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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


White Hats Mobilizing as Global Elites Push Chaos

By Steve Beckow

Posted on October 5, 2024


Long, some breathless, sensational journalism. But otherwise a decent account of the state of play prior to announcing GESARA.


There will be no nuclear war and no world war. (1)


Gazeteller, October 2, 2024



… and it’s not something to take lightly. We’re staring down a revolution, an upheaval that will burn down the entrenched power structures, reclaim what was stolen, and usher in the age of GESARA — a massive transfer of wealth and power from the elites back to the people. The world will not just change; it will be reborn. This is the beginning of a new era, one that puts humanity’s freedom, prosperity, and truth at the center.

But don’t be fooled — the chaos we see isn’t a coincidence. The orchestrated panic, the looming threat of World War Three, and the incessant fear-mongering are all part of the elites’ desperate attempt to maintain control. More Info on

They are losing their grip, and their response is the only thing they know — more chaos, more fear. What they don’t see coming is that their tactics are playing right into the hands of the White Hats, who are ready to use this very chaos as a weapon against them.

GESARA: The Dawn of True Freedom and Prosperity

Amid all this orchestrated chaos, there’s a brighter vision emerging, one that holds the promise of a world free from the elite’s clutches. GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) is not just a financial reset — it is the greatest wealth transfer in human history, designed to restore balance, freedom, and prosperity to every man, woman, and child on this planet.

This is about a complete restructuring of the global financial system, from a world dominated by Rothschild-controlled banks to a transparent system backed by real value — precious metals, commodities, and truth.

GESARA is the answer to centuries of abuse by the elites. The fiat currency system, which was used as a tool of enslavement, is being replaced by Rainbow Treasury Notes backed by real assets. This new currency isn’t just paper; it’s honest money, something that will provide real wealth and stability.

But it’s not just about the financial system. Under GESARA, we are also looking at the removal of corrupt governments, the release of hidden technologies, and the return of suppressed innovations to the people. This is a complete transformation, one that shifts the power dynamics from a few to the many, and it’s happening now.

Med Beds: Healing Technologies of the Future, Now Becoming a Reality

But financial freedom is just one part of the equation. What’s also coming with GESARA is a wave of technological advancements that have been kept from us for far too long. One of the most extraordinary of these technologies is the Med Bed — a revolutionary medical device that will change healthcare forever.

Med Beds, which utilize advanced Tesla technology, represent a quantum leap in our ability to heal the body. They have the power to cure diseases that the medical-industrial complex told us were incurable, from cancers to degenerative conditions.

Med Beds are a symbol of what humanity can achieve when it’s no longer being suppressed by those who profit from illness and suffering. Imagine a world where healthcare is no longer about managing symptoms for profit but about genuinely healing the body, restoring it to its original, optimal state. Med Beds will make this a reality, dismantling the corrupt grip of Big Pharma and the so-called “healthcare” industry that has never had humanity’s best interests at heart.

This technology is here, and it’s being rolled out. Under GESARA, these Med Beds will be available to everyone, not just the privileged elite who have hoarded this technology for themselves.

It’s part of the massive unveiling of hidden truths and the beginning of a new chapter for humanity, one where illness is treated with compassion and technology, not used as another avenue for profit. This is true freedom — financial freedom, health freedom, and the freedom to live without the oppression of a corrupt system designed to keep us sick and dependent.

World War Three: The Elite’s Final Insanity

The false sirens of war are blaring, and the elites want you to believe that this is all beyond anyone’s control. The staged provocations, the so-called incidents on the world stage, all point towards a fabricated World War Three.

It’s the same tired playbook — fear, division, and chaos. They want people scared, they want nations on the brink, they want citizens terrified enough to beg for any semblance of order they might offer, no matter how draconian. This is their endgame: to use chaos to restore their own twisted version of control.

But what they don’t realize is that their very actions are making them vulnerable. The White Hats, the true patriots and defenders of humanity, see right through the elite’s sick plans. They’re working day and night, anticipating every move, countering every deceitful ploy.

This isn’t a reactive force; it’s a proactive army of insiders and patriots who have dedicated their lives to freeing the world from these leeches who’ve fed off our pain and suffering for far too long.

The White Hats’ Counter-Offensive: Relentless and Unyielding

The elites’ plans are not just being stalled; they’re being obliterated. The White Hats are turning their schemes into nothing but ash. Every provocation is met with swift resistance, every false-flag attempt is neutralized before it can wreak the intended havoc.

You see, while the elites are trying to drag us into the pit of another global conflict, the White Hats are relentlessly working to prevent the war they so desperately crave.

