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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Hurt women hurt men

Tourmalayne trough A. S.

Posted on January 18, 2025



My dearest Earth friends,

This is Tourmalayne speaking. How are you doing? How has the Earth journey been for you so far?

I know that times are tough, and while I’m no longer in a leadership position, it is looking likely that things will finally start improving in a physical sense on Earth this year. Which is relieving and feels long overdue.

It is also looking likely that we will finally be able to meet you face to face this year. I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to that. I have waited a very long time for this moment.

Although of course, waiting in a comfortable situation is much easier than waiting on a world that is metaphorically on fire. I do empathize with you very much, and I think you are doing amazing.

You are so very much worthy of respect and love.

Let’s turn to today’s topic.

First some disclaimers: people are different. What I say in this message will not apply to everyone.

On the other hand, just because you had dinner doesn’t mean that global hunger has been solved. In other words, perhaps what I say genuinely doesn’t apply to you or to your loved ones, but still there are many people out there whom it does apply to. Even if you happen not to personally know them.

Who you happen to know personally isn’t a statistically representative sample of the entire population.

Also, if something doesn’t feel good emotionally or doesn’t sound nice, then that doesn’t automatically mean it’s false. Now, you should absolutely listen to your intuition or guidance. However, don’t confuse your emotions with intuition or guidance.

Now then, let’s begin.

In the right context, the vast majority of people will turn into monsters. And yes, this absolutely applies to spiritual people too.

For example, Earth’s Milgram experiment found that most people are willing to administer what they thought was a fatal shock to an innocent person, just because an authority figure told them to.

Even people who are fundamentally kind and good-hearted and who want to do the right thing, can be encouraged to do horrible things if they’re in enough pain and fear, and if they’re told that it is the fault of those people over there.

I know it sounds silly if I say it like this, but it is grim reality. It doesn’t matter that it’s not logical, because if you subject people to enough pain and fear, they no longer think logically, and they can be quite easily convinced that their suffering is the fault of those people over there.

Huge amounts of people from perfectly respectable countries have been convinced to support imperialistic wars, genocides, discriminatory regimes, et cetera. Even those people who have enough sense to realize that it is wrong will often just keep quiet and keep their head down — which is better than actively supporting the injustice, but it is not really fixing the situation either.

This applies to all Earth humans, not just to some Earth humans. In fact, it applies to us Pleiadians too. If a Pleiadian child was sufficiently hurt and traumatized and terrorized, and was then repeatedly told that a certain group of people were at fault for that, that Pleiadian would dislike that group and would quite possibly support unfair treatment of that group. Or at least, that Pleiadian would be cold and uncaring if others inflicted unfair treatment on people of that group.

Furthermore, not all, but many Earth women have been deeply hurt and scared, quite often by men. That happens far too often and it’s awful.

Even those Earth women who haven’t explicitly had something horrible happen to them, still grew up in a profoundly sick and predatory and unsafe and lonely society. And women have been repeatedly told that this is the fault of men.

So this whole, almost silly-sounding pattern, where people get hurt and terrorized and are told that a certain group is at fault, and then they turn hostile or at the very least cold and callous towards that group?

This is what has happened and is happening to many Earth women. They get hurt and scared, and they are told by society that men are the problem.

As a result, Earth women are often cold and callous towards average men (not towards that small group of exceptional or very likeable men, but towards average men).

Because of this, a not insignificant minority of women pushes for female interests even to the point where it amounts to systemic discrimination against men. Sure, most women don’t do that, but most women also don’t lift a finger to oppose the women who are doing that. And the number of women who are actively working for men’s rights is nearly zero.

Men generally are more concerned with women’s well-being than with their own well-being. That is why your society is supposedly rigged by men for the interests of men, but meanwhile breast cancer research gets several times more funding than prostate cancer research.

If all those male CEOs and male rich people were actually rigging society to benefit men, then prostate cancer would get more funding than breast cancer research, not less.

Yes, exceptions always exist, but by and large, men care more about the wellbeing of women as a group, than about the wellbeing of men as a group.

Meanwhile, women also care more about the wellbeing of women as a group than about the wellbeing of men as a group.

And that’s a problem. If John and Anne are married, and John mostly cares about Anne’s best interests, and Anne mostly cares about Anne’s best interests… then do you think that has a happy ending? For either John or Anne?

Men by and large genuinely are trying to be good towards women as a group, and too many women aren’t returning the favor.

Now women might object and say that breast cancer funding is still patriarchal and objectifying, because it’s just men protecting their female property. Well first of all, I think that’s a wildly uncharitable and very unfair interpretation. Second, the argument also doesn’t make sense, because obviously a purely self-interested man would care more about not dying to prostate cancer himself than he would care about preventing breast cancer in his wife.

The reality is that men aren’t selfish patriarchs who view women as property. Sure, a few exceptions always exist, but most men simply genuinely care about women and want the best for them.

Furthermore, underneath the “women are objectified” argument is the assumption that men are inherently valued and respected, while women are only valued for their bodies. Regardless of whether that was ever true, it’s certainly not true today.

Men are seen as inherently having zero value, and the only value they have is what useful things they can do. Meanwhile women can also earn value points by being able to do useful things, and on top of that women are also seen as just being inherently valuable. Which we saw with breast cancer versus prostate cancer research funding.

Frankly, I think men are objectified harder by your society than women are, because men are assigned zero inherent worth. Men are being objectified as disposable worker robots.

Wouldn’t you rather be assigned some inherent worth as a woman, than be assigned zero inherent worth as a man?

Sure beautiful women by default are mostly just valued for their bodies, but they can earn respect and acclaim by becoming a respected spiritual teacher or entrepreneur for example. The same thing that men need to do to be seen as having any value, women can do those same things to earn additional value that isn’t tied to their body.

Now yes, a few men are highly privileged, but they’re a tiny minority. Most average men don’t benefit in any way from those guys existing, as we already discussed.

So: women are hurt and scared, and are told that it’s the fault of men.

As a result, a not insignificant minority of women pushes for female interests even to the point where it amounts to systemic discrimination against men. Practically zero men and practically zero women actively oppose them. Sure, people might think it’s bad, but they’re not out there in the streets protesting for male rights. So the unfairness progresses.

