Asara Adams
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Asara Adams
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Posted on January 4, 2025
Posted on December 30, 2024
Octavia Vasile
Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm, Ohm. Greetings, One Who Serves Here,. Shoshanna is here and we are ready to answer your questions if you have them. Please un-mute your phones if you have a question.
Would there be questions, dear ones?
I have a question.
Master OWS
I’m wondering, if once we’ve gone through this change over, and we can heal ourselves and so, will trees be able to regrow branches that have been cut off unnecessarily, at will?
We will tell you that trees and plants and all of that already have that power within them. You see it is the consciousness of the planet though, that holds some of this back. But once the consciousness of the planet; and we speak now of the consciousness of human kind here, once their consciousness has increased, the vibrational frequency has increased throughout the planet, then those trees that you speak of that have their limbs cut off, will immediately grow new ones. Will immediately grow new benches just as humans themselves, if they were to lose a limb, would immediately grow another limb, you see. For there is no more pain and suffering in the higher dimensions. In the fifth dimension and beyond, no more. So, do not be concerned about the life. it will be within the planet, in any way shape or form because life will continue on, and the; what you have what you call it, the circle of life continues and if something does die, it is reborn, you see. Just as all of you, when you have died in the past, you have been reborn. And as you come more and more, again into the higher vibrational frequencies, and higher consciousness, then there becomes no death as you understand it now, Today.
Soshanna do you have anything to add here?
We do not.
Very good then, would there be any other questions here?
Thank you that was wonderful.
I have a question.
Excuse me. Yes, I’ve heard previously and channel information that, hmmm babies are born, that the names that they are given is never an accident. Humm, but can you expand on that a little bit for me?
We will tell you that when a being is coming into the planet in a rebirth type of situation, everything is planned out. The blue print is set for them, and the name that they come in with, and the plans they come in with, and the situations that they are brought into, are all part of that blue print. So indeed, there is no, there are no accidents in whatever happens in that one coming into the planet here. That is all we can say on this, it is a very much more complicated than this, but we will leave it at that. Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?
Well we will share a little more if we may dear sister?
Oh sure, yes please.
Dear sister, there are no coincidences, there are no accidents ever anywhere. It is all planned. It is all planned by the being. Often when a being is preparing to incarnate, there are things that they put into their plan that will allow them to, to complete their path, and often to exit when they wish to. There are things like car “accidents” that happened and it is not an accident, it is an exit strategy, you see. The planet here is a temporary thing, it is not meant to be permanent. It is a set of temporary experiences, and even those that were alive for perhaps hundreds too thousands of years, still moved on, you see.
So, the soul is on a continuous journey and all stops are never permanent, you see. So there are no coincidences. So yes, the name of the child is vibrationaly given at birth; based on a plan, and as they grow, if they wish to change their name because their vibration has changed, you will see that too, namaste.
Very good.
Hmm, thank you.
Will there be other questions here?
I have a question.
Hmm, could you explain a little bit more about, hmm changing to a crystalline cellular structure, and when that occurs, and if it’s already going on right now to some of us that are getting ready to … Do you, do you get my question?
Yes, we will tell you that, the changing from the carbon based structure to the crystalline base structure is already in process. It is in process throughout the planet for those who are ready at this point to begin that process more and more. Now it is not something that you will notice it in any given time, and in the near future. In other words you will not know that – oh, my carbon structure is now becoming crystalline. You will not know this, but you will feel it more and more as you move through this ascension process because you will feel indeed, lighter in terms of lighter, not so dense with everything around you.
Feeling a sense of flamboyant within you, and that is an indication of the changing of the guard here, in the sense of changing from the carbon base structure to the crystalline base structure, which then holds more light. And light of course is also truth coming in. So, as this continuing change continues to develop here, there will be more truth coming in and being able to accept that truth because you can accept the light more and more.
Now of course those that are not able to, they will stay within the darkness that’s within themselves and not have that change within their cellular structure, and not be able to hold the light any more.
Shoshaanna do you have anything to add?
Well, we will add something that might be confusing, but we wish to add, may we add dear sister?
Yes please.
The body that you occupy as One Who Serves has given is carbon. It is a carbon based life form, and it resides on a carbon based planet, you see. So, so the carbon based body and the carbon based planet are on a particular timeline, and they are evolving on that timeline. So that the timeline evolves with the planet and with the being. And as the timeline evolves to a light source, then the being becomes more crystalline, and so does the planet. So it does all one, it is all working together within a particular timeline. That is why some will not remain as carbon based, because they are in a different timeline, you see. Namaste.
Very good, will there be any other questions here?
Thank you
Greetings XXXXX here ..
We cannot hear you!
Can you hear me now?
A question came to me the other day, and I wanted to know if there is a difference between a human’s guardian angel and our higher-self? Are these two different entities or if they the same, If you could elaborate, thank you.
We will tell you that there is somewhat of the difference, yes, they are still all one in terms of your higher-god-self is your higher-god-self and there are many aspects to this, many aspects that have become personalities over the many thousands of lifetimes that the higher-god-self has in a sense put out there, you being one of them. And the guardian angel is a part of it, they’re attached to you, you see. So they are not, they are a part of this entire aspect of all of you; that you are. But they are also in a sense, a separate entity, in part of the angelic evolution, as opposed to the human evolution here.
