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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Transmissão do Reino dos Mestres Ascensionados

Saint Germain

Canal: Daniel Scranton

Tradução a 5 de fevereiro de 2025

Sou Saint Germain, guardião da Chama Violeta.
Acolho sempre os seus pensamentos, as suas perceções sobre como é viver no planeta Terra enquanto ser humano. Pode falar comigo a qualquer momento e saiba que as linhas de comunicação entre nós estão sempre abertas. Não há uma verdadeira separação entre nós. Isso é uma ilusão. Sei que vocês enfrentam desafios aí na Terra que nós não enfrentamos aqui no plano não físico, e quero sempre que todos saibam que têm ajuda e que nós nos preocupamos.
É verdade que temos de permitir que tenha as suas experiências e passe pela sua dor e pelo seu sofrimento, mas isso não significa que o estejamos a ignorar durante aqueles momentos em que chega ao fundo do poço, quando está nesse momento de desespero. Estamos aí convosco, enviando amor, cura e compaixão, e estamos a ouvir. Agora, dei-vos a ferramenta da chama violeta para usarem para se ajudarem a si próprios. E quero que saibam que ela está sempre disponível para cada um de vós. Não precisa de um certificado especial para aceder ou utilizar a chama violeta, e o meu objetivo é que se veja como igual a mim e igual a todos os outros seres humanos do seu planeta.
Desta forma, saberá que é digno de receber ajuda e que tem tanto acesso à chama violeta como qualquer outra pessoa que pareça mais espiritualmente desperta do que por vezes se sente. Está espiritualmente desperto porque está a receber esta mensagem, e está na hora de reconhecer que tem acesso a muito mais. Tem acesso à totalidade do não físico. E, por vezes, no auge do desespero, abre-se e recebe.
E é assim que tudo lhe serve. É por isso que lhe é permitido existir tal como é. Alguns de vós planeiam uma vida para si próprios onde sabem que haverá perda, dor e sofrimento, e planeiam dessa forma para si próprios porque sabem que provavelmente chegarão ao fundo do poço, estarão no poço do desespero e abrirão as comportas para o não físico, e, num momento, deixarão entrar tudo o que pediram durante toda essa vida. E terá uma experiência que não poderia ter tido de outra forma.
E a sua história inspirará outras pessoas, especialmente aquelas que já se sentem num poço de desespero há muito tempo ou que já caíram nele e procuram uma saída. Todos têm acesso igual, mas nem todos o sabem. Todos são tão dignos como todos os outros, e se realmente quer servir os outros, vê-los-á dessa forma e dir-lhes-á que sabe que isso é verdade porque, no final do dia, também quer ver todos os outros a terem acesso igual a tudo o que são e a tudo o que acham que precisam, tal como temos nos reinos superiores.
E sim, também pode contar às pessoas sobre a ferramenta que descobriu, chamada chama violeta, e pode dizer-lhes que funcionou para si algumas vezes e pode funcionar para elas. E então sentir-se-á como o mestre ascensionado que realmente é, porque estará a dizer às pessoas o que lhe estou a dizer do reino dos mestres ascensionados neste momento.
Sou Saint Germain, guardião da Chama Violeta.
Daniel Scranton
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)
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Transmission from the Ascended Master Realm

By Saint Germain

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Posted on February 5, 2025

I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I always welcome your thoughts, your insights on what it’s like to live there on planet Earth as a human being. You can speak to me at any time, and please know that the lines of communication between us are always open. There is no real separation between us. That is an illusion. I know that you face challenges there on Earth that we do not face here in the nonphysical, and I always want you all to know that you have help and that we care.
It is true that we have to allow you to have your experiences and to go through your pain and your suffering, but it doesn’t mean that we are ignoring you during those times when you’ve hit rock bottom, when you’re at that moment of despair. We are there with you, sending you love, healing, and compassion, and we are listening. Now, I have given you the tool of the violet flame to use to help yourselves. And I want you to know that it’s always available to each and every one of you. You don’t need a special certificate to access or use the violet flame, and it is my goal that you see yourself as being equal to me and equal to every other human being on your planet.
That way, you will know that you are worthy of receiving help and that you have just as much access to the violet flame as anyone else who may seem more spiritually awake than you sometimes feel. You are spiritually awake, because you are receiving this message, and it is time for you to recognize that you have access to so much more. You have access to the entirety of the nonphysical. And sometimes, while in the pit of despair, you open up and you receive.
And that is how everything serves you. That is why it is allowed to exist as it is. Some of you plan a life for yourselves where you know there will be loss, there will be pain, and there will be suffering, and you plan it that way for yourselves because you know you will then be likely to hit rock bottom, to be in the pit of despair, and to open up the floodgates to the nonphysical, and you will, in a moment, let in all that you have asked for throughout that entire lifetime. And you will have an experience that you couldn’t have otherwise had.
And your story will inspire others, especially those who have felt pit-of-despair adjacent for a long time or who have already plummeted into it and are looking for a way out. Everyone has equal access, but not everyone knows that. Everyone is as worthy as everyone else, and if you really want to be of service to others, you will see them that way, and you will tell them that you know it to be true because, ultimately, you also want to see everyone else as having equal access to all that they are and all that they think they need, just as we do in the higher realms.
And yes, you can also tell people of the tool that you have discovered called the violet flame, and you can tell them that it has worked for you at times and it might work for them. And then you will feel like the ascended master that you really are because you will be telling people what I am telling you from the realm of the ascended masters right now.

