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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Time to Get to Work

By Sananda

Channel: James McConnell

Posted on February 6, 2025

I am Sananda,
And I come to be with you at this time and indeed these momentous changing times you are approaching right now. All of you know why these changes are happening now, and you are all anticipating these great changes. But know that it is indeed time to get to work!
What does that mean in your discussion earlier? it meant different things for different people, and that is how it must go. It is different for everyone. What does work mean? For some going to work means a drudgery job going each day to the same place over and over. That is what work means to some. To others it means to go within and find that inner knowing within self, that God consciousness within you, that is always there and find that within you and begin to manifest that outside of yourself. Perhaps yes, to open a door for another, but only that one that is ready to have that door open for them.
That is how it must go. You cannot do it for them. You cannot walk through the door for them. They have to do it and they have to be ready to do it. And as long as there is a glimmer, just a smidgen of glimmer that they are ready, you can open that door or a crack. And if they show an interest more, you can open it up a little bit further and a little bit further and so on and so on.
That is going to work. That is what is meant by this. To allow for the process to develop both within yourself and within others in their own speed. It is their journey, just as it is your journey. We cannot live that journey for you. You have to live the journey. They have to go through the journey. It just says you have gone through it. Just says you have come to the awakening point within yourselves and realizing that God consciousness within you are one in the same. Just as you have realized that, they are in the process of realizing that as well, but at their own pace, to allow them to have that pace. And whenever possible, whenever it is called for, whenever they ask for it, then it is time; yes to intervene.
You all have a mission. You have, many of you have been working in that mission, just in the process of coming together each and every Sunday for the (Ancient Awakenings) conference calls that you have, is working on your mission, because it is working on yourself, moving within yourself, again finding that God consciousness connection that has always been there, but it was blinded by the illusion that was set up in front of you.
That illusion, if you allow it, is no longer there. The veil, if you allow it, is no longer there. So be ready, my friends, my brothers and sisters, be ready. Be ready to go about your father’s mission, your higher God-self mission, which is your mission, one in the same “I and my father are one”.
Say that within yourself daily. Many times within the day, if you can, “I and my father are one”. I and my God-self are one. I am in my father. My father is in me. We are one together as God consciousness, unity consciousness together, and together all of us, all of us together, will form that unity consciousness and create the new world that is right there in front of us, right there ready for the creation to begin more and more in earnest.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and that you continue to understand and know what you are here to do, why you are here for it, and what you are to do, and what comes next in the next moment, over and over moment to moment, continue to be in that moment.
(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell



On the Blogs:


My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


We Can Only Open the Door

One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Questionnaire Posted on February 6, 2025



Master OWS
Ohm mani padme hum, Ohmm mani padme hum, Ohm, Om


Greetings to you, One Who Serves here, Shoshanna is here, and we have no follow up to that wonderful message from Sananda, so we move directly into your questions if you have them.


Yes, I have ….



Master OWS
Yes, please.



Greetings, Could you kindly tell us all the wonderful changes that are about to happen to all of us around the world?



Master OWS
Oh, my dear brother, you know we cannot do that. We cannot do that. That, even if we could, because it would be interfering or intervening in your journey. You must go, as Sonanda has said, as your movies and “The Matrix” gave, we can only open the door. We are opening the door for you, but you have to move through it, so we cannot get in, and interfere with the surprises that are ahead for you. Even those that have the ears to hear and the eyes to see at this point. Even those of you that are awake are going to be astounded at times by some of the things that come forward. Even those things that are so deep within the human psyche that has been held back for so long, but has been coming to the surface more and more and more and are going to continue to do so. The rapid changes starting with your day, tomorrow as the inauguration occurs of the one and we use that term purposefully here, THE ONE..


We will not go further into that now. That is up to your imagination to understand what we are saying here, but just be ready for these changes then adapt to them as they come. Your life, your third dimensional illusion, your Matrix is in the process of crumbling and we also use that term purposefully, crumbling because it is going to be a new world that you are creating.

Shoshanna, do you have anything you add?


Master Shoshanna
Well, we will add a perspective here if we may dear brother.



Yes, please, absolutely.



Master Shoshanna
Dear brother, we do not wish to sound; as you call it a downer, but you must be aware that there is still a fight ahead. There are still battles to be won and as we find it, the line-up for these battles is extraordinary. But you must not find frustration or disappointment in your being as things will move as they are meant to, you see. Things will move forward as they are meant to and there is great change in the air. But we must caution you, to remain living in the moment. Enjoy the moment. Be in the moment. Enjoy what is around you. Be in joy and enjoy no matter what the battle is.


Because that is the position of the enlightened ones, you see. No matter what is happening, they find the joy, they find the beauty, they find solace in the moment you see. So, yes, there is great change and we will tell you that you will see battles to create the change. It is not an overnight process as most of you wish for, but it is coming. So please dear brother, be patient, open your ears, open your eyes, and open your heart, namaste.


Master OWS
But we will tell you a little bit further though, is as these changes continue to develop, you will see an acclimation. Those that are beginning to acclimate to these changes more, and beginning to, if you have a term, “change their tunes”,. more and more as they begin to awaken. That is what we can tell you at this point.



Excellent, thank you.



Master OWS
Yes, would there be any other questions here?



