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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Integrity of Mind Body, and Spirit

by Owen Waters

Posted on October 27, 2024

Integrity sounds like a moral issue, but it really isn't. It's just plain common sense.
Integrity means wholeness, completeness. A person with wholeness can focus their energies in one direction. A whole person achieves their life's purpose without the dissipation of energies caused by internal conflicts. They get things done with ease, and then move on to the next activity which further pursues their sense of inner joy.
Imagine, if you worked for an employer who really should have given you a raise in salary many months ago. You want to go and ask for your long-overdue raise, but you're thinking, "Oh, God, I feel so GUILTY!" You may as well give up! At least, until you've resolved the issue of guilt.
Guilt and fear are, of course, part of the tradition that we have inherited from our forebears. That tradition is one of separateness. Separation of people into sexes, races, colors, religions. Then there's the separation of cities via competing sports teams, the separation of nations through battles and war. Even consciousness has been separated into subconscious, superconscious and regular waking states.
Separation is the opposite of wholeness. Separation divides, while integrity unifies.
It's the difference in viewpoints between, for example, "Is your community Protestant or Catholic?" and the response, "Our community contains both Protestants and Catholics."
Integrity is inclusive. Separation is exclusive.
Integrity is the ability to say "and" instead of "or."
Integrity is wholeness, or completeness. Wholeness allows your energies to be directed towards any activity without them being dissipated by inner conflicts. Integrity, therefore, empowers effectiveness.
Integrity of mind, body and spirit begins with spiritual integrity.
The traditions of guilt and fear come from the old reality, which is one of separation. Guilt and fear were primarily tools used to control other people. In the dawning new reality, we find it our responsibility to transform these tools of the dark ages. When your spirit feels crushed by a heavy feeling of guilt or fear, you can either:
a) Go into therapy. In highly stressful or severe cases, professional help should always be your first course of action.
b) Go into meditation to trace the feeling back to its source and find out who originally put that feeling fear or guilt in you. Then, when you understand the original purpose of that programming and its inappropriateness today, you can let it go.
c) Blow it away now, regardless of where it came from, using a statement of freedom, such as;
"I now release this old reality and replace it with the unconditional love which flows through all of Creation. I am Infinite Being."
Today's inherited cultural baggage includes many subconscious archetypes. Among these are the ideas of oaths of obedience, poverty and chastity. Whether you have made these oaths in previous incarnations as a monk or a nun, or just inherited them along with today's cultural mindset, they can be equally debilitating. It is time for these unconscious, outmoded restrictions to go.
Oaths of obedience serve only those in charge of an institution. It has always been easier to be in charge as the anointed leader if no one asks silly questions, like, "Do you really know what you're doing?"
Chastity reduces emotional problems in monasteries. However, in otherwise happy marriages, the same sense of chastity creates problems. Release any deep, inner suspicions that you should be "chaste for life" before your partner wonders if you're distancing yourself from them because you don't love them any more. Then, instead, you can be chased for life!
Poverty allows monks and nuns to focus on serving their institution. In today's commercial world, however, it causes ineffectiveness. If you harbor the suspicion that your bank account should be perpetually empty, then letting go of that belief in poverty will open up huge doors of personal freedom. In today's world, you can only pursue your greatest joys, especially during retirement, if you have the necessary resources. Travel, study, adventures and hobbies all take funds. At one time, a vow of poverty let you focus on your purpose. Today, however, it makes you miss out on most of the potential fun in life.
Here's how to release outdated, subconscious oaths of obedience, chastity, poverty, and anything else that crimps your modern-day lifestyle.
When the time feels right for your own personal Declaration of Independence, enter a quiet state, and then declare;
"By the power vested in me by my existence within Infinite Being, I now cancel all of those unconscious vows and obligations which no longer serve me. I release these now, and I replace them with the unconditional love which flows through all of Creation. I am Infinite Being."
Owen Waters




Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Evil will Have to Leave an Ascending Gaia

By Steve Beckow

Posted on September 12, 2024



I referred the other day to “courts of standing with officials of integrity, giving just and unbiased decisions.” (1)

Unbiased decisions? Give me a break. The lawfare we’ve watched recently has made a mockery of the words.

But, yes, there are ways to work with bias. Let me look at that for a moment and then let’s look at the difference integrity or a lack of it makes in the working of any system.

Bias is an opinion, usually deeply-ingrained, which operates in a world of consciousness that we hold separate from our other mind-created inner (and outer) worlds. When we switch from our normal, everyday conversation with ourselves to a normal, everyday conversation with another, we may as well have entered another world.

We may deny in our onstage consciousness a bias which we openly discuss in our offstage conversations with ourselves. That basic act of false denial is an irritant around which a pearl later grows.  It’s a bend in the twig along which the tree inclines.

But there are various approaches I can take, if I have sincerity and integrity (not if I don’t), to either minimize the impact of my bias or avoid a serious mis-step. They are:

  • Notice the bias and, if insignificant (as with a brief and inconsequential encounter), remain aware of it and its possible impact;
  • If significant, identify my bias and urge awareness (watch for it!) on the other’s part;
  • If important to the outcome, identify my bias and recuse myself from making the decision.

In a world where politics are ethical and moral, these options, depending on circumstances, would probably all be deemed as honorable and acceptable.