Furthermore, men can’t oppose this even if they wanted to because of the soft power that women wield, and because of how pro-woman most men and most women are. Namely: a man who announces at work that he’s a men’s right activist might very well get fired outright, using some convenient excuse.

As a result, how your society treats men has become completely unacceptable. Let’s look at some examples.

I consider your education system to be abusive towards boys. Sure, it’s not great for girls either. However, forcing boys to sit still for eight hours per day, and forcing them to repeat back what the teacher tells them, frankly sounds like something adjacent to torture for boys. Especially when boys are literally being drugged for acting like boys. No wonder that often boys’ spirit is broken and their masculinity is squashed by the time they leave education.

Back when my children were young, I would rather have been struck blind than have put even one of my sons through Earth schooling.

If I was living on Earth, I might very well have gone scorched earth against your school system.

I don’t understand why Earth women aren’t marching in the streets to demand that education stops destroying their sons.

Furthermore, imagine if an entire culture plus school system taught black children that black people are the problem, that black people have historically been the problem, that black people are inferior and that we need less black people and more white people in positions of power. Imagine that pretty much all media depicts black people as being inferior to white people.

Wouldn’t you consider that to be abusive against those black children?

I would. And this is pretty much what is happening to boys: they’re told that they’re the problem, that they’ve been the problem, that masculinity is toxic, that masculine politics i.e. right-wing politics is evil and vile, et cetera.

No matter how much women have been hurt by men, obviously abusing boys cannot possibly be the answer.

Mothers, why aren’t you marching in the streets to protect your sons?

Would you march in the streets if your daughters were told that women are the problem, that women have historically been the problem, that femininity is toxic, et cetera? Yes, you probably would. So then, why aren’t you marching in the street to offer the same protection to your sons?

Is it because you yourself believe, at least on some level, that men indeed are the problem? Aha, here we come back to the observation that women have been hurt and scared and have been told that men are the problem, and that women by and large have bought into that. After all, hurt and scared people will believe it if they’re told that a certain group is the problem, even if that’s not true.

I certainly wouldn’t want any boy to be raised by any parent who thinks men are bad and men are the problem. Can you imagine how awful that must be for that boy?

If you don’t see the problem there, imagine a black child being raised by a parent who thinks that black people are and historically have been the problem in society.

Let’s look at some more examples of double standards and discrimination against men.

If there aren’t enough female teachers, people will insist that girls need female teachers as role models. If there aren’t enough male teachers… then no one says anything.

Boys are also straight up systematically discriminated against when it comes to teachers grading their work.

Study finds:

“Results show that, when comparing students who have identical subject-specific competence, teachers are more likely to give higher grades to girls. Furthermore, they demonstrate for the first time that this grading premium favouring girls is systemic, as teacher and classroom characteristics play a negligible role in reducing it.”

Things don’t improve when men grow up.

Back when more men attended university, women demanded women-only scholarships. Now that more women attend university, women don’t say anything, and still there are more women-only scholarships while already more women attend university.

Meanwhile, women still expect men to make at least as much money as them, and to be as highly educated and as high status as them.

Many employers also discriminate against men during hiring processes. Several experiments confirmed that resumes with female names got significantly more responses than the exact same resumes with male names.

This sort of forces men into less comfortable, more demanding, more dangerous jobs. Indeed, something like 95% of workplace fatalities are male.

Also, the draft only applies to men.

If a man struggles, it doesn’t get better.

Psychology is very much aimed at helping women, operating on a “talk about your feelings” basis. If society actually cared about men, a type of psychology would also be commonly available that was much more practical and action-oriented and was about which tangible steps a person can take to build a good life.

If a man is abused or raped, he often won’t be taken seriously.

Women abusing men is relatively more common than people think. And in that case, the man often can’t physically defend himself or call the police, or he’ll be the one who ends up in handcuffs. After all, police are heavily biased against men.

In Britain, rape is legally defined as nonconsensually penetrating someone with a penis, which means that women can’t rape men according to that definition. Note that feminists aren’t holding rallies to have that changed. Feminists merely offer lip service to the idea of helping men, while taking tangible and real action to promote female interests.

Female-only shelters exist, but there are practically zero male shelters. Radical feminists tend to have male shelters shut down.

Many men and many women don’t tolerate weakness in men. A huge part of the reason why men don’t feel comfortable working through their emotions is that many people — yes, including many women — lose respect or attraction for men who show weakness, or even dump them.

Men receive harsher sentences than women for the same crimes.

Divorce court is hugely biased in favor of women. Also, most divorces are initiated by women.

If a woman has a low libido, people tell the man to be a better partner to her, or to just live without much sex. If a man has a low libido, people tell the man to fix his issue, and if he can’t then they advise the woman to leave him.

If a woman can’t orgasm, the man needs to fix something. If a man can’t orgasm, the man needs to fix something.

If men try to talk to other men, sometimes that’s mocked as “hanging out with the bros.”

Male-only clubs are literally illegal, while female-only clubs aren’t. Some women work very hard to make sure that men don’t have male-only spaces. Simultaneously, of course women should be allowed to have female-only spaces.

As a result of all this, something like eighty percent of people taking their life are men.

Now yes, it is true that most rapists and most violent criminals are men. And yes, some men are sexist. Obviously this is unacceptable, obviously too many men do bad things, and those men should stop doing that.

However, surely it’s not okay to engage in collective punishment against men just because some men do bad things.

The answer to a number of individual men doing bad things shouldn’t be to punish all men.

Imagine being in favor of systemic discrimination against black people just because black people currently commit more crimes in America. Everyone would immediately see that this would be both deeply unfair and highly counterproductive. Well, it’s also deeply unfair and highly counterproductive to engage in systemic discrimination against men.

And surely mistreating boys has to be both deeply unfair and highly counterproductive as well. In fact, if people are concerned about the negative behavior of men, then they should be trying to make sure that boys aren’t disadvantaged compared to girls during their childhood, as they currently are. I mentioned some points earlier that could be improved.