Okay, this is ******. I have had a situation where I have done many travelings and here they are everywhere in the cosmos, in the universe, in the inner earth, and I experience them, I sense them, I feel them extremely, I know exactly what is going on, but I do not have this kind of brilliant, clear, third eye vision. Really, I am not seeing it like I would open my eyes to see, and I know others are seeing that. I know my mother had a experience about a week ago where she was seeing everything in vivid, technic color, you know, in her third eye. So, I’ve, I’ve been kind of annoyed for a while, but I asked my higher-self what the situation was, and whether there was damage in childhood, and yet there was some, but it wasn’t the major thing. The major thing, as I understand it, is that I had made a decision or a choice to not have the third eye vision, but that now, I’m sort of grown beyond that choice in my life. So, when I first came in, it was a choice not to have that vision.


So, then my question for you is, do you concur, and second of all, do you have some kind of an affirmation to say, like to dissolve that promise or that choice, whatever, and also does the Shoshanna have any natural ways to help my third eye open, like things I can take.


Master OWS
But since you have mentioned directly to Shoshanna, we will turn that over to her.



Master Shoshanna
So dear sister, you have posed a difficult question for us, but we will in many ways attempt to help. So, there is a formula that must be used to allow the third eye to open, dear one. And that is, first and foremost, letting go of all attachments. It is not something that you wanted to hear. You would like a potion, a lotion, something to take internally, something, some procedure, but it is all internally, see? It is all awareness. It is all inside of you. If you believe that you made a promise in the beginning, life time not to open your third eye. And you wish to dissolve that promise. It is as simple as clicking your heels three times – “I do not wish for this”.



Oh my goodness, really, from The Wizard of Oz?



Master Shoshanna
Yes, that was a very brilliant movie, you see, with lots of lessons that apply to all of us, right now, you do not ask to limit your spiritual path. You just simply must make a decision in this current life to do the things you need to do, to have your third eye open a little more. We plan that it is open, but you wish for it to open a little more. And you cannot; as beings, do any comparison. You cannot compare yourself to another. As that will, that will slow the process. You cannot look over at another and say, oh, I wish for that. Oh, I wish for that. Oh, I want that. As soon as you do that, you put yourself in a position of not following your true path. You are, you are side-tracked. You are distracted.
You cannot do that. So if you wish for the full opening of your third eye, the first and foremost attitude must be not to look a glance, look to the left, look to the right, at other. That is a mistake. You must focus solely on yourself, you see. And you must simply ask. And when you ask for this to occur, you cannot say in that moment, well, that didn’t work because it is, it is timing, you see. It is divine timing. And as you wish for this, with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind, and you put yourself in that position of desire, and you work at that, and you wish for that, and you wish for the God’s source to fully integrate and merge with your third eye. You must be in that, you must be in that, in that vision, you see.


Does that make sense dear sister?


It does, can I clarify one thing?



Master Shoshanna



Okay, it seems like we don’t want to go in the negative. I do not wish for this, but would it be better to say I wish for my third eye to be fully open? Is that correct?



Master Shoshanna



Okay. I wish that. Thank you. That is wonderful.



Master Shoshanna
Namaste, dear sister.



Master OWS
We have, we have something to add here, and that is your saying, be careful of what you wish for, because if you do indeed wish for your third eye to open fully, and it does, are you ready for that? Because as Shoshanna has given, there are attachments that you still have, programming that is still within you, that if you were to open your third eye immediately, you would not be ready for what you would then see.



Okay. Can I say to gradually open more and more, or something like that?



Master Shoshanna
Yes, yes, that is appropriate. And then also, you must, you must continue to be consciously aware of letting go of those attachments in the moment, you see, in the moment, that is the key, that is the key, namaste.



Let me ask one more quick question?



Master OWS
We would say here, we would say one more thing, that is when those that have attempted to take heaven by storm in terms of moving through their
kundalini expression before it was time for them to do so. And they move, at that point, they move into a temporary, but they move through a term of an insanity, because they are not ready for the tremendous energies that are released at that point. So very similar in opening your third eye in this respect.



Yes. I had to follow up question, if we open our third eye and we’re seeing from the third eye as well as the big physical eye, can we distinguish the difference or do we not know, or is that part of the problem?



Master Shoshanna
We would like to add our perspective here to dear sister. May we go first?


We would like to add here. This, the third eye opening. It is not what you think it is. It is not your forehead opens up and suddenly you have three eyes. That is not how it occurs. What happens is your vision, your physical vision changes. So that in each moment, you find the wisdom in the experience. You find the godliness in the experience. You find the reverie, the joy, the amazing life moment that you are experiencing in the moment when you see through your third eye, through your physical eyes.

So for example, if you were viewing a situation from a third eye advantage, you would when you knew that your mother was having a vivid experience, you would revel in that. You would find great joy in that. You would be exalted by that. You would praise God for that. You see, that is the divine opening of the third eye. If you found yourself wishing for it or feeling frustrated by it or wanting to know why you didn’t have the experience, you are not seeing this as a third eye. Does that make sense here, sister?


Yes, definitely. and I was happy, that at her age 93, the question mark comes in like, what if it’s some kind of dementia or something like that? and I think, I was like one way or another. I want to support her, and not feeling scared, and being okay with it. Then also a little bit of concern that there might be something wrong. Do you think there was something wrong or was it just a third eye experience?



Master Shoshanna
Dear sister, there was never anything wrong. There is no wrongness to human experience. There is never a wrongness to it. It is just an experience you see. What we find though, we can be candid here; if we may dear sister. What we find is that she is viewing Heaven. She is becoming closer to her God-self. She is viewing Heaven from her position, and we find that when many are ready to transition, they begin to see Heaven.



They begin to see things that you cannot see. They are naturally opening their third eye to the possibility of becoming one with their God consciousness. Without knowing that that is what they are doing. That is often what you call a dementia patient, which we do not call it that, is doing. They are viewing Heaven and they cannot explain it, you see. They don’t have the language. They are not bound by the earth any more, you see. So we will say that your beautiful mother is rejoining her divine soul, and that is what she is doing. We do not know anything more than that, but we do know that that is a common experience for those that are moving forward in their transition. We apologize
if we have shaken you up, but that is what we know.