I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

Daniel Scranton 



On the Blogs:
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Insights into Understanding Ourselves

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on February 5, 2025

We are gradually and ultimately moving into a realm where everything will be wiped clean. Gradually and steadily our accustomed way of life is dissolving. Because we can learn to create whatever we need, we will be free of assets and liabilities. We can live however we want in the enhancement of all life. We can no longer believe in or recognize aging, suffering and death for ourselves. We can be completely free of anything outside of our own conscious direction.
Already we have free choice in how we want to think and feel about our lives. We can learn to direct our focus of attention in every moment to the energetic patterns and scenarios that give us joy. As our remaining limiting beliefs about ourselves become obvious, we can realize their discordance with the way we want to be. If we want to make our lives easy, without stress or fear, we can give our complete attention to the way we feel in our heart. Unaffected by anything outside of the vibrations that we emit, we determine the qualities of our experiences.
By paying attention to the energies that we love, and in understanding everything from the perspective of compassion and gratitude, we elevate and shape our own energy signature into enjoyable vibrations. These attract resonating experiences, opening our awareness to greater enhancement of life. In this state of Being, we are beyond duality, and our needs and desires are fulfilled. We do not need anything from our former world of experience. We can imagine our increasing vitality, and we can realize that our bodies are regenerating.
Our entire world happens in our own consciousness. By recognizing energetic patterns of swirling light-beings in the quantum field, we make them real in our experience. In the physical world, everything is comprised of sub-microscopic light beings, swirling at light-speed in patterns that our consciousness interprets as material reality. Only with our attention and belief, are they real in our presence. Although we have allowed ourselves to be trained to overlook their consciousness and light-essence, they are nevertheless light beings in their essence, and they comprise everything in our world. In the structure of our bodies, from the subatomic entities to our entire physical presence, we are conscious beings of light. We radiate electromagnetic energy of light, which our consciousness interprets as stimuli of our senses. What really is this consciousness of light? 
Quantum scientists have determined that all subatomic beings appear to have a species consciousness that is universal throughout the cosmos. We also have a species consciousness that is universal throughout the cosmos, and which we can be aware of, even though we have a kind of localized presence of being within the awareness of our essence. Together with all the subatomic entities comprising our bodies, we have an inner knowing beyond rational thought and emotional feelings, but expressing itself through them. It is a kind of telepathy that pervades human consciousness and beyond, and it is part of our nature. It comes to us when we are in a placid state of being with our presence vibrating in gratitude, love and compassion, because these vibrations bring us into alignment with our innate level of receptivity.
By focusing upon people and situations from the perspective of compassion and love, we can resolve our limiting beliefs, and have unlimited power in our attention and energetic alignment with the creative source of our life.
It is possible for us to realize the majesty of our creative essence by imagining and feeling what it is like. We are everything and nothing always. We are our presence of awareness beyond space and time. We are non-localized beyond physicality, unless we express ourselves in some way, such as through our physical bodies. We are the ones who see through our physical eyes and experience everything that our bodies experience. At the same time, we are beyond time, living as a conscious presence with infinite creative potential, realizing our expanded conscious reality.
Kenneth Schmitt
Click above for more on Kenneth web page.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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Avoid the News

A Message from The Collective

Channel: Caroline Oceana Ryan
Posted on January 30, 2025




Avoid the News, Empath! Keep your energies higher than that!
Especially if you’re an empath, it’s crucial now to release the habit of being over-informed.
It’s easy to be manipulated by the lower energies of most news reports.
So let the news cycle go, and open to receive the Love and support shared from the beautiful beings of the Collective in their latest Message to Lightworkers:


This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Star Nations families, Earth elements, Fae elders, Angelic legions, Dragon tribes, and other Light Beings known as the Collective.

THE COLLECTIVE: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to speak with you today.

And so, our writer has asked that we speak to the current situation on the Earth, as so much is happening now that feels to be disturbing or difficult as it reaches you in news reports, or online discussions or interpretations of what is going on now.

Many are online offering insights of one kind or another.

Much of it is the strictly “left-brain” viewpoint of modern journalism, which it must be said, is often a kind of storytelling based on false information or supposition, much of it based on “official statements” from the old power structure.

Some of what one hears online are messages received from psychics or intuitives. Some of it, very spiritually aware in essence.

And some of what reaches you is a combination of these.

And we would say, listen to your inner nudges, and respect the leanings of your own heart-space, friends, regarding what or how much to take in of this ongoing torrent of information.

Take in only that which flows positively with your energies and outlook, and leave the rest.

You will still receive enough information to know what is basically happening, yet will not be overwhelmed, or manipulated into feeling bad about life.

You may choose not to watch the mainstream or even the alternative news reports anymore, for example, if you feel your energetic vibration lowering as you do so.

This does not mean that you no longer care about other people, and what is happening in the world.

Most assuredly, you do care! You care greatly.

We see that in your heart-space.

And that sensitivity is a very great reason to guard your emotions and your mental focus from manipulation of any kind.

You may be aware of the spells that were long ago cast on your modern news media, to bring the vibration of the listener or viewer down to feelings of extreme passivity, sorrow, loss, even hopelessness.

You will need to retrain your thinking now, so as to choose only that news which you feel in your heart-space is honest and real, as well as encouraging, as your world is in many ways still steeped in third dimensional forms and vibrations.

We would also say, gather your own news!

As you get quiet and tune in inwardly, what are you feeling or sensing is happening on the Earth now?

