Absolute Trust as an Attitude
By Steve Beckow
The mind of absolute trust is not “trust in” someone or something. Well, it is. Trust in God and God’s Plan.
However, I need to make it clear that I’m not advocating absolute trust in, say, a person or even a cause. Absolute trust, as far as I’m concerned, would only be appropriate, say, for the Divine Mother or perhaps our archangel … and twin flame … and guides and….
I don’t know. But I think it’d be inappropriate to talk about having absolute trust in a person; our relationships in the Fourth Dimension are not at the level of purity, in my opinion, that would warrant giving absolute trust to any person or cause. And I may be wrong.
***That having been said, cultivating the attitude of trust, with vigilance, and spreading that trust further and further out cannot but take us down a very rewarding road.
The attitude of deep – if not absolute – trust is liberating. It results in inner peace.
The challenge is to maintain it in society when there are so many interruptions and distractions.
I have to keep returning to trust again and again, which I guess is the discipline.
***A day later
I’m fully back in my everyday space. No traces of the experience any longer. Michael once described this process:
Archangel Michael: What you have seen is that you have been given bite-sized pieces of energy, of energy bumps, of input of what you can digest and handle and truly bring to fruition. If you are in the process of expansion, you don’t go from Grade 3 to a PhD in a week. (1)
And on another occasion:
Archangel Michael: You have experienced progressively, periods of unity, of transformative love, of ecstasy, of bliss that you feel (and I emphasize feel) come and go.
But every time, you have had this experience it has edged you up a level. So that now you say to me, “Michael, I feel like I have a new baseline. I have a new foundation of happiness.”
But you also have a new foundation of knowingness, of understanding, of wisdom, of humility, of tolerance, of kindness. This has all been bringing you to an expanded sense of self and an expanded sense of not only how we operate but how the collective operates. (2)
This expansion in the sense of self is what enables me (or you) to consider taking on larger challenges.
Apparently the Higher Self determines when awakening will occur. (3) But, depending on our soul contract or mission, the Company of Heaven – the Divine Mother, our archangel, and our guides – will work with us to accomplish it, exactly as you’ve seen them work with me over the years. (4)
I’ve been given experiences which have increased my peacefulness, patience, willingness to give and serve, ability to love, etc. An experience of the qualities I’d need to do the rather large job Michael has mapped out for me has usually been given to me beforehand.
Not like I’d have guessed that this would be the way it would happen. But looking back, it makes sense. Michael has always said, you’ll have what you need when you need it. (5) I’m now getting more of a sense of what he meant and how that may work.
Archangel Michael: Stay still. Stay still, receive, listen and proceed as the Warrior you are.
And when I say to the team, “Proceed as the Warriors you are and know that I am protecting you,” is it a walk of faith, of trust, of hope? Yes. And is that exactly what your planet and your collective need right now? Yes? (6)
What’s happening in the outside world while I’m making sense of the inner?
(1) “AAM on Truncated Experiences,” March 21, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/03/21/aam-on-truncated-experiences/.
(2) “Archangel Michael on Snaps, Expansion, and Ascension,” June 6, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/06/06/archangel-michael-on-snaps-expansion-and-ascension/.
(3) “Awakening happens when the Higher Self determines that a person is ready and high frequency energy and current events are serving to shift many into readiness.” (“The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, July 26, 2020,” July 26, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/07/26/the-arcturian-group-via-marilyn-raffaele-july-26-2020/.)
(4) On our partnership with the Company of Heaven, see:
- Grandeur Beyond Grandeur: Toward a Cross-Cultural Spirituality Vol. 6: Our Enlightenment and Co-Creative Partnership at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Grandeur-Beyond-Grandeur-Enlightenment-and-Co-Creative-Partnership-6-4.pdf
- The Rewards of Co-Creative Partnership with the Company of Heaven at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/The-Rewards-of-Co-Creative-Partnership-with-the-Company-of-Heaven-7.pdf
- An Ascension Ethnography – Part 1 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/An-Ascension-Ethnography-V1-R2.pdf
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 10, 2017.
But also remember: “Normally you are only given what you need to take steps forward so as not to overwhelm you.” (Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, July 9, 2021.)
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
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