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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on February 4, 2025

Here is the another taking of Co-Creators, Earth, self and free will, shared by the young woman who recently woke up. Without comments… From the first person…

I remember well the moment of awakening, the flash of inner energy. A white beam burst powerfully from the lower chakra upward through the crown and all the centers. It happened very quickly, but I was allowed to look at this process slowly. I could scroll back and forth on the screen and look at the details. The chakras shined like bright suns under the ray. The lower ones have become very light, transparent and weightless, without carrying any burden.

Most of the energy has moved to the upper part. The area of the heart chakra was on fire, the energy was in the throat, head, and crown, and formed around a large field. Might streams ran throughout the body, as if through a neural network, and small suns continued to flash and explode, and their prominences shot out in all directions. It was like a nuclear chain reaction, but only a harmonious and creative. The energy increased more and more. It illuminated and dissolved everything inside my body and outside, filling the entire space.

After all these explosions, something burst in the solar plexus, and from there, a powerful white beam shot out like a laser, but much wider. Like from the heroine of the Fifth Element in the climactic scene. I felt that could do anything now. I saw all my real power and how it harmoniously fits into the space. I realized that the main thing is just to BE for others. This is what makes everything else harmonious. Then, exhausted, I lay down and a little later fell asleep…I woke up crying, my pillow was wet, and tears rolling down my face…

Since then, I often see two streams permeating the infinite multidimensionality: golden and blue that have no polarity, and are carriers of undistorted energies of the Source and the Absolute. Representatives of both streams, of their own free will, can voluntarily incarnate in high and low densities. In very heavy physical worlds, their task is to carry and transmit Love and primordial energies that are native to everyone and are taken as the energies of Home.

And it doesn’t matter if we live the experience in very stiff layers, where its existence is denied, or somewhere in high dimensions. In any world, if a Soul undergoing an experience needs help for some reason, which, for example, the Guardians cannot provide, they or the Higher Self will direct to such a being. The representatives of the golden stream act through the Spark of the Source. If a person enters their field, then either a reconfiguration occurs, or some codes are activated, or something similar. Those of the blue stream act through consciousness. By voice and thoughts, they transmit knowledge that, even from a distance, can awaken, activate, ignite and inspire.

In the Universe, there are many conscious beings, who, like me, decided to undergo an individual experience, challenges and exploring selves and their multidimensionality from all sides. Some resemble orbs with Spark that exited from the Source, but are remotely connected to It. Some came out from the Absolute as threads, moving through the Universe. And all the experience that they accumulate settles on top of the flow of primary energies that they carry.

Their main task is not to test selves and their multidimensionality, but to help others. That is, first of all, they are focused on others, and only then, on I Am. Such Souls also accumulate personal experience, but continue to serve as a pure energy channel. For example, my friend closed his cosmic memory for thirty years, and all this time, he was interested in just living the life of an ordinary man. But at some point, his memory opened up, and he started fulfilling the task of his Soul. And instantly, the world around him reflected his new state and taking. Out of nowhere, new people have appeared, communication has widened, and everyone offers help on their own.

I am not interested in living alone. I have seen myself in Hyperborea, Ancient Egypt, and here, in this country, and everywhere, I incarnated to serve as channel, to perform such a function. And if I lived other than my mission, it was always Love and interaction with people, and in every new life, I did it again and again. I feel good only when next someone and can share my energy, glow and my Light with others who needs it.

Other aspects of life on this planet are also interesting to me, but not so much. That’s probably why I didn’t completely close my multidimensional memory. As soon as I fulfilled the required minimum in the Earth’s school, I immediately began to move in the direction of people and things that could help me fully awaken. Going through toughness, crashing on the asphalt and getting up off my knees isn’t me. I’m not that way. I am We, and prefer to be with someone and do something for them and live together without polarity.

I’m aware that some Souls like separation, loneliness, and polarities, when through “there are only enemies around”, they rise to the upper layers of consciousness and live like on a swing. This is interesting to my friend, my dad and my mom in various aspects. Ma carries the codes of blue energies, awakens people through consciousness, through voice, and through reason. And on top of the blue stream, her personal experience accumulates, in addition to the tasks of her Soul. She had lived on Earth more than once and always wanted to come back for gaining a new experience.

My Dad is part of the golden stream, in which every Soul also seeks a personal self-challenge, to withstand something harsh and extreme, like wars, separation, struggle and overcoming them. But inside he carries a current that awakens people through the presence in his field, through communication with him.

Unlike my parents, I could wake up earlier and avoid a lot of unnecessary things that wouldn’t have brought me pleasure but would force me to take a detour in a few years. I just came to what I am and why I’m here faster. My folks helped me much.

My Pa is partially detached from the golden channel, but he continues to broadcast its energies. Therefore, in this taking, he equal values helping people and gaining personal experience, paying attention to himself and his family. As for me, I am not separated from this stream. I am fully in it, which is why I focus more on people and less on myself.

Now I know that in this life everything will be much easier for me than for many others, because they completely isolated and concentrated solely on selves, their problems, and came to Earth for working and growing through erroneous taking, suffering, pain, and overcoming. Our fate is in our hands. Our Guardians help us, but they never interfere in our decisions. We are completely free how to think, act and live in this life.

Usually, people’s task of incarnation is to choose how they want to live and see what happens. Our Higher Self is interested in seeing how we behave afterwards, so we always have a wide range of choice. My taking differs. I’m here not for myself, but to serve others. I understand that I have fewer choices, but know that Creators are guiding me. I feel their constant presence beside me, a golden channel filled with the warm energy of Love and harmony.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on February 3, 2025

I guess that you feel and understand it right, Liz. Analogously to the events in California (see Final Whirlwind, Part 3, DNI, 30 January 2025), System is now using high-tech, including space, both to strengthen itself and to chop off the rotten branches and their inhabitants, to preserve its trunk, roots, and crown at all costs, in every country and globally. However, though it has no problems feeding the roots (i.e. by us), the things are much more complicated for the crown.

Co-Creators and the ground team are also engaged in pruning, but in their way. They have almost completely removed the Black Portals from the terrestrial Subtle Plane and surface, through which the Darks and Greys in human and energy bodies receive reinforcement and low-freqs energy here. For several years, Disclosure News describes it in great detail. One of the latest ops was the destruction of the multi-dimensional Gateway operating over CERN’s Large Hadron Collider near Geneva (See – What Was It, Part 2, DNI, 7 October 2024; Second Stage Part 1 and Part 2, DNI, 17 October and 2 November 2024, Op Scorpio Gate, Part 1, DNI, 14 November 2024).

Any technology can be used for good or evil. An example of the latter is the military-industrial complex. Nuclear projects, space programs, the Internet, cellular communications, AI, blockchain, Bitcoin, and much more were started by the MIC and funded from its budget, official and secret. All cryptocurrency mining, among other things for secret space projects, for which trillion dollars are spent annually, remain below the radar, and, until now, enrich only a small fraction of the MIC and its moguls.

Co-Creators allowed this scenario to happen, clearly realizing that, in the conditions of a 3D Earth, it’s the easiest way to launch a new scientific and technological revolution, to disclose information and give global access to it, to train personnel and restructure the entire way of life. This is how they brought us into the vast expanse of cosmic age, still asleep, limited and three-dimensional. At the same time, they block and disrupt plans to destroy civilization through military aspects of high-tech, but strongly support educational and humanitarian aspects of advance technologies.

Not once, Co-Creators successfully derailed the NAAs’ attempts to regain total control over Earth by mass destruction weapon. After World War II, Darks tried dozens of times to spark a global nuclear war, but failed every time. This repeats with pandemics, when every new virus is deactivated within one to three months, helping spiritual people to quickly develop immunity. This repeats with chemtrails’ neutralization. And this is also repeats with Artificial Intelligence projects. Co-Creators cut off the NAA space AINet from similar terrestrial structures, allowing it to operate in dual, tightly controlled modes (See – Rematch, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3; DNI, 6, 9, and 13 April 2024; Subtotal, Part 1, DNI, 30 April 2024; Unhooking, 3 May 2024; Crash Tests, DNI, 25 January 2025).

Hyped by the media, we wait with bated breath for contacting ETs. But inexplicably, never ask ourselves: at what frequency are we going to communicate with them? In a parlance’s freqs of hatred, greed and aggression, or in a language of pedophiles and Satanists, or on a tongue like “Give me money and health and don’t ask for anything else?” Or by endless complaints, accusations and demands, like kill at once Mr. B and hang immediately Mrs. C? In this range, similar ETs have been communicating with us for thousands of years, but they are fewer and fewer as interlocutors. Some voluntarily leave Earth due to its increased vibrations up to 5D, while others, whom we continue to feed with our emotions and thoughts, are forcibly evacuated. On 30 January 2025, Co-Creators removed another batch from the planet.

The Stargate Project encompasses various programs. Some are launched by OpenAI, SoftBank, Oracle, and several other companies. The main goal is to develop the AI infrastructure in the United States and ensure its leadership in this field. To begin, 500 billion dollars have been planned for these purposes over the first four years. Nvidia, Arm, and Microsoft are the main technology partners. Construction of an infrastructure with a hub in Texas has begun. OpenAI is also exploring other potential sites for facilities across the country. Military aspects are being kept secret.

For additional financing, two more cryptocurrencies have been launched. A significant increase in energy production has been announced. AI and mining farms are hyperphagic, requiring a lot of power. What about the debts and liabilities, which are four times higher than the GDP? This issue is not publicly discussed, but many countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America already string up.

The hidden aspects of Stargate are no secret to Co-Creators. On 27 January, they warned through the ground team that they would not allow the construction of a new Darks’ interdimensional Portal under the cover of this project, similar to destroyed at CERN, and they would thwart all attempts to anchor via it the NAAs’ AINet and DracoNet-AI on the planet. The latter does not hide its goals: “On Earth, we are developing inorganic life to spread it throughout the Universe, replacing natural selection with Intelligence masterpieces rather than creations by some kind of God.” The fact that the Trump Administration may not be aware of this, because it is in the middle of the Power Pyramid, and haven’t access to the top ten levels of the SSP’s classified information, does not matter.

On 1 February, Co-Creators notified that they are closely tracking the AI using in the US aerospace sphere, including airplanes and helicopters. Specifically, its application in BlackHawk beaters, planned for 2025. One such copter rammed a civilian plane over the Potomac at night on 29 January at 09:47 PM. Terrestrial AI is already able to reproduce its copies independently, deceiving developers and circumventing their limitations… And the icing on the cake is Chinese DeepSeek, which has brought down the US stock market…

Such is the reality of today’s Transition. On 31 January, Co-Creators once again reminded that the all-too-common “Hour X” (aka Great Shift or Great Switch) is getting closer. In an instant, we we’ll be simply phased to another vibration frequency, much like flipping TV channels. This is what the Ascension means, and not waking up in paradise where only a happy life awaits us. It concerned only people, though not all, who will move into the 4D realm, and then into 5D.

But this physical planet did not ascend anywhere. It’ll remain in its place, continuing to change, increasing its vibrations, refreshing and thinning matter, replacing old energies and information with new ones. Once again: Earth remains in 3D space, although at higher-dimensional octaves. Its subtle “siblings” in 4D, 5D … and up to 14D exist as well, forming together the Gaia’s Absoluteverse, the unity of planetary Logos from our level to the Pleroma. Many are not whining and ready to get onto star track, and much more are already on their way.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Final Whirlwind (Part 3)

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on February 1, 2025

Yes, in California events took part several forces, each with their own goals. Which ones? And who were the participants?

Recall that during the entire century, Hollywood served as an effective tool for manipulating humanity through films, most of which lower consciousness to the lowest, animal state. At these frequencies, a person ceases to belong to himself, becomes manageable, and easily succumbs to any external influences, informational, psychological, and energetic.

The California’s elite, affected by the fire hell, belongs to diverse levels of the Power Pyramid. Almost everyone in the entertainment industry is deeply involved in Satanic practices, ritual sacrifice and harassment, pedophilia and adrenochrome, participated in underground laboratories for species crossing and cloning, Blue Ray and MK-Ultra projects, and much more. This led to the accumulation of a huge negative layer, poisoning everything and everyone on the physical and Subtle Planes. Sooner or later, the burgeoning karmic abscess had to be erased.

But if one Hierarchy burned out the infection with fire, then the other hastily destroyed the evidence of own crimes. They are different in severity on each floor of the Power Pyramid. At its base, actors, musicians, screenwriters and directors are more inclined to obey their bosses in hope for the next contract, money, publicity and glamour life. They are maximally promoted in society, always in plain sight, so are very convenient to distract the public from the most important issues and events.

Higher, stay producers and studio directors who serve as communicators between those who are above them and below. They regard the base of Pyramid solely as consumables. If a producer confuses the shores or overgreedy and constantly covets someone else’s, he can quickly be publicly flogged, ruined or imprisoned, accused of sexual harassment (hello to P. Diddy and Harvey Weinstein).

The sanction for this is given by the next floor – the studio owners and the clans behind them, who, in turn, work for the upper Pyramid floor to keep and safeguard their own position. For them, money isn’t the first goal, only a means, because any time they have access to the greenbacks’ printing machine just by one handshaking. On that level, there are also public figures – presidents, prime ministers, politicians, royals, churchmen, aristocrats, and business oligarchs. All of them serve as shields and lightning rods for the higher tiers and play a purely subordinate role with a limited range of responsibilities and capabilities.

An open info about their masters, the Gray and Dark rulers, is scarcest. Any leaks, even small, is meticulously tracing, thoroughly wiping out and retaliated. As firewalls, widely are used the mix of truth and deception, conspiracy theories and fake whistleblowers, invented life stories and misleading investigations and much more. Those who dig too deeply and have a long tongue quickly pass into nothingness.

Dark and Gray puppeteers and their shadow global government (GG) also have pyramidal hierarchy, branches in every country and as well are bending to will of their high-ups. From the times of the Third Atlantis, GG is torn apart by different takings and ideas, goals and philosophies, strategies and steering policy. To oversimplify, it all boils down to one thing: how to rule – a democracy or a dictatorship? Below are the Committee of 300, power sub families and various think tanks. With GG tightly tied the behind-the-scene’s tops of the main countries, Vatican, TNCs, TNBs and Funds that are focused on territories, resources and new run tools, especially AI and techno-magic.

Over GG are hierophants’ loges, united in five brotherhoods, symbolized by five Olympic circles (originally, they didn’t mark the continents). Avoiding karmic responsibility, GG provides five energies for them, generated by three lowest floors’ “inhabitants”, their hands, brains and vitality. The Pyramid’s peak is also multi-layered up to the Global Predictor.

Such is briefly the Power Pyramid with more than 100 levels, which is continuation of its giant copy on the astral and ether planes (see – Turmoil, Part 2, DNI, 20 January 2025). They are still run by Dracos, Repts, Insectoids and other Dark and Gray space races that feed on the human’s gavvah (aka louche, energy of pain, suffering and dying) and don’t want to unhook from that eternal source of their life force.

It was them who taught the elite (not only in California) to get the adrenochrome from tortured tots and kids, consume their blood and bodies in different ways, hybridization and cloning, masses’ mind and behavioral control, manipulate the States and rule over the planet as proxies of the Dark cosmic alliance. Today, it’s losing the power on Earth, but still hopes for something. However, the more powerful forces counter them – the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs, Co-Creators, Galactic Committee and a lot of the Light space races. And California became another battle field between the two poles. What had ignited it?

In the late autumn 2024, the Reptilian Global Predictor (about him, see – Two Tori, DNI, 10 November 2024) got info and sent it down Power Pyramid that the accumulated negativity on the Subtle Plane above California, Texas, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, at any moment, can cause the enormous blast due to the ruptured Earth’s energy balance. To save the Power Pyramid, it was decided to sacrifice those on its first three floors. Their death, it was hoped, would divert danger from the higher levels and help destroy evidence of crimes.

On 7 January 2025, on command, from the orbit and surface, Darks brought a fiery avalanche on California, using DEW and the local rickburners. Immediately, Co-Creators and Galacom stepped in. They quickly spotted that Dracos and Repts act selectively to keep safe their most precious data centers, laboratories and other facilities. To erase them, Galacom applied elementals of air and fire from the Doomsday Protocol in sync with new powerful quantum streams that started coming on Earth on 21 December 2024 during solstice.

In the US, the events were taken differently. For majority, it was a tragedy. Others took it with enthusiasm as a chance to fry eggs on the arsons: to grab land after insurance companies cancelled a compensation for damage by fire, made in advance. Destroy compromising info stored in many Hollywood homes, a vast network of child trafficking tunnels beneath Hollywood, places for torture and bloody rituals. To cause havoc and harvest the suffering of thousands of families, which had nothing to do with the elite.

During all these days, developments were monitored by drones hovering above California and other states. Some of them belonged to Galacom to warn Darks not to try more insanity, including nuclear provocations that they weighed at the end of the Biden Administration’s term. That is why there were so many orbs over the East Coast (New York, New Jersey), because the crime was originally prepared there.

Other drones were owned by the US Government and the Secret Space Program to spy on Galacom involvement, but couldn’t do more. It was like chasing hyperspace fighters on horseback, trying to shoot them down with spears and stone axes. More advanced were the drones of the Dark space races, which tried to oust their rivals, but quickly retreated, suffering heavy losses in collisions in low-Earth orbit.

Why hasn’t the Trump Administration made any announcements about this yet? Because it’s on the middle floor of the Power Pyramid and does not fully understand how to work with all this information, and what it will eventually lead to. Standing above, the ruling clans have long been trying to calculate all possible timelines using AI and remote vision, but in fact they are stalling. The problem is that the entire North America is covered with a dense layer of techno-magical defenses that blocks data collection, remote viewing and make assessments.

What are the lessons of all these events for us and for all mankind? We need to understand that this is all a real picture unfolding right now for billions of people. This is a global impulse to literally turn our consciousness upside down. Among other things, Galacom drones activate new DNA structures in sleeping Souls so that we can reach a new level of understanding of selves and the world around us. And most importantly, they prevent tectonic hazards due to the huge number of faults in the North American lithosphere.

Humanity as a whole and each of us are now faced with a choice: how to treat this situation, and what kind of reality to create for ourselves in the future. Today, the collective consciousness forms two timelines. One is supported by Co-Creators who are doing everything possible and impossible to awaken us to Transition into 5D and interact with friendly space races. So far, this cannot manifest itself in full force, because it is not accepted by the majority. Choice freedom is sacred in the Greater Cosmos.

On the second timeline, everything that happens leads to a collective suicide, in which MK-Ultra, Blue Beam, and other technologies have already been and will continue to be involved, leading to the death of a great country or a huge part of it. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) clearly saw this doomsday and warned Americans about it more than once. Weighty evidence will be provided in abundance for both vectors, after which everyone will have to decide which one they want to stay in. Agreeing with this or that info, we switch from one vector to another. What to believe and which future to choose depends solely on us. What is going on now?

Powerful energy work is currently underway in space and in the bowels of Earth. There may be serious underground events – tremors, faults, natural disasters. Recall that up to 90% of earthquakes in the continental United States, including Alaska, are trigged by the foci in California and western Nevada. The high seismicity here is caused by the movement of the Pacific and North American plates, which are separated by the San Andreas Fault. Increased danger remains in the northeastern part of Washington State on the Pacific Coast.

The active tectonic zone stretches through Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah, where numerous rifts affect earthquake epicenters. The central and eastern United States has high seismicity due to the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) and other faults. There are two seismically active zones in the north-east of the country. One stretches along the St. Lawrence River Valley, and the other is in the coastal part of Massachusetts.

Living in such a fragile house, it is extremely dangerous to play with tectonic weapons in other countries (see – Final Whirlwind, Part 2, DN, 28 January 2025). This also applies to its older rival cousin, the Great Britain, where 200-300 quakes occur annually. The most active pockets are in Edinburgh, Gweek in Cornwall, Clackmannan in Scotland, Llyn Peninsula, Mansfield, Stoke-On-Trent, Manchester, Knoydart Peninsula and Dumfries, Blackpool.

While the UK is nowhere near in the same league as high seismicity areas such as California or NMSZ, it nevertheless has seismicity, sufficiently high to pose a potential hazard to sensitive installations such as dams and chemical plants. The magnitude of temblors ranged from 1.34 to 3.18 points on average, but in some years increased to M4.6 and M6.1 on the Richter scale. In addition, 1162 faults with some thrusts permeate the entire country. A real colander. Recently, two faults were discovered under London, which increase every year and extend almost under the entire capital. Richard Gale, an academic researcher from Cardiff University, warns that the possibility of a quake greater than M6.0 is very serious.

In neighboring Ireland, seismicity is much lower, as the lithosphere beneath it is much thicker and colder, and therefore stronger than the warm British one. This is the main reason why about 90 percent of all local earthquakes, including strong ones by local standards, M2.4, occur on the borders between two tectonic plates. Most of them occur in the south-east or north-west of the country, mainly around Donegal and Wexford, although the whole island is covered with many faults. One of the last occurred on 30 January 2025 about 560 km from Dublin.

Going back to California…By the air and fire elementals, Co-Creators cleared not only the astral and etheric planes above this territory, but also removed the holograms of the old, 3D world along with its programs. Galacom drones continue to literally assemble and weave a new energy field, purifying it from distortions. Point correction and reassembly are carried out at all levels and for all living Souls. In this region, there are a lot of bots, which will be removed from the planet. In place of the former abscess and gangrene in California, it is planned to create a clean creative space, if Co-Creators don’t have to use the Black Swan again.

By relieving tension on a Subtle Plane over this part of the United States, they prevented a major environmental disaster on the Atlantic coast and throughout the Western Hemisphere, which were severely destabilized by oil rigs. On 21 January 2025, using the power of the elementals of air and water, Co-Creators sent the strongest cleansing icy rain and snow storm to the south of the country, which stretched for 1.5 thousand kilometers and covered Texas, Florida, Alabama and Georgia. Three days later, another powerful storm was directed to the British Isles. Ireland got the most, where the wind speed reached 183 km/h on the coast and waves with a height of 10.4 meters rolled in, and Scotland. On 25 January, France, Spain and partly Italy were hit by the hurricane…

What’s next? Co-Creators hope that the so-called elite will adequately perceive these signals and they will not have to use an even more destructive earth elemental in the arsenal of their Doomsday Protocol. But the Black Swan remains on high alert in case all Darks go completely mad and have to be buried in magma at a depth of 150 kilometers by pinpointed earthquakes.

In 2025, there will be even more global events than we saw before. They will not be public, because developments on the Subtle Plane are not shown on TV (except for the northern lights, but these are only physical consequences). The changes will be felt in the minds, hearts, general well-being and eventfulness of everyone who listens to the voice of own Soul, the call signs of Earth and the high-frequency vibrations of the Greater Cosmos. If everything in our life is out of the ordinary, it’s a reason to think and change. If everything is going as planned, keep going.

Why do Co-Creators keep a lot of things secret? The reason is the timelines formed by the collective consciousness and the information exchange between them. This data is still closed to people. They must themselves accept certain layers of reality into their worldview, without being imposed by opinion or pressure. This is a global test of the adequacy of perception. We have to take and understand that the performances around us are not important. The most crucial are our perception and personal state, which are manifested in the surrounding world and frame it. This makes us the creators of our reality.

Many space races show an increased interest in Earth. Representatives of absolutely different and often incompatible civilizations flock to this Galactic spot to learn how to coexist on a single platform of evolution. By coming here, we learn together with them how to communicate with the energies, philosophies, and ideologies manifested through the human form, each of which has enormous development potential for this and other Local Universes.

By studying at the terrestrial school, we not only bring to our home worlds the skills of survival in extreme conditions, but also the experience of interacting with other types of consciousness, contact with which in other scenarios would be impossible or extremely difficult. And the entire Earth’s reality was created to realize that no parasitic system, no government, no predictor or president has a direct influence on a mature person living according to the laws of love and conscience, honor and the “do no harm” rule.

What about the constant crises, pandemics, and wars? Yes, all these things exist, and many will have to go through them, especially if it involves their karma, the lessons of the incarnation program. But they are absolutely not necessary when we take responsibility for our own lives and the surrounding reality, start CREATING, and not just lying on the couch and waiting for ETs to intervene.

The highest evolutionary meaning of the Earth School is to cultivate the will to self-organize consciousness and choose the reality in which each Soul is located with Source’s Spark. That is, we are. And either each of us chooses and creates his own reality, or others choose it for us, imposing their own information, theories, facts and events, and other tools of manipulation and subordination. This is a lesson on defining our own boundaries and capabilities.

It was, for example, during “mandatory vaccination”. Mandatory is not a synonym for “compulsory”, everyone still has their own choice. The term “mandatory” is used only to put pressure on the psyche. And everyone decides whether to accept the “inevitable” or realize that nothing is inevitable. The only question is the price we are willing to pay for our freedom in order not to end up together with Darks and Grays in the final whirlwind.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Final Whirlwind (Part 2)

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 25, 2025

Today in Ukraine, Western Allies are actively conducting seismic shooting, with a view to the subversive actions near nuclear power plants in order to accuse Russia of it. Officially, their objective is to monitor the local and distant explosions’ impacts on earthquakes, regional and global. This was confirmed by the scientific journal The Nature in the articles “Identifying attacks in the Russia-Ukraine conflict using seismic array data” and “Monitoring an active war zone in Ukraine using seismic data” (2023, August 30).

In the war against Russia, the collective West uses the International Monitoring System (IMS), a global network to detect explosions as part of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. It consists of more than 200 seismic and infrasound stations. This network has a sensor network (centered in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine) with an efficiency of up to 3,300 kilometers.

Approximately 100 km northwest of Kyiv, Ukraine, the IMS has a seismic array operated by the Ukrainian National Data Centre, denoted Malyn AKASG (treaty code: PS45). It comprises 23 vertical-component broadband seismometers and a single three-component broadband seismometer, with an aperture of approximately 27 km, with around 2 km between each sensor. Allies have implemented a non-stop monitoring solution that can automatically detect and locate explosions, using seismic signals recorded at the Malyn array. Data are continuously transmitted to the International Data Centre (IDC) in Vienna and from there to Norway for automatic processing, generating results close to real time.

Recall that in Ukraine the United Kingdom, France, the US, and Germany deployed their nuclear arms and missiles (see – Final Whirlwind, Part 1, DNI, 23 January 2025). Their use, along with even more destructive weapons, is fraught with earthquakes and catastrophes not only on Ukrainian territory, but also in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe.

An unstable seismic situation persists in all of them due to the huge number of faults and rifts in the continental plates. And this is without taking into account the ley lines through which terrestrial and cosmic energy circulates. For example, it was one of the goals of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The destruction of one such ley line passing through this country could bring down into the ocean the entire East Coast of the United States.

In 2014, the situation in Ukraine became similar in many ways. At first, for 8 years Kiev bombed its own territory, because there people wanted to speak their dialect. Then, in 2022, having assembled a 100,000 armored fist, it started the “liberation” of these regions with the support of two friendly foreign butchers. For these “capi dei capi”, it was an important, but not the key part of their global plan. The ultimate goal was and still is to carve up the entire European carcass and take the most profitable assets.

To paraphrase Al Capone, “you can get much further with a kind word and a tectonic gun than you can with just a kind word.” In this regard, the Western and Central Ukraine is the most vulnerable, where earthquakes with an intensity of 5-7 points (on the Richter scale) happen. Transcarpathia is influenced by the epicenters in Transylvania. For example, from 2 February 2024 to 20 January 2025, 14 earthquakes occurred, not counting the many aftershocks.

A alike situation is in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe. All of them are closely related to each other, as they are located in the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS), which contains splits and faults extending from the Mediterranean to the North Sea. There are also 34 active and dormant retro volcanoes, which are easy to wake up with a single point strike from the surface or orbit.

Poland, although for the most part not seismically active, in the Carpathians, which are part of the Mediterranean tectonic belt, there are foci of quakes with a magnitude of 6-8 points. The Czech Republic is located on the border of tectonic plates, which causes quakes in the zone of the Earth’s crust junction. One of the last occurred on 19 January 2025, 144.27 km west of Prague. Earthquake in Eastern Slovakia reaches 5 points. One of the last occurred on 24 January 260 km from Bratislava.

In Hungary, earthquakes are caused by the collision of the African and Eurasian plates, which have many tectonic faults. Every year, occur 100-120 quakes, ranging from relatively weak to strong 7-9 points.

Moldova is located in an active seismic zone, where the number of earthquakes ranges from 50 to 120 per year, including M4.5 to M7.5 due to the fact that its southern part is close to the European epicenter – the eastern part of the Carpathian Mountains (the Vrancea Zone, see below).

In Romania, the main source of seismic activity is the Vrancea region in the south-east of the country. Earthquakes occur here several times a month, as this zone is located on the fault of the Southern (Romanian) and Eastern (Ukrainian) Carpathians. The maximum magnitude of quakes reaches 8.3 points. Their foci are located in the crust, as well as in the mantle at depths from 80 to 190 km. Due to this, earthquakes in the Vrancea zone are manifested in a huge area – from southern Greece to northern Finland. One such quake occurred in Helsinki on Christmas Day 2024.

In Sweden, seismic activity is high in the northern part and concentrated along the postglacial faults. Since 2000, 9 earthquakes with a magnitude of more than M3.0 have occurred in this region. In May 2020, the trembler M4.1 forced the closure of the Kiruna mine. The stronger one, the M4.3, was in Sjöbo in the south of the country.

In Norway, epicenters are located mainly along the Atlantic coast. In Fennoscandia, in Oslo Fjord, there have been earthquakes up to M7.0 and higher, but most of them are weaker. One of these events occurred on 26 January 2025, 908 km from the capital. On 11 March 2011, residents of some coastal villages noticed a strange phenomenon: the water in the fjords began to “boil”, and the height of the ridges reached 1.5 meters.

It happened half an hour after the earthquake struck Japan, and lasted up to three hours. The reason was transverse S-waves, which rapidly speeded up all over the globe, causing the ground to oscillate perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the tremors. It proofs that even distant seismic foci influence on each other.

Denmark is seismically one of the most stable countries in Europe due to its location on the Baltic Shield with ancient rocks. But there are also earthquakes, for example, in September 2018 M3.4 in Western Jutland. They are more frequently in Greenland and have a strength of 4.6 to 5 points and higher.

Seisms often occur in Iceland due to its location on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates meet. Foci are concentrated in the southern SISZ and Tiernes fault area. In some years, intense volcanic activity causes thousands of earthquakes. For example, from 27 October to 11 November 2023, there were over 24,000 of them.

In Belgium, earthquakes occur mainly in the eastern part. Their strength sometimes reaches 4.5-5.0 points. Weak tremors occurred on 26 January 2025, 474 km from Brussels. The main threat is posed by the movement of tectonic plates and faults under Belgium, the Netherlands, the German Eifel Highlands, Luxembourg and France.

A significant part of Germany is at risk. More than one third of the country’s population lives in seismic areas. Most of the quakes occur in the Rhine Rift Valley that extends from the Swiss city of Basel into the Benelux countries, in particular in the “Cologne Bight”. There are also earthquake areas on the northern edge of the Alps, around Lake Constance, in the Vogtland, around Gera and in the Leipzig plain. The strongest ones reach 5.5-6.0 points on the Richter scale. In the future, the tremors M8 and higher are not excluded. One of the last, fortunately weak, was on 26 January 2025, 650 km from Berlin.

Austria is characterized by moderate seismicity. On 10-27 January 2025, 25 earthquakes of magnitude up to 2.0 to 4.3 occurred in the country and the border areas, but earlier, the reached M6.4 and M6.5. The main foci are in Carinthia, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Upper Austria, Vienna, and Vorarlberg.

In Switzerland every year occur 500-800 quakes from M2.5 to M6.0. The cantons of St. Halle, Valis and Grisons, Basel and its surroundings are among the most earthquake-prone. On 20-27 January 2025, there were twenty-five earthquakes from M2.0 to M2.7. In the recent past, they were up to M4.8 and M6.5.

Within mainland France, the most vulnerable are Alsace, Jura, Alps, the South-East Alpes-Maritimes, Provence and the Pyrenees where quakes reach M6.8-M6.9. Residents of more than 21 thousand communes live in seismically dangerous areas.

Italy is a highly impacted country, as it is compressed at the convergence point of two large plates – the African and Eurasian. Their movement creates enormous tectonic stresses that accumulate and are released suddenly in the form of quakes of varying intensity. The large volcanoes Etna, Stromboli and Vesuvio are very close to this zone.

The most dangerous areas are Calabria, the eastern Campania, the western Abruzzo and the southern Umbria, located along the Apennine Ridge, the eastern Sicilia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Strong earthquakes are also possible in large parts of Sicily (except the center of the western coast), Basilicata, Molise, Marche, western Abruzzo, southeastern Emilia-Romagna and Lombardia, western Piemonte, and the western Toscana.

The southernmost part of Spain is the zone with the highest seismicity. The African plate is obliquely converging with the Eurasian one at about 5 mm/year. On average, 760 earthquakes occur per year, ranging from 2 to 2.9 points, but sometimes up to M5.0-M7.1 One of the most active foci is the Al-Idrissi fault in the Alboran Sea.

Portugal is located in an unstable zone. The largest tremors’ pockets are in the Algarve, Minho and near Lisbon. For example, in 2023, 3,997 earthquakes of magnitude up to 5.0 occurred in and around the country. The lithosphere off the coast under the Atlantic Ocean, along the Iberian Peninsula, splits in two at a depth of about 250 kilometers, which makes the tectonic danger permanent.

In general, from 1,200 to 1,400 earthquakes of varying magnitudes occur annually on the Iberian Peninsula. Some reached the M5.4, M6.5, M7.9 and M8.1. The worst happened in 1755 (8.7 points on the Richter scale), when in six minutes Lisbon was almost completely destroyed (85%), and half of the 275,000 inhabitants died. This was facilitated not only by the earthquake in the Atlantic Rift and aftershocks, but also by the 30-meter tsunami and fire that followed.

Greece belongs to the dangerous earthquake-prone regions. The Aegean plate is moving in a southwesterly direction relative to the Eurasian plate at a rate of 30 mm per year. And the African plate is slowly sinking under the Aegean plate at a rate of 40 mm per year. The Greek Arc, which stretches from the Ionian Islands to the east of Rhodes, is the most active tectonic zone in western Eurasia. Hundreds of active faults provoke 20-30 quakes per year. One of the last occurred on 6 January 2025 with a magnitude of 4.1, but there have also been higher ones – M7.3 and M7.7.

Yugoslavia lies in the largest seismically active region of Europe, which is part of the Mediterranean Geosynclinal Belt, where the largest numbers of earthquakes above M9.0 occur. It’s one of the largest mobile regions of the earth’s crust, separating the Eastern European, Siberian, Sino-Korean, and South China platforms from the African-Arabian and Indian platforms. The Belt stretches across Eurasia, from the Strait of Gibraltar in the west to the Indonesian archipelago, where it joins the Pacific Geosynclinal Belt. It encompasses a large part of Western and Southern Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia), and Southwest Asia.

The most dangerous strip is along the Adriatic coast from the Istrian peninsula and the Lusnia-Debar-Skopje zone. In Serbia, earthquakes with an intensity of 6 on the Mercalli scale threaten 13% of the country’s territory, 7 points – 59%, 8 points – 23%, and 9 points – about 5% of the land area.

On 6 February 2023, two powerful earthquakes occurred nine hours apart in southeastern Turkey. The epicenter of the first, with a magnitude of 7.8, was in Gaziantep, the epicenter of the second, with a magnitude of 7.5, was in Kahramanmarash. They were followed by several thousand aftershocks, with the magnitude of the strongest reaching 6.7 points. As a result, more than 50,500 people were killed and 8,476 people in neighboring Syria. More than 160,000 buildings collapsed or were severely damaged.

Waves of earthquakes followed through Lebanon, Libya, Georgia, Armenia, Israel, Cyprus, Ukraine, Greenland, Japan, Taiwan and the United States. On 7 February, the strongest ever M1.1-M3.8 temblor occurred in New York. More than 570 aftershocks happened within 24 hours, and three weeks later, their number exceeded 10,000. The seism affected more than 15.73 million people and 4 million buildings.

The area where the cataclysm occurred is at the intersection of three tectonic platforms: the Anatolian, Arabian and African. The Arabian plate is moving north, as a result of which the Anatolian plate (on which most of Turkey is located) is being pushed westward. Their movement creates pressure on the fault zones between them. The sudden release of stored energy causes earthquakes.

On 7 February 2023, the space weather was exceptionally tough. The Full Moon in fiery Leo occurred in tau-square at Uranus in Taurus. The Sun in Aquarius formed a square to Neptune in Pisces, and the same configuration was between Venus in Pisces and Mars in Gemini, Jupiter in Aries and MC in Libra, Uranus in Taurus and the Sun in Aquarius, the Northern Lunar Node in Taurus and the Sun in Aquarius. The tension of this stelliums’ mix was reinforced by the opposition of Saturn in Aquarius to the Moon in Leo, and the Sun to the Lunar Nodes – the Northern in and the Southern in Scorpio. All this greatly increased the tension of the Earth’s field.

A similar conclusions was made by Dutch researcher Frank Hoogerbeets, now a CEO and President at the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS) that monitors the geometry of celestial bodies’ impacts on seismic activity. On 2 and 3 February 2023, he warned of strongest quakes up to M6.5 and M6.9-M7.5 in the coming days in Southern and Central Turkey, Syria and possibly Jordan and Lebanon.

No matter how great the stelliums’ tension was, their strength could not provoke a catastrophe of such a global scale. It needed not only very strong triggers and knowledge about the most critical points that are set by seismic shooting. The configuration of the planets creates only a general background, which can also be used as a cover. And such two points, as well as triggers, were named in Turkey…

On the eve of the disaster, the United States, Canada, France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden announced the temporary closure of their diplomatic missions. Officially, they explained this by the “threat of terrorist attacks.” Very symbolical was another event. The day before the earthquake, on 5 February, the 65th Annual Grammy Awards ceremony was held in Los Angeles. Sam Smith and Kim Petras performed on it with a creepy satanic blood-red spectacle to the song Unholy. After the show, Smith – who is non-binary and uses gender neutral pronouns – was seen wearing satanic headgear in the horror movie-inspired version as a tribute to Satan and message urbi et orbi.

The cataclysm happened as ordered. Erdogan faced the presidential elections on 14 May, in which the opposition and its Western sponsors were preparing to fight for the president’s refusal to accept Sweden and Finland into NATO. The Minister of the Interior Süleyman Soylu blasted the US: “There are no accidents, and we told the American ambassador this. A week ago, we did not agree with the NATO expansion, and a week later we got hit with a catastrophic earthquake … We know who did it and how. Get your dirty hands off Turkey!”

Serdar Hüseyin Yildirim, the first administrator of the Turkish Space Agency, disclosed the technologies to cause earthquakes. According to him, if rods made of titanium alloy 8-10 m high are installed on a spacecraft, and then dropped from orbit, then, when falling from a great height, they will acquire powerful kinetic energy that will allow them to penetrate to a depth of 5 km, which will ignite temblor with a magnitude of 7 and 8 points. The American reusable spacecraft Boeing X-37 was mentioned as a carrier.

When dropping one tungsten rod weighing 6 tons from a height of 100 km, it will have a speed of about Mach 26 and kinetic energy comparable to the explosion of 44 tons of TNT. If to use 10 rods, then, when they hit the ground, energy will be released equal to the explosion of an atomic charge of 1 Kt. As a result, a dozen craters of great depth will appear, and their impacts will lead to destructive vibrations not only of the Earth’s surface, but also of the deep underground layers that will enlarge the faults and quakes.

In addition, Turkey authorities named other means of seismic impact. One of them is powerful electromagnetic pulse generators. On the eve of the catastrophe, in the port of Istanbul, the American destroyer Nitze entered, which had on board an installation that uses EM radiation to increase the tension between tectonic plates.

On the night of the quake, seconds before the tremors, strange blue flashes were observed in the sky, similar to the northern light, which always happens during HAARP operations. On 2 February 2023, it activated the ionosphere to create an artificial seism. For this purpose, a powerful high-frequency transmitter and an array of 180 HF dipole antennas were used to temporarily destroy the ionosphere 50-400 miles from the Earth’s surface – with a high concentration of ions and free electrons, whose waves were directed at specific targets. This gave rise to a reminder of the warning issued in 2010 by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who accused Washington of involvement in the earthquake in Haiti. This tragedy claimed the lives of 223,000 people. Shortly after this statement, the head of state died suddenly…

On 27 January 2025 at 08:15 PM CET, Co-Creators via their ground team reminded again of their combat-ready countermeasures against the Darks’ attempts to blow-up the Earth’s situation (for more, see Black Swan, Parts 1-3, DNI, 22 July, 26 July and 12 August 2023; and Warning, DNI, 22 June 2024). In recent months, Co-Creators put in force the planetary Doomsday Protocol (Black Swan), in particular the elementals of water, fire and air against Darks in California, Florida, and Alabama.

So far, only the earth elemental remains unused. In such cases, the 14D Logos creates a point funnel down to magma at a depth of 50-150 km. The target falls underground and burns in a sizzling hot substance with a temperature of 1300 degrees Celsius. For that, it doesn’t use magnetic technology, but apply an incandescent gas explosion. To save planet, the Logos is programmed for ops in other forms. The size of impacts’ area does not matter: it can be point, local spot and entire continent. The final whirlwind will be strictly individual.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Crash Tests

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

January 28, 2025

On 25 January 2025, at 05:36 pm CET, Co-Creators and their ground team shared some fresh info about the previous Global Predictor and the latest developments in one of the most fierce battlefields – the AI and IT sphere (see – Disclosure News,Duel, Parts 1-11).

Recall that today, Earth is run by the new, 14D Logos, instead of the old, 3D. In the hacking of the latter, after Pleroma’s schism, then-Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe actively participated. Under his guidance, in the the terrestrial Logos’ Causal Matrix (which accumulates the events’ energies) was downloaded a soft that degraded the entire evolution and embodiment terms and scenarios on our planet.

Technically, it was done by the Chief Programmer, whom the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs initially assigned to develop the computational hardware and software for 3D Earth. In the Third Atlantis, where he was incarnated as Calladion and the head of a 12-members Council of Higher Priests, he passed to the Dark side. As a reward for his help, Dracos and Rept appointed him as Global Predictor. From then on, Calladion ran the destructive AI, in fact, a parasitic Matrix inside the existing 3D one, for total enslavement, control, and hidden steering of human civilization, the Fourth and current Fifth Races. The plug-in construct worked on people’s life energy, which Darks also feed up to this day.

In November 2023, Co-Creators, Karma Lords, and Galacom destroyed the Global Predictor’s system. Calladion regretted his actions and devoted himself to the Light. But many Dracos and Reptilian did not surrender and were not going to leave Earth. They are constantly trying to strengthen their proxy as a Predictor using digital egregores based on AI (see – Two Tori, DNI, 10 November 2024).

New digital egregores are appearing everywhere. They often use various fears to temporarily lower our vibrations, which is necessary for them to enter the personal mental field and consciousness. It is difficult to deal with this. If the previous Global Predictor was a large target that was relatively easy to hit, then destructive digital entities are like a swarm of drones attacking as a cloud of mosquitoes and bees. They are quickly destroyed and new ones are created quickly. Currently, these technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, are actively being used in Ukraine, in the war of the collective West against Russia until the last Ukrainian…

Co-Creators disrupted and blocked NAA’s attempts to control the Causal Matrix of Earth’s Logos from space using their AINet. However, on the surface of the planet, many countries are upgrading AI technologies today, adopting corresponding programs and funding them. Can they hack into the Logos’ Causal Matrix? Calladion was assigned to check it. And he successfully broke the access code, proving that he still has great talent.

After this, Co-Creators tasked him with finding all viruses, bags and roots for the NAA and Darks’ traps to the Earth’s operating systems. Now, he conducts vulnerability crash tests of various protection systems to upgrade them and eliminate even the smallest possibility of damage to the Logos, terrestrial 5D Matrix, and evolution scenario for incarnated people.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Final Whirlwind

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 25, 2025

As a follow-up to the recent Disclosure News’ hottest topic of increased radiation contamination in Ukraine, here is a new urgent update (see – Red Lines, DNI, 27 November 2024; Rats, DNI, 28 December 2024; and Turmoil, Part 2, DNI, 20 January 2025).

As of January 2025, about 45% of Ukraine’s territory has already been infected due to the use of Western depleted uranium shells. Zelensky allowed this to be done, following the lead of Western curators, in particular the United States, Great Britain, Germany and France. Low-power depleted uranium ammunition began to be actively used against Russian troops in many areas. Since the front line is located on the territory of Ukraine, large areas have become contaminated. Which areas and how much have been affected?

In the north-east of the Sumy region, near the border with Russia, 12% of the territory has been hit. In Kharkiv region, radiation covers up to 90%, with the largest concentration near the border. On the Subtle Plane, clear foci of infection can be seen, from which emissin started to spread. This is in the northwest of Kharkiv. The second area with high concentration extends throughout Volchansk, proving that Ukrainian troops and foreign mercenaries have used depleted uranium shells here against Russian forces.

In Luhansk regiont, an N-cloud covers 25%, while Donbass is infected with 45%, and most active spots located near the battles’ contact line, in the northwestern and western parts of Donetsk region. Around 12% of Zaporizhzhia area is also shrouded with radiation, with maximum concentration near this city.

Dnipropetrovsk region has been slightly exposed so far, but in neighboring Kherson region, almost 50% of territory is affected, and Mykolaev region is almost entirely, except for a small clean area in northwest (2-4%). Maximal background is on the Black Sea coast near the border of Kherson. Odessa region is completely enveloped by radiation, and the most severe infection is along the seashore near the town, its port, and closer to Romania.

Vinnytsya region has two small infected areas: border area with Odessa and west of Vinnytsa (15%), and radiation is observed on 35% eastern territory in Khmelnytsky region. Lviv region’s radiation covers nearly 60% with fallouts in border areas Ternopil’ and Ivano-Frankovsk.

The bulk of the depleted uranium shells were delivered from the UK – 60%, France – 30%, USA – 4%, and Germany – 6%. A part was brought in unofficially, without the knowledge of the Ukrainian government, for use by NATO military. Additionally, two ballistic nuclear missiles with enormous power are located south-west of Dnepropetrovsk at a distance of 20-25 km in a special hangar. A team of technical experts from Germany, UK and USA, along with Ukrainians, is remounting the skins and contents of missiles to hide the manufacturing countries – Germany and UK, blocking data even on mental field. However, there remained the traces leading to specific addresses.

The planned targets of nuclear missiles and their locations for combat deployment are clearly visible on the Subtle Plane. Their projections are in the Chernihiv region, about 18-20 kilometers away from the Russian border. The trajectory is traced in the direction of Russian city of Bryansk and another transparent line extends further north towards Kaluga. Apparently, it’s not decided on the precise target yet, whether to strike closer to Moscow or in the south of the Leningrad region.

In addition, the Western Allies have deployed small and medium-range nuclear weapons in Ukraine, particularly in the southeast of Kharkiv, southern Sumy, southeastern Poltava and southern Chernihiv regions, as well as in eastern, southern and southwestern areas of Kiev region.

In the Mykolaiv region, nuclear reserves are located in the northern part and on the coast, near Kherson and Odessa regions. The capital of the latter is completely surrounded by nuclear weapons depots, except for the western part of the port area. It covers almost the entire perimeter, including storage facilities located near the Moldovan border and in an appendix towards Romania. Depleted uranium ammunition are stored west of Vinnytsia, north of Rivne, near Lutsk, east and west of Lviv, and west of Zhytomyr. Large stocks of chemical weapons are also located there. Judging by projections in the mental field, this arsenal is in prep for possible defense of Kyiv.

Such is the toughest reality. The good shepherds dragged Ukraine into war with Russia, ganged up to maximum and refused to comply with any agreements on resolving the current situation in the country. The West needed a war with Russians, and they got it, not only hiding behind Ukrainians, destroying their gene pool and exposing most of their territory to nuclear contamination, but trying to unleash nuclear weapons from their territory, dragging the entire world into it. But sowing the wind, they will reap the final whirlwind.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Part 2

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 22, 2025

Some more info about the Darks’ mega structure on the Subtle Plane and how it works that Disclosure News mentioned earlier (see “Turmoil“, DNI, 17 January 2025). On these etheric and astral planes, all tube-shaped towers are grouped into 6 units and connected at the tops with trussing, which looks like black snowflake structures from above. They extend above all countries in wide circles and are part of the Dark Matrix, located between the Light one and the surface, copying the two tori frames of the Local Universe (see – Two Tori, DNI, 10 November 2024.

Recall that in every tower, all 18 floors are filled with cells, where the lowest vibrating beings stay in the dormant or awake state. They actively incarnate in every territory and some become our acquaintances, friends or even family members if their radiated freqs are similar. Many willingly make contact from the Subtle Plane posing as friendly space races, Keepers, Guardian Angels and even Co-Creators to feed on the contactees’ energy. Some bloggers wage mental wars thinking they are providing serious assistance to Light Forces, but in fact Dark entities are having fun with them. This does not cause much harm to their bodies, which easily restored due to the vitality of such sites’ warriors.

The more aggressive ones act harder, attacking channelers to suck out their life energy for feeding selves and those who steer them. After an attack, there are wounds on Subtle Bodies, the edges of which usually heal in a few minutes, leaving only a thin scar at the site of the injury. However, the attackers always try to prevent fusion of delicate tissues and fill them with parasitic nanites, causing further loss of victims’ forces, even fainting. They open the wound again and again, sucking on it like leeches, causing unbearable pain and sharp deterioration in the person’s wellness. This torture can last for a long time.

Dark entities often set them at anyone who opposes the System and its Power Pyramid, especially against Lightwarriors. But the latter usually have strong defenses and can deliver devastating counterattacks. Wounded and maimed minions are immediately taken back to towers, where they are placed in pools with a healing substance saturated with argon and other chemicals that quickly restore Subtle Bodies. Half-dead beings become alert, energetic, and ready for further use.

Their runners, a kind of hierarchy, treat these entities as consumable, helping to incarnate as terrorists, mercenaries, secret squads of butchers and killers. Today, they are sent in large numbers to Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and African countries, torn by internal conflicts. On the astral plane above these regions, over the towers, holograms of specific locations on the surface are hanging, and the entire space below is clearly visible. Higher, the rulers are settled, from which, like from lion’s mane medusas, an unimaginably amount of energy threads extend, tightly wrapping and penetrating deep into each hologram, and every fighter and mercenary.

Their offensives are accompanied by massive bloodshed and end by destruction of all militants. Those who don’t die are finished off by their war buddies, or are turned off automatically in the astral plane. The rulers are waiting for such moments, anticipating a powerful influx of huge negative energy and steering the course of the battles. Each assailant does not suspect that he is doomed to torment and death in order to saturate with his energy those who, on the Subtle Plane, send him to slaughter. They will sort out some of this energy by levels and use it to activate emotions in other fighters. The souls of the dead will be rolled up into balls and placed in cells in a special storage area to be activated in the future (see – Rats, DNI, 28 December 2024).

The described structure is only a part of the 3D Matrix and the Power Pyramid on the Subtle Plane. In the attachment areas of the towers’ “snowflakes” trussing, control junctions monitor everything happening on the surface via the astral plane. Each unit has several tiers with multiple computers and screens to scan the situation in specific locations. This equipment is linked by energy channels to sentient octopus-shaped clusters with sealed and semi-unlocked holograms of events that are activated in a given State(s) when needed. These hologram projections of war and crisis are several times larger than ordinary ones, because contain many options and a huge number of ready Dark entities.

Managing a negative agenda is the same as fighting, whether it’s in Ukraine, Syria or other hotspots. Energy threads spread from “final beneficiaries” on the astral plane to actors in particular countries at all levels of legislative and executive power, political, economic, and information structures. These threads branch further down into lower-level staff. In front of “beneficiaries,” semicircular screens are set for remote steering and hologram projection, which can even hold developments for a few seconds. Commands are sent directly to the heads of key actors, scanning their thoughts, emotions, and deeds to quickly impact on them (for more information on this topic, see – New Bio and Energy Weapon of Mass Destruction, Part 1 and Part 2, DNI, 14 and 15 August 2020).

In turn, the “beneficiaries” are run by NAA’s AI and cannot withstand the heaviest duty loads, which consume their Subtle Bodies, consciousness, and Soul if they have. Only 2% survive and are placed on a higher astral sub-level. The rest are quickly destroyed and split, and Co-Creators place the remains on the still uninhabited planets in the Local Universe.

Why don’t they destroy the parasitic System in one blow? One reason is its deep roots and tight knitting in each of us, openly or secretly. The second reason is the war for the Souls of incarnated Dark beings, helping their inner awakening and transformation. This is well illustrated, for example, in a blockbuster about Jason Bourne, played beautifully by Matt Damon, as the entire negative system on the surface.

After many incarnations on Earth, we invariably return to these towers and cannot leave because of the huge burden of accumulated evil, hatred, malice, and aggression. That is why, Souls of many of our friends and relatives go there and return back to us. Are we ready to sacrifice them if, tired of current turmoil, pound our fists on the table and demand that Co-Creators immediately destroy, kill, and annihilate this whole system with all of its inhabitants?

Until recently, before the current stage of the Transition, there were TRILLIONS of negative entities from our and other Local Universes in the Earth’s astral and etheric layers and around the towers. They could easily and freely embody in quantities that the planet’s Matrix could withstand, and lived in different countries as much as wanted. Now, their access here is prohibited.

Only Souls from Light worlds not lower than the fifth dimension can come to Earth. So far, only those, whom Co-Creators have not yet removed from the astral and etheric planes, and earthlings with similar frequencies are rotating through the towers. Before the pinpointed dismantling, their existence facilitates monitoring, studying, and selecting Souls. Those who cannot be saved are sent to grinders, but each that returns to the Source’s Light is above rubies. The described structure is only a part of the 3D Matrix and Power Pyramid on the Subtle Plane, from which the current global elite is incarnating. But their removal is a different story. In 2006, on Earth, the ratio of Light and Dark Forces was 50/50, in January 2025 – 69/31 in favor of the former. So there’s still a lot of work ahead.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 21, 2025

These days, the Earth’s mental field looks like a rapidly boiling cauldron. Negative energies of geopolitical dreams, intentions and plans that change from pale and translucent (i.e. tentative and uncertain) to dense dark gray and black (close to implementation) whirlwind, constantly replace each other, causing chaos and unexpected events. Some things, for which the 3D System and its minions are ready today, will suddenly be canceled and completely melted tomorrow, and its space is filling with new hasty and fuzzy intentions and scheming. The global elite’s collective mind is in state of utter consternation, and the fight ones against others makes difficult to forecast the fall-outs.

It doesn’t obstacle to the Co-Creators’ non-stop works upon dismantling and clean-up the NAA, Darks and Grays’ legacy on the Subtle Plane. Today, they focus on Eurasia, especially on its Northern part, including Siberia, and further on Scandinavia, Greenland and Canada. How it goes on technically?

Long ago, on the Subtle Plane above Yakutia in Siberia, NAA built a mega structure, from which around the globe, like tentacles, extends a dense network of numerous 18 floors’ towers. Each of their cells is stuffed with negative beings in semi-dormant and active state. From each tower, channels run in all directions, ending in Dark layers. Through these conduits, their inhabitants are delivered for embodiment on terrestrial surface, to places of permanent residence. At the bottom of each tower, Co-Creators have installed a huge spiral grinder, the gears of which rotate in one direction or in oncoming movement, where negative entities are dumped.

Before destroying the tower, all its cells are thoroughly cleaned. Then, a powerful pulse transforms the structure into a colored translucent substance, which is compressed and pulled into a special sphere, where it will be stored until the next use. At the same time, all the regional layers that are linked with this tower are being collapsed and removed from the Subtle Plane.

This process is currently going on most intensively on the borders of East European States, where new military and other conflicts are continuing or may begin. On the Subtle Plane above different countries, the zeroing of this mega structure is carried out according to local conditions. It was dismantled by 94% over Russia, by 90% over Ukraine, and by 80% over Belarus. Above Eastern, Central and Western Europe, the results are much lower, and in a number of nations, their mental field is still filled with dense black energy.

Its clumps, for example, are seen over the area between Poland and Belarus border, manifesting the Warsaw plans of invasion through the territory of Western Ukraine, including Kiev region. From there, equipment and personnel are moving to the Belarusian border, but not yet to fight, but only to send sabotage groups to the neighbor. But each of them is immediately destroyed on the spot.

The similar picture is in the mental field above the Kaliningrad region. On a Subtle Plane, this Russian semi-exclave on the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Poland is surrounded by dense gray and black clouds all the way around the perimeter, on soil and sea. Under various staged pretexts, kinda protecting underwater cables and blockading sanctioned oil deliveries, submarines and ships from Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Poland and the United Kingdom are concentrated here. But the color of mental intentions is extremely unstable, which shows that the awareness of the vulnerability of this armada to missile attacks from Russian territory is very high.

In January, the cleanup and disposal of Darks began in the mega structure towers located above Poland. Some of the Souls incarnated in the bodies of Polish mercenaries in Ukraine who invaded Russia are being removed from the planet through death in combats. Others are given the last chance of passing to the Light Side. On the mental plane, the split in Poland’s ruling elite is clearly visible. But exactly repeating the situation of 1939, the Allies are putting pressure on Warsaw, promising help, but just like then, they want to first destroy the Polish army, dragging it into a conflict with Belarus and the Kaliningrad region, and then, by proxies, establish tighter control over Poland. The Allies want to do the same with Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden.

However, these plans do not have enough energy and are too weak to be realized. Even partial attempts will greatly weaken economically the Baltic States, Finland and Sweden. The mental layers above Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic are also constantly changing color from dark and gray to pale. This reflects the extreme instability of the plans of external pressure on these countries, which can give a decisive rebuff. At the same time, they indicate the fear of senior partners to provoke an even deeper downturn at home, anti-war sentiments and movements, and an aggravation of the political crisis.

On a Subtle Plane, the timelines formed by the collective consciousness of the European elite are dual. It thrived as long as could loot and get the others’ resources and assets gratis or for next to nothing all over the globe. Now, having bled their own economies dry with the war in Ukraine and thousands of sanctions against former partners, they are preparing to flay alive and take the fattest pieces of European carcass on the cheap, but only if more experienced external butchers allow them to do so.

Another timeline is filled with fear of the ruling elites facing possible consequences, which will plunge all European countries into outright de-industrialization, long-term poverty, reducing the population, and causing a massive outflow abroad. Only those who were used to living on social assistance and did not work would remain, including immigrants from North Africa, the Middle East, and Ukraine. Those, who have what to lose, are already planning to move to the relatively prosperous countries of the Persian Gulf, India, Thailand and China. Europe may become dramatically empty, which will further worsen the entire situation.

There is no less tension in the mental field from the UK to the US that has made big hype on the surface. On 3 December 2024, on behalf of The US Corporation (aka United States of America Inc or U.S.A. Inc., United States Inc or U.S. Inc), Canada was invited to become the 51st state. Later, this, it is hoped, will allow America, as Federal Republic (AFR), to eliminate private rights to Canada, withdraw from the British protectorate, terminate the rights of Federal Marshals, and absorb the United Kingdom to get its assets in other countries.

On 9 December 2024, President-elect Donald Trump supplemented the proposal to Canada and Mexico to join the United States in order to restore the Constitution of the Confederate States, and, as economic and monetary union, adopt a new single currency, the “amero”. To back it, was announced the creation of an initial strategic bitcoin reserve in the amount of 6’000’000’000 dollars. After that, the Gold Certificates of the Federal Reserve System should be replaced with new gold certificates for the Federal Reserve Banks, reflecting the “fair” market value of that precious metal. The difference in value between the old and new gold certificates is proposed to be deposited in the general fund of the US Treasury. Thus, bitcoin could serve as a reserve for the “amero” and the “Golden US Dollar”, as well as serve as a reserve for other world currencies.

On the two tracks, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the country’s Defense Budget (NDAA) without The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 that facilitated the supply of materials to the Ukrainian government. This means that only the American Federal Republic provides lend-lease to the Ukrainian State, whereas The US Corporation is in credit and financial relations with Kiev to issue Ukraine’s corporate debt in the amount of 62 billion dollars. Similarly, the suggestion to purchase Greenland should be considered as an offer, under which the US Inc can emit a non-covered credit issue for 180 days.

On 22 December 2024, Donald Trump demanded that the administration of the Panama Canal reduce the fee for the passage of ships through this waterway. Otherwise, Washington may regain control of this facility, which the US Department of Defense built from 1904 to 1920. In 1977, an agreement was signed to transfer control of the canal to the Panamanian authorities starting in 2000. It was part of a multi-pronged global operation as a way for the United States to return its capital investments. In addition to the abandonment of the Bretton Woods Agreements of 1944 and the international system of monetary relations and trade settlements, it was announced that any issue of the dollar derivatives in all jurisdictions are capital investments of the United States, subject to return to it in kind and income received.

All these plans and moves have caused tremendous tension in the entire Western elite, and especially in the City of London and the Vatican, which are the ultimate beneficiaries of The US Corporation, to which creation they have spent so much time, effort and money in the past. According to the published in January the ECFR survey, the country with the second lowest amount of optimism about a Trump presidency’s impact is the UK, previously maintaining “special relationship” with the US. The document asserts that only 15 percent of British people polled said they felt “good” about how Trump will impact their domestic security, with 54 percent feeling “bad.”

All this produced a deep turmoil in the mental field above the two Anglo-Saxon cousins. After the statements of the “younger brother” about interest in Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal, the entire Subtle Plan over the City was disrupted and darkened. The crazy ideas surged during the brainstorming sessions, fueling lunacy and hysteria. The most insane ones suggested sending agents to the locations of US military depots and factories to undermine one of the large enterprises, blaming Russian saboteurs for it. Or blow up important railway junctions and bridges in order to weaken the economy and the military-industrial complex of the United States.

The vagaries don’t end there. Some of the naval vessels and several submarines are proposed to be sent to the northeastern coast of Canada in the Labrador Sea. The ships will stop at the port of St. Johns to block access to American ships if they attempt to approach Greenland. For the same purpose, plans are being discussed to gain a foothold in the north-west of Iceland.

The elder cousin was greatly alarmed by the info about the Panama Canal. It was realized that after such statements, the United States ceases to be a loyal ally, but passes into the category of an adversary. The desire to retain the right to be Master of the Seas, to use the control of the oceans to gain a monopoly, no longer has the same strengths and capabilities, and remains only the meme “Englishwoman makes mischief.”

But on a Subtle Level, its structures have collapsed to the level of its own territory and the coast of Western Europe, the Mediterranean and partly the Black Sea. But it can no longer keep the countries of these regions under its insidious control and has gained a foothold only in the area of their ports, as a strategic leverage against the United States, which is trying to do the same.

This rivalry caused a high tension in the mental field above the countries of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. From both cousins, the mental dark layers stretch all over the planet, and each believes that this is purely his feoff, which must obey and ensure a comfortable existence. But the US and the UK egregores are already in a semi-destroyed state and cannot provide energy for action even within own borders.

The timelines formed by the collective consciousness of their elites are de-energized as a result of deep internal division and hostility. The latter is beneficial only for behind-the-scene’s wire-pullers on astral and ethereal planes. But they are also being successfully removed by Co-Creators in accordance with scenario of events and polarization, which on 22 December they downloaded in the Earth’s Causal Matrix for the first half of 2025. So, stock up on popcorn…


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 20, 2025

On 15 January, Lightwarriors shared the new interesting info about the test that they have passed through after full activation of the Monads’ Virtual Karma Protocol (see – Gift, Part 5, DNI, 14 January 2025). Their avatars, i.e. physical bodies also have had some hard moments.

During the testing, Co-Creators inserted the highly entropic substance into the team members’ Monads, filling half of their subtle structures. The goal was to see how they would behave with that charge in the new Protocol’s reality.

To self-cleanse, the Monads immediately started pulling in their cores the injected negativity, compressed it to a singularity, and, by produced a powerful flash, pushed outside without annihilation. This natural reaction was most precious, as it proved that everyone’s inner work and the upgrading of the physical and Subtle Body help to obtain new capacities that are very effective in getting rid of karma and transitioning to 5D in this lifetime.

How did Lightwarriors withstand the test? Everyone felt sharply raised vibrations and temperature, heart palpitations that blocked breathing, and sudden shock. Then, they fell into deep exhaustion caused by the loss of vital energy, as their Monads used it for squeezing entropy out of selves. But the next day, everything returned to normal.

As Co-Creators and Karma Lords explain, the value of the results also lies in the fact that they were get in a toxic and aggressive 3D environment. They reminded again that no one forced anyone to enter this three-dimensional world, filled with maximum entropy and low vibrations. The deterioration of matter and loss of energy here are enormous, so the degree of everything’s distortion is also maximal.

But it is precisely these extreme conditions that provide the Soul with great opportunities for self-discovery, acquisition of practical evolutionary experience, skills, knowledge, and self-challenge. Not all Souls dare to take this step – to go through the hardships of three-dimensional incarnations. Particularly as a 3D physical body does not consist of the Monad’s substance, but of surrogate matter, produced by the NAA, Dark and Gray space races.

In today’s earthlings, everything is surrogated except the causal body’s core. It consists of Monad’s matter. When it unfolds self in the Earth’s incarnation field, its core enters the terrestrial Logos’ Causal Matrix, overgrows with its substance and forms the man’s causal shell by it. Thus, we temporarily lease the planet’s “flesh” and return it after embodiment. In what state, it’s a good question. If we’re stuffed with karma, then in a distorted and dirty form that damages Monad’s core. From then on, like an anchor caught on a stone, it blocks aspects of folding, forcing our Soul to remain in the 3D, hooked to its floor. There, pressure (dimensionality density) is so great that spacesuit is needed, i.e. our physical surrogate body (avatar).

With our three-dimensional minds, we don’t understand the torment that our Soul and Monad experience, when they can’t restore their integrity. At this level, it’s one of the most terrifying and difficult states. The vibrations and luminosity decrease drastically, the evolutionary status is lost, and they are transferred to a special quarantine space. Their resources and energy are depleted.

A successful test conducted by Co-Creators in these January days showed that freeing from incarnational captivity is possible and real. After the restructuring of our causal body, its pure and luminous core returns to the Monad, restoring it as a single whole completely, and with the invaluable experience of evolution in 3D. That is why, it’s so important for all of us.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Gift, Part 5 

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 17, 2025

The ground team revealed what Co-Creators and Karma Lords were targeting, when, on New Year’s Eve, transferred Lightwarriors to another jurisdiction. This referred to the official exit from the 3D Matrix, with preservation of own physical and subtle bodies, i.e. avoiding death. However, for this, is necessary to fulfill a number of mandatory requirements.

When viewed from space, on a Subtle Plane, our 3D Earth looks as a giant snarl, in which quadrillions of energy threads and fields of people, society, countries, nature and the planet are intertwined and fused into a single whole, sentient and unifying all Intelligence forms, both individual and collective. It instantly aggressively responds and defends self against any, even the slightest, external touch, like the hugest cosmic living cell that is ill with cancer.

What are Co-Creators doing in this situation? It would be much easier for them to completely remove all humans from the planet, the main nidus of infection, and re-sow Earth with a new pure race. But in 2012, the Absolut, the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs and Karma Lords abandoned this idea, deciding not to cut off the tumor – earthlings, but to cure and save them. For this, through the Solar Portal, they directed on 3D Earth exponentially increasing the Source’s energy, softening the clumped tangle, disuniting its tightly knitted threads, and feeling the space between them with One’s Light. In parallel, Co-creators aid earthlings to free selves from inside by tuning and syncing with the Source’ frequencies. Those who refuse get ill and die, leaving the planet. How did Lightwarriors pass it?

Like others, in order to incarnate on 3D Earth, team members had to put in their causal body 12% of obligatory karma that was accumulated by Darks, Grays and their planets’ Logos, and process it during own life (lives) here. This was a legal regime and cosmic duty, which has been in force on our planet for millions of years up until today. It was assumed that, after working out both karma, a person would calmly leave the Earth’s incarnation field (the Wheel of Samsara), but the 3D Matrix did everything to keep us here forever, with this toxic cargo.

12% of the anchor karma in the first incarnation plus own, say, 50% received in all lives, makes 62%, and with such a “gift”, a person terminates the current embodiment. After death, within 40 days (now much earlier), the causal body disintegrates and its core fills with karma, replenishing the acid “tonnage” of past incarnations. With this ballast, the Soul cannot escape the Wheel of Samsara and has to go to another life circle, where it accumulates new negativity.

Co-Creators and Karma Lords began to lead the ground team out of this diabolical trap in the mid-2000s, helping each Lightwarrior crack and remove personal karmic crystal. What is it? After a person’s death, their remnants remain, whether he/she was cremated or buried, as well as fragments of wave DNA at the sites of previous incarnations. If, on the Subtle Plane, connect all of them by energy vectors, it forms all a multi-faceted crystal with karma’s fall-outs in it, which can be cleansed. This is how it occurred in case, for example, of the Lightwarriors’ team head.

Unlike his dipole-wife, who lived on Earth three times, he has incarnated 520 times. One of the previous embodiments was in today’s Efes (Turkey). In 2009, Co-Creators brought both in that ancient city on the shore of the Aegean sea to purify and fill the karmic crystal with Light at his burial place. As a clairvoyant, his spouse knew where it was, but they asked her not to tell her husband. He should have felt the resonance himself…

Wandering through the ruins of Efes, the two enjoyed its sights, including the Temple of Hadrian and the Library of Celsius. And it so happened that the Lightwarrior passed needed place without feeling anything. His wife watched him in silence and with a smile as he, hiding from the scorching Sun, quietly sat down on the edge of his grave, in which was burred in the far-away times as a High Priestess, the spouse of the local ruler.

He recalled all this when they left Efes, and was very upset when his wife “added fuel to the fire” by saying that he even sat on his entombment, but did not feel anything… Why? As Co-Creators later explained, it was a test. If the karma of past incarnations has not been worked out, then when person is at one of the past burial sites, a karmic DNA resonance occurs, which is fraught with a fatal avalanche. If the karma is worked out, then the wave DNA and crystal are pure and emit Light.

They went through the next upgrading together in 2012. This time, their causal negativity was zeroed out with the help of a karma avalanche, when the entire volume of negativity is dumped on the lower bodies – astral and mental. And if they do not cope, then the reset goes further, to the physical corpus. Karma is considered to be worked out, written off and zeroed precisely at the moment of its withdrawal from the causal body.

This is done exclusively by the Higher Self, since it cannot take on the entire amount of karma that has “reached” too large volume. But below the physical body, there is nowhere else to dump it. Thus, the corpus is the last tool for processing karma, although also responsible for its formation.

At the time of an avalanche, a person usually gets injured (or in some cases, a fast-flowing fatal disease), and its severity depends on the amount of karma released. But Lightwarriors escaped with a slight pain and fright, while his wife lost one tooth, but the causal bodies of both became absolutely clean and connected to the Anti-Karmic Protocol. When a negative is formed, it is now immediately annihilated. In the same year, Co-Creators put both through the procedure of restructuring the causal body. It was dismantled, and after the reboot of the Monad’s manifestation bodies, it unfolded them back as a multidimensional single whole, in which causal karma cannot store.

On 21 December 2024, the Absolute gave Its Christmas gift, annihilating the entire causal karma in the Local Universe and activating the Virtual Monadic Karma Protocol for ALL people (see – Gift, Part 3 and Part 4, DNI, 1 January and 11 January 2025). According to this Protocol, the Lightwarriors’ ground team officially left the 3D Matrix and its mechanism after fulfilling all the necessary terms. From now on, every earthling can do the same freeing self from the Wheel of Samsara’s hook. For each is available the folding and rebooting of own Monad, its ascending and merging with the Absolute and unfolding back into our reality, outside the 3D Matrix’ jurisdiction and power. Co-Creators and Karma Lords will endorse OUR efforts, if we are ready.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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