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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


How can We Contribute to Change without Chaos?

By Steve Beckow

Posted on February 4, 2025


I’d like to repost this article from Jan. 10, 2020 for its relevance to our current situation.

If we’re learning to use the collective consciousness, then we have to know how to contribute to change without chaos.

Let’s see what the Company of Heaven has to say about that.

Let’s start with Hilarion, who addresses the matter squarely. He says that no matter how much change there is in the external world, our essence – the Self – does not change.

Remaining as that – by remaining balanced and grounded – will stabilize the situation and thus contribute to keeping change from becoming chaos, he says.

“Yes, change is upon you, change is upon all humankind and the Earth. Everywhere you look there is change, but within you that which you have worked towards in your mastery of life to this point is still there. The core essence of your being is always there. It unfolds and expands, if you allow it.

“Therefore, that is a part of you that never changes and this is a part of you that, when taken into collective consciousness, helps to maintain the stability of the energies during these times.” (1)

So by abiding as our essential Self, we lightworkers help to maintain the stability of the energies around us. Our centeredness, groundedness, and balance help to keep things stable.

“All is unfolding, changing and renewing. It does not necessarily mean that it is not the highest outcome. It means simply that it is time to ride with it. You have the tools, you have the experience, you have the knowing – just remember this.” (2)

He’s advising us to “ride with it,” to flow with change. He says that at some level we know this.

Flow is one of the paradigms of the higher dimensions. It’s only us on the Third and Fourth Dimensions, who are encased in dense physical bodies, who do not flow.

He advises us to endure through the times when our efforts are demeaned because we who have chosen peace are having an effect on the collective consciousness.

“That which you think about, act upon and speak is affecting the collective consciousness so those who choose peace, those who choose to follow their own authentic self – do not become swayed by those who would try to demean you because you do not have the same perspective on what is occurring upon your planet at this time. …

“Soon there will be a new perspective, a greater and deeper comprehension and understanding of all that is occurring during these times.” (3)

Earlier, we listened to Matthew Ward explain how the collective consciousness and energy field of potential work. (4) The Hathors tell us that such an understanding will lead to oneness.

“When humanity comes to understand the energy at work sustaining your reality and the fact that your very spiritual essence is comprised of such energy, the oneness of your collective consciousness will be understood and the fact that you’re all interlinked and can feel each other’s energy and emotion will be understood as well.” (5)

It seems that the understanding of oneness will greatly contribute to change without chaos.

To summarize, remaining balanced is one way lightworkers can contribute to change without chaos. Flowing with things is another. Understanding our oneness is a third.

A time will soon arrive when the old paradigms will not suffice and new paradigms will arise.  We’re asked to persevere till then.

It’s suggested that we understand how the collective consciousness and the energy field of potential work. We’ll then know how our peacefulness and balance are having an impact on others; especially in our locale.

We’re asked to see how all are energetically connected. It’s said that that will lead to the realization of oneness.  In my view, our lightworker contribution of unity in the Light would perhaps be the best contribution we can make to having change without chaos.


(1) Hilarion, Nov. 27, 2016.

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Hilarion, Nov. 15, 2016.

(4) “How the Collective Consciousness Works and Why It’s Important,” 

(5) “The Hathors: Influential Awakenings, Accepting Unexpected Truth and Creating Collective Revolution,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 16, 2013 at

Steve Beckow

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




How Does Chaos Fit with the Purpose of Life?

By Steve Beckow

Posted on January 28, 2025


How does what’s happening around the world serve the overarching purpose of life?

Well, first of all, what IS that overarching purpose?

At the end of a vision I had in 1987, the words formed in my mind: “The purpose of life is enlightenment.” With that, the vision closed down.

Say what?

Let me explain.

My drive to work on that Friday morning was broken when I asked the universe, if life was a puzzle, what is the picture that life is?

