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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Outubro 08, 2024


Goodbye, Hello! 🚀

Love Notes

Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D.

Posted October 8, 2024


Thank you to everyone who has sent me the list of patterns they wish to complete now. I have blessed and released each of these statements along with you. If you have not yet sent in the things you wish to let go of, please go ahead and do it right away.
In honor of this new time of opening, today I am releasing the following universal beliefs that no longer serve on behalf of all the beautiful souls I know:
  ·  Lack of self-love
  ·  Not loving the body as it is
  ·  The use of food for comfort or as a substitute for love
  ·  Not expressing your truth
  ·  Accommodating any relationship that does not love, honor, and cherish you as you are
  ·  Not feeling good enough
  ·  Any ways in which you are diminishing yourself
  ·  Any notion that you are separate from God or the Universe
  ·  Any ways in which you do not feel fully loved
  ·  Any fear or hesitation of stepping into the true expression of your soul’s divine purpose
  ·  Any restrictions to receiving abundance in all areas of life
The healing and releases of these patterns are instantaneous. If you wish to participate, please hit reply and say, “Yes! Goodbye!”
And “Hello!” Next week we will talk about the new energies that will be available to us in the upcoming months.   
With much love and so many blessings to you,
The Illumined Heart, Inc.
Spiritual Guidance for Heart & Soul
ⒸBrynne E. Dippell, Ph.D. 2024


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Setembro 25, 2024


The Broken Pieces

Love Notes

Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D.

Posted September 24, 2024


The other day, I was speaking with a colleague, a spiritual coach, who described how what had started out as a daylong strategy session with a new client had unexpectedly taken on a life of its own. The session evolved into a two-day immersion into all facets of her client’s life.
Over the course of the two days, my colleague met in person with the client, her husband, and their seven-year-old child, both individually and together. She said it was extraordinary to be in their home, to see the different dimensions of this woman’s life, and to engage in conversation and healing with those closest to her.
As I was listening, I was feeling into the field of energy the coach had created. I noted how being together for an extended period had allowed her to do very fine energetic work, through her words and insights, and through her presence.
As she was speaking, Spirit came through and communicated that holding this kind of extended space was deep enough and wide enough that the most tender “broken pieces” could come forward. All those moments of heartbreak, trauma, harsh words, neglect, or misunderstanding, no matter how large or small, could rise up, and be acknowledged.
Finally, there was enough safety in the space for them to be revealed. Then, in this loving sanctuary, healing could finally take place.
As I listened, I could feel the little tendrils of wounding in her client come back to life.
At the end of the two days, both the client and the coach felt transformed by the experience.
Reflecting back on the conversation now, I believe there is a certain beauty in being in the presence of another who can be a witness and a vehicle for healing energies, someone who can hold in love the deepest of wounds.
It is my wish that in the experience of reading these words now, you may have some of the energy of sanctuary.
Now or in the next three days, if you will, I encourage you to create this space of holding for yourself. Invite a dear friend, healer, coach, or facilitator, or perhaps your Beloved to hold this space for you.
If none of these are available or feel just right, then create a sanctuary space for yourself and call in your Soul or Higher Self. If you have been initiated into the Akashic Records, you may call in the Record Keepers as well.
When you are ready to step into this healing sanctuary, whether with someone or yourself, simply breathe into your heart for a few minutes, until you feel relaxed.
Ask for anything that is ready to be healed and released to rise up now. You may speak gently whatever comes to the surface. Alternately, you can write it out. As you do this, set the intention that it is healed once and for all.
Allow yourself as much time as you need to let everything emerge. Let this be a moment of grace. Let this be a final letting go.
Let the broken pieces heal.
Know that I am right there with you in this sanctuary of love.
Sending peace and healing to you this day,
The Illumined Heart, Inc.
Spiritual Guidance for Heart & Soul
ⒸBrynne E. Dippell, Ph.D. 2024


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Setembro 02, 2024


Trauma Clearing

by Archangel Metatron

Channel: Natalie Glasson

Posted on September 1, 2024
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron. What a joy it is to be in your presence today. I wish to bring forth an energy that is very much like an energy cylinder of light.
This cylinder of light is a cylinder of truth. It is immensely powerful. It supports deep and absolute clearing and healing and allows for the truth to emerge.
The Creator is sharing this cylinder of light for trauma healing, and you are able to download this cylinder of light into your being. The cylinder of light is especially designed to enter through your Crown Chakra. It exists throughout your entire chakra column. It also encapsulates your spine and your skull.
Often much trauma is held within the spine area. This cylinder of light, which allows truth to emerge, supports a deep and absolute clearing of trauma that has been collected and contained within the spine area.
This trauma may be from this lifetime. It may be from other lifetimes. Your spine symbolises your journey as a spiritual being and so it holds energy from your entire journey, not only your pathway upon the earth.
This light cylinder for trauma clearing is immensely powerful, but it’s also very delicate and gentle. It will not clear away all energies completely but will start to unravel the energies, awakening and releasing an area that is appropriate – a trauma that is appropriate – that will then allow you to be conscious of that trauma, to accept it and become aware of it. In doing so, you will allow for the clearing and the release.
The cylinder of light for trauma clearing will then clear everything attached to that trauma…that specific trauma…everything that has been created from that specific trauma. Then, when you are ready, you may feel it is appropriate to call upon the cylinder of light for trauma clearing once more.
You might find that it delicately and gently allows you to become aware of another trauma. This trauma you will be able to acknowledge and accept, and thus a clearing will take place. Everything connected to that trauma, everything that’s been created or stored connected to that trauma, will also be released.
The process continues at a speed that is appropriate for you, so that it is not overwhelming but simply serves you as a process and a pathway of growth.
The most appropriate traumas will come to your awareness that will create powerful impacts within your being and your reality.
You may find that when you download the cylinder of light for trauma clearing, that you don’t specifically become aware of any trauma. However, later in the day or another day, you might become aware of a pattern in your reality – something that has been occurring numerous times throughout your life – or you may have a sensation that is very different to something you’ve experienced in this lifetime, therefore, it may be from another lifetime. You may be able to recognise its imprint into your reality.
As you become aware of the trauma, the wounds or the stuck energy that is ready to be released, it will come into your awareness.
It is not for you to react, to judge it or to think badly of yourself, but simply to realise that you’ve been holding on to this, that it’s been impacting your being, and that now you can be free from it.
After the cylinder of light for trauma clearing has completed its clearing process, it sends the most beautiful golden, shimmering, glittering, sparkling light into your chakra column and into your spine. Each shimmering part, each part of glitter of the light is like a universe of light. So much light is present and all those glittering golden energies that will be anchored into your spine and your chakra column, each piece of glitter is like a world of light that you can access, that you can bring into your body, bring into embodiment.
Essentially, this cylinder of light is offering to you, the light of the universe, more light than you could possibly need. You have the opportunity to bathe yourself in light, in the most warm/tender/glowing golden light that supports/nurtures you and allows you to feel safe, secure, grounded, centred and aligned.
I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to really enjoy that golden, glittering light when it comes into your being because it is immensely sacred and special. It holds the vibration of love…an unconditional love…a love without limits or boundaries. It will be immensely healing and nurturing for your entire being.
When we acknowledge traumas and wounds held or collected within the chakra column and the spine, we are often recognising patterns – things that have been experienced multiple times – and while they may cause immense pain and suffering, there is also a relief in recognising the pattern and realising that the pattern will no longer continue. Not only does it stop for you, but because you are stopping it and releasing it, it is stopping for others as well, whether it’s generations to come or those around you with whom you are connected.
In recognising the patterns, you are moving through a process of release, setting yourself free from carrying these burdens and realising the lessons / understanding / spiritual growth held within these traumas.
Now is the time to use the light to set yourself free; to release the traumas, the wounds, the separation, the rejection and to recognise the light within your being. In doing so, you will discover a pathway forward that is filled with light, guidance and truth, that allows you to navigate through your reality with greater ease and to experience fulfilment, joy and bliss. These are your divine right.
Call upon myself, Archangel Metatron. Ask me to download the cylinder of light for trauma clearing and let us begin this process. You can download the cylinder of light as many times as you wish.
It is always important to bathe in the golden, glittering light and to experience the elevation that this light offers to you.
I am present to serve you and support you.
I am Archangel Metatron. I thank you.
Natalie Glasson

