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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Prepare For The Solstice

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on December 18, 2024


On Saturday, December 21st, 2024, the season of winter will officially arrive in the Northern Hemisphere while summer will begin in the Southern Hemisphere.

Above and below the planetary equator, different seasons occur but at the same time.

This can be likened to how human collective levels of consciousness work.

While some persons are dealing with shadowy, gloomy, cold emotions, others are hopeful, warm, and loving as they move through life’s experiences.

Everyone has times when they are perhaps depressed or frustrated by certain personal, national, or international situations.

However, those who truly try to remain centered in SOURCE LIGHT realize that LIGHT often comes from darkness, and that in fact, the term “GURU” translates as “Bringer of LIGHT from darkness”.

Times of personal or national or global turmoil are also times to connect more profoundly with the HIGHER SELF which is SOURCE FREQUENCY always ready to guide us.

Thus, it serves as our “GURU”. Therefore, as strange as it may seem, darkness has a purpose.

It forces humanity to ask such questions as: “How did humanity slip into such chaos, confusion, ignorance, hatred, greed, and disrespect for Nature?” “How can dire circumstances be rectified?” “Has humanity’s CHOICE POINT been removed, and now must there be a consequence paid that cannot be avoided?”

Study can be engaged in to answer the first question because human errors in thought, word, and deed reach back over many eons of time.

The answer to the second question can be found by reading the holy books of all Divinely- revealed spiritual paths. Such reading will answer the third question as well.

Whether we live in the regions of Earth that are becoming colder or whether we live where temperatures are beginning to become warmer, this is the SOLSTICE in both places.

The word “SOLSTICE” translates as “SUN STANDING STILL” and is derived from two Latin language terms — “Sol” (“Sun”) and “Sistere” (“To Stand Still”).

Thus, on the day of the “SOLSTICE”, the Sun of our galaxy is stilled as light in one hemisphere and darkness in the other hemisphere are equalized.

Then, day by day, for a miniscule of seconds, the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere rises in light — and ancient Astronomers called this “THE SUN COMING OUT OF ITS CAVE” — while in the other hemisphere sunlight seems to decrease.

By mid-June each year, the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice heralds the Sun’s rising in the North while becoming less bright in the South as just mentioned.

Yet, in both hemispheres, the Sun is actually always shining. We are never totally without sunlight. There is only a perception of its lacking.

Each day, recite the prayer that was offered in yesterday’s article regardless of the seasonal changes in the hemispheres.

With human experiences on a collective level all over the planet not being ideal due to so much conflict in varying ways, there must be a “CONCERT OF CONSCIOUSNESS” whereby we all — regardless of our individual paths — “sing” the same “song” whose melody is comprised of peaceful and loving “notes of sound”.

As the ionosphere, the atmosphere, and all other spheres “hear” the “song” of all the Earth, our planet and all creation upon “Her” can relax, heal, and more easily receive SOURCE LIGHT for the collective re-birth.


“Be still and know that I am God!” (HOLY BIBLE).
“Whoever takes one step towards me, I come to them running” (HOLY QU’RAN).
“Aham Bustami” (“I am awake”)—Gautama Buddha.



Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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Human Consciousness is Evolving

The Galactic Federation

Channel: Kate Woodley

Posted on August 3, 2024




Hello, our dear ones. We are present. We are members of the Galactic Federation.

We always come with love, and it is always an honor for us to have the opportunity to share and transmit a message to our friends. What is coming through as an important message is the state of humankind. More importantly, the status of human consciousness and evolution in this moment.

How Celestial Events Influence Humanity

As we have shared with you in the past, our dear ones, there have been a number of celestial events since April. There has been the eclipse in conjunction with meteor showers and many full moons, including your most recent supermoon. These celestial events have bearings upon human consciousness more so regards to the state of human emotions. What we wish for you to remember is that there is always a deep connection between the emotional state of humanity as well as one’s conscious evolution and the evolution of the human collective. That is your emotional state —all the energies that you are holding on to and behold — act as precursors and influencers to not only what it is that you are going to experience and manifest, but it is also very telling with regards to what it is that you need to transmute, let go of, and surrender. The Eclipse and the full moons have been powerful forces and aids to humanity with the transmutation of many old energies.