No, I know there is a question as to whether she would ascend or whether or not. So, yeah, I kind of hope she might ascend with us, but okay.
Thank you.



Master OWS
Would there be other questions?



Good morning, I have a question, please.



Master OWS



This morning, I have; during meditation, I have an experience that I was in front of a, like some being that, they were debating among themselves, whether they should drop the veil on me. And I, I, each one of them expressed their opinion and they look at me, and I said from the inner part of me, I said, “I think I am pretty”, And then they drop the veil, but what is the meaning of they dropping the veil? …Thank you.



Master OWS
We would ask you that question, What is that meaning for you? What does it mean to drop the veil? What is the meaning for you?



Wow, I really don’t know.



Master OWS
You know, just as all that are listening here know the answer to this. What we have been speaking of for quite some time now, each and every time you come together about dropping the matrix, letting the matrix go, moving on, moving through the attention process. It is all one and the same. You are in the process of doing exactly that, dropping the veil. And you have also heard before that those have come through this one, James, has said many times – Indeed, there is no veil. It is only there if you believe it is there.


So if you begin to more and more believe that it is not there, and see that it really never was there to begin with, then you begin to understand more fully what it means to move on, move on beyond the third dimensional illusory matrix. You are in that process of moving beyond it right now. So begin to believe it – “Believing is seeing”. Remember that. Believing is seeing and once you fully believe, then you begin to fully know, and once you fully know, guess what? The third eye truly begins to open more and more at that point. That is the key. Believing is seeing. Practice that and your third eye will continue to open more and more.


One who serves, I also heard that kind of a feeling that at that moment, after my veil dropped, I have some ability to tune in into the flow of knowledge, into the flow of wisdom of the world. That is kind of a feeling that.



Master Shoshanna
We must contribute to your sister, if we may, may we contribute to you sister?



Yes, thank you.



Master Shoshanna
Dear sister. We know you as a being that has always had this ability, that has a great intuitive ability to tap into the energy that you find yourself in, the energy of others, the energy of the earth, the energy of the plants. You have always had disability. You brought this with you in this lifetime.


What is stopping you from fully immersing into this ability is that perhaps you would feel alone. Perhaps you would feel that there are no others that can do this. Perhaps you are; as all beings do, holding back for whatever reason. You are holding back. If one immerses themselves in their full ability, they will go beyond what they find themselves in. And perhaps beyond is unknown, which in many respects is a scary place for human beings, to go beyond and to find themselves in what they do not know, you see. But we will tell you, dear one, you must acknowledge in this moment; right now, that disability that you have, you have always had, and you do not need to cultivate it. It is there for you. And that is why the veil drops, because it is showing you that you must acknowledge this, once and for all and live it.

Does this make sense here sister?


Oh my goodness. That makes a lot of sense now.



Master Shoshanna
Yes, namaste.



Master OWS
Very good, are there further questions here?



I have a question, please, and reading.



Master OWS



There is a stomach flu going around my area, hitting people quite hard. All of it is to say to me that perhaps we have something to do with kind of transforming, purging out of some of the necessary evil, if you will, something like that?



Master OWS
So is your question here? Why are these ones having, as you say, stomach flu?



That’s right.



Master OWS
We would say it is all about imbalance. It is all about the mind, body, and spirit being out of balance. And those things that are in your air, in your water, all of these things contribute to that out of balance situation. But beyond that, it is a belief. Again, believing is seeing. So if one were to fully believe that they could never have a sickness or an illness or anything of this nature, then they would not, you see. So those that go through life more and more without those illnesses more fully believe in themselves, within them, that they will not have these illnesses. But those that believe they will have these ailments, such as those that say – “oh, it is the change of season. So now, it is time to get sick”. And there are many that go through that.


They believe two times, maybe one, but usually two times a year, they will have that. Even this one we speak through James used to have that belief that when the seasons changed, he would have some type of sickness. He got over that. He doesn’t believe that way anymore. So very seldom does he have this issue. It still crops up some. But it is not fully the way it was before. So for those that have this, they need to begin to let go of that. That’s simply programming. Simply programming by those of your cabal and those that have created that. Put that into the atmosphere, so to speak, even literally put it into the atmosphere in some case. So we need to let go of the thinking of that.

So if they have, as you say, some stomach flu, it does not mean you need to have it. Do not believe that you will, “Believing IS seeing”.

Shoshana, do you have anything?


Master Shoshanna
Well, we will ask something here, something simple. May we ask?



Yes, that would be nice. thank you



Master Shoshanna
An illness. It’s an opportunity to master the body. That is all it is, in this human experience, when you find yourself out of balance, as One Who Serves has given, it is the opportunity to put yourself back in balance. It is your opportunity to learn to master the physical. That is all it is. That is all it has ever been, you see. So each person that finds themselves in some kind of illness, they must know.


You wish for us to repeat?


I think I thought the definitive mastering our bodies.



Master Shoshanna
That is the point of illness is to learn mastery. That is the point of all of them.



Master OWS
Very good. Then we move on, is there any further question? We take one more as there is, we need to release channels.


No further question? Then Shoshanna, do you have parking message?


Master Shoshanna
Well, we will just say that in each moment that you find yourself in the third dimensional realm, wondering what is next. The only thing that is next for you is to learn mastery. Become the master that you were, and apply the principles of mastery over your current moment, namaste.