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Dezembro 02, 2023




Mensagem de Emmanuel Dagher

Tradução: Regina Drumond

a 1 de dezembro de 2023


Boas Festas, meu amigo

Sua presença aqui é apreciada e lhe sou muito grato.
Temos muito a colocar em dia, então vamos direto ao assunto. . .


À medida que o ano de 2023 chega ao fim, somos presenteados com uma oportunidade fenomenal de curar as feridas e mágoas mais profundas dentro de nós mesmos, a fim de nos prepararmos para um novo ano épico.

2023 foi um ano imensamente espiritual, que nos tem  ajudado a ancorar em nossos corações e mentes um equilíbrio entre o Feminino Divino e o Masculino Divino.

A antiga filosofia chinesa descreve esta época de caos e mudanças intensas como uma mudança de maré.

O Yang (o Masculino) está sendo chamado a apoiar e servir o Yin (o Feminino). Embora esses princípios possam parecer opostos, eles são essenciais para a expansão um do outro.

Cada aspecto de nossas vidas está experimentando as reverberações das amplas mudanças internas e externas que estão ocorrendo.

Neste momento, temos a oportunidade de acolher um equilíbrio inabalável entre o princípio do Feminino Divino e o princípio do Masculino Divino.

Este equilíbrio tem um forte potencial de se manifestar e se concretizar na consciência coletiva em 2024 e além.

Isto se revelará através de qualidades de mais graça, compaixão, gentileza, paciência, flexibilidade, sabedoria, beleza, autenticidade, criatividade e abundância, bem como mais aceitação, perdão, carinho, fertilidade, acessibilidade, bondade, cura e amor incondicional.

O que nos é pedido agora é que criemos o espaço em nossa mente, corpo e campo energético para melhor apoiar e sustentar essas qualidades e permitir que floresçam.

Para cada dia restante de 2023, convido-o a encontrar alguns minutos para criar espaço da seguinte forma:



1. Feche os olhos. Respire profundamente várias vezes para ajudá-lo a se concentrar, depois coloque a mão direita sobre o coração e a mão esquerda sobre a mão direita.



2. Pergunte à sua Presença/Espírito EU SOU como você pode apoiá-los e amá-los ao longo do dia, da maneira como ela/ele sempre o apoiou e o amou.



3. Ouça o silêncio entre os pensamentos. É aqui que as respostas do seu Espírito começarão a se revelar. Se a mente não for capaz de compreender ou receber uma resposta direta, simplesmente deixe-a aproveitar o silêncio por um momento.



4. Expresse gratidão à sua mente por estar disposta a acolher a quietude dentro de você.



5. Expresse gratidão ao seu Espírito por amá-lo incondicionalmente.



6. Abra os olhos e expresse gratidão por cada um dos seus sentidos – seus dons de visão, audição, paladar, tato e olfato.



7. Durante o resto do dia, imagine periodicamente como seria se seu coração estivesse sorrindo.




A oportunidade de curar os nossos traumas profundos e não resolvidos está agora a ser plenamente realizada, nas nossas vidas pessoais e para toda a humanidade.

O crescimento e a cura que antes pareciam impossíveis para a mente racional estão agora se tornando uma parte normal da vida.

A cura ocorre porque nos permitimos retornar a um estado de paz.

Onde quer que haja paz, podemos saber que residirão fluxo, facilidade, amor, plenitude, alegria, criatividade e abundância.

Se algum dos seguintes itens estiver associado às nossas expectativas de cura: corrigir algo, livrar-se de algo, controlar/forçar algo a acontecer, culpar algo, esconder ou negar algo, não nos permitir sentir algo – isso torna muito mais desafiador experienciar uma cura.

Permitir que a paz seja a nossa principal prioridade cria uma abertura para que ocorra uma cura duradoura.

A verdadeira paz é a base para a criação de um mundo de unidade, amor e abundância para todos.

Estamos  vendo muitos países em todo o mundo que estão rompendo com as velhas ideologias que promoveram a separação e a desconexão intercultural. Existe agora uma prioridade coletiva que consiste em lançar as bases para um futuro muito mais brilhante para todos, e não apenas para alguns selecionados.

Pode haver um ceticismo saudável nas nossas mentes sobre se tudo isto está realmente acontecendo, devido a todas as separações que as nossas mentes foram condicionadas a ver no mundo.

Isto é completamente compreensível, considerando que costumavam levar décadas ou séculos até que qualquer mudança real se tornasse visível.

No entanto, à medida que as coisas continuam a evoluir mais rapidamente, fica mais fácil perceber as mudanças que acontecem ao nosso redor.

Em nossas vidas pessoais, as energias atuais estão criando uma oportunidade para transcendermos as velhas histórias que uma vez criamos para nós mesmos, que nos impediram de curar.

Algumas dessas histórias incluem:

  • Acreditar que devemos crer que cada pensamento que temos é verdadeiro
  • Acreditar que a mente precisa operar a partir do medo e da consciência de vítima
  • Acreditar que precisamos da aprovação de alguém além de nós mesmos
  • Acreditar na escassez e de não ter o suficiente
  • Acreditar que não podemos perceber os nossos sentimentos
  • Acreditar que somos incompreendidos e que ninguém pode nos entender
  • Acreditar que precisamos de algo fora de nós mesmos para nos fazer felizes (uma alma parceira romântica, um certo estilo de vida, um tipo de corpo específico, etc.)


Todas essas histórias, que foram criadas pela tendência da mente à autoproteção, têm a oportunidade de serem resolvidas agora, para que possamos retornar à paz que sempre esteve por trás de tudo.

