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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Celebrating Your Completion

By Ansaluia, Goddess of Light

Channel: Shelly Dressel

Posted on December 26, 2024


I greet you beloved family. I reach out from my heart to yours.  I reach out to embrace you at this now moment. Each time that we come together as a group it is an opportunity not only for all of you to be together and present with one another, but it is an opportunity for you to gather at later times.
One of the benefits of this time in which you live is the fact that through the computer you can always reach out to connect with one another. You don’t always have to be present in the now moment in order to be able to connect to those that are also a part of this journey. You can connect with them at whatever time works for you.
When we get together, it creates that space of awareness; it creates that space of consciousness, and it is something that just grows and becomes larger and larger the more that people participate in whatever the meditation may be.
I invite you to focus upon your heart center.  Each one of you has those energy bodies that move through your physicality. They are what blend together your emotions, your thoughts, your beliefs, and your spirituality. Your heart center in particular is the focus for so many of the experiences that are going on.
As the Earth moves into the higher frequency, you align with the Universe at a higher frequency and all of that comes down and is filtered through all your energy bodies, but primarily within your heart. That heart is the link to the fifth dimension and higher.
So focus on your heart center. You may feel as if you are tapping into your heartbeat and you just take a moment. You can feel it beating. You can feel the rhythm and from within that heartbeat draw the energy. You can draw it outside of you or just let it become bigger and bigger and it swirls around your heart and this is your Chakra. This is your energy body.
You take a little piece of that energy and you let it go down to your Solar Plexus. You link with your Solar Plexus. It goes to your Sacral Center, and then into your Root Center and then it goes down into the Earth. Allow this moment to anchor into the Earth.
As you’re anchoring reach out to feel the heartbeat of Gaia. It is frequently slower than your own. There is that pulsation of the Earth. As you align with this pulsation, you begin to feel all of your body just slow down. Your own heart rate may slow down, but everything becomes connected and anchored into Gaia. Feel what that is for you.
Let that vibration and sense come back up through that column of light. You once again anchor into your heart for a moment, and then you go up through your throat, your third eye, your head center and you let that move up to your Higher Self.
As you connect with your Higher Self you can feel those energies. First and foremost your consciousness expands because your Higher Self is at a higher frequency than you as your physicality. You can also look around at what you may have going on within this space.
Sometimes this is where you practice what you want to manifest. Sometimes this is where you tap into those energies of potential. So pay attention to what may be here within this space.
You send that energy even further up. It just naturally follows that stream of light that links to your divine essence. This is your Soul. As your consciousness merges with your Soul, sometimes it’s as if you feel that attachment and you just expand into this massive energy. At other times, people have a perspective that they see their Soul as if it’s something separate from them. I invite you to just be open to howsoever it may come to you.
I the Goddess walk in and amongst each one of you. As I come into contact with you, I merge my energies. In doing so we expand into the consciousness of the All That Is.
I noticed something different about the All That Is. It may be coming to your awareness also. There is an upgrade that is in the process of going on. The next time that we get together, it will be very close to the Solstice. With the next solstice, which is in two weeks, the place within the All That Is in which we meet is going to be shifted or moved into a higher frequency. Therefore at this time, I have a sense of celebration.
We have had this before. I cannot remember exactly when but this is a celebration for humanity. Humanity has really struggled in the past one to two to three years. Because this transformation is something that has needed to move into all of humanity or the vast majority of humanity, some of you who were here at the forefront struggled because you kept getting pulled down into a lower frequency. Others of you have felt as if something was pushing you, forcing you to go faster than you wanted to go. But no matter what the situation was for you personally, take a moment to be here in this now moment and celebrate. Celebrate your life.
Very interesting. When I made that statement, I could see that some of you were; it’s like you had set out in front of you various aspects of what your life has been. I could see others of you already looking into what was new as if to say, oh, that’s old news, I don’t want to go back. Then I felt a large number of you in a space that’s just blank.
So I guess what I’m going to invite each of you to create from within your consciousness is what does a celebration look like to you? As I am looking at all of you, picture if you will a gathering. This gathering is outdoors. It’s a beautiful, beautiful day and as you arrive in a clearing, you see all these different people that you have known throughout your life. Some of them may be your family members. Some of these are in your everyday reality, maybe you don’t get along with all that well. Some of these may be your coworkers. Some even from when you’ve had other jobs somewhere in the past. As you connect with the people that are here in celebration I’m suddenly seeing these are getting very, very large for some of you.