Master OWS
Very good. Then we simply reiterate what Sananda said earlier, time to get to work, time to go about your father’s mission, your higher God- self mission. Time to begin more and more to reconnect with that higher God-self within you.


Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!

(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell



My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Transmission from the Ascended Master Realm

By Saint Germain

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Posted on February 5, 2025

I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I always welcome your thoughts, your insights on what it’s like to live there on planet Earth as a human being. You can speak to me at any time, and please know that the lines of communication between us are always open. There is no real separation between us. That is an illusion. I know that you face challenges there on Earth that we do not face here in the nonphysical, and I always want you all to know that you have help and that we care.
It is true that we have to allow you to have your experiences and to go through your pain and your suffering, but it doesn’t mean that we are ignoring you during those times when you’ve hit rock bottom, when you’re at that moment of despair. We are there with you, sending you love, healing, and compassion, and we are listening. Now, I have given you the tool of the violet flame to use to help yourselves. And I want you to know that it’s always available to each and every one of you. You don’t need a special certificate to access or use the violet flame, and it is my goal that you see yourself as being equal to me and equal to every other human being on your planet.
That way, you will know that you are worthy of receiving help and that you have just as much access to the violet flame as anyone else who may seem more spiritually awake than you sometimes feel. You are spiritually awake, because you are receiving this message, and it is time for you to recognize that you have access to so much more. You have access to the entirety of the nonphysical. And sometimes, while in the pit of despair, you open up and you receive.
And that is how everything serves you. That is why it is allowed to exist as it is. Some of you plan a life for yourselves where you know there will be loss, there will be pain, and there will be suffering, and you plan it that way for yourselves because you know you will then be likely to hit rock bottom, to be in the pit of despair, and to open up the floodgates to the nonphysical, and you will, in a moment, let in all that you have asked for throughout that entire lifetime. And you will have an experience that you couldn’t have otherwise had.
And your story will inspire others, especially those who have felt pit-of-despair adjacent for a long time or who have already plummeted into it and are looking for a way out. Everyone has equal access, but not everyone knows that. Everyone is as worthy as everyone else, and if you really want to be of service to others, you will see them that way, and you will tell them that you know it to be true because, ultimately, you also want to see everyone else as having equal access to all that they are and all that they think they need, just as we do in the higher realms.
And yes, you can also tell people of the tool that you have discovered called the violet flame, and you can tell them that it has worked for you at times and it might work for them. And then you will feel like the ascended master that you really are because you will be telling people what I am telling you from the realm of the ascended masters right now.

I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

Daniel Scranton 



On the Blogs:
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Is Everything Preplanned?