A paz é quem somos em nossa essência.

À medida que nossas histórias interiores vêm à tona para serem curadas e resolvidas, é importante nos dar permissão para perceber todos os nossos sentimentos, sem nos julgarmos.

Cada pensamento, emoção e sentimento que já experimentamos merece ser reconhecido, e receber o nosso Amor incondicional.

Com esta nova consciência, imagine a abertura que ocorrerá para que a cura seja plenamente realizada em nossas vidas!


As festas de fim de ano são um excelente momento para praticar estar mais presente no momento.

Quando estamos presentes, transcendemos o tempo e operamos a partir da versão mais expandida e empoderada de nós mesmos.

Praticar a presença nos permite estar abertos aos milagres, insights, oportunidades, sincronicidades e bênçãos que de outra forma não teríamos notado.

Estar presente nos ajuda a transcender as ilusões do tempo.

É a partir deste espaço de não tempo (um espaço de desapego) que as nossas maiores e mais desejadas intenções podem se manifestar.

Aqui estão algumas coisas simples que podemos fazer para nos ancorarmos no presente:

  • Passe mais tempo explorando e curtindo a natureza
  • Expresse gratidão frequentemente ao longo do dia
  • Cante, dance, tricote ou encontre outras maneiras de se expressar criativamente
  • Observe e esteja atento aos seus cinco sentidos – reserve momentos de silêncio para perceber os sons, formas, cores, sabores, texturas e aromas ao seu redor.
  • Dê uma grande gargalhada diariamente
  • Olhe nos olhos de todos que encontrar ao longo do dia e sorria


É no momento presente que a maior parte da nossa liberdade é vivenciada, porque não estamos mais presos às ilusões e hábitos do passado ou às preocupações com o futuro.

Escolher conscientemente se ancorar no momento presente leva a uma vida vivida em um estado de graça, fluxo e tranquilidade.


À medida que este ano chega ao fim, este é um excelente momento para refletir e esclarecer o que gostaríamos mais em nossas vidas.

Aqui estão algumas perguntas que devemos nos fazer, para obter maior clareza sobre o que queremos criar mais:

  • “Como é minha vida quando estou em paz e feliz?”
  • “Quais são algumas das coisas que eu gostava de fazer quando criança e que posso integrar em minha vida agora?”
  • “Que ações ou situações parecem expansivas e boas para mim?”


Responder a essas perguntas pode nos ajudar a esclarecer o que realmente queremos experimentar mais.

Depois de termos essa clareza, fica mais fácil agir e pedir apoio.

A maioria  hesita em pedir apoio a outras pessoas, seja porque não tem certeza do tipo de apoio que deseja, ou porque foi condicionado a acreditar que conseguir o que quer, tira algo de outra pessoa, criando um fardo para ela.

Também existe a crença de que “se eu pedir ajuda a outras pessoas, elas esperam que eu retribua o favor”.

A vida consiste em partilhar esta experiência humana com os nossos irmãos e irmãs. E um aspecto importante da experiência humana é fazer parte de uma comunidade.

Estamos aqui para compartilhar nossas bênçãos uns com os outros. Se você está cercado por pessoas que não querem apoiá-lo ou ajudá-lo, geralmente é um reflexo de como você tem tratado a si mesmo ou aos outros.

Você é generoso com seu apoio a si mesmo e aos outros? Você oferece apoio a outras pessoas sem esperar nada em troca?

Você acha fácil e divertido compartilhar suas bênçãos com o mundo?

Quando você puder responder “sim” totalmente a essas perguntas, perceberá que o apoio está disponível em abundância em sua vida.

Quando expressamos o que desejamos ao Universo e às pessoas ao nosso redor, pedindo apoio,  abrimo-nos para receber oportunidades que de outra forma não teríamos tido a chance de vivenciar.

O Universo quer nos dar tudo o que sempre desejamos para nós mesmos. É apenas uma questão do quanto estamos abertos para recebê-lo.

Se você se sentir sem apoio, encontre uma oportunidade de apoiar outra pessoa, mesmo que seja alguém que você não conhece muito bem.
Este ato de bondade mudará as energias para você. Isso abrirá sua mente, seus olhos e seu coração para saber que a vida é muito mais do que nos escondermos ou nos separarmos dos outros.

Trata-se de viver, amar e compartilhar abertamente nossos dons e nossa presença.


Muitas vezes, esta época do ano oferece um vislumbre da direção que estamos tomando como um todo, em nossa consciência coletiva.
Isso acontece mais facilmente nesta época do ano, quando a maioria das pessoas está mais aberta à magia e às maravilhas que estão realmente disponíveis para nós em qualquer época do ano.
Isso geralmente permite que as pessoas deixem de lado suas diferenças e ao mesmo tempo pratiquem mais a gentileza, cuidado e compaixão.

Por causa disso, a cada ano, durante esta temporada, todos nós subimos mais um degrau na escada da consciência. Começamos a sair do mundo da separação e entrar em um mundo de paz, amor e respeito por toda a vida.

Se você for alguém que se fechou para a magia extra disponível para nós nesta época do ano, não seja muito intransigente consigo mesmo! Apenas saiba que se você desejar, ela estará disponível para você.

Durante esta época festiva, vamos amar e adorar a criança de três anos que existe dentro de nós e em cada pessoa que encontramos.

Esta é a nossa parte que deseja apenas ser amada, aceita e nutrida.

Nós, como adultos, agora podemos oferecer esse amor à nossa criança interior e à criança interior de todos aqueles que encontramos.

Boas festas!

Até a próxima,

Com amor,


© 2009-2016 Emmanuel Dagher 
Todos os Direitos Reservados

Você é absolutamente bem-vindo para compartilhar e distribuir essas previsões com os outros como você se sentir guiado. Certifique-se de manter a integridade deste artigo incluindo o link do site do autor e da fonte.

Transcrito por, com agradecimentos, de: 

