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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Stabilizing Unity through Cosmic Oneness

Lord Melchizedek

Channel: Ailia Mira

Posted on January 14, 2025





Divine Ones,
We greet you in love.
It is I, Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, with the Angelic Ones through Ailia. We are so very happy to have this opportunity to connect with you.
Take a moment now and call upon your Divine Self, your I AM Presence, activating that within you through acknowledgement, and then call upon me, Melchizedek the Universal Logos, and ask for an infusion of energy and light from me, to you.
You will now feel some type of sensation as I transmit this light, the energy of that which I AM, to you.
Enjoy this experience, and call forth more light and energy, as you wish. Allow yourself to become familiar with this experience of our connection, and let it be real to you.
Also? If you happen to feel a spinning type of energy, which Ailia just did, know that summoning this transmission may activate your Lightbody, your Merkaba and it’s spin may be something you pick up on or become aware of. This does not need to happen, we simply mention so you will understand what it is, if you do pick up on this.
Now, Dear Ones — it is important that you understand that you have connections with the Universal Oneness and the Oneness of the Multiverse, and beyond.
You are in connection with, and have relationships with, many cosmic beings and fields of Great Light. And the energy you receive through these connections is cosmic fuel, if you will, lifting you up and transforming your experience. These energies are keys to your ascension!
We — in the greater non-physical wholeness — speak to each and every one of you, consistently, and repeatedly and we do so, energetically.
Yes, you could channel us, as Ailia is doing, but many of you do not communicate and connect in that way or not yet and it isn’t necessary — doing so is not required for your ascension journey. (Even though channeling is a powerful avenue for embodying higher levels of consciousness).
Nonetheless…The most important way that we communicate with you and empower you, and support you, is on energetic level. You feel, sense, or know your connection to any of us, and to Life Itself, on an energetic level.
And as you call upon us, as you awaken, as any of you are introduced to us, or on your own ask for and allow us to transmit to you, you begin to realize (we offer to you) that you are part of us, and we are a part of you and right now, aware of this perhaps?
Oneness becomes real in a very different way.
And this Oneness, which is really Cosmic Oneness, is expanding in your experience, which we will speak more about momentarily…
And this Cosmic Oneness can be more than how you access greater wholeness.
Cosmic Oneness, can be a means by which you build, balance, deepen, evolve and through these connections, stabilize your expression of unity. And that is what we wish to make you aware of, today.
For starters, know that your innate connections are diverse, and vast.
We have focused in much of our co-creation with you, on your connection with your Divine Self; the I AM presence, or the Monad. And this is essential; for this is the Source of your Being.
And yet, there are many fields of energy and light informing your ascension process and at this time we now turn to these broader fields with the intention to deepen your awareness and open you up to new potentials that these vaster fields are offering to you and can provide given where you are now.
There are masters and teachers and fields of energy and light at the solar and planetary level, at the galactic level, and at the universal level and at the level of the multiverse and even at the level closest to Source. And you have connections at every level throughout Creation.
We hope that you will begin to consider the implications of this.
And to grasp that your ascension journey is one of unifying with ever-expanding field of light — and given that, begin to sense what all of these innate connections offer to you — a means by which you can build a stable expression of Oneness in your embodiment.
As a means to open up these possibilities, let us begin to helping you to be more receptive.
We ENCOURAGE YOU, Beloved Ones, to pause now, and recognize, and FEEL your deep belonging and your innate worthiness.
Ask to feel, sense, know, become MORE aware of the deep and vast love that underlies and informs your experience, and to feel how very much you belong. How significant you are. How precious and beautiful you are in our eyes.
And then, if you wish, we encourage you to begin in an ongoing way, to explore your vast network of connections, more often and consciously.
In your daily life, you can simply call upon any of us and ask for us to send energy and light from ourselves to you. If you’re already doing this, expand upon it.
Call upon different fields that interest you. That occur to you. That you know of but may not have connected with before.
Do this often and as you do this, you will feel the unique and specific energies each offer to you, and through this, you will grow in confident knowing of the unwavering and continual support here for you and of your innate connection to All.
You will also sense what fields you have deeper and more significant resonance with and become more aware of where your affinities lie.
As you ask, you will always receive what you ask for and call forth, giving permission for it to be given. How you translate, or experience this will depend on you…
But as you do this, you will often feel a very physical, tangible feeling. It may be more subtle and soft, when you are new to perceiving subtle energy realms, or as you’ve not had much confidence in your ability to receive in this way, but that will open up, and expand as you grow more confident in your connections.
And as it does open up more for you, you will find that you can feel that the energies, are different, they vary and the way you are connected varies, too.
Divine Ones — the time is NOW, for feeling how connected you are to everything. The time is now for humanity is becoming more psychically aware.
For we remind you friends, the new age is here.
Up until now, has been the time of the forerunners.
Prior to this, you were in a time of awakening, a time of coming to light, remembering. Then conditioning yourself to ever increasing levels of light. Remembering who you truly are, and reconnecting energetically and in consciousness, with the knowing of the true Self, the harmonic wholeness that is your essence.
But now, Earth and humanity has changed, evolved so significantly and simultaneously and in divine order, the precession of the Equinoxes and the Solstices has brought you into the new age!
As this new age arrives, you are already moving beyond being a forerunner, into becoming a worldbridger and into deepening level of presence and the demonstration of Unity and Oneness, that is growing within you as knowing.
You are evolving into an expression in which you embody Cosmic Oneness and the vastness of your being, when you’re in alignment and allowing that energy to flow freely.
You’re deepening into your ascension journey, developing integrated ascension and beginning Cosmic Ascension and we point out — expanding your awareness of Cosmic Oneness.
Understand Beloved Ones, — for you to be interested in these things you’ve already completed a merger with your soul — the third initiation in the ascension process. And many of you have received the 6th initiation; the initiation of ascension and are working toward the sustained completion of the 7th initiation: complete ascension.
You likely feel these milestones as an expansive, eternal level of being.
As this new age and this new year begins you may be sensing and feeling on the inner planes, an expansion unlike anything you’ve sensed, felt or experienced before. And finding it challenging to describe or name this.
This is because as you are evolving, awakening and elevating your energy presence and opening up your consciousness, the vast non-physical fields of light associated with Earth and Humanity’s ascension, have also been preparing and moving closer to you.
In the same way that you have a Merkaba — a lightbody — so too, does the Universe, and the multi-verse.
And within the greater wholeness, the Masters, the Teachers, Archangels, Dragons and Guides have been not only transmitting to you on the inner planes and through embodied messengers, but also awakening within you, your own innate affinity with different Cosmic Qualities, functional tendencies, rays of embodiment and your own Family of Light.
You each have unique and special resonances within the Cosmic Wholeness — connections you quite rightly could name as your lineage.
And as this new year and this new age dawn, the Cosmic Realm is preparing to extend into the higher dimensional earth realms in very beautiful and specific ways which will activate within you, greater awareness of your innate connection with the vaster aspects of your own lineage, and your own Family of Light.
The translation of this experience may not be conscious but it will always include communication in a way that you can feel energetically. Trust this and allow energy to be a means of communication and your awareness of this, to provide you with an ever-expanding awareness of your own connections to the Infinite!
Great teachers from many non-physical realms are moving closer to Earth and in what has been called, “the externalization of the spiritual hierarchy,” gradually, now, some of these unique and loving Cosmic Beings are preparing to descend to Earth.