As you tune into Lady Gaia Herself, and tune into these beautiful Golden Light particles flowing to Earth, affecting every living thing, and Ascending their frequencies to new and higher levels—what are you sensing?

Are you sensing the despair that the news reports often spark in the viewer?

Or are you feeling the aliveness of these Light particles, and the power of their Transformative presence?

Are you starting in some ways to remember lives in which you related to Nature as a collection of individual presences, roles, and personalities, all of them woven into one beautiful, shining fabric?

If you can find a bit of woods to hike in (weather permitting), or a patch of trees in a city park, or some plant or animal life on the land you live on—what do you sense there?

Right now, all of Nature is tuning in to the intergalactic messages and solar tonal vibrations being flowed to Earth and Her beings.

Nature’s beautiful living presences are rejoicing that their own prayers have been heard, and that their own voices of Creation (and yours) can now become stronger.

Much of this is palpable to the one who is willing to tune into it, and to rejoice at the New Life pouring in to everyone on Earth, whatever their circumstances.

You may have read how some of the contacts of the White Knights of the Ashtar Command at, in their News Updates, speak of how “everything is getting better and brighter” on the planet.

Yet this realization is not easily reached by the one who is taken in by the dark presentations of the old order, in this great holographic field you live in.

This out-playing of thought and energy that most still take as “reality” is anything but, friends!

Yet your experiences and soul journeys are most assuredly real.

This is so, even if you rarely find time to laugh, or to enjoy the colorful brilliance of the flowers or fruits at the market, or do not see the miracles that are trees, small children, and animals.

If you will take a moment to breathe, to stop demanding that the world fix itself so you can feel better about it, something miraculous then has room to flow to you.

You may more feel than hear the tonal vibrations flowing to Earth now to lift every heart, illuminate every mind, detoxify every body.

You may become aware of the movement of many millions of ships—fleets of beings you call “ETs” (though some are family to you), and Angelics of every order, as well as Archangels and Ascended Masters, working constantly to steer the great ship you live on into a place of Peace and higher Light.

We are aware, of course, that many of you are stressed with work deadlines, family issues, health issues, bills to pay, and so on.

We are aware that you are not blissfully floating about some great starship and greeting old friends at your leisure—

Or are you?

Can you account for where your spirit and consciousness are, every moment of the night as your body is sleeping?

You cannot, for you do not see the colorful portals of Light you travel through in your spirit body each night, to meet your soul family, and to confer with them and others on your Earth mission.

You speak to them often about your soul growth in this Earth life. And where the Earth is headed now in those areas you are dedicated to assisting.

All things must change, dear ones.

So much is shifting now that does not speak to you only through your outer eyes and ears.

As you Ascend, you are regaining the ability to hear and to see inwardly, especially as you meet in meditation with your guides and higher self, your soul family, or any beautiful being of Light you wish to connect with.

Many of you are recalling the lives in which you connected easily with the Faery realm, or a Dragon friend, or spoke inwardly with animals.

Or with trees, and heard their histories.

For trees are great storytellers. And all of their stories are real ones!

All of this is real, as well as the fact that you are greatly loved and assisted now by beings who have existed for thousands, even millions of years, and whose voices are available to you if you will listen.

For some, hearing inwardly is easily accomplished—they simply call on whomever they wish to speak with, ask their question, and listen as the answer comes forth.

Others receive information in outer ways—in symbols they might see or things they read, or comments in conversation that seem to be sheer coincidence, yet they know in their heart that this is a message they are meant to receive.

Others will say to their Spirit team, “Just drop your guidance into my thinking! Infuse my thoughts with your wisdom.

“I’ll know it’s you. Those ideas will just feel Lighter, and will bring me some form of Peace I didn’t have before.”

Others receive images or messages in dreams, through oracle cards, through automatic writing or drawing—choose what you feel most comfortable with, dear ones!

But open to this higher wisdom as your new “news report,” and the one most applicable to your life.

Affirm aloud now if you wish, “I AM open to receiving Divine Knowing and Divine Wisdom at all times!”

And release the obsession with receiving information outwardly, as if that were the only way to learn about something.

As a baby, you had no faculty for such—yet look at how quickly you learned so much, and mainly from your intuition and very open connection to this Universe!

You may know the beautiful old reminder, “Listen! The Earth is singing.”

Remind yourself of this often, for indeed the Earth is singing!

And cease to crown as king or queen of your thoughts and emotional vibration anyone with a microphone or a news desk who seems to speak authoritatively on something you feel you know little about.

You know more than they do, friends! Believe us as we say that.

Because your gaze is lifted far higher than that narrow sliver of false or misleading information that the old power structure allows them to share with you.

They have no authority. All of that is yours now.

And so, will you rejoice in that, and treat all, including yourself, with great kindness now?

Your leadership as a Being of Light and higher Love is much needed, and irreplaceable in your Ascending world.

Move into that space, and give Thanks, even when all your “modern world” training says that is nonsense.

You have outgrown them.

We send much Love, dear ones—you are much further down the path than you can imagine!

All Is Well.

Namaste! We are with you, always.