As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

Abril 03, 2021


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

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Me: St Germain, I read in a book which was published by “Ascended Master Discourses,” that you said that the first thing that must be learned is obedience. I'd like you to explain that please because when you say obedience, I shudder. St G: Hello, Sharon, I am St Germain, at your disposal. I would be most pleased to answer your question regarding obedience. Of course I must state that the one you must obey is God, for in your obedience to God, you are free. Me: Kind of sounds like an oxy-moron. St G: A...
Listen more closely to the body for healing
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. We are quite busy, as you can well imagine. The energies on your planet are chaotic right now. This requires intense focus for what is occurring. Nothing is happenstance. It is purposeful in this part of realigning the earth energies for ascension. The same applies to you and your physical bodies. They are messengers of what you need to heal and r...
Growth is the Effect of a Willingness to Change
Such growth tends to feel like a challenge to the parts not meant to enter the next unfolding stages of your evolution. You may even ask yourself, “Are my choices more rooted in who I’ve been in the past or aligning with a newer version of self I am daring to become now?” Whether each day feels like a quantum leap into new dimensions of possibility or baby steps toward a life of greater happiness you are learning to be worthy of accep...
Entitlement is the cornerstone of prejudice. Imagine that, so many of us believe ourselves to be better than others. Yes, and their behaviour shows it. The other day, I confronted a delivery man who was blocking my driveway, blocking my car from backing out, I'm sure “just for a second.” No, no seconds. Not even milliseconds. There is a three car expanse in front of my apartment which is three driveways abreast. It's not some kind of special spot for entitled drivers to park their cars, and believe me, he wasn...
The Blessing
The Blessing By Judith KuselPosted April 2, 2021 What you bestow on blessings upon others returns to you. We have forgotten how to bless those we love, we have forgotten how to bless places, people, things, creation. In ancient times the parents would, when the son or daughter reached maturity, have a ceremony of blessings. Indeed, blessing your children, with all the love in your heart and then giving them the freedom to live their own lives, is the greatest of all blessings you can bestow on them. Indeed, that is why water and food, when blessed changes into the highest vibratio...

Março 25, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

Joy vs. Happiness: What’s the Difference?
Analyzing joy vs. happiness doesn’t seem to make sense, does it? But the truth is, these emotions are two different things, and we must take a closer look. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to be happy, and I also can’t think of a soul who’d rather not have joy. But despite what seems to be a redundant statement, it’s smart to look beyond the words and into their true meaning. Joy is not happiness, and both are positive things. *Joy vs. Happiness: 5 Crucial Differences* Sometime...
10 Adorable Traits of a Warm Personality and How to Be One
There are few things we’d all like to be described as more than having a warm personality! For me, that feels like hugs, sympathy, family, and warm cookies and milk after a long hard day. Our journeys to self-improvement evolve over the years, and there is never a bad time to think about our character, values, and what it means to be the kind of person your friends and loved ones know they can always count on in a crisis. Here we’ll run thro...
Vaccine junkies are just like drug junkies... they need their "fix" to feel okay
March 21st, 2021 In today's feature podcast, I reveal how vaccine junkies are a lot like typical junkies: They need their "needle fix" in order to feel okay and feel like they can function in the world. This why vaccine zealots can't be reasoned with, any more than you can reason with someone who needs a chemical fix. Sadly, I also reveal today that I lost one of my own family members to a tragic drug overdose. And now I fear I may lose other family members to the deadly ...
How Your Soul Grows
We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are letting ourselves off the hook for not being as evolved spiritually as we are in this moment. We know that we have come a long way from where we once were, spiritually, and we can look back at our progress and feel very good about having moved so far from our less-evolved state. But we also have the option of choosing to feel bad about not being as evolved as we are now when we were in physical form, whe...
Making change by Be-ing all that we can Be
Do we need to prepare to defend ourselves [from powerful people controlling and inflicting cruelty upon others], or can I choose not to believe in this evil and continue dancing on the rug of life? P’taah: Well of course you must dance on the rug of life, you have no choice! The point is, how do you dance? You know, throughout your world there are small pockets of peoples who are so far removed from their true wondrous aspect, driven by the fear of lack – you can focus upon this but w...
Your intent to be what You are – Love – brings immense peace and healing to all.
Humanity is awakening from the deep sleep of eons, during which you have had some horrendous nightmares, and now is the time to bring an end to those seemingly endless experiences of separation and abandonment which have caused you so much pain and anguish.Life is meant to be joy-filled but, since you chose to experience separa...
Just Be
Greetings, Beloved Ones! We are happy to be back with you after a brief hiatus. At this time we feel the need to speak about something quite simple. With the many complexities in the world today, we feel that simplicity might be as a breath of fresh air. You have continually been told to go within and let your heart speak your truth. Yet you are being given extreme amounts of information concerning the future of the planet from many brilliant sources – more than has ever been told before –...
Israelis Cry Out to the World to Stop Mandatory COVID Injections as Lawsuit is Filed in International Criminal Court Over Nuremberg Code Violation
The entire world is watching in horror as death rates have skyrocketed in Israel since the Israeli government brokered a secret deal with Pfizer to inject the entire population with their experimental COVID shots, which are now being mandated as a condition to participate in society. See: The National File reported this past week that a group of Israeli doctors, lawyers, campaig...
As March twirls us about like the straw man from Oz caught in a dust devil, we are dispersed about dimensionally and inter-dimensionally with a little of us in the past, a little bit of us in the present, some scatterings in the future and a whole lot of us riding bucking broncos in the form of continuous dimensional fluidity. Just like the bride of Frankenstein we too are trying to put together all the missing pieces of our soul as we try to figure out who we are in this new placement of time. Time-waves have b...
A Vision for Conscious Casual Conversation
We see a world where we have awakened to what is is that we are creating with our everyday thoughts and words; where we no longer sit around with our friends and acquaintances talking about Aunt Martha's disease, or Billy Joe's misfortune, or hard times, or sad stories of any kind because we have realized that what we put our attention on is what we're creating and becoming. We understand that the ideas, values and beliefs we talk about are what we're reinforcing, making stronger and...
Go for Soul Growth
This is Midwayer Mathew, and I briefly want to speak with you about ‘Universe Credits’. Universe Credits is a term we only jokingly use, to indicate to what degree a person has built soul growth, although the term is neither of our invention, nor can these ‘credits’ be tr...
Another Gentle Reminder
While moving through your daily existence, remember that each person you come in contact with has their own agreement with The Universe. It is not up to you to understand what that may entail or the reasons behind it. This is just a gentle reminder to treat each person with the love and respect that each student deserves as they travel along their path. ...
At this time the karmic threads, which keep us tied to ancient experiences are being dissolved. As a result, old karmic wounds are surfacing challenging us to see clearly the projections and attachments we have to our own unresolved wounding and trauma. This can be a little disconcerting as we are so used to repeating the past and have found our bearings in history. As you continue to release the past your awareness expands shifting your perspective and enabling you to see things in a new light. T...