Along with this, there will be more walk-ins in the coming days, more soul-braids, more declensions of spirit, more blending within your own greater wholeness, for some. And with this, the collective consciousness, the energy and light in your world is being transformed, and there is more psychic awareness of the greater Universe, even among those who do not believe in life on other planets.
The inner knowing, the inner awareness of the greater Cosmic Wholeness is dawning upon humanity, from an inner plane of knowing. And from the collective field of consciousness shared by humanity as those ascending infuse this field with higher qualities of awareness which you/they now embody.
And remember, Friends — this inner knowing arrives differently than any other type of communication.
You know this, for you have each had your own inner knowing about various aspects of your own BEING, as you’ve awakened and opened to the greater Oneness in which you are essentially, perpetually present.
And so, you are moving into a time of even greater awakening and remembering. A time of continual expansion. A time of ever-increasing energy flowing into your experience. A time of solar maximum! A time of ongoing outer-world challenges and of great unknowns.
A time of profound empowerment and a time for what you might call, Quantum Leaps, “on steroids.”
This past year has prepared you for this, by helping you to release all you’ve outgrown; limitation, stories or habits of thought that hold you back from your Divine Birthright of empowered sovereign creativity and from knowing your true significance and inherent worthiness.
Now is a time for those who were forerunners, to also understand that being drawn upward into higher expression. YOU ARE BECOMING the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy now, too.
Each of you are here as representatives, ambassadors of Cosmic Lineages which have deep investment in the Earth Realm and in the exaltation of humanity.
And so — it is for you Lightworkers, who have been forerunners, to now realize this and remember who you truly are in an expanded way.
In an expanded sense of knowing and in that clarity, you will begin to demonstrate once again, what is possible. You will shine this forth, from the evolution of your awareness and through the energies of your presence.
And as you become more whole. As you deepen the ascension initiations you have received by integrating them on the physical, mental and emotional levels, you will also be healing the illusionary separation of the Earth Realm with the rest of the Universe and beyond.
As most of you have experienced, as you evolve, you begin to see non-physical beings less as greater than you and more accurately, as those simply focused differently. As you ascend, the difference between you and the ascended masters and the spiritual hierarchy is slowly beginning to dissolve.
Each one of us carries unique pieces of the Cosmic Wholeness. Each one of us is part of a multidimensional team with an important part to play.
As you open to allow what wants to flow through you… As you learn and remember how to fully embrace yourself and love who you are… You cannot help but embody expanded states of Unity, and replicate the patterns of higher level fields of energy and light from which you emanate and flow.
As you expand, you will still have a very strong sense of Self, and feel the beauty and close connection with your own I AM, or Monadic Presence, but at the same time there is this knowing that your Family of Light and you, share the same functional interests/devotion and tendencies in contribution and creation. That you are part of vaster unified fields of co-creation, beyond your individual expression and that you are at home in these vaster collective fields, too.
There is a deepening awareness that you have unique and specific purpose in BEING YOU. And that BEING YOU, is a reflection of the greater harmonic patterns of the lineage that you have affinity with and from which you flow.
With this, you grow more self-loving and more capable of allowing yourself to heal and experience greater wholeness.
We see the coming days, as a time of tremendous expansion. And with expansion can come a great feeling of instability and what you might be inclined to interpret as less clarity as you evolve into the unknown. So we wish to address this specifically.
You have let go of so much that is no longer relevant in the energetic expression you’ve evolved into, yes.
But beyond that, it is also true that as you expand, your mental faculties in particular, might be becoming more spacious, more vast and you might feel quieter mentally. You might discover that you are alert, alive, joyful and even that you feel clear about what you want to be doing, or not doing (being), and yet there may come a time, in which there is more flow and much, much, MUCH less thought. And much less ability even to conjure up narrative ideas and perspectives.
Here’s why: as you become who you truly are… And as you allow the Cosmic Wholeness, to infuse you with the vast energies of Cosmic Oneness, it is actually quite natural to feel keenly aware and present, but without the need for thinking, or figuring things out, or analyzing, or in anyway diminishing your experience of the present moment but filtering it or distracting yourself from it.
And in fact, as you are spiraling upward vibrationally and as you do this while increasing your light quotient, the boundaries of your lower mind or concrete mind, begin to dissolve and it begins to merge and eventually, fuse with the higher mind and this is the beginning of ascension or ascended consciousness.
Now we must highlight a very important ascension key: Know that for all of you evolutionary expansion is not permanent; one must continue to keep their energies clear, their frequency high, and to live in love and increasing alignment with higher mind, to allow it to remain and further develop.
This means bringing all aspects of your human experience into love, embracing everything.
Understand that Ascension Initiations — many of which happen while you sleep — are given when your spiritual body touches into a higher light quotient.
Once this occurs, the work for each of you is then to integrate the full initiation. This often involves inner work in what you might think of as healing. There may be work with your health and body, your diet and with learning more about the specific aspects of self-care that allow you to thrive and live in balance, peace, sovereign alignment and inner harmony.
There may be work psychologically, emotionally, with love, and with forgiveness… There may be healing needed in terms of your views, or judgements about yourself or others. Work with your beliefs and ideas, the lens you see Life through and your conditioned and practiced, perhaps hidden, patterns of thought.
To be able to be in 5th dimensional energies WITH your physical, mental and emotional bodies, along with your spiritual body, consistently, is to bring about integrated ascension, and the beginning of Cosmic Oneness, or wholeness.
We invite you to join with us, as we begin this new age in these very new energies, and to co-create. We would like to introduce you to many different levels of light and energy within the multi-verse that are available to support your growing unity and Divine Expression.
As we share with you these weekly transmissions and remote energy infusions you will find your connections within the solar and planetary levels, the galactic and universal levels and beyond, become more articulate, more familiar and learn to draw upon them to create the Life experience you wish to live.
You will be invited into discovering more about how you wish to send and give light to areas of concern, suffering or struggle and to find a way of sensing unity with All Things and Sending Light as a masterful emanation of All That You Are.
Cosmic Oneness and Expanding Unity, is the theme we’re offering as a way of framing this dawning of the new age.
The momentum of this new year, has likely felt to you, unlike any other that came before and that is accurate interpretation! Nothing has ever been as it is now and we find this both exciting and worthy of great feelings of appreciation and cherishing the previousness of participating in this new world in the new age.
We very much welcome the opportunity to share with you these observations and perspectives, thank you! We invite you to deepen your multidimensional path of ascension by opening to the higher possibilities of living an all inclusive life.
Ascension is a synthesized and balanced integration of light, love, wisdom and service. A path which does not bypass anything, but synthesizes and ascends all four bodies, in unity, together — a path not to emancipate any from this world, but instead to open you up to an abundant and love-filled life of authentic, true expression.
It is with this aim in mind — the ultimate communion between the inner and outer worlds — that we offer our support and guidance at this time.
Beloved One, there is only one Path, which unfolds in the uniqueness of each of you. I speak to you now, through Ailia, and yet I am already within you. We are spiraling through time and space together and this dance gives me great joy.
We are deepening our awareness of and connection to one another through the specific and beautiful Life that you are creating and expanding upon. I wish to draw you upwards into expanded states of being and to know the nuances of human experience as seen through your eyes. This is the divine mystery of our multidimensional expression. Know that this journey is both assured and unfolding through our co-creation, and that We Are One. I embrace you All.
I AM Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, with Ailia, Ashira, Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Serapis Bey, the Galactic Dragons and the Council of Radiant Light.
Ailia Mira


