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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação



Part 3

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on September 19, 2024

And as a short positive chaser to previous two parts (see – Part 1 and Part 2), some info about the latest Co-Creators’ op on 14 September 2024. It was carried out on the Subtle Plan above Adam Peak (in Sri Lanka), where the ancient Absolute and the Pleroma’s Light City was re-built. To boost its work much more, they asked their ground team’s intervening, to be again interfaces and conduits of the targeted space high-freqs impact like they did earlier (see – Ops In Sri Lanka Part 1 and Part 2, DNI, 14 and 21 March 2024). Together with numerous Power Places and pyramids at 30 degrees north and south of the equator, all along its length, it serves as important element of this might energy belt.

The space weather on 14 September helped Lightwarriors conduct the operation. The Sun’s aspects formed an ideal background to it. The Luminary trine Moon by its energies enforced the group members’ inner balance and strength, and greatly increased their chance to succeed. Sun square Jupiter backed everybody’s striving and optimism. Sun opposition Saturn stimulated performing better. Sun trine Uranus supported the dynamism and creativity. Sun opposition Neptune encouraged the willing to sacrifice selves in that op. Sun trine Pluto gave decisiveness, excellent regenerative abilities strong will, and capacity to achieve the needed results.

Other stelliums’ radiations on that day were also very favorable. Moon trine Uranus with their vibes helped quickly adapting to changing situation. Moon sextile Neptune gave Lightwarriors better perceptiveness and sensitivity, and the ability to withstand the highest vibrations. Moon conjunct Pluto winded the group up to accomplish the task at the best level. Mercury sextile Mars increased the capacity to act and think fast. Venus trine Jupiter emitted the strong energy of confidence in own skills.

Mars square Neptune reinforced imagination and practical approach to task. Jupiter square Saturn encouraged taking a risk and fulfill assigned mission. Uranus sextile Neptune redoubled inspiration. Uranus trine Pluto invigorated inner duty to change earthlings’ life. Neptune sextile Pluto backed peace-making attitudes and enhanced transformative actions on global scale.

The harmonious and very powerful batch of these stelliums’ rays made effective the joint op even though all team members worked remotely from different points of the planet. How it went on?

On September 14 at 06:00 PM LT, they all entered a highly vibrational state of Absolute Love, connected with their Higher Selves and were well grounded. Then they united into a single Spiritual whole, tuned into the Light City above Adam Peak, synchronized with it, sending Love from the heart and accepting it in response from the Guardians.

After that, op’s participants tuned to Earth’s heart and crystal lattice, spread the Absolute and the Pleroma’s energy all over the globe via the grid and terrestrial core. The main focus was on conflict and tension zones in order to harmonize the situation, heal all wounds of Earth and earthlings, as well as for the speedy advent of peace on the planet. The team members kept the Light as long as necessary.

On a Subtle Plane, they were assisted by the Light City’s four Guardians, sitting in a lotus position around Adam Peak. At some point, the mountain shone brightly from a powerful pulse that came from the Central Spiritual Sun of the Universe. Its rays filled the terrestrial crystal lattice with powerful energies and it shimmered at the corner points with bright multicolored flashes.

Achieved intended outcome, Co-Creators and the ground team terminated the operation. The white-golden radiation of the Absolute and the Pleroma enveloped the entire Earth, forming a rainbow that illuminated the 3D twilight. The 14D Logos, Al-Terra-Gaia, came into contact, informing that started filling the cells of the planet’s core with even more powerful energies, which will be activated later.

On 16 September at 15:00 CET, Co-Creators unveiled a new info about speeding up the Earth and earthlings’ transforming for enter 4D and 5D. Three days earlier, they had begun an intense vibrational afterburner, an overactive injection of new Light streams and a drastic cleansing of 3D reality and human DNA from old soft, codes and data. Special attention is paid to the removal of death, disease, etc. programs. A series of might Solar flares and the strongest magnetic storms are aimed precisely at this. The Super Moon, Lunar Eclipse and Autumnal equinox will enhance the impact. It was decided to shorten the time for the active phase of the Transition, previously scheduled for December. The new updates will follow soon.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!





