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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação



Angels of Light

Channel: Lee Degani


Posted on February 6, 2025

Angel of Light: Greetings, I would like to sing to you. I would my words to sing to you, sing to you of Light, sing to you of Joy and sing to you of healing. For I see, I feel, the places of sadness, the places of wondering, the places of yearning for help. I see them within each of you, for there is always a place like that, is there not? But I see the beautiful Light that is coming through, the Light that is yours, the Light that says, I wish to release that and so I am here to help you do that.
Now, there is a question of deservingness. It is an issue, is it not, in many? Do I deserve to be in a place of Joy? Do I deserve to be totally healthy? Do I deserve to have my loved ones around me? Do I deserve to have the darkness, those dark places taken? What is it that I can do further?
And I come to bring you this message, that there is no such thing as deservingness. It is a made up term. It is made up by those who say that you can only have what you wish if you deserve it. For you can only be totally healed if you deserve it. Or you can only have abundance if you deserve it. And you say, but Angel of Light, I don’t have that within me. I am spiritual and I accept healing.
It is a place beloved that is within the collective and because it is in the collective, it is within each of you as well. But the beauty and the joy that I bring you tonight is that can be transmuted. It is as simple as that. That is what the LIght does! Now is that not something to sing about? Something to be joyous about!
There is always this perception among many humans that we need to be very serious. But beloved there is a place of Joy and we do have Joy here with us, do we not? That the Joy brings the Light, the Light brings the Joy and the threads of Light that you have been gifted with this evening, yes, threads of Light are yours. They can be made into a pattern of whatever you wish.
So take the time now. Set your intention for what you wish and let us use those threads of Light to sew a new tapestry. So I leave you now to your sewing and I sew alongside you. I leave you but I am right here. You may call on me anytime that you wish to sew a tapestry with Light. For that is my gift to you and I really shouldn’t even say gift for it is your divine right, your inheritance, so sew away, my master sewers, even if you are not sure about what it means to sew. For it is not something you do on a regular basis. And I give you my needle and I give you my thread of Light and you will find it is very easy. Farewell.
Lee Degani


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • *On his last incarnation in Europe, he has the title of Count of Saint Germain.
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


It Is Time to Let Go

The Blue Avians

Channel: Octavia Vasile

Posted on December 30, 2024


Beloved ones, as you already know, we have opened the doors to the higher dimensions, inviting you to journey beyond the known and embrace your multidimensional nature. This moment, so precious and full of potential, calls for you to remember who you truly are—a being of limitless love, light, and wisdom.
To guide you, we wish to show you the ways to release the ties of the 3D world and align fully with the higher dimensions in both heart and spirit. This may seem challenging, even unfamiliar, but know that the path forward begins by letting go of the past. The mind often urges you to revisit old perceptions, drawing on past experiences to shape your expectations. Yet, if you desire to live in the higher vibrations of the 5D world, it is essential to release these ties.
Affirm to yourself with love and intention: “Now, I create a new reality from a higher vibration.” Embrace this knowing and be purposeful in what you choose to create, no longer looking to past experiences but instead setting your gaze on the beauty of the path unfolding ahead.
Remember, beloved ones, that you are not alone in this journey. Each step you take is supported by waves of love, grace, and guidance from those of us in the higher realms who hold you dear. With every effort to release the old, you are met with divine assistance, clearing the way for you to manifest a life that resonates with the purest aspects of your soul.
Let this moment be a sacred reunion with your inner truth, a gentle yet powerful shift into a state of higher love. Trust in the process and know that as you surrender the past, you open space for the radiant light of new possibilities. Allow yourself to feel the joy, peace, and harmony that come with stepping into this higher reality, for it is your birthright to live in alignment with the divine essence of who you are.
With love,
The Blue Avians

