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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Gift, Part 5 

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 17, 2025

The ground team revealed what Co-Creators and Karma Lords were targeting, when, on New Year’s Eve, transferred Lightwarriors to another jurisdiction. This referred to the official exit from the 3D Matrix, with preservation of own physical and subtle bodies, i.e. avoiding death. However, for this, is necessary to fulfill a number of mandatory requirements.

When viewed from space, on a Subtle Plane, our 3D Earth looks as a giant snarl, in which quadrillions of energy threads and fields of people, society, countries, nature and the planet are intertwined and fused into a single whole, sentient and unifying all Intelligence forms, both individual and collective. It instantly aggressively responds and defends self against any, even the slightest, external touch, like the hugest cosmic living cell that is ill with cancer.

What are Co-Creators doing in this situation? It would be much easier for them to completely remove all humans from the planet, the main nidus of infection, and re-sow Earth with a new pure race. But in 2012, the Absolut, the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs and Karma Lords abandoned this idea, deciding not to cut off the tumor – earthlings, but to cure and save them. For this, through the Solar Portal, they directed on 3D Earth exponentially increasing the Source’s energy, softening the clumped tangle, disuniting its tightly knitted threads, and feeling the space between them with One’s Light. In parallel, Co-creators aid earthlings to free selves from inside by tuning and syncing with the Source’ frequencies. Those who refuse get ill and die, leaving the planet. How did Lightwarriors pass it?

Like others, in order to incarnate on 3D Earth, team members had to put in their causal body 12% of obligatory karma that was accumulated by Darks, Grays and their planets’ Logos, and process it during own life (lives) here. This was a legal regime and cosmic duty, which has been in force on our planet for millions of years up until today. It was assumed that, after working out both karma, a person would calmly leave the Earth’s incarnation field (the Wheel of Samsara), but the 3D Matrix did everything to keep us here forever, with this toxic cargo.

12% of the anchor karma in the first incarnation plus own, say, 50% received in all lives, makes 62%, and with such a “gift”, a person terminates the current embodiment. After death, within 40 days (now much earlier), the causal body disintegrates and its core fills with karma, replenishing the acid “tonnage” of past incarnations. With this ballast, the Soul cannot escape the Wheel of Samsara and has to go to another life circle, where it accumulates new negativity.

Co-Creators and Karma Lords began to lead the ground team out of this diabolical trap in the mid-2000s, helping each Lightwarrior crack and remove personal karmic crystal. What is it? After a person’s death, their remnants remain, whether he/she was cremated or buried, as well as fragments of wave DNA at the sites of previous incarnations. If, on the Subtle Plane, connect all of them by energy vectors, it forms all a multi-faceted crystal with karma’s fall-outs in it, which can be cleansed. This is how it occurred in case, for example, of the Lightwarriors’ team head.

Unlike his dipole-wife, who lived on Earth three times, he has incarnated 520 times. One of the previous embodiments was in today’s Efes (Turkey). In 2009, Co-Creators brought both in that ancient city on the shore of the Aegean sea to purify and fill the karmic crystal with Light at his burial place. As a clairvoyant, his spouse knew where it was, but they asked her not to tell her husband. He should have felt the resonance himself…

Wandering through the ruins of Efes, the two enjoyed its sights, including the Temple of Hadrian and the Library of Celsius. And it so happened that the Lightwarrior passed needed place without feeling anything. His wife watched him in silence and with a smile as he, hiding from the scorching Sun, quietly sat down on the edge of his grave, in which was burred in the far-away times as a High Priestess, the spouse of the local ruler.

He recalled all this when they left Efes, and was very upset when his wife “added fuel to the fire” by saying that he even sat on his entombment, but did not feel anything… Why? As Co-Creators later explained, it was a test. If the karma of past incarnations has not been worked out, then when person is at one of the past burial sites, a karmic DNA resonance occurs, which is fraught with a fatal avalanche. If the karma is worked out, then the wave DNA and crystal are pure and emit Light.

They went through the next upgrading together in 2012. This time, their causal negativity was zeroed out with the help of a karma avalanche, when the entire volume of negativity is dumped on the lower bodies – astral and mental. And if they do not cope, then the reset goes further, to the physical corpus. Karma is considered to be worked out, written off and zeroed precisely at the moment of its withdrawal from the causal body.

This is done exclusively by the Higher Self, since it cannot take on the entire amount of karma that has “reached” too large volume. But below the physical body, there is nowhere else to dump it. Thus, the corpus is the last tool for processing karma, although also responsible for its formation.

At the time of an avalanche, a person usually gets injured (or in some cases, a fast-flowing fatal disease), and its severity depends on the amount of karma released. But Lightwarriors escaped with a slight pain and fright, while his wife lost one tooth, but the causal bodies of both became absolutely clean and connected to the Anti-Karmic Protocol. When a negative is formed, it is now immediately annihilated. In the same year, Co-Creators put both through the procedure of restructuring the causal body. It was dismantled, and after the reboot of the Monad’s manifestation bodies, it unfolded them back as a multidimensional single whole, in which causal karma cannot store.

