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Canal: Marie-Josée Andichou
Tradução a 20 de dezembro de 2024
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Tradução a 20 de dezembro de 2024
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Translation into English by EraofLight
Posted on December 19, 2024
Tradução a 14 de novembro de 2024
Translation into English by EraofLight
Posted on November 14, 2024
May Peace be in your hearts, dear children of the Earth, in these very eventful moments of your life on this planet. We see what is happening on the ground of your planet, we see the suffering that some humans are experiencing in the midst of floods and other climatic disturbances. You know, we have told you for a long time, this period of your life will be very… very eventful on many levels.
Currently Spain is experiencing a great trauma that upsets every human being wherever they are. You can see how your hearts are opening up to mutual aid, to moral and material support coming from the country itself but also from other neighboring countries. The pain of all these humans, the human losses of loved ones that they are experiencing touch your hearts. It is unfortunately necessary that there are disasters of this kind for a trigger to occur in your consciences so that you understand that Life is only Unity: Unity of human souls, Unity of hearts, Unity of Love, Unity of support.
When moments like this come to you, you understand that it is important to be united, to stand together in the face of adversity in order to soften the dramatic events. It is in this case that you can understand and realize how, when you are in this state of mind, you feel Love emerging from your hearts, spreading around you and coming to soothe you, soothe those who are suffering and help you move beyond sadness.
When the difficult times have passed in the coming months, because it will be necessary for time to pass to materially restore the damage caused by this flood, the feelings of Love, Respect and Joy will be in the hearts of those who are affected but also in the hearts of the volunteers who will have participated in this cleaning and in the moral comfort of the people who needed it.
But if this catastrophe has happened, dear children of the Earth, it is because of the manipulation that humans make of the soil of the Earth. A river saw its course diverted a few years ago. This shows you that the Earth has a life and a body just like you. The rivers are its veins as your body is crossed by many vessels. It is important not to modify the path of your veins under penalty of serious illnesses and it is the same for the Earth.
Whatever you humans do for your “well-being” is not necessarily what the Earth wants and that is why it is getting back on its feet despite what you are doing to it. Many climatic and geological problems are presenting themselves to you in many countries. The Earth is purifying itself, the Earth is transforming itself as it has done since its birth: the climates are changing, its mountains are transforming, its coasts are being remodeled, the Earth is living and showing it to you.
However, it is important to understand that in the face of this, what you should do, the Earth will show you, is to stop digging it, for example to make tunnels in its mountains to allow you to go faster from one point to another. It is important to stop drilling it as you do to capture in its subsoil what is part of its life: oil and others. These elements are its body and if you disturb it in such a strong way, you hurt its being and it rebels.
During the past times of the life of the Earth, humanity has gone through ice ages, periods of warming, creations of continents, disappearances of islands etc. You are entering a new reconstruction of the Earth . This takes time but it is becoming more and more clear. This is why we ask you to respect your planet, it is your life. These changes are the movements of its body, of its energies but there is also, unfortunately, the human action of certain governments who want to have a stranglehold on the climate in order to generate destruction here and remodeling there. The HAARP project is one of the causes of certain artificial transformations which are added to the natural transformations of the Earth. Certain tornadoes, storms are the result of this HAARP project.
Do you see how you can destroy the Earth partially or completely? It is important to realize that everything you experience allows you to react in order to understand that the Earth is a living being, that it accepted you on its soil with Love but also that it wanted you to respect it. However, for a large number of you the Earth is an object, only intended to bring you “well-being”, false “well-being” as you can see following your lack of respect towards it.
Dear children of Earth, be aware that the months and the year to come may be more and more disturbed if your consciousness does not open to Love for your planet. Love it, offer it the Light of your heart, soothe it because it suffers deeply.
We thank you for this.
Translation into English by EraofLight
Posted on October 21, 2024
Tradução a 6 de agosto de 2024
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