Março 13, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

A War of Compassion
I am Athena, Goddess of War and Wisdom. I come to you with this message of love for all. Now you see more clearly, you have been shown all along, through the years, all developments upon your earthly world, and you have been told of the developments between extraterrestrial factions governing your planet. Now you see more clearly that you are in a fight for your lives. So many see this now, and so many attempt to help others to see this as well. Any way you can, be it through a movie or a video, supposedly enterta... 
Secret in the Room
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The information that you’ve had today is core information about the magnificence of the Human Being [speaking of the information given in the streamed meeting]. Consciousness that is advanced allows you to see things that you did not see before. This is different, dear ones. It’s different because that’s not what you were really taught. Take a look at what you were taught: Your intellectual awareness is information-based and not consciousness-based. In other wo...
Cosmic Christ Portal
By Natalia Alba ~ As we continue our passage through the realm of Pisces during this month of March, we will feel how the current frequencies will intensified, as we approach the Equinox. We have been focusing during this month in expanding ourselves through the many invisible realms that again are within, to retrieve the proper wisdom required to continue our conscious journey of integration. Pisces, rules intuition, compassion and devotion to service, with Pisces comes freedom, and the completion of a cycle, in both the micro and in t... 
Swedish Health Experts: COVID Lockdowns Have Killed MILLIONS Of People
Swedish Health Experts: COVID Lockdowns Have Killed MILLIONS Of People By Arjun WaliaPosted on 03/12/2021 by EraOfLight In Brif: The Facts: Professor Anna-Mia Ekström and Professor Stefan Swartling Peterson have gone through the data from UNICEF and UNAIDS, and came to the conclusion that least as many people have died as a result of the restrictions to fight covid as have died of covid. Reflect On: Why are scientists who publish data and share their research and opinions that go against the mainstream narrative censored, ridiculed, ignored and never given any air time on mains... 
How To Write A Book
How To Write A BookBy David R. HamiltonPosted on 03/12/2021 by EraOfLight There’s no correct way to write a book. I’ve been asked dozens of times about how to best write a book. If you ask 10 authors how they do it, you’ll get several different answers. In terms of planning, some people meticulously plan out the book – chapter by chapter – before they put pen to paper. Then they start with chapter 1. I admire that. I do it a wee bit in that I sketch a rough outline of what I’d like to cover. But personally, when it comes to it, I sort of start in the middle, with the chapter / sect... 
South Atlantic Anomaly – How Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Crashing Laptops & Disrupting Satellites
The Earth’s magnetic field is weakening between Africa and South America, disrupting satellites and spacecrafts. Scientists studying the phenomenon known as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), say the Earth’s magnetic field is about to reverse. NASA has reported that modern laptops have crashed when Space Shuttle flights passed through the anomaly. South Atlantic Anomaly is thought to be the reason for the failures of the Globalstar network’s ... 
How the National Security State Manipulates the News Media
by Ted Galen Carpenter ~ An especially dangerous threat to liberty occurs when members of the press collude with government agencies instead of monitoring and exposing the abuses of those agencies. Unfortunately, collusion is an all-too-common pattern in press coverage of the national security state’s activities. The American people then receive official propaganda disguised as honest reporting and analysis. The degree of collaboration frequently has reached stunnin... 
A Vision for Helpfulness #2
We see a world where all the peoples of the Earth, from the richest to the poorest, from the youngest to the oldest, from the wisest to the dullest, from the fastest to the slowest have learned that we all prosper and grow when we set aside our selfish impulses and truly begin to help one another. Thus, we see a world full of happy people now that each one of us is open, available and actively seeking ways to be of help to the next person who needs it. *Labels: A Vision, Mother Earth, pristine,A... 
Faith is Just Curiosity with Hope
Thought Adjuster: “Truth is not hidden from anyone. The Father gives each one what that person is prepared to receive. A lot can be revealed to your mind and your heart if you overcome your biases and develop a dynamic faith. “It may be difficult for a human being to understand something completely new. Consider how you would explain to a primitive man – such as many who still live in som... 
Epicureanism vs Stoicism: Two Different Approaches to Happiness
aney Davies, B.A. ~ An Epicurean and a Stoic enter a bar. The Epicurean asks for the wine list and orders the most expensive bottle of Champagne. ‘Why not?‘ She says. ‘Life is all about experiencing pleasure’. The Stoic balks at the cost and orders a soft drink. He admonishes her. ‘People are starving in the world. You should think about others.‘ Which one has the secret to happiness I wonder? Would you rather live like an Epicurean or a Stoic? You might know that... 
Breaking report - Tech industry powered Holocaust computational machines, now vaccine compliance
By Mike Adams, NaturalNews ~ The same techno-fascist corporation that sold computational machines to the Third Reich to process Jews for extermination -- that's IBM -- is now partnering with Modern to push vaccine compliance through its computing platforms and blockchain technology. In fact, every major tech company in existence today is taking part in a global program to first enslave, then exterminate billions of human beings. That's why Microsoft, for example, is t... 
The Creator Writings ~ Transcribed by Jennifer Farley ~ Imagine yourself sitting in a lawn chair outside on a HOT summer day… is hot even in the shade. The only thing you want to do is cool down. All of the sudden, a cool breeze comes out of nowhere giving you a bit of relief. Let your emotions be that cool breeze…here and gone. The next breeze will do the same thing. You cannot hold onto the breeze, why do it with emotions?  ... 
Jamye Price. ~ Stillness and Movement ~ As you are beginning to choose more of what you are creating, quite often you begin noticing how much is out of your control. You observe all that you (and humanity) are experiencing and recognize the lack of control. It creates confusion of what is actually controllable to you. We want to give you some areas of focus with this basic drive of seeking control, so that you can begin to shape your inner world and feel more of the progress of creativity and empowerment growing within. We speak of this often... 
Trinity of Archangel Healing
Archagel Michael Through Natalie Glasson ~ Greetings and love, I, Archangel Michael, extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence and to bring forth the Angelic vibrations. Today I bring forth the Angelic vibrations of Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel. We create a trinity, a trio of Archangel light and Archangel healing that we wish to share with you. As we come forth as three, we wish to instigate and provide to you a healing ... 
Kate Spreckley's Inspiration ~ New Moon energy is far more gentle than intensity we have become accustomed to in the last while. However, there is incredible power in this gentleness as it offers us the opportunity to realign our head with our hearts. It is a deeply regenerative time that will renew our body, mind, heart and soul. As such we can expect support in healing and releasing any emotional pain and hurt that we are currently carrying. With the light of this New Moon you are being gifted with the determination needed t... 
If Wisdom Prevails
By Steve Beckow ~ Variations on the phrase “feeling good” receive different receptions. A “feel good” movie is one that sets out to elevate our feelings, but there’s the added implication that it has no other redeeming feature. The words “superficial” and “feel good” often go together. “Feeling good” is often viewed as a way of closing down further discussion. We almost expect “on my way” after it. But I’ve said in the past that I regard feeling good as the underlying aim of almost everything ... 
You are Olympic Lightworkers
Message from Yeshi, By Jennifer Crokaert. ~ My beloved brothers and sisters, so many of you are finding it a struggle to allow the present energies to pass through you. These energies are old, dense energies that were locked and blocked away from humanity’s consciousness, because the pain and trauma within them were too intense for humanity to feel. Now that pain and trauma is being released and ‘purged’ through the lightworkers. You are all familiar with Olympians, elite athelets who train to surpass what ordinary athletes can do, and ... 
Let Your Worlds be Rocked
Arcturian Council, Through Daniel Scranton ~ Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are beginning to recognize the tendency within humanity to come to conclusions rather quickly. We see you all making assumptions based on very little bits and pieces of information, and the assumptions that you make fit in very nicely with your judgments. It is easier for you to believe in something when it’s a confirmation of what you already believe. It is much harder for you to accept information w... 
Charities and Cures for Illnesses
By Steve Beckow ~ Another interesting discussion, found by good fortune or guidance while researching another subject. After the Reval, I plan to support charities working with lepers. But will money sent for those causes simply be siphoned off by some unknown species of criminal? And is there a point to such support given that med beds will cure the disease? Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 22, 2016. Steve: Are leprosy charities compromised by the cabal? Archangel Michael: T... 
The Keys to Our Beautiful Universe
Arcturian Council, Through Daniel Scranton ~  Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a tendency to look for the positive in a person, a situation, an event, and even in our own history. As we look back at the lives we lived in physical form, we do tend to see how everything was a positive in our life experiences. Sometimes not getting what you want is the best possible outcome in a situation, but it can be very hard to see that when you are standing right in the middle of... 