Furthermore, note that if any group underperforms or statistically does more bad things, then the answer is always that this group is apparently being discriminated against and we should help that group. But when it comes to men…. then suddenly people in this group are just inherently bad in certain ways and they need to do better. Men are the only group that is just inherently bad, apparently.

Even if we believe that rich men and male CEOS reached their position via unfair means, then it still wouldn’t be fair to collectively punish men for that.

The vast majority of men are good people, and are being horribly discriminated against.

If women faced systemic discrimination, such as receiving harsher sentences for the same crimes, then women would be demanding that men help them. And rightfully so. But that also means that women owe it to men to help men in this situation, where men are the ones facing systemic discrimination.

It’s not fair to demand help when you’re the one who needs help, and then refuse to help the other side when they need help.

Now yes, life genuinely is very hard for Earth women. I am absolutely not denying that. In fact, it hurts my heart to see just how tough life is for most Earth women. My sisters, you do genuinely deserve so much better than this.

However, just because life is hard for Earth women, doesn’t mean that Earth women are being uniquely oppressed. In fact, if we don’t exclusively look at privileged men, then we see that overall women are more privileged than men are, in the West in 2025. I just gave a lot of arguments to support that statement.

Women have it very hard, and men have it even worse than women on average. Indeed, 80% of suicides are men.

Men can’t fix this situation by themselves, because no one listens to male men’s rights activists, and furthermore men can easily get their lives destroyed for being men’s rights activists.

The only way out of this situation, the only way for your society to heal and to move forward, is for women to openly speak out for and work for men’s rights.

And that really isn’t such a crazy request to make to women. If John and Anne are married, and John mostly cares about Anne’s best interests, then Anne really should be caring about John’s best interests too. Anne should actually take some tangible action sometimes to promote John’s best interests.

If Anne adopts a stance of “I expect John to care for my best interests, and I’m not going to lift a finger for John’s best interests” then the marriage won’t work. And if women do that on a societal scale, then your society is not going to work.

Galactics who aren’t used to the Earth situation typically don’t understand why there aren’t million-women marches that demand that divorce court becomes fair towards men. Because that’s what pretty much all women except Earth women would do if there was a huge amount of structural unfairness against men.

I remember one younger, not as spiritually advanced galactic woman asking: “why do Earth women think that their behavior is evolved enough to live on New Earth?”

Some galactics also think there is a strange lack of Earth women taking a bit of time to put themselves in the shoes of average men (not in the position of men who are doing well, but in the position of average men). If Earth women did that, I think they’d be horrified.

Frankly, most women have zero idea what life is like for an average man. Or what things look like from a men’s point of view.

Suppose that there was a movement called masculinism. Suppose that historically it only promoted male interests, sometimes in a reasonable way, but also sometimes by blatantly pushing discrimination against women. And suppose that masculinists refuse to kick blatant women-haters out of the movement. Suppose that men told women that this movement was after true gender equality, and that women should support this movement because it was beneficial for women too. Would women believe that? Absolutely not.

This proves that some women haven’t taken ten minutes to put themselves in the shoes of average men, or to wonder what feminism looks like if you’d gender-swap the situation. Because feminism is exactly as ridiculous as the hypothetical example of masculinism I just gave.

So, with all this said… are Earth women acting like this because they’re evil?

No. It’s the pattern I described: hurt and frighten a group of people, and tell them that men are the problem, and they will believe that men are the problem, and they will likely become cold and callous towards men.

Any group of people, including us galactics, are vulnerable to this. It merely happens that right now women are being affected this way.

Because yes, women are getting hurt, and yes, some men do treat women atrociously. Some men do hurt women.

However, if someone gets robbed by a black person, or if someone sees that a Jewish person does something evil, then it’s incorrect to conclude that black people or Jewish people are the problem, or that they are evil as a group. Similarly, even if certain women are hurt by men, that doesn’t prove that men are the problem or that men as a group are evil.

Still, women are hurt and scared, and women are being told that men are the problem.

And clearly, some men have acted atrociously towards women in the past. Now, this point is a bit overblown — a lot of oppression came not from human men but from hostile extraterrestrials who took on the shape of human men.

Also, historical women lacked certain rights but they also didn’t have to fight in wars. Women like to compare their lot in life to the position of privileged men, however being a 12 year old boy and being forced to go to war really isn’t a picnic either. Because yes, that too was part of history.

So the tyranny of the historical patriarchs is a point that’s a bit overblown. Still, just because it’s overblown doesn’t mean that there’s not some truth to it. Yes, women certainly have been mistreated in the past. And women are still being mistreated today in some parts of the world.

Ultimately however, it doesn’t help to collectively punish present-day men just because some historical men did bad things.

So, what should be done?

Anyone who is hurt or scared — men and women — should go inside and work on their own healing. It is understandable that hurt people feel an urge to hurt or control others, but it’s not helpful.

The narrative that men are privileged should end. Because average men are actually less privileged than average women are, in the West in 2025. Yes, women’s lives are hard, but that’s not due to unique oppression that women face. Men’s lives are on average even harder.

The demonization of men should end.

And the structural discrimination against men and boys should end. Far too many boys get destroyed by your society and by your education and by your cultural messaging before they ever get a chance to blossom. Which is an unspeakable tragedy.

Male men’s rights activists aren’t listened to and frequently have their lives destroyed. So women will have to speak up for male rights. And frankly, that would simply be the fair thing to do at this current point.

The good news is that if women help men out, then women too will benefit from that. After all, a huge part of the reason why your society is declining, and why women struggle to find good partners, is because masculinity is so demonized and has been destroyed in so many men.

If men weren’t getting so destroyed by society, they would be standing up more and being more productive, and that would contribute hugely towards fixing society. Which would obviously benefit women too.

I get that women are hurting themselves already, but sometimes the way out of your own pain is to give someone else a hand — because statistically men are killing themselves at a substantially higher rate than women are. And in turn, helping men helps women too. If there are healthy masculine men around, everyone benefits.

You don’t necessarily have to spend a huge amount of time and energy on men’s rights. Even just occasionally speaking up in favor of justice for men, whenever a relevant topic comes up in conversation around you, would make a big difference.