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Behold, Everything is New

By Lord Melchizedek

Channel: Judith Kusel

Posted on January 11, 2025


I greet you. I Am Lord Melchizedek and feel the presence of myself and the whole high Order of Lord Melchizedek and the High Order of the White Flame in and around you.
You are entering a moment in the next few days and weeks and the years before you, where every single soul will find that they are called into higher service more than ever before.
You all agreed to this before you were born although a lot of you have forgotten that. Yes, it is easy to get caught up in the dramas of life in the dramas of others, in the dramas of governments and all those who seemingly have power when in truth they do not. The Divine master plan is already fulfilled ,the New Earth and the new Golden Age is already there.
Yes, I am speaking into your soul tonight and I am speaking into the core truth of who and what you are in truth, knowing that you have been prepared for this not only on Earth in the many lifetimes you’ve had here in all existences, but at the Universal and Omniversal levels. There are aspects of your soul that you have not even used in this lifetime, which I am now triggering.
These are talents and abilities that you have had since time immortal when you were first birthed by the divine. You are a soul that is exactly where you need to be in this moment in time and you are meant to now claim that and to be open for miracles to unfold in your life, but how can you be ready for miracles if you refuse to let go of what you were before?
Yes, it takes those leaps of faith, yes, it can be very uncomfortable, that is why surrendering is so very important.
Surrendering does not mean that you lose control, it means that you allow Divine will and your will to become one and the same. As a human you have very little vision and often no understanding of a greater master plan which is unfolding and where you slot into that.
Yet you do not just need to slot in, but every single other soul and millions of others, things and moments and creations have to fall into place so that all is one Symphony where every musical instrument plays its own unique role, but they all sing together as one every instrument is unique every instrument is important.
You are important, that is why you are loved and cherished, yea, you are cherished, you are loved.
We have Council meetings and often with the Intergalactic Councils and the Universal Councils for the Earth is not an entity on her own, she fits in exactly where she needs in the whole Cosmic globe and with her as Ascension now this is the totally new and higher role she is adopting.
We sit in silence with our heart centers open, holding that vision of a Divine master plan fulfilled on this planet and we hold the perfected vision of you, yes you, your soul and your life’s mission and purpose that you have come to fulfill on Earth in the New Earth and the new Golden Age.
That is how important you are, that is how loved ,and how cherished you are and so is each one of you. There are many Universal masters from other universes who have come to join us. It’s unprecedented, it has never happened before. The intergalactic races are here in unparalleled numbers to all help you through this process.
The intergalactic Galactic Fleet and High Commander Ashtar are doing an immense job, they are immensely dedicated. They are serving with so much love and so are the heavenly hosts and your own Mother Earth the New Earth, she is really bringing herself into that higher dimensional State and is willing to expand into the beauty and perfection of her born, new born existence. This planet has always been part of a universal fray and the universal Family of Light and the Galactic ones.
In these transmissions, we are activating the deepest remembrance of your soul, but also that which you need to grow into as you are ascending fully into your new solar light body with regenerative and rejuvenating energies pouring in from Andromeda and from Helius, the Great Central Suns and the seventh Central Sun of Illumination that is illuminating you from within and without.
As the Sun flares now released are truly working with you and the dormant faculties in your mind, but also in your whole existence and the new DNA is fully activating in ways you cannot even comprehend now, this is the new Master race of the New Human.
Tonight, you will be activated with a sacred geometry the sacred sounds, the sacred numbers, the sacred mathematics, the sacred physics and metaphysics, alchemy and the codes of magic that you’ve always had ,but which lay dormant for so long.
With that comes the greater opening of a higher heart and your ability to raise your Consciousness even higher, for as you raise your Consciousness, you can access what you could not before, for everything works with energy and energy fields with frequencies and vibrations and the higher your Consciousness, the more you can tune in.
This will often mean that you will have visions that you will now be able to access, but you could not access before.
Downloads will come, you will suddenly they have Crystal Clear knowing and you will , be able to , co-create highly advanced art, music, technologies but more than this, you will be able to communicate with all life and life forms and be able to build communities where everything is organic and pure, the water, the air and everything, where you work with the plant kingdoms, where you work with the tree kingdom, you will work with the animals and the birds and the insects and the minerals and the mineral kingdoms and all the elements in a profound way, because everything is conscious. You will be able to use sound in ways you’ve never ever been able to do so.
Yes, even light craft, spacecraft teleportation. You think of it, it is already here for you to step into those powers, if you so choose, but remember each one of you will be given to the degree that you can handle it We are monitoring you day and night.
If high frequency gifts are given to you and you are not of the right frequency vibration and Consciousness, your physical body is in danger of disintegrating. You will never be given more than you can handle and you will only be given what you need to know and access and will be given it when you are ready, not one moment before and not one moment too late.
Do not compare yourself with your brothers and sisters of light, everyone is unique. Be yourself. You don’t need to compare yourself with others, be simply yourself and stand fully in your own light and be what you in truth are.
You don’t need to emulate anybody or to put them on a pedestal or in a pit, what you see in them is there within you, let’s love them the way they are.
When your Consciousness rises and your heart is full of love, you won’t be able to hate anymore or to sow seeds of division, or to go into fear and even war with each other. War is futile, it doesn’t work. It just brings more pain and suffering, but if you are at war inside, how can you create peace, it’s impossible.
That is why the inner work is so important, the constant clearing and cleansing, because you are still walking on Earth and you will interact with those who are not always on the same dimensional frequency as you, but the spirit is widening, to be on this Earth but not of her. To look at her from above with love and compassion, without judgment, even while you are creating the new Golden Age with love.
Yes, there are times when you will go and slip again, and be pulled in. It’s up to you to immediately make work of it and remember that help is always present, we are here to assist you. Yes it takes strength, it take courage, it takes fortitude, it takes discipline and all the ascended masters have had to be that. The higher the calibre of your soul, the more you will be tested. The purest of diamonds are created under immense pressure and the tallest of oak trees had to withstand the severest of weather.
I thank you, beautiful Souls. The High Council and myself Lord Melchizedek are already fully activating the sacred sites in the New Earth and the sacred Temples will rise again, the Pyramid Temples in their profundity and already are.
Behold everything is new. Behold you are new.
Receive now from the Divine Prime Creator the packets of Love, light and power and there will be silence while this is streaming into you. (Light language)
I hold you and I bless you. I anoint you with the sacred oils of the most sacred one.
I Am Lord Melchizedek.

