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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Making Each Other Bad and Wrong is a 3D Habit

By Steve Beckow

Posted on January 17, 2025

Credit: Novakid Channel. We teach like/don’t like to kids at the earliest ages.


The chief feature of duality is the creation of a mental spectrum upon which is ranged things we like and don’t like, things which are good and bad, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly, etc.

Life becomes about avoiding the latter and enjoying as much of the former as possible before dropping dead.

But seriously, if we want real change in a world on fire, we need to address probably the worst pitfall of living in a dualistic, 3/4D world.

That is the mental habit of making some people bad and wrong and others good and right. Given our self-serving bias, we end up being good and right, along with our friends, and whomever we don’t like ends up being bad and wrong. (1)

This mental habit is only a characteristic of 3/4D. It doesn’t exist on the higher planes, pre-empted by the ubiquitous love that lives there. (2)

The alternative is to stop doing it and substitute factual, common-sense observation and analysis instead. “Just the facts, ma’am,” a style of communication our star family calls Perro. (3)

But looking at the mental habit for a moment, in my understanding, almost every person’s way is right in their own eyes. Haven’t we seen this again and again? “They deserved it. They got what was coming to them. I taught them a lesson.” Etc. No matter how awful and reprehensible the action is to us, to the actor it’s justifiable.

Even Hitler wrote his last will and blamed his defeat on his people. They weren’t courageous enough or willing to suffer enough. No, it had nothing to do with him.

It’s a knee-jerk reaction to defend ourselves, instead of saying, “Hmmm… I may have played a role in that. Let me have a look.” (4)

Ascension will handle the matter. Infused with the love that lives on the higher realms, everything connected with right/wrong, good/bad will instantly evaporate and disappear from memory as well.

I remember asking Archangel Michael if forgiveness would disappear on the higher planes because we wouldn’t be doing anything offensive or even thinking of it. There’d be nothing to forgive. He agreed.

If we experienced that love on this plane of existence, all “problems” would instantly disappear.  But, until the kundalini reaches the fourth chakra and releases this love, we stumble around in the darkness of our minds.

In higher planes, there are only “situations,” which we’d regard as opportunities to help, so as to experience the love flowing through us to another. (Love must flow.) (5)

Even if we’re not in the experience of that love, we invite it to us by declining to follow the mind into appraisals of good/bad and right/wrong. There are ways and means that work and ways and means that don’t. Never mind “might makes right,” what does common sense and a loving heart say?

What catastrophe will the cabal try next and attribute to climate change?

Always keep in mind that our star family will not permit a nuclear or a world war. No nuclear weapons can be exploded in space (and almost all nukes are delivered through space).  (6) All the nuclear threats you hear are purely theatrical.


(1) See On the Self-Serving Bias at

(2) I’ve been given numerous sometimes toned-down experiences of the love, bliss, and ecstasy that exist on the higher dimensions. Michael explains:

Archangel Michael: What you have seen is that you have been given bite-sized pieces of energy, of energy bumps, of input of what you can digest and handle and truly bring to fruition. If you are in the process of expansion, you don’t go from Grade 3 to a PhD in a week. (“AAM on Truncated Experiences,” March 21, 2017, at

Archangel Michael: You have experienced, progressively, periods of unity, of transformative love, of ecstasy, of bliss that you feel (and I emphasize feel) come and go.

But every time, you have had this experience it has edged you up a level. So that now you say to me, “Michael, I feel like I have a new baseline. I have a new foundation of happiness.”

But you also have a new foundation of knowingness, of understanding, of wisdom, of humility, of tolerance, of kindness. This has all been bringing you to an expanded sense of self and an expanded sense of not only how we operate but how the collective operates. (“Archangel Michael on Snaps, Expansion, and Ascension,” June 6, 2017, at

(3) See “Do You Speak Perro?”  

(4) In a three-month encounter group I attended in 1975-76, I recall that the first time someone gave us feedback that seemed to criticize us, we were greatly offended. By the end, we acknowledged whatever was true with great delight at knowing more about ourselves.

(5) Archangel Michael: Love is the energy of the universe. It is the energy of the Mother. And it moves constantly, continually, eternally, infinitely. So, to have an experience of love, it [must move] through you.  (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 5, 2018.) (Hereafter AAM.)

AAM: Love is a fluid energy. It has need to flow and so when it does not flow it becomes… Well, as you put it, it be can become dry and brittle. It has need to be given and received above, below, within, without and in every which way. (AAM, April 30, 2019.)