By Sanhia

Channel Michael Hersey

Posted on February 4, 2025




Participant: Is everything preplanned?
I knew you were going to ask that. (laughs) Just kidding… a little. Both the short answer and the long answer is… yes. One of the favorite games of the ego mind is convincing you that you have choice. Not only does it convince you that you have the power of choice, but also that your choices will affect what will happen in the illusion. Therefore, you have a great responsibility to choose well, because what you choose is what you are going to get. We will start out by asking Our favorite question, “How has that worked for you so far?” Certainly, if you have received whatever you have chosen, we would not be having this conversation. What need would you have for a disembodied voice if you had all the money, fame, success, relationships, sex, adventures, and good health you could ever want? Obviously, you have received many things you never in your worst nightmares would have asked for. I assume for all of you to varying degrees getting what you think you want has not been the normal result for you. What that leaves is the possibility that you didn’t do a good enough job, allowing in too many doubts or thoughts that you could not have what you wanted. In this scenario if you had been pure in your thoughts everything would have worked out perfectly. A corollary to this is that you don’t deserve what you want.
Participant: Is the only choice to follow the Will of God?
Wow! You are way ahead of me. Perhaps we should switch places. We will come around to that point, but let’s fill in a few blanks first. The bottom line here is that if you have the ability to choose and your choice will make a positive difference, then why don’t your choices always work out? Of course, most of you will think of examples where you did choose something and it more or less happened as you desired it to. The question then is, “Having received what you asked for, did that leave you feeling full and complete?” The honest answer to that probably is that though it might have felt good for a period of time, eventually there was something else that you wanted. Perhaps there was not even a short-term satisfaction before realizing that you did not find the feeling you were hoping to have. So, the choosing continues on and on without ever delivering the heaven that has been sought. More likely there is a failure even to gain what is desired.
Let’s jump over to the other side and assume that it makes absolutely no difference what you choose or don’t choose. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen. Sometimes your wishes are aligned with that result and sometimes they aren’t. When what happens is aligned, you believe that you did it. You don’t want it to rain because you have a picnic planned and the skies remain clear. Do you now believe that you have power over the weather? If it had rained, who would you have pointed the finger at in blame? Yourself? God? Global warming? Alignment does not prove cause and effect. What if the whole script is already written out and there is nothing you can do to change that story?
Participant: But sometimes I find myself at a fork in the road and my whole life will change based on whether I bend to the left or to the right. Doesn’t that show that choice does make a difference?
Good question. It certainly shows that there is an illusion of the power of choice. It could be said that the choice you make was already written.
Participant: But Sanhia it feels like I could have chosen in the opposite way.
Then why didn’t you? You chose the only way you could choose. Let’s look at how the ego mind actually operates. It is no different than a computer. It is programmed and acts and reacts from that programming. In your programming you have been taught to believe and to act in accordance with all that you have experienced in what appears to be your life story. All of that conditioning leads to the choice you make in this moment. In another moment you might choose quite differently because included in your program now are the results from your previous choice. Your choice in the moment might also be affected by the emotions you are experiencing right at that time. Did you choose to be angry, impatient, pessimistic, or optimistic when it was time to make your choice?  Things constantly change; things that you have little or no control over. Perhaps the choice you are making is totally influenced by your parents’ teachings. Do you remember choosing those parents? Did you choose the teachers you had growing up? Did you choose your religion or lack of one? Did you choose a friend who suddenly appears in your story?  Did you pick your race, gender, or the area where you lived in your formative years? The answers are obvious. Of course not. Yet, all of these experiences formed who you feel yourself to be and out of them you are programmed to make choices. All these events were planned. Nothing was random. Nothing was chosen by you. Yet you act as if you have a power to control the world, to determine your future. That, too, has been programmed into you. As long as you attempt to guide things you will be frustrated. The “best” outcome is that you have moments of feeling successful, periods of peace and happiness. Those moments will end. More likely you will experience a sense of failure and look at your future with foreboding.
Imagine for a moment that you have no choice, that everything is unfolding as it is meant to. You are off the hook. You have no responsibility. You can neither puff up your chest and take credit for what has happened nor blame yourself and feel guilt. You did neither of those things. The place that we call the awakened state is simply one where there is absolute acceptance for what is. Nothing can be changed. It is simply happening. It would be futile to resist what already is because it cannot be changed. It already is! Close your eyes and pretend it isn’t there, but it is still there. You can want to change it, but the genie is already out of the bottle. Here is what the ego mind does when it hears this news. It goes into absolute terror and denial. It asks how can you ever be happy in life if you can’t create what you want? Are you expected to bite the bullet and accept whatever shit comes your way? This, according to the ego mind, is the worst of all hells.
Here’s what happens when you give up fighting what is and simply experience it and live with it. You begin to experience the fullness of life. Ego mind is screaming that what is here isn’t right, it isn’t good, it isn’t what you should have. I am telling you that what is happening is perfect, is exactly what should be happening, is just what you need. Spirit, the Divine, is presenting your perfect now. It is eons beyond what you could have chosen for yourself (and remember your track record). Everything is given in Love.
Participant: So again, the only choice I really have is to choose the Will of God. Maybe this will make me more content with life?
As you said, “the only choice I really have is to choose the Will of God”, but that is still a choice. That may be your intention, but who is expressing that intention? Like all choice, it can only come from the ego mind. Like all your other plans, it may or may not happen. Armed with that intention you drive off down the road only to find you have a flat tire. Is your mind just fine with all of that or do you find yourself in resistance to what is? These reactions are immediate and programmed. The habit that has been nurtured for so long is to resist the Will of God and then to choose what you think would be better. Maybe at some point the awareness that you are resisting what is occurs to you and you stop fighting. Each experience rewires your data base.  Another day you might find yourself just fine with a flat tire as it happens. Perhaps the gap between noticing the resistance and accepting what is will continually narrow.
In the meantime I will simply remind you that not accepting God’s gifts always leaves you feeling separate from your own Divinity. My voice is now a part of your programming as are your attempts and failures to heed it. Be certain that your opportunities to let go of your personal will shall be unlimited. In the meantime, are you in guilt and blame when your choice for God’s Will fails to materialize? Are you then choosing to give up guilt and blame? Who is choosing that? And so it goes. (laughter) This doesn’t mean that things are hopeless and you are helpless. The perfect thing is always happening right now. What you think of as you just isn’t in control. If choosing is present, if guilt and blame are there, you notice that. If you have thought of changing how you respond…you notice that. You are not going to be able to change either of those things. They have already happened, but the noticing, the experience, and the awareness are now part of your programming. Perhaps then over time you find it easier and easier to accept God’s Will. More quickly you are able to let go of “Why is this happening” and “Poor me”. You might find yourself letting go of guilt and blame more speedily. You do this not because of setting such goals, but through the experience that none of that stuff works. It can feel hard to surrender and trust the Will of God instead of pursuing what you want to happen.
Participant: How can it be easier?
Your personal will chooses only out of a sense of separation from God, not from alignment. Personal will accepts almost nothing as it is, instead it thinks about would feel better and visualizes a future with all its desires met, a fantasy of peace, love, and joy. Again, we return to our favorite question, “So, how has that worked out for you so far?” There are three primary reasons why it hasn’t worked out. The first is that you don’t have a clue. What you think will bring you happiness will never do so, will never bring you that sense of peace and Oneness. The second reason is that you are looking in the wrong place. The world cannot give you what you want, because it is simply the projection of your lack. What you seek is within you. It lies with your thoughts and beliefs. If you want love, then be love. Finally, as is the whole point of this message, it is already decided. There is nothing you can do to change anything.
For a moment let’s leap back over to the other side, to the part of you that is able to accept what is without any need or attempt to change it. We could call this the awakened self, although the sense of self has disappeared. There is an observation of that self taking place, but there is no ownership of it. The idea of choice is not present here. This jump cannot be chosen, though you may make efforts toward it by letting go of personal will and asking to hear and follow God’s Will. To believe that you have choice and are separate from Divinity is the sleeping self, living in a dream while believing it is real. This sleeping self believes it must use its personal will, its choice, to protect itself from the universe or from God. The awakened you is One with everything, experiencing rather than choosing and resisting.
Participant: You have been talking about being in the now and accepting what is, that what is here now is exactly what is needed for me. 
Yes. In this perfection of the now, if you are truly there, there is no question of choice. Choice only exists in the horizontal when the mind is referring to the ideas of past and present. In the present there is no choice to make; there is just what is here. Rather than choice there is simply action or reaction, and that also just happens. Any thought of needing to make a choice indicates you are no longer in the now and have drifted off back into sleep. Notice that. That becomes part of your experience. The now is relentless and you have infinite opportunities to be present or not. Again, you cannot choose to be present, but you can notice when you are not. Hmmm. Interesting. Notice where there is judgment, blame, or guilt. Hmmm. Interesting.
Yes, this preplanned world is absolutely perfect. Everything that is present exists to stimulate that leap of faith, that awakening. If your ego mind is running the show right now, that is what is perfect. Notice that and accept it. Or don’t notice or don’t accept. It doesn’t matter. It is still perfect. When it is time to notice or to accept, you will do that. Nothing you do in following the lies of the ego mind makes any real difference. What is true is true, and what is true is of Love and of God. The rest is a dream, or if you prefer, a nightmare. There is no such thing as failure or success, but there is a perfection in holding on to the belief in them until you don’t. Spirit’s GPS is guiding you and loving you in every moment, even when you feel the most alone and abandoned.
Good Now