With all my love,

This was Tourmalayne

Channel: A.S.
For Era of Light
These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.
If you are interested in local meetings with other people also seeking first contact with benevolent ETs, then please see . If you search with control-F for @, then you can quickly find email addresses of those who are organizing local groups. It’s also not too late to post a new (secondary) email address yourself to start a new local group, because we plan to keep linking to that post for the foreseeable future. 


Compiled by from: 
On the blogs:
My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor Mapesoterismo


Wisdom for the Week

By Kate

Posted on January 14, 2024


I have no words for last week....the intensity of it was off the charts.  For many difficult feelings and emotions have been rising giving us the opportunity to see what needs healing and what needs release.  Collective and individual feelings of fear, anxiety and restlessness have arisen which can be overwhelming as we navigate the start of a new year.    

It has not been a comfortable time and we are reminded of the need to remain balanced.  Regulating our emotional reactions and developing the mental discipline needed to manage our thoughts is key.

If you are needing support and or guidance book a session with me and lets get you balanced and ready for whatever the rest of January wants to throw at us!

May you find peace amongst the chaos!

Much love





Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Transformational Insights; Year of the Snake

By Ascension LightWorkers

Posted on January 6, 2025


Receiving intense transformational insights for the upcoming 2025 Year of the Snake, filled with powerful energy and guidance from our ascension collective higher selves. This particular channeling experience was extremely intense, bringing in profound Universal knowledge and messages for our ascension.
There has been a distinct awareness in the Ascension collective, having raised planetary energies and frequencies on this planet. 2024 is already fading out, and 2025 energies are deeply focused on the true point of power, which is found in the Here and Now .
2025 is the Year of the Snake a time for Radical transformation, adaptation and resilience, snake-like traits will expand such as adaptability , intelligence, resourcefulness and self belief and confidence . Letting go of negativity, cutting ties with those holding self back in any previous trauma bonds , confidently pursuing personal goals without needing to justify transforming self .
Snakes are highly independent and self sufficient, they are not co dependent , this symbolism and energy ruling 2025 is urging the ascending to strengthen self sufficiency, To let go of more fears especially those that influenced life in the past . The snake year is preparing the ascending for the 2026 year of the Horse a year of inner power , outer self action , stamina , determination , endurance , strength , commitment , success , The horse year has tremendous power on our planet and will bring into reality and manifestation the changes made in self awareness and conscious transformation .
The snake is the symbol of rebirth, it must first shed its old skin ,The snake in 2-3D matrix will highlight the deceptions , sneaky intentions , lies , illusions and old stories and cycles people are still choosing to play out , it will highlight who and what can be trusted and who and what can not . 2025 snake energy is a reminder of the necessary work required within to change the structure in self and the outer structure in physical reality , the snake is mostly hidden , this in itself means that awareness and discernment moving forward in life will highlight and strengthen.
The ascending’s focus this year is to discern who and what is real and who and what is not , to avoid the poisonous and deadly bites coming from those residing in the absence of light , those in lower consciousness . This snake energy will test many ascending who have raised their conscious knowing , the snake representation is to develop trust in self’s own abilities to strengthen and master discernment Snake energies highlight both Truth and False to further discern and create a preferred conscious reality .
2025 is about shedding the entire old skin , Delving deeper into the internal shadow work to release what no longer serves the higher chosen path , it’s about honouring and valuing personal Conscious growth. The snake symbol representation of this year will reveal what all types of connections and relationships are built on , many may find them selves confronted by others negativity this year , the mirror reflecting in self , revealing what is still out of self alignment . Snakes will always maintain an air of mystery, as they independently walk with confidence in life.
Snakes are naturally in alignment in order for them to express their true self embodiment, 2025 planetary energies will highlight misalignment in self , others and the world at large , the self can never attract what it is not in a vibrational alignment with , snake energies will reveal the worlds and people’s true intentions.
In the Year of 2025, it will be extremely beneficial to trust and discern wisely . The importance of discernment will be highlighted, the importance of knowing comes from reading energies, reading true intentions, understanding that words can be just that , the ascending naturally emit innocence and will be on the alert this year, protecting their open and healed heart space , while remaining loving yet cautious, attracting those embodying the same light minded attributes, essence , beliefs and qualities .This year will also highlight the many different species on this planet , their purpose and seeded intentions.
Keeping an open mind and discerning heart. maintaining healthy boundaries to protect self’s ascending energies .Thought form manifestations enter into physical reality , establishing a stronger sense of trust in self , including trusting in what thoughts , intentions etc come in , ensuring prioritising well-being to avoid being overly vulnerable to the misaligned . Self’s intuitive body becomes extra sensitive this year , Primal instincts will amplify to higher conscious levels especially when navigating connections , relationships and situations throughout the year.
The element of the Snake is in Wood , this brings opportunities for the ascending to now build a solid structure in new earth conscious living . Until May of this year there is amplified manifesting opportunities for the internal conscious work and changes made in self. The ascending are being promoted in earths new conscious energy , this will create many internal and external changes This snake year will reveal what’s really within self and this makes believing for a better self and world to become possible . The snake year energies bring in to reality what self has previously worked on manifesting .
In 2025, those genuinely committed to personal growth and transformation will shed their old skin and experience a higher ascension phase of inner power , strengthening and elevating into higher conscious awareness .This year, all symbolic Animal signs symbolise the planet equally in higher consciousness, highlighting the profound potential for growth and evolution for individuals dedicated to self-improvement.
2025 Snake ascending Individuals in our world that are genuinely doing the ascension work , will transform from past self , completely shedding the past version , growing and adapting in a new skin , this will be a profound and positive year for them , their inner power strengthens and transforms into higher personal and collective consciousness,
The ascending in 2025 are walking fearlessly, ready to overcome any obstacles on the path to seize new earth opportunities with a stronger sense of self determination , This is now about accepting your own inner Ruler , confidently navigating the year ahead and confronting any challenges with a sense of self purpose , accomplishment and overall victory .
A great deal of quiet and private progress will be made in 2025 with the help of much higher planetary ascension energies. Honouring this transformational beginning every day with a positive and truthful mindset , keeping thoughts based in earths new reality consciousness . Many ascending will reach 5D conscious embodiment , true self expression in new earth conscious living 2025- 2026 .
This year the ascending are cognising and integrating into their higher conscious power . Kundalini activations collectively occur through out 2025 . There will be no stopping their higher and true potential on this planet as they prepare to fully express the higher self embodiment in human form by 2026.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
Ascension LightWorkers


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


How Helpful Is Plant Medicine for Pain and Mental Health?

