Wholeness is integrity without the "shoulds."
Integrity, according to the dictionary, can mean wholeness, but it can also be interpreted in a way that carries a lot of baggage.
This add-on baggage includes self-defeating concepts like "should," "try to," and "high" standards. All of these concepts are facets of Old Reality consciousness.
The frequency of consciousness in the New Reality is heart-centered. Unconditional love comes naturally; you need only let it flow through your heart and allow that energy to be who you are.
When you shift to the higher consciousness of the New Reality, the universe reorganizes itself around you to reflect that higher reality. Externally-imposed rules are replaced by internal, love-based choices.
To become whole is to become harmoniously fully-functional. In such a reality, you treat yourself and others with unconditional love and care. To care less than that for yourself, or less than that for others, would mean being less than whole.
The keyword of the Old Reality was separation. The keyword for the New Reality is integrity or integration, as in a sense of wholeness. An integrated self does not have opposing parts which foster a loss of self-love and self-acceptance.
The Old Reality's view of integrity was defined by people who didn't want to be whole, and didn't want you to be whole. By separating people's beliefs into opposing, arguing, self-defeating parts, there was always room for someone "superior" to be in charge and therefore maintain the social order of that time.
In the New Reality, however, the frequency of consciousness is different. When you allow yourself to be in tune with the New Reality, you no longer strive to be separate from others, nor strive to maintain opposing, separative points of view within yourself.
The New Reality is heart-based. When you see fear for the hollow illusion that it is, and allow your heart chakra to open to everyone in your life, then your actions are determined by your unconditional love for others around you and, equally, for yourself. When your heart opens up to loving yourself as much as anyone else, then you want the best for yourself, just as much as any parent wants the best for their child.
The Old Reality sees love of self as an egocentric problem. The New Reality recognizes that, if Infinite Being - the essence within all things - is infinite love, then perhaps it's time to get in tune with the greater reality and wholly respect yourself. Besides, a heart-based reality is not an egocentric level of consciousness. It exists at a different frequency. To be specific, fourth-density rather than the old third-density.
Wholeness comes with a chakra shift, a shift of focus from the third to the fourth chakra, from the solar plexus to the heart. The fourth chakra channels heart-based, unconditional love.
With the shift to love energy comes wholeness of mind, body and spirit.
The shift to love is one big step in the direction of who you are, and who we all are. Remember, deep down inside...
We are all Infinite Being.
Owen Waters