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A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Setembro 17, 2020


8 Creative Writing Jobs That Are Perfect for Introverts

Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

September 16th, 2020.
I started off in my career with creative writing jobs. It wasn’t easy at first, but it was the perfect work for the introvert, which is me.
Writing online is wonderful, but it’s not something that just falls in your lap. Hey, I just wanted to put that out there before I shared anything else. When you start writing online, you can get lost easily. Unlike when I started, there are so many options, it can make your head spin.
That’s because all over the internet, you will find millions of writing jobs. The thing is, there are so many people looking for a magical opportunity.
Here’s the key: you must make yourself stand out, and as an introvert, it may not be easy for you. Don’t fret, the good news is, it’s probably more comfortable than hitting the pavement looking for work. Oh, and did I mention how creative writing can be?
Creative writing jobs
Introverts do feel more comfortable, for the most part, working online. You don’t have to face your employer in a physical setting. Communication is still key, but the communication doesn’t really require a dress code. Unless, of course, you’re interviewing for a writer’s job on Zoom or some other video platform, but it’s not as common as emails or calls.
But for now, let’s look at several creative writing jobs that are perfect for the introvert.
1. Blogging
I’m going to start here because I love this type of creative writing. Yes, blogging can be both formal and casual, depending on the client. As far as jobs go, being able to sit down in your own home and create an interesting and engaging blog post is just heaven.
In some situations, you can work in your pajamas, especially when video calls aren’t required. Blogging is comfortable, but it is also authoritative, so you get to enjoy what you do while sharing facts and helping people. I think my favorite part has always been helping people through words.
2. Content creation
Another creative way to share your words is through content creation. There are many websites that go through updating phases for different reasons. They either get tired of their usual look, or they need a new layout to draw in more customers.
If you have a little marketing in your background, you can help site owners revamp their site and promote what they’re selling at the same time. While content creation was always a bit more difficult for me, it might be right up your alley as an imaginative introvert.
3. An author
If you really want to be creative, why not go all out and write a book. Now, I’m going to be absolutely honest with you, writing a book is a long process that takes many avenues of creation. But no matter how difficult it may be, getting those ideas out of your head will help you focus on even more ideas.
Becoming an author gets a bit easier all the time, and it seems like so many people are doing this. But if you want to be creative and make money at it too, you’ll have to take your time with this one.
4. Poetry/Anthologies
If writing a full-scale book is not for you, then maybe an anthology or book of poetry would be better. I started out writing poetry, long before the internet became popular. I filled notebooks with poetry and even wrote a couple of short stories.
If you’re introverted, writing poetry or short story anthologies gives you the author role, but doesn’t require as much long-term work as far as the writing. If you wish to publish, you will have to decide to submit, self-publish, or something hybrid. Either way, remember, you’re doing what you love to do, and you don’t have to be around people to do it.
5. Contests
Some people can actually make on and off careers by entering writing contests. While this isn’t steady work, it can fill a few gaps when in need, and some of these competitions pay well.
There are so many writing contests on the internet that you can try, some with entry fees, and some totally free to submissions. The prizes range from a few hundred to a few thousand, so it’s not really too shabby.
6. Interviews/promotions
Some writers are building a presence interviewing other writers. They also provide promotional services to help gain views, reviews, and followers. I recently volunteered to do an interview in exchange for promoting a website. In these cases, it’s a win/win situation.
The interviews can be as creative as you want, as long as you and the writer are in agreement about the content. You can also get leave links to your other writing, and you get to blast your name. Us writers understand the importance of bylines.
7. Product descriptions
A few years back, I landed a job with a small handbag and accessory online business. My position was writing fun and interesting descriptions of all the products. A few years before that, I even did a little work writing descriptions for costume party clothing.
Both of these jobs allowed me the freedom to be creative and descriptive while promoting each product. The company selling the costume clothing even wanted the descriptions to be humorous. So, if you’re an introvert and you land a job like this, you will love how it provides an outlet to be yourself.
8. Magazine articles
These are some of the most difficult creative writing jobs to land, in my opinion. However, they pay really well. You can find article writing jobs for magazines in your local area or online as well. Considering there are so many different types of magazines around, you can find one that suits your interests.
For example, there are many art magazines looking for articles on artists and their work. Likewise, you can find magazines about mechanics. You’d probably be surprised by how many different magazines need writers.
Being creative is natural to the introvert
I’ve come to realize that part of the reason I like being alone so much is that I have an imagination. I love to paint, tend my garden, and absolutely love to write. And I never really get bored because I always have a head full of ideas. Trust me, I’m not bragging. It can be torturous at times.
So, if you’re introverted like me, and you love to write, maybe you can dabble with a few of these suggestions. Just remember, like any other job, writing takes work. But once you’ve found your place in the writing world, there will be a network that will keep you moving forward.
Introverts unite, creative writing jobs are plentiful. We’ve just got to get out there and leave an imprint so the work will come to us.
Sherrie Hurd

About the author:

Staff writer at Learning Mind
Sherrie Hurd is a professional writer and artist with over 20 years of experience. As a survivor of childhood trauma and multiple types of abuse, she is an advocate for mental health awareness. Sherrie manages multiple mental illnesses, including anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. With this background and personal experience, she strives to help others overcome trauma and abuse, cope with mental illness, and heal over time.



Copyright © 2012-2020 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us. 


Compiled by from: 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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Setembro 16, 2020


5 Reasons INFJ Personality Type Is So Hard to Understand.

By Kirstie Pursey

September 16th, 2019. 

INFJ personality type is rare and complex. This makes it hard for others to understand them. In fact, we INFJ’s often have a hard time understanding ourselves!
INFJ is one of the types of Myers-Briggs personality types. Myers-Briggs types are a popular classification of different types of personality. It uses one main principle at its core: do you prefer one trait over another?
One of the reasons INFJ personality type is so difficult to understand is that many of our characteristics seem completely contradictory. There is a constant conflict between our inner and outer worlds. At times it is like we are two different people. It can be very confusing for the INFJ, as we often don’t quite know what it is we want or need.
Here are five of the most puzzling aspects of the INFJ personality type:
1. We love alone time, yet desperately need to be with people
Because INFJ’s are introverted they are primarily focused on their internal life. However, because they are also feeling, they have an external focus on the world around them.
This means that while they are introverted, they also have a real need for companionship and close bonds with others. This conflict also shows itself in their need to be private, even secretive, but also extremely sensitive warm and caring towards others.
This can be difficult for others to understand and it may seem that we are blowing hot and cold in our relationships. For the INFJ, this can be confusing, too. They might block a whole day to be alone and recharge only to wake up feeling desperate for deep meaningful conversations with others. These changes in mood can be disorientating, some INFJs even worry that they have a mood disorder.
2. We are easy going but also perfectionists
INFJ personality type is both intuitive and judging, two more traits that can appear contradictory. This can mean that at times we are easy going and relaxed. Often we may be seen as a calm and serene person, however inside we are sometimes anything but.
This is because our judging aspect leads us to have perfectionist tendencies and a strong value system. While we may long to be spontaneous and follow our intuition, we are held back by our need for order and control. 
This can mean we make many plans and lists, but often rebel against the rigid order we have imposed upon ourselves.
3. We are artistic but also rational
While INFJs are often very artistic, there is often a conflict between their creative and rational sides. We often have lots of ideas, but we criticize and judge them too soon before they have had a chance to really develop. For this reason, we may have a lot of half-finished projects.
Because we are sensitive, we also find it hard to share our work with others in case they are critical. Our artistic work is our way of expressing our inner world, which makes criticism or judgment feel very personal. As a result, we often repress our creative nature.
This can lead to us being very unhappy. We need to express ourselves in creative ways and feel like we are only living half a life when we don’t.
4. We are both messy and tidy
Because INFJ’s have a judging trait, we love to have beautiful surroundings. We like to artistically arrange and organize things. However, once again there can be conflict. We often wish we could be more spontaneous and embrace the chaos.
Sometimes, we find our own rigid need for organization and plans hard to bear. We may also be constantly assessing our priorities and making lists and plans which the more intuitive part of us usually fails to keep. This means we swing from desiring to follow our intuition and live spontaneously with fearing failure and being criticized by others.
Because of this, though we strive for tidiness, we rarely achieve it because as soon as it is done we are rearranging and sorting and making a big mess all over again.
5. We stand up for other but not ourselves
As INFJ’s we will always stand up for those weaker than ourselves. We have a strong sense of justice. If we see something we don’t think is fair we have the courage of a lion. We will argue and fight for justice to prevail.
However, we often fail to stand up for ourselves. This can come from a lack of self-esteem, but it can also be because we hate to make others unhappy or cause a conflict that we will struggle to deal with. This is yet another reason why we need so much time alone because we are often exhausted by attending to the needs of others around us.
Being an INFJ personality type is difficult; there is no doubt about it. But understanding our special personalities can help us to live a happier life.
When we see that these are aspects of our personalities we are often reassured because we may have previously thought there is something wrong with us, such as a mood disorder or other mental illness.
Studying our personality type and making time to attend to our needs can transform our lives from a constant struggle to one of flow. This can help us and make the most of our unique personalities and gifts.

About the Author: Kirstie Pursey

Kirstie works as a writer, blogger and storyteller and lives in London with her family of people, dogs and cats. She is a lover of reading, writing, being in nature, fairy lights, candles, firesides and afternoon tea. Kirstie has trouble sitting still which is why she created to share techniques and practices for tuning out the busy mind. She is also the author of Not Meditating: Finding Peace, Love and Happiness Without Sitting Still.


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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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Setembro 15, 2020


7 Traits of ISFP Personality Type:

Are You ‘The Adventurer’?

Becky Storey.

September 14th, 2020

The ISFP personality type is one of the 16 types identified using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Every individual belongs to one of the types, based on their unique ways of thinking and viewing the world.
The ISFP is considered to be the artistic, adventurous, and easy-going personality type. People who are of the ISFP personality type tend to be more free-spirited and open than the others.

7 Traits of ISFP Personality

1. A Warm Presence
People who are the ISFP personality type often have a sense of warmth about them. They are cheerful and the people around them pick up on this. They are calming to be around and put both their loved ones and strangers at ease.
ISPF people are deeply empathetic. This allows them to connect to and understand the feelings of everyone they cross paths with. They are natural nurturers, often providing a shoulder to cry on for friends and family. Their non-judgemental attitude encourages others to confide in them and feel accepted.
The emotional intelligence that an ISFP person has lends itself to a successful career in an industry that requires caregiving. Many ISFP people make excellent teachers, health care workers, social workers, and vets.
2. Introversion
People of the ISFP personality type make great friends. They are usually charming and excellent company.
Their friendly, approachable nature makes ISFP people appear extroverted at times, but in reality, they fit into the small group of people who do enjoy socialising but are still introverted. While they can still have fun and feel confident around other people, their energy requires alone time to be replenished.
Instead of using their alone time to dwell on insecurities, mistakes, the past, or the future, ISFP people live in the moment. Their downtime is used to reflect on themselves as they are in the present.
3. An Adventurous Spirit
The ISFP personality type is also known as “The Adventurer”. People of this type are usually drawn to excitement and spontaneity, in particular. They often feel the need to escape from boring day to day activities. This usually means rarely staying in the same place for very long. Their need to do something on the wild side drives a lot of their choices.
Activities like long spontaneous road trips appeal to the ISFP personality type. Last-minute adventures satisfy their need to be on the move and seeking excitement, while always taking in new experiences. Some people of the ISFP type choose adrenaline-fuelled sports to get their adventure fix too.
4. Don’t Think about the Future
While some of us dwell on thoughts of the future, the ISFP personality type couldn’t be further from that. People of the ISFP type live in the moment and actively choose not to think much about what’s in front of them. They are of the mindset that the future can’t be controlled much, so why ruin the present by overthinking what’s to come?
Instead of planning and dwelling on future possibilities, ISFP people choose to focus on what they can do now to better themselves. They pay attention to what they can do to improve their lives at present, and if that benefits their future, even better.
5. Creativity
Those of the ISFP personality type are likely to be more creative than their peers. Often, this personality lends itself to a career that involves creative pursuits. Artists, musicians, designers, and chefs often fall into the ISFP category, including many talented celebrities.
The creativity of an ISFP person isn’t limited to “artistic” pursuits either. They thrive in all sorts of hands-on, practical work that involves any kind of down-to-earth activity. This might include outdoor work like gardening or forestry or building work such as carpentry.
6. Needs More Than Just “A Job”
Due to the ISFP’s free-spirited nature, most “normal” jobs won’t satisfy them. They don’t enjoy rigid routines. They require a flexible lifestyle to feel happy. Their freedom is essential.
Most ISFP people find themselves self-employed or working a job that doesn’t require them to be present in an office from 9-5. If their job doesn’t allow them as much flexibility as they need, they’ll likely feel starved of time to enjoy their creative pursuits and hobbies.
Whatever work they do, flexible or not, must be emotionally fulfilling. They’re very unlikely to take on work just for the money if it doesn’t satisfy them fully. They need to know that whatever they choose has some sense of purpose.
7. Always Changing
Typically, someone of the ISFP personality type is very open-minded. Of all the personality types, they are most likely to consider alternative perspectives to their own. They enjoy learning about different cultures and experiences of the world and are happy to use them to reinvent themselves.
They tend to enjoy experimenting with their own sense of the world. This might involve travelling a lot to gather new perspectives, integrating themselves with new communities. They may also regularly change their own appearance, testing out new ways to be themselves.
At its core, the ISFP personality type is a category for people who are free spirits with a go with the flow attitude. They are open-minded and accepting of everyone and have an innate ability to care and nurture.
While they might be exciting and out-going in social situations, they are also deeply introverted. Their contrary personality makes them harm to pin-down. They like to spend time with their loved ones and can be intense and adventurous, but at the end of the day, they’ll need to decompress.
This personality type makes an excellent friend, travel buddy, and life partner.

Becky Storey



About the Author: Becky Storey

Becky Storey is a professional writer who has been passionate about the way we think and the human mind since she developed chronic anxiety many years ago. Now she loves to write and educate people on mental health and wellbeing. When Becky is not writing, you’ll find her outside with her Labrador, sitting behind a jigsaw puzzle, or baking something with too much sugar.
Copyright © 2012-2020 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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Setembro 09, 2020


What Is a Type C Personality? 

10 Signs You Are One

Janey Davies, BA (Hon).

September 8th, 2020.


Are you interested in discovering more about your identity and personality traits? Then it’s likely you have taken a few personality tests. Myers-Briggs and the Big Five are still the big hitters, but a simpler test is becoming ever more popular. The 4 Personality Types Test separates individuals into four Types – A, B, C, or D, and in this article, I am examining the type C personality.
Before I delve into this type of personality, I want to just have a quick recap on each of the four types.
The 4 Personality Types and the Type C Personality
Type A: The Leader
Ambitious, driven, competitive, risk-takers, aggressive, workaholics, impatient.
Type B: The Socialiser
Easy-going, relaxed, tolerant, patient, flexible, carefree, cheerful, adaptable.
Type C: The Thinker
Analytical, detail-orientated, sensitive, deep-thinkers, introverted, logical, cautious.
Type D: The Follower
Likes routine, dislikes change, follows orders, low self-confidence, pessimistic.
Now, I’d like to focus on the type C personality.
10 Signs You Are a Type C Personality
You find it hard to talk about your emotions
Studies show that type C personality has a really difficult time expressing his or her emotions. Type C’s are more likely than any other personality type to repress their feelings.
Not only do these types repress their emotions, but they also tend to suppress their complaints. This can lead to severe health problems, and affect their mental and physical wellbeing.
These ineffective coping mechanisms can actually affect how the body deals with stress. In fact, these methods of coping are so detrimental that type C personalities are shown to have a higher risk of developing cancer.
You are introverted with one or two close friends
Type C personalities are the definition of a true introvert. You won’t find these people in the spotlight or grabbing the attention. Actually, you probably won’t find them in a crowd at all.
They prefer deep and meaningful one-on-one rather than small talk or networking at a big party. They are likely to have one or two very close friends that they tell everything to.
They will not have a wide circle of friends. But even with their best friends, they will need time and space to recuperate.
You are objective and logical when making decisions
As well as finding it difficult to show your emotions, you also don’t use them when you make a decision. You use logic and reason and leave emotion out of the equation.
You can be objective and want the facts without the drama so that you have all your bases covered. You’ll examine every part of the issue impartially. Only then can you feel satisfied that you’ve come to the logical decision.
You like to focus on the details
Type C personalities are not ‘bigger picture’ guys or girls; quite the opposite, in fact. They like to focus their laser beam attention on the smaller details.
This is partly because too much information easily distracts them but also because they have an amazing ability to concentrate for hours on one thing.
Type C’s are meticulous and precise and their attention to detail is second to none.
You like to be in control of a situation
This feeling of control links back to how to deal with your emotions and how you make decisions. Everything is tied in with logic and objectivity. You feel happier and calmer when you have the element of control.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you are a control freak. It means you like to have some measure of control over your environment. For instance, you prefer to have clear instructions on a work project so that you can manage your time effectively.
Or, if you are in a management role, you need to know the rules of the job so that you can implement them to your staff members.
You are a hard-working perfectionist
Type C’s are often described as ‘overly conscientious’ people who place high importance on the standard of their work. However, unlike Type A’s who might want to quickly get the job done to move onto the next project, type C’s will go the extra mile to achieve perfection.
“They strive for accuracy and perfection, and so are constantly trying to live up to their own high standards,” Susan Krauss Whitbourne, professor emerita of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
You can be over-critical of others
Because Type C personalities pay much attention to the details of their work, they can be particularly critical of others. This is despite the fact that they fear criticism from their peers.
The problem is that the type C personality has a tendency to focus on the details of their work and not the people doing the work.
You prefer to work alone, rather than in a team
When you work alone, you are responsible for just one person – you. It is less stressful and you can get on with the task in hand. You can work at your own pace, without distraction, and apply your focus where it’s needed.
On the other hand, teamwork requires socialising, collaboration, distractions and as such, you lose control over the situation. You can’t manage other people’s behaviour, but you can control your own.
You shy away from conflict
Again, this goes back to repressing one’s emotions and having an introverted character. You are a passive person and don’t like to confront others, even if you think they are in the wrong.
The problem with this is that you have a very clear and defined sense of fairness. You deal logically with situations, so it can bother you for days – if not months – when something is not fair, but you can’t stand up and deal with it.
You are dependable
Of all the personality types, the type C personality is the most reliable and dependable of them all. You have a natural sense of loyalty that permeates throughout all aspects of your life.
This includes love, relationships, work, and family. If there is a problem in the family of a work project that needs finishing, the type C personality will step up to the plate every time.
Final Thoughts
Type C personalities are kind-hearted, logical-thinking introverts who keep their emotions buried. They may find that opening up and sharing their feelings could help their mental and physical wellbeing.
Janey Davies
Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)
Sub-editor & staff writer at Learning Mind
Janey Davies has been published online for over 10 years. She has suffered from a panic disorder for over 30 years, which prompted her to study and receive an Honours degree in Psychology with the Open University. Janey uses the experiences of her own anxiety to offer help and advice to others dealing with mental health issues.
Copyright © 2012-2020 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

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  4. Tags: 
    Food for thought Janey Davies Literature Words

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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