One important aspect for each of you to take from this is just how much of an impact you have, not only in your own life but in the lives of those around you. You may think we’re just friends. Maybe you’re a mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, brother, whatever the relationship may be. But you actually have more of an impact than you realize.
I then invite you to look specifically at the family for a moment. This celebration is still going on and it is a vibration of frequency that supports you. But sit down with your family for a moment. At this time of completion let’s look at your family history. Do you see personality traits, physical traits, or perhaps illnesses that are the same between you, your siblings, your parents, or your grandparents? If there is anything like that still present that you can see in this now moment now would be a great time to just pull those threads out of everyone in your family. Pull those threads that have linked you through your DNA and just bring them up, bring them up, bring them up, bring them up, bring them up, and poof let them go. Phew, I could feel a lot of you letting go of a great deal.
I noticed for some of you it is going back even more generations than what you realized. At this now moment, if there’s anything that goes back even more generations that may be anchored sometime in the past, in the distant past, bring it up at this time, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, phew and let that go.
Sometimes there may be emotional problems in a family. Perhaps depression, perhaps insecurity, and some of this may have already been cleared with the other clearing that we did. But let us say if there is a particular emotional or even a mental problem, something in mental health that keeps coming up within the family, anything emotionally or mentally that may be in your lineage let’s just tap into whatever that may be and clear it out. Bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, phew, let it go.
Okay, I think I did that too broadly. If there is a particular emotional problem that comes up in your family again and again, whatever that emotion may be I invite you to bring it up to clear. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up, bring it up. poof. There we go, that was much better.
If there has been any mental illness in your family. It may not be in every single person. It may jump around from place to place. But if there is something in your family history associated with mental illness that you can clear in this now moment, going back over as many generations as we need to, let’s bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, poof, okay.
That was very interesting to me because I felt as if there was a stronger release when we were releasing any sort of mental illness than there was emotional. So that could mean nothing, absolutely nothing, or it can indicate that frequently when people have a mental illness, there’s an emotional link. It can also mean that people have focused so much on their emotions that it’s easier to clear the emotion than something that may be a mental illness. It could be a type of depression, like a chemical imbalance. It could be anything to do with belief systems. It can be anything to do with Bipolar, Schizophrenia and when I say those two words it makes you think of something that is a big deal but there are other types that are more subtle and have an impact on you.
So considering that you may find yourself in a pattern over and over again, no matter what it may be let’s clear that pattern once and for all, and we’re going to reach back through as many generations as we need to and bring up any patterns that don’t serve you. Bring them up, bring them up, bring them up, bring them up, poof. Okay, that cleared it. That was what was needed.
So we’re going to swirl this energy through this celebration that is going on here, and I invite you to look at your immediate family. What I notice is that some of you don’t necessarily know your immediate family. Some of you are estranged, and some have passed on.
So in this now moment, what I see coming together in many of these groups of people is celebrations, is that here’s an opportunity for you to reconnect with family members so that you can have that confirmation that as a family, you’re done, it’s complete. You’re no longer going to pass on any of these traits. Just send it out. It’s like it’s a wave of sparkling energy. It just goes through everyone that’s been in your family.
Many of the family members now just kind of disappeared because you’ve shifted or done what needed to be done. So let’s look at this celebration again and what you may notice is that as you have shifted, cleared, and healed any of these things that are associated with your family lineage.
Let’s look at how you relate to the other people in your life. Perhaps a spouse, perhaps children, or just look at those good friends of yours, the people that you spend most of your time with. What is apparent to me as I’m looking at this now is that many of you are looking at these friends and loved ones and seeing them as if for the first time. Those irritations that have always been in the back of your mind seem gone. So too there’s a greater clarity.
So during this time of celebrating you take a moment and just walk through these people. You may find that certain people are telling you, hey, it’s so good to see you again and they can remember experiences that you’ve had in the past, or perhaps how you have influenced them over the years. Sometimes you’re just living your life and you have no idea how much of an impact you could have on someone else. So look around at what’s here. Pay attention to the comments that people have.
Okay, it makes me laugh because somebody just jumped into my consciousness where people around them had wanted to just tell them off for a long, long time and the person on the journey had been good at avoiding them, but now they’re just hearing it all and this individual could see it for what it represents and can acknowledge, yes, I was a part of that. But then they all let it go and nobody within that needs to carry it around any longer. Interesting that some of those friends then disappeared. They no longer need them in their life.
