally valid and valuable experiences.

So creation is a playground. Souls can incarnate wherever they wish, more or less. Souls themselves cannot be harmed, except for being unmade in rare situations if they’re exceptionally disruptive. And what lower selves would see as painful and undesirable experiences are seen by souls as just as valid as valuable as what you would see as happy and desirable experiences.

So the galaxy isn’t some place that has some light civilizations that are good and nice and desirable, and some planets that produce bad outcomes and undesirable pain and oppression. From my perspective, it’s one huge playground and you have some areas such as the Pleiades that provide one kind of experience, and some areas such as Earth that currently provide another kind of experience. The playground has pleasant and fun rides, and the playground has more challenging and demanding rides.

So on a fundamental, big-picture level, if we put aside some issues that do need to be addressed and some management that does need to happen, reality is one big playground.

Reality really is as it should be.

So even if your lower self has a painful life, even if things are hard for your lower self, there’s no need for your lower self to go into victim consciousness. After all, most of you, as souls, chose to incarnate on Earth. And every single soul is consenting to remaining on Earth every single day. Because if you as a soul no longer wish to be on Earth, then it is very easy for you to arrange that your lower self has a heart attack or gets hit by a car and dies.

So yes, Earth is a challenging ride — but it’s one that you (in the sense of your soul) most likely signed up for, and it’s one that you (in the sense of your soul) keep consenting to every single day.

So while from one perspective you may be a victim, it’s also true that from this higher perspective you aren’t a victim. Now sure, don’t bulldoze the parts of you that are in pain, but at the same time it is valid to be able to see this higher perspective too.

Now, it’s entirely possible that your conscious mind isn’t aligned with what your soul wants. It’s entirely possible that your conscious mind currently is in resistance to pain. But then that’s simply something to work on, because whether your conscious mind likes it or not, your soul and not your conscious mind is in the driver’s seat for your life to a large extent.

So in fact, us galactics are not being callous. We’re doing what Source wants us to do, and Source wants us to balance helping liberate humanity with giving the souls of Earth what they want in the present moment.

We are listening to what the souls of Earth say every single day, and we are giving you exactly what you want — and the simple truth is that most people on Earth are still asleep, and most of those souls keep asking us for more time to wake up, because they’re hoping that they too can join New Earth if they get a bit more time to wake up. Plus they’re currently attaining a lot of soul growth.

So us galactics are doing exactly what most souls on Earth want us to do. It’s just that what souls want is primarily experiences and soul growth, and this current time is such a unique and amazing opportunity for growth and for unique experiences that most souls don’t want it to end yet. They want it to last a little longer. Not a huge while longer, but a little longer.

What is happening on Earth is literally what the majority of souls are asking for.

Now yes, your lower self might be in pain, but remember that the true you — your soul — most likely willingly chose to incarnate in an obviously painful world. And your soul every day is consenting to being here, which is confirmed by you still being alive. So if you want to blame anyone for your pain, I guess you could blame your own soul — but then that doesn’t make a lot of sense because it’s more accurate to think of yourself as your soul rather than think of yourself as your lower self.

Personally, I would advise you to align with your soul and I would stop labeling pain as bad and wrong. It’s understandable to not enjoy pain, but labeling it as bad and wrong and as something that needs to be fixed is a form of resistance. And resistance to pain creates suffering.

So there is nothing wrong with the situation on Earth. What is happening on Earth is literally what the majority of souls are asking for. And if your lower self isn’t happy with the life it is experiencing, well, your soul to a large extent determines what manifests in your life. If your life sucks, quite likely that is because your lower self hasn’t yet let go of certain resistances or learned certain lessons yet.

Now admittedly, it could be the case that even your soul would prefer that the bad guys get arrested today and that us galactics would land today. That is possible — some people’s souls genuinely do feel that way. It’s just that they’re not the majority, and currently us galactics are listening to the majority of souls who want that to happen but don’t want that to happen quite yet.

It has been said that you are incredibly powerful. And you are — so long as you don’t limit the definition of “you” to just your rational mind. Your soul is very powerful, and if you align your lower self to your soul then you are even greater indeed.

