From your Hostess of Light
We enter new timelines and futures where the limited perception of man merges with the infinite All-knowing possibility. Right now you may feel like a caterpillar, in a small fitting cocoon. You know that you are destined to become more, you can feel it, yet everything in your life points to less than. You feel deep within your spirit that if you tried, you could fly. Then you take another deep look at yourself and see only a human flapping about on the runways of life.
The Cocoon around you has thickened and hardens like the crust of earth’s desert, keeping yourself confined in a reformatory of your own making. In that windowless world there seems no way in and no way out. Then one day the sun shines thru a crack in your shell, a small light appears your heart races with promise as the illusion of limitation begins to dissolve right in front of your eyes. We the people of earth are just now seeing that small point of light, of hope and of full memory.
The caterpillar must surrender to its destiny of becoming a beautiful free flying butterfly. Surrendering is internally knowing and trusting your heart and your gut. The hole is small only in the mind of mankind as he tries to escape who and what he is. Surrender to grace and trust the process. Let go and know that the divine plan will work no matter how many humans or butterflies get in the way. The caterpillar was always destined to become a butterfly! Earth keeps you in a safe cocoon until you are ready to set yourself free.
Time and Karma has Quickened
All places and times-phases merge together in a patchwork of emotions that cannot be explained away. Spontaneous eruptions of tears and fears come to the surface as we walk forward into more heart-light infusions disengaging from a past that is dissolving of and in, its own right. As we entered 2025 a heavy dense sensation entered with us. We wept and mourned for things that had not even occurred. The biggest part of being human is feeling. It is all the senses wrapped around each other in a perfect cosmic dance of craziness. Feeling is what makes us human and vulnerable and yet at the same time totally divine. We as human try to run and escape the feelings by whatever means is necessary. But like Wiley coyote those feelings turn around and bit us in the butt. We should have figured it out by now, that we cannot escape emotions and feelings no matter how hard we try or how far we run. Like a shadow at high noon, past emotions are always in our face and under our skin; Pushing prodding making us cantankerous. Life is already demanding enough, asking more of us than we can handle. The effect is a like a planetary Saturn return and we all go to the cosmic principle.
We all keep doing good deeds, in thought and actions. We follow all the rules playing accordingly. We accrue blessings left and right that seem to fall into a sinkhole not to be seen or retrieved again. Karmic interruptions of life and others keep one on bended sore knees. What do we as a planet need to do to get the big bad storms of Life to diminish and move away? Time is quickened, karma is quickened and nerves are frayed and quickened. This new playing field of cosmic proportion keeps us hopping around like a one-legged chicken. We feel time running uncontrolled, as it demands more and more from our already exhausted humanness. Our list of things ‘to do’ is getting longer and longer, no matter how fast we make haste. Emotions run amuck, making a jumble of things. Our logical brain seems to stop as we ride our animal brain down trails we should not go.
It is not that we are doing anything wrong it is that we are trying to connect with what once was and what should be. Like your smart phone dialing a 1950’s land line, no matter how hard you try there is no connection. There is not a wrong or right way but there is a more efficient way to walk thru these shifts. Hand over what is heavy in your life and heart to that which you once sprang from. Allow what is light of heart and resole to drive this section of the under-construction cosmic highway for you.
Coming face to face with Dimensional Selves
As dimensional Fissures become an everyday occurrence we find ourselves sailing down new passages of time in our homemade launch vehicles. What was long sought within history now slowly reveals itself dim one does not always feel or sense the shift. What we see in this new venue of light is yet to be formed. Each human is developing new lens, allowing them to see dimensionally. Love and forgiveness are a great Balm and should be applied generously. The Child of Light that lives within each person seeks to glide to the surface effortlessly like an island that surfaces in the night.
Humanity is truly and deeply loved by that which first gave it light and life. As the good within humanities heart flails about in its own Sea of Confusion, ancient codes come to the surface, Codes of the heart and great promises that seek to be kept and honored. We all come around the blind corner of self, face-to-face with dimensional aspects of our own being. Everything mirrors what we need to define. Most days we would like to just stay home and board the windows shut, but Life demands more from us and she always gets what she wants.
The Teachings of Groundhog
The ground hog spirit is always about seeing ones shadow and embracing what we fear to come
On February 2nd we are all given the gift of seeing our shadow in the future to come. Seeing the Ground Hogs shadow within self is always an eye opener. All shadows are created by a very bright light that stands behind one. As we move further into the year of 2025 we are asked to look at our shadows, with or without spring and embrace them fully in a new understanding. Ground hog in all of her furry wisdom teaches us about being human. The groundhog symbolizes perseverance, future good luck, and watchfulness. Ground hog asks you to dig deeper into your feelings and thoughts to understand yourself better. You can always find answers if you dig deep enough.