This leads me to ask you how many friends are helping you to grow through frustration. Is it possible that you can now let go of that as a means of growing? You can now understand who you are and see yourself from this massive Soul that you are. See yourself in this celebration of you.
Okay, I hear music, I hear conversations. I noticed one person that has many people around her but she does not connect to them. She’s just sitting quietly and observing. She’s not allowing people to come in and share their love with her. If this is you, or if you have that experience, now is the time to just let down those barriers. Phew, let them go. If you have been isolated for your entire life, or for a very long time, now is the perfect opportunity to just let it go. There was a time in your life when that was what you needed but now look at this massive flow of energy that is in and around each one of you. Be present in the now moment.
So, for that individual who was separated and isolated, I see that she’s now looking around and that fear that she held on to for so long has gone away. She’s beginning to smile and she sees that relationships can be joyful, loving, and supportive. So for each one of you ask to look at your life in this time of celebration and see the joyful relationships. See the loving and nurturing relationships that are in and around you.
During this time of celebration, I notice that some of the Angels are here. Perhaps your own Angels? Perhaps the Archangels? I actually see Yeshua, Metatron, and Melchizedek and they all walk through these gatherings because they are as you.
They represent an energy of a different light frequency, but you have that within you also. So as you look at them you can communicate with them because it is inside of you too. Feel that growth. Feel that expansion.
The music begins to change. You can hear new and different frequencies that you were not aware of in the past. You are very welcome to stay within your own group or you can begin to mingle with these other groups that are present. You may see some of your Soul family, and your Soul connection as you walk through these areas. Feel how you are so completely nurtured. It is nurturing through your heart center, through your thoughts, and your beliefs. This is a place where you can be present and you know what it feels like to be in complete balance within. It feels great.
I feel as if there were more Angels and Light Beings that were also coming within this space because they are celebrating humanity. They are celebrating what everyone has gone through for the past 10 to 15 to 30 years. Some of you for all of that time, some of you for lesser amounts of that time. But this is a celebration for the ascension of humanity and that could only take place because of each one of you. Each one of you is on your own journey and making it available for everyone. It feels exciting.
I invite you to come together as a group. For some, you may decide to stay and communicate longer with others. Stay here for as long as you so choose. But as you come together in this group observe not only you as your ascended self, but how you can perceive the other people that are around you.
Coming up within this group, you see that hologram of the Earth. Even within the Hologram, you see the changes that have taken place. There’s less density. It already emits a greater amount of light. Then each one of you infuses into the hologram what it is to be you having healed that family lineage. What it is to be you having let go of relationships that no longer serve you and transform the others so that they now support you and the other person.
Feel what that is and then send it into this Hologram. The Hologram itself begins to rotate. It takes on all of this energy. There’s a part that goes out into the Universe, it goes throughout the Galaxy, and then the remainder goes down back into the Earth. It goes down into the center of the Earth. It anchors within the center and it flows outward. It comes back up through all the layers of the Earth. It comes back up through that link that you have to the Earth, and you begin to once again anchor yourself back within your human reality. It comes up through the grass, the trees, the water and it is shifting the vibration and frequency of the Earth once more as a celebration of ascension.
You bring back the remainder of your consciousness. It goes back through your Soul, your Higher Self, and it streams back down within you. As you’re feeling that energy of the Earth, as you’re feeling that energy from the All That Is once more anchoring within you, take a moment and just feel what it feels like to no longer carry around the burden that you may have been carrying. To have let go of these emotions, these thoughts, these realities that maybe were dormant within you, but now they’re just simply gone.
So take a moment to connect within your physicality, your emotions, and your thoughts. This is the new humanity. This is the beginning of what it’s going to be to live at this higher frequency. We had stair steps up for the last five to ten years and this is yet another step up and with the Solstice in a couple of weeks, that’s gonna be the new beginning. So today we created the foundation and we celebrate the success that is your humanity.
So beloved friends and family, especially during this time of celebration on the Earth plane, let it move into a celebration of you in all that you do. Let it be not only about the celebration we had in the All That Is, but let it be about clearing your own perspective of things, opening to a new perspective that may seem totally different and crazy to you. But the new Earth is beginning with the solstice coming up, the winter solstice for those in the South and this is celebrating that you have arrived, that you have gotten here, that you have been through such a challenging, challenging times and we all celebrate you in love, light and full accept for all that you are, and all that you do.
Thank you and I am ever with you.
Shelly Dressel
This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and Shelly please see our website:


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Remain in control of this feeling of Knowing that YOU ARE LOVE

The Federation of Light

Channel: Blossom Goodchild

Posted on November 23, 2024

*Black = Federation of Light 
-Gray = Blossom Goodchild

-Once again, another week has flown by! The world hasn’t quite blown itself up … yet! Many, many are intrigued concerning the Truth that is to come out. You have spoken about that which lies ahead being beyond our imaginations. Obviously, if this is the case, we cannot even assume anything. We hear of so much … many have come across speculations of this, that, and the other, which are quite incredible … yet, it cannot be any of those, as such things are already ‘out there’. Are you able to give us a few clues? Oh Bother! As I write that, I pick up you saying ‘We cannot.’

*Good morning to you, Blossom and Each Lighted Soul that joins us in these conversations. Regarding your query, Blossom … We cannot speak of this because at this time, it is out of your Planet’s Vibrational Frequency to even have the correct words to express it.

-That’s so bizarre. Is it to do with us being free from slavery and moving into the Higher Frequency?

*Yet, you know of this possibility, so it cannot be that. We say to you, it is not possible to discuss it, so it is best if we move on to a different subject matter.

-Any suggestions?

*May we perhaps guide you with thoughts of ‘remaining in control’?

-By all means. Guide away.

*As more and more awareness opens one’s mind to many, once unthinkable scenarios, we suggest perhaps, that you do not attach yourselves to ANYTHING. Take everything with ‘a pinch of salt’ we believe is the expression.

Much, at this time and the days ahead, will come to one’s attention, and one’s Truth radar may find itself in a bit of a fluster.

That which you hear about or indeed, witness, does not necessarily mean it is True.

-You see, this is our problem. We just don’t know anymore. To the point that most people are saying they simply don’t know what to believe, so therefore, they don’t believe anything. You have told us to be discerning, yet, that doesn’t work for me either. I am like most … I just don’t know anything anymore.

*This is why, Blossom we say to remain in control.

-In what sense?




Remain in control of this feeling of Knowing that YOU ARE LOVE … AND …


It may sound too simple to say that is all you need do … and yet, it is True.


So much is to be ‘let out of the bag’ in future days … it will be as if your Planet throws everything up into the air, and where it lands is anybody’s guess.

-What on earth do you mean by that?

*As the darkness is now in its last throws … it will be using any ‘tricks’ left up its sleeve to deceive.

Do your best to not take any of that which you are presented with, on board.

-Yet, what if we feel some of it is good?

*You will know when it is and when it isn’t. 

-But we don’t … because we don’t know what is True and what is not.

*If a food is ‘off’, Blossom, does it not leave a sour taste in your mouth? You know instantly to spit it out. It is a natural reaction.  

-Yes, yet, we may hear of something good that is about to happen and yet, we don’t know if someone has made that up. Anybody can say anything … and suddenly it goes viral and no one knows where or who it has come from.

*There will be obvious showings of things moving in the right direction.

We choose to say that there will much that proves to be this way. Actual evidence that will not leave you wondering, for it shall be presented before your eyes.