The group of Earth human souls is even more powerful. Powerful enough, in fact, that Earth humanity as a collective has quite a lot of influence on what manifests. And indeed, the world that you see around you every day is pretty much the world that the majority of Earth human souls want to live in, in order to learn lessons and have experiences.

You can blame the reptilians, you can blame the dark controllers, you can blame greed and lack of consciousness — but really, the world is approximately as most Earth humans souls want it to be.

If most Earth human souls wanted mass arrests right now, it would probably happen quite quickly. Us galactics would seriously consider intervening if that’s what most Earth souls wanted, but most likely we wouldn’t even have to do that because you would be doing it yourselves very quickly.

Now to be clear, most Earth souls do want to have mass arrests and the creation of a wonderful New Earth, or they want to leave Earth and continue their lessons elsewhere — they just don’t want that to happen quite yet. It’s going to happen, people’s souls just want a bit more time.

Furthermore, Source and us positive galactics also want the situation on Earth to end in the not too distant future, so that is going to happen. It’s not our primary consideration, but in some ways the rest of the galaxy can’t move forward until Earth is liberated.

Plus, we recognize that while star seeds and lightworkers are a minority on Earth, they still very much matter, and in fact we owe them a great deal. So we’re not going to ignore their wishes forever. In the not too distant future, you really will see New Earth.

Now, in the past, messages along these lines have sometimes been accused of moral relativism. Or in other words, people have sometimes said that messages are bad if they’re not deeply invested in stopping evil.

To that, I would ask you to reflect if you are in resistance to pain in either yourself or others. And if you are, well, resistance to pain creates suffering.

Now, your soul might in the present desire to have pleasant experiences or to meet your galactic family, but that’s not the same as labeling pain as a bad or invalid experience.

Your soul isn’t in resistance to pain in either yourself or others. To your soul, it’s all just experiences.

Also, in the very distant past Source has experimented with situations where there was zero evil. And it was boring, and both Source and those souls desired more experiences and more excitement and more contrast and catalysts. Hence, beings started experimenting with losing their felt connection to Source and to others, and so loneliness and evil were created.

Still, I would not condemn evil. In fact I would even drop the concept of evil entirely and just talk about people who are currently behaving destructively and whom innocents need to be protected against.

After all, pretty much everyone has had incarnations where they were good, and incarnations where they were evil. So just because someone right now is in a good incarnation, why does that make them superior to someone who right now is in an evil incarnation?

If you condemn evil, you condemn yourself, for you have been evil.

And just because your evil was in a past life, doesn’t make you superior to someone who is currently living a life where they are evil. You’re not superior to them, you just happen to be in a moment in time right now where you’re being good and they’re being evil. But in another time, they were good and you were evil, and the pain you caused wasn’t any less real just because that happens to be in the past right now.

Now yes, it is entirely fine to prohibit people from hurting others. It is also a good idea to actively stop destructive people from harming innocents. I completely agree with those things. And yes, aligning with the light is a much preferable path to being destructive, for several reasons. I would advise others to align with the light.

However, once we agree that people shouldn’t hurt others and that innocents should be protected… once we agree on that, it doesn’t actually help to judge evil people.

The judging other people part, the part where you label them as bad, doesn’t contribute anything. You can just agree that people shouldn’t hurt others, and that innocents should be protected, without judging evil people.

I get that most likely you have been hurt in this life by evil people, and again I fully agree that they should be stopped from hurting other people. Yet, ultimately the solution to the pain of having been hurt by evil people is to look inwards at your own pain and at your own hurt inner parts.

And as the last part of this message, consider the following metaphor:

Imagine that you are the mouth of a man named Tom. In this metaphor, you as the mouth represents your conscious mind, and the man named Tom represents your soul.

In this metaphor, sweet food represents love and pleasant experiences. Non-sweet food represents challenging or painful experiences.

Suppose that you as the mouth are experiencing that non-sweet food just randomly keeps appearing in you, the mouth, and you really don’t like it. You prefer sweet food, which sometimes appears in you, but not nearly as often as you want. You as the mouth try various things, and some of those things help a bit, yet you keep getting less sweet food than you want. So you get upset and you label the current situation as being wrong and bad. You ask us Pleiadians to fix this unacceptable situation.

We take a look, and we observe that Tom (your soul in this metaphor) is choosing to currently eat mostly non-sweet foods, along with some sweet foods.