Part 2

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on September 18, 2024

Everything that occurs in the Local Universe and on the Earth’s Subtle Plane, all these ops on surface, about which Disclosure News narrates, doesn’t exist for us. We don’t see, sense and trace any positive intervening into events and everyday life, ours and other people’s. Many want change and insist that higher ups fully take over everything on Earth urgently.

If we aren’t satisfied by the results of Co-Creators and Lightwarriors’ work, then, what they have to do more for our feeling better? To cancel the Cosmic Day that has come and return the Cosmic Night, in which we have been for the last 13 thousand years? Cover the Solar Portal with a Dyson Sphere so that the high-frequency energies directed through it do not squeeze out all our mental and emotional dirt, which suffocates and kills us? Appoint wise and enlighten global CEO instead of those who run the Earth Inc. now, and from above soothe and reconcile all of 8 billion egos and personal interests?

No one decided for us, or forced our multidimensional Monad to place its manifestation body on this super toxic and aggressive planet in order to gain another necessary experience of evolution in the most negative environment. It presupposed the total oblivion of our cosmic past and pluridimensionality. The initial willingness to face and overcome any challenges and hardships, and take full responsibility for all our decisions and actions, no matter what they are dictated in each individual case. The understanding that only we can always intervene in own lives so that our Soul receives needed lessons.

But the voluntarily taken trials have not made us stronger and wiser. We are broken, crushed and lost. We need an ambulance immediately, even if not from Co-Creators, then at least from Lightwarriors. Just for a thank you. In other words, anyone who has spent years of their life getting skills and experience has to step in our life and save us from ourselves on the first request and for free.

Any intervening and help is energy. We have to learn how to generate it ourselves, otherwise can become parasites. Yes, Lightwarriors assist many of us, do this dirty and tough work, despite the hardest “waste” after that, but they don’t lose heart and continue, because are aware of their exorbitant responsibility for the entire planet. And if they give their best, then, have the right to demand the same from us, so that we prove by deed that want changes in selves and others, and thus show the seriousness of our intentions.

As long as we firmly believe that the strong “owe” us, nothing in our lives and the world will change. The strong have paid for their strength (it doesn’t happen otherwise), but we demand to use it just like that. “Give it to me, because you have it! I’m so unhappy! ” or “You feel good, but I feel bad. Share it with me!” But he forged his “good” all the time while we forged our “bad”. He invested in self while we invested in something else. It’s all fair and square.

But here’s the rub. The “strong” not only take risks and put their lives in a variety of dangerous ops, but also heal and teach, develop and move  science, raise talented kids and set an example. They are constantly giving and creating. It’s logical that they, valuable and necessary, should be protected, because are much more helpful to society than crowds of irresponsible sufferers. But no, it is they, who “owe” all of us. Blaming the strongest, because they dared to take responsibility for own lives, is one of the deadly weapons of the weak. You, the strong ones, feel guilty in front of us who don’t have the guts…

Eternal sufferers, who expose their sores and sorrows to everyone, manipulate own Spiritual infirmity, depression and perennial “I feel bad”, aggressively asserting their weakness, feel selves completely right. They are ready to shake the soul out of anyone with their “bad”, though it’s usually caused by a huge amount of unfulfilled obligations and promises, selfishness and mental laziness. Failed in everything, such personality has a frantic desire to avoid any pain, and under no circumstances take responsibility for own life.

On this planet, each of us goes through personal tests and must accept the lessons learned with dignity. Only those of such are said to be strong. Yes, their strength is the result of their choice, and they don’t owe anyone anything. They have fulfilled the debt to own Soul and society by establishing selves. They don’t hang on to anyone and don’t whine, teach by example and give hope to others to succeed. They, like Atlas, bear the weight of the heavens on their shoulders. We should thank them and grow up too.

It is not the critic who matters, not the person who points out where the strong didn’t help and, doing the job, could make it better. Respect is due to those who are in the arena themselves, whose face is covered with sweat, blood and dirt; who bravely fights; who makes blunders and mistakes, because no labor is without them. Who has known great enthusiasm and great devotion, and dedicates himself to a supreme mission. Who, at the best outcome, achieves the highest triumph, and at the worst, if fails, then it’s a failure in great daring; and therefore he will never be among those cold and weak and empty Souls who aren’t familiar with either victories or defeats.

As a rule, eternally suffering critics and jackdaws look bad energetically. Their Souls don’t glow, as are covered with thick layers of negativity. Accordingly, a minimum of energy comes from Earth and space, or it doesn’t come at all. They have to consume it from the outside, sucking it out like vampires from other people, constantly begging for intervening and help.

The problem of assistance is not so simple. This talent, if it exists, is received from above as a gift, although was acquired through own strivings and tremendous inner work. If a person doesn’t use this skill, then he loses it. The Universe knows well what everyone wants to gain, and gives for the effort and labor spent. The same is with knowledge… If we don’t share them, the new ones won’t be assimilated. For this they need constant movement and interchange. And if a person services those in need and under-privileged, then serves the Source, getting everything he needs on the fly. This path is open to everyone, not to a few.

But as rule, we don’t value what get for free. The modest Armenian entrepreneur Artak Akopian, like many others, found it out the hard way. With all possible difficulties, a small bakery and a couple of outlets brought his family a moderate but stable income. One day he decided to share it with others and began distributing some of the bread for free every day until 12:00. Next, in his words.

Everything went well at first. People came, took the cooked bread and thanked us. But soon they decided that it’s our duty to give this staff of life for free. Each day, they yelled at the sellers: “Hey, motherfucker, why didn’t you spare me bread? Yes, I came late, so what? You had put it aside!” Or they say from the doorway: “Come on, run and bring the free bread that is due to me,” larding the speech with insults and four letters words. Every day started and ended like that. Who likes to constantly hear that he is a bastard, promised to give everyone plenty of bread, and deceives poor men. Moreover, they accused me of greed and threatened. In order not to put my wife and children at risk, I had to curtail the charitable action two months later…

All our difficulties are within us. If we want to change the world, then have start from selves, beloved. Everyone has enough strength to live a decent life. And all the talk about what a hard times it is, and how much injustices and crimes are around is only a way to justify our inaction, laziness and gloom. However, we can do without pain by taking an alternative option called Agenda 2030, which the System implements without any violence.

On September 10, the 79th session of the UN General Assembly started in New York. The new sustainable development plan, hailed as “the new Agenda 21 on steroids”, was presented. Since the document is hard to decode due to buzz terms and semantics tricks, here is its goals translation.

The Great Financial Reset: centralized banks, IMF, World Bank and Fed’s controlling the entire planet’s finances. Single global government. The fourth industrial revolution and absolute power of the technocratic corporatocracy. Complete dependence on the State. Social credit system. Carbon emissions’ tracking system. Universal basic income for obedient citizens. Programmable digital currency of the Central Bank.

Trimming the world’s population. Mandatory vaccines for all ages. Controlled fertility and reproduction. Laws on assisted suicides and abortions. 100% genetically modified foods and soil. Prohibition of all natural remedies and methods of treatment.

Robotic workforce. The Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies. Microchips and implantable brain interfaces. Constant exposure to EMF and RF (5G, 6G, 7G). Androgenization and erasing of gender boundaries. Destruction of motherhood and fatherhood and family values. Rationing of energy and all environmental assets.

Restriction on “non-essential” air travel. Smart cities. Drones, face recognition cameras and motion sensors. Abolition of private property. Control and monitoring of nature and wild fauna. Limited access to wildlife (areas without people). Omnipotent New World Order.

This wonderful document guarantees that, having accepted it, we need to overcome anything, and won’t have to anguish from despair and pain. Thanks to this intervening from above, our life will become calm, cozy and happy again. Are we ready to buy it to suffer no more?

(To be continued)


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!





Part 1

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on September 18, 2024

The higher ups are intervening for a long time already, focusing not on individuals, but first of all on the habitat, the swamp that is drained non-stop 24/7. Almost daily, through the Sun, Co-Creators direct more and more powerful plasma jets, bombarding and burning the terrestrial surface. They steer scrupulously the shelling, at times forwarding part of the plasma clouds from the back of the Luminary either tangentially to the planet, so that friendly fire doesn’t harm the awakened and transients into 4D/5D.

Damage to the terrestrial 14D Logos, Al-Terra-Gaia (see – Sacrifice, Parts 1-2, DNI, 5 and 9 September 2024) forced Co-Creators to increase the force of cleansing and transforming radiations. They are causing five- and six-point magnetic storms in 8-grades scale. Their duration is constantly extending and has not yet reached the extreme levels of 7G and 8G. But that’s just for now.

Plasma masses with a temperature of 1 million degrees and a size of 30 million kilometers and more, rushing at a speed of 800 km/sec., cover a distance of 152 million kilometers in 50 hours and fall on Earth with all their gigantic might. They break all the defenses of the 3D System. Hit through the vents of volcanoes deep into the bowels, cause quakes and subsidence, destroying underground bases and cities of NAA and Darks. Cause floods, downpours and wild fires, which purify vast spaces from accumulations of negative energy of toxic human masses. Wreak havoc in the Power Pyramid, which resembles a beheaded chicken, in agony rushing around the yard.

All this is in front of us, if we not only watch, but see, not listen, but hear, and take the entire picture the right away despite the rigged data, MSM silence and own habitual perception. Instead, we continue to frantically wait for the mass arrests, promised by bloggers for years, show trials, execution lists and hangings, and only this way judge whether changes have come for the better or not. And ignore the war that rages now in the Local Universe, and the hundreds of ops on the terrestrial Subtle Plate and surface. They go on, and involved in them don’t give a damn to those of us, who pay back in their own coin.

Of course, such men are fewer than all. In witness whereof, here is the smallest ops’ part, carried out in July and August 2024 that Disclosure News described or still remain veiled.

July 1-2, Co-Creators installed a copy of the space Word Order Crystal in the Lightwarriors’ collective Logos, upgraded to the Galactic level.

July 3, group scanning of Mount Tlilimeer (Saddle) as a possible location of the next operations in the Caucasus.

July 4, joint tuning to the Galactic Logos.

July 6, the synchronization the new Eurasian Logos with the Galactic Logos via Galactioms, its Higher Beings.

July 7, studying and energy analysis of sacred Mount Shalbuzdag in the Caucasus.

​July 9, lobe switching of pyramidal Pabaku Mountain in the Caucasus.

July 11, group and individual aspects’ exchange with the Earth’s 14D Logos, Al-Terra-Gaia.

July 14, same op with the Solar Logos.

July 17, similar operation with the Galactic Logos.

July 20, sync the Earth’s core with the Sun.

July 23, tethering the Sun’s core with the Milky Way’s core through group members’ aspects in the Solar and Galactic Logos.

On July 25, synching the terrestrial core with the Galactic core via Lightwarriors’ aspects in the terrestrial and the Milky Way’s Logos.

July 28, group screening of the Sarykum (Sary-Kum) Dune in the Caucasus.

July 30, timing of the Solar and Galactic Logos through team members’ aspects in both.

August 1, group co-tuning to the Absolute’s Light.

August 3, the triple multisync the Earth, Solar and Galactic Logos through Lightwarriors’ aspects in them.

August 8, individual and collective taking and retransmission to Earth and its core of the Lion Portal’s Light energies through Regulus in the constellation Leo.

August 10, commune with the Regulus (Alfa Leo) space race, the future settlers on Earth.

August 13, attunement, synchronization and Spiritual energy exchange with the new Eurasian Logos.

August 15, sync the Eurasian Logos with the Earth’s core.

August 17, timing of the Eurasian Logos with the Sun’s Logos.

August 20, bringing into step two Logos, Eurasian and Galactic.

August 22, simultaneous triple synchronization the terrestrial, Solar and the Milky Way’s Logos.

August 26, coetaneous triple lockon of the planetary Logos with the Solar and Galactic peers through the Eurasian Logos.

August 30-31, the Sacrifice ops (about it, see the reference above).

It’s, repeat, only a tiny part of intervening in the Earth’s events that speeds up and approaches the transforming active phase, which promises no good to all negative beings and personalities. Are they aware what await them? If do, how behave? Sadly for them, they comport selves the same way…

(To be continued)


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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