On 21 December 2024, the Absolute gave Its Christmas gift, annihilating the entire causal karma in the Local Universe and activating the Virtual Monadic Karma Protocol for ALL people (see – Gift, Part 3 and Part 4, DNI, 1 January and 11 January 2025). According to this Protocol, the Lightwarriors’ ground team officially left the 3D Matrix and its mechanism after fulfilling all the necessary terms. From now on, every earthling can do the same freeing self from the Wheel of Samsara’s hook. For each is available the folding and rebooting of own Monad, its ascending and merging with the Absolute and unfolding back into our reality, outside the 3D Matrix’ jurisdiction and power. Co-Creators and Karma Lords will endorse OUR efforts, if we are ready.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


The "Dark" Side Of The Moon

By Ashtar Command

Channel: Neva Gabriel
Posted on December 26, 2024

Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main communication bases from the higher fourth dimension.
For a certain period, its physical dimension was violated by non-Federated races that used it for camping and the enslavement of Earth’s human species.
The dark side of the moon is a place where hundreds of bases were set up by non-Federated Reptilians and Dracos, as well as the Zeta Reticuli Grays.
Many humans from Earth were taken there and worked in these bases as slaves for a long time.
Many of them belonged to these groups and were present in the wars of Orion in the past.
Much of what happened there ranges from slave labor to genetic experiments and attempts to manipulate the lunar orbit to severely affect Earth’s tides.
As we from the Command massively entered your Solar System in the mid-80s, we began dismantling these camps and laboratories, restoring civility and harmony in these lunar environments.
There were clashes between our fleets and the dominant fleets present, as those who were there as guardians of these bases had been there even before July 20, 1969, when you were told that “man had stepped on the moon.”
Believe me, it wouldn’t have been easy to get there, especially considering the basic technology they had compared to the more violent and aggressive Dracos present.
It goes without saying that when people are informed of what really happened there in 1969, they will be very upset.
In some way, you are already being informed, albeit indirectly.
Look for the movie “Fly Me to the Moon” from 2024, starring Channing Tatum and Scarlett Johansson. In this movie, you will find some information very much aligned with the truth of what happened.
In the 90s, we worked tirelessly on the moon to completely free it from the non-Federated, and finally, today it is free from those groups.
The bases previously used by the non-Federated have been remodeled and now serve as support for many other races that have come to your solar system to assist in the transition.
The moon will also be a special base at specific moments during Earth’s transitional eras when, at an opportune time, we will take some of our members currently on Earth there to carry out some work already foreseen in the ascension protocol.
There is much information about the moon, but what is most important to know is this: it has been and always will be a great support in the entire Earth experience.
Despite being much violated, its love for Earth, as being a great portal of the Divine Goddess for all, has never changed nor will it ever change.
Also, consider the moon as a protective shield when it attracts wandering space objects like meteorites, thus avoiding disasters on Earth’s surface.
In the not too distant future, the moon will also become, beyond one of the largest support bases in the solar system, an “amusement park” for Earth’s people, where they can, in trips there in less than 1 second, enjoy numerous holographic games that will be set up there.
Obviously, none of these games compare to those on Earth today, but they are games where intelligence is expanded and knowledge about the cosmos is tested. All in a harmonious and happy way, along with others you will learn about later when your minds reach an expansive stage capable of understanding.
Some say the moon is a spaceship, but we must say it is a natural object and its function, besides everything we’ve mentioned, is also to regulate Earth’s magnetism, the tides, and the balance of masculine and feminine energies, besides being the main support point in this phase of transition.
Just like on Earth, there is a central lunar sun that gives life to this body.
The dark side of the moon will become very evident as revelations unfold with the advancement of the ascension plan.
One of the main ones is the fact that the dark side was, for a long time, a dimensional prison where many of those who were on Earth as perpetrators of crimes and deviations from universal law were pulled by the attractor field of the dark side, leaving them trapped in that region in the lower fourth dimension.
Not only on Earth does what you call the “umbral” exist, but the moon, for a long time, especially on its dark side, has been and to some extent still is, in its lower fourth dimension, a point for treating souls deviated from the law of love.
This is something we are still working on, as many of our members, due to their many incarnations on Earth, have lost their way and are now trapped in these environments to treat major deviations.
In the future, this environment will be completely cleared just as it is being done on Earth.
When speaking of the positive side, we can mention lunar beings, our partners in this process of aiding Earth in its transition.
Lunar beings are beings of high diplomacy, spirituality, and technological development, found between the higher and lower Fourth (4th) Dimension and the Fifth (5th) Dimension, where the Marian Hosts (of the Virgin Mary) operate.
In the higher Fourth (4th) Dimension, the Towers of Integration and Disintegration are located, which are mostly found on moons.
When many of us from other systems come to Earth on instructional and uplifting missions, molecular alteration of the bodies is necessary, as most of us, when we descend to denser environments in the universe, use physical bodies, even if molecularly different.
Many of us already exist in dimensions where there are no physical bodies, but we continuously accept missions in environments where physicality is still present.
This process of molecular alteration occurs in the Disintegration Tower. These special towers are responsible for transforming the physical body into etheric matter.
Therefore, many of your contacts with us are through means where you see or recognize us as spirits.
Of course, we are spirits, but most of us, when coming to Earth, leave our galactic physical attire and communicate in the spiritual planes as if we were “disembodied beings,” a fact that will begin to change, as with the advancement of the ascension plan, we will finally be able to interact with you as we truly are, with our cosmic bodies.
Much has been hidden from you, and one of our missions is to reveal and guide you to synchronicities that might show you the truth that has been denied by those who consider themselves superior and more worthy than you.
This will also change, as we have many informants spread across the Planet.
Bit by bit, we will reveal information that will make the “penny drop” and allow much to be understood.
To your leaders who still resist our presence, we say: you know we have the ability to release an unimaginable amount of information on your internet that will literally back you into a corner. 1969 is something you won’t be able to hide much longer, as just as our transmitter reveals what we transmit, other sources of ours will also return after forced hiatuses with much more information than before.
The time is approaching when Earth’s humanity will finally know through all means of communication about us and the movements throughout the Solar System.
They will learn that Mars is not just a near future visitation site as your scientists say, but the truth that it is already visited with its bases also present and that many humans from Earth already live there.
How could you, leaders, hide this from those you have the responsibility to care for and positively instruct? Deny the cure for many diseases when the means already exist? How can you use deserted environments in Algeria and others on Earth itself to forge images of Mars, denying the population the truth about the civilization and active bases there?
You will have to answer these questions publicly, and the time for this is approaching.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command through Neva. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command through Neva.
No threat is frightening to us or to any of our transmitters. We are well-equipped and as we say: while you think, we have already anticipated before you even organize any thought in your heads.
In our next message, Neva, we wish to talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI). Be ready to receive our transmission telepathically.
Ashtar Command
Neva Gabriel