Caroline Oceana Ryan





Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2025
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The Cocreation of Wholeness, Oneness and Love

By Judith Kusel

Posted on January 5, 2025


I was doing a lot of research to which I was led, regarding intense insights, upgrades, and visions I had been given since before Christmas.
I always like to, when I am given certain information, back it up with research, especially when I am being shown certain places on earth and the information will always come to me, and always has.
This is not because I doubted the information, but because I wished to fully understand this, within the context of human history, or discernment of certain negative patterns we so often followed, not only as souls, but also as the collective.
For these negative patterns, they have repeated themselves for millennia and now at last, can be dissolved. Therein lies the great blessing!
We have now stepped into an accelerated moment, when the sun discs are being released which contain immensely powerful esoteric information, activations, and indeed work with the activation of the new humanity, in the seventh dimensional state, the original state of the first paradise on earth!
These come directly from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, and thus from the Divine Prime Creator.
The 7th Central Sun is the Sun beyond Sun, and one of the twelve original Central Suns which were first created, to which this Universe, galaxy and solar system belonged to from the very beginning.
The central Sun are like great Libraries of cosmic knowledge, yet eternally One with the Prime Creator and are conscious.
At this moment, the reconnection to this Central Sun is so powerful that it is changing everything and everyone to the very core.
Now, throughout the whole history of the earth (and it is far more ancient than we even have any inkling of for history has been rewritten by the conquerors so many times to suit themselves), certain patterns repeated themselves which caused the downfall and demise not only of the first paradise, but all those who rose afterwards.
These are now systematically being dismantled. And this includes the collective as well as the individual soul.
We all have soul records, and we all have a certain mission to fulfill, and to which we agreed to, before we were born.
We have twelve higher guides, who stay with us as souls throughout our soul journeys, whether on this planet, or elsewhere in the Universe, or Omni-Verse.
We are before birth then shown what patterns we created with other souls, but also while on earth, with the collective, whether with “family” or with the collective.
We were simultaneously informed about the Old Earth dissolving, and then the New Earth being born (as happened on the 5 July 2020) and the now, the New Golden Age, being anchored in.
You were informed, and you shown where you greatest challenges would lie, and where you need to release and dissolve old patterns, through true forgiveness of yourself and others, and letting go of all shame, blame and guilt, but simultaneously, the soul work you would be doing in the inner planes, for our souls, do not just render highest service, in the physical planes, but all levels of our souls.
Many of us are already bilocating, and doing work on multiple levels, and I know this to be true for myself.
We were given this assignment, with the full knowing of what it would entail, although we knew as well, life can only be fully lived, each breathing moment, and that our own choices would ultimately then determine the outcome.
This is especially important to grasp. Nothing is ever happening, which does not serve your soul at some higher level, and how you deal with it, then determines the outcome of all else.
You agreed with this, like many of us, as on the course, to gaining master as planetary logos, or even galactic logos or universal, depending on your own soul, and its infinite journeys, simultaneously and multi-dimensional.
This life is just a tiny fraction of what your soul is already doing on all levels in multi-universes! We are all cosmic souls and not earthly bound!
The more aware you become, the more you know who and what you are on soul level, and then also will remember what you need to remember, or consciously bilocate and clearly see what you are doing.
There are no boundaries – boundaries are illusionary.
These old patterns will now surface at rapid rates, not only for us, but for the collective, and nowhere will this be more obvious than in the “ruling” structures, the structures on which the whole old society was built, the all the systems, pertaining to this. All need to dissolve now and will be cracked open to the very core.
Yet, remember that the ONE IS THE MANY, and MANY ARE THE ONE.
For the ONE who is open to truly letting go of all the old negative patterns, especially of fear, of pain and suffering, or judgement, self and others, and then rises in consciousness and in soul empowerment, has a ripple effect on the whole, like the hundred monkeys effect.
It takes ONE soul who has a consciousness level over seven hundred to influence millions. (Dr. David R. Hawkins: “Power vs Force).
See, now how important it is to let go. To release. More than this, to truly now step into the fullness and truth of who and what you are, as a soul, and to live it with great love, and serve with love and joy!
More than this I will not say.
Let your own higher soul self, speak, and listen. You will always be given as much as you manage at one time, and never more than that.
Your whole progress is monitored by those twelve higher guides, and your own Ascended Masters, as well as those whom you choose to work with.
Add to this the Divine Source, or Prime Creator, who resides within and always has, for your infinite soul is always ATONE with its Source.

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Insights into Our Human Potential

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on December 29, 2024 

Because of our sense impressions, we assume that there are many inanimate objects in our reality. This is only due to our insensitivity and lack of deep awareness. Quantum physicists have designed technology that can look deeply into the molecular and atomic structure of things. What they have found is that everything is made of swirling patterns of light configured in various densities, some of which appear solid to our senses. On a subatomic level, every wave/particle exhibits conscious awareness. When photons are directed toward a goal, they find every possible pathway to it. They are aware of other photons everywhere and act perfectly according to their nature. All subatomic entities exhibit conscious awareness beyond the capabilities of our human minds. Our entire bodies are comprised of conscious entities. There is no part of us that is inanimate.
Even rocks, crystals, rain drops, wind and every strand of our hair is a conscious being, comprised of conscious entities. Because of the limitations of our human awareness, we have been tricked into believing that our world is full of inanimate things, and that we live in a solid, empirical world. In reality, everything is a mystery to our ego-consciousness. The reality that we share consists of illusions that we make real by our interactions and recognition of the energy patterns that we perceive.
We have been interacting with everyone and everything as if we are separate beings in ourselves, unaware that every atom in our bodies is part of the consciousness that contains everything. Not every conscious entity has free will in the expression of its essence. Most entities act in accordance with their predetermined nature. Humans, however, freely direct our attention and emotions as we choose, but we also have an innate knowing, just like the photons and protons, and it goes far beyond what we have been aware of. It is part of the consciousness that envelops and creates all conscious beings, and we can have access to all of it, because we are fractals of the Creator’s infinite consciousness, and we inherently have Self-Realization beyond spacetime.
The only reason that we do not know who we are is because we agreed to expand universal consciousness by experiencing what it would be like to feel that we are separate beings within a limited consciousness, apart from our true essence. We imposed limiting beliefs upon ourselves and have lived with them for eons, but our inherent capabilities are far beyond any technology. The requirement for us to realize our essence is for us to align our awareness with our inner knowing in the creation and enhancement of all life in unconditional acceptance and love. This is the vibratory energetic expression that opens us to the limitless possibilities of our divine essence. This is the energy of our heart-consciousness, which lives to invigorate and enhance our lives, regardless of what we do to it. It is absolutely accepting of everything and just continues to keep us alive as much as it can.
We impose our own limitations upon our heart-consciousness, and we can dissolve these in the focus upon infinite love and joy. Fear becomes unreal in the presence of life-enhancement. When we actually believe that everything is alive and conscious, we see the light in everything and everyone. When we practice believing that we are telepathic, for instance, and we actualize our belief, we become telepathic. We already are these things, but we haven’t believed it, and so we have prohibited our awareness of them. Once we are aware that we voluntarily abide by these limitations, we can resolve them and unlimit ourselves.
Kenneth Schmitt
Click above for more on Kenneth web page.


