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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Setembro 11, 2020


All of Life Follows a Divine Plan.

By Steve Beckow

September 10th, 2020.

The Plan can be seen as a sacred arc from God to God and a spiritual spiral due to karma

I’d like to bring to the discussion of foundational values an appreciation of the Divine Plan, its architect, and its aims. Other discussions of it are to be found on this site. (1)

This is simply an introduction to the topic. I follow it, in Part 2, with a 2012 discussion with the Divine Mother on the subject of the Divine Plan.

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self tells us:

“The period you are in is the final one following the end of the cycle in 2012 and is a matter of finalising the preparations for the end times. Then there is the inevitable parting of the ways when those who have raised their vibrations will ascend. The journey through many periods of time will have been well worth it if you finally reach the level that you have been working towards.

“The thought of life without the activities of the dark Ones who have followed a different path, is exciting as at last you can choose your next life within the higher dimensions. It will be so different to what you have been used to, the joy and freedom to go where your interests are best fulfilled, and you continue your evolution.” (2)

Do you ever get the feeling, oh, the slightest suspicion that there actually is a Divine Plan behind all this?

Let’s see. Finalizing the plans. Parting of the ways. Life within the higher dimensions. Go where your interests take you. All discussed ahead of time….

Hmmm…. Sounds like a plan.

Well, what is the Plan then? Does anyone come right out and say it?

Yes, I think they do. Of all the galactics, celestials, and other commentators who discuss it, I’d like to go directly to the Plan’s architect – the Divine Mother.

Who is she? (3) God has two aspects – passive and active, silent and sonic. The ancients called the passive and silent God the Farther and the active and sonic God the Mother.

Lucky souls that we are, we’ve been able to speak with the Mother on the radio. In An Hour with an Angel, through Linda Dillon, she refers to the still and silent One as the Father, as here:

“The Father and the Father through me have never dictated to you how you will unfold your plan. …

“Now, when I say I bring our focus to this, is it all of our focus — the Father and mine? Of course not. But the energies that are brought with what you think of as the Company of Heaven, the ascended ones, and the Father and I are far beyond your comprehension.” (4)

Sages since Taoism (5) (probably since the Vedas) have also conventionally called those our parents and named the passive and silent One the Father and the active and sonic One the Mother. Let me cite Lao Tzu here, describing the Divine Pair.

“Nameless indeed is the source of creation
But things have a mother and she has a name.” (6)

The Mother has given birth to the world of matter (mater, Mother). The things or phenomena she has given birth to have form and name. She is all that can be known. The Father remains unknown and nameless.

Lao Tzu: From What-is [the Mother] all the world of things was born
But What-is sprang from What-is-not [the Father]. (7)

The Mother has given birth to all we see, hear, and touch. But she herself was born of the Father.

The two of them are indivisible but distinct, Lao Tzu says:

“These two come paired but distinct
By their names.
Of all things profound,
Say that their pairing is deepest,
The gate to the root of the world.” (8)

They are One but we give them different names. When we hold our own divine male and female natures in equilibrium (androgyny, “their pairing”), it opens the gates of the heart to knowledge of the Self and, after that in stair steps, the Divine Pair.

Therefore, using the sages’ naming convention, the Divine Mother, being the active One of the Pair, is seen as the creator, preserver, and transformer of life. If she were to stop her creative vibration, Aum, from sounding in the world, all vibration would stop and everything would – not turn to dust but – disappear.

In another AHWAA, she revealed how the plan originates and depends on her.

“Control and abuse of power have been rampant. And that will not be the platform on which integration of the various galaxies takes place. That is not the plan.

“And I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not my plan then it will not occur.” (9)

So no future of control and abuse. And if it isn’t in her Plan, it will not occur. Let’s start there, the architect of the Plan having identified herself and established her Plan and its limits.

In another broadcast, she talked openly and at length about her Plan. She begins:

“Never has there been a more important juncture to truly adhere to, practice, to embrace the Universal Laws, the rule of humankind that you are governed with – and it does not matter whether it is in Somalia or Venezuela or Canada or Russia. The rules of man based on the false paradigms are evaporating. And they need to. That is part of My Plan.” (10)

What is that Plan? She states it in a nutshell. In the footnote, I’ll offer other statements of it.

“You are on a journey of fulfillment. And you are on a journey back to me, back to the One. And this deep knowing configures – not merely influences – but configures your life, as we – and I speak for the entire Council of Love – as we proceed in the fulfillment of the Plan.” (11)

The Plan is for an individual soul to be born of the Father, clad in a body of the Mother’s making, and to be educated lifetime after lifetime in who it is, until it realizes “I am God.” At this moment God meets God in a moment of our enlightenment. That is the aim of the Plan.