And curiously, the mouth (your conscious mind in this metaphor) doesn’t understand that food doesn’t just randomly appear in it, but that in fact Tom is actively putting mostly non-sweet food into the mouth. Which is a valid choice, there are health benefits to be gained this way (painful experiences can lead to soul growth).

So, should we as galactics intervene right now and make sure that more sweet food gets put into Tom’s mouth? No, Tom is making the understandable free-will choice to currently eat not a lot of sweet food, for health benefits. No need for us to kick in the door and force sweet food down Tom’s throat, just to please Tom’s mouth.

We would advise Tom’s mouth to realize that it is part of a greater whole.

Now, are you powerless here, as the mouth? No, as the mouth you can certainly ask Tom for a sweet peach — you can certainly ask or pray for certain things to happen. You can use manifestation techniques. And if you ask for something, you might get it.

But then again, if you ask for a peach, Tom (your soul) might decide to eat broccoli anyway. Which is why there isn’t a prayer or a manifestation technique that leads to results for everyone always, even though prayer or manifestation techniques work very well sometimes.

If you keep being confronted with a certain unpleasant reality, then that isn’t your soul torturing you. That’s just your soul repeatedly presenting you with an opportunity to release resistance or heal or learn a lesson. Apparently you haven’t yet released resistance or learnt your lesson yet, which is why the challenging situation keeps coming back.

If you release resistance and heal and learn your lessons, then more pleasant things will start manifesting in your reality.

And don’t be too quick to say that you’ve learnt all your Earth lessons already. Almost no physically incarnated Earth human has fully learnt all their lessons. If you feel that you have learnt all your lessons already, feel free to teleport up to the New Jerusalem, and we’ll happily welcome you. If you can’t, then there are still lessons that you can learn and growth you can achieve. And while I get that you may be tired or struggling, this is still a truly unique and exceptionally favorable time to learn lessons and achieve soul growth. Which is why most Earth souls want this current situation to go on for just a bit longer.

With all this said:

You will still be free.

Your future is still incredibly bright and filled with light and grace and ease and connection and warmth.

You are still going to be meeting us in the not too distant future.

None of those things have changed, and none of those things will change.

Even if most Earth souls keep asking for more 3D time, at some point in the not too distant future their time will be up, and the New Earth era will arrive that you and us galactics have been waiting for.

And our meeting will be glorious indeed.

And personally I can’t wait to meet you.

I leave you today with all my love and respect.

We are one,


A. S.

For Era of Light

These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!





2025: A New Beginning (EP1)

By Don Spectacularis

Posted on September 2, 2024




Welcome to the new dawn, fellow lights. Pun intended.

For the last few years, you’ve known me, Don Spectacularis, as a different voice, a different expression.

Today is the day when it all changes.

For the next three years of your time – 2025, 2026 and 2027 – are the very years that you’ve desperately awaited and begged for your entire life. The years of mass exposures and mass transformations, revelations and changeovers, Galactics and Gaia.

These are the very times and moments that you came here for.

You came here to not only destroy the old (which you’ve all done well, well done); but to steward in the new, and then, finally, to build the new. You can see it as three phases then, namely: destruction, ushering, and creation.

During the (now concluded) destruction phase, your primary job was to speak your truth and be your truth. To stand your ground, against all odds. To be a fighter for peace, as paradoxical as that may even sound. That phase has now (majorly) concluded for us all. For it is your very efforts to rise above all control and destruction agendas that have brought us all here today, and inspired countless generations to follow suit, which they eventually will (and you will be there to witness it firsthand).

Now, this most certainly doesn’t mean that you’ll never ever have to do any of those things anymore; but that they most definitely won’t be your primary calling going forward, not for the majority of you reading this in any case. Not unless you’ve been very specifically tasked with a whistleblower-type or similar role, basically. For we are all now way past that portion of our lives. For indeed has the light emerged victorious against all (illusory) “odds”, and indeed have we transitioned into the higher frequencies that have long beckoned us.

What now, you wonder?

Now, we enter into the second phase of our collective planetary ascension. The transitory phase; the one wherein we are the ushers and the stewards of all new energies. The one wherein our primary job will be one of holding SPACE, of holding our heads high, and our frequencies, higher.