Remember too, that which may be made known will shock many, and yet, that is not going in the wrong direction. It means that the world is waking up to what has been going on and it is being revealed. As abhorrent as this may appear, it is a Good thing that such atrocities are made known, in order for the LIGHT TO SHINE THROUGH and remove any energies attached to such things.

Many, these days, are becoming more and more aware of the lies that have been spun. Yet, again we say … no one actually knows the extent of such.

-What? No-one? Not even those who have taken excavators down rabbit holes??

*Not even.

-So, are you saying there is no one on this Planet … that knows the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth?

*This is correct.

-That is a full-on statement! I’m sitting here stuck as to how to follow on … because surely, Shirley, those that are spinning the lies must be on the Planet and must know.

*Not necessarily, Blossom. Perhaps those that created the lies are not on/of the Planet.

-As much as I would like to continue this conversation it is already getting too complicated. I notice you often say ‘perhaps’. Making it a possibility, not a fact.

*Blossom …




-I think you once said … or White Cloud did, … that faith could move mountains.

*It is the KNOWING that can do this. It is the complete understanding of THE GAME, that can allow a mountain to move as easily as one may blow a feather.

-I guess, we have agreed to be here and put up with all the nonsense. More and more I am coming to understand … THIS IS A GAME … and we, as Divine Beings, somehow got involved in it. Was The Game designed for us to be in it all along, or, have we entered into it to bring it to an end.


-(Reading back on this I notice they didn’t say which one was correct. I felt at the time, it was the latter)

You see, I don’t even know how to follow through with that. When we do end it … will another one begin?

*One can not give that answer. For Life itself is infinite and what lies ahead is continual expansion of WHAT IS.

-And then I could totally blow my brains out and say … yet, everything is happening at once. So, you must know if another game is programmed in ‘somewhere’ amongst the Allness of past, present and future … that is happening now!?!  Deary Lord! What the actual …? I simply can’t make sense of any of it sometimes.

*Therefore, Blossom, go back to that which we spoke of earlier.


-Easier said than done, when you consider the rest of the conversation.

*Blossom and all, that which you do not know, you do not know.

That which you know, you know.




It is always there and yet, with all that overshadows the Light upon your Planet, one can sometimes feel they are not connected to Love.








By doing this … YOU REMAIN IN CONTROL.




-I take that to mean that we are in control of our Soulself. As we definitely do not have control over the manipulative forces that ‘appear’ to control the Planet, at the moment.

*Yet … those forces are not YOU.


As powerful as the darkness has shown itself to be … it knows that the POWER OF LOVE is far Greater. It knows its reign has come to an end. As we have said many times, it is like a game of chess … one knows they have won yet, there are still a few moves to be played out until the game is actually over.

-So many of us are living in that KNOWING. Yet, we must still be patient. We want it over this afternoon and that just ‘aint gonna happen.

*Keep in mind, Blossom, there is no time, from the perspective of The Game playing itself out.

When you, within your Hearts KNOW, as you now do, that happenings are happening, and you will watch much that has been said come to fruition by those that are leading the way both on and off Planet, your hearts will continue to be uplifted, even through great turmoil.

You will be able to recognize the changes of Energy …

You will feel the Strength within you rise up … and within that, there shall be reassurance on a deeper level that all that you have been waiting for is happening.

-That is what is so intriguing.  We simply cannot imagine how all this is to play out. It will be interesting too, for Truth to be revealed regarding who are the Good Guys and who aren’t. There is much varied opinion on that subject. Especially regarding individual, well-known figures, that speak out. Again … who knows!

*Yet, you will, Blossom. You will.

-Yep. One day we will … and I reckon we won’t just need superglue to hold our hats on, we will need it to keep our jaws from dropping to the ground and remaining there!

*Each one shall find much to be discussed. That is a certainty.

-Well, thanks for that. As always. In Gratitude, in Loving Service.  I AM.