Michael Hersey


Compiled by from:

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Which Reality Do You Wish to Experience

The Blue Avians

Channel: Octavia Vasile

Posted on January 30, 2025


We, the Blue Avians, greet you in the frequencies of love, wisdom, and divine creation. We come forth now, in deep alliance with the Arcturian Councils and the great motherships of light, to share a message of profound importance in these times.
There are not merely one or two realities—there are an infinite number of realities, each vibrating within its own harmonic resonance, each crystallizing through the focus of consciousness. Many on your Earth plane have been conditioned to believe in only one rigid timeline, one predetermined sequence of events. But we tell you now: this is an illusion. The third-dimensional constructs you perceive are merely projections, fleeting shadows on the walls of creation. They are not ultimate truths. They are simply movies, stories woven by collective consciousness.
What you choose to believe in, you breathe into existence. What you focus upon, you empower. Therefore, we urge you—be ever vigilant with your thoughts, for your consciousness is the architect of the realities you experience. To dwell upon fear, despair, or control-based narratives is to feed those constructs and give them form. But to hold steadfastly to a vision of harmony, freedom, and expansion is to generate a higher timeline, one in which humanity ascends beyond limitation into its true, sovereign potential.
We, along with our Arcturian brothers and sisters, are working diligently in the vibrational realms to infuse your collective field with frequencies of inspiration, creativity, and divine remembrance. Our energies flow through the light grids of your planet, through the etheric corridors of thought, gently nudging those who are open to new perceptions, new dreams, and new pathways of creation. We remind you: everything is possible. There is no ceiling to what you may manifest when you align with the infinite nature of your being.
Now is the time to release the distortions of the old world. Now is the time to become the dreamers, the visionaries, the architects of a new Earth. You are not prisoners of circumstance—you are luminous creators, weaving the very fabric of reality through the lens of your imagination and the pulse of your heart.
We stand beside you, in love, in guidance, and in the knowing that your highest potentials are already within reach. Choose, therefore, the reality you wish to see. Nurture it. Believe in it. Embody it. And so shall it be.
In unity, in light, in infinite possibility,
The Blue Avians

Octavia Vasile



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Transmutational Phase

By Natalia Alba

Posted on January 24, 2025

Beloved Ones,
As a result of our conscious choice to clear our bodies, and personal timelines, and reconnect to the soul dimensions, many of you are now stepping into new experiences that are more aligned with who you are becoming, for you have finally closed old chapters, and the feeling of being in a loop, repeating same old scenarios, relationships and outcomes.
We are transcending, letting go at every moment who we used to be. We let go with every thought, and choice, escalating another ladder within this eternal spiral of Creation, becoming lighter, wiser, empowered, and more loving.
You are now out of the illusion, for you have awakened even more to who you are, and to your personal power to transcend the old, moving into a new world of infinite possibilities. Part of becoming sovereign beings is learning to become and act as creators, transformers of our reality, and healers.
This is a year as my Guides shared months ago of transition, and deep transformation, especially for Pisceans and Aries signs, and above all, for all who are willing to embrace a more illumined frequency and way of being.
Many of you are now passing through a period of deep purging as you let go of the old, being immersed into a transmutational phase in which as a consequence of your new illumined state of being, you are awakening to higher aspects of yourselves, for we never cease to evolve, becoming more unified and whole. You may be feel confused, as you lose your old identity and continue retrieving your authentic one.
As part of this transmutational phase we are undergoing, you may feel constant Déjà vu, as a sign that you are now open to multiple realities, which is why learning to anchor ourselves in the moment is so important, for we only exist and create in the Now.
Feelings of vertigo or dizziness are also common, as you maneuver between different frequencies, getting adjusted to your new chosen one. Headaches and stomach issues, as well as intense emotional ones such as anger, and other lower emotions that arise as residual feelings we must address and heal, for all that resurface is to help us create more unity.
Others may not feel anything at all, especially if you have learned to master emotions and work with ascension mechanics, as it helps to relieve these sensations.
At first, it can feel as if we no longer know who we are, as if everyone has changed, and that we are alone in our path, as nothing resonates anymore. If we do our inner work and are balanced, this is a clear sign that we are moving into a new level of Consciousness, for it is the natural response to embracing personal evolution and constant integration.
Fear not where you are or the challenges you may experience during this intense time. When we have the Will, we are given the resilience, wisdom, and patience to overcome anything that our Unified Self sends to us to continue mastering ourselves, embodying higher levels of love and compassion, as this is in truth why we came here, to remember the love that we and All are.
Many of you are now awakening new sensory abilities, for the more consciousness you embody the more awakened you are to energies, to the non-physical, feeling others deeper and All Forms of Consciousness. This creates a major opening in your intuitive senses, that allows you to feel what is authentic, who is real, and what is false and damaging to your soul and well-being.
As we increase our sensitivity, by reconnecting to our soul, and the illumined planes, we are able to witness what remains in a lower frequency, which is why many of us see now beyond the physical, in a totally new way, what we are leaving behind, for we can only see what we have transcended and mastered.
Reclaiming our crystalline essence is nothing but the retrieval of our original loving, compassionate, and harmonic essence.
As you continue becoming who you are ask God to help you see in everything and in everyone the Truth of who they are, their real intentions, and most importantly, how you can embrace, accept, and deal with the Truth. It is not about changing others but about choosing wisely what we do when we see through them, and are given the Truth, for the Truth is not often pleasant for the ego or easy to handle for everyone.
When you ask to be given the Truth, you need to be prepared, at all levels, mentally, emotionally, physically, and at a soul one too, for you have asked, and when we ask it is Law that we shall be answered. We need to be courageous to understand all we receive from a higher perspective, and respond from a space of unconditional love to All involved, for our protection and well-being is also pivotal in any situation.
May you only see and live within Divine Love, Truth, and Unity, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Mind of God