Octavia Vasile



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


You Are Supported

By Sananda

Channel: Natalie Glasson

Posted on December 22, 2024 

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, my love and light extend to you through all channels. My peace is expressed through all aspects of the Creator to you and my love, through action, is shared with you. I connect with your being through all ways and forms.
I am present to share my love with you; my light/peace/truth and my wisdom. This is the same for all beings of light within the Universe of the Creator and upon the earth. We are present to support you. The Creator loves you unconditionally and wishes for you to be happy, to enjoy your reality upon the earth, and to experience fulfillment and success.
The Creator wishes for you to experience oneness, oneness with all that is the Creator; truth – the truth that is within your being.
The Creator wishes for you to experience the wisdom that is within your being, and the most tender, unconditional and generous love that is within your being.
The Creator wishes for you to experience prosperity and abundance in all its forms.
The Creator wishes for you to be safe and protected in all manners and all ways. You are safe in this moment. You are supported and you are loved.
In your reality you may feel that your experiences are completely opposite to that which I am speaking. You may not feel protected or loved. You may not be experiencing success/fulfillment/joy/happiness. You may even feel that you are walking through madness, chaos or hell.
There are two realities and this has nothing to do with dimensions. It has to do with the frame of your mind; the way that you think, the way that you influence your reality and the world, and the way that you influence the Universe of the Creator.
It is important for you to be aware that you do influence everything around you and the Universe of the Creator.
These two separate ways are immensely different. Sometimes you cross over, as if there is a bridge between both of them, and you walk from one to the other.
There is a reality in the frame of mind where you believe and know that the Creator loves and supports you.
There is also the reality in the frame of mind where you feel that you are unsupported; that no one loves you and that you are alone. You might blame others and you might think that bad things happen to you.
If you believe and think that the Creator does not support you, that all of the light beings – your guides, your soul – do not support you, then that is the reality that you will experience.
The other reality where you are supported may be challenging for you to even contemplate or comprehend.
If you begin to change your thinking/mindset – even if you don’t believe it to start with – you tell yourself that you are supported and loved. You reach out to your angels/guides/Creator and ask to be supported. Ask to be shown how you are loved and supported. Gradually your mindset will shift.
You can ask your angels/guides to heal your mind; to send light into your mind/thoughts to create a transition where you believe in the reality that is the truth – where you are supported 100%. Gradually you will find that you shift into that mindset, and that will be all that you will be able to see/sense/acknowledge; that you are supported/cared for/loved.
Sometimes things may not go your way. There may be a reason for that; a message that is available for you to grasp.
Or maybe there is a need to examine your thoughts; to collect the understanding that you are supported and to reaffirm it.
You may wonder how thinking that you are supported and loved, that the Universe of the Creator is cheering you on and wants to help you, can change your reality. But it can and will because you are the source of your reality and everything around you.
It’s as if you are watching a stage or a television screen; you control what you are watching. It’s as if you have the remote control and maybe you are choosing to see that you are supported and loved, or maybe you are choosing to see that you are alone and unsupported.
The more you can open yourself up to love, and to being loved, the easier you will find it.
You may invite me, Master Sananda, forth to assist you; to surround you in love, to penetrate through the fear/panic/ doubt/judgments/sorrow/pain so that you may glimpse/embody/experience the love that is ever-present within your being.
I am here to support you. I encourage you to begin a mission/quest to realise yourself supported by the Creator and to experience it now.
My love is with you always.
I am Master Sananda and I thank you.
Natalie Glasson

Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Your Life with the Creator in Action