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



The Split

By Judith Kusel

Posted on November 30, 2024


I have been feeling intensely since last Wednesday, how we are moving deeper into the higher timelines and at the same time, those who are choosing to stay in the old timeline are sinking lower. This is causing an ever-widening gap which will lead to a total split in times ahead.
At the moment we can still see each other, but often they cannot hear you anymore, as there seems to be a thick glass petition between you.
This is because the old-world dimension is getting frenetic and chase for more and more consumption, and whatever else is getting more frenetic too. While those who have moved on, now carry that inner calmness, the inner peace, and the expanded heart, seek divinity in all and everyone and everything.
When I was transmitting Lord Melchizedek, (who is truly now making his presence felt very powerful and is my Ascended Master) with no prior knowledge in a conversation with a friend, who is a warzone, the message which came through was loud and clear.
The highest path is the path of LOVE, and there is no other path. Become the Love which heals the world, live it, be it, and walk your talk.
When Love is fully present, then inner peace is fully present.
The 7th dimensional Solar Plexus chakra, when fully activated hold Divine Peace, Divine Power and Divine Wisdom. It is no accident that our very GUT feelings are attached to the same chakra.
Therefore, all those insecurities, all those self-made dramas, all those false belief systems, all those psychic daggers which thoughts sent into the other people solar plexus, which acted like a psychic pump in the old 3D, has now been showing up.
It is all part of the purification process, so we finally realize that we are creating our own reality and at this moment, this is so important to be fully aware of.
The Solar Plexus links to the heart and as the higher heart is also fully activated, this means the clearing of the lower houses in the highest degrees.
When our energy fields are crystal clear, we become crystal clear. We have nothing to hide anymore, we are authentic and real. The love we radiate forth, is read by others, as we become harmless to all living beings. It becomes a way of life and living. We LIVE Oneness, and Unity.
Yet all Oneness and Unity, as well as love, peace and harmony, starts WITHIN.
This is where the crucial shift is happening, and where the timelines are splitting ever wider apart.
It reminds me of the Rift valley, which is splitting off from the main African continent, busy forming its own continent. The same is happening with humanity right now.
It is all Love, for Divine Love has given every soul the choice to ascend or not to ascend.
It is every soul’s own choice which determines the outcome.
No soul is ever lost – and in their own time, which may still take many other existences, they will get there.
Divine Love is never ending.

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Introducing The Order of Melchizedek

The Order of Melchizedek

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on November 27, 2024

Credits DadSpeak
We are the order of Melchizedek, and we are here in service to you.
We do enjoy watching you, but we also love to join you on your journeys. We are happy to join you anytime you are willing to allow us in, to allow us to walk with you, to occupy the same space as you do with your physical form. We are not separate from you and we are not off in a far off place that you cannot possibly reach with your physical body or with your mind. The more you believe in the possibility of communion with us, the easier it becomes and the more we can assist you. on your journeys.
Each and every one of you has the capability to do this, and channeling is not just coming up with fancy words and teachings. It is about energy first and foremost. And from where you sit, we are pure energy, pure consciousness. We are nonphysical, and therefore, we have no location and no limitation. We can join you on your journey no matter what it is about at this time in your life.
You have an unlimited supply of helpers, an unlimited amount of help available to you. You just need to believe in the possibility that you could receive from the likes of us. As we look down upon you and we see you in your struggle, we want to help, and we invite you to come up and join us, but we are just as happy to send energetic transmissions to you in the physical. We will continue to do so, and we know that more of you are going to open up to us now that you know about this possibility.
We invite you to think about what it would be like to have the order of Melchizedek walking with you, occupying the same space as you and helping you in all the ways that we can. There are so many ways that we seek to be of service, and there are many ways that we can be of service, but we cannot just interfere, and there must be a vibrational relationship. And therefore, we invite you to consider how we would feel to you if we were in your presence. Just that imagining alone will attune you to us to a much greater degree than you have ever been attuned to us before.
We welcome your input. We welcome your prayers. We welcome your suggestions, and we know who you really are, and we want to say yes to you all the time. We will continue to work with so many of you in the astral plane, and we know that more and more of you will experience us in the dream state and have a knowing that you connected with us when you awaken in the morning. This is our promise to you because we love you, and we love you unconditionally.
We are the order of Melchizedek, and it has been our pleasure to serve you.
Daniel Scranton 


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




The Next Ten Years

By Lord Melchizedek

Channel: Judith Kusel

Posted on September 26, 2024

I have just been given an immense revelation by Lord Melchizedek and the High Counsel of High Order of Melchizedek, regarding the next ten years.
From now on we are being lifted into a totally new paradigm and new existence, where new life is fully present in a much higher dimensional state and where all is new and far transcends all we have known before in the old 3D.
New inventions, cosmic technologies, heart centered living, sacred life, love and relationships, and so much more.
Animals we thought were extinct will reappear, and new species emerge, as well as new waters and landmass, and pyramid energy will be returned…. The list continues.
The new communities of Light will rise in crescendo and the new ways of wholistic living, as one with earth and all within, upon and around her, as we return to the cosmic fray and fully embrace our cosmic brothers and sisters.
The Age of Love, harmony and unity.
My heart and soul rises in love and gratitude.
We are being transfigured in the highest degrees.
Get ready for intense liftoff.