The elites think that by creating chaos, they can escape accountability, but they’re wrong. The White Hats are playing chess, not checkers. They knew this day was coming, and they have been planning their moves for years.

Behind every panic-inducing headline, there is a counter-operation in progress — an effort to dismantle the corrupt systems from within, to ensure that the fear-mongering falls flat, and that humanity is not led like sheep to the slaughter.

You HAVE to be STRONG!

The elites want to use false war as cover for their escape, but the White Hats are trapping them. They know where they hide, they know their escape routes, and every last one of these pathways is being systematically shut down. There is no way out for the corrupt.

The “nuclear threats,” the escalating tensions — all of it is meant to create enough confusion for them to slip away unnoticed. But there are no more shadows for them to hide in. The White Hats are not only blocking their moves, they’re striking back, hitting the cabal where it hurts, ensuring that this time, there is no escape.

Shoving Their Vile Plans Back to the Hell They Came From

The Luciferian elites, with their dark rituals and twisted desire for power, have used war and chaos as tools for generations. Their schemes were born in darkness — vile plots hatched in secrecy, intended to keep humanity under their boot, forever at their mercy.

But those plans are failing. The White Hats are not just defeating these plans; they are destroying them, shoving them back into the infernal pits they crawled out from.

They want you scared!

Every move the elites make is being countered with strategic precision. When they threaten war, the White Hats bring peace. When they ignite fear, the White Hats deliver truth. The elites never anticipated this level of resistance.

They thought they could buy, threaten, and manipulate their way to the finish line. But the White Hats are playing the long game, taking advantage of the elite’s own tactics, using their chaos as cover to execute surgical strikes against their power structures.

The elites orchestrate events to create panic, but instead, it has created the opportunity the White Hats have been waiting for. Under the guise of chaos, the White Hats are deploying their forces, dismantling trafficking networks, taking down financial strongholds, and executing arrests that have been years in the making.

The institutions that were once untouchable are now being stripped of their influence, and the pawns who played their parts in the grand deception are being exposed, one by one.

Turning Chaos Into Opportunity

The White Hats are relentless. They are using the elite’s desperation against them, taking full advantage of their missteps and turning their chaos into an opportunity for the people. Project Odin, for example, will not just be a new communications platform; it will be the blade that cuts through the cabal’s grip on information, exposing every lie and half-truth they’ve propagated. The blackout will be the moment when the veil of lies is ripped away — when the truth comes flooding in, unfiltered, unmanipulated.

It’s a classic reversal of fortune. The elites have always used chaos as their weapon, but now, the White Hats are turning that same chaos against them. The so-called World War Three will not be their path to renewed power; it will be the trap that seals their fate. Every false flag, every act of desperation, is another piece of the puzzle that the White Hats are using to expose and dismantle their network.

The White Hats know exactly what the elites are up to, and they’re always one step ahead. They’re not just playing defense; they’re on the offensive, making sure that every last dark plan the cabal tries to implement is stopped cold.

The elites have tried to escalate tensions, to drag countries into war, but instead, they are only hastening their own end. The military might of the alliance, the true patriots around the world, is poised to strike at the heart of the darkness, to rid the world of the last vestiges of elite power.

How to Stay Calm During These Hard Times! Watch This!

No Safe Haven for the Corrupt

The elites have always relied on their havens of power — their castles, their estates, their secret bunkers. They believed that they could always retreat to these safe spaces when things got too hot. But the truth is, the heat is everywhere now.

The White Hats have them cornered. Their castles are being dismantled, their estates seized, their bunkers compromised. The takedown is comprehensive, and there is nowhere left for them to hide.

The great illusion is falling apart, and the truth is being revealed in ways that even the mainstream media cannot ignore. The wealth transfer under GESARA is the final nail in the coffin for the old order.

It’s not just a redistribution of money; it’s a redistribution of power. The elites will no longer have control over the resources of the world. That control is being returned to the people, and it’s happening now, despite their every effort to stop it.

The White Hats are using every tool at their disposal. Rods of God, directed energy weapons, tactical strikes — every measure necessary to ensure that the elite’s influence is eradicated, root and branch.

The old power structures are crumbling, the Rothschild banking system is being dismantled, and with it, the financial control the elites have wielded like a weapon is slipping from their hands.

The Fight for Humanity’s Soul

The White Hats are engaged in a battle for the very soul of humanity. The elites are desperate, they’re unhinged, and they’re ready to ignite the flames of global war if it means keeping control for just a little longer. But their time is up.