Everything disappeared and I was watching an amazing tableau unfold. I was drenched in bliss (which suggests that it was a higher-dimensional experience) (1) and intuitively knew who the characters were. But you can read about that elsewhere. (2)

What’s important was that I was shown and told that enlightenment is the purpose of all our lives.

Why is this the purpose of life? Because, when one of us realizes who she or he is (answer: God), at that moment, God meets God. And for that meeting was all of this created.

Alright. And now that the mud has hit the fan and all is chaos – hurricanes, “wildfires,” and all of it manmade. How does all this fit in?


Our spiritual lives, through lifetime after lifetime if we were on a human-evolutionary scale, (3) are a process of spiritual evolution – evolution all the way back to God. (4) Universal laws serve to construct a reality that allows us to learn, slowly over time, who we are.

One of these laws is the Law of Freewill. Archangel Michael explained the operation of that Law this way:

Archangel Michael: Yes, there have been many ups, downs, sideways, forays into adventures, detours but such is the nature of the Mother’s Infinite Design.

For she has allowed and created, dreamed and promised that flexibility, the free-will choices, the decision points, even when those decisions have skirted mayhem, she has trusted that the humans – the collective and far beyond – will find their way to love and not only find it, but choose it.

The bedrock of the Mother’s mode of reality and the bedrock of all relationships is this trust to allow the child to discover the strength of the legs and the wobble and to sometimes stumble and fall and to learn to run, to jump, to fly and to come to know when to rest and when to proceed.

It is the Infinite Trust of One. It is one of the greatest examples of love that the Mother/Father One offers us. (5)

We are, at this moment, finding our way back to love and re-choosing it, against the challenges presented to us by the deep state, who have chosen anything but love.

Keep in mind that we’re at the end of the Iron or Dark Age, the Kali Yuga, and what looks like total chaos to us is our saying goodbye to those who choose not to come with us into the Golden Age or Sat Yuga – and them reacting to their loss of control.

They’ll have their chance in a future life.  (6) But they’ve said “no” to this chance and we now need to travel on.

So what we’re seeing, plain and simple, is the disengaging of those who’ve chosen, at soul level, to ascend from those who’ve chosen not to. (7)


Now I have to throw in a proviso. It’s not so easy for us as a society to “just ascend.” There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of children kept in sexual slavery underground and facing torture to produce adrenochrome. I believe that anyone kept in servitude must be rescued first.  I’m told that med-bed treatment will erase their memories and restore them.

So we’re taking care of the last dock-side duties before the ship of Ascension leaves, so to speak. Getting everyone on board. Fighting off the deep state’s attempts to sink the ship (LaHaina, Wyoming, Southeast US, LA) before we get underway.

And that’s how, in my opinion, the chaos you see at present fits with the larger picture of Ascension.

The Light is destined to win, the Mother tells us:

Divine Mother: Make no mistake, sweet one. Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (8)

The overall movement of life towards Re-Union with the One is, we find out, irresistible. (9)


(1) Steve: The space that I call transformative love, what dimension is it?

AAM: It is the seventh dimension.

Steve: Then what dimension is bliss?

AAM: It is between eight and nine. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.) (Hereafter AAM.)

(2)  For a complete description of the vision, see “Chapter 13. Epilogue” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at

(3) The Company of Heaven says we are not, that everyone born into this generation is angelic. See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at I myself have no independent knowledge of the matter.

(4) See “Spiritual Evolution: The Divine Plan for Life,” July 21, 2020, at

(5) AAM, Aug. 5, 2020.

(6)  Sri Ramakrishna: All will surely realize God. All will be liberated. It may be that some get their meal in the morning, some at noon, and some in the evening; but none will go without food. All, without any exception, will certainly know the real Self. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 818.)

(7) Called by some “the Time of Separation.” See Not Everyone will Choose to Come with Us: The Time of Separation at

(8) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.

(9) On this matter, see The Longing for Liberation at

Steve Beckow

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Time for Peace in the Name of National Security

Part 1

By Steve Beckow

Posted on January 22, 2025

“Presidents” at Capitol for Inauguration. Heavily touched-up photo. All clones.