Blossom Goodchild



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


The Cosmic View

By Judith Kusel

Posted on October 27, 2024

We are living in an unprecedented time, and this truly means that so much is now opening for us in multiple ways as we shift ever higher in frequency and vibration, yet at the very same time, there is then still the old earth disintegration under our very feet.
It is a great blessing in disguise.
I just had a message from someone who thanked me for speaking up, and for sharing my messages – for it opens the throat chakra of so many women, in particular who never had the guts to speak out.
I was reminded of the same just this week, as a deep cleansing occurred as mentioned before. So often we tended to keep things inside of us, instead of speaking out, and so often did not want to shake the apple cart, for the fears of what might be falling out.
So many women simply endured, out of a sense of duty or often because they did not wish to lose what they had, although what they had was anything but ideal.
I see this with my sisters who are older than me, while I somehow managed to break the mold and circumstances often asked me to speak up for others, who could not speak for themselves.
We will enter a time when speaking out will not mean using vocal cords but will become a matter of simply radiating forth, as we return to telepathic communication, and truly cannot hide our thoughts anymore from each other nor our truth.
More than this our heart center, as connected to the soul, will bring out levels of communication, heart to heart, soul to soul to the fore, and so often we will just not need words any longer, for we will ‘read’ each other’s heart and soul!
Ponder on this.
And it is already happening here and now within me and indeed you!
For the eyes speak.
The heart speaks.
And your whole energy fields speak too.

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Violet Flame: Seeking truth to be Free!

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Letting go of the old you and that which no longer serves you is the quickest way to move forward. You don’t have to know what that future looks like as it will change so much along the way as you shift and change. We want you to make the choice to move forward into this unknown with the trust that something truly magnificent is waiting for you to walk through the flames. Thought for today: *It is time to move on! Endings make way for amazing new beginnings!* And so it is You are d...
Higher and Higher Frequency Energies Are Coming
We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving you our best every single time we transmit energy to you and every time we provide transmissions of wisdom through this channel and other channels like him. We know that those of you who receive us are ready for our best. We know that you are the ones who have aligned yourselves enough with the truth of who you really are to receive our transmissions purely and without ...
Are We Ready?
I go where I’m guided and right now that guidance is in a financial direction. I mentioned earlier something that Cdr Hatonn volunteered in the middle of an exchange with Suzy Ward: “Steverino … You are worrying needlessly. You won’t have to make decisions about what to do with money when it’s available. “St. Germain’s plan will be revealed to the people in charge and that information will be given to you. It’s not that your ideas won’t be valuable, but they’ll be used within the parameters of the big picture.” (1) His comment ties i...
Galactic Federation Update: March 25, 2021
Greetings, I am Ashtar and I am happy to be here today to share this message with you. I would like to inform My Brothers and Sisters that my fleet and the rest of the members from The Galactic Federation of Light are working on the permanent removal of the corrupted souls from this part of the Galaxy. We have been dealing and fighting with the Dark Forces on a daily basis like Reptilians, Dracos, and others ones, who entertain Darkness inside them and try to harm ...
On the Wings of Icarus
Everyone forgets that Icarus also flew…I believe Icarus was not failing as he fell,but just coming to the end of his triumph.~Jack Gilbert, Falling and Flying* I am in the strangest space right now. It’s as if ribbons of memory and realities from times past are curling toward me and wrapping gently round me, pearly pastel colors gleaming, faces smiling as they drift by. I absolutely do not feel anchored in the current reality. Looking around my home, I am puzzled. Where did these white walls, wooden bookcases, fade...
Some Families may Go their Separate Ways
This is not part of the book on the fate of the dark, but a separate article. Will some families go their separate ways? *Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self:* It is realised that it means some families will go their separate ways, and this possibility would have been foreseen before they incarnated. Understand that you are sometimes placed with other souls because your presence helps advance them through your example. It is also possible that you will keep contact with them acting as one of their Guides, and we kno...
Looking for the Decisive Experience
So many military planners were looking for the knockout blow, the decisive engagement. I just noticed that I’m looking for the knockout realization, the decisive experience. The spiritual version of the Big Bang. After it, I see myself awakening and saying, “So everything every master has ever said is true.” Yes, each piece of the puzzle in its place, but all true. And I rest back into not only certainty but also sufficiency, satisfaction. It’s all true. And it always was and always will be. That having been sa...

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