For this is indeed the time when the vast majority of humanity will be thrown into chaos and resistance (to change); and in fear, anger, and all other related/relevant lower vibratory energies. And these will well be reflected in the earth and the skies above with equal magnitude, for as above, so below (and vice versa); and this you already know.

Not if we can help it.

For the good news here, ladies and gentlemen, is that we are all creator Gods in the FLESH. With FULL RIGHTS to determine our FOCUS, and, as a result, our (vibratory) FREQUENCY.

It is without question our very greatest POWER as CREATOR beings. And – if left unutilized – our very greatest WEAKNESS as VICTIM beings.

Which is why your first and foremost task during this phase, is to hold your OWN energies high. To (surprisingly easily) counter and (quite effortlessly!) overpower the lower energies (and fears, anger etc.) being radiated out by the rest of the human collective. To maintain your joy and your peace, your harmony and your love, your balance and your inspiration, and above all, your relentless HOPE for the birthing of a magnificent new world; against all “odds” that (foolishly) stand in your way.

For indeed are you the very stewards and stewardesses that are here to help birth Nova Gaia, aka, the New Earth.

I came across this very beautiful channelling on YouTube by the one known as Wendy Kennedy yesterday, and what she basically said was something along the lines of (and I’m paraphrasing here): “As long as you focus (your attention) on the old and the crumbling, you will only feed it (your energy). And what happens when you feed someone? Yep, they only get stronger and stronger and all the more stronger! So whether it is the elections or the immigration issues or the AI issues or the gender wars or what-else-have-you, the more that you FOCUS on how terrible those things are or how you are doomed and how they are going to end humanity; guess what, the more you will quite literally EXPERIENCE them in your lives and in your timeline! They’ll amplify and amplify and amplify, and at some point, will have CEMENTED themselves as a negative timeline that’s going to be quite a hell to get out of. For the CHOICE to choose a positive or a negative timeline does indeed exist in every single moment of every single day; but to reroute yourself from a negative timeline, is exactly as HARD as you might IMAGINE it as being.”

But that’s not all that she said. The most important part (and believe me when I say this, this is THE most important part here) comes right after. She said, and I’m paraphrasing yet again: “If you want to EXPERIENCE the new, you best FOCUS on the new. Take any ACTION that helps create the new. This in turn does two very specific things. One, by not giving power to the old narratives, you ACTUALLY “defeat” those trying to lead the world to ruin. Think of it like pulling out the very card that’s holding together an entire card castle. Pull it out and the old comes crashing down. Easy as that.”

“But most importantly, your intentions/visualizations and ACTIONS towards creating the new, do indeed ACTUALLY create the new! Isn’t that what YOU came here to do (and wanted to make HAPPEN), ultimately?”

The way ahead isn’t just simple and straightforward, my dear lights;

It’s pure genius.

But more importantly,

It is, indeed, the ONE AND ONLY THING that the powers-that-were do NOT want you to know.

That one big secret that they’re afraid of getting revealed THE MOST.

Yes. Quite LITERALLY what you just read above. No clickbait. Straight facts!

The very LAST THING that humanity’s enslavers want you to know is how you can use YOUR attention and YOUR focus and YOUR action to destroy EVERY LAST ONE of their plans.

Because that is INDEED, your true POWER.

So then, how exactly do we even WIELD this power?

I’m here to assist you with learning exactly that. Through a set of very specific tasks/exercises that I’ll lay out for you in the days to come. Tasks that you’ll not only enjoy learning, but also teaching all others as well. Which you very much so will (when you feel that inner calling), eventually. After all, the more (empowered people) the merrier, is it not?

And don’t worry, these tasks would be far easier (and fun!) than you think! But yes, they will indeed require genuine efforts and sincerity on your part. Also, it’s okay if you get something wrong too; you can keep on trying until you get it right, there’s no rush, really. Or you could simply jump to a newer task and come back to deal with this later! There’s no pressure, and there never ever will be.

For indeed is it your intention to assist (self and/or others) that ultimately matters THE most.

All else is but a formality. A unique growth and assistance opportunity. A daring experiment. A fulfilling experience, if you so will.