Here we are. Here are political celebrities entering the Capitol for the Inauguration. (1) If you believe Real Raw News, and I do, Michelle Obama is absent, having just been taken into custody. (2) (No time to release the next clone, to replace this one.)

This is the second time Michelle Obama will have been executed. (3) I know. I know. It sounds weird. And that’s one way in which all this has been kept hidden, by the threat of the whistleblower being ridiculed as weird, having lost it, a “conspiracy theorist.”

“You don’t believe that, do you?”

When we wake up to the truth, it’ll be that some nations – France, Great Britain, etc. – are currently run by clones or stand-ins. The originals are dead.

No one seems to ask who’s running the clones?

I don’t know. Many of the shadowy centers of power, like the 13 Illuminati Families, are gone.  Many political figures as well. Celebrities. Military. On and on it goes.

Pope Francis is an example of a world leader assassinated and replaced by a clone. Unfortunately Vladmir Putin is another. I greatly admire his stand-in, by the way. (4)

In my eyes, neither George nor Laura Bush look like these two people

The cabal has always relied on accusations that label the truth as far-fetched, outlandish, a smoke dream.

Satanists? Ha ha ha. Where did you get that idea?  Drink the blood of children? Ho ho ho. Rich. Unimaginable.

But they’re true.

Many if not most of the deep-state actors are also Satanists. Matthew describes how they sink into depravity:

Matthew: As that [Satanist] behavior becomes more extensive and crueler, the light in those individuals keeps dimming until the heart-space is a dark void wherein there is no conscience or other guidance from the soul to the consciousness. With only the spark of light that is the body’s life force, they become captives of the dark forces and act as its puppets. That is what happened to the weakest souls in the universal family, the Satanists. They became capable of happily committing acts that to others of all species in all civilizations are unspeakable, unthinkable. (5)

Our favorite (cabal) celebrity may very well drink children’s blood. Governor Newsom for instance, is simply doing what everyone else was:

“It turned out everyone was doing [adrenochrome]. Politicians, celebrities, even athletes.” (6)

If it were true, that would explain a lot of confidently-extreme behavior from elitists. It would also attract the charge of being complicit in “serious human rights abuses” since adrenochrome is produced through torturing children.

Moreover, “Joe Biden” really is an actor.  Under that rubber mask lies actor Arthur Roberts, who never starred in a bigger role. (7)

The whole time, “Joe Biden” has been under the command of the white-hat military.

The white-hat plan is designed to see We the People demand that the white-hat military remove the cabal, thereby averting civil war.

I’m in.


(To be concluded in Part 2, below.)


(1) All executed. See:

(2) See “Michelle O” (Michael Robinson) Goes to Gitmo,” Real Raw News, January 20, 2025, at

Michelle was caught in the act of making love to another man, which settled the matter of his gender. S/he was heavily stoned. Apparently he’d let it be known to the escort community where he’d be staying and that he wanted sex. Someone tipped off the white hats.

(3) “Lying Big Mike was executed shortly after [Obama was]. … Obama turned over on Big Mike to get a plea deal. … Big Mike got the lethal injection. I have to think he made a video confession.” (Medeea Greere, “BQQM! GITMO is Full!” ibid.) This is the first time Michelle was executed. This current tribunal will be “her” second.

