I am located in the Los Angeles area, and we are just entering into our seventh day of wildfires.
At this point, so many people I know have been affected, friends, family members, colleagues, beloved clients. So many lives have been touched… And, we’re just in the middle of it even now. As I write this, there is no end in sight.
This is just my little corner of the world. If I open my vision, these are unprecedented times. We have numerous wars, extreme weather events, natural disasters, global food insecurity, and a lack of basic safety in so many places. All of this is layered upon everything it takes to be a human in the world at this time.
In the midst of all this, Spirit assures me that this is the time of great change we have been hearing about for so many years. As challenging and painful as it is now, they keep reassuring me that there will be something on the other side, and it will be beautiful. Yes, there is a tremendous purging of energies right now, and yes, it is painful, but we will come through. Each of the challenges we are all facing - personally, in our families, in our communities, and in our compassion for the world - we will come through each of these in right time.
Let me offer my deepest compassion to you, in whatever ways you are being affected by what is happening. In one way or another, it seems as if no life has gone untouched.
Today, this day, this moment, let me extend some love to you…
To those who feel lost or unsure or just very tired, the Record Keepers - the Divine, really - comes through now to love you.
Please take a moment to stop and breathe into your heart and feel the sweet honeyed sensation of the exquisite love Spirit has for you.
Breathe in.
Stay with this feeling a moment longer, until you can feel your heart filling up with a warm, soft sensation. Feel your body relaxing for just a moment, and breathe deeper.
Sigh it out.
As you exhale, imagine a warm blanket of love wrapping around your shoulders, and let go.
Let the world go. Let the uncertainty go. Let all your worries go. Let yourself empty out.
And let yourself be held.
Let the light and the love of the Divine hold you.
We all need peace now.
If you are experiencing challenges directly, breathe in again, and let these energies restore you now.
Breathe in once more.
If you are deeply feeling the challenges of others, please breathe in again, and feel yourself letting go.
Breath in again to strengthen the feeling of renewed calm, restoration, and balance now. And, if you will, send these energies out to all those who have been affected and all those who are vulnerable still.
Let us create a sanctuary of strength and well-being - and of love – here, now, and make it available. Let’s make ourselves available to all of those who need it the most.
Breathe in, breathe out again.
Now let’s take another moment to enhance our own love. Feel the soft, sweet, warm honeyed energy going into your own heart. Feel the tenderness towards yourself, have compassion for all that you have to sustain and still keep going.
Let us take this moment to love you again, and to love everyone again - all the tender human beings who are facing life now. Let’s take this moment together to be restored.
Breathe in again. Know that you are loved. Know that you are safe. Know that you are held. Now.
With so much love,