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Introducing The Order of Melchizedek


Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on September 18, 2024

Introducing The Order of Melchizedek - Melchizedek - channeled by daniel scranton
We are the order of Melchizedek, and we are here in service to you.
This is the time to triumphantly announce who you are to the universe in all the ways that you can do so. You, as a unique aspect of Source Energy, have made a commitment to be yourself, to let loose on this reality all that you are, and you can feel when you are holding yourself back. When you want to tell that person that you love them, but you don’t, you can feel yourself shrinking. When you want to express yourself and give your perspective on something, but you don’t, you can feel yourself diminishing your point of view. And when you feel that, you feel less important, less significant.
Now, you could never be less important to Source, but you can feel that way about yourself to yourself, and in this transmission we are not talking about ego. We are not talking about making yourself seem more important, or smarter, or better than anyone else. What we are talking about is your full acceptance of yourself, and that includes your perspectives and the love that you are. You see, you are all meant to be uniquely you and not to hide yourselves or who and what you are. You can feel that desire bubbling up within you to give more to the universe, and when you hold yourself back from doing so, it is usually because you have a lot of very good reasons. Those reasons might be also labeled limiting beliefs or even negative thoughts. 
It is time to release those so you can triumphantly announce to this universe who and what you really are. You do this in your poems, your artwork, your books, the clothing you design. You even do it in the way that you speak when you are speaking to another. You have the ability to announce with joy to the rest of humanity that you are here, you are ready, and you are an aspect of Source Energy. 
Now, if you think that your purpose is to figure out something, or do something, then you are mistaken because you are there to be yourself unapologetically. When you are yourself, and you love yourself, and you forgive yourself when you are not being the best version of yourself that you can be, you are putting yourself in the right place at the right time to have the right experiences with the right people, and you are bringing humanity to a higher-vibrational state. This ascension of human consciousness is happening one moment at a time, one thought at a time, one expression of self at a time.
When you diminish yourselves, it is like saying, ‘Source shouldn’t have created me as I am.’ And so, self-acceptance is the first step to self-love, and self-love is a step towards knowing yourself as a Source Energy Being. So don’t let your ego or your mind convince you that you are not enough, that you shouldn’t be you, and that you should hide from the reality you are creating. Give this universe all of yourself and know that you will be accepted by those around you when you accept yourself. You may even find that you inspire others and that others want to know how you became such a self-loving being. When you tell them, you will also be up-leveling the consciousness of the human collective, of which you are a part, and therefore this work is as powerful as any work that you could be doing at this time to help humanity.
Help humanity by helping yourself become the fullest expression of who and what you really are, and know that others around you want you to be this even if they don’t know it right now. They want to be given permission to be who they really are and express that truth, and you are a wayshower, a lightworker, a changemaker, but most importantly you are you. And we love you completely, just as you are. 
We are the order of Melchizedek, and it has been our pleasure to serve you.
Daniel Scranton 


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Transformando-se em um ser solar

*Sintomas físicos e eventos na superfície do planeta.

Uma Mensagem do Mestre  Melquisedeque

 Canalizado via Elsa Farrus,

a  23 de fevereiro de 2017

Tradução Vilma Capuano

Saudações, amado Ser de Luz, sou Mestre Melkzedeck.

Venho falar-lhes das profundas transformações que estão ocorrendo no núcleo da terra, é por isso que realizamos este Chamado Universal, em sua elevada co-criação, com vocês os humanos, e os seres ancestrais encarnados em um corpo humano.

O crescimento energético do próximo Eclipse Solar no dia 26, é e será um dos maiores eventos a nível planetário, a partir dos dias 23 a 27 – estarão em um corredor quântico de transformação planetária, em uma vibração muito intensa, é como uma limpeza de memórias e de mudanças em suas vidas.

Todos vocês processam uma intensa transformação emocional, e nela também estarão presentes as várias Ondas de Luz, que lhes abriram seus corpos geométricos e físicos mais sutis; mas agora se junta a vocês a transformação dos Filamentos de Luz de sua Linhagem; ou seja, todas aquelas decisões que foram tomadas nestes anos de ascensão liberaram milhares de almas de outros tempos e também das suas Linhagens da encarnação atual. 

Com esta transformação em vocês se abre uma maior e intensa fase de liberação.

Ao colocar seu Amor por si mesmo e à vida em cada encruzilhada dos últimos tempos, tem sido dissolvida a aprendizagem que retida sobre o assunto.

É como se a agenda de muitos assuntos caísse no tempo e permiti-lhes e lhes permitirá desobrigar-lhes antes, pela aceitação das realidades do ambiente. 

São e serão ao mesmo tempo seres divinos na mais divina transformação interna, e para restaurar a Essência Pura, sem a influência de exemplos de outros, somente a resolução das suas experiências.

Muitos de vocês se perguntam como irá se manifestar toda essa integração? Pelo fácil restabelecimento das relações – aquelas que já não pertencem ao seu ser verdadeiro desaparecerão rapidamente, já que todos vocês escolheram suas experiências e reafirmaram-se nelas: toda relação limitante ou de apego, será resolvida nas próximas horas, pelo seu Ser Superior, de modo que afastamentos, transformações e mudanças, tanto na vida, ambiente e trabalho, estarão muito presentes depois da União Solar Do Eclipse, e até início de maio. 

Numa outra forma, sentirão um imensa ativação de sua coluna vertebral e também na zona cervical que lhes dará a força necessária para deixar de irritar-se, e de fechar caminhos para si mesmos, e abrir uma maior integração na Essência do seu Ser. 

A nível planetário, sentirão um impulso grande de aceitação da natureza, de ser parte dela, de amar suas vidas e seus propósitos de vida, uma maior sensibilidade para com o outro e uma maior agilidade em reconhecer as ressonâncias de alma, e sem os apegos ou desejos de estar ou permanecer junto as situações por falsos padrões de conduta. 

