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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Great Opportunities

Thought Adjuster Is The Teacher

Message received by Oscar

Posted on December 11, 2024

Alabama, USA, May 23, 2014
Thought Adjuster: “When a human being consecrates their will to the will of the Father, their life becomes a revelation of God to their fellow beings. Every decision and action that this personality makes will produce a benefit for all of creation and will be an expression of goodness for all beings. The consecration to the will of the Father heralds the attainment of perfection. Once this supreme decision has been made, the doors of Paradise open for that creature.
Living to do the will of God can be done even in this world. If you firmly decide to try to always express the best of yourself, you may make mistakes sometimes, but if your intention is truly sincere, these mistakes will not affect your spiritual progress. The gods know human frailty and accept that they are prone to making mistakes due to their partial vision of reality and because their perfection is evolutionary. However, those who have decided to be better will know how to take advantage of every opportunity to learn and advance, even from their mistakes and disappointments.
There is nothing more inspiring in this world and the heavens than to observe how a simple human creature can overcome its limits and create goodness, beauty, and truth from the coarse elements of this confused world, thus exhibiting traits of the eternal Creator. How great is the love of God, which is revealed even through the efforts of His lowest creatures! You will live a glorious and exemplary life if you try to create good from evil, bring light where there is darkness, eradicate injustice and abuses with the power of your mercy, and drown hatred with the strength of your love.
Life in this world can indeed be difficult, but very few worlds in the universe offer as great opportunities for spiritual progress as this one. You have within you the power to transform reality into something higher and more beautiful. Everything that happens here depends on you, and when the majority of Urantia's population discovers how great the influence each person can have on reality and on the destiny of this world, they will have to decide whether or not they will use their creative powers to elevate this world and its inhabitants ever closer to the Father and His Kingdom of love and goodness.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.



Compiled by from: 
On the Blogs:

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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Dual Perception

The Blue Avians (12D)

Channel: Octavia Vasile

Posted on October 16, 2024


Greetings to all of you. Even though we seem far from you, we are also within you, for nothing is truly separated from you.
We are 12th-dimensional entities governing the astral plane, celebrating life beyond the illusion of time and space. You see, we both exist and do not exist in your terms. As 12th-dimensional beings, we can take any form, though, throughout human history, we have chosen a form that reminds you of the heavens.
In ancient times, many of you established connections with us, activating 12th-dimensional portals. This was an era of progress and renewal on Earth, a time when your ancestors—the far-away ones—knew how to honor life. But life is cyclical, and those times are returning. You are the ones preparing the Earth and humanity for this new era. So, we call on you to celebrate life beyond the illusion.
Your mind troubles you, but there is non-duality beyond the veil of the mind. Observe, but do not engage, and you will be freed from the constraints of the mind. The mind creates time and acts within its limitations—but you can transcend this once you realize that you are not the mind.
We exist beyond time and space because we do not identify with anything that we can observe. How could that be? Once you are the observer of something, it means that you cannot be that which is observed. So, you cannot be the mind or the body. You are the presence beyond them—the creator of them, the space itself.
We understand that it may be difficult to see yourself in this way, but take a moment. Close your eyes, allow your thoughts to simply float by, and observe them. Do not engage. Simply allow everything to be as it is. Who are you? Can you stay in that space?
Be free—empty yourself of dual perception. Do not limit yourself but fly beyond the physical world, for the non-physical is the seed of all creation. Stay real and true to yourself.
Many of you prioritize the daily, perishable things because they steal your attention away. But what if you kept your attention steady on your heart? This is how everything else loses its shine, and you discover the real diamond within you.
We love connecting with you, and we are here to help prepare you for the new era that is coming. We love you eternally.

Octavia Vasile



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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