By Master Sananda

Channel: Natalie Glasson


Greetings beloved beacons of love, I am Master Sananda. I reach out to you now and share my energy and love to support you in this time of transition and ascension. I create a tender, loving blanket of love in which I surround you. May you breathe this gentleness, tenderness and love into your being to support you.
As your body may feel stressed or tensed due to the ascension process, let your body relax. Let the energies flow – the energies of your own being – and bring yourself, your true self/the light within you into focus, projecting this light, with focus, into your being and into your reality.
You are an expression of the Creator. Your body creates action. Your mind creates action. Even your emotions create action – action that you can see/sense/acknowledge in your physical reality. Your body is a wonderful tool of creation, creating acts of love, light and Creator-presence in your reality and the realities of others.
Your essence/truth/spirit/soul is an expression of the Creator. With your body upon the earth, you can put the Creator into action so that you may see/sense/acknowledge the Creator in everything that you are and everything that you do – even your creations.
As energy flows from your being and returns to you in equal measure, you begin to acknowledge how powerful you are.
You may also begin to acknowledge that action requires a seed from which to begin, therefore, when the energy of the Creator flows through your being, it doesn’t automatically create action in your reality. It is your thoughts, your emotions and that upon which you focus that brings the action; the acts of the Creator for you to experience.
You are like a conductor. Your orchestra is the expression of the Creator. Your baton is your body and you conduct the energy – like an orchestra of the Creator – conducting the speed, the rhythm, the sound and the creation; the manifestation. When you do this, the Creator’s energy flows through your being with greater intensity and you begin to recognise and acknowledge the Creator in different manifestations and presence in your reality.
In order to bring the Creator into action fully within your being and your reality, there is a need for you to request the Creator to be present within your being and, in truth, within everything; when you drink, when you eat, when you walk, when you read, when you listen to music or anything else, when you gaze at nature, when you create or build something, when you work, when you interact with others.
Every part of your existence upon the earth can experience the Creator-expression within your being.
When you call this Creator-expression to be present in these areas of your reality – and you can direct the Creator’s energy as well – you might say when you are eating, “I call upon my Creator-expression into this moment, into the action of eating, nurturing and nourishing my body and into the food that I am eating, and may this be the same every time I eat.”
That is a wonderful ending because it means that you are creating a continuous expression and action of the Creator. You don’t even need to have so much detail. Whatever you are doing you can simply say, “I bring my Creator-presence into this activity,” and that will support you.
You can also direct the energy of the Creator, “I call forth my Creator-presence to create _________ in my reality.” You can do this to create whatever you wish in your reality; to create joy, to create happiness, to resolve situations.
Many people wonder why they are struggling and the Creator is not supporting them. It can create such tremendously painful wounds and a disconnection with the Creator.
There is a need to realise that you are a Creator-expression, and you – your body – is the tool of action. There is a need to use your body to create that action whether it’s through thoughts/intentions or moving your body, knowing the Creator’s expression is flowing through you.
This is a tremendous gift for you. It is a tremendous gift for those around you and a great inspiration for the entire world.
It’s time to create action upon the earth – Creator-expression action – to see/experience/hear the magic that can be created with the Creator.
The more you invite the Creator to be present with you, the more you will notice yourself and your reality transforming; feeling supported and loved.
The more you invite the Creator to be present with you, the more you will notice yourself and your reality transforming; feeling supported and loved.
I thank you for your presence with me.
I am Master Sananda.

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on December 3, 2024


Dearest child, you have been through many changes over the past year and The Universe is proud of your progress! Your existence is in a constant state of change and there is more to come. 
It may not be as dramatic as what you have recently gone through but, it will be significant. You are being guided to remember (and use) skills you have gained and release what does not serve you. 
Being as light as possible will enhance the next phase of your growth.
The Creator


Credits to: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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On the Doorstep of the Fifth Dimension

By KejRaj (KayRy)


Posted on December 1, 2024
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. 
The light is in control.
The light leads the way.
The light has prevailed.
Please, let go of your fears and worries, as you now find yourselves on the doorstep of the new reality of the Fifth Dimension.
We ask you to see, hear, and feel the grand awakening with your heart.
For it is through the heart that you begin to understand and perceive the shift, the higher energies enveloping your being and the entire planet.
You feel your own expansion from within.
This is a spiritual awakening. What matters more than anything is bringing your attention and focus within your own being.
You want to see what is unfolding within yourself, observing the inner progress, through the breath, cleansing and transmuting the old beliefs and layers of dense energies created with different experiences from the current and past lifetimes.
There are many of you reading these words who will be going home, to your star system of origin, right after the transition of Earth into the Fifth Dimension. This is based on the energies observed at this time.
We do want to state however, it is entirely up to you to change your decision, if you wish to remain on Earth for a while, and spend the time however you please.
Your longing is understood, but remember that in these moments you are also allowing your ego to waver you around, and wanting to rush ‘home.’
Home can be anywhere when the love of the Divine is realized within your own heart.
All the light to You!




Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




The Freedom of Higher Consciousness

by Owen Waters

Posted on September 29, 2024





Soul consciousness is the next step in spiritual awareness.
When you first enter the soul realms, they seem almost silent compared to the regular levels of spiritual consciousness. When I first experienced full awareness at the soul level, it seemed as though I was in a world filled with a light, silvery mist.
Gradually in this realm, as your mental senses acclimatize to the new level of consciousness, the mist clears away, revealing a wonderful world of rainbow colors, subtle fragrance, and gentle sound. You find yourself in an ocean of harmony, in the home of the beautiful and mystical “music of the spheres.”
This is the fifth-density level of consciousness, which resides above the fourth-density spirit or astral world, and above our third-density physical realm. It is here that the soul aspect of your consciousness resides. In this heaven-world of light, sound, and higher mental energies, your soul works ceaselessly in support of your physical incarnation.
When we tune into such a subtle level of consciousness, we find that there is much more to achieving personal happiness than anything related to external events. Real joy comes from within, from an unending source which is divine in origin. The creative will of the Divine Father aspect of God merged in perfect union with the everlasting love of the Divine Mother aspect of God together fill the universe with total, unadulterated, blissful joy!
The greatest discovery of a person who regularly practices meditation is that, one day, the door will quietly open to this unending supply of blissful joy. On that day, the spiritual seeker knows, beyond all shadow of any doubt, that God lies silently within all things and all consciousness. We are a part of that Divine Oneness, and it is through the joy of soul consciousness that we realize this connection.
The soul level of awareness is your complete, inner consciousness. Your daily, physical awareness, on the other hand, is focused on the outside world for a purpose. The true purpose of this outer perspective is so that we can find our way back to that from which we came, even though we are spiritually “blindfolded,” so to speak in daily living. The game of life on Earth is played so that we can experience the rediscovery of that joyous connection to the oneness from which we originally came.
All the happiness in the world pales in comparison with the supreme joy of that inner connection. Soul-inspired joy is lasting happiness. It has no beginning and no end because it is always there, just as God is always there, within each and every one of us.
In our third-density physical world, it may seem strange to realize that another part of our awareness exists in such a heaven-world and yet it does. You can reach into this beautiful space at any time with the practical and inspiring information contained in the book, Higher Consciousness: Finding Peace and Joy Above the Noise.
Owen Waters




Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Realizing Our Inner Light

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on September 18, 2024 

Everything comes from Light. It is the quality of Creator Consciousness. Apart from light, nothing can be recognized. Light is the essence of every electromagnetic wave, including the limitless number beyond our perceptions. Every wave within the band of electromagnetic energy of the empirical world is, in its essence, a localized conscious entity of light that appears as an empirical particle when we recognize it as such. Recognition occurs within our awareness when we pay attention and energetically align with its object in our imagination. On a subatomic level, everything is an expression of localized conscious entities that we call photons, electrons, neutrons, protons and their constituent entities. Everything is light in localized patterns. Somewhere between what we perceive as visible light and solid physicality, a change in the nature of light occurs. That point is the introduction of human consciousness, which began to create the change by realization of its occurrence and the recognition of physicality in the wave patterns that pass through our awareness. Regardless of the creation of physicality from pure energy of light, the essence of everything is still Light. Nothing would exist without it. It is the life-enhancing energy of all creation, and it is ours to direct as we love according to the desires of the heart of our Being.
Since we have been entranced in the world of physicality, we have blinded ourselves to our inner light. We do not even know what inner light is. We have forgotten the nature of its essence. If we want to remember this expression of consciousness, we can penetrate the mystery with our realization of the nature of every constituent of physicality. Every subatomic entity and its constituent entities are localized swirling points of light, traveling at trillions of vibrations per second, overwhelming our clarity of awareness and becoming physical for us.
Because of the way we recognize what is in our awareness, our perception as physical waves of light expressed by light-beings, depends upon the limits of our awareness. How can we register in our awareness the speed of subatomic entities? We cannot. This is where they become physical for us, and we perceive ourselves incarnated in a body consisting of innumerable sub-atomic light-beings, forming species consciousness among themselves and all aligning with our conscious perspective, with our body-consciousness expressing itself as filled with vitality as much as we allow for ourselves.
Without the limitations that we place upon ourselves by our limiting beliefs, we transform into clear Beings of Light, radiant in every way. We become aware of our inner light and the inner light of everyone and everything. When we desire to participate in the physical world, we can unfocus our awareness, creating a holographic physicality. At the same time, we can be aware of the brilliance of the world of unconditional acceptance and love, the qualities of Light energy.
Part of our essence is our ability to imagine beyond the realm of materiality. We are free to pay attention to realms beyond time and space as well as the life processes in the cells of our bodies. We can open our awareness as far as we allow ourselves. Outside of ourselves, there are no limits. How open we are is our personal choice, along with the programming in our subconscious.  We must gain a cooperative resonance with our subconscious awareness, in a vibratory alignment that opens our awareness. One way is repetition and practice. Another is when the ego-consciousness is inactive during sleep, daydreaming or meditation.
We can train ourselves to calm our ego by knowing that we are completely fulfilled in every way all the time. This knowing is our choice. It can happen by directing our imagination toward scenarios that we love and are grateful for. In every moment there is an energetic balance of light and dark. We recognize the quality that we choose. Whichever one we pay attention to becomes real for us. Because we believe in its reality, we experience it as we believe it is. This all happens within our own consciousness.
If we choose our polarity, so that we recognize the dark aspect of a scenario, that’s what becomes real for us. When we learn to direct our attention to the vibratory quality that we love, that’s what becomes real for us, unless we don’t believe it. Our limiting beliefs about ourselves are held deeply in our subconscious. Through deep meditation, we can realize their origins, and we can resolve them. In this way we can transcend our limitations intentionally, expanding and intensifying our awareness in a wonderful way.
We can choose to live in a state of gratitude and joy, while imagining and seeing the light in every conscious being. When we can believe in it and know this as reality, we transform our lives into an experiential realm of beauty and soulful love and joy. This realm can exist in our present experience. If we hold doubt about its reality, we direct our attention to the realm of fear. This diminishes our life and disempowers our visions, even though it exists only in our own consciousness.
As we intentionally create heart-felt experiences with our imagination and emotions, we gain access into universal consciousness, and we can also transform our lives. In our essence we are unlimited in conscious awareness. Because we have limited ourselves, we are the ones who must transcend our conscious limitations by intentional recognition and realization of the energetic patterns that become our experiences. The radiance of our vibratory presence is an expression of our beliefs and realizations. By holding our attention on the light of infinite love within our heart-consciousness, we receive inspiration to align with life-enhancing vibrations that become the qualities of our experiences.
Kenneth Schmitt
Click above for more on Kenneth web page.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Shadow Integration and Clearing

