Posted on January 14, 2025
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj!
All the activity in the Sun affects the planets and its inhabitants.
Each event of solar flares and geomagnetic storms offers higher frequency light particles to the planetary bodies, which are also absorbed by you.
This causes the vibration of your cells to shift, leading to what are referred to as ascension symptoms.
The energies from the Sun are at this time washing over the Earth, the frequency spikes can be experienced as physical symptoms, headaches, discomfort in chest area, and exhaustion. These energies will only continue to increase, with short pauses in between.
In the outer world these may manifest as anger, fear, anxiety, chaos and uprisings, disagreements in families, and of course planetary changes, such as quakes, floods, wings, volcanoes.
Clearing of old energies and higher activations of your Heart Center will continue, until this energy center and portal is ready for the highest frequencies required for ascension, then the transition into the Fifth Dimension takes place.
Main symptoms of the Heart Center activations are; Heart palpitations, heat and hot flashes, short waves of pain or heaviness in your chest, sweating during the night, breastbone discomfort, head pulsing and vivid dreams, as well as releasing through crying. We ask that you be open to love, let go and forgive all, and be grateful for this experience, and all that you have in your life.
The receiving and embodiment of higher energies, especially during waves of solar flares comes with many other physical affects, sometimes more severe, based on the individuals level of consciousness and the purity of their body.
Some of the symptoms are; Times of exhaustion, dizziness, sleep disruptions, nausea, heart palpitations as we mentioned above, unusual dreams, and waking up feeling soar and tired(due to the activity in the astral), bursts of joy to moments of sadness, with the expansion of your High Heart as it opens up for compassion and strengthening the connection with Soul.
You can also begin to feel more detached from your surroundings and your Third Dimensional routines. This is all normal, as you move closer each day to the moment of transcendence.
Embrace the changes that are taking place, and allow the waves of love to carry you into the higher dimensions of light.
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