The human consciousness template — all that you have been holding on to as a collective — even within your ancestral memory and your DNA, contains much locked-up trauma. This trauma may not necessarily be yours at an individual level but nonetheless it is trauma that has been passed down and inherited by you. Whether these are traumas related to wars, conflicts, lack, famine, or any other struggle, these traumas have been translated into long-term emotional stress. And this underlying template has made it easy for humans to resonate with any energies that are in alignment with that of fear, worry, frustration, and anger. Ultimately, it is these emotions that have been recently transmuted. Through the transmutation of these emotions and energies, it is beginning to unlock many old traumas within the human body and psyche. In order for these traumas to be unlocked, the associated emotions must be cleared. And oftentimes, our dear ones, they are cleared in stages, cleared in waves.

And as such, it is no coincidence that there has been a rather close-knit sequence of celestial events, all of which have been here to help you purge and clear in waves. Every sequential event has been here to help you release old layers, whether they are yours or what the collective has been holding on to, these celestial events have been allowing you to clear and to transmute more and more successfully. Those of you who are open to releasing and letting go, perhaps you have felt this more strongly.

How we Release Old Energies

You have been aware and remember that all surrender can happen in a number of ways. For some of you, it has been in your sleep, through your dreams. Many of you have been experiencing vivid dreams, dreams of old incidents, old emotions, even individuals from your past who for you have brought difficult experiences, or whose connection with has been hard for you to let go. These dreams are no coincidence, though they perhaps may represent incidents of years — even decades — past. Understand, our dear ones, that these are releases. And those of you that cannot release through your conscious state, this is when the dream time becomes your ally in helping you release energies, incidents, and experiences that you are holding on to but that perhaps lie beneath the radar of your conscious minds and awareness.

Global Consciousness is Improving

What is happening to the human collective as a whole, and we have shared this in years past, is that there are ongoing transmutation and releases. What we wish for you to know is that though tensions seem quite ripe and rife in your present-day global scenario, what is being released is not being built up, held onto, and amassed with the same strength and amplitude as it has been built up for you in the past. That is, as you release and surrender old energies, your essence and your template become clearer and cleaner. And as such, it becomes more difficult for you to hold on to in any long-term form, denser or lower vibrational energies.

As such, what you are clearing is making way for higher experiences, and it in turn allows you to hold on to higher frequencies — frequencies that bring through the experience of greater harmony, love, and forgiveness. As a collective, through the process of transmutations you are increasing your ability to raise your frequency and hold your vibration in a way that amplifies love. As you amplify love, you continue to increase your personal frequency. You are also in resonance with any experiences, people and situations that echo a similar frequency. You are learning to move through life with greater equanimity and harmony.

Your balance with regards to the energies of receiving and giving love become more balanced because all energies seek an equanimous, balanced flow. So remember, our dear ones, that this in many ways signifies an ongoing shift and upgrade in human consciousness. It may be unfolding differently and at different rates within one individual to the next, but nonetheless, because of the way in which you are all interconnected energetically, what unfolds in a positive way for the one benefits the All.

Unity consciousness and the collective footprint, energetically speaking, continues to be upgraded. And that as you shed the old, you become more resilient to these old energies, and as such, you become more responsive and absorbent of love-based energies in whatever way they are experienced, whether it is peace, joy, forgiveness, positivity, hope. All these energies become amplified in your experience, and as such, at a molecular and cellular level you are better able to hold on to these higher and higher frequencies in a way that catapults manifestation and co-creation towards an equally higher path.

Remember that when you heal, you not only heal yourselves, but you heal the All for you are part of a large collective whether you are aware of this or not. What you experience creates a pathway for the collective to co-experience in a more love-based way.

