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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


A Grander Plan is Unfolding

Archangel Michael

Channel Chellea Wilder


Posted on January 3, 2025
Blessings Beloved Ones,
It is wonderful to connect with you.
Whether you are fully aware of it or not, a paradigm shift has already begun. Impacting every facet of your existence.
While you still await the grand solar flash, your reality must undertake these transformations. You are being lifted into the Higher 4th dimensional vibrations, resulting in these massive changes in your reality.
This shift is a dynamic process that is reshaping your inner, and outer worlds, influencing your thoughts and feelings, and your interactions with others.
Many individuals across the globe are grappling with feelings of unease, confusion, and disorientation, as they navigate through, this difficult period. The current state of the Earth, marked by social, environmental, and political upheaval, makes it evident that this shift is happening right now. It is unfolding in real-time, demanding your attention and engagement.
The Old Paradigm, is collapsing before your very eyes. Giving way to new ways of thinking and being, that align more harmoniously, with the evolving frequencies of the Earth. The old ways, no longer resonate with the new energies, that are flooding your collective consciousness.
However, this shift presents an opportunity for humanity, to evolve and elevate to a higher level of consciousness. Where unity, compassion, and love, become the guiding principles of your interactions and relationships, paving the way for a more inclusive and understanding world.
You must make the effort yourselves to embody the vibrations of Love and Unity. It is not done for you. Even though the energies allow for this transformation, you must make the choice for yourself to rise in the Light of God.
This period marks your awakening, a vital time as you ascend to higher states of consciousness, and begin to recognize the truth that lies within you. This Ascension is a continuous journey of inner-discovery and realization, where each step taken leads to greater understanding of Oneness, with all of Creation.
The shift is deeply personal and transformative, offering each individual a chance to reconnect with their Higher selves and rediscover the innate wisdom that resides within you.
As you collectively navigate this transition, it is important to transcend the divisions that have long plagued humanity, including those of race, religion, and ideology.
It is a call to awaken to the potential that lies dormant within you, urging you to break free from the constraints of the past, and step boldly into a new era.
Now is the time to embrace the Divine Light that resides within each of you. This is your source of strength and guidance during these challenging times. This light not only illuminates your path forward, but also empowers you to reclaim your inherent Divinity.
As you embark on this journey, remember to trust the Divine process that is unfolding in your life. Each moment, each experience, serves a purpose in your growth and evolution. Listen to your intuition, for it serves as a compass guiding you through the uncertainties of this shift, helping you to discern your path amidst the noise.
In a world that is full of chaos and disharmony, you can be a beacon of hope and truth, spreading love and light to those around you. Your actions, no matter how small, can create ripples of positive change that resonate far beyond your immediate environment, inspiring others to awaken to their own potential and to contribute to the collective upliftment of humanity.
In this time of upheaval, it is essential to cultivate inner peace, as this tranquility is a stabilizing force for both yourself and those around you.
By nurturing a tranquil state of mind and heart, you serve as an anchor amidst the storms of change, providing a sense of calm and reassurance in turbulent times.
The future is indeed bright, filled with possibilities and opportunities for growth, creativity, and connection. As you embrace this new paradigm, move forward with courage and conviction, knowing that there is a Grander Plan Unfolding.
Remember that each moment is an opportunity for transformation, leading you toward alignment with the Oneness of God.
I Love you, and I am Always with you.
Chellea Wilder


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Completion of Our 40 Day Purging Process