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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Understanding UFOs: Military, Interstellar, and Interdimensional Insights

By Brian Shillhavy

Posted on December 7, 2022




I am re-publishing Dr. John Gideon Hartnett’s excellent article, Understanding UFOs: Military, Interstellar, and Interdimensional Insights.

Dr. Hartnett is an Australian scientist who holds a PhD in physics from The University of Western Australia, and has gained international recognition for developing the world’s most precise clock, the cryogenic sapphire oscillator (CSO). (Source.)

His partial bio:

Dr John Gideon Hartnett is an accomplished Australian physicist, cosmologist, and noted biblical creationist.

A PhD holder from The University of Western Australia (UWA), Hartnett has served at both UWA and the University of Adelaide, contributing to over 200 scientific papers.

He was a founding director of a successful startup that has commercialized his research on ultra-stable cryogenic ‘clocks’.

He’s known internationally as a speaker on biblical creation, and has written extensively on the subject, especially from an astrophysics and cosmology perspective.

Hartnett also writes popular science pieces, frequently critiquing man-made climate change and green energy.

He is also a fellow Truth Warrior and my brother in Christ, who stood firm against the tyrannical COVID edicts opposing the Australian Government from 2020 on, and standing on the Truth, even at risk to his own life and career.

Understanding UFOs: Military, Interstellar, and Interdimensional Insights

There are many sightings of multiple UFOs around important military sites. Also that the US government has covered up the truth of visiting aliens / UFOs for decades. It all adds to the mystique which might be used to get the masses to comply with authoritarian diktats.

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), also more recently called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), are sighted and discussed a lot in all media.

Even mainstream legacy media is talking about it as though there are visitors from other star systems visiting Earth because they are concerned about the way we are edging towards nuclear war.

There are many sightings of multiple UFOs around important military sites. Also that the US government has covered up the truth of visiting aliens / UFOs for decades. It all adds to the mystique which might be used to get the masses to comply with authoritarian diktats.

Any discussion of this topic must be related to the history of the universe as well as the physics of putative UFOs as vehicles that can traverse interstellar space.

In my opinion there are only 3 possible areas of investigation to explain UAP:

  1. Military Spacecraft
  2. Interstellar Spacecraft
  3. Interdimensional Craft

After you have read what I have written below let me know if you think there is another category.

Military Spacecraft

I would not be surprised if there were secret developments of Russian and American aerial technology that could appear to some like exotic spacecraft.

And with the modern warfare developments, especially using drones, it is easy to see why many UFO sightings might occur around military bases and military installations.

Perhaps these UAP would fall more into the category of hypersonic missiles, like the Oreshnik (Hazel) ballistic missile recently demonstrated by Russia with a reported speed on re-entry of as high as Mach 10 (10 times the speed of sound at standard temperature and pressure) or about 3.3 km/s (2.1 mi/s).


The Russians demonstrate the launch of their new class of intermediate range hypersonic ballistic missiles. And could it be that this missile is what Iran was referring to when they said: “We have a weapon more lethal than nuclear”?


In the above video on X shockwaves are seen in the atmosphere as warheads descend at hypersonic speeds. These might be viewed by some as UAP.


In this second video on X you see the expanding shockwave as the missile enters the atmosphere.

Such speeds are previous unprecedented and would appear to many as very strange especially when a shockwave appears emanating from the tip, the leading edge, of the hypersonic projectiles.

As soon as a vehicle exceeds the speed of sound through a gas a compression wave forms a wake starting with the leading edge of the craft. The gas molecules fall behind the leading edge of the vehicle because they cannot move any faster than the speed of sound (by definition).

To exceed speeds like Mach 10 in the Earth’s atmosphere requires enormous energy and very intelligent design to overcome the pressure of the shockwave and the subsequent thermal (heating) effects on the hull of the projectile.

For this reason most spacecraft only get up to maximum speeds outside the atmosphere. But some UFOs have been observed to have speeds many times this and do impossible manoeuvres.

See below for further discussion.

Interstellar Spacecraft

In this category there is an issue that underpins all else. It is a question on the existence of life elsewhere in the universe, and the evolution of lifeforms in general.