Março 04, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

Court Documents Reveal CNN and NBC Paid Antifa Activist John Sullivan $70k to Film Antifa Planned Riots at Capitol
Far-left rioter John Sullivan received $35,000 each from CNN and NBC for the Jan. 6 footage he recorded of Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt’s shooting death inside the Capitol building. According to records filed in federal court, the Black Lives Matter militant—who is facing criminal charges by federal authorities for his alleged involvement in the Capitol Hill riot—was awarded $70,000 total from the two left-wing media outlet...
The Anti-Human Agenda of the NWO Accelerated by Operation Coronavirus
THE STORY: COVID scamdemic restrictions, while freedom-denying and life-destroying, are indicative of a deeper agenda.. ~ THE IMPLICATIONS: All the dehumanizing aspects of the plandemic and the New World Order are reflective of the anti-human agenda, which has picked up speed as it attempts to change the essence of humanity – forever. ~ The Anti-Human Agenda that underpins the NWO (New World Order) is moving sharply into view with the advent of the COVID ...
Rattled by Love
I live in Arizona, and I've done thousands of miles of hiking over the 29 years that I have lived here. There's lots of wildlife here, including rattlesnakes. I've only seen rattlesnakes about five times, and mostly from a distance. Once, while hiking in an arroyo, rather than on a trail. Twice from a car window (they were laying on the warm street sunning themselves). One that was dead. The fifth time I saw a rattlesnake was last year, June 14, 2020. There was a ruckus outside my living room window. It sounded like the ravens (of ...
With the Full Moon waning the landscape of our minds is shifting igniting a deeper alignment with our hearts. This alignment is freeing us from the conflicting thoughts of uncertainty and doubt that sabotage our progress. We have become so accustomed to allowing our mind to be our master that it can feel a little disorientating and confusing when our old patterns of thinking are no longer present. This is a time of expansion where your mind is expanding beyond the concepts and ideas of what you have previously ...
Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement
The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust. On *April 30*, AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford announced a “landmark agreement” for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. The agreement involves AstraZeneca overseeing aspects of the development as well as manufacturing and distribution ...
All Will Be Well
You now know your Earth plane existence can be as easy or as challenging as you choose. You have heard this many times. What you need to remember is that The Universe has unwavering faith in you and your ability to navigate the sometimes-tumultuous experiences that occur. View yourself as I do, my love, and all will be well ...
Monthly Astro-Forecasts March 2021
As the wheel of the year starts to turn once again, the longer days bring more than sunlight, they bring a sense of hope and optimism for a brighter future. Each of us are beginning to find our way through the darkness as we turn towards the sun within our hearts and souls. Just as a bulb bursts through the soil and starts to flower in the light, we are beginning to see the fruition arising from a long period of inner cultivation. March is typically a time for a ‘Spring Clean’ as the longer da...
Nearing The Finish Line
I am Sananda. As always, I appreciate these times that I can be with you and share with you. And be a part of these continuing expression of your awakening consciousness. And oh! What an awakening consciousness is occurring here within each and every one of you, as well as many of your brethren across the planet, as more and more of you are awakening! You may not think that is happening. But, as we have said many times from our vantage point, it is. More and more lights are quickening within them. The flam...
Shifting out of the mind and into the heart
Shifting out of the mind and into the heartArchangel GabrielThrough Shelley YoungMarch 3rd, 2021 Shifting out of the mind and into the heart, or out of control into flow as a new operating system can feel very foreign at first. Like any other skill, it improves with practice. Think of learning how to skate. When you first start trying to move forward it feels very awkward and out of control. You might stumble quite a bit. But with practice you will find your balance and before long you will be gliding along enjoying how much easier and fun your forward movement is. You might still...
World Within You
I’m Judas and today I would like to talk about a few other things. Part of it concerns yourself, part of it concerns the world you live in. The world that you yourself have created as a human collective. You also have a world within you, a whole world that lives and moves within you. They work according to the conditions they have depending on the energy they get through food, thoughts and emotions. Your outer well-being is reflected in your inner wel...
What Would Jesus Do?
The Beloved: Dear one, be a slow learner, for this means that each time the lesson will take a deeper ‘toe-hold’ in your heart, your soul and mind. For one to thoroughly understand some deeper meanings does take time, and so does the steady gathering of wisdom. It is through the lessons learned that one garners the invaluable experience of deserving to serve on the next rung of the evolutionary ladder towards perfection. It is truly all that simp...
Governor Greg Abbott Just Announced ‘Texas Is OPEN 100%’ and Ended Statewide Mask Mandate
Texas Governor Greg Abbott just announced in a press conference that “Texas is open 100%”. In a tweet, Governor Abbott stated: I just announced Texas is OPEN 100%. EVERYTHING. I also ended the statewide mask mandate. ...
Your Going to Have to Choose
It is now increasingly obvious even to the most socially engineered critical thinking and research impaired that not just America, the whole world is in trouble. The take down America plan fueled by the CCP and the global elite carried out by corrupt politicians is in full swing. The lame stream news is in full compliance. The Constitution and your Bill of Rights are like toilet paper to the tyrants, a cog in their wheel on the path to total enslavement, world dominance and the ...
Welcome to Snitch Nation
In the grand tradition of divide and conquer, the ruling class has set in motion a fool-proof way to keep us from uniting against the Great Reset and attendant restrictions on human freedoms – dupe us into snitching on each other! In order to achieve the proper level of blanket obedience, it’s important that ordinary people trust the government unquestioningly – and fear and hate those who don’t. This is best accomplished by discrediting and distancing the target population from all non-approved information sources, wh...
Pro-vaccine media is just a front for the CIA
Not long before he was banned from Instagram for "sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines," health freedom advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appeared on an episode of the Ron Paul Liberty Report to discuss evidence suggesting that his father, Robert Kennedy, was... By Ethan Huff | Read the full story New Videos from Situation Update, Mar. 3rd, 2021 - We are not the first civilization on Earth to face a catastrophic wipeout Watch this video Top Rated Arizona News Anchor Re...
The Rules of the Game on Planet Earth
We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been waiting for the most appropriate moment to bring you the following transmission, and it just so happens that the proper moment is now. We have been watching you as you struggle there on Earth to figure out what it is that you are supposed to do, how it is you are supposed to live, and in what you are supposed to believe. You have been looking for answers for a very long time there ...
Dissolving the Crust
My beloved sisters and brothers! You have worked long and hard to come to this time. For many of you, it will feel as though you are walking on a tightrope as you move from 3D to 5D. The 3D world is being left behind, it no longer resonates with you; what you once loved is no longer interesting or uplifting. Yet, the 5D world you feel inside, the truth of it that resonates in your heart, is not yet grounded and manifest around you. The resonance of the 5D is building in your heart, you recognise it...
Sanat Kumara: The Heart is the Seat of the Soul
While looking for a particular quote from Sanat Kumara, our universal logos, I came across a remarkable exchange with Sanat Kumara, whom I was interviewing on An Hour with an Angel. In the midst of the interview, I suddenly felt ecstatic. I asked Sanat to tell me what I was feeling and he said, remarkably, that he had given me an experience of the Seventh Dimension, the Christ Plane, or Plane of Love. Because it actually happened to me, I can testify to it. “Transcript: Sanat Kumara ~ Ascension: Your New...
A Cosmic Moment of Opportunity
Beloved masters, humanity is in the midst of a cosmic moment of opportunity. The Seventh Ray of Divine Light, the Violet Flame of transformation and purification, through the radiance of beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, is being showered down upon the Earth and humanity to assist in these unprecedented times of evolution and Ascension. The purifying vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame will greatly increase in strength over the coming years as more and mo...
The Fate of the Dark: What’s Happening on Planet Earth
Accountability ~ I’m producing a book on the fate of the dark, which will be published in parts. What’s happening on Planet Earth? Archangel Michael: You are at a point of what has been termed ascension, shift, awakening, heart consciousness, bliss, ecstasy, it matters not. The terminology is infinite and you love to have your own expression, as do we. The realization of your divinity, the contentment with who you are in total...
Functioning as an Enlightened Collective
Dear Ones, Our current spiritual initiations are guiding us into the ‘enlightened global mind’ and integrating more of the singularity of divine intelligence. This naturally unleashes greater levels of personal power with ability to positively affect the whole. At the level we are now vibrating, however, true personal power can only come from strong coherence with the evolving collective. This is an extremely important area to focus on due to what is occurring in our wor...
Healing the Dissociative Split
An unflattering view of the dissociative split.* I’m always pleasantly surprised when someone writes in and says that troll article really resonated with me; I don’t think I’d call mine a troll, but waking up to a low emotional baseline I can relate to. Heavens, I write awareness/stream of consciousness in the hope beyond hope that it resonates with others and helps them to free themselves from ancient issues and upsets. So I’m tickled pink that you resonated with it. But that isn’t why I came on here tonight. I came on ...
The plan to restore the planet to its Eden self—a beauteous pristine world
The plan to restore the planet to its Eden self—a beauteous pristine worldMessage from Matthew Ward*Channeled by Suzanne Ward.*March 2nd, 2021 With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by saying that everything in your world is happening in what rightfully can be called divine order. The plan to transform life on Earth did not originate only two decades ago with the US legislation called NESARA, or a decade before that, with the global peace movement known as Harmonic Convergence. Indeed, those were grand milestones to celebrate, but the ...
A responsible consciousness, words and actions, increase the collective consciousness
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. We are quite busy, as you can well imagine. The energies on your planet are chaotic right now. This requires intense focus for what is occurring. Nothing is happenstance. It is purposeful in this part of realigning the earth energies for ascension. The same applies to you and your physical bodies. They are...
Thinking vs Feeling: What’s the Difference and Which of the Two Do You Use?
Here’s an exercise in Thinking vs Feeling. My friend called me the other day. She was upset with her manager. My friend works for a car dealership. The manager had to make an employee redundant. There was a choice between two salespeople. The manager fired the employee that had a below-average sales target but great people skills. This employee kept the office positive during troubling times and always encouraged others. The other sale...