When we realize there’s a Plan, the first question that comes to mind is: Does its existence override our free will?

“Now you say to me, ‘Mother, is this an override of our free will?’ And what I say to you – what I declare this day – is that it is an activation of the fullness of your free will. …

“In My Plan, every free will is a thread in my infinite tapestry. They’re not conflicting – they are essential – that interlocking, interweaving of the beauty of existence.” (12)

What we don’t understand is that, because we are God, God’s Plan turns out to be our plan as well, as the Mother acknowledges.

“My Plan? Yes, of course. There is but one Plan. But it is also your plan” (13)

It is our Plan in that we’re God. It is also our plan in that there is room in it for our individual choices, all coordinated by means that we could not possibly fathom.

“There are millions of plans. Is it a job for a coordinator such as Gabrielle? Most certainly! But all is in correct, perfect Divine Unfoldment.” (14)

So that’s an introduction to the Divine Plan by its architect. I’d now like to reproduce the transcript of the radio show in which the Divine Mother discussed her Plan in welcome detail.

(For more on the Divine Plan for our Ascension, see “A Divine Plan Exists for This Ascension” at

(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)


(1) “Mother/Father God’s Plan of Enlightenment,” May 31, 2020, at; “Spiritual Evolution: The Divine Plan for Life (Reposted),” Dec. 4, 2014, at

(2) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self, Aug. 28, 2020.

(3) Of course the Mother is divine and the Father is holy. But please excuse me from needing to engage in constant discrimination over which beings merit a capital in their name and which do not.

(4) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at

(5) Lao-Tzu, The Way of Life (Tao Te Ching). Trans. R.B. Blakney. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1955, 1, 53.

(6) Ibid., 40, 93.

(7) Ibid., 1, 53.

(8) The Divine Mother in “Transcript ~ A Mass Heart Opening on This Planet,” Aug. 21, 2017, at

(9) Loc. cit.

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) Loc. cit. For other statements of it, see “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at ; 
“What is the Purpose of Life?” February 24, 2020, at ; and “The One and Only Assignment, Lifetime after Lifetime,” May 11, 2016, at

For a book-length discussion of it, see The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at

(12) Loc. cit.

(13) Loc. cit.
Steve Beckow

Source: Golden Age of Gaia

Compiled by from: 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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Setembro 07, 2020


A World that Works for Everyone is a Synonym for the Fifth Dimension.

By Steve Beckow

September 7th, 2020.

I assert that a Fifth-Dimensional world is a world that works for everyone.

I assert that an ascended world is a world that works for everyone.

A world beyond mukti, moksha, or liberation is a world that works for everyone.

The dead are alive and the living are dead. That proverb has so many levels of meaning. (1)

The one I like and that appeals to me is that those who live drowned (dead) in the Ocean of Love are more alive than those merely living in the body.

I’m not sure if what I say applies to the Fifth, but I know it applies to the Seventh, also known as the Plane of Christ Consciousness and the Plane of Love. (2)

In the Seventh is located the Ocean of Love, I’m told (there were no maps or traffic signs). I had to ask Michael for its location. (3)

Think of yourself as a car. Your owner has you rebuilt from top to bottom, cleaned you out, rebored your cylinders, reupholstered you, repainted you, and there you are.

That’s a fraction of how you’ll feel drowned in the Ocean of Love. Brand, spanking new and ready to go. Not a harmful thought in your head or hurtful feeling in your heart. Everything inside and outside you is loving.

That is a world that works for everyone. (4)


(1) Other levels: Those who are dead to the pleasures of the senses are alive in the spirit. Another level: Dwellers on the astral planes are more alive to life than people living in the body. Etc.

(2) “[When Gaia resides in] the seventh … the planetary system will reside in a level of higher consciousness, Christed consciousness as you think of it.” (The Lord Arcturus in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 12, 2019.)

“The seventh dimension is known as the dimension of the Christ Consciousness. This is the state of being the heart and knowing of Love. It is the growth opportunity for compassion, kindness, selflessness, honoring and Love. When you anchor in this place of consciousness you are fully capable of holding the vibrations, energies, lessons, understandings and growth of all of the 12 dimensions available to you on this planet. It is the gentle allowing state of being that permits expansion and incorporation of your entire original imprint, soul design – what you think of as your universal or higher self, your angelic self or your over-soul.” (“Albert Einstein – The Nature Of Life And Dimensions On Earth,” Feb. 15, 2015, at

(3) Steve: The space that I call transformative love, what dimension is it? [The Ocean of Love is transformative love filling every inch of space.]

AAM: It is the Seventh Dimension. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.)