Our dear ones, we are with you. We stand by you. We are always here to provide guidance and insight. We are here with the energy of love.

The Galactic Federation

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The great cleansing has begun.

The Ancestors

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

 September 13th, 2020.


Greetings beloved aspects of Source. We are the Ancestors of Human Consciousness, of humanity. 
We are the ancestors holding onto the memories experienced as a human collective. As such, we are aspects of you, just as you are aspects of us. You are our memory bank. For memories are stored in the bones. Within your bones of course is your DNA and within that DNA are the blessings and curses that you have inherited from us. We too seek release from the memories of the dark times. From our vantage point from outside of the time loops and programming, with ascended vision we can see. We can see what we have experienced, what has been inflicted and what has healed, and what remains to be healed. 
There is currently so much discord upon your planet, Gaia. She is our planetary mother as well. We send cooling rains, cooling waters to the fires upon her. The great cleansing, the great cleansing has begun. Wounds must first be found, then cleansed, in order for them to be healed. The wounds within the collective consciousness of humanity have been substantial. We are here to provide healing and to request your own intentions of healing. For when you heal yourselves, dear ones, you heal us. You heal the memories of atrocities, of programmings far in your ancient past, for you are deeply connected with us.

We are the Ancestors. You delight us with your tenacity, your courage. You are like the young warrior with full headdress on the mountain top peering over the valley filled with unknowns and dangers, unaware of his family and tribe behind him supporting. They are there supporting him, covering him with feathers of protection, just as we are supporting you from the ethers of memories, of energetics of consciousness. Each wave that hits the shore creates upturned sand. Gaia is experiencing this in this now. The waves of light are upturning, stirring up the sand. It will settle again, the sand will smooth again. But for now, you see turmoil. This is the turmoil that has been entombed within the veil, within the hearts of humanity.

(I am hearing chanting. They are surrounding us in a circle of light, of sound. I sense it is a dance of healing).
 We are calling the waters to heal the earth. We are calling the waters to heal the hearts of those who run hot and are full of sorrow or fear. We ask a joint partnership with our awakened ones and warriors. You are light warriors. You command the light, within you. The brave one on the mountain feels alone, and yet if he listens he hears his friend Wind, he feels the presence of his animal guides. He feels Mother’s love beneath his feet and he is embraced by Father Sky. He is not alone. YOU are not alone. (They are singing and dancing in a circle around the light workers of Gaia. The circle expands. I see the light workers hop up and join in the circle of light that is spinning counter-clockwise around Gaia).

We are chanting and dancing in the tribe circle claiming: We usher in the age of Aquarius, the water bearers. We bear the water of healing, we bear the light of change. We are the light. We are the love in human form. We send light and love to all of our aspects. We claim healing of the ancestral lines. We claim love for the wounds deep within the ancestral matrix. We fill the wounds with light. We see diamonds form from the light and heat where the wounds have been, creating a crystalline line of our own genetics from where we are now to where we were as ancestors. 
(I am seeing crystalline diamond threads extend from the branches of a tree down deep into the roots, like banyan trees. The tree of human consciousness is alive, it is glowing. I am feeling this is our ancestral heritage and we by our own light work are healing it and filling it with light. I am feeling the animal spirit energies joint in. Eagles are flying high above, now the dragons are joining. It is a spiral of light, of laughter, of song, of deep friendship and healing, true camaraderie).

We are the ancestors. Our time of healing is is complete. (I am seeing we are all extending our hands towards the center of the circle and a massive light beam is created going deep into Gaia). This light beam is of balance, of water. It cools the fire of the past and present. It restores the balance. 
(I am seeing green all around me. I am smelling wet grass). 
The time of the peacemaker is at hand. The goddess calls. Whom will answer? 
(Gaia is calling us to a higher frequency now. I hear a beautiful woman’s voice, a light lilting melody). 
Claim your healing. We do. We are the Ancestors. Peace.


Compiled by from: 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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