Unfortunately, what we’re living in is a world in which leading political figures have been corrupted by the deep state, cartels, and mafias, blackmailed using bribes and threats, (2) real or contrived honeypots, hidden videos, etc.  (3)

I could go on to list human-rights abuses they’re guilty of, but even the names are traumatic. I’d rather let Matthew put the matter:

“From time to time we have alluded to upcoming happenings that will shock most of Earth’s peoples to their very core. If any period could be considered majorly dramatic insofar as the world being turned upside down to shake out the dark elements, it is the period on your near horizon. In concert with mind-stunning revelations, energy surges will be activating ancient portals and anchoring them as interstellar beacons.” (4)

Every day our limits of what is unthinkable, horrendous, or dismaying could be pushed back by fresh revelations. Or challenged by incoming energies.  And, unless we know what’s happening, we might minimize it in our haste to return to comfort and complacency.

Michael has warned us of the dangers of simply sweeping things under the carpet as we tend to do:

Archangel Michael: Everything that has need to be eliminated, everything that has need to be relinquished, everything that needs to be healed in this cesspool that we call ‘chaos’ has need to come to the surface.

Otherwise – and this has happened many, many times in human history – what happens is there is a belief [that] there is a healing, an accommodation, a remedy, and then the human collective tends to think, ‘Okay, now it is cleaned up. Now it is healed. Now it is done.’

But the core – the core issues – of the collective, and of course of the individuals, have not been addressed, and therefore it simply settles in and it festers. (5)

Another pitfall is that, subscribing to empirical materialism, our society’s influencers must see it and hear it to believe it. (6) Otherwise, entrainment (social leadership) out of darkness won’t happen.

And, even then, it cannot be only they who carry the weight, Michael tells us:

Archangel Michael: It cannot be simply the lightbearers who are holding the light, and shining the light, and  beaming the light, and being the light – it cannot simply be them doing all the heavy lifting, for the entire planet to go forward.  (7)


Any approach can be used by decent people to produce beneficial outcomes or by dishonest people to produce corrupt. Everything depends on the intentions of the actor.

We as a world have refused to accept the existence of something as evil as the world’s elites have created.  But, in the ten days of broadcasts, we’ll be brought face-to-face with the truth, perhaps as much of it as a human being can stand.

All the pooh-poohing we’ve done has allowed that mass of evil to grow and grow, until now it has the capacity, if allowed by our star family (which they will not), to destroy most of the human race with a toxic vaccine or a nuclear WW3.

This that we’re going through is what it feels like to watch everything evil come to the surface. I’m reminded of scenes in horror movies where the source of horror is gathered up by a tornado and vacuumed to the other side. (8)  Evil will have to leave an ascending Gaia, the Divine Mother says:

Divine Mother: Those people who just simply say “no, I don’t want to do this” will be gathered up in mercy, in compassion, gentleness and kindness – not brought to somewhere else, let me be very clear about that – they will be brought home for reconstitution. …

They will either die beforehand or die during, because they cannot incorporate the level of the love energy – because that is what Ascension is – they cannot incorporate that … and it literally… you have heard of situations, especially you… have heard of situations where people’s hearts simply stop or explode for no explained reason.

It is simply because they cannot continue on, and the merciful thing to do is to simply, gently and kindly, bring them home. We do not know the meaning of punishment, of what has in so many different religious pursuits been called ‘hell.’ ‘Hell’ is when you are in that place – the depth of despair. (9)


It isn’t as if we’re being asked to don battle gear.  Committed and valiant men and women in the military have volunteered to do that on our behalf. There are many other things we can do in their support and ours:


* Remain informed;
* Be prepared with food, drink, necessaries, and currency (in low amounts) for self and others;
* Carry on normally and peacefully, which denies the dark forces the energy of fear (loosh) that their top echelons thrive on;
* Send them love bombs because love has the power to dissolve hatred, freeing them from their self-imposed chains, if anything can;
* Work to unite humanity in your neighborhood to cast off darkness in all its forms;
* And a hundred others.


All the time knowing, from all you’ve read here and elsewhere, that the Light has already won. (10)


(1) See “Knowing the Truth of 9/11 This Year?” 

(2) A bribe of gold or lead – a bribe of gold or a death by lead bullet.

(3) Honeypot is a sexual approach by a beautiful or handsome intelligence agent to trap an unwary politician. Victims can also be drugged and photographed in bed with an underage child or a dead body. Operations that used them included Epstein’s Island, the Playboy Mansion, and the Getty Museum.

(4) Matthew’s Message, March 11, 2024, at Are these “interstellar beacons” the Federation’s “monoliths”?

On the energy surges as being produced by the monoliths, see “Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, July 13, 2021,” at

(5) “Archangel Michael on Why All This Conflict is Occurring,” September 28, 2023, at

(6) The prevailing social paradigm of empirical materialism holds that only what we can see, hear, touch, taste, etc., is real. Therefore our society will have to see it and hear it or we won’t accept that it is or was real. Our own paradigm condemns us to have to go through the experience of having that paradigm disproven once and for all.

(7) “Archangel Michael: Victory is at Hand!” May 10, 2019, at; taken from Archangel Michael in a personal reading with EBSS through Linda Dillon, January 2019, at

(8) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark is one example. See

(9) “Universal Mother Mary’s Ascension Splash!,”channeled by Linda Dillon, May 31, 2017 at

(10) See:




Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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