If life started on Earth by random chance arrangement of biochemicals in a warm pond on the side of a volcano some 3.8 billion years ago and evolved into all the organisms we see today on Earth then surely it must have occurred billions of times on other planets in other stars systems in the 14 billion year history of the universe.

That is the logic. Or illogic.

Well….if none of that is true, but that God created life on planet Earth only thousands of years ago and He created it in various kinds with all the necessary genetic information to diversify by natural selection into various habitats as conditions changed on Earth, then there is no question about interstellar sentient life from other planets.

Secondly, even if you assumed that there are other intelligent aliens living on some other planet out there, the question of interstellar travel presents an insurmountable problem.

The distances are beyond any Star Trek episode you could ever imagine. Faster than light (FTL) travel is physically impossible. Read my 2017 report Warp Drive.

FTL is pure science fiction! The emphasis is on fiction!

No amount of ‘research’ in theoretical physics will ever overcome the physical limitations of the infinite energy required.

Either non-existent exotic matter is needed or added fudge factors are required in the theory. Don’t be fooled by the nerdy language used in so-called research papers like ‘Constant Velocity Physical Warp Drive Solution’.

Don’t be fooled by illustrations either, like this found here. NASA has created concept illustrations of a warp drive ship, such as the IXS Enterprise.

And NASA had to use an illustrator because no warp drive spacecraft exist. There is no real-world image of a spacecraft in a warp bubble, as this concept is purely hypothetical. Creating a warp bubble is just speculative theorizing. More like a fairy tale.

There are many challenges and limitations, which are impossible to overcome. That is because of known physics. For example, the energy requirements are beyond enormous, and the “horizon problem” – where the leading edge of the bubble is beyond the reach of the spacecraft – is a significant obstacle to overcome. And that is an understatement.

There is also the allegations of government coverups on FTL travel. If only we could get President Trump elected all that would be exposed and mankind will be free to travel to the stars like Captain Kirk on the Enterprise. This is demonic lying to deceive gullible minds.

There is a gulf fixed between stars so large that humans have no access to the universe outside our solar system. That was by design of the Creator. Read The Love of Science is Idolatry.

This means no hypothetical aliens can reach Earth. For all practical purposes there can be no other living sentient species outside of the realm of Earth.

You might say, well, what about a worm hole?

Couldn’t super-evolved advanced aliens, who have harnessed the complete power from a star, build a device that generates a worm hole in spacetime? Something like the Stargate in the movie of the same name, linking one planet in another galaxy to Earth, could be developed, couldn’t it?

A worm hole is a theoretical solution to Einstein’s Field Equations (EFEs), but it does not mean they exist in this universe. Perhaps they do in some science fiction universe but not in this one.

There are an infinite number of possible solutions to EFEs but very few have ever been shown to exist in our reality. This is the same problem with FTL travel.

A theoretical solution of EFEs does not guarantee a reality. There are what we call boundary conditions required to solve the EFEs. Choosing those is impossible for conditions that are unknown.

Interstellar travel is humans dreaming to become as gods. This is because he or she (only two sexes as created by God) wants to control his or her own destiny and not answer to God.

God created all life and placed it only on the only known planet that actually supports life. Many extra-solar planets have been found and some in the habitable zone of their planets but not even a tiny blade of grass or a bacterium has ever been detected on any of them. Nor will it ever be. Read Life on Earth 2.0—Really? and Life in the Universe is the Ultimate Miracle.

No amount of money wasted on SETI — the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Life — searching the heavens, over millions of radiofrequency wavelengths, with sophisticated radio-receivers (radio-telescopes), or even at optical wavelengths, can ever result in first contact.

The reason is the big picture. The universe is not a random result of a big bang that occurred billions of years ago. No, it is the creation of God. It is not the product of a disorderly explosion of space, time and matter out of a singularity but the fiat creation of the Self-Existent One, the Creator, who pre-existed His own creation.

Since the big bang never happened, the universe of trillions of galaxies did not evolve out of an initial superheated superdense plasma but was the cool creation by the Creator who wanted to give His creation — mankind — an idea how great He is.

Once you realise that the spontaneous origin of life on Earth and Darwinian evolution is a Big Lie, everything around searching for alien life and little green men visiting us from other star systems becomes irrelevant. It is all Satanic lies, which have been used to reject belief in the Creator God in favour of mankind as the creator of his own universe.

Read Aliens Are All Around Us? and New Habitable Worlds, Aliens, and New Organisms Existing in Interplanetary Space.

Interdimensional Craft

This brings me to the third category. I believe that this is the one that is the most relevant to this discussion, which I have written quite a bit on before.

Aliens are visiting us more now than in the past 100 years when biblical faith was very strong in Western societies. Why is that?

I suggest it is because these lying entities — aliens– are portraying themselves to people through occultic practices, like channeling, and more. They are aliens alright but not aliens from another star system. They are aliens from another dimension — hell. Hence the rise in overt worship of demons and Satan.

Read Aliens Have Invaded Earth! and Aliens Among Us!

As space exploration technology developed the lying demon spirits had to change their story. They couldn’t say they come from Venus or Saturn anymore so they had to move their origin farther out into the galaxy. They now say they come from some other star system, like Zeta Reticuli, a binary star system in the southern constellation of Reticulum at about 39.3 light-years distance from Earth.

Zeta Reticuli is known among UFO enthusiasts as the home of a species of alien life forms who visited Earth in the 1960s and abducted a married couple by the name of Betty and Barney Hill. Source

Very often the modern-day so-called aliens identify themselves with names like Aster, Astor or Asherah. So little has changed since the ancient Canaanites worshipped their false gods. Read Gods of the Present Age are Lying Spirits!