(4) Matthew Ward tells us:

“During the past year the Illuminati assassinated two of G/NESARA’s leaders, Vladimir Putin and Pope Francis. Putin was replaced with a look-alike and the Pope usually is depicted by holography.” (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 3, 2021, at

(5) Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Oct. 3, 2022, at

(6) Newsom: “’I swear I’d never heard of [adrenochrome] before that, never taken it before. I was told it would make me a better, a stronger governor. I was reluctant, you know, but it turned out everyone was doing it. Politicians, celebrities, even athletes—somehow it’s not detected on conventional drug tests. I was already tipsy on a few too many cocktails and caved in,’ Newsom purportedly told investigators.  …

“‘Only in brief, fleeting moments of clarity, lucidity did I realize it made me open to the power of suggestion. For example, when I was told that the state shouldn’t jail arsonists or shoplifters, or homeless people accosting tourists, well, it sounded like a great idea, and I went along with it. And when Pelosi told me we should indefinitely lockdown the state and enforce vaccination and mandates, it sounded fantastic. The Adrenochrome made me do it all,’ Newsom went on.” (Michael Baxter, “Newsom: ‘Adrenochrome Made Me Do It,’” Real Raw News, Nov. 26, 2021, at

(7) See “Love Will Win. That Has Been My Plan Always,” 

“Sun. 12 May 2024: Joe Biden is not president of the USA. He was executed in 2021 for pedophilia. Joe Biden has been played by Arthur Roberts behind the mask.” (Q Storm 1776, Telegram, Sun. 12 May 2024

GAoG has been hit by malware attacks so that we only link to our own sites now.



Part 2


Fake representations of Trump and Melania from an earlier video

(Concluded from Part 1, above.)

In my opinion, our decency, our willingness to believe the good in people has been played upon. It’s been used to permit the world itself, as a governed unit, to almost slip from the control of those who value our well-being to a ruthless elite determined to “cull the herd.”

They propose to murder all but 500 million of us. (1) And they’re hard at work at the moment – Paradise CA, Lahaina HA, Wyoming, western North Carolina, eastern Tennessee, Florida, and Los Angeles for starters. Still we don’t cop to what is happening. What will it take?

The execution lists circulating on the web show that there really are mass arrests occurring. Tribunals are operating at Gitmo, Naval Base Blaz on Guam, Diego Garcia, Pine Gap, Greenland, Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica, on board ships, on and on.

Things we don’t want to do or are forbidden by law from doing are being done in the prisons of allied countries, I heard. That has been going on since the 1960s at least.  I did not keep the reference.

Now we are even condemning folks to execution without the need for a tribunal on the basis that the proof against them is overwhelming. (2)

We’re going too far (now I am acting like a conservative!). All done in the name of national security.  Time to make that term a distant memory: Time for peace in the name of national security.


Folks, in my opinion, this is collective madness. We can’t be throwing our values overboard like this and hope for a happy outcome.

We may have banished woke culture – or I hope we have – but the job isn’t done. We need to banish the belief that it’s alright to hang our enemies too. It isn’t. I don’t need to quote Jesus, I’m sure; it just isn’t right.

Far better to admit our bankruptcy of ideas in rehabilitation. Far better to admit that we allowed the deep state to create prisons for profit and fraudulently condemn our youth to prison sentences. (3) Far better to admit that we just want to be rid of our problem, in the fastest way possible.

I know we have a big problem on our hands. But natural forces are also at work, deciding the matter for us. Readers of this blog know that the Ascension lovelight energies are continually rising. These energies will invigorate us but they’ll cause degeneration in the darkly-inclined. They won’t be here much longer. (4) There’s no need for us to take matters into our own hands here.

Read Stop the Executions! at


(1)  Matthew Ward tells us:

“Universal councils that set standards for civilizations’ interactions would not sanction killing 90 percent of Earth’s population, an Illuminati goal of longstanding. They [the Illuminati] cannot have a third world war—they started WWI and II and made vast fortunes by selling war machinery to both sides in both wars—and they cannot fabricate and release more lethal viruses.