So that is what we can say on this. Perhaps Shoshanna has more?
Well, we are intrigued that, this is a question. So, we would ask this one if we may dear brother. Why you ask this?
Yes I watched this video from this special lightworker called Lorna Byrne, who is like an “angel whisper” because she’s being able to see and speak and deal with angels since birth. And she was talking a lot about how every human has a guardian angel and, you know, she talks in depth about how we interact so much with our guardian angels, and how these angel are with us since birth, you know, since before birth, and after death. And so hmm I guess, I felt like wanting to get more in touch with it, but also I, I feel close to my higher-self, and so I, I wasn’t for the first time I’m having the curiosity to ask.
Well, this one that you are speaking of, has just spoken with the truth. The angel’s a bound here they’re always watching. They’re always connected in some way, and many have more than one, many have several. One on the left, one on the right, one behind, one in front, depending on the need; angels react to need, you see. And the human; when you incarnate dear brother, this is a precarious planet. There are all kinds of things that can happen to you. You can get into trouble, and they are there to assist when you are perhaps approaching something that would harm you in some way, or when you are emotionally disrupt, or when you have a break-up, or some emotional mental or physical trauma, they are there to assist the being in righting itself, and perhaps riding the ship once more, that is their job.
The higher-self is not, that is not the job of the higher-self, the higher-self is one with you, is connected to the divine. It is not outside of you and angel is outside of you. And as One Who Serves has given here, angels are part of a different evolution we called it the angelic evolution. It is not a human. It could perhaps become a human or join that evolution. But it has a distinct in different job, you see, within the universe, within the divine realms, it has a completely different position, you see. So, you are, you are traversing a planet that is dangerous, you are a human, and your higher-self is there to guide you divinely through the source, through connecting to the source, to God. Does this helped your brother?
Tremendously, that was amazing! Thank you very much.
Yes namaste dear brother.
And we will add here, that there was a movie that was depicting this somewhat, it had your, it had the character here Nicholas Cage as an angel, and is “City of Angels”, we believe was the title here, and this would help you to understand somewhat, of what is actually occurring here, and even the movement from the angel becoming a human.
We are ready for the next question, if there is one?
I can ask a question.
We take one then release.
Yeah. Okay, thank you. A friend of mine had a, she had a, a reading by a woman who does a akashic record readings, and she highly recommended it to me, and I don’t know if I even need it or, or if it can be dangerous to have someone; you don’t know, read your akashic record. Her name is XXXXX XXXXX. I know you won’t speak directly about her. Maybe Shoshanna will, but I’m wondering if that is a good idea for us lightworkers akashic record reading?
We will tell you, we will tell you that we have always said not to take too, too much credence in what someone else says about who you were, what you did, all of these things in past lives. And to have someone else read your akashic record, it could be accurate, but it also might not be accurate. So to understand more fully, if you wish to know who you were, just simply go within yourself, and the answers will come to you, if you believe that you are receiving those very answers. So we do not recommend to have outside assistance in this area, but as we say also it could be accurate. But we do not rely, we would have you not rely on that. Shoshanna perhaps may give more?
Well, we can you have a perspective, may we offer our perspective?
I love it. I love your perspective Shoshanna and I love my readings with you. So, maybe you’re the person to ask.
Well, we would ask now if we may, a question of you, what do you wish to know?
Oh, I’m just curious. There’s nothing in particular maybe just life path. I mean, I love animals and I’m not really rescuing or working with animals very much, and I feel a little lacking in satisfaction.
And then how would the reading of your akashic record remedy that?
Oh, maybe, maybe, a little fire, a little nudge, a little confirmation that maybe, there are some things I could be doing different, more actively. You know, just curiosity.
Oh, we will give you a perspective on this dear sister. The being, the beings are, are always in process, you see, and there is what is known as an energy and a arrest. And when you do not engage, you are in the rest mode and you must process that. It is the mistake that humans make to go, go, go, do, do, do, go, go, go, do, do, do, take action, take action forward because they never process, they never find the higher meaning of life, they are too busy processing and going, and moving and doing. So we would tell you to; from our perspective, to just be, allow this, what you think is a lag. Allow this to occur in your life, because it is leading you to something. So, be in the rest. Does this make sense dear sister?
Oh, absolutely Shoshanna, thank you. I tend to be a doer when I’m not doing, sometimes I feel like I’m not doing enough. So thank you but thank you. Thank you.
Yes, dear sister be in the rest, namaste.
Very good then we are ready to release channel here, Shoshanna do you have a parting message?
Well, we would just say to enjoy all the moments, the moments of fear, the moments of concern, the moments of love, the moments of neutrality, consider all the moments because each one contains a valuable lesson for you, that moves you forward to the next level of enlightenment, so you must, you must remain in the flow, you see, and not disrupt that. So when you are feeling like the flow is wrong, simply relax and be.
And perhaps meditate and allow the flow to move you forward, namaste.
And we will simply reiterate again here forgive, forget and move on, very important for the times you are in.
Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!
James and JoAnna McConnell
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Asara Adams
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