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on November 9, 2024

We are ready for any changes, but under one mandatory condition: they must not affect our personal lives, habits or views in any way. If not, then we are totally against them. Does it work today?

As Disclosure News mentioned earlier, on 11 November, Co-Creators plan to take a partial decision on Earth’s further developments – or fully change the global events’ scenario, or boost the actual one to start more radical planet’s transforming after 25 December (see – Second Stage, Part 2, DNI, 2 November 2024). In any case, polarization will remain among the most important leverages and accelerators of the process.

Our world has already been divided into two halves: the zone of influence of Light, and the part where the Darks and Grays from the fourth dimension still reign supreme. It’s important for Co-Creators to spot the most hidden strongholds, plans and connections of NAA, to find out to what measure of bloodshed the destructive forces are ready for to prolong their stay on Earth with help of the governments under their control. 20 years before the Transition into 5D, they began to violate all Cosmic Laws that previously had to comply with. They strive to drain people’s vital energy as much as possible, for which launch many negative programs that infect, subjugate and manipulate huge masses.

Why do Co-Creators allow this to be done? In all previous epochs, by the time of the Transition to a new dimension, they always lay down global events that should happen on Earth. Usually, these are space and terrestrial wars and natural disasters. They are necessary for the polarization and final testing of people’s Souls, allowing to assess their behavior in extreme situations.

Nothing characterizes us so much as our actions in conditions of complete freedom, unlimited choice and total uncertainty. It is in such circumstances that behavioral patterns based on rooted energies in Soul and consciousness automatically works. After testing, we are withdrawn from the current incarnation and continue evolution in the worlds corresponding to our level.

Before the end of the existence of the negative system that ruled our dimension for millennia, Darks at a certain stage are also forced to launch programs to evacuate their beings. Today, about 42% of Souls from the negative worlds and dimensions are embodied on Earth, and each one has to decide where it is better for staying.

Co-Creators allowed a confrontation of two systems on Earth not only in connection with the Transition to a new kind of existence, but also for the accelerated development of new qualities of our Souls. This is a very sensitive matter that few think about. We are told about universal love and forgiveness, but this cannot be achieved without going through a very difficult path of Spiritual growth. The brain can understand a lot, but the Soul must first grow up to accept new values that it doesn’t yet feel and is not fully aware of. This is what our prep to enter fifth dimension is aimed at now.