By Natalia Alba

Posted on September 14, 2024


Beloved Ones,
As our planet continues retrieving its authentic template, many of you will be called to be of service, for we are now at a key phase of our ascension journey, where our planet needs more support and stabilization. Many of you are awakening/retrieving your original angelic sixth-dimensional lineage, as many of you descend from future fifth and sixth-dimensional timelines, coming to the earth plane to help recover the original human prototype.
As advanced souls you were born in the Light, Love, and Wisdom of the Creator, knowing no separation or polarization from God’s Source, for you all lived within Divine Love and harmony.
As you cross the many veils required to come to planet Earth, many of you experience profound damage in your template, forgetting who you were and your mission, filled with many false programs that diminish your light and soul memories and disconnect from your divinity.
This is a time, especially with the eclipse in Pisces and Pluto moving into Aquarius, of karmic liberation and genetic restoration for many of you who are clearing trauma from the many incarnations you have had, the delusions from this plane and the self-created patterns that too impede you to embrace yourself and divine purpose completely.
The Piscean eclipse will serve us to clear both our personal and planetary original shadow, restoring our authentic template, as it possesses all the cosmic information required to restore the many earth’s structures that have been distorted and that are now being repaired.
It is a time to heal hybridization, non-benevolent one, crown anomalies, DNA and soul fragmentation, and the many genetic blocks that emerge from incarnating on Earth. Piscean energies facilitate the work of shadow integration through neutral witnessing of what we are experiencing, taking full responsibility, and moving into the necessary healing work for us to emerge as illumined beings.
All the traumatic memories, the personal ones we created through the many lifetimes we have lived, and through the initial pain caused by separating from God’s Source, are now acknowledged and healed by many who are awakening, remembering, and stepping into their sovereignty.
The process of remembering involves healing and clearing, as the only way to distill from our bodies and hearts what is shadowing our true selves and memories.
Pisces takes us to this inner space of integration and acceptance of our shadow self, something that Neptune in Pisces has been helping us with for many years, and we still have the opportunity to do so, as it will be gradually moving next year into Aries, another big shift 2025 brings.
Clearing our shadows and emotional wounds is vital to bring unity and harmony into ourselves, before the mission and all we desire to achieve can be embodied. Facing all we feel, without judgment, is crucial for our self-healing process, as it is by looking at what we fear closely and integrating it, that we can know the original wound in ourselves and be able to embrace it, starting the process of soul retrieval, which is what activates divine retrieval.
This is the main cause why many are not yet embracing their purpose, which comes when we are ready to be of service, and whenever this time comes, it will be the perfect divine timing for you and All.
There is no rush within Creation, for all follows always a perfect Divine Order we cannot see from our view, but we can feel, and surrender to, allowing Divine Will, not our egoic will.
All is ending now for many of you who are stepping into your power, reclaiming your freedom, and retrieving the Divine wisdom and purpose you brought to Earth, for as New Earth’s Anchors, you are required now to start the process of planetary reconnection and fifth-dimensional bridging.
As the evolved souls from future timelines that you are, the time is coming for you to embrace your divinity and stand tall for yourselves, seeding your love, light, and healing essence where required, for the time is Now for all to join as One, and anchor a new timeline, as this is the time we have been waiting for, and preparing us to welcome for so long.
The New Aquarian Age is not something that happens one day on a future timeline, it is something that we gradually build, and seed with our daily thoughts, feelings, and actions, every single day of our existence, with each generation that chooses to free themselves, with each benevolent action we make for the whole, and with each one of you who chooses to awake to your power and reclaim your sovereignty.
Thank you for choosing to be who you are and seed your divine heritage, Beloveds.
Withing Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The Fire in Your Belly