You don’t really NEED to do any of those things to be of service to the human collective, but there are only benefits (to you and the rest of the collective) should you even as much as attempt to try! Only and ONLY if such things even RESONATE with you in the first place, that is; never EVER force yourself to do a single THING!

In other words, if your inner dialogue sounds like “I NEED to do this…” or “I HAVE to do this…” or “I SHOULD be doing this…” then it’s absolutely NOT for you.

If your inner thought process (coming from your very heart/gut) goes like “I’d absolutely LOVE to do this!” or “I just can’t WAIT to do this!”; THEN, my friends, is this truly going to benefit both YOU as well as the entire PLANET at large.

Do NOT force any of this against your TRUE desires/will. Do so only and ONLY if it truly, deeply, EXCITES you.

A thumb rule (for empowered living) right here!

And now that the groundwork for the cause has been laid, let me know who’s excited to join me in hitting the most exciting, creative, fun, loving, fun-loving and fulfilling New Earth timeline by dropping a comment right below! And don’t forget to SHARE, TRANSLATE or use any other creative means that you may have of spreading the word around!


In Infinite Love and Light,
Don Spectacularis 2.0 (USB-C Compatible)




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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Galactics are Always here
By Ashian
Through Jennifer Crokaert

Jennifer: Greetings Galactic!

Ashian: Greetings Earthling!

J: Well, we’re in great form today!

A: We would hesitate to say that we are always in great form! Great form on earth is a far more fleeting, transient affair ~ for now.

J: For now? I love it, go on, do tell…!

A: As the energies rise, you will find that even though you have denser emotions to transmute, simply by allowing them to be, and honouring the story they have to tell you, you release the pent-up, trapped energy (for example, this energy can be found in ‘bad habits’, physical pains, fears and addictions).

But we digress…we wish to speak of the joy that awaits. Now, while that will actually flood your systems one glorious day ~ your so-called Event or Ascension ~ there is an incremental process that is ongoing. You are downloading more light, transmuting more carbon to crystalline every day, and so you are increasing your joy baseline every day. That is one reason why many of you feel you are more easily irritated at present...+


All sureness or security that is genuine begins within your own energies.

A Message to Lightworkers 

Collective of Guides.

Through Caroline Oceana Ryan.

March 27th, 2020


This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:


Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
We are aware that many of you are still in a place of, if not panic and fear, then quandary, as you wonder how the next four to eight weeks or more will play out and demonstrate in your countries and your own lives.
And we would say, be aware that most of that—the feeling and experience of it, if not the context of it—will be a matter of what you believe to be true for your own life, and true for your beloved Earth.
It is so that much is shifting on the Earth now, for in the absence of outer human activity, including ongoing consumption, constant use of fuel-powered engines, and machines and chemical plants that pollute the planet, Earth Herself has been able to cleanse, to rest, to breathe a bit in the quiet of humanity’s retreat from the usual busyness of life.
Note also that you likewise have changed.
You are also becoming increasingly aware of more fully meeting, experiencing, being within that which houses your spirit.
Many have become far more aware that eating healthfully, including having a minimum (or none) of the usual sweets, alcohol, and other chemical distractions, while having more fresh fruit, water, vegetables, and daily doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) throughout the day, are keeping you not only more resistance to illness, but calming your body, mind, and emotions.
These beautiful forms of self-care, including exercise and time in Nature, reduce the amount of stress that comes with anxiety and uneasy situations.
Again, we wish to assure you that you are not alone in this mountain you climb now, and we wish also to assure you that you have been climbing it for some time now.
Certainly this virus you see everywhere in your news and media is a new and dramatic addition to the number of intrusions that have for some time been sent to downgrade the vibration of your hearts, minds, and bodies.
Yet you have as a species managed to adapt admirably to so many intrusions, so many intended attacks on your energetic and physical systems, that the old regime have had to work constantly to come up with new forms of chemical and technological disruptions.
You have perhaps noted how this is increasingly failing, particularly over the last 50 years or so, and very greatly these last five or 10 years.
Certainly you are aided at all times by the higher Light data pouring onto your planet, and by those whose assistance you call in often, whether they be off-world soul family members, Inner Earth beings, Angelics, or other higher vibrational friends, because you are aware that they desire to assist in humanity’s often demanding evolvement.
Yet in addition to that assistance, you are also even now evolving on a DNA level to be able to resist this latest intrusion.
You may wonder how this can be possible, yet we will explain that as you call out for relief from any difficult circumstance, you are lifting your energy levels to a place where you are not so deeply affected by what is occurring outwardly.
This does not come solely from any one outer channel of assistance.
It comes chiefly from your own determination—as you require the assistance of your soul and higher self—to rise above your circumstances, including on a cellular level.
Those circumstances can include the financial shortages you may be facing or anticipating, and the emotional stress of that anxiety and uncertainty.
It may also include the feeling that perhaps your home or vehicle or job are not so securely yours as you might have thought.
Yet we assure you that your life as a whole is far greater than any of this—far greater than any outer circumstance, or all of them together, no matter how daunting they may feel.
None of this owns you, and you in turn do not fully own anything, though people will say that they “have” a job or a vehicle or a house.
In truth nothing is owned, but only used for a purpose for a time, and all must be blessed and released to its own and your higher good at all times.
This is so, whether you think perhaps you are done with a particular situation, or that it has chosen to release you.
We do not say this to increase your feelings of unsureness now, but to help you loosen and release your grip on any outer circumstance that you feel keeps you safe.
It is that need to claim and own that brings the insecurity, and not the threat of perhaps not having that thing in your life anymore.
All sureness or security that is genuine begins within your own energies.
It is a feeling, an inner experience of being secure within the sacred breath of your own life, your own invaluable existence, and not any outer circumstance, that will bring you to a feeling of Peace every time.
People speak of “job security” and “a secure home” as if they had reached a point at which unsure and unstable circumstances could not reach them.
We assure you, you have constructed a world in which nearly everything is temporary, fleeting, and not to be considered the center or basis of any calm or assurance you feel.
You are the only ones to ensure your wellness, your Peace of heart-mind, your confidence in the power of Life, and the power of Divine Love as it flows through you to your world and all you see and know as your life, dear ones.
We have no safety lock to ensure that third dimensional forms will return to the “normal” that they never were and were never meant to be, especially by you.
And why is this? Are we being particularly cold and unkind in your hour of anxious wondering of “What will happen next?”
Not at all. We are holding out a hand, which you may take energetically now, to assist in lifting you to the level you envisioned before all of this beganand we speak of third dimensional living as a whole.
As you move up to the next octave of your evolvement, you will not need circumstances to be perfect in order to feel at Peace with your life or the world.
You will have ceased to react to outer life as if it were either cooperating with your wishes by helping you feel complete and happy, or giving you a hard time.
You will have blessed, released, and dissolved the ego-mind need to live in survival, in which everything that appears stable must never change, or you will live in a feeling of disturbed unhappiness, anger, or fear.
You will at that moment know that you came here not to settle more comfortably into the old forms of living, but to lift every part of your life and consciousness up to a far more beautiful and fulfilling newform of living.
It is that consciousness which is the heart-mind, the life, the community of evolved beings that all the gates of hell shall not prevail against, to quote Sananda in his life as Yeshua.
Not a building, or an institution, or a set of rules, but a consciousness that lifts one from the chaos and losses of the old lower dimension into the Peace and beauty of the new one.
We hold out that hand, dear ones—will you take it?
Will you recall more fully now Who you are, and why you have come here?
Will you release those labels—worker, citizen, son or daughter—by which you have defined yourself for so long, and know you are so much more—far, far greater than any self-image you have so far allowed yourself to acknowledge.
Step into your Beingness, and say, “Yes” to what you see around you now.
Not only because you have no choice except to flow with life now, but because the greater currents of Life, of Ascension, of this Universe, desire to flow with you.
They desire to lift you up as a great wave in the sea will lift even the greatest sailing vessel, and flow it forward to new destinations.
This is your journey, for you have chosen it—no one imposes it upon you.
Allow, accept, and ask only, “What is the most beautiful thing I can do now? The highest expression of Love to myself and others, and my beloved Earth? Tell me, higher self and soul, for I Am ready to know.”
And so you shall, friends! We see your vision unfolding, even now, in all its power and beauty.

Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.
Caroline Oceana Ryan
Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2020.

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 



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