Polarization has been launched in all countries, somewhere to a lesser extent, and somewhere it reaches its maximum peak. So far, it’s possible to observe only the future contours of events that MAY happen to the peoples of different countries. Our planet is at the beginning of the stage where the separation of Souls takes place. At this level, all deformations of Spiritual matter, its distortions and degradation are laid bare. All negative personalities leave for negative worlds, and the rest will continue to develop in higher dimensions of Light.

How to identify and determine the depth of Spiritual decaying? Only by polarization. To do this, processes are launched in the destinies of peoples and all mankind, which are very traumatic, but expose our true essence. Wars, revolutions, natural disasters and so on are rarely applied on a global scale than in individual countries. This happens at moments of profound shifts, for example, a change in the social systems or when moving to a higher level, when it is finally necessary to determine which level a particular Soul should get to. Now, humanity is at exactly this stage of mass screening and sifting. That is why wars and dramatic election campaigns are shaking many States today.

Again: Co-Creators lay these scenarios in advance, and they cannot be avoided. No matter how much we try to figure out who is right and who is to blame, such historical moments are inevitable. All the prerequisites are being made for it, suitable persons are being placed in key positions so that the events that are planned are realized.

How does polarization occur in different countries? In their half, NAA activate many energy objects on the physical and Subtle Plane, which by their work resemble huge lighting structures in large stadiums, and begin to emit negative vibrations. By them, Darks upload negative programs into the Souls and consciousness, as it was in fascist Italy or Nazi Germany, and are repeated many times until our days on all continents: in Europe, in the Arab world, North and South America, Asia and Africa.

Lights produce high-frequency radiation from their repeaters. Clashing over specific zones, these energies determine the course of development of those nations that live in these areas. Somewhere it causes wars, somewhere the most powerful quakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and other disasters as leverages.

In times of extreme events, people very substance is finally revealed, in a most honest and sincere way. Those, who are attracted by the energies of the dark polarity, will remain on 3D Earth until the end of their incarnation, and then, will go into exactly the same conditions in other worlds. Those who, despite suffering and loss, preserve their humanity, pure Soul and strong Spirit will remain on the 5D Earth and always could return on it in the next incarnations.

This process is now reaching full swing and will soon reach peak values, after which both systems will begin to reduce the power supply, and then completely shut down. Peoples who have shown their poor qualities will be placed in a common isolated cluster. After completing their life program, their Souls will go into a separate segment, where they will determine at what level they will continue their further development.

Clairvoyant viewing of specific countries shows huge differences in the course of polarization. The energy potential of some peoples is severely “dried up”, with weak potential, which indicates the problems of further staying on Earth. They gradually begin to migrate to other States, where will finally lose selves as ethnos and fully dissolve into other nations.

The main reasons that led to this are qualities such as intransigence towards other ethnos and cultures, unwillingness to evolve in a positive direction, loss of Spirituality and inability to unite through these energetic connections. Due to inner disdain for other nations, the worship of own supremacy, from 70% to 90% of these Souls will leave for the dark eons after the end of polarization (here and further – estimates as of November 2024, which are periodically updated).

The situation is no better in other countries. Polarization in them has been going on for about 10 years, and during this time the population has become thoroughly saturated with xenophobia. Some parts of their DNA began to glow yellow, absorbing the energy of neighboring areas of the genome. It indicates that destructive qualities have completely suppressed and dominate over positive ones. Love and kindness has ceased to be the main value, and selfishness, uppity and arrogance have come out in the first place. This blocked the further harmonious development. Unbridled hatred of neighbors, total venality and the desire to grab the resources of other countries led to energy vampirism. These countries will face very tough times in the nearest future.

The prevailing brutality, atrocities and outrages will force many residents to rush abroad and ask for protection from those they hated the most. About 43% of such Souls will end up in negative worlds. The population will decrease by a quarter of the current one and could grow by no more than 3% per year. They will be included in the list of nations that will be carefully studied for the presence of developmental defects, and if cannot be corrected, they will completely melt into other peoples.

A final decision has already been made on the fate of another group of countries: they will disappear from Earth, as their genome will no longer be supplied with sufficient energy. A small part, Co-Creators will disperse to different continents, where another genome will dominate in the offspring of mixed marriages. The fundamental factors contributing to this outcome are the complete Spiritual decline, with no chance of recovery, centuries of cultivated aggressiveness and cruelty, insatiable greed for other peoples’ wealth and monstrous unscrupulousness towards other nations doomed these States to be removed from the planet.

The leverages will be destructive natural disasters that will forever change the climate and terrain there. Some of them will go under water, and some will sink down and filled with swamps, where no one could live. The temperature will drop significantly. Gradually, the population will decrease to a minimum and disappear in other nations. More than 70% of such Souls will go to negative dimensions.

In the fourth group of countries, so far everything remains unchanged. Unfortunately, these peoples were subjected to strong selection by Dracos and Repts, who introduced destructive changes into their genome that don’t allow these ethnos to be preserved as a whole in the future. Polarization in them has been postponed, but not canceled, since internal contradictions are still accumulating. But reached their peak, they will lead to a tightening of the political regime, which will use harsh repressive measures against peoples.