These modern day gods are very skilful in portraying themselves as a scientifically advanced species to those minds who are foolish enough to open themselves to demonic possession.

Can demonic alien entities materialise in this realm, in our 3D world?

Yes, they can. They now present themselves as a scientifically advanced race from another star system, who have come to Earth to help save mankind from its own destruction.

Of course, you must voluntarily give yourself over to them. They entice humans through trickery and deception. Satan in the form of a serpent (a snake) in the Garden of Eden is a good example (Genesis 3:1). The snake could speak Eden’s language.

But also they are able to demonstrate transmogrification of what appear to be alien spacecraft.

Can alien interdimensional ‘space’ craft materialise in this 3D world?

Yes, it would appear that they can. Many demonic practices are associated with manifesting demons and various paraphernalia. Magic/sorcery is one such method, and it is condemned by God. Demonically inspired magicians can conjure objects and creatures. The magicians of Pharoah’s court conjuring snakes is one example (Exodus 7:11-12).

So why not a UFO or UAP type craft?

Let’s briefly think about the physics of some of these observed objects.

Assuming they are material objects and therefore have mass, do they experience the inertial forces that all known objects experience on Earth and in the solar system?

They have been observed to do instantaneous U-turns. That would imply the occupants experience near infinite forces while decelerating and accelerating. They also have been observed to disappear and reappear (rematerialize) some distance away with no time lag.

No object or vehicle with mass can make such moves. These alien craft must be massless and move in another dimension outside of our 3 spatial dimensions. Also they must be massless to levitate in Earth’s gravitational field which they are seen to do. Therefore they cannot be made of normal matter.

The behaviour of the aliens is always nefarious or mischievous, so I must conclude that they do not come to give joy rides in their space vehicles but instead to demonically possess humans and control their behaviour. To use a scientific sounding word ‘spacecraft’ is just a cover story as part of the great deception.

What does interdimensional mean?

Another word used is ‘interdimensional’. It is sounds more acceptable than coming out of the abyss, from the darkness of hell.

The scriptures speak of a ‘bottomless pit’ or in Greek ἄβυσσος (abussos) meaning ‘depthless, bottomless’ and an infernal ‘abyss’ (Revelation 9:1-2,11; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1,3).


1 And I saw an angel [Greek ἄγγελος aggelos (angelos), lit. a messenger] come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.


Revelation 20:1-3 AKJV

An understanding of this passage involves some eschatology. My personally held belief is that vision describes Jesus, the only person with sufficient power to bind Satan in the abyss.

Satan is bound for the period from the time Christ walked the Earth with His disciples until a time just before the end of the age when God’s judgments fall on the wicked and the saved are resurrected. The thousand years only represents a long period of time.

Binding here means that Satan could not deceive the nations until after he is released from the pit.


7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison [which implies from the bottomless pit],
8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.


Revelation 20:7-8 AKJV

For a short period before the final judgment and battle of the wicked of the Earth against God’s saints Satan is released by Jesus and therefore can deceive the nations once again. Hasn’t the level of wickedness and deception really exploded lately?

The bottomless pit or the abyss is a spiritual prison of some kind. It is not a black hole or a worm hole.

Black holes are composed of normal matter and energy, even though that is beyond their event horizon, and we can’t see it. The object is so compact that even light (i.e. photons) cannot escape the black hole’s event horizon due to the curvature of spacetime at the horizon. They are the described by the Schwarzschild solution to EFEs.

So we can consider black holes are massive particles with the properties of only mass, charge and spin.

The gravitational field of a black hole only affects normal matter and photons, which have energy, such that they gravitate and interact with other normal matter.

Then there is the alleged Dark Matter that gravitates but does not interact with normal matter. It is totally fictional so I don’t include that in this discussion.

The abyss could not be a black hole that God used to bind Satan because he is a spiritual being with a ‘body’ made of ‘exotic material’, not matter of this physical world. There is no light in him even though he was once the top angel in heaven and called Lucifer, the light bearer.

In summary, what we have is an alien deception of incredible proportions. The whole world is now prepared to accept Lucifer as an alien god from another star system.

There is so much talk now of aliens revealing themselves to stop nuclear war and bring peace to the world. Once again Satan is deceiving the nations.


8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all delusion of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 AKJV

Brian Shillhavy





Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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All is Exposed to the Piercing Light of Truth

The Arcturians

By Chellea Wilder

Posted on November 15, 2024




Greetings, We are the Arcturians.

It is an Honor to be speaking with you.

Thank you for this Transmission.

Humanity is currently experiencing a powerful awakening, due to the Massive influx of Frequencies now engulfing your Mother Earth. These Energies are lifting those who have already begun their awakening to a much greater, heightened awareness. This heightened awareness connects you deeply to your psychic essence, triggering dormant abilities.

Recently, more individuals are experiencing an increase in their intuitive abilities. Nurturing this newfound awareness opens the door to insights that go beyond your physical reality.

This Monumental shift in vibration, has also brought with it the exposure, and disclosure, of what has long been hidden from the Human Race.

As Light is brought to the manipulative forces affecting your world, a profound shift is taking place within your existence. The unveiling of these hidden motives is like peeling back the layers of a complex web of deceit and manipulation that has long been woven around your Human society. These dark entities, which have thrived in the shadow, are now finding themselves exposed to the piercing light of truth.

