It is Time to Remember the Truth of Who We Are
By Judith Kusel
Posted on November 15, 2024

Reunion Mountain photo by Judith Kusel
Remember that in times of huge changes, like now, when all is changing form, there is no going back.
You can try to hang onto the old for dear life, out of fear to let go of the seemingly known, only to realize that it too is crumbling.
I am grateful that I grew up in a family, where my Papa always reiterated, that when the going gets tough, we will make a plan. We will get through this somehow, and he always found innovative solutions and indeed, we always pulled through. A practical man, who could fix anything, yet could sit down at the pipe organ in the church and create the most heavenly sounds with his big hands, and his even bigger feet.
It is from my dad that I learned that nothing was impossible. There was always another plan to be made, another door to open, and in times when the going was tough, well, that is when you just needed to keep on going, one single step at a time, until you found that open door, or help comes from unexpected sources.
I have often, when I was doing my energy work, been asked to go to strange places, where I did not know how I was going to proceed. One of these was in Reunion, having to climb a pyramid mountain, and on top of the mountain, there was barely space to move. One single false step would send you crashing down the pyramidical inclines and into the abyss. Yet, there I was asked to open a portal.
To make matters worse, this was a Sunday, and all the locals had decided to climb the mountain and make it their Sunday outing, and tourists too. So how on earth would I be able to do the work? Well, I asked my cosmic helpers and said: “If you want me to do the work, then you will have to help me here!”
The next minute at the exact spot where I had been shown I needed to do the work, everything became silent. The people suddenly disappeared. I had the whole mountain top to myself, and I could proceed. No one could see me, or disturb me, or in any way stop what was occurring. I could complete the work and activate the other pyramids in total silence!
As soon as I finished the work, everyone started filing past me again!
This is not the only incident. I am merely sharing this with you (you can read more about this in my Africa book), because what seems impossible, is possible. As I was doing work in multi-dimensional energy fields that day, we can all do this, as we shifted into New Earth, and will be required to do so.
Our new Solar Light bodies are now dense, and we will be able, eventually, to shape shift into any form we choose, to teleport, to bi-locate, to levitate, and so much more, because everything is not so dense, slow, and low vibration.
We will remember how to use sound technologies which are highly advanced, and we will be able to do things which now seem impossible.
We cannot do this when we cling to old. We are being transfigured, and so is everything else!
I simply love this! For it means that we finally are stepping into the fullness of all our ineffable soul knowledge, abilities and talents which have lain dormant for so long. It is time to remember the truth of who and what we are, and to live it with love.
Love is the cosmic key.
It unlocks all possibilities and all capabilities and all we did not even know exists or can exist!
What more can we ask for?
This is a moment of miracles!
Are you ready?
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
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February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.