“The councils hold that the reign of darkness on the planet is over for once and for all, and the wealth of assistance does not include action that is within Earth residents’ capabilities. Taking legal action to prosecute proven evildoers is the peoples’ responsibility.” (Matthew’s Message, Nov. 1, 2023, at

(2) JAG (Judge Advocate General) at Gitmo sentenced Alejandro Majorka and Deanne Criswell, recently, to death without tribunals. See:

  • Michael Baxter, “JAG’s New Leadership Executes Deanne Criswell WITHOUT Tribunal,” Real Raw News, Dec. 9, 2024, at
  • …., “Mayorkas Executed at GITMO,” Real Raw News, Dec. 11, 2024, at

(3) See “Facts about Hip-Hop and Prison for Profit,” 

(4) See:

GAoG has been hit by malware attacks so that we only link to our own sites now.

Steve Beckow

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




How Long, O Lord?

By Steve Beckow

Posted on January 12, 2025

Pacific Palisades, Jan. 2025

How long will the chaos and mayhem continue? Let’s look at what’s being said.

St. Germain though Chellea Willer:

“Your inner and outer worlds are undergoing immense changes and profound transformation. The shifts that are taking place, penetrate deep into the very dynamics of your existence. As you look around at the current state of affairs, you can observe that things are beginning to heat up on a global scale. This is due to the light that is penetrating every aspect of your reality, as it also has triggered the Grand awakening.

“No longer can the shadows remain hidden; all is being exposed to the illuminating rays of truth. This unveiling is causing those who wish to maintain control and influence over you, to experience great fear, as they scramble desperately to hold onto what little power they still possess. The walls that once shielded their dominion are crumbling, and they are feeling the pressure of the awakening masses.

“As they pull at their last straws, the situation is expected to continue escalating in the months to come. The urgency of their actions will likely increase as they attempt to regain a sense of control over a rapidly evolving world. This is a critical moment in human history, where the forces of light and darkness are clashing more visibly than ever before. The struggle for power is becoming more pronounced, and the repercussions, will resonate throughout society, affecting the lives of every individual on planet Earth.” (1)

We may wish to remember this in the time ahead, to quell our fears.

We’ve looked before at the impact of the rising energies on the dark ones, but usually physically rather than socially. (2) We’re hearing now that the dark hats’ grip on power will remain for a while and then gradually wane.

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild also says that the madness will continue for a while:

“The madness shall continue for quite a while to come … jaw-dropping madness. Yet, you understand that all is to be well, therefore, such insanities shall be accepted by you as the necessities of the ‘Game Plan.'” (3)

They too reassure us that “all is to be well.”

I’d say the Judge Advocate General dropping the need for tribunals and sentencing deep staters to death on the basis of the evidence alone qualifies for “jaw-dropping madness,” in  my eyes. (4)

No trial, no opportunity for defence or even to be heard, no rights. That’s a long step back that we’ll have to re-negotiate later.

It’ll remain on our record as other civilizations ponder how we navigated this first ever mass-physical ascension into an interdimensional region of space.  Is that really how we wish to be seen?

Finally the Arcturian Group tells us:

“Know that everything is proceeding according to plan in spite of the world wide confusion and chaos prevalent at this time.

Pockets of dense energy much of which continues to manifest on Earth must be exposed and actually seen for what it represents before it can be eliminated. The high frequency energies now pouring to Earth at this time are acting like giant shovels digging and exposing layers of energy that have lain dormant for centuries.

“Energies of duality, separation and many powers cannot continue to exist in the presence of higher frequencies because they are not real and have no Divine law to support them. Because the clearing process is a facet of Earth’s ascension, it will continue until Light energy becomes more dominant.” (5)

So the forecast is for chaos to continue and even get greater. But we know and have the assurance that the Light energy will eventually become more dominant and that the dark ones will just as surely leave as the Light increases, by one means or another.


(1) “Things are HEATING UP ~ Saint Germain,” through Chelsea Wilder, Jan. 7, 2025, at

(2) See:

(3) The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Jan. 10, 2025, at

(4) See:

  • Michael Baxter, “JAG’s New Leadership Executes Deanne Criswell WITHOUT Tribunal,” Real Raw News, Dec. 9, 2024, at
  • ….., “Mayorkas Executed at GITMO,” Real Raw News, Dec. 11, 2024, at

(5) The Arcturian Group, Nov. 24, 2024, at

After numerous malware attacks, the Golden Age of Gaia links only to its own sites now.