The White Hats, standing for truth, justice, and freedom, are not going to let them take us down with them. They are relentless in pushing the elites’ vile plans back into the darkness, back into the hell they came from.

Humanity is on the brink, not of destruction, but of a monumental awakening. The elites can scream, plot, and create all the chaos they want, but the White Hats are ready. They’re turning them into dust, grinding them under the weight of truth and justice.

This is an annihilation of everything the elites stand for. And from the ashes of their failed schemes, a new world will rise — a world of freedom, prosperity, and truth for all.

The White Hats are reclaiming the future, and there is no room in that future for the corrupt, for the deceivers, or for those who would use humanity as a pawn in their twisted games.

The fight is on, and the White Hats are winning.

We’re witnessing the rebirth of humanity, a humanity free from the chains of the elite’s control.


(1) See There Will be No Nuclear War for the World at






Steve Beckow



My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




“Imminent GESARA Mass Wealth Redistribution”

By Steve Beckow

Posted on October 2, 2024


Folks, I’m trying to select the most informative articles on GESARA, the QFS, and other boots-on-the-ground subjects. I’m hampered by the opinion we’ve formed that some journals which have or appear to have access to inside sources are considered sensational and beneath our dignity.

Granted they do sometimes use sensational or even discriminatory language at times, they remain the best sources I’m aware of on certain subjects. I think of two in particular: Michael Baxter on Real Raw News, who has access to Marine Gen. Eric Smith’s office.

And “Medeea Greere,” on American Media Group News, who just may turn out to be a pseudonym for a white-hat information-dissemination team. I say that because the amount of information that comes from “her” pen every day could not possibly come from one person. And yet it is detailed and the greater part of it sounds credible.

So I’m shaking off this fear I have of posting sources we look down on and posting more of what’s actually being said. As I mentioned, I think they have access to information that we won’t get elsewhere.

This article is from a third, similar site, the Gazetteller, who again packages their overviews well, with some sensational language but also with insight.

As we get nearer and nearer to the election, I’ll be giving more and more attention to 3/4D subjects but, always, within the larger context into which they all fit (i.e., Ascension).

BREAKING! Imminent GESARA Mass Wealth Redistribution Unleashed: NESARA’s Rainbow Currency Being Printed and Secretly Tested, EBS Set to Activate, as Global Banks Collapse and CEOs Resign Worldwide!

Gazetteller, September 29, 2024


September 29, 2024—The Revolution Has Begun! We are living through the final chapter of the old world. The global elites are in a state of panic, scrambling to keep control as the most monumental wealth transfer in history is being prepared under NESARA and GESARA. The signs are exploding into view, visible to anyone who dares to see beyond the lies of the controlled media.

The Prosperity Funds and GESARA Wealth Redistribution—Activation Imminent

The Prosperity Funds—the secret weapon in GESARA’s arsenal. The funds are locked and loaded, ready for imminent distribution. Reports from insiders suggest that by mid-October, we could see the first round of direct wealth transfers, wiping out personal debts, and distributing the wealth that has been stolen from the people for generations. The old systems of debt slavery are being torn down, and this redistribution will be unlike anything the world has ever seen.

Banks have already begun quiet debt forgiveness, erasing loans and credit card debts without fanfare. They are trying to avoid the inevitable public backlash when the truth comes out—that they’ve been exploiting humanity with fake money, fake loans, and fraudulent interest rates. This quiet forgiveness is their attempt to save face, but it’s not enough. The world is waking up to the GESARA wealth redistribution, and there’s no stopping it now.

Banks Are Collapsing, and It’s All Part of the Plan

The recent collapses of Silicon Valley Bank, Credit Suisse, and others? These aren’t just failures of management; they are deliberate takedowns orchestrated to weaken the cabal’s control over the world’s financial system. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is operational and directly challenging the old fiat infrastructure. The banking system as we know it is imploding, and it’s all according to plan—NESARA’s plan.

Even JPMorgan Chase, one of the deep state’s strongholds, is under immense pressure. Rumors suggest that a quiet run on the banks is occurring as insiders try to secure their wealth before the full reset kicks in. But here’s the kicker—they can’t win. The entire system is being watched, every transaction traced by the QFS, and these corrupt elites have nowhere to hide.

The Rainbow Currency Pilot Tests—It’s All Happening Behind the Scenes!

Let’s get right into it: insiders have confirmed that the Rainbow Currency, backed by gold, silver, and platinum, is already in circulation in select areas. Quiet trials are being conducted in rural regions under the guise of “community-based experimental currency” projects. These “tests” are nothing more than NESARA’s initial rollout to prepare the masses for the official switch when the fiat dollar gets obliterated.