Mary Magdalene
Channel: Pamela Kribbe 

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan

Posted on September 13, 2024


Dear beautiful men and women,
It gives me great joy to be here with you. I am a sister to you. I was called Mary Magdalene in an earthly life where I attracted a reputation that has affected me greatly. I was on Earth with Jeshua, and I was touched by the light that he came to bring, a light that lives in us all. It is the spark of the divine that radiates from everyone’s eyes if you look for it.
I see your divinity; I am convinced of your strength and your light. I am here to make you more aware of this fact, so you will feel it and know: “This is me. I know my own answers; I feel my own strength. I become my own guide.”
Many of you long for another reality, another vibration that brings more ease, more harmony, and greater inspiration. It takes much effort to be fully incarnated here because of old energies of pain and heaviness that hinder you, and sometimes you get buried under the weight of the negativity of the past. I am here to encourage you to believe in yourself.
You are one of those who come to bring about change, a new beginning. The spark of light in you is not extinguished, it is alive, and that is why you are here. Feel this fire, this light in your heart. I am with you and touch you with a gentle gesture to remind you of this. I do not want to force anything from you; I would like you to make yourself great and to realize who you are.
Imagine that in the middle of your heart burns a candle flame. Move slowly with your consciousness into that flame and feel how calm and perfectly formed this fire is. You are old and have already been through a lot; your soul is not here for the first time. Feel the warmth of this light, this flame that now spreads throughout your heart: it fills your entire chest and arms.
Feel how you can also relax into this warm light. It is the light of your soul, the light of who you are. It is a golden light, acquired through your knowledge and experience, the love and wisdom that you have built up in yourself. You sometimes still deny that you have this potential at your disposal, but I see it in you and call upon you to be proud of it. You are not to be ashamed of it – stand in your own light.
Now imagine that this light from your heart, that torch, is spreading to your belly. Let the light from your heart flow all the way into your belly, deep down, so it connects to the lowest chakra, your tailbone. In this way, your soul energy finds its way into the Earth. Feel how the Earth welcomes your being, who you are. She takes care of you; she wants to receive you. Your soul energy is, for her, more than welcome. Feel now how the Earth embraces you with compassion. The energy of your soul is received  by her. Allow that to happen and make yourself great.
Why is it still hard for people to be present on Earth with the spiritual energy from their core?
I just spoke about old energies that are present in this atmosphere, the collective atmosphere surrounding the Earth. There is a lot of fear in the old energy. Many of you have led lives on Earth where they had to deal with power or powerlessness, in one way or the other. Life was a struggle between the powerful and the disempowered. Your position in society often defined on which side you stood.
But even then, there has always been that calling in your soul; as I said, you are not here for the first time. You have already felt the calling to spread your light here, to open your heart and to make a difference. You were a pioneer of consciousness. You have already been touched by the light of the Christ energy and you wanted to plant those seeds in human consciousness.
But many of you have experienced powerlessness when doing that. You had the feeling of not being understood, of being rejected, disempowered. That is why many of you lightworkers have felt the need to withdraw. You think: “I will keep this fire to myself, hidden. It is dangerous to let it show.” That has been the reaction by many of you. Therefore, you are not used to allowing your greatness to shine by spreading your natural knowledge and wisdom and awareness around you.
Let us now turn to the part of you that has become afraid of this earthly reality, of the forces and powers that are against you, and the standards and the rules that apply here. Feel in yourself the part of you that keeps itself hidden, that does not dare to show itself. And also feel the sadness that comes from doing this.
In your heart is a desire to live fully; that is, to stand proudly in the center of your feelings, in touch with your desires, your being, your inspiration. You have so much to give. You are so much more than you usually show to other people, but fear keeps the door shut. Right now there is such need for your light, and you are making a difference.
That is why I am asking you to open the door a little and to see what wants to come out. There is a primal force within you: a wisdom, a knowing, a connection to the Earth. Because even though you have doubts and hesitations about this world and you wonder if you have a home here, there is also a deep connection with Mother Earth: her rhythms, her harmony, her beauty. Feel her support; feel the forces of the Earth and open the door a little further so you may be seen.
In my time, I was a forbidden woman. I was expected to conform to the prescribed roles and images of women. But I was a strong and independent woman. I did not want to be boxed in, to be bound by prescribed laws. And because I could not be placed in a box, I was later labelled a prostitute, a whore, who had to be redeemed from her sins by Jeshua. What a distorted image! The powers in control at the time could not cope with an inspired, passionate, female energy. It was deemed unfitting, and therefore threatening to the existing social institutions.