While this experience, above, was not truncated, another Seventh-Dimensional experience was:

Steve Beckow: I had an experience at a meditation workshop in which I felt regal. It was a partial experience [there was no bliss]. Can you tell me what that part of me was that I accessed.

Archangel Michael: … Your highest Self, your Oversoul, is very regal.

SB: So that was an experience of the Oversoul.

AAM: Yes. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 13, 2011.)

Arcturians: Seventh is your Oversoul. (Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Sue Lie, March 17, 2013.)

“The seventh dimension is known as the dimension of the Christ Consciousness. … It is … what you think of as your universal or higher self, your angelic self or your over-soul.” (“Albert Einstein – The Nature Of Life And Dimensions On Earth,” Feb. 15, 2015, at

(4) And, yes, that is unitive consciousness.
Steve Beckow

Source: Golden Age of Gaia

Compiled by from: 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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Agosto 25, 2019


Steve Beckow.

Golden Age of Gaia.

25 de agosto de 2019.



Há tantas pessoas com motivos para querer que seu governo funcione.

Primeiro, elas não farão o trabalho que o próprio governo faz - emitindo carteiras de motorista, pegando lixo, entregando cartas, etc.

Segundo, eles foram criados em um ambiente familiar e estenderam isso para o governo deles. Eles gostam da sensação de segurança que depende do governo.

Etc., etc.

Essas pessoas querem ser capazes de pensar que o governo é cumpridor da lei, confiável e atencioso.

Declarações como a de Patrick Byrnes nos obrigam a encarar a realidade de que o próprio governo, e muitos de seus órgãos, podem ser corrompidos e depois seguir cursos que são tudo menos legais - que são ilegais ao extremo (e nós não ouvimos os verdadeiros extremos do estado profundo ainda - e espero que nunca precisemos). (1)

Ao postar os comentários de Byrne, a CNN adicionou:

  • A frase “Deep State [estado profundo]” é usada para sugerir que existe uma arquitetura de governo que opera fora do sistema democrático. O presidente Donald Trump e seus partidários também usaram a frase para fazer referência a teorias conspiratórias que afirmam que atores insidiosos estão tentando minar sua presidência. ”(2)

Temos Patrick Byrne, por um lado, reconhecendo sua parte nas coisas relatadas por um serviço de notícias que, segundo se diz, está escondendo o seu.

O Sr. Byrne leva a vida em suas mãos para dizer o que disse. Ele pode estar seguindo a regra geral de que, se você diz isso amplamente, publicamente, você pode estar seguro. A única maneira de permanecer vivo pode ser limpar.

Seja qual for o caso, fazer o que ele faz exige coragem. Em uma era de encobrimentos, a limpeza é uma inovação, uma partida distinta.
Depois, há todos os avisos e exceções.

Ele pode não estar dizendo a verdade. Levaria mais pesquisas do que posso oferecer para estimar se ele está ou não.

Outras pessoas mais profundamente implicadas podem enfrentar uma chance muito mais provável de serem assassinadas se forem libertadas.

Depois, há as pessoas que realmente planejaram as operações negras, como o assassinato de Kennedy, 11 de setembro, e o uso de urânio empobrecido omnicidal.

Essas pessoas provavelmente terão que ser perseguidas pela lei e levadas ao tribunal. A menos que eles deixem uma confissão no leito de morte. Caso contrário, nunca saberíamos o que realmente aconteceu.

Temos que passar pelo trauma dessa descoberta do mal. Simultaneamente, precisamos voltar nossa atenção para a recompensa, reavivamento e reabilitação das vítimas. Temos muito trabalho pela frente como sociedades globais.

Eu gostaria de pensar no reconhecimento de Patrick Byrne à imprensa e ao público sobre o seu papel desconhecido no trabalho sujo político que vai começar uma nova onda de agradecimentos. Se isso não colocar uma vida em perigo, espero que haja uma enxurrada de revelações de pessoas que querem se limpar.

Lembre-se de quanto melhor o usuário do Google, Zachary Vorhies, sentiu após ter soado o apito no Google: “foi um fardo tirado da minha alma” (2).

Apenas diga!

Uma vez limpo, desde que você não tenha violado intencionalmente nenhuma lei, você pode ser capaz de ter uma vida melhor ou pegar o tópico deste.

Steve Beckow

Notas de rodapé

(1) Kathleen Mary Willis, "Admissão Notável do CEO da," 23 de agosto de 2019, em 

(2) Jackie Wattles, “CEO da Overstock renuncia depois que seus comentários de 'estado profundo' provocaram uma onda de vendas de ações”, CNN Business, 22 de agosto de 2019,

(3) em

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

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