Steve Beckow

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Strongest in Spirit

By Steve Beckow

Posted on December 21, 2024

No, no! Not like Hercules!


I acknowledge that today is the twelfth year on from our entry into the Fourth Dimension on Dec. 21, 2012.  On that occasion, the collective consciousness expressed a desire that we not have a limited Ascension on that date, but wait a while longer to work on the population so that more could come. We’re in the middle of that process now.

Researching something else, I came across a remarkable passage from Matthew Ward. Very helpful. Let me introduce it here.

Back in November of 2024, Matthew said:

The dark forces fight with divisiveness, deception, corruption and fear. The light forces use only the power of love, and in the continuum, they already have won the battle. The souls you have helped awaken now know this, and it will well serve them and you when truths start tumbling out [culminating in the ten days of broadcasts?].

We don’t know exactly when that will be or the order in which truths will come forth, but it is realistic to anticipate that before long you will be amidst a virtual cauldron of emotional disturbance—the most dynamic stage of your Earth journey is nigh.

You have been told by messengers of the light that of the billions of souls who wanted to experience this unprecedented time on Earth—in this universe!—you were chosen because you are the strongest. That is not flattery. That is fact! It is why many of you are in the trenches, so to say, with White Hats, Red Hats or patriot groups, or are journalists, scientists, whistleblowers or undercover agents, and all of you are radiating and anchoring the light that is undergirding all rightful activities and actions. Beloved sisters and brothers, you’ve got this! (1)


Let’s look at that for a moment.

When the late Nancy Pelosi described the wrap-up smear, (2) she only admitted one play from the deep state’s playbook.

Accusing your adversary of what you’re doing yourself is another and we see that acted out every day.

Divide-and-conquer is a third. They’re doing that with several disguised protest groups, espousing honorable ideals but producing a house divided against itself.

The thing that I’m “anti” of is anti-division. Unity is what will save us – not save us existentially because that’s guaranteed but save our women and children from being sex trafficked and tortured for adrenochrome, for one thing; our families uprooted and impoverished by manmade hurricanes for another.  I could list what else it would save us from before the game is called, but we’ve been through that.

Deception has become such a stock in trade for deep-state adherents that to think of a whole bloc of people withdrawing from that behavior pattern boggles the mind – I’ve seen one person at a time awaken in an encounter group – but a whole social group – and at once?

I guess that’s what the ten days of broadcasts are about – a time of mass awakening. I’ll watch how the white hats do this with profound interest and respect.

“It is realistic to anticipate that before long you will be amidst a virtual cauldron of emotional disturbance—the most dynamic stage of your Earth journey is nigh.”

I thought we were already “amidst a virtual cauldron of emotional disturbance”! Hawaii, Wyoming, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee have been ravaged and pillaged, a huge gash in the nation.  What? Are we going to just ignore it and go back to TV?

“The most dynamic stage of your Earth journey is nigh.”   If this is the most dynamic, it’s comforting to know it has diminution and an end.

But wars always end. Only peace is endless. And peace is where we’re headed. Peace is built into GESARA. (3)

“You were chosen because you are the strongest.” Not the strongest like Hercules, but strongest in spirit, strongest in perseverance, humility, love, and the other divine qualities.

“It is why many of you are in the trenches, so to say, with White Hats, Red Hats or patriot groups, or are journalists, scientists, whistleblowers or undercover agents, and all of you are radiating and anchoring the light that is undergirding all rightful activities and actions.”

Thank you, Matthew, for mirroring that back to me. I’ve wondered how our work operates and benefits. I found that very helpful.

So many times I ask myself, am I doing the right thing by looking at what’s happening on the ground? Have I debased things by doing so? By using sources who sound credible but add a layer of sensationalism to their articles? Or who issue a mixture (as we all do) of the credible and the non-credible, leaving me open to criticism for relying on them?