By Julie Peters

Posted on November 18, 2024



Many people report that plant medicines have helped ease their pain, anxiety, and depression. But it’s important not to see sacred plant medicines as “magic pills.” Explore more about the history and potential of plant medicines.

Plant medicines have been used for generations in many cultures to heal mental and physical health issues. When talk therapy was not an option (and before it existed), spirituality often met that need, helping people put their problems into a larger context to find hope and faith. Plant medicines have often assisted with that journey.

An Introduction to Plant Medicine

Medicines like ayahuasca and psilocybin mushrooms are known for their ability to bring on hallucinations. When these kinds of plant medicines are given in a ritual context, which usually includes guidance, safe boundaries, and trained sober guides, those hallucinations can spark useful insights and open the mind to seeing things in a different way.

Many people report that these plant medicine experiences help them by easing their pain, resolving health issues, calming anxiety, and dissipating depression, among other self-reported benefits.

While the benefits of plant medicines may be eye-catching, it’s important to note that both ayahuasca and psilocybin mushrooms are federally illegal in the US. (Ayahuasca is only legally utilized by a handful of “ayahuasca churches,” and psilocybin mushrooms are either legal or decriminalized in only Colorado, Oregon, and a handful of cities in other states.) Where these medicines are legal, it is important to do one’s research on the plant medicine retreats or treatments being offered and to consult with a trusted healthcare practitioner as you do your research.

A Therapist’s Perspective on Plant Medicine

In my experience as a counseling therapist who incorporates work with both the body and the imagination into her practice, it is incredibly helpful to be able to address mental health concerns in non-mental ways. The mind is very useful, but it can also get stuck in trauma-based patterns. To resolve trauma, I find we need to be able to talk to the body, the nervous system, and sometimes the spirit in order to really make movement toward change. One way to do this is through working with images and symbols, which plant medicines can help to bring to the surface.

I don’t personally use plant medicines in my practice—any therapist who does should be specifically trained to do so in a legal context. But I’ve also found that the kinds of insights and shifts that are experienced during plant medicine ceremonies can also be accessed through the imagination alone when we are properly guided. When we stop trying so hard to analyze and judge what’s happening to us and allow the body to share its wisdom, we can have major insights without needing to partake in plant medicine.

At the same time, it’s not easy for everyone to access their inner world. Sometimes we have defense mechanisms in place within us that help us feel safe. Many of us feel better in the realm of thought than the wild world of the spirit or the body. Plant medicines could lower inhibitions enough for someone to be able to access this wisdom without having to work so hard or struggle with old defensive patterns.

There’s also nothing wrong with needing a little help to create change in the ways we want to. Human beings don’t live in a vacuum, and we cannot expect someone to get better through willpower alone. Medication, food, lifestyle changes, therapy, and plant medicines are all examples of interventions that have the capacity to help us get better and live happier lives when utilized legally and with a skillful practitioner.

The Possibilities of Microdosing

Psychedelics could also be helpful in small doses that don’t induce hallucinations. Some people have been experimenting with microdosing psychedelic substances to see if the effects are helpful for mental health. This is theoretically a gentler, subtler way of working with plant medicines to assist with improving mental health.

Microdosing means taking a very small amount of a psychedelic, usually psilocybin or LSD (though LSD is a synthetic compound and not a plant medicine), on a semi-regular basis. This sub-hallucinogenic or sub-perceptual dose is intended to be used alongside a regular routine of life and work with the intention of subtly improving mood, empathy, and pain perception.

People who try microdosing are reporting lots of benefits, including improved focus, more regular menstrual cycles, more creativity, and more empathy. Some people also report more sensitivity and heightened emotions, which can be either a positive or negative effect depending on the person.

Side effects are generally minimal, especially with psilocybin. LSD can sometimes bring on anxiety, and too high a dose of psilocybin could cause an unwanted hallucination. Both drugs could also theoretically affect heart rate. The biggest risks at this point are the legal restrictions around such medicines, though they are being increasingly decriminalized and/or approved for medical use, especially as studies find benefits with relatively low risks.

Plant Medicines as Teachers

Studies on microdosing have shown plenty of self-reported benefits. Other studies show that microdosing has no greater effect than a placebo. Neuroimaging studies have, however, seen that these psychedelic medicines increase brain activity, serotonin levels, and neuroplasticity.

Plant medicines are somewhat difficult to study well. Changes in mood are subtle and subjective, and many studies rely on surveys and self-reports, which are notoriously difficult to measure objectively. But the cultures that have used these medicines for generations don’t think of them as magic pills to be used to cure unhappiness.

These plant medicines are teachers. They can shift our mental state, give us insights, and help us to feel our feelings—not just the positive ones, but the negative ones as well. Pharmaceutical medicines for mental health are commonly used to lift mood or numb negative experiences, while plant teachers are there to help us understand ourselves and our symptoms better. If we treat them like magic pills that make all our problems go away, we are really missing the point.

