I was doing a lot of research to which I was led, regarding intense insights, upgrades, and visions I had been given since before Christmas.
I always like to, when I am given certain information, back it up with research, especially when I am being shown certain places on earth and the information will always come to me, and always has.
This is not because I doubted the information, but because I wished to fully understand this, within the context of human history, or discernment of certain negative patterns we so often followed, not only as souls, but also as the collective.
For these negative patterns, they have repeated themselves for millennia and now at last, can be dissolved. Therein lies the great blessing!
We have now stepped into an accelerated moment, when the sun discs are being released which contain immensely powerful esoteric information, activations, and indeed work with the activation of the new humanity, in the seventh dimensional state, the original state of the first paradise on earth!
These come directly from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, and thus from the Divine Prime Creator.
The 7th Central Sun is the Sun beyond Sun, and one of the twelve original Central Suns which were first created, to which this Universe, galaxy and solar system belonged to from the very beginning.
The central Sun are like great Libraries of cosmic knowledge, yet eternally One with the Prime Creator and are conscious.
At this moment, the reconnection to this Central Sun is so powerful that it is changing everything and everyone to the very core.
Now, throughout the whole history of the earth (and it is far more ancient than we even have any inkling of for history has been rewritten by the conquerors so many times to suit themselves), certain patterns repeated themselves which caused the downfall and demise not only of the first paradise, but all those who rose afterwards.
These are now systematically being dismantled. And this includes the collective as well as the individual soul.
We all have soul records, and we all have a certain mission to fulfill, and to which we agreed to, before we were born.
We have twelve higher guides, who stay with us as souls throughout our soul journeys, whether on this planet, or elsewhere in the Universe, or Omni-Verse.
We are before birth then shown what patterns we created with other souls, but also while on earth, with the collective, whether with “family” or with the collective.
We were simultaneously informed about the Old Earth dissolving, and then the New Earth being born (as happened on the 5 July 2020) and the now, the New Golden Age, being anchored in.
You were informed, and you shown where you greatest challenges would lie, and where you need to release and dissolve old patterns, through true forgiveness of yourself and others, and letting go of all shame, blame and guilt, but simultaneously, the soul work you would be doing in the inner planes, for our souls, do not just render highest service, in the physical planes, but all levels of our souls.
Many of us are already bilocating, and doing work on multiple levels, and I know this to be true for myself.
We were given this assignment, with the full knowing of what it would entail, although we knew as well, life can only be fully lived, each breathing moment, and that our own choices would ultimately then determine the outcome.
This is especially important to grasp. Nothing is ever happening, which does not serve your soul at some higher level, and how you deal with it, then determines the outcome of all else.
You agreed with this, like many of us, as on the course, to gaining master as planetary logos, or even galactic logos or universal, depending on your own soul, and its infinite journeys, simultaneously and multi-dimensional.
This life is just a tiny fraction of what your soul is already doing on all levels in multi-universes! We are all cosmic souls and not earthly bound!
The more aware you become, the more you know who and what you are on soul level, and then also will remember what you need to remember, or consciously bilocate and clearly see what you are doing.
There are no boundaries – boundaries are illusionary.
These old patterns will now surface at rapid rates, not only for us, but for the collective, and nowhere will this be more obvious than in the “ruling” structures, the structures on which the whole old society was built, the all the systems, pertaining to this. All need to dissolve now and will be cracked open to the very core.
Yet, remember that the ONE IS THE MANY, and MANY ARE THE ONE.
For the ONE who is open to truly letting go of all the old negative patterns, especially of fear, of pain and suffering, or judgement, self and others, and then rises in consciousness and in soul empowerment, has a ripple effect on the whole, like the hundred monkeys effect.
It takes ONE soul who has a consciousness level over seven hundred to influence millions. (Dr. David R. Hawkins: “Power vs Force).
See, now how important it is to let go. To release. More than this, to truly now step into the fullness and truth of who and what you are, as a soul, and to live it with great love, and serve with love and joy!
More than this I will not say.
Let your own higher soul self, speak, and listen. You will always be given as much as you manage at one time, and never more than that.
Your whole progress is monitored by those twelve higher guides, and your own Ascended Masters, as well as those whom you choose to work with.
Add to this the Divine Source, or Prime Creator, who resides within and always has, for your infinite soul is always ATONE with its Source.