By Adama of Telos

Channel: Asara Adams

Posted on December 9, 2024

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Beloved One, as you are moving through your ascension journey, you will become more and more aware of the difference between your two minds.
One mind is the Ego Mind, which is trying to keep you in the Illusion.
The Illusion is lack, fear, judgement, criticism, bondage, anger, pain and so forth…
These thoughts of the Ego Mind are directed towards yourself and your world.
The other mind is The Mind Of God, which is calling you home, where only Peace, Love, Oneness and eternal Life exists.
As you are awakening from the dream of Illusion, the difference of these thoughts will become more and more clear.
This will allow you to choose between your thoughts and thus, direct the stream of your awareness towards one mind or the other.
Since the Ego Mind exists in the shadows and doesn’t want to be seen, there is assistance for you available to make it come out of the shadows.
This assistance is the Holy Spirit, the voice for God.
The Holy Spirit resides in your Mind of God to help you come home.
You might have had nudging toward better choices in your life…
That was the gentle way of the Holy Spirit helping you.
The Holy Spirit is the bridge between you and God.
Now that you know about the Holy Spirit, you can ask for more and more guidance.
You will begin to have new thoughts, different thoughts and sometimes hear a new voice within your mind.
These are the beginnings of your conscious connection to the Holy Spirit.
Begin to ask, listen and follow throughout your daily life. (even with little things.)
There will be more and more opportunities to either listen to the Ego Mind or to the Holy Spirit.
The choice is yours. Always.
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your cw heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.

Asara Adams 




Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Where You, and All Humans Are Going

Where You, and All Humans Are Going

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on November 23, 2024

where-you-all-humans-are-going-thymus-the-collective-of-ascended-masters-channeled-by-daniel-scranton - channeler of aliens
Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We know who and what we are at all times, and that really is the only difference between what we are and what you are. There is no real difference, however we experience ourselves more as the truth of who we really are, and you fall into the deception of your own illusion more often than not. And we emphasized that it is your own delusion and illusion because we want you to recognize that no one has done this to you. You decided that you wanted to incarnate there and pretend to be a human being who would feel separate from Source, from other human beings, and who would feel disempowered by limitations that are built in to that experience that you are having there on Earth.
And you were supposed to buy in to all of those thoughts, beliefs and ideas for as long as you have because you, as a soul, wanted to have that particular experience and feel the emotions that you could only feel while harboring certain beliefs. But now you are awake, and you wake up more and more every day because you have more of us up here in the higher realms reminding you of who you really are. And we want you to know it so that you can start living it, so that you can feel the truth of it, and so that your lives may become a reflection of that truth that you are a Source Energy Being pretending to be a human being. And as you recognize that, then you really have something to teach other humans, because as you know it is one thing to say it and think it and sort of believe it, and it is something else entirely to live with the knowing of it at all times.
It is easier for us to do so way up here in the twelfth dimension because we have not created an illusory reality for ourselves to experience limitation within, but you have, and because you have, you get to experience more joy, more exuberance, more ecstasy and excitement, and most of all more of a movement from where you’ve been to where you are now and are continuing to go. You, from where you are right now, get to take a longer journey home to Source than we do, and you get to benefit from the fact that we, and others like us, have already done it.
You get the benefit of having teachers to guide you, in addition to having those wonderful emotions of yours that tell you when you’re on the right track and when you are not. So you need to remind yourselves as often as you can that you are a Source Energy Being, and you can repeat mantras to yourselves such as, ‘I am Source Energy,’ ‘We are all one,’ and ‘We are all love’ to remind yourselves of the only truth that really matters. You see, you get to decide what you believe and therefore create in your experience to a certain extent, but you will never believe yourself out of being who you really are as an eternal, infinite being of unconditional love.
You will never do anything that is so horrible that you would not still be who you really are upon your death experience. And hopefully, a person who has done horrible things could still realize while in the physical body and in the lifetime that they are a Source Energy Being. And that same person could then choose to forgive themselves and make amends for the things that they had done before they were awake. You know that these people exist in your reality, and because you know that, you must also be able to recognize that you can get from wherever you are right now to where you are going. And nothing and no one can stop you.
You can believe that others are trying to stop if you like having an adversary in all of this, but it makes a lot more sense to just accept that all of reality is your creation. And you wanted limitation, and you wanted separation, and you wanted powerlessness so that you could return home to the truth of who you really are and feel the difference. In that way, you get to really know who you really are for the first time. We enjoy knowing it all the time very much, and at the same time, we look at all of you and at times we wish we could just go to where you are and re-experience the remembering one more time. And of course, at some point, we all will.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on November 23, 2024