By Patricia Cota-Robles

Posted on December 22, 2024

Today is the December 21st Solstice. This sacred and holy day we have completed the most intensified 40-Day purging process Humanity has ever been able to withstand at a cellular level. We are being told from On High that the success of this event has exceeded the greatest expectations of Heaven. The Company of Heaven has confirmed that this multidimensional activity of the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness cleared literally century’s worth of Humanity’s human miscreations and paved the way for the second half of this Life-transforming decade which will begin with the Birth of the New Year 2025.
For decades the Beings of Light have asked Lightworkers to focus on the positive things we observe occurring in the tangible world of form. That request is due to the fact that when the Light of God that we are perpetually invoking flows through our Heart Flames into the physical plane, everything that conflicts with that Light is pushed to the surface to be Healed and Transmuted back into its original perfection. This Creates the illusion that things are getting worse which actually could not be further from the Truth.
In the midst to the surfacing chaos there are also very positive things happening. Unfortunately, they often go unnoticed because people are distracted by the negativity.  Paying attention to everything that is going wrong is a destructive habit that we must now release and Transcend. This discipline is a very important part of our Divine Mission for the rest of this decade.
Today, the Company of Heaven wants to expand our awareness about a very significant event that drew the attention of the World and Created a Collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness through which the Light of God flowed to accomplish what seems like a miracle. This event served as a very powerful metaphor to step by step demonstrate the multidimensional Transfiguration being Cocreated through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth during the first five years of this decade.
The Transfiguration of Notre Dame de Paris
On April 15, 2019, the year before the Birth of this Life-transforming decade 2020-2030, billions of people around the world watched in horror as the magnificent Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France burned out of control. The shock of this heart-rending event cracked open the Hearts of the masses of Humanity in ways that allowed the Divine Feminine, Our Mother God, to expand her Presence within every Heart Flame. This expansion of our Mother God revealed a Healing process that had been gently unfolding in Humanity’s Heart Flames for over 850 years.
The most tragic result of our fall from Grace is that aeons ago we closed our Heart Chakra while trying to avoid the painful effects of our distorted human miscreations. This catapulted us into an abyss of separation and duality. We lost awareness of the Love Nature of the Divine Feminine and our Mother God who is the Holy Spirit. This caused us to become oblivious of the profound Truth that we are One with ALL Life.
We began believing that as Sons and Daughters of God we had only one parent, our Father God. Since that fateful time, Humanity has been functioning within a fragmented and limited patriarchal Consciousness. Through this distorted Consciousness we have grossly abused our Father God’s Divine Will and Masculine Power. For aeons of time, our fragmented and fear-based fallen egos have suppressed and oppressed our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love. Our egos have blocked our awareness of the Oneness of ALL Life and the Divine Feminine. Nowhere has that abuse of power been more evident than in the hierarchy and teaching of the various organized world religions.
In the year 1163, through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, a plan was set into motion to Create an outer-world symbol that would be dedicated to our Mother God and the return of the Divine Feminine. The goal was for the Cathedral of Notre Dame to be built in the heart of Paris with such an exquisite demonstration of art and architecture that people from all over the World would be drawn to her with wonder and awe regardless of their religious affiliations.
Notre Dame means Our Lady. The spiritual symbol of France is the Fleur-de-lis, which represents the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame pulsating in every person’s Heart. This symbol reflects the Holy Trinity, our Father God’s Power, our Mother God, the Holy Spirit’s, Love and the Son and Daughter of God’s Enlightenment.
For over 850 years our Mother God and various Aspects of the Divine Feminine have blessed the Hearts and minds of people with the Sacred Breath of the Holy Spirit as they entered the Cathedral of Notre Dame. This Gift has gently softened Hearts and helped prepare the masses of Humanity for this Cosmic Moment.
The Cathedral of Notre Dame has been under attack and rebuilt several times during the past centuries. These attacks were based in the distorted patriarchal Consciousness of Humanity’s fallen egos. Each attack was another attempt to block Humanity’s awareness of our Mother God and the Divine Feminine. In every instance these attacks failed and the radiance of our Mother God’s Love and the blessing of her Sacred Breath of the Holy Spirit became stronger.
Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven want us to know in the deepest recesses of our Hearts that the events that unfolded for “Our Lady of Paris” during Holy Week in 2019 was not another attack. That purging fire was very different from the things Notre Dame had experienced in the past.
There had been a valiant effort to refurbish the Cathedral of Notre Dame for a while prior to that fire, but the Company of Heaven revealed that the purification that was needed to permanently burst the oppressive bonds of the abusive patriarchal hierarchy and pave the way for the return of our Mother God and the Divine Feminine had to be much more dramatic.
There had to be a changing of the guard. The “old guard” had to be removed and Transmuted back into its original perfection which reflects the Divine Masculine. Then the full expression of our Mother God’s Love and the Divine Feminine would be able to reclaim her rightful place in not only the Cathedral of Notre Dame, but also the Hearts of Humanity.
During the week before the fire that consumed much of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, twelve huge statues representing the Twelve Apostles were removed. These masculine representations of power and authority were considered “the Guardians” by the French people. The twelve statues were taken to a special place where they would be refurbished and Transfigured.
As the purging fire blazed through the structure of Notre Dame on April 15, 2019, the people of France gathered in front of the Cathedral. They knelt in prayer, sang songs, cried and in deep Reverence they held the sacred space for Notre Dame’s unfolding Divine Plan in the full embrace of our Mother God’s Divine Love.
At the same time, billions of people around the world supported them and joined them in Consciousness through televised broadcasts and social media connections. This collective Cup of Consciousness Created the Open Door through which our Mother God and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity God Victoriously purged and cleansed the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of Mother Earth from the masculine abuse of power that had oppressed and suppressed Humanity’s awareness of our Mother God and the Divine Feminine since Humanity’s fall from Grace. For several days thereafter thousands of people marched in the streets and reverently held vigils in front of “Our Lady of Paris.”
People from all over the World donated over a billion dollars to assist with the Resurrection and the Transfiguration of the Cathedral of Notre Dame. This sacred work began in 2020 with the Birth of this Life-transforming decade. For the next five years, day after day, over two thousand skilled carpenters, artists and dedicated people diligently worked to restore Notre Dame to her original pristine beauty.
The Company of Heaven said that simultaneously as the Resurrection and Transfiguration of Notre Dame preceded during the first five years of this decade, literally billions of prayers, invocations, meditations and other activities of Light were orchestrated by Lightworkers from every walk of Life around the World. Every one of these Calls for Divine Intervention had their own intention, but our Father-Mother God confirmed that every single one added to the Light of the World, increased the frequency of vibration for Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom and enhanced Mother Earth’s Ascension process.
When the Resurrection and the Transfiguration of the Cathedral of Notre Dame was complete, all was in readiness for the multidimensional Consecration and the dedication to the Immaculate Concept of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, and the Divine Feminine.
In perfect alignment with the Divine Plan, the Consecration of the Cathedral of Notre Dame took place on December 8, 2024. This is the day that is celebrated by billions of people around the World as the Day of Mother Mary’s Immaculate Conception.
Mother Mary is an exponent of our Mother God and the Divine Feminine. In her service to our Father-Mother God and ALL Life, she volunteered to embody on Earth and to hold the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Feminine in the physical plane of Earth as the Mother of Jesus.  In Mother Mary’s case, the term Immaculate Conception meant that she was “Conceived without sin.” In other words, she was born karma free.
The symbology of the Resurrected Cathedral of Notre Dame being Consecrated on December 8th confirmed to the World that the obsolete patriarchal patterns of oppression are no longer an option. Nor are they able to suppress the awareness of our Mother God and the Divine Feminine within the Hearts and minds of Humanity any longer.
Our Father Mother-God and the Company of Heaven have revealed that the fifty world leaders and the hundreds of people representing the various world religions who physically attended the Ceremonies in Paris on December 8th were drawn to that event by their I AM Presence to specifically receive within the Divinity of their Heart Flame the KNOWING that the patriarchal reign of oppression is no longer a viable option. This knowing also revealed to each one that they now have the unique opportunity to model to the World the Divine Balance of our Mother God’s Love and our Father God’s Power. As usual, this is a free will choice and if they chose not to participate others will come to the fore to fulfill this facet of Mother Earth’s Ascension process in their place.
Our Father-Mother God are now confirming that as a result of the unprecedented 40-Day purging process we have Cocreated through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, this miraculous event is just One of the tangible results we are going to witness during the next five years.
So once again, we are being asked to pay attention to the Heart-based positive things manifesting in the outer world of form.
Dear Ones, contemplate this information and let the full magnitude of this profound Truth resonate in your Heart Flame as we prepare for the Birth of the New Year 2025.
And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles


©2024 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles – This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?




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The Light Event

Archangel Nathaniel

Channel Jahn J Kassl

Translated by eraoflight on November 1, 2024
Events that will change everything, that will blow your imagination and align you with the light of GOD, are about to happen! Interpreting the future from today’s perspective is hardly possible or will lead to inaccurate results.
Therefore, humanity is being brought into a new perception of life – first introduced imperceptibly, as in the past decades – and then attaining knowledge in a single act of love. The light of heaven, the ray of light from heaven and the light event that overcomes all barriers of consciousness – this is what we are talking about here. My job is to prepare you for this – and you are prepared if you continue to weed your garden.
If you plan your days consciously and purify your hearts as you purify your homes when you expect a guest.
The light event will activate the spiritual longing in people and for the first time, what was previously impossible will be possible for people – an expansion of consciousness: so that death no longer has power over you!
As a result, all fears will disappear, political institutions will lose their influence, as will religious communities.
Everything turns towards man as soon as he experiences himself as directly connected to creation, as directly linked to the Creator, as directly helping to shape creation.
You are the master!
And this day in human history is reserved for the generations that exist on this earth today. You have qualified for it through many lives, in many existences, on many worlds. You are the masters, you are the master, even if you don’t necessarily experience yourself as a master today, here and now.
Surrounded by worries, fears and deficiencies, your life feels neither successful nor are your days a source of joy. Your perception is clouded, your inner senses are blocked, your alignment with the light never seems to last.
You fight your daily battle and despite all your efforts you find no lasting way out, no lasting peace, no lasting harmony in your life.
What you are experiencing is what many lightworkers and light messengers are experiencing today.
The spiritual path gradually reveals all the gifts to you, and the greatest gift is that one day you will realize that it is you yourself who is blocking the flow of your life and that it was you yourself who was clinging to old experiences, even though your lips had longed for the new.
Your path is:
You know, beloved human, your path is to complete yourself on the chosen timeline. The light event from heaven will give this completion the boost it needs so that people can reorient themselves and lose all fears. There is not much time left until then! So you are left with your own most loyal servants. Take advantage of the opportunities for transformation and change your destiny by making your heart shine in the omnipresence of GOD and leading your soul to healing.
Miracles happen to those who surrender and whose mind does not interrupt the flow of love between them and God.
Perfect yourself or you will be perfected! That is the way, the truth and the life. That is the gift of GOD. On all levels of being.
Jahn J Kassl


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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