Os transtornos respiratórios de garganta e nariz começaram a diminuir, mas se abream intensos episódios de palpitações de mudanças no ritmo do Chakra do Coração. Quando ele sucede, e não tem razão para suceder, também se pode estar equilibrado. 

É um momento de parar e visualizar um RAIO DE LUZ DE CORAL que sobe verticalmente pelos vários centros de energia do seu corpo físico, e seus corpos sutis e áuricos serão integrados e, assim, terão mais energia física, e o ritmo cardíaco se regulará. 

É muito importante neste período que ajudem Gaia com grades de Luz Violeta, Lilás E Rosa, para que ela também possa transformar-se em Luz e desprender-se de tremendas camadas de memória muito dolorosas que ainda estão no planeta. Cada um como sentir, para a integração de Luz no planeta, e que se adapte em sua transformação, é o trabalho de co-criação que lhes pedimos. Cada um à sua vontade e liberdade de maneira. 

Veem tremores novamente na zona do Chile e Nova Zelândia, como consequência da abertura cristalina e regeneração da placa transoceânica – que se vocês preenchem de Luz podem suavizar- é parte da expansão energética do planeta. É o início da Energia Universal integrada desde o núcleo cristalino à crosta terrestre, e desde ela ao próprio físico em todos os habitantes do planeta.
É tempo de expansão e de Reabilitação Do Pulso Cardíaco para todos vocês, é tempo de encerrar o seu passado para todos vocês, é hora de abrir sua imaginação ao que vocês sonham, porque é o tempo físico de materialização, sempre foi, mas a Energia Adamantina entrante ajuda-os a deixar de postergar o novo e a abandonar os padrões de comportamento e egrégoras que ainda não foram identificados, e que trazem novamente para Gaia, com o seu pensamento. 

A 5ª Dimensão não é um lugar físico, não é um estado de poder, é a capacidade de manifestar realidades, desde o seu chakra unificado ou Chakra Timo, ou seja, a união da garganta, coração e do plexo (Solar) – são vocês o Verbo em ação física, sempre foram, por muitas raças, quiseram se submeter a muitas civilizações para multiplicar-se na superfície de Gaia. 

Agora, a responsabilidade pelo que criam está em vocês, já não lhes pesará sua linhagem, nem seus antepassados, a energia entrante rompe todos esses padrões humanos sob a forma de chuva de Geometrias De Luz Adamantinas e Octahedros Estrelados, para que seus Filamentos de Luz ou filamentos do DNA, sejam restaurados por vibração, por assertividade e por criação, cancelando os contratos cármicos e deixando sua bagagem para trás, em uma única tomada de consciência a partir do seu coração. 

É tempo de remodelação global do DNA, e se dará e se faz nas noites em suas horas de sono, em um autêntico presente pessoal e transformação da Luz em seu interior que vai ganhando força a cada dia. Deixem de esconder de si mesmos as suas paixões, e verbalizem-nas, o resto virá somente em Luz. 

Amados seres de Luz, abracem o novo, porque a Semente Cósmica está em todos vocês, mesmo nos mais adormecidos, que despertarão no devido tempo por Amor e ressonância; respeitem as que partem, muitas almas escolheram partir para começar de novo, e abracem aqueles que estão caídos, sem doutrinar, apenas dando-lhes Amor e Paz. 

Graças amado Ser de Luz, desde o Sol Central de Alcyon, 

Elsa Farrus

Obrigada a todos por compartilhar e fazer chegar a mais pessoas. Elsa. Você pode encontrar mais informações em:


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Atualização diária.


Equipe de Energia Médica

Por Melchizedek

Através de Natalie Glasson 

14 de Agosto de 2015

Tradução: Taisa Cunha

Cumprimentos atodos, Eu Sou o Senhor Melchizedek, e dou um passo à frente agora com aConsciência Crística Universal do meu coração e alma para todos na Terra. 

Minha criança divinae aspectos da alma do Criador, honramos vocês neste momento. Eu honro asmudanças e transformações que vocês estão esperando ansiosamente na Terra e agrande fé que vocês nos colocam, nas suas luzes que guiam. 

É necessário ter fé porqueo movimento que ocorre na Terra, o movimento de energias negativas sendolibertadas e energia positiva sendo ancorada

Esta é uma maravilhosa equipe de crescimento paraexperienciar agora aqui na Terra, porque em cada curto período de tempo quevocê pode aprender, acessar e alcançar tanto, especialmente quando focado nalimpeza e ascensão.

Para assegurar que vocêcompletou os desafios das mudanças e desligar do que vem em sua direção, vocêdeve aprender a confiar na sua energia de intuição, para permitir que a vontadedo Criador leve você para frente e aprenda que nem tudo flui na direção quevocê esteja esperando.

Quando você permitir sercentrado, equilibrado, focado e flexível você ganhará o maior crescimento destemovimento que está ocorrendo e trazendo a transformação

Por favor, fiquemconscientes que vocês tem o suporte e amor de minha alma, amor de todos osmestres ascensionados e anjos em seus próprios planos do Universo do Criador,você está sempre rodeado de amor.

Agora, permita queeu faça um progresso no propósito de minha comunicação hoje. Eu venho hoje comuma sabedoria especial e insights que eu desejo fazer com que você fiqueconsciente. 

Eu compreendo que aSenhora Nada comunicou a sua sabedoria e guia na mensagem da semana passada,ele está muito consciente de como as mudanças de energia na Terra estãoafetando a saúde das pessoas. Isto é porque a energia da Terra está mudando etransformando seu corpo físico e também experienciando isto; é como sua carne, ossos, sangue e manifestações do corpo físicoestivessem se convertendo de uma vibração mais baixa para uma vibração mais alta.

Esta conversão pode resultarem doenças porque seu corpo está eliminando energia negativa para ancorar anova energia positiva

Seu corpo físicoestá convertendo de uma alta vibração de luz para que possa suportar ocrescimento de sua alma e ajudar você no alcance de um novo nível de mestreAscenso, conscientes de sua maestria. Na verdade, tudo está mudando parapermitir a nova era de amor a se manifestar na Terra para cada almaexperienciar, entretanto, este processo é gradual e quando a nova era de amorse completar em seu ciclo de ancoragem, quando a humanidade talvez nem percebaalguma mudança. 

Para aqueles maisconscientes das energias ao redor, e dentro deles, eles talvez percebam que oplaneta inteiro e que sua humanidade cresceu em energia vibracional e quocientede amor, se tornando mais brilhantes nesta energia que eles emanam e maisabertos para a energia do Criador. 