Fevereiro 24, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

Today a second Nuremberg tribunal is being prepared in which a "class action" will be set up under the patronage of thousands of global lawyers behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who sued the Davos-instrumentalized Covid-19 scandal.* In this context, it should be remembered that Reiner Fuellmich was the lawyer who managed to convict the car giant Volkswagen in the case of the catalytic converters. And this is the same lawyer who managed to convict ...
Self Healing Global Service
Everyone is being encouraged to transform their personal fear, personal righteousness, personal prejudice, personal rage and personal judgment.Each individual, each human is responsible for the energy that they offer to the collective. Each individual, each human is being required to take their magnificent place in the transformation and unfolding of a better world--a world that knows peace, love and joy. You must first have the conscious awareness of any behavior before you can transform that pattern or pr...
Walk With It
Occasionally The Universe will present a challenging emotion, situation or experience and ask you to ‘walk with it’ to gain a deeper, more visceral understanding. Rather than fighting those moments, embrace them and know that when they have reached their conclusion, you will have an insight very few possess. The best part of it all, my darling child, is you can make the process as long or as short as you choose. ...
Seventy Times Seven Is the Magic Number
“What habit is to the individual; custom is to the group; and group customs develop into folkways or tribal traditions—mass conventions.” [UB 68:4.1] *Thought Adjuster:* “Observing how each order of beings conducts their life, it is evident that they, indeed, are creatures of habit, acting according to highly sophisticated patterns. “Nature is in a limited sense the physical habit of God.” [UB 4:2.1] His well-defined, immutable, and unchan...
Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm 5 Days After 2nd Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection
28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID. ~ The COVID Blog is reporting that 28-year-old Sara Stickles from Beloit, Wisconsin, a healthcare worker at SwedishAmerican Hospital, has suffered a brain aneurysm and is now brain dead just 5 days after receiving the second experimental mRNA COVID injection from Pfizer. Sadly, this is another instance reported where a young healthcare worker in the prime of their life and with n...
How to Not Be Clingy in a Relationship? 7 Annoying Behaviors to Avoid
Relationships can be complicated, but they can also be amazing. One thing you must learn, however, is how to not be clingy. I’m sure most everyone has experienced a clingy partner before, or they’ve been the one who acts this way. Either one or the other most likely has happened, and so you understand that it’s not a normal type of behavior. In case you are the rare person who doesn’t know what clinginess means, here’s a short definition: Clingy means...
Spiritual Journey
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Setembro 18, 2020


True partnership begins within.

Venusian High Priestesses of Light

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

 September 14th, 2020.

Note: replaces due tags' overload.


Children of the light, we greet you from the light. 
We greet you with love from the womb of our planetary mother, Venus. We are known as the planet of love, for that is the dominant vibration here. Love has been so maligned upon your surface world. We say surface for we know that the inner realms of your Gaia are teeming with love and light and the areas that are not are becoming transmuted and transformed.