What’s your proof? Do you fact-check? Those who wish to tie us in knots, those who work for the same folks who probably pay the fact-checkers, are not going to leave their seats of power and influence quietly. They’ll attempt to wear us down. They’ll bank on the public forgetting quickly – especially in the face of “natural disasters,” mass shootings, and “UFOs” suddenly appearing.

“It is why many of you are in the trenches, so to say, with White Hats, Red Hats or patriot groups, or are journalists, scientists, whistleblowers or undercover agents, and all of you are radiating and anchoring the light that is undergirding all rightful activities and actions.”

“Beloved sisters and brothers, you’ve got this!”

That was very helpful, Matthew. Thank you! I wish there were ten of you.


(1) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 1, 2024, at https://www/

(2) Michael Baxter, “Nancy Pelosi Hanged at GITMO,” Real Raw News, Dec. 27, 2022 at


16. Ceases all aggressive, US government military actions worldwide. Wars will end as each person will have GESARA benefits in the country of his birth certificate only, thus force migration and ethnic groups culturally together where they will live in harmony in their own land. Birds of feather flock together as per the 26 ethnic cantons inside Switzerland.

17. Establishes peace throughout the world. (James Rinks, “GESARA’s 20 PRINCIPLES,” GESARA4DUMMIES on Telegram, downloaded Sept. 21, 2023.)
Steve Beckow

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Everything Coming Undone; or, The Trump Team is Our Best Chance

By Steve Beckow

Posted on December 2, 2024

Everything coming undone was the plot of I Love Lucy


I think the best description of this post-election phase is “everything coming undone.”

There were reports that VP Kamala Harris spent much of her time in Hawaii strategizing with Democrat leadership on what to do next. As President of the Senate, Kamala could refuse to certify Trump and certify herself instead (on what planet?).  Etc., etc.

It did demonstrate one thing to me.

In my opinion, everything whose existence depends on secrecy is destined not to stand. It will not last.  The I Love Lucy Show many decades ago was based on this operational fact.

Lucy told a little white lie, and then, when caught, a bigger white lie to cover it up, and then a bigger and a bigger. Until the whole facade collapsed.

And that’s a little bit of what’s happened here. Hollywood – to take an example – has perfected the art of doing really evil things off camera and still pretending to be an angel on camera.

But it all depends on being kept secret. And celebrities like the late Jim Carrey and Ricky Gervais, the late Isaac Kappy and Jaguar Wright will not keep the secret. They’re revealing it (or have revealed it) prematurely.

The public was not yet lulled to sleep on Satanism or bugs for food or the need for a nuclear WWIII. And so things began falling apart for the dyed-in-the-wool Satanists-in-secret.


The number of people whose executions have been reported in detail who are still “making nightly news” via stand-ins seems large. I imagine when the emergency broadcasts happen, the stand-ins will all stand down. Our society will lose its historical, collective face.

Whoever it is – original or stand-in – white-hat special forces are following their every move.  And as their numbers dwindle, their assets are also confiscated. The result is there’s no reliability any more. Their members can’t count on anything.

Some deep staters are said to have houses in several locations and to keep moving. Others are said to be directing their departments from the Ukraine or Poland.

If they didn’t have their hands on sophisticated weaponry, I’d speculate that theirs is a house of cards. But they have the power to do much damage in the leave-taking.

If Hurricanes Helene and Milton showed us anything, it showed us the potential for non-nuclear destruction the cabal was still capable of. A whole region of the country devastated. I’m still having trouble assimilating that.

So our peril remains real. In my humble opinion, we cannot afford to relax our support for the Trump team, who, if we empower them, will remove the cabal from control.

If we yield to the cabal’s shouts of “Nazis! Fascists!” etc., we’ll lose the best chance we’ve had of restoring the people to power.



Steve Beckow



My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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