Lembrem-se que a energia do Criador e ações são simples e geralmente sutis

As energias de transformaçãoestão influenciando e afetando os corpos físicos e a saúde da humanidade, eudesejo trazer uma energia que possa curar, aliviar e aumentar o bem-estar detodos da Terra. No nível universal nós temos um grupo especial de mestresascensionados que são conhecidos como a Equipe Médica de Energia Universal

Nós como seres deluz no nosso próprio plano chamado de EquipeMédica de Energia Universal estamos paraajudar em qualquer dificuldade com a integração, crescimento ou disponibilidadepara assistir os que estão na Terra, em seus trabalhos magnificentes porqueeles trabalham em suas energias vibracionais para curar vocês de suas dores,machucados ou desconfortos. 

Tudo na Terra écomposto de camadas de energias, a Equipe Médica trabalha com as camadas deenergia dentro de vocês para alinhar você ao Criador, realçar seuequilíbrio e deixar seu bem-estar perfeito, bem como sua saúde. 

Você pode chamar a EquipeMédica de Energia Universal para assisti-lo em todos os tipos de doenças,incluindo doenças graves e que ameaçam de morte, lesões, resfriados, doençasmentais ou emocionais, danos nos membros ou assaduras e problemas no sistemanervoso.

Eles irão assisti-losaté mesmo com dores de cabeça, falta de energia, estresse espiritual edesconforto, na verdade, tudo o que se refere ao seu corpo físico. Eles sãocomo doutores do mundo espiritual e podem assití-los com tratamento físico quea pessoa possa experienciar. 

A simples invocação de suaspalavras à Equipe Médica de Energia Universal podem alinhar você em sua energiae permitir a eles para intervir divinamente e curar você da forma maisapropriada

Às vezes, por causada vontade de sua alma e do Criador e a necessidade de você experienciar certascircunstâncias, a Equipe Médica de Energia Universal talvez não seja capaz decompletar totalmente a cura em você. Nestas situações você pode pedir aeles para amenizar a dor ou desconforto.

Abaixo há um exemplode uma invocação que você pode utilizar para chamar a Equipe Médica de EnergiaUniversal para ajudá-lo na cura:

Observado pelos meusguias e alma, eu invoco a Equipe Médica de Energia Universal para canalizar suaenergia de cura profunda no meu ser agora para que qualquer energia negativapossa ser transformada em energia positiva. (Agora explique à Equipe Médica deEnergia Universal sua condição e onde você sente dor ou precisa ser curado).Obrigada antecipadamente pela sua assistência, eu estou aberto e receptivo àancoragem de suas vibrações de cura na minha energia e no meu corpo físico. Queassim seja.”

Desta forma, éimportante deitar-se e relaxar em paz e tranquilidade, você deve sentir suaenergia se fazendo ao seu redor. 

Você talvez sintauma sensação de arrepio ou formigamento na sua pele, um calafrio ou calor ouaté mesmo pode dormir. 

Saiba que você estáseguro todo o tempo porque a Equipe Médica de Energia Universal possui aenergia da consciência de Cristo dentro dela e vai dividi-la com você. 

Você pode repetiristo à medida que sentir necessário ou até que sentir melhora, dependendo desua reclamação você pode precisar trabalhar com a equipe muitas sessões parareceber a cura total. 

Lembre-se que seestiver com uma dor intensa ou uma reclamação pequena, a Equipe Médica deEnergia Universal estará sempre aberta a assisti-lo.

É fundamentalcompreender que você pode trabalhar com a Equipe Médica de Energia Universalpara ajudá-lo a aumentar o seu sistema imunológico e assegurar a você o corretoequilíbrio de vitaminas e minerais dentro do seu corpo físico, assegurando suasaúde. 

A Equipe Médica de EnergiaUniversal possui um feixe de luz que contém todos os minerais e vitaminasessenciais para seu corpo físico. Se você pedir por um estímulo e equilíbrio devitaminas ou minerais, eles avaliarão os minerais e vitaminas que você precisae permitirá que seja canalizado como um feixe de luz em seu ser. 

Esta é uma excelenteferramenta para estimular sua saúde geral e assegurar que você sempre tenhaenergia total, sobra saúde e é forte porque você vive na Terra.

Abaixo, há umainvocação para você usar diariamente para chamar a Equipe Médica de EnergiaUniversal para estimular seu sistema imunológico, vitaminas e equilíbrio desais minerais:

“Observadopelos meus guias e alma, eu invoco a Equipe Médica de Energia Universal paracanalizar minha energia de saúde profundamente em meu ser. Eu desejo receber umestímulo no meu sistema imunológico para me ajudar a existir com saúderadiante. Eu também peço que você avalie meu corpo físico para entender que, seeu estiver deficiente de alguma vitamina ou mineral, ou precisar de um estímulopara equilíbrio. Por favor, me alinhem em seu Sistema de Vitaminas e Minerais eSistema de Equilíbrio de Luz. Eu aprecio e estou aberto e receptivo à suadivina influência em meu corpo físico e guia que você desejar dividir comigo.Por favor, me assista e me mantenha em um nível radiante de saúde e bem-estar.Obrigada por sua divina intervenção. Que assim seja.”

Esta invocação podeser integrada em sua rotina diária para assisti-lo e fazer você permanecersaudável e forte. Alternativamente você pode chamar a Equipe Médica de EnergiaUniversal com suas próprias palavras para ajudá-lo.

A Equipe Médica deEnergia Universal está focada na cura, eles são similares a médicos dos planosinternos e trabalharão com sua energia para melhorar sua saúde. A Equipe Médicade Energia Universal não é a única equipe que você pode chamar, há muitasEquipes Médicas de Energia Universal no Planeta, no Sistema Solar e na Galáxiado Criador do Universo. 

Você poderá perceberque está mais atraído a trabalhar com um dos seus níveis da Equipe Médica deEnergia, é importante perguntar que nível de equipe seja apropriado para vocêinvocar, porque em muitas ocasiões diferentes, você pode ser puxado paradiferentes níveis. 

A Equipe Médica deEnergia do Planeta mantém uma vibração mais baixa de luz se comparada com aEquipe Universal, mas a Equipe Planetária está acostumada a trabalhar comenergias físicas. 

A Equipe Solar eGalática mantém uma vibração levemente maior, mas para experienciar umaprofunda e alta vibração de cura, você pode invocar a Equipe Universal. 

É necessário quevocê invoque a equipe correta para você, porque uma vibração muito alta apenasfará você se sentir desconfortável enquanto que uma vibração mais baixa nãoterá um efeito poderoso. 