We have new eyewitness accounts from individuals in Montana and West Virginia who have seen and used these bills in select stores. The bills are unlike anything we’ve ever seen before—colorful, holographic, impossible to counterfeit.

This is what freedom looks like. The fiat currency system, controlled by the Federal Reserve, is gasping its last breath as we speak, while the Rainbow Currency is rising from its ashes.

The Emergency Broadcast System is Ready to Be Activated

The EBS is already prepped and ready to go. Insiders have confirmed that military communication channels are being cleared in anticipation of the global broadcast.

The media blackout we’re seeing? The controlled narratives being spun by the mainstream? They know what’s coming, and they’re scrambling to maintain control over a world that is slipping through their fingers.

Expect mass internet outages, power grid disruptions, and a complete communication blackout—this is the 10 Days of Darkness. During this time, the only source of information will be the Emergency Broadcast System, which will deliver the truth bombs the world needs to hear.

Mass Resignations—The Elite Rats [Sensational language] Are Abandoning Ship!

In the corporate world, the dominos are falling fast. Just in the past two months, we’ve seen unprecedented resignations of high-profile CEOs: Disney’s new leadership resigned suddenly; Amazon’s top executives are jumping ship; even oil giants are seeing their leadership scatter like frightened mice.

This isn’t coincidence. These CEOs are being forced out as the NESARA purge continues. Corporate complicity in the global control system is being dismantled, and the rats are leaving before they’re publicly exposed.

Insiders are reporting that sealed indictments are finally being unsealed, and many of these leaders are receiving “resignation or arrest” ultimatums. The purge of the corrupt is well underway, and it’s all part of the transition into GESARA’s new era of corporate accountability.

The Quantum Financial System—No More Secrets, No More Corruption

The Quantum Financial System is the backbone of this revolution. Every transaction, every movement of money is being tracked and traced. This isn’t just about eliminating corruption—it’s about ensuring that never again can the wealth of the people be siphoned away in the dark.

Insiders have leaked that major financial institutions are being forced to integrate with the QFS or face collapse. This is why the IMF and World Bank are suddenly pushing for “financial transparency”—they’re being backed into a corner, forced to play by the rules of the new system or risk being shut down.

Military Movements—The Cabal’s Armies Are Being Disarmed

This isn’t just about money—it’s about the total dismantling of the cabal’s power. Recent military withdrawals from global hotspots are part of a coordinated effort to dismantle the deep state’s offensive capabilities. Reports have surfaced that troops are being repositioned, not for new wars, but for domestic security operations—preparing to assist with the mass arrests that are coming.

The so-called “mysterious accidents” at munitions factories in the United States and Europe over the past few months? These are covert operations to ensure the cabal cannot wage another war. GESARA mandates peace, and the world’s militaries are being systematically disarmed, their offensive capabilities neutered.

The Havana Syndrome—NESARA’s Warning Shot to the Deep State

Let’s be clear: the “Havana Syndrome” was no accident and no mystery. The recent uptick in symptoms experienced by U.S. diplomats and intelligence agents is NESARA’s direct warning to the deep state: get out, or be taken out.

The technology behind these attacks is being used to target those who refuse to stand down, those who continue to fight against the awakening of humanity. The Pentagon purges are escalating—more and more top brass are suddenly “retiring” as NESARA forces compliance with the new order.

The Disarmament of Nuclear Powers—NESARA’s Final Push for Peace

New information has emerged that disarmament treaties are being fast-tracked behind the scenes, with 2025 being the deadline for complete nuclear disarmament. This is about ensuring the total inability of the cabal to ever again hold the world hostage.

Military insiders have leaked that classified agreements have already been signed by Russia, China, and even rogue states like North Korea—all under the direct influence of GESARA forces.

The Mass Awakening—The Revolution Is Already Here

NESARA and GESARA are not future events—they are happening now. The old world is collapsing, and a new world of freedom, abundance, and peace is being born. The elites are in disarray, their power structures dismantled piece by piece.

The Rainbow Currency, the Quantum Financial System, the Prosperity Funds—all of these are unfolding before our very eyes, and those who remain blind to it will be left in the dust.

This is the moment of humanity’s awakening. The greatest wealth transfer in history is imminent, and the elite can do nothing to stop it.

The world is changing, the lies are falling apart, and the truth is setting us free. Prepare yourselves—the world as you know it is ending, and something much greater is taking its place.






Steve Beckow



My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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