Julie Peters


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Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Sudden Recall

Aaron Is the Teacher

Received by George Barnard

Posted on November 14, 2024
Illawarra District, Australia, March 25, 2012
Teacher Aaron: “This is your teacher Aaron. I have long been a teacher at heart, teaching many about the words, the rules, regulations and guidance about spiritual life scribed onto the papyrus scrolls that I carried. I am a teacher, your teacher, today. Many of my lessons include direct advice, logic, clearly explained, and so very different to the kind of teachings the Master used. He always gave everyone the extreme in personal choice in how they translated the parables he preached. It is in this way that all individuals can allow themselves their own interpretations for what he told them.
“From me you will get to understand the Master’s advice more clearly, directly, in that there are times when the methods of David Zebedee, the methods of gentle persuasion do apply. There are also times when the strict rules of Cymboyton must be followed, yes enforced.
“Like the Master, your Thought Adjuster also tends to be very cautious, very careful, not to overrule your free will prerogatives which are paramount in your life. And here we have an opportunity to clear some past misgivings in the sense that it is well known that people, later in life, are suddenly reminded of small misgivings, of small wrongs that they may have done, of rather interesting situations where they could have been helpful but they neglected to be of use.
“Generally it is considered that this comes with aging, represents a normal happening, and to a degree this is correct. It is a physiological thing that allows you at a later age to sharply remember those things that happened in your youth and for you to in some way find closure, or forgiveness. It is surely of psychological importance that these things come to the fore also, and are reconsidered.
“However, it is within these natural phenomena that your Thought Adjuster also works to remind you of things that happened in the long ago past, some of which may seem negligible in importance. But yet, you need to realize that the life to come, the life you will lead on the Mansion Worlds has different rules about it, is of a different design and while it is possible here on earth to put to rest some of these old and half forgotten happenings, in fact they can be important as matters of closure, as finalization, as a make-ready for the human soul in the life that is lived beyond.
“You have in the past received a lesson on this matter which you probably have forgotten about by now. This is clarification that there are three components to this remembering; a fleeting physiological prompt, a psychological need, and also the stimulus from the Thought Adjuster in the rounding off of one’s earthly life.
“This is Aaron, pleased to once again be with you both. I say Adieu for now.”
George: “Thank you, Aaron.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972
  Reminder discernment is recommended

Compiled by from: 
11:11 Progress Group <>

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?




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Embracing the Shift

By KejRaj (KayRy)


Posted on November 9, 2024
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. 
Turning a blind eye to change, makes the journey of awakening only more difficult.
The times of ignoring the obvious are over. You must face and accept the truth that presents itself to you, and aligns with what is in your heart, not what is wanted by the ego.
We want to share with you that you have angels incarnate who walk among you, and millions surrounding the Earth in their true form, as they’ve done in the ancient days.
The purpose of our presence here is to offer guidance and assistance to you during this cosmic shift, which the Earth and humanity are experiencing at this time.
Embracing the shift allows one to flow freely towards higher timelines.
Let the world know that light and peace have already prevailed. For the spiritual organic human is tired of the wars, distress, and empty living on Earth.
In this shift you are going through a rebirth. With this rebirth comes a new mind, new body, a new level of awareness, and a whole new reality. All of these changes must occur and be felt within prior to be seen and manifested in the outer world.
Now is the time to realize that all of the above are in your energy field. Breathe, feel, commit to the shift, and see yourself morph into your Divine and Fifth Dimensional Self.
All the light to You!




Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Guidance and Energy Influxes

Message from The Collective

Channel: Caroline Oceana Ryan

Posted on September 29, 2024



TC: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

This week our writer has a question for us: COR: My friends, a powerful influx of Light has been coming into the planet — even more powerful than usual, and starting with the partial eclipse of the recent Full Moon. It then extended into the Autumn Equinox a few days ago, with further Light transmissions to come yet this month. This is a lot to handle at once!

It’s great to receive this much Light. It brings much healing for humanity and the Earth, and all Her beings.

Yet it also brings upheaval, as all that is unhealed in human life, in groups and individuals, comes up to be faced and dealt with.

Whole parts of our subconscious naturally arm themselves against this shift, because the subconscious reacts, thinking we might be in danger.

So it will resist taking in some of this Light. How do we deal with that resistance?

So many of us will eat the wrong foods — more sugar and starches — or drinking more or getting high more often.

Or an obsession with media and the internet, etc. — anything to stop feeling that “it’s too intense to handle.”

Any guidance you can offer is appreciated!  

THE COLLECTIVE: We would say, this Light that is coming to you now is very special and very powerful indeed.

You may have heard from the White Knights of the Ashtar Command that there are energies flowing in now from the 100th dimension, and this is so.

This Light is your emissary, your messenger from a place of incredibly high vibration—a sacred and holy place, some might say, as it comes from Creator God / Goddess or Source Energy with wishes that all on the Earth begin to remember their own Divinity.

That is a pleasant-sounding phrase that you have all been long familiar with.

Yet it goes much further than that, friends!

This is the beginning of Earth’s people starting to grasp that you are not only Galactic Beings, but Intergalactic Beings.

Citizens of a planet, yes, but also citizens of a Universe.

Given that, the age-old third dimensional human impulses are beginning to realize their day is done.

These include the “need” that lower vibrational souls will feel to cause chaos, to live with violence as a matter of course or a natural part of life—some believe, a “solution.” And the far more common belief in physical and mental degradation and early death (after only 100 years or less), amongst other old paradigms and belief systems. None of those systems have served you in life, except to help you fulfill your pre-incarnation curiosity about them. Or to support your decision to learn and grow from them on a soul level. Or from efforts to replace them with higher vibrational situations.

As this very special, very powerful Light pours in, it comes in with the energetics of many thousands of intergalactic cultures of which you have all been a part, in one life or another, or connected with in the higher realms.


And so you are also receiving messages from loved ones within those cultures—from soul family, old friends, former or current colleagues within the Galactic Federation (or Intergalactic Confederation), and so on.

These ones do not speak merely to say “Hello! We are here!” as joyful as that is!

They wish for you to begin literally carrying yourself as an Intergalactic Being in your everyday energies, and over time, in your thoughts and realizations about Who you really are.

For some, this is a natural and smooth occurrence.

For others, who are also dealing with much old trauma that is surfacing, there may be quite an inner struggle happening.

This is where meditation and high vibrational music can assist you. Even if you do not feel that you image inwardly very well, the energies of meditation, including quiet time spent in Nature, can bring the subconscious into a quiet yet ongoing acceptance of these new energies and all they hold.


Likewise, chanting or singing Sanskrit mantras, and speaking or writing out affirmations about how it is safe and good for you to heal, to awaken, to become your higher self.