Civil wars, the brutal suppression of regions requiring secession will lead to the death of many and the migration of about 50% of the inhabitants abroad. Natural disasters will change the environment and lead to an even greater depopulation. More than 70% of Souls will move to negative worlds. Nevertheless, these nations won’t cease to exist on Earth, but will have the opportunity to develop, since many have retained Spiritual roots and qualities such as a penchant for creativity and all forms of art, a wide range of emotions and empathy, and willingness to share all this with other peoples, which is very important and valuable for the Light system.

Another cluster of countries are in a most tragic situation. On a Subtle Plane, their entire space has a black and dusty color. Dense layers of negative energy covered these States. When viewed with clairvoyance, giant clusters of densely sticked together gray orbs of Souls are visible, which non-stop radiate malice and discontent. After increasing the negative energy, this transforms into outbursts of hatred and open aggression towards where the collective attention is steered and focused. They begin to vent their insane hatred on the people around them, rushing with foam at the mouth and fists at anyone who has a different opinion.

This is how polarization reveals the most toxic potential in Souls that live with similar energies. Few can resist slipping into low frequencies of destructive emotions and actions. But in the same countries, the picture looks completely different in some regions. These parts are not covered by dark energies and absolutely pure Souls are seen, among which black and gray inclusions of negativity are occasionally noticeable. But the majority is sane and positive people.

The question arises, where are we, since everything is done with the help of polarization programs? Co-Creators explained this too. They remind over and over again that only we decide what is fixed in us forever and what is rejected. In the upper part of our Soul, where consciousness is located, mental programs are laid, which are attached to the parietal zone. Periodically, negative programs are also downloaded to the same place. And then follows the implantation of what the Soul accepts or rejects as foreign and unacceptable. That is, good and evil are put into us, but we only choose what is convenient and pleasant to coexist with.

At certain points in the history of mankind, very harsh destructive programs are ALWAYS activated. Why? Weak negative programs have already built own defense and deeply rooted into our personality without manifesting selves. Only the harsh impact of a high-frequency Spiritual impulse awakens and activates even the few grains of positivity that we could accumulate during all incarnations. That’s why polarization is needed at crucial moments of evolution.

What is the result? The thinnest, Light layers are deposited in peoples’ collective minds, and if they are accepted by their Souls, then, at least 60% of harmonious programs is fixed there forever in the form of a positive human qualities. If the Light programs aren’t taken, then they remain at the level of consciousness and at any moment can be forcibly withdrawn from there. Our media, television, and the Internet introduce only parasitic and destructive ideas and morals. They do their main work on a Subtle Plane that is not perceived by people.

If we accept negativity, the same thing happens as described above, but we let in the killing energies, which eventually lead us to dark dimensions. Bad thoughts and even temporary malign attitudes immediately take root in our Souls. That is why it is so important to monitor own consciousness and emotions to avoid sipping of destructive programs into personal space. It’s very difficult to remove them from there or dissolve by positive accumulations.

Different negative soft vary based on their potential. The weak ones, which a person is able to fight, and the strong that are hard to die, for example, nationalism and fascism, Satanic rituals with sacrifice and sadism, pedophilia and so on. If a person participates in all this consciously, then these programs enslave him forever and nothing could free from them. It leaves only 10% of the space for a possible change. In addition, it is cemented at the genetic level. From now on, the destructive energies will affect all of his offspring. Only in books do good and evil divide in space. In fact, the boundary runs inside every person. And each of us is fighting with self. But we are never given more trials than can bear.

This form of interaction has its own four levels. Co-Creators take into account everything. Good is the Light side of the Soul, Evil is the Dark one. To allow Evil not to vanish and survive, but to change it and transform into Light is the highest form of evolution. This can only be done consciously when the Mind- Consciousness-Love is turned on. When they interact, Darkness or Evil morphs into Light, but 10% of the former should remain for development, as the Yin-Yang Mandala reminds. Similarly, Darkness, having developed to 90%, always keeps on 10% of Light so as not to perish completely. If we consider selves belonging even to 10% of Light, then Evil will never destroy us, but will save for its further evolution. That is why we never need to be afraid of anything or anyone.

Yang grows only when there is Yin. Life works for death, because from the moment of birth we begin to die. Death works for life, because any disintegration is a transformation that creates a new life. What would have happened to the Light if there had been no Darkness? Yes, the latter destroys the Spiritual worlds, and the former destroys the material ones. But both are teacher and student, source and attenuator for each other. Our world exists at the junction of this interaction and is supported by their balance, upgrading further to infinity, in which we are only a moment…

Exactly the same polarization is going on now in other eons of our Local Universe before the start of the new, fourth stage of evolution only in the Light, without duality and negativity. The reality of the whole Universe can be forcibly curtailed if it affects others too much, because everything is closely interconnected. When the polarization in one ends, and Light or Darkness wins before the others “ripen”, such a Universe can be collapsed until the neighboring ones come to their end. But this happens very rarely. That is, the balance of Light/Darkness is preserved in each Universe almost to its life cycle termination.

