As we learn the truth about our heritage, we are moving into a ‘knowledge system’. Triggered by the emerging revelations.
It is a pity that there were no reactions to the previous essay, while the information given explains what and who we are. Are readers so deeply indoctrinated that they don’t realise it’s about them, their children or relatives?
The Human Race in the 5th Dimension

Even Indigo children are mostly no longer children. They have been on Earth for a long time, many are now adults, and it is possible that you reading these lines are one of them. You never know. What may have brought you to this page, perhaps an obsessive question that keeps you awake? Or maybe you know this about yourself, see your indigo aura, and are just curious about which generation you might belong to.
Furthermore, aliens helped to genetically manipulate the human race, while the Anunnaki later crippled human genetics by cutting off 10 of our 12 DNA strands, making humanity their slaves.
The severed strands have been described by mainstream scientists as junk DNA. In fact, we lost almost all, or at least most, of our abilities and were genetically re-tuned to become better slaves, functioning and existing on only two remaining strands of DNA.
When all 12 strands of our DNA are finally restored, we will have truly amazing abilities. We will be able to use 100% of our brains according to the original divine design.
In contrast, the majority of humanity is currently only able to access and use 12% of their brain.
The arrival of Indigo beings on Earth is not new. They have been known for a very long time. Some say they have always been here, but their numbers have only increased in the last few decades. As the 20th century drew to a close, many exceptionally gifted, intelligent children with indigo auras and unusually pure hearts began to arrive.
These beings have always been an integral part of human progress. They have led the world as leaders and innovators, and whether they received recognition or not, they were always there.
In the last 50 years their numbers have increased greatly. Careful observation reveals 5 distinct periods or generations, each lasting about a decade. Each of these Indigo Generations has its own unique characteristics that set it apart.
Here are the 5 Indigo Generations:
First: Generation Alpha
This is the generation that appeared here in the years 1958-1968. They were people of blue-violet-green hues, sometimes with bronze flecks in their auras. The most important years of their spiritual awakening (activation) for them were 1986-1996. Around the age of 28.
Second: The Beta Generation
This indigo generation was born between 1968 and 1978. They were born with the same colours as those before them, blue-purple-green. The only difference is that they did not have bronze tones. They were born between 1996 and 2006.
Third: Generation Gamma
This indigo generation was born between 1978 and 1988. They differ greatly from the previous two generations in that they have little or no auric spots. Their colour is mainly violet. This is the first generation to experience what has become known as early ADHD in childhood. The period of greatest spiritual awakening for this generation is between 2006 and 2016.
Fourth Generation Delta
This generation of Indigo people were born between 1988 and 1998. They are considered pure or unadulterated Indigo because they have absolutely no stains. In some cases they have only crystal or otariine flecks.
Of all the Indigos, they tend to be on the wild side of the ADHD spectrum if they are problem children.
Watch out for labels such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder), Asperger’s Syndrome, forms of autism and dyslexia. However, these labels may be the result of our lack of understanding of how these generations function or perceive reality.
The crystal element in their auric field needs to be grounded. Stimulation with drugs is highly inappropriate for their system and should be avoided. It is advisable to use warm and pastel colours in their environment to keep them calm. This is very important as they become stressed in an overstimulated environment full of flashing lights and sounds. The main period of their spiritual activation is from 2016 to 2026.
Fifth Generation Omega
This is the Indigo generation, born between 1998 and 2008. This generation is said to be the last of the pure Indigos, with only a few cohorts coming after them. This Indigo generation has the same problems as the Delta generation in adapting to the environment.
It is very likely that this generation is born into families of previous Indigos and/or is the reincarnation of the first or second generation of Indigos.
The awakening years of this Indigo generation are between 2026 and 2036. But it can shift or change according to different situations.
After this generation there will be a decline in the population of people with an Indigo aura.
Although it is quite rare to see people under the age of 30 awakening, it is not that it does not happen. They are just very rare. Some Indigos, like your author, are awakened from birth, so there is no such thing as a spiritual awakening.
However, the time of spiritual activation is the time when the Indigo sees their true self, understands who they are and accepts their mission. Removing the mask reveals their hidden potential and psychic abilities.
- However, if they are not guided properly, this time can be very traumatic for them. At such a time, good guidance, partnership, support, a place to trust, to find peers, to gain knowledge and the opportunity to share it is essential.
- Note: The timelines mentioned in this essay do not mean that someone born before or after these dates cannot be an Indigo. It is simply a period when the Indigo population came in large numbers, in waves.
Interdimensional magic that defies knowledge and science
How can aliens, and by extension physical spaceships, change shape as has been observed many times by various spotters?
These aliens seem to use interdimensional magic that is clearly beyond our current knowledge and science. They can disappear before our eyes, using interdimensional portals where they hide in parallel dimensions, invisible to our eyes, like radio stations on different wavelengths.
We cannot create dimensions, but we can create realities. You should know that you can create anything you wish. We have been abused by our ignorance and enslaved by a belief system that has limited our thinking.
Peter B Meyer