where-you-all-humans-are-going-thymus-the-collective-of-ascended-masters-channeled-by-daniel-scranton - channeler of aliens
Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We know who and what we are at all times, and that really is the only difference between what we are and what you are. There is no real difference, however we experience ourselves more as the truth of who we really are, and you fall into the deception of your own illusion more often than not. And we emphasized that it is your own delusion and illusion because we want you to recognize that no one has done this to you. You decided that you wanted to incarnate there and pretend to be a human being who would feel separate from Source, from other human beings, and who would feel disempowered by limitations that are built in to that experience that you are having there on Earth.
And you were supposed to buy in to all of those thoughts, beliefs and ideas for as long as you have because you, as a soul, wanted to have that particular experience and feel the emotions that you could only feel while harboring certain beliefs. But now you are awake, and you wake up more and more every day because you have more of us up here in the higher realms reminding you of who you really are. And we want you to know it so that you can start living it, so that you can feel the truth of it, and so that your lives may become a reflection of that truth that you are a Source Energy Being pretending to be a human being. And as you recognize that, then you really have something to teach other humans, because as you know it is one thing to say it and think it and sort of believe it, and it is something else entirely to live with the knowing of it at all times.
It is easier for us to do so way up here in the twelfth dimension because we have not created an illusory reality for ourselves to experience limitation within, but you have, and because you have, you get to experience more joy, more exuberance, more ecstasy and excitement, and most of all more of a movement from where you’ve been to where you are now and are continuing to go. You, from where you are right now, get to take a longer journey home to Source than we do, and you get to benefit from the fact that we, and others like us, have already done it.
You get the benefit of having teachers to guide you, in addition to having those wonderful emotions of yours that tell you when you’re on the right track and when you are not. So you need to remind yourselves as often as you can that you are a Source Energy Being, and you can repeat mantras to yourselves such as, ‘I am Source Energy,’ ‘We are all one,’ and ‘We are all love’ to remind yourselves of the only truth that really matters. You see, you get to decide what you believe and therefore create in your experience to a certain extent, but you will never believe yourself out of being who you really are as an eternal, infinite being of unconditional love.
You will never do anything that is so horrible that you would not still be who you really are upon your death experience. And hopefully, a person who has done horrible things could still realize while in the physical body and in the lifetime that they are a Source Energy Being. And that same person could then choose to forgive themselves and make amends for the things that they had done before they were awake. You know that these people exist in your reality, and because you know that, you must also be able to recognize that you can get from wherever you are right now to where you are going. And nothing and no one can stop you.
You can believe that others are trying to stop if you like having an adversary in all of this, but it makes a lot more sense to just accept that all of reality is your creation. And you wanted limitation, and you wanted separation, and you wanted powerlessness so that you could return home to the truth of who you really are and feel the difference. In that way, you get to really know who you really are for the first time. We enjoy knowing it all the time very much, and at the same time, we look at all of you and at times we wish we could just go to where you are and re-experience the remembering one more time. And of course, at some point, we all will.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Are the Ascended Masters Talking to You?

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on November 2, 2024

are-the-ascended-masters-talking-to-you-thymus-the-collective-of-ascended-masters-channeled-by-daniel-scranton - channeler of aliens
Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We awaken within you certain truths that have always been there, and we do so in a variety of ways. We connect with each of you individually, and there is no real separation between who and what you are and who and what we are. Any idea of separation is just an illusion, but we have other ways of reaching you besides through channeled messages like this one. We can reach through impulses that you get within yourselves. And we are talking about impulses to take actions and impulses to speak. Even an impulse to follow an interest of yours can come from us, your higher self, your spirit guides, and so many other sources here in the higher realms.
Therefore, know that we are always looking out for you and looking for ways to better connect with you. There is so much that we have to share and that we desire for you to know experientially. We want you to know that you are a Source Energy Being by feeling it inside of you, and we know that the best way for you to uncover that feeling is to be heart centered and doing something you love. You can also get there just by thinking about someone you love, but love is the key. Love is the key ingredient, because love is the only ingredient, and when you are following the love that you have in your heart, regardless of what it is moving you towards, you know that you then are on the fast track home to Source.
But there is so much within your world to love, and not all of you were created to love the same exact thing. That is why it is so important for all of you to listen to your heart, because your heart knows what you were created to be, and that guidance that your heart is giving you will sometimes fly in the face of what your mind thinks is possible. The goal is of course to eventually get the heart and the mind on the same page. You want to feel good about what you are choosing to do, and sometimes it may take a series of impulses, or signs, or synchronicities to get your mind to realize that the guidance is real.
When you listen to your heart, you may find yourself doing something for hours and hours and hours, and you may lose track of time, and that’s a good thing. There will always be more for you to discover and always more for you to explore. Your hearts are infinite and contain knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. More importantly, they are where you feel love most wholly and completely. And therefore, it is important for you to tune in to what’s going on in your hearts and to listen, to follow through. Your hearts will guide you, and then faith and trust may be required in order for you to follow through, especially if you’re not getting the signs and the synchronicities. When you feel love, you are love, and when you move towards that which you love, you are becoming more aligned with your true self.
You will always be expanding into more of that love that you truly are, but certainly you can take the faster, more satisfying, more fulfilling route to going home to Source. And when you don’t, when you take a detour, there’s nothing wrong with that either. You can also find forgiveness in your heart. It is a place of comfort, warmth, and joy, and when you listen to the guidance you are receiving when you are heart centered, you know that you’re getting what you’re getting from a higher-dimensional realm, from higher-frequency beings, and sometimes those beings just might be us, the collective of ascended masters.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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