Beloved Ones,
As we continue transfiguring into crystalline-based light beings, self-care is vital to provide our bodies with the support required to heal and evolve.
We are undergoing a very intense phase this year of SOL-AR integration, for we not only are being assisted by our Central Sun but also by our Aurora family to transform our bodies completely. It is now more than ever when nourishment, hydration, loving thoughts, and compassionate witnessing for our unique process and that of All must prevail if we are willing to continue moving forward.
During this process of density emancipation that many of you are initiating, my Guides invite us to become more aware of what intoxicates and destabilizes our bodies, which occurs when we unintentionally poison our bodies with many inorganic foods and modified ones, and other substances that can literally destroy our body cells, and impede the process of regeneration and crystallization that we are undergoing.
At this time when many of you are moving into the initial phases of physical ascension, it is important to discern all we put into our bodies and minds, for there are things we cannot control, such as chemtrails, wifi waves, and many others, but there are some we can, as the foods we eat and the liquid we ingest.
GMO foods are often part of what modifies our DNA, as well as many other inorganic sources we are also exposed to that distort our fascia, nervous system, and brain complex, pivotal in ascension to start the process of body reconnection and ascension.
Our brain has a fluid as you know called the cerebrospinal fluid, which flows throughout the brain spaces, spinal cord, and in between the meninges. This is the one that protects our spinal cord and the one that initiates the transportation of the light within our brain and to our spinal cord and fascia, carrying the light God Frequencies we descend and that shall be transported into all of our bodies and organs.
When we eat modified foods, drink unhealthily, and do not exercise, in the way we can and if we can, as many conditions may impede us from exercising, this fluid and our brain in general experience damage, and with it the many functions it does.
Our mission is to help our body integrate, decode, and transport the crystalline transmissions that we are receiving at this time and that is helping us initiate or take further the process of physical ascension, a process that will be key during 2025, as it will be a year of termination, release, but also of beginnings, liberation, and further spiritual reconnection.
Our crystalline fascia complex, together with our nervous system, is key to carrying the Light we descend into our entire body and DNA.
Our nervous system as you know can be divided into passive, parasympathetic, (female), and excited, sympathetic (masculine). An excited nervous system, so to speak, will not be able to conceive, whether literally or giving birth to our soul’s creations, relax, surrender, and move forward, for it is intoxicated by lower thoughts, emotions, foods, stress, trauma, and hence soul fragmentation.
Balance in our nutrition is key to shifting what does not work in our bodies and no healing method can dissolve, for only we can listen to our bodies and emotions, detect and scan where the trauma, wound, or misalignment is, and heal it.
Ascension is not just about having the intention to evolve, or about doing lots of healing exercises and visualization, but about the combination of all that triggers the process of density emancipation and soul liberation that many of you are already experiencing.
Many times it is not about healing tools, but about shifting emotions, and thoughts and distilling negative self-talk.
Others it is simply about eating more consciously.
We are all unique and as the only authorities of our bodies, we are the only ones who can move within, talk to our DNA, reprogram what has been distorted, and start rehabilitating our authentic essence and the Divine Order within, for as it is within, so will be without.
May you continue embracing freedom, and reclaiming your power as a sovereign master healer, beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,