Of course, it was not only me, I was one among many women: the female energy as a whole was misunderstood. And do not get me wrong; I do not say here that the female energy is nothing but good and holy and blessed. The female energy has many forms; the fullness of life is present in her, and so there are also dark sides to the female energy. If the female energy is unbalanced, it can be forceful, dominating, manipulative, and demanding.
Just like the male energy, the female energy can function at a lower level than what it essentially is, and I experienced that in myself. I lived with anger and outrage over the established standards in society. I was looking for freedom and independence, and only later in my life did I find inner balance. I no longer felt the need to blame others. I came back to my heart and felt the pure and connecting power of the female energy. I got in touch with my soul and began to understand both the male and female energies within myself.
At this time, it is necessary that the female energy awakens in both sexes. Not only is it important that the energy of the heart comes to life: the energy of connection, unity, and love, but also the energy of the abdomen. The abdomen is where passion is situated: the feelings, the emotions, and those also may be overwhelming. That center must come into balance again. Without passion, you cannot live; you have no actual goals, your life has no direction. But passion is suspect in the Church traditions.
When we speak about the female energy, we are directing our attention to the empathic, connecting power in it. But there is also such a thing as female passion: longing and desire. Do you also dare to connect with that? This connection is very important for women, as well as for men. It is the connection between heart and abdomen; the link between divinity and humanity.
I just said that the female energy can also have a dark side, a shadow that arises through the energies of the abdomen. But the solution is then not to entirely push aside these energies, to neglect the abdomen and to focus only on the heart. No, we are all humans and in being human there is need for self-realization. And the divine wants to cooperate with that need, to connect with it. I ask you, therefore, to connect with the fire in your belly, which is where strong feelings, powers, and desires live.
There is no point in turning away from these feelings or suppressing them, because in them is precisely where the “gold” lies, the treasure that you seek. When you connect from your heart, with full awareness, with what lives in you – even the shadow – then the door is fully open and you can start really living. Therefore, do not be afraid of powerful emotions and desires in your life. Acknowledge them; give them a face, give them a name.
Imagine that there is a shadow in you, something hidden that you would rather not see, or do not want to see, or have actively suppressed. But it is safe being here, and everything in you is allowed to be just as it is. Invite the figure that is your shadow to show itself to you, to make itself known. Maybe there are obsessions, fears, complexes that you have been struggling with for a long time. They need your attention, your gentle awareness – and without judgment. Let them come out of the dark.
You might see a very repressed figure, even a demon or a monster. But it does not matter; it belongs to you and wants to be seen. If you deny it, it will return to you anyway, but “through the back door”, and especially then will it cause problems. Acknowledge your own shadow and work together with it. Directly face what emerges from the shadow and see what lives inside this being. There is a desire for life within this form of the shadow: it wants to belong to you.
At this time, the only spirituality that can have meaning is an earthly and grounded spirituality in which being human is recognized and embraced. This is the channel through which your soul wants to manifest. With the suppression of the female energy, this part of you was also suppressed. Not just the loveliness of the heart: the gentleness, the flowing energies of empathy, but also the powerful, passionate, earthly energies of the female side. And there exists a great fear of being that.
Female sexuality has been feared in the past, and why was that? Sexuality borne of an open heart, sexuality in which passion and love come together is an enormous thrust for change. It awakens people to life; it awakens the soul to life. Real connection from heart to heart, from human to human, is a source of creativity that is not only sexual, but touches all areas of life. It is Eros, in the true sense of the word: to rise above yourself; to connect with others; to give from what lives within you.
These powers have been suppressed in human history. And I call upon you, women and men, to allow these powers to again come forth and to not be afraid of the violent, emotional parts of yourself. Of course, they can show up in an unbalanced way, but that happens when you suppress them, or brand them as unspiritual. Allow all parts to be and become one again within; connect the top with the bottom, the heart with the abdomen.
Finally, I would like to emphasize once again how much I see you as divine beings, fully capable of finding your own answers from the reservoir of wisdom and strength within you. I hope to make you aware of this potential; that is my only role. I am your equal; I am not elevated above you.
I salute you from my heart and thank you for your presence.

Pamela Kribbe


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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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