All of these are a way of opening a door in your psyche and spirit which know and feel that integrating this powerful Light and the essences, messages, and sound vibrations that it holds is safe, pleasant, and healing. And a big part of your current life, willingly taken on by you and your soul family.

In a sense, we would be misleading you to say that it should be all easy, all smooth sailing.

We would be misleading you if we said this time can be easy if you just allow it, as all of your 3D training is powerfully resisting this new growth many days, and that can be disturbing, exhausting, and even feel defeating at times.

Yet recall that in this Light, you are able to manifest what you desire far more quickly, which can provide some support as you travel this path.

Recall that your meditations take on new healing and revelatory power now, as you open to new insights from the Universe, your soul, and all the Angelic powers of the higher planes.

And realize as well that in this Light, you will experience more heart-opening moments than you have in the past. And with it, a feeling at times of new optimism, new beginnings, new possibilities and potentials that in the past you would have shrugged off as “unlikely or impossible.”

We would say, go ahead and admit that what you are experiencing is very hard some days, while encouraging and positive other days.

Be kind as you are honest with yourself that this path is a steep one at times, yet somehow, it leads you back Home to loved ones and more Joy than we can express in any modern language. This is where the power of higher vibrational music comes in—the vibration of those sounds can lead the subconscious to remember the Joy of the higher realms, so that it allows in more Transformation in this new Light.

Be patient with yourself and others as the heart-opening pulls you to new places which can reveal vulnerabilities—and yet, no embarrassment to that, as you increasingly release the old 3D ego-based defenses and the need to take yourself and outer life so seriously.

Open to healing from your soul, from healers in body and in the etheric! Call for the support you require now! It desires to come to you.

There is still laughter and Joy, dear friends! They await you in great quantities, along with the many beautiful forms of Love and Abundance that your heart has long cried out for.

And so we would say, Open to receive!

You have already been aware of the path and its many high Presences for a long time.

Welcome this new Presence — your higher self, stepping into your human body in new and unprecedented ways, though still also located in the higher realms.

We welcome you to your 5D life! Open the door wide—as co-Creator you have helped to make this, and it shines with astounding brilliance.

Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.

Caroline Oceana Ryan



Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2024
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Overcoming Intense Trauma

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on September 6, 2024 

Every event that happens in our lives serves a purpose for us to understand that we are the constant creators of the energetic patterns that become our life experiences. Based on how well we can open our awareness to the radiance of our heart and align with it, we can know how our lives will play out. If we completely miss this connection, our heart will still continue to love us and fill us with conscious life-force, regardless of our vibratory level or polarity. If we ignore our inner guidance, it becomes outer guidance, asking for our attention and diverting energy that is misaligned. If we continue to be intentionally ignorant, our life starts to hurt, and we diminish our life force by contracting in fear. Eventually a desire arises for greater understanding. Continuing ignorance leads to more intense experiences, ultimately creating trauma, which is designed to eliminate attachment to negativity. While guiding us to resolve the limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves, allowing us to suffer, the appearance of trauma in our life can be very disconcerting.
Trauma instills self-destructive, negative, subconscious alignment, and an intensely traumatic experience leaves a deep emotional wound in our psyche. At some point, we must face and resolve it. The path to resolution is through acceptance, forgiveness, compassion and love. It really requires aligning with our essence beyond spacetime. Extreme trauma creates a crisis situation in our psyche and leaves us unable to consider positive scenarios. We just want to leave the body and move into a discarnate life. If we allow ourselves to follow this thread in a meditative state, we may be able to find our inner light.
Although we enter this life with a plan, we have absolute freedom to change it, especially if it gets too difficult, unless we’re emotionally detoxifying and need to experience a specific challenge. If we go into an intense traumatic crisis, all we can do is follow the path of the most powerful energy impinging upon us. If that causes a desire to transition to a realm beyond the physical world, it behooves us to recognize and align with this energy, especially if it cannot be resisted. In intense traumatic crisis situations, we lose all desire to enjoy life in the body. To heal ourselves, we must go beyond the body in our perspective. If we can follow this path in our imagination. If we can practice imagining and envisioning ourselves meditating within the realm beyond our current reality, we can recognize our presence of awareness beyond spacetime. We have the choice of recognizing the radiant presence of persons who truly love us. They may be non-localized, but we can feel their presence. They invite us to align with them in joy and love. Our awareness can expand beyond our negative trance of trauma crisis and transform into a higher-dimensional state of being, leading to dissolution of fear in the presence of joy. This is where healing occurs, and we have a new perspective that is more in alignment with the life-enhancing intent of our conscious life force.
When we have had extremely self-destructive experiences, we develop a greater sensitivity to the presence of life-enhancing energy and a greater desire for it. This is the way of life enhancement. When we suffer deeply, and we understand it, we gain greater compassion for ourselves and everyone. We can realize that we had lost our heart-felt understanding of life, which vibrates with unconditional acceptance and love.
As we expand our internal sensitivity, we become more aware of the qualities of all the energies around us. In our understanding, we can imagine the consequences of our personal vibratory patterns, and we can choose the ones we want to experience. This is how we can create a new world of positive polarity and beauty.
Kenneth Schmitt
Click above for more on Kenneth web page.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

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Seeking truth to be Free!