The groundhog acts as a symbol of understanding and acceptance of human venerability, as she understands about with her shadow self and fears. Groundhog shows you how to explore altered states of consciousness more deeply Allowing you to find your answers deep within. Groundhog asks you to be more aware of your surroundings and the people in them so you can protect yourself from hidden danger. People with groundhog energy are highly intuitive; they know what needs to be done instinctively. They always seem to know what family and friends need the most. You like groundhog have a soft heart for others, and you don’t like seeing them suffer.
Metatron & Archangel Michael
Wing & Crystal Combo
Recently the symbol for water which, is literally a double (MM) has kept coming to the Forefront of my thinking. I am one of those, like many of you that have M's within her Palms. In the old days it was a symbol of belonging to a high order of Priests/Priestesses that held the mystery encoding & teachings. The magical M's are passed down generationally, sometimes skipping a generation. MM's are also the ancient symbol for flow, rivers, oceans, all Waters, rains and movement. It can also mean moving immoveable mountains. M's to me also represent my most favorite and most high Angelic presences of Metatron and Archangel Michael. (my cosmic buds) Just the presence of one of them is powerful beyond exploding star systems. But to have a merger of two with one/ imbued with the mark of the other/ is a sign of things to come. (This stone pairing crests itself within one another)
These two powerful stones represent the vibration of Metatron and the Light & Sword of Archangel Michael. They are dynamic of presentation within themselves but they each are encrypted within one another. To me if the universe is sending in these powerful beings then it is time for us to also Mount Up and get ready and prepared for the shifts and upgradements to come. The Archangel Metatron represents ‘Time at Zero point Existence’. Metatron is one of the most important angels in the heavenly hierarchy. He is a member of a special group that is permitted to look at God's visage. Arch-Angel Michael is Commander of the Army of God; He stands first and foremost for fortification and delivery in times of global and interdimensional shift. Archangel Michaels sword & shield represents his ability to protect as well as to cut away that which is no longer serves.
As the energies of all worlds change, a new definition of light is announced. No more sitting upon ones glories waiting for the darkness to just go away. Battlements of safety surround even those of a peaceful heart, ward-ing off danger. One is asked to stand their ground of honorableness no matter what see-weed is flung upon their shores. Standing in the Gap demands one to focus all of their energies into a fractal pattern of fearlessness. Michael assists us in renovating our self-limitations; he brings faith and courage as well as the understanding that one is Never Alone.
The symbol of Metatron holds within it both 'birth' and the ‘infinite’ completing all directions of time and space. This high vibrational geometry resonates thru all planes of light creating color, sound, and transforming physical matter. Metatron emphasizes the significance of the divine masculine and the divine feminine; the need to be stable and sensible, allowing both to weave together in a heavenly genetic design. When you choose to work with Metatron, prepare for a serious measure of intense vibrational teachings.
There is no concern or problem that Michael cannot and will not address when he is called upon to do so. No matter the situation, no matter the challenge, Michael stands ready with his sword and host of Angels to protect and serve all who call upon him for assistance. He clears the path of obstacles; he gives us strength and courage to carry on during the dark times in our lives. He fills us with hope, inspiration, and faith that the Universe is always with us. Michael protects against negative energy of all kinds. This powerful angel is a no nonsense energy He will freely escort any and All darkness back into its proper place. If you are facing a situation that seems impossible to resolve call upon Arch-Angel Michael to help you quicken the outcome. Archangel Michael is the go to guy for dealing with all sorts of psychic nastiness. He will cut cords, exorcise entities, remove and destroy negative thought forms, transmute negative energy, and help confused spirits cross over. Call on him to protect your sensitive child’s dreams, he will stop nightmares. Ask him to shield you when you sleep.
The myths of Metatron are intricate some say he was first a human named Enoch who ascended to Heaven. Sitting next to God, Enoch was instructed in wisdom, and used his skills as a scribe to write 365 books. God revealed to him great mysteries some are still kept secret from the angels. After spending time with God, Enoch returned to earth to instruct his sons in all he learned in the Heavens. After thirty days, the angels returned him to Heaven and then the divine transformation took place. All that is Light caused Enoch's height and breadth to become equal to the height and breadth of the earth; God attached thirty-six wings to his body, and gave him 365 eyes, each as bright as our sun. His body turned into celestial fire. Sparks emanated from him, and storms whirled, and thunder encircled his form. The angels dressed him in magnificent garments, including a crown. A heavenly herald proclaimed his name would no longer be Enoch, but changed to “Metatron” and that all angels must obey him, as second only to God. The meaning of Metatron is "he who occupies the throne next to the Divine throne."