In our current, third Local Universe, “good will conquer evil” only at the very end of its existence as darkly polarized, although it came to its logical conclusion much earlier than the others. Therefore, it is in a semi-folded form, in which polarization is still ongoing. It seems that Time does not move in it and waits for changes in neighboring Universes so that this entire cluster moves together to a new level of evolution. And we are only the smallest part of this endless and breath-taking process.


 Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Demandas mundiais; prisões na Arábia Saudita; sintomas de intensificação da energia; crianças, telefones celulares, Internet; ETs próximos da Terra; "Pequenos Grays (Cinzentos)".


Matthew Ward via Suzanne Ward,

20 de novembro de 2017 

Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge

Com saudações amorosas de todas as almas nesta estação, este é Matthew. Desejos e esperanças de longa data aumentaram globalmente num mar de demandas: cidadania, integridade moral em seus governos e sistemas de justiça; pobreza, pela igualdade em todos os aspectos da vida; grupos minoritários, por direitos iguais; mulheres, pela equidade pessoal, profissional, cultural e respeito; povos em todos os lugares, pela paz em vez da guerra.

Toda a atividade concomitante, conhecida em todo o mundo, através, das mídias sociais e notícias mais importantes dos países, é o prenúncio de mudanças radicais. Mas apenas os colaboradores que trabalham na Luz e todos cujos interesses são profundamente afetados negativamente por aqueles, cujas ações se baseiam na escuridão, sabem que uma atividade por trás de portas fechadas anuncia outras mudanças monumentais que, acabarão com o longo reinado das trevas no planeta.

Ao longo das eras, as civilizações da Terra tiveram outras oportunidades para eliminar os grilhões do controle, todavia, a escuridão que "manteve os povos através do medo e do engano era muito formidável e muito impenetrável para ser penetrada. Todavia, desta vez, em resposta ao pedido de ajuda de Gaia, nossa família da Terra dispões de poderosa ajuda da Luz irradiada de fontes distantes, somada aquela gerada no planeta por voluntários como vocês. A Luz de suas forças interiores, perseverança e confiança ajudaram a encorajar a população a realizar uma revolução global em nome da paz, justiça e prosperidade para todos.

Pergunta: Será que a prisão de tantos na oficialidade da Arábia Saudita também desestabilizará a volátil situação do Oriente Médio ou talvez seja um precursor para finalmente alcançar a estabilidade e a paz nessa região?

Resposta: Estamos conscientes de que as prisões são consideradas por alguns de seus analistas como preocupantes, no entanto, nós as vemos como um indicador de que esse país já não irá apoiar os interesses dos Illuminati, financiando o ISIS e outros grupos terroristas no Oriente Médio e, esse, é um passo para mudar a região, de um viveiro de violência para uma terra de estabilidade e paz. Também, vemos as prisões como um revés para o primeiro-ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, que está no topo dos Illuminati e que, quando for removido do poder por seus compatriotas, a cujos interesses nunca serviu, outro golpe será dado naquela sociedade escura, cujos planos incluem a manutenção do Oriente Médio em meio a turbulência.

Pergunta: Você poderia abordar ao que os trabalhadores da Luz podem estar fisicamente experimentando neste momento? Você falou sobre esse assunto antes, todavia, a energia é mais intensa agora, então, o que podemos esperar? Fica mais fácil de lidar com os sintomas quando temos informações. Podemos esperar que nossos corpos se ajustem às novas energias e que possamos nos sentir bem de novo? Existe algum tempo para que tudo isso aconteça? 

Resposta: Com certeza, a energia intensificada está cobrando um pedágio nos corpos, principalmente na forma de fadiga ou fraqueza - vocês quase não têm tempo de se ajustarem ao último aumento de energia, antes de encontrar outro. Episódios esporádicos de dores de cabeça, depressão, dificuldades de memória, músculos doloridos e articulações, zumbido nos ouvidos, horas incomuns de sono e vigília, visão turva, cólicas, náuseas e coceira também são sintomas comuns.

Para diminuir tais efeitos é importante: dormir o suficiente, sem tomar produtos farmacêuticos para ajudá-lo a dormir, se animar ou se acalmar, praticar exercícios adequados à idade e beber muita água. Comer menos do que o habitual, evitar açúcar, álcool (exceto pequenas quantidades de vinho tinto) e alimentos com aditivos químicos. Se o seu orçamento permitir, escolha produtos orgânicos, frutos do mar sem impurezas e ovos, aves e carne de origem animal, criados em condições naturais. Não existe separação de corpo, mente e espírito, portanto, é igualmente importante reduzir o estresse mental e emocional. Mudem os pensamentos negativos para positivos, vivam na natureza sempre que possível, definam as prioridades para que seus cotidianos sejam ocupados de forma satisfatória, reservem tempo para a solidão, livres da energia dos outros. A meditação também é útil para aliviar a tensão.