Eu o fiz conscientedas adicionais equipes de cura, porque não é todo mundo que se sentiráconfortável com as energias universais, então temos muitas opções para vocês.

Eu espero que vocêse permita experienciar a energia da Equipe Médica de Energia Universal, elessão verdadeiramente magnificentes, enquanto você também se aproveita doestímulo de Vitaminas e Minerais e Equilíbrio do Sistema Luz. 

A Equipe Médica deEnergia Universal está esperando ser de sua assistência.

Com bênçãos divinase muito amor,

Eu Sou o SenhorMelchizedek,

Gabriel: Deixo aqui também o Decreto "Pedido de saúde à equipe médica universal" narrado pela Sandra Gorni:

Agradecimentos a Sementes das Estrelas

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 Através de Marlene Swetlishoff





Nesse discurso Eu quero trazer para a sua atenção a necessidade de permanecerem ancorados diariamente. Trabalhem para desenvolverem um cordão de ancoramento muito forte, através da intenção e da visualização dele, todas as manhãs e todas as tardes.

Vejam-se conectados com o centro do coração da Terra através de um Cordão de Luz Radiante. Isso irá lhes ajudar a permanecerem mais focados durante esses tempos de intensificação de energias. Pratiquem respirações profundas lentamente, de forma rítmica inspirem e expirem, inspirando em paz e expirem em paz, por vários minutos, pelo menos três vezes ao dia, todos os dias. Vocês verão que serão capazes de assimilarem muito melhor as energias sem os efeitos colaterais usuais dos períodos de ajustes que se seguem aos downloads deles em seus campos de energias.



Vendo sob nossa perspectiva, a Luz está se intensificando e aumentado em seu brilho com muito mais força no interior de muito mais dos que já Despertaram.



A Luz dos muitos Raios Cristalinos é profunda, clara e cristalina e transmitem uma sensação de magia quando são vistos, similares a essa época de Natal.



Nós sugerimos que nossos Amados Trabalhadores da Luz se permitam experimentar maiores sentimentos de maravilha, de magia, de infinitude, de serem ilimitados e de alegria.



Nós entendemos que cada um de vocês esteve em profundos processos de limpeza, clareamento e purificação. Nós lhes dizemos que agora é importante que separem um tempo para se deliciarem com antecipada pureza infantil alegremente, nas próximas semanas.

Essa prática irá também facilitar a capacidade de deixarem ir as questões remanescentes que ainda não foram resolvidas dando-lhes um tempo, para depois tirarem-nas de si.



Ancorando-se através de sentimentos de alegria infinita e de possibilidades ilimitadas irão descobrir milagres no campo unificado das consciências das massas que irão capacitar a qualidade da paz sobre a Terra ser uma ocorrência possível.



Haverão muitas circunstâncias com expressões de boa vontade em torno do Mundo. O sentimento de Unidade irá ser sentido no interior de cada centelha do coração. Permitam que a criança de seu interior venha e brinque, usem varinhas mágicas para criarem mágicas e milagres. Esse é o tempo de sustentarem essas visões e esses sentimentos de modo que o Ano Novo irá lhes trazer os mais elevados e positivos registros.



Permitam-se fluir com as energias como a água flui em volta da montanha encontrando um caminho em volta dos maiores obstáculos, trazendo graça para todas as situações em seu Mundo. Por praticarem a não resistência e apenas permitindo deixar fluir tudo que aparecer em sua frente, vocês se abrem para a abundância e para a mágica da sincronicidade.



Antecipem que algo maravilhoso está chegando para vocês- vejam isso, sintam isso, degustem isso por qualquer caminho que lhes seja mais significativo, de modo que a sua visão esteja firmemente ancorada aqui na Terra e depois recuem, relaxando e esperem, aproveitando os momentos maravilhosos com sua família e amigos.



Essas visualizações e intenções irão imprimir o novo campo de energia da Terra com vibrações mais elevados e mais alegres.



O amor está abundante em toda parte e a alegria permeia a terra! Isso é alquimia em seu melhor e da mais prazerosa. Aproveitem cada momento, Vivam cada momento e saibam que vocês são abençoados além das medidas.

Eu Sou Melchizedek


©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

tradução Helena Renner-

Permissão é dada para compartilharem dessa mensagem desde que estiver em sua íntegra, sem rasuras ou emendas, estando incluídos os nomes da autora, de seus direitos autorais e o seu sítio

Grata por incluírem o elo acima ao postarem esse discurso.



marlene swetlishoff, melchizedek, melquizedeque





Se gostou! Por favor RECOMENDE  aos seus Amigos.  O Nazismo dos governantes de Israel



VioletFlame ~ The Illuminati ~ Alternative Media  ~ North Atlantic Islands ~ Indian Ocean Islands ~ South Atlantic Ocean Islands ~ Alternative Media ~ Creator's Map ~ ESU IMMANUEL ~ Exposing Media DesInformation ~ Galactic Federation ~ Hopi Indians, Prophecies and UFOs ~ Illuminati, The ~ Infinite Being ~ Israel (!?) ~ Jews..., The The Hebrews (Sephardim) are the Real ones! ~ Khazars, The ; the Jews of KHAZARIA are not real Jews ~ Meditation ~ Media News ~ NESARA (!?) ~ SCIENCE, SPIRIT, Free Energy!... ~ UFO CONTACTS ~ UFOs (MORE) ~ USA The 4th NAZI Reich!? ~ Zionism Lies and The Illuminati  ~ Light a Candle for PEACE   ~   


~ by Steve Beckow: 9/11 Truth, Abundance Program, Accountability, Disclosure, end times, Extraterrestrials, financial crash, Golden Age, Illuminati, Mayan Predictions, NESARA, New Paradigm, Spiritual Hierarchy, Spiritual Teachers, UFO Cover-up, Wisdom Economy


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Através de  Marlene Swetlishoff
29 de novembro de 2011


À medida que cada um de vocês se sintoniza com os novos níveis de frequência, compreendem que são Os Amados, operando já na quinta dimensão de consciência e mesmo além, em dimensões superiores. Estão sustentando a vibração mais elevada para o Mundo e isso é vital nos próximos dias, meses e anos.  



À medida que o seu coeficiente de Luz expandiu o seu campo áurico, a sua Luz afetou a todos em sua volta estando consciente disso ou não. Cada um de vocês é uma Tocha de Luz e estão tornando-se impermeáveis, impenetráveis às energias inferiores. Isso por si só  é um grande acontecimento  estabelecido.  



Continuem a fazer o seu trabalