Today in Ukraine, Western Allies are actively conducting seismic shooting, with a view to the subversive actions near nuclear power plants in order to accuse Russia of it. Officially, their objective is to monitor the local and distant explosions’ impacts on earthquakes, regional and global. This was confirmed by the scientific journal The Nature in the articles “Identifying attacks in the Russia-Ukraine conflict using seismic array data” and “Monitoring an active war zone in Ukraine using seismic data” (2023, August 30).
In the war against Russia, the collective West uses the International Monitoring System (IMS), a global network to detect explosions as part of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. It consists of more than 200 seismic and infrasound stations. This network has a sensor network (centered in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine) with an efficiency of up to 3,300 kilometers.
Approximately 100 km northwest of Kyiv, Ukraine, the IMS has a seismic array operated by the Ukrainian National Data Centre, denoted Malyn AKASG (treaty code: PS45). It comprises 23 vertical-component broadband seismometers and a single three-component broadband seismometer, with an aperture of approximately 27 km, with around 2 km between each sensor. Allies have implemented a non-stop monitoring solution that can automatically detect and locate explosions, using seismic signals recorded at the Malyn array. Data are continuously transmitted to the International Data Centre (IDC) in Vienna and from there to Norway for automatic processing, generating results close to real time.
Recall that in Ukraine the United Kingdom, France, the US, and Germany deployed their nuclear arms and missiles (see – Final Whirlwind, Part 1, DNI, 23 January 2025). Their use, along with even more destructive weapons, is fraught with earthquakes and catastrophes not only on Ukrainian territory, but also in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe.
An unstable seismic situation persists in all of them due to the huge number of faults and rifts in the continental plates. And this is without taking into account the ley lines through which terrestrial and cosmic energy circulates. For example, it was one of the goals of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The destruction of one such ley line passing through this country could bring down into the ocean the entire East Coast of the United States.
In 2014, the situation in Ukraine became similar in many ways. At first, for 8 years Kiev bombed its own territory, because there people wanted to speak their dialect. Then, in 2022, having assembled a 100,000 armored fist, it started the “liberation” of these regions with the support of two friendly foreign butchers. For these “capi dei capi”, it was an important, but not the key part of their global plan. The ultimate goal was and still is to carve up the entire European carcass and take the most profitable assets.
To paraphrase Al Capone, “you can get much further with a kind word and a tectonic gun than you can with just a kind word.” In this regard, the Western and Central Ukraine is the most vulnerable, where earthquakes with an intensity of 5-7 points (on the Richter scale) happen. Transcarpathia is influenced by the epicenters in Transylvania. For example, from 2 February 2024 to 20 January 2025, 14 earthquakes occurred, not counting the many aftershocks.
A alike situation is in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe. All of them are closely related to each other, as they are located in the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS), which contains splits and faults extending from the Mediterranean to the North Sea. There are also 34 active and dormant retro volcanoes, which are easy to wake up with a single point strike from the surface or orbit.
Poland, although for the most part not seismically active, in the Carpathians, which are part of the Mediterranean tectonic belt, there are foci of quakes with a magnitude of 6-8 points. The Czech Republic is located on the border of tectonic plates, which causes quakes in the zone of the Earth’s crust junction. One of the last occurred on 19 January 2025, 144.27 km west of Prague. Earthquake in Eastern Slovakia reaches 5 points. One of the last occurred on 24 January 260 km from Bratislava.
In Hungary, earthquakes are caused by the collision of the African and Eurasian plates, which have many tectonic faults. Every year, occur 100-120 quakes, ranging from relatively weak to strong 7-9 points.
Moldova is located in an active seismic zone, where the number of earthquakes ranges from 50 to 120 per year, including M4.5 to M7.5 due to the fact that its southern part is close to the European epicenter – the eastern part of the Carpathian Mountains (the Vrancea Zone, see below).
In Romania, the main source of seismic activity is the Vrancea region in the south-east of the country. Earthquakes occur here several times a month, as this zone is located on the fault of the Southern (Romanian) and Eastern (Ukrainian) Carpathians. The maximum magnitude of quakes reaches 8.3 points. Their foci are located in the crust, as well as in the mantle at depths from 80 to 190 km. Due to this, earthquakes in the Vrancea zone are manifested in a huge area – from southern Greece to northern Finland. One such quake occurred in Helsinki on Christmas Day 2024.
In Sweden, seismic activity is high in the northern part and concentrated along the postglacial faults. Since 2000, 9 earthquakes with a magnitude of more than M3.0 have occurred in this region. In May 2020, the trembler M4.1 forced the closure of the Kiruna mine. The stronger one, the M4.3, was in Sjöbo in the south of the country.
In Norway, epicenters are located mainly along the Atlantic coast. In Fennoscandia, in Oslo Fjord, there have been earthquakes up to M7.0 and higher, but most of them are weaker. One of these events occurred on 26 January 2025, 908 km from the capital. On 11 March 2011, residents of some coastal villages noticed a strange phenomenon: the water in the fjords began to “boil”, and the height of the ridges reached 1.5 meters.
It happened half an hour after the earthquake struck Japan, and lasted up to three hours. The reason was transverse S-waves, which rapidly speeded up all over the globe, causing the ground to oscillate perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the tremors. It proofs that even distant seismic foci influence on each other.
Denmark is seismically one of the most stable countries in Europe due to its location on the Baltic Shield with ancient rocks. But there are also earthquakes, for example, in September 2018 M3.4 in Western Jutland. They are more frequently in Greenland and have a strength of 4.6 to 5 points and higher.
Seisms often occur in Iceland due to its location on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates meet. Foci are concentrated in the southern SISZ and Tiernes fault area. In some years, intense volcanic activity causes thousands of earthquakes. For example, from 27 October to 11 November 2023, there were over 24,000 of them.
In Belgium, earthquakes occur mainly in the eastern part. Their strength sometimes reaches 4.5-5.0 points. Weak tremors occurred on 26 January 2025, 474 km from Brussels. The main threat is posed by the movement of tectonic plates and faults under Belgium, the Netherlands, the German Eifel Highlands, Luxembourg and France.
A significant part of Germany is at risk. More than one third of the country’s population lives in seismic areas. Most of the quakes occur in the Rhine Rift Valley that extends from the Swiss city of Basel into the Benelux countries, in particular in the “Cologne Bight”. There are also earthquake areas on the northern edge of the Alps, around Lake Constance, in the Vogtland, around Gera and in the Leipzig plain. The strongest ones reach 5.5-6.0 points on the Richter scale. In the future, the tremors M8 and higher are not excluded. One of the last, fortunately weak, was on 26 January 2025, 650 km from Berlin.
Austria is characterized by moderate seismicity. On 10-27 January 2025, 25 earthquakes of magnitude up to 2.0 to 4.3 occurred in the country and the border areas, but earlier, the reached M6.4 and M6.5. The main foci are in Carinthia, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Upper Austria, Vienna, and Vorarlberg.
In Switzerland every year occur 500-800 quakes from M2.5 to M6.0. The cantons of St. Halle, Valis and Grisons, Basel and its surroundings are among the most earthquake-prone. On 20-27 January 2025, there were twenty-five earthquakes from M2.0 to M2.7. In the recent past, they were up to M4.8 and M6.5.
Within mainland France, the most vulnerable are Alsace, Jura, Alps, the South-East Alpes-Maritimes, Provence and the Pyrenees where quakes reach M6.8-M6.9. Residents of more than 21 thousand communes live in seismically dangerous areas.
Italy is a highly impacted country, as it is compressed at the convergence point of two large plates – the African and Eurasian. Their movement creates enormous tectonic stresses that accumulate and are released suddenly in the form of quakes of varying intensity. The large volcanoes Etna, Stromboli and Vesuvio are very close to this zone.
The most dangerous areas are Calabria, the eastern Campania, the western Abruzzo and the southern Umbria, located along the Apennine Ridge, the eastern Sicilia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Strong earthquakes are also possible in large parts of Sicily (except the center of the western coast), Basilicata, Molise, Marche, western Abruzzo, southeastern Emilia-Romagna and Lombardia, western Piemonte, and the western Toscana.
The southernmost part of Spain is the zone with the highest seismicity. The African plate is obliquely converging with the Eurasian one at about 5 mm/year. On average, 760 earthquakes occur per year, ranging from 2 to 2.9 points, but sometimes up to M5.0-M7.1 One of the most active foci is the Al-Idrissi fault in the Alboran Sea.
Portugal is located in an unstable zone. The largest tremors’ pockets are in the Algarve, Minho and near Lisbon. For example, in 2023, 3,997 earthquakes of magnitude up to 5.0 occurred in and around the country. The lithosphere off the coast under the Atlantic Ocean, along the Iberian Peninsula, splits in two at a depth of about 250 kilometers, which makes the tectonic danger permanent.
In general, from 1,200 to 1,400 earthquakes of varying magnitudes occur annually on the Iberian Peninsula. Some reached the M5.4, M6.5, M7.9 and M8.1. The worst happened in 1755 (8.7 points on the Richter scale), when in six minutes Lisbon was almost completely destroyed (85%), and half of the 275,000 inhabitants died. This was facilitated not only by the earthquake in the Atlantic Rift and aftershocks, but also by the 30-meter tsunami and fire that followed.
Greece belongs to the dangerous earthquake-prone regions. The Aegean plate is moving in a southwesterly direction relative to the Eurasian plate at a rate of 30 mm per year. And the African plate is slowly sinking under the Aegean plate at a rate of 40 mm per year. The Greek Arc, which stretches from the Ionian Islands to the east of Rhodes, is the most active tectonic zone in western Eurasia. Hundreds of active faults provoke 20-30 quakes per year. One of the last occurred on 6 January 2025 with a magnitude of 4.1, but there have also been higher ones – M7.3 and M7.7.
Yugoslavia lies in the largest seismically active region of Europe, which is part of the Mediterranean Geosynclinal Belt, where the largest numbers of earthquakes above M9.0 occur. It’s one of the largest mobile regions of the earth’s crust, separating the Eastern European, Siberian, Sino-Korean, and South China platforms from the African-Arabian and Indian platforms. The Belt stretches across Eurasia, from the Strait of Gibraltar in the west to the Indonesian archipelago, where it joins the Pacific Geosynclinal Belt. It encompasses a large part of Western and Southern Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia), and Southwest Asia.
The most dangerous strip is along the Adriatic coast from the Istrian peninsula and the Lusnia-Debar-Skopje zone. In Serbia, earthquakes with an intensity of 6 on the Mercalli scale threaten 13% of the country’s territory, 7 points – 59%, 8 points – 23%, and 9 points – about 5% of the land area.
On 6 February 2023, two powerful earthquakes occurred nine hours apart in southeastern Turkey. The epicenter of the first, with a magnitude of 7.8, was in Gaziantep, the epicenter of the second, with a magnitude of 7.5, was in Kahramanmarash. They were followed by several thousand aftershocks, with the magnitude of the strongest reaching 6.7 points. As a result, more than 50,500 people were killed and 8,476 people in neighboring Syria. More than 160,000 buildings collapsed or were severely damaged.
Waves of earthquakes followed through Lebanon, Libya, Georgia, Armenia, Israel, Cyprus, Ukraine, Greenland, Japan, Taiwan and the United States. On 7 February, the strongest ever M1.1-M3.8 temblor occurred in New York. More than 570 aftershocks happened within 24 hours, and three weeks later, their number exceeded 10,000. The seism affected more than 15.73 million people and 4 million buildings.
The area where the cataclysm occurred is at the intersection of three tectonic platforms: the Anatolian, Arabian and African. The Arabian plate is moving north, as a result of which the Anatolian plate (on which most of Turkey is located) is being pushed westward. Their movement creates pressure on the fault zones between them. The sudden release of stored energy causes earthquakes.
On 7 February 2023, the space weather was exceptionally tough. The Full Moon in fiery Leo occurred in tau-square at Uranus in Taurus. The Sun in Aquarius formed a square to Neptune in Pisces, and the same configuration was between Venus in Pisces and Mars in Gemini, Jupiter in Aries and MC in Libra, Uranus in Taurus and the Sun in Aquarius, the Northern Lunar Node in Taurus and the Sun in Aquarius. The tension of this stelliums’ mix was reinforced by the opposition of Saturn in Aquarius to the Moon in Leo, and the Sun to the Lunar Nodes – the Northern in and the Southern in Scorpio. All this greatly increased the tension of the Earth’s field.
A similar conclusions was made by Dutch researcher Frank Hoogerbeets, now a CEO and President at the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS) that monitors the geometry of celestial bodies’ impacts on seismic activity. On 2 and 3 February 2023, he warned of strongest quakes up to M6.5 and M6.9-M7.5 in the coming days in Southern and Central Turkey, Syria and possibly Jordan and Lebanon.
No matter how great the stelliums’ tension was, their strength could not provoke a catastrophe of such a global scale. It needed not only very strong triggers and knowledge about the most critical points that are set by seismic shooting. The configuration of the planets creates only a general background, which can also be used as a cover. And such two points, as well as triggers, were named in Turkey…
On the eve of the disaster, the United States, Canada, France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden announced the temporary closure of their diplomatic missions. Officially, they explained this by the “threat of terrorist attacks.” Very symbolical was another event. The day before the earthquake, on 5 February, the 65th Annual Grammy Awards ceremony was held in Los Angeles. Sam Smith and Kim Petras performed on it with a creepy satanic blood-red spectacle to the song Unholy. After the show, Smith – who is non-binary and uses gender neutral pronouns – was seen wearing satanic headgear in the horror movie-inspired version as a tribute to Satan and message urbi et orbi.
The cataclysm happened as ordered. Erdogan faced the presidential elections on 14 May, in which the opposition and its Western sponsors were preparing to fight for the president’s refusal to accept Sweden and Finland into NATO. The Minister of the Interior Süleyman Soylu blasted the US: “There are no accidents, and we told the American ambassador this. A week ago, we did not agree with the NATO expansion, and a week later we got hit with a catastrophic earthquake … We know who did it and how. Get your dirty hands off Turkey!”
Serdar Hüseyin Yildirim, the first administrator of the Turkish Space Agency, disclosed the technologies to cause earthquakes. According to him, if rods made of titanium alloy 8-10 m high are installed on a spacecraft, and then dropped from orbit, then, when falling from a great height, they will acquire powerful kinetic energy that will allow them to penetrate to a depth of 5 km, which will ignite temblor with a magnitude of 7 and 8 points. The American reusable spacecraft Boeing X-37 was mentioned as a carrier.
When dropping one tungsten rod weighing 6 tons from a height of 100 km, it will have a speed of about Mach 26 and kinetic energy comparable to the explosion of 44 tons of TNT. If to use 10 rods, then, when they hit the ground, energy will be released equal to the explosion of an atomic charge of 1 Kt. As a result, a dozen craters of great depth will appear, and their impacts will lead to destructive vibrations not only of the Earth’s surface, but also of the deep underground layers that will enlarge the faults and quakes.
In addition, Turkey authorities named other means of seismic impact. One of them is powerful electromagnetic pulse generators. On the eve of the catastrophe, in the port of Istanbul, the American destroyer Nitze entered, which had on board an installation that uses EM radiation to increase the tension between tectonic plates.
On the night of the quake, seconds before the tremors, strange blue flashes were observed in the sky, similar to the northern light, which always happens during HAARP operations. On 2 February 2023, it activated the ionosphere to create an artificial seism. For this purpose, a powerful high-frequency transmitter and an array of 180 HF dipole antennas were used to temporarily destroy the ionosphere 50-400 miles from the Earth’s surface – with a high concentration of ions and free electrons, whose waves were directed at specific targets. This gave rise to a reminder of the warning issued in 2010 by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who accused Washington of involvement in the earthquake in Haiti. This tragedy claimed the lives of 223,000 people. Shortly after this statement, the head of state died suddenly…
On 27 January 2025 at 08:15 PM CET, Co-Creators via their ground team reminded again of their combat-ready countermeasures against the Darks’ attempts to blow-up the Earth’s situation (for more, see Black Swan, Parts 1-3, DNI, 22 July, 26 July and 12 August 2023; and Warning, DNI, 22 June 2024). In recent months, Co-Creators put in force the planetary Doomsday Protocol (Black Swan), in particular the elementals of water, fire and air against Darks in California, Florida, and Alabama.
So far, only the earth elemental remains unused. In such cases, the 14D Logos creates a point funnel down to magma at a depth of 50-150 km. The target falls underground and burns in a sizzling hot substance with a temperature of 1300 degrees Celsius. For that, it doesn’t use magnetic technology, but apply an incandescent gas explosion. To save planet, the Logos is programmed for ops in other forms. The size of impacts’ area does not matter: it can be point, local spot and entire continent. The final whirlwind will be strictly individual.