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The Myanmar military is also planning to take legal action against billionaire George Soros’ OSF. Massive protests have been funded by OSF and local authorities are also planning to arrest other employees of OSF. An official from OSF, Phyu Pa Pa Thaw, has already been detained by local authorities. The Military also took control of illegal flow of money to OSF and controlled assets of OSF bank accounts at SMED and Co-operative Bank (CB), Ayeyarwady Ban...
The Spring/Fall Equinox: A Time for Harmony and Prosperity
According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Spring / Fall Equinox occurs on March 20 with the Sun and Venus in the water sign of Pisces. This is the day twice a year when the amount of daylight and evening is about equal. Many ancient traditions honor this sacred time on Mother Earth to show gratitude for their lives and nature’s abundance. What would bring you joy and help you connect with this sacred time? How do you feel drawn to serve as a good steward of Planet Earth? With the Moon in t...
And so it is mid march of 2021 and spring is shortly upon us. And there appears to be no significant movement in the governmental picture with which we are presented. The dark appears to be in charge still. And, in our lower frequency moments, we doubt if our ascension will, in fact, take place. Or has the dark won? Yet, in our heart of hearts we know all is well. We feel, deep within us, the Divine energy, the love, the power that animates the universe. We feel a knowing a glowing growing w...
Jesus Discusses Growing the Cities of Light, Transmuting C0v1d/Vaxxines, Easing of the Mother’s Pause, and more
This beautiful channel is lovingly shared with us by the Denver City of Light Group from their reading with Linda Dillon. Greetings, I am Jesus, I am Yeshua, I am Yeshi. I am known by so many names, for Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Sananda, all are One and all are ...
The Sacred Spiral
I go where I’m guided and this morning I’m guided to talk about … not the symbolism, because the relationship is not symbolic … but the similarities between the Nautilus shell and our journey from God to God. That journey forms a spiritual arc, going out into the world and returning to God. Everyone who’s heard this before may surge ahead to the next article. I was driving my car on Friday the 13th March 1987 when, having asked a question of the universe, its response was to show me an 8-second vision of the to...
We thought we would send our first youtube over to you. The above video was the first video one we made. We made it one year ago on the 18th (tomorrow) at the very beginning of the pandemic Between then and now Many of our lives have greatly changed. And we have no idea how much more our lives Will change, and change, and change? Or, perhaps our lives will not change, but it is Too late to think that, as the changes are already Occurring more and more within this NOW However, it is vital that we all remember That change c...
Feel the Power of Being in the Flow
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very excited to share with you the following transmission. We have been noticing the very beautiful ways that all of you who are awake have been processing your emotions, and we notice that there is a greater understanding now than there ever has been before of how powerful and significant those emotions are, as you gradually expand your consciousness and become your higher selves. You ar...
Stunning new details about the digitally faked Joe Biden - you won't believe this
It's now fully confirmed: Joe Biden is a fake digital mirage, and his "presidency" is completely staged using green screens and video compositing. This is why there's no actual Joe Biden at the Oval Office, and it's why the White House is dark. It's also why there has been no State of the Union address. Now they're shoving the lies in our faces, making it so blatantly obvious that only a fool would fail to see it. In today's podcast, I reveal the stunning details of this ...
Transformation of Your Multi-Faceted Self
Greetings, we extend our energy to you now, we are the Andromedans. We come forth as a collective, as a collective energy of pure love and truth. We are known as one of the most evolved and enlightened civilisations of the star beings. We bring forth an expression of the Creator, we bring forth the truth of the Creator. Today we wish to speak of transforming your multi-faceted self. There are m...
The Universe knows there has been pain. Circumstances in your life may have made you doubt the flow, made you scream, cry and curse at the wind. Those moments may have made you doubt the existence of your Higher Power. It is easy to hear, “I have always been with you”, but incredibly hard to understand when you are in the throes of your deep hurt. However, The Universe has always waited silently and patiently for your trials to run their course, supporting and loving you unconditionally…rea...
A Vision for Responsible Manufacturing
We see a world where the practice of manufacturing products so that they break or wear out in a predetermined time frame is now seen as one of the most detrimental activities we could have ever allowed to persist on this planet; where the businesses who used to create goods with built-in, planned obsolescence in mind have now seen the wisdom in abandoning their old ways in favor of a more responsible use of the finite supply of our raw materials. Now, all of our goods and products are b...
Many Enjoyable and Beneficial Things
In a human life, the inner journey is most important. It does not matter how far you go ‘out there’, how many places you visit, or how much your peers admire your achievements. The inner achievements are more important, those that only you will be able to evaluate when you look back at your life objectively under the light of the spiritual vision provided by the pres...
Chief Norwegian Investigator Confirm AstraZeneca Vaccine Caused Rare Blood Clots Due To Unexpected Immune Reaction
In a huge development the Chief Norwegian Investigator and Physician Pal Andre Holme who examined the three hospitalized health workers has confirmed that it was indeed the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine which caused the rare blood clots due to unexpected immune reaction. Chief Norwegian Investigator Confirm AstraZeneca Vaccine Caused Rare Blood Clots Due To Unexpected Immune Reaction Earlier, one of the three health workers who were adm...
Scientists Want To Turn Entire Sahara Desert Into A Giant Energy Farm With Solar Panels
GREAT GAME INDIAMarch 18, 2021 A team of Finnish scientists estimated that the world needs 69% of its primary energy from solar farms for achieving net-zero goals. This estimation was made 2 years ago stating there may be a need for more solar farms. As per the agreement Sahara was chosen to be a suitable option and scientists want to turn the Sahara desert into a giant energy farm with solar panels. But according to two researchers (Benjamin Smith from Western Sydney University and Zhengya...
Enhanced Circuits Explained
This message is for all souls on Urantia—that they may understand the mystery of the Indwelling Presence of Universal Father living and working in their mind. Each one of you has a powerful Fragment of deity (the Thought Adjuster) that works with you to see that your souls are progressing by providing insights to your consciousness that you ma...
End Human Trafficking
Be a teddy bear ( l o v e ) for a person in need of safety from human trafficking. *“Everyone should know the international sign for Help me. Let’s make this famous,” *at this link with video:  as seen on Saturday, March 13, 2021, with screenshot ...
In The Company of Heavens
So many souls are looking outside of themselves, on global levels for answers, guidance and soul growth, when in truth the answers to their soul purpose, mission and calling and fulfillment of this, lies not in outside forces on earth, but within their own soul, their soul contracts, and their soul groups, amplified by the Divine Source, the Angelic, Archangelic Forces, plus their own Ascended Masters and their own Higher Guides. The truth is that no soul ever incarnates on planet earth, without the Divine and Universal ...
Found 1,524 cases where V targets COVID-19 (COVID19) and Patient Died
As the world spirals deeper into the total disinformation and censorship state, you are going to have to get used to researching on your own to discover the hidden truths that remain under the surface. For now, you can find some of this information at sites such as the VAERS database which collects data on vaccines. Of course, this would only represent information they receive and therefore would not be the actual complete and total...   

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