Queridos, cada um de vocês é único e, assim suas reações aos novos níveis de energia também são. Quando cuidam de si mesmo, suas células absorvem mais luz e isso faz com que o processo de ajuste seja menos acentuado. Prestem atenção nos efeitos dos surtos de energia que são os mesmos que os sinais do início ou progresso de alguma doença. Se seus sintomas piorarem ou se tornarem crônicos, consulte um profissional de saúde, de preferência um com abordagem holística para diagnóstico e tratamento.

Pergunta: Por favor, peça ao Matthew para comentar sobre o porte e uso de Smartphones e Internet numa idade precoce.

Resposta: Esta é uma decisão de julgamento para que os pais façam e esperamos que eles saibam que as emissões dos telefones celulares e torres de retransmissão que são prejudiciais aos cérebros adultos, são muito mais para os jovens, cujos cérebros ainda estão em desenvolvimento. O paradoxo é que as crianças dominam facilmente telefones de uso múltiplo e computadores portáteis e que esses objetos podem se tornar seus apêndices e que pais sábios evitarão isso. Podem discutir com os médicos a idade segura para que seus filhos tenham um telefone, restringir seu uso, limitar o tempo no computador e bloquear o acesso a sites inadequados da Internet. Entendemos que é importante que crianças pequenas interajam muitas vezes com a família e amigos, para experimentar o prazer do contato pessoal - falar, sorrir, abraçar, rir, fazer refeições e passeios juntos - e estabelecer relacionamentos amorosos que os dispositivos eletrônicos nunca podem oferecer.

Vamos acrescentar isso: quando o público exige sistemas de comunicação de segurança sanitária, os fabricantes irão fornecê-los. No entanto, as tripulações de naves espaciais usam essa tecnologia em seus próprios benefícios. Todavia, saibam que a energia do medo produz mais estresse nos corpos do que as emissões que não estão alinhadas com seus sistemas elétricos.

Para os leitores que perguntaram sobre as "bolas de fogo" que recentemente atravessaram a Alemanha, a França e o Sudoeste dos Estados Unidos e a "ensurdecedora explosão" no Alabama, os monitores da Terra no Nirvana, nos dizem que a energia dos corpos astrais de forma espetacular e inofensivamente interagiu com a tecnologia espacial que continuamente está varrendo seus céus para neutralizar, na medida do possível, os poluentes tóxicos na atmosfera terrestre. Quando vemos o planeta nos segundos em que acontecimentos como esses acontecem, presenciamos lampejos repentinos de luz que os monitores determinam suas causas.

Pergunta: E sobre os poderosos computadores que geram inteligência artificial que foram desenvolvidos pelo governo secreto e que podem nos modificar sem o nosso conhecimento? 

Resposta: Primeiro, dizemos que, tudo em seu mundo está lá para seu aprendizado e experimento. Todo desenvolvimento, desde a roda, até a tecnologia mais recente, é filtrado por cientistas de fora, para que mentes no planeta possam absorver e processar a informação. Os desenvolvimentos subsequentes podem ser usados ​​para finalidades benéficas ou prejudiciais e, as escolhas dos indivíduos, determinam o avanço ou retrocesso na evolução da alma.

Agora, abordando a preocupação do leitor sobre a aplicação sub-reptícia da inteligência artificial, o que podemos dizer é que ela não alcançará esse ponto insidioso - nada baseado na escuridão pode permanecer nos níveis vibratórios, sempre crescentes, do planeta. Quando suas diversas tecnologias são usadas de forma benéfica, elas melhoram em muito suas vidas e que, o papel da IA é aumentar a precisão e proficiência em áreas como atendimento médico, pesquisa científica, transporte e fabricas. A automação, que já substituiu muitos empregos, continuará a fazê-lo, entretanto, isso levará a programas de educação e treinamento ampliados para o empregos muito mais satisfatórios para a alma do que as linhas de montagem, mineração e serviços de limpeza, por exemplo. O progresso é considerado perturbador por uma sociedade que se apega ao que é familiar. No entanto, na medida em que as pessoas forem percebendo as vastas vantagens das próximas mudanças, elas irão receber de braços abertos, o novo e emocionante mundo que surge no horizonte da Terra.

Pergunta: Matthew disse que os ETs próximos da Terra são benevolentes e que quando pousarem, trarão sua tecnologia e nos ajudarão a limpar o meio ambiente. Por favor, pergunte a ele por que outras fontes afirmam que os ETs, primeiramente, fingirão ser amigáveis ​​e úteis para, depois, agirem em suas reais intenções  de nos aniquilar ou transferir suas almas escuras para nossos corpos. 