As their power begins to wane, there is a sense of desperation that has gripped these forces, driving them to take drastic and reckless actions in a bid to maintain control. Their once carefully laid plans are unraveling before their eyes, and they are scrambling to cling to the remnants of their influence. Yet, the more they resist, the more apparent it becomes that their time has come to an end.

The awakening of humanity to the true nature of these manipulative forces is a pivotal moment in the evolution of consciousness. It is a call to rise above fear and complacency, to stand in the power of truth and integrity. As the light continues to shine brighter, it illuminates not only the darkness that has clouded your perceptions, but, also the path to a future built on unity and freedom.

As these truths come to light, you also uncover the dark agendas that have attempted to manipulate humanity. The forces of light are here, ready to assist your planet and all its inhabitants.

It is essential to stay alert and discerning. The dark forces thrive on fear, confusion, and division, aiming to maintain control over the unaware. Trusting your heightened intuition becomes vital in navigating this complex landscape.

While the dark forces might express their intimidation, you must remember that the Many Forces of Light are Much more Powerful and always present. Your many Guides and Angels, and other beings of Light, are ready to assist you, and we are just a thought away.

Embracing love and compassion strengthens your spiritual resilience and creates a shield against these negative forces.

Listening closely to your intuition is key. Paying attention to gut feelings or vivid dreams can provide impactful insights.

Humanity and the Earth is on the brink of significant transformation. With greater awareness comes the responsibility to use your gifts for the greater good. Each person plays an essential role in this collective awakening. By shining your light, you inspire others to do the same, creating a positive ripple effect.

As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that real change starts from within. By nurturing your spiritual development, you contribute to the collective evolution that can lead to a brighter future for everyone.

Embracing the growth within yourselves allows you to play an essential role in this awakening. Spiritual mastery is not merely a destination, it is an ongoing commitment to learning, understanding, and embodying love.

As you navigate this journey, welcome the unknown, trust your intuition, and prepare for the beautiful transformation that awaits you.

We are Here with you, Serving Humanity in Love and Light.

We Are the Arcturians.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at



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Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?




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O Ajustador do Pensamento

É o Mestre

Mensagem recebida por Anyas

Traduzida a 11 de novembro de 2024



Oregon, EUA, 10 de junho de 2022
Ajustador do pensamento: "estou muito contente por estares agora a viver num lugar que satisfaz todas as tuas necessidades como santuário e por teres recuperado a paz interior para me procurar e ouvir a minha voz sempre pronta. Como fragmento do Pai, tenho muitas ideias e sabedoria para partilhar convosco.
No início de sua jornada espiritual, confio na influência do Espírito mental adjuvante da intuição até que tome sua primeira decisão moral. À medida que segue suas orientações, cresce em compreensão e conhecimento. Trata-se dum processo experiencial e todos beneficiam ao partilharem livremente os seus momentos comemorativos ah-ah.
Tão abaixo, como acima. Depois de alcançardes o ponto de viragem, quando desejais avidamente conhecer e fazer a vontade do Pai, pedis para serdes conduzidos a partir de dentro. É aqui que entro, feliz por renunciar à minha posição de espera para responder à vossa chamada interior.
Estou, de facto, sempre de plantão, pois valorizo a sua vida mais do que alguma vez saberá. Depositei em vós as minhas esperanças eternas, pois estamos destinados a tornar-nos um e a experimentar juntos as infinitas maravilhas da criação — fazendo a nossa parte para abençoá-la com os nossos pensamentos, sentimentos e ações divinamente inspirados - em colaboração com miríades de criaturas e seres centrados em Deus.
Tendo em mente que eu mantenho uma visão eterna para nós, como você poderia duvidar de que eu não tenho o nosso melhor interesse comum no coração e que, a seu pedido, vou mostrar-lhe como navegar com segurança momento a momento em torno dos refões espalhados ao longo de sua viagem inaugural humana. Tenho um mapa detalhado e levá-lo-ei em segurança de volta ao nosso porto de origem Celestial.”


© Grupo de Progresso 11:11.
Não importa qual seja a pergunta, a resposta é sempre Amor.


Traduzido por  com agradecimentos a: 

As minhas notas:
  • Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso [d'algumas] das religiões dogmáticas.
  • Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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Thought Adjuster

Is The Teacher

Message received by Anyas

Posted on Noveber 11, 2024


Oregon, USA, June 10, 2022
Thought Adjuster: “I am so glad that you are now living in a place that meets all your needs as a sanctuary and that you regained inner peace to search Me out and listen to My ever-ready voice. As a Fragment of the Father, I have so many insights and wisdom to share with you.
At the onset of your spiritual journey, I rely on the influence of the Adjuvant Mind Spirit of Intuition until such time you make your first moral decision. As you follow Its leadings, you grow in understanding and knowledge. It is an experiential process and everyone benefits by freely sharing their celebratory ah-ha moments.
As below, so above. After reaching the turning point when you eagerly desire to know and to do the Father’s will, you ask to be led from within. It is where I come in, happy to relinquish My standby position to answer your inner call.
I am, indeed, always on call as I value your life more than you will ever know. I placed My undying hopes in you, as we are meant to become one and experience together the infinite wonders of creation — doing our part to bless it with our divinely inspired thoughts, feelings, and deeds — in collaboration with myriads of God-centered creatures and beings.
Keeping in mind, that I entertain an eternal vision for ‘us,’ how could you ever doubt that I do not have our best common interest at heart and that, upon your asking, I will show you how to safely navigate moment by moment around the riffs scattered along your human maiden voyage. I have a detailed map and will safely take you back to our heavenly home port.”


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love. 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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