We are the Venusian High Priestesses of Light. 
We see many of you longing for love, longing for your twins, longing for partnership. True partnership, we gently remind, begins within. For when one is at war with oneself no harmony can be achieved. The human psyche has been so damaged and programmed that true inner harmony and peace is a rare find, although we see our lightened ones with whom this message resonates are becoming closer and closer to achieving this inner harmony and bliss, which brings us great delight, for we know how you have so longed for it. The discord of the outer is a reflection of the inner. And thus, higher vibrational beings with inner still waters of peace and deep thought dwell in realms where this is reflected outwardly.

We are the Venusian High Priestesses of Light. 
Many of you have visited our realms of healing in your astral travels. It is not so hard to come here. We offer healing with our yellow skies and purple seas, the beauty here heals many a troubled soul. Many of you rest here in between lifetime sojourns upon earth, for healing, for quiet, for time-space of deep contemplation. We are known here as the goddesses of love, for we work with the frequencies of love. We are aligned. 
Our chakras are balanced and operate as a steady plasma flow of light. There is no true separation of these chakra systems for we are all united in our energy flow. We wish to invite you to work with us. This need not be sexual in nature. Every chakra, every body system is equally important. All must flow united. We work with the energies. As the infinity symbol the energies flow thusly. 
(I am seeing a plasma-like infinity symbol running through the body with the nexus points at the heart).
In your ancient times and temples many priests and priestesses offered sexual healing through the act of sexual intercourse and alignment of energies. It is quite possible to be aligned. It is quite possible for you. 
When one’s sacral chakra is free and unhindered, healed and whole, then the energy flow is unhindered, unblocked and the whole system flows better. 
We see that many of you reading have memories now being rekindled of being such a priest or priestess. In the higher realms there is no perversion, only healing, alignment, discovery, bliss. We wish for you to be able to comprehend the love and alignment within these words. 
For there is no judgement with sexual union when free will is delightedly observed and honored. We wish for you to be furthered in your sexual healing, for this will propel you towards the higher dimensional realities that await you more smoothly. 
Imagine a plasma pillar within your trunk of your sacred temple body. Imagine lightening within it. Imagine all of the jagged edges that a lightening strike has. This is how many individual’s energies feel within one’s body when it is not aligned. 
Now imagine smoothing out the jagged edges of the lightening bolt so that is is a smooth bright pillar of light. Run it through your system. Infuse with colors, balanced, whole. The light transforms the darkness, the jagged edges of bolts that light up the night. 
(I am seeing a black stormy sky with lightening bolts suddenly become all light). 
No, this is now a continual moving, living, breathing plasma crystalline pillar within you. Sexual harmony intermingling with harmony of the other systems. This will best prepare you for your twin reunions, which if they have not already occurred are in the process of becoming solid.

We are the Venusian High Priestesses of Light. 
(I am being surrounded by lotus blossoms). 
The lotus comes in many colors. There are many petals, there is much light within this flower that grows from mud and blossoms in beauty. It transforms its environment into beauty. Such is what is occurring on your surface world now as the light workers become more light, more aligned, as the light workers shine their light in their cities, in their work places, their homes. 
This pillar of light that you have activated is very powerful, very potent. Feel the alignment within. All pain is transmuted within it. An aligned body assists an aligned spirit, and blesses an aligned heart. You are a mighty being of Source light having an earthy sojourn. Do not lose sight of the importance of your own healing amidst the game. 
For your healing heals Gaia. Sexually aware and awake beings, balanced, healed. This is how we see you in this now moment. There is tremendous alchemy within the sexual act but it need not wait for twin reunion. You as aspects of your own twin can have this feeling of balance, of yin and yang in this now moment. 
This is why this one saw the infinity symbol for we utilize it. We are fully balanced aspects of ourselves and in so doing fully bless our twin as well. Breathe in the light. Become whole. Become freed from the bonds and ideologies of what sex is in a lower dimensional matrix. 
It is the creation of life. It is the creation of eternal bonds of light, of experience and it is a deep inner balance and peace that can be held deep within the sacral chakra space for a firm foundation of peace, of balance. It is the cornerstone to a balanced life for it grounds you to your other and to yourself. 
This weight of balance, of sexual energy, is a part of you. You can deny it, you can veil it, you can ignore it, but it remains constant. As an ascending soul these energies are a tremendous assistance. You need not experience sex to work with the energies. They are within you. 
Envision the infinity symbol deep within your pelvic floor, balanced, strong, healed. Build upon this. Envision the infinity symbol traveling up balancing your male and female halves and aspects, your sequential chakras. Now envision the infinity symbol of what you have experienced to what you wish to experience. You are all masters of experience. You have had so many. You have so much to offer. 
When you pass through and are able to access all of your akashic memories, it will be overwhelming to observe and re-feel what you have experienced. This is part of your healing. We heal through light, through infinity symbols, through plasma waves. You have access to all of these things through such visualizations. Peace. Be balanced. Be complete in your sexuality. Experience the freedom and joy of one who is balanced and healed.

We are the Venusian High Priestesses of Light. 
We love you. We are aware there is much to heal from in this area of experience upon Gaia. We are sending colors from our realm, lavender and yellow, to you now. May you be transmuted and ignited. Bring these colors of healing deep into your body and experience the alchemy of one who is balanced in their own power. Longing you need not experience. It is within you. 
Just as the lotus blossom continually shows a new petal this healing may take some time. Yet another petal of new hope is always being revealed. There is hope all around you for those of you healing from sexual trauma. Lightening rods can power great cities or destroy in an instant. Sexual alchemy is something to be treated with reverence, with great respect and with promise of joy and renewal. 
We see sexual alchemy as a process of infusing Gaia’s populace with new energies quite literally as more and more higher dimensional spirits wish to take on the form of a human child, as new energies of new life are infused into Nova Gaia. Bodies will be made young again. Family expansion will be a possibility again.

We are the Venusian High Priestess of Light. 
We fill your body systems with light. Know you have the tools for sexual healing and balance and rest in this space. Every portion of the lotus blossom has a purpose, including the muddy roots. The DNA of the lotus is in the roots as well as the flower. All things work for healing, for beauty. 
We bring the lotus blossom down now into your sacral chakra. It is now the foundation for the pillar of plasma light within you. Hope, purity, beauty. That is who you are as Source fractals. Remember who you are, dear children of light. Do not be afraid for that is the old way. Be empowered for that is who you are now and who we see you now as Nova Gaians - balanced, strong, sexually renewed and renewed in every capacity.

We are the Venusian High Priestesses of Light. 
Be at peace in your beauty. You are so beautiful to us, to embark on such a journey into the depths, like the lotus seed that lands deep in the muddy bank, to experience the growth up through the dark waters, ever climbing towards the light of the sunshine on top of the water’s surface, so that the young green vine can stretch towards the sun, reaching ever further for its own glory to be revealed. This is how we see you. We see your inner glory and beauty being revealed to yourselves. We have seen it all the time. We love you. 
We are the Venusian High Priestesses of light.



Compiled by from: 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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