Resposta: Sem conhecer tais fontes, podemos apenas oferecer as possíveis razões pelas quais, tão descaradamente, esta falsa informação foi dada. Se ela se originou de fora do planeta, provavelmente, foi  através de entidades de base, negociantes do medo, que, talvez, se passando por conhecidos e respeitáveis seres de Luz, transmitiram isso a indivíduos que não conseguiram detectar as baixas vibrações que todas entidades escuras emitem. Se a informação se originou no planeta, telespectadores remotos podem ter interpretado, ou mal interpretado, o que viram num dos mundos paralelos ou possíveis da Terra, ou foi proveniente de indivíduos, obscuros que inventaram e disseminaram essas falsidades para provocarem medo.

A verdade é que atualmente, apenas, Seres de Luz podem entrar na grade eletromagnética protetora em torno da Terra - seu brilho é muito poderoso para os extraterrestres escuros possam se aproximar de seu Sistema Solar. Isto dito, seres escuros com origens em outras civilizações, viveram no planeta num momento ou outro, desde quando foi habitado pela primeira vez e que seu tempo está, rapidamente, se esgotando para quem nele vive agora.

Pergunta: A descrição de Matthew dos comandantes reptilianos soa como a de pequenos cinzas (grays), que deram ao governo dos EUA tecnologia avançada em troca de realização de experimentos brutais em pessoas que abduziram. A minha pergunta é: eles são  reptilianos escuros na Terra? 

Resposta: Os seres que você chama de Pequenos Cinzas, são de uma espécie humanoide de Zeta Reticuli e existe  um equívoco de que tenham feito esse acordo com o governo dos Estados Unidos. Eles compartilhavam seus conhecimentos de design espacial, sistemas de mísseis e clonagem humana, todavia numa condição de visitantes oferecendo presentes aos seus anfitriões. Quanto a razão deles para virem à Terra não foi um problema, uma vez  tinham feito acordos de pré-nascimento com as almas que se ofereceram para lhes fornecer amostras genéticas.

Longas eras, antes desse grupo de Cinzas chegarem, há cerca de 80 anos, sua civilização se refugiou contra os invasores, deixando a superfície de seu planeta natal e indo morar em seu interior. A clonagem e concentração em proeza intelectual, evitou sua morte durante esses séculos, antes de poderem voltar a superfície, resultando numa aparência de cor acinzentada e, de maior importância para seus indivíduos, a perda de emoções em suas composições. O desejo de restaurar sentimentos aos seus povos por meio de clonagem de progênies com DNA humano, levou ao acordo entre eles e as almas que encarnavam na Terra.

No entanto, a falta de emoções dos Cinzas teve duas sérias consequências. A maioria aderiu à disposição do acordo de que tomariam amostras de tecido, apenas de pessoas que se lembrassem – o encontro "na carne" desencadearia a memória. No entanto, algumas pessoas não tinham essa experiência de memória e, sem a capacidade de empatia, sensibilidade e compaixão, os Cinzas não perceberam que estavam traumatizando esses indivíduos. E, sem um quadro emocional para avaliar a confiabilidade nas pessoas que se aproximaram, eles escolheram mal e foram traídos. Ao mesmo tempo, o governo dos EUA estava ridicularizando todos os relatórios de OVNIs e ETs e seus cientistas, dando credibilidade às contas de abdução e brutalização na realização desses  procedimentos, para incutir medo na população sobre os extraterrestres.

Outra situação inesperada, também, entrou em jogo para os Cinzas, que estavam escondidos em gigantescos labirintos subterrâneos, onde os "abduzidos" foram levados e foi desastroso. Eles esperavam que, rapidamente, pudessem retornar à sua pátria e famílias, pelo mesmo meio que vieram para a Terra, pelo poder de suas mentes que lhes permitiu desmaterializar, então se rematerializar na chegada. Todavia, seus corpos ficaram presos na profunda energia de terceira densidade do planeta e, uma vez que as tentativas do governo de matar todos eles falharam, os sobreviventes ainda estão vivendo no subsolo. Essas pessoas altamente inteligentes, não são combatentes e se puderem voltar para a superfície da Terra, talvez depois da chegada de outras civilizações, jamais irão prejudicar alguém.

De forma incremental, as verdades estão revelando as profundezas do engano e temor que as trevas empregaram, para manter as civilizações da Terra em cativeiro por milênios. Quanto mais verdades vierem à tona, mais fracas se tornam as sombras e, em última instância, os povos viverão na alegria que a vida está destinada a ser. Em todo Universo, Seres da Luz estão honrados em ajuda-los - levando-os - sempre adiante!
Suzanne Ward. 

Agradecimentos a: Sementes das Estrelas 


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