(6) See There will be No Nuclear War for the World at

Steve Beckow

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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To What Extent is Your Personality False?

By R’Kok

Channel: A. S. 

Posted on September 28, 2024

My dear Earth friends,
This is R’Kok speaking. I am grateful for this opportunity, and feel humbled that out of the countless beings who would love to be channeled, I am the one who is chosen for today.
Seriously, you have no idea how many beings would love to send a message to Earth — to give advice, to share stories, to tell you how much they love and appreciate and respect you.
Today I would like to discuss: to what extent is your personality false?
And I’m asking the question in this way because almost certainly your personality is false to a greater extent than zero.
I’m calling those parts of your personality false that were created as a coping or a defensive mechanism, to deal with fear or pain or pressure or indoctrination. Beliefs or life choices that don’t fit you are also part of your false personality.
For example, imagine a woman who was raised to be a good, kind Christian who never gets angry or offends anyone.
Which parts of this woman’s personality are false? Well, it depends on the woman. It’s possible that incidentally, being a good, kind Christian woman is almost exactly what she resonates with in this life. In this case, very little of her personality may be false. Now sure, everyone gets angry occasionally, so never getting angry and never offending anyone is probably part of a false personality, but still.
On the other hand, it’s also possible that this woman had the pre-birth intention to be a piercing, rationally-minded, atheistic, investigative journalist who asks tough, possibly unkind or offensive questions to people. In this case, if the woman actually adopts the kind, Christian woman personality who never offends anyone (and she might), then pretty much all of her personality could be false, and that might lead to psychological problems, anxiety, substance abuse, a gnawing unhappiness or emptiness, etc. Or she might rebel very hard during her teenage years, or she might experience a severe midlife crisis.
This is why it’s best to give your children room to express themselves and be themselves and explore and find themselves, and not push them too hard in any particular direction. If you allow that, and if your children are loved and taken care of, then probably a relatively small amount of their personality will be false — although it might still be the case that your child came in to be a reformer or shaker-up of the system, and so they’re not ever going to fit in and be satisfied in a world like Earth. Some people have the choice between adopting a false personality and just not fitting in with society at all, and that can be a tough choice.
Now in most cases, a child gets damaged to a relatively large degree — more than you’re perhaps aware of, because parents have to push their children into a mold so that they’ll fit into society, which is seen as normal and necessary but can actually be quite damaging for the child. As a result, a child may grow up with a relatively large false personality.
Let’s investigate to what extent you have, and / or grew up with a false personality. I would like to invite you to answer the following questions for yourself. Feel free to pause this message, answer a question and then unpause the message.
Does it feel like a burden to occasionally more or less have to keep quiet about your true beliefs, because normal people are aggressively close-minded? So for example, if you’re adopting a false, polite, normal persona at work because the people there wouldn’t accept the real you, then that might be causing you inner pain — even though that’s probably also necessary, and I wouldn’t recommend being excessively open at work. To be clear, you’re not doing anything wrong if you hide your true self at work, that may be necessary. But if you’re hiding your true self at work, and if that causes you emotional pain, then that’s good to be aware of. Awareness is the first step towards decreasing your suffering, after all.
Does it feel reasonable to you that you have to make money to survive, and that you therefore might be pushed into doing a job that’s more or less pointless? If that feels unreasonable to you, then even having a job might not be a part of the real you — even though it might be necessary regardless. This is the paradox of living on Earth: you might have to do things that go against your nature just to be able to afford food, because Earth’s society is so twisted. So I’m not saying to quit your job today, I’m not saying you’re doing anything wrong, but if needing to have a job is causing you inner turmoil then, at least it’s good to be conscious of that.
Next up: were you allowed to be angry as a child and teenager? Were you allowed to cry? Were you allowed to rest and more or less do nothing for a while? Were you allowed to fail?
Are there any other emotions that you weren’t allowed to have as a child?
Did those emotions or desires become subconscious or repressed? Do you have inner parts of yourselves who still have those desires?
Were you allowed to pick your own religious and spiritual beliefs as a child, or were you more or less pushed into a specific belief such as Christianity or atheism?
Were you allowed to pick your own left vs right political preference, or were you more or less told that this side is noble and right and that the other side is evil and stupid?
To what extent were you allowed to say or express things that your parents disapproved of? To what extent were you pushed to be a model child, or a child that your parents could be proud of?
Did your parents push you in certain directions to mitigate their own fears?
Did you receive sufficient unconditional love and freedom as a child?
Now let’s ask a few more questions about your current adult self:
To what extent do you dare be authentic, even if it upsets others or make you look a bit crazy in the eyes of others?
Are you comfortable with your inner masculinity and femininity? And are you sure about that? Are there some parts of it that you’re in resistance to?
To what extent are you suffering from learned helplessness — the idea that you’re unable to create positive change? Do you feel comfortable with giving up the familiar and with making drastic, perhaps scary changes at the appropriate time. Do you feel comfortable in your ability to create a good life for yourself? Do you feel comfortable in your ability to contribute positively to Earth society?
What parts of your life are things you want to do, and what parts of your life are things you feel you have to do? And is it actually true that you have to do those things?
If as your current adult self you’re nice to someone — do you do that because that’s the real you, or do you do that because you want something from the other person (approval, sex, love), or do you do that so that you can prove to yourself or others that you are a good person?
When women express a dislike of so-called “nice guys”, often they’re sensing that being nice is a false personality of that man. He’s not being nice because that’s his nature, instead he’s being nice to get something (sex, approval), or to manipulate people in some way (look at me being a great guy). The niceness is part of the “nice guy’s” false personality.
People often prefer those who have a mostly-genuine personality, even if they’re kind of dicks, over those who pretend to be nice but aren’t.
Now, due to the previous questions, you might have discovered that your childhood was lacking in some ways that you weren’t aware of. I empathize — life on Earth is indeed really tough and unfair, and I’m sorry.
As with previous messages: observing yourself without judging or bulldozing or suppressing immediately trying to change yourself is a valuable step towards healing. And also, give yourself some time — you can’t change your entire personality overnight.
If you still think that none of your personality is false, well, it’s entirely possible that less of your personality might be fake than most people. But if you were entirely unblocked and fully aligned with your soul and Source, you could and probably would single-handedly liberate Earth. And you could do things such as teleport, et cetera. So likely you still have some blocks and some false parts of your personality.
If you’re unaware which parts of your personality are fake, it might help to just keep asking yourself “why” whenever you make a notable choice, or whenever you do something that perhaps doesn’t make a lot of sense. Then keep asking yourself “why” as a follow-up question when you answer the first “why.”
Finally, it’s completely fine, and indeed quite wise, to just say that you don’t know something. And of course, you can still have an opinion even though you’re not entirely sure, and act based on that opinion.
I hope this was insightful. You have all my love and respect and empathy for living on such a tough world, and I give my greatest well-wishes to you. May we meet in the not too distant future.
And finally, there have been some other channelers on your world citing 2026 or 2027 as the time of first contact, while galactics associated with this channeler have been saying that it’s likely but not guaranteed that we’ll meet before the end of 2025, and that your lives will improve substantially before the end of 2025. Why the difference? Well, the future isn’t actually set in stone, because you have free will. The time of first contact depends on the choices that Earth humans make, therefore no galactics are completely sure when first contact will occur.
On your world you often have multiple models making different predictions; well, so do we. We may be advanced, but it’s simply impossible to predict the free-will choices that people are going to make. After all, if we could predict what you were going to do, then effectively you wouldn’t have free will at all. And you do have free will.
That said, our “likely but not guaranteed” 2024 or 2025 prediction might look like public and open first contact, or it might look like galactics contacting those Earth humans who are awake enough, which includes lots of people who are currently tuning in to this message (hence Hakann’s earlier suggestion to form small groups interested in meeting up). So both predictions could come to pass if we end up contacting Earth humans who are ready in 2024 or 2025, and then land publicly in 2026 or 2027.
That said, Hakann and the others are still looking at landing openly in 2024 or 2025, so that absolutely could still happen (although admittedly 2025 is looking more likely than 2024 for that).
Or the other galactic source might be right and it might be 2026 or 2027. Or we might all be wrong — no one is entirely sure, because it depends on your choices, Earth humans. The only thing that I am sure of is that you will be free, in the not too distant future.
I understand that may not be a very satisfying answer. I can only say: thank you so very much for your service and for your presence on Earth at this time. I imagine it must be very hard and painful at times, but most likely you are doing an amazing job and a great service indeed to mankind, and I salute you.
With love,

A. S. 

For Era of Light


These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to the original post.

If you are interested in local meetings with other people also seeking first contact with benevolent ETs, then please see . If you search with control-F for @, then you can quickly find email addresses of those who are organizing local groups. It’s also not too late to post a new (secondary) email address yourself to start a new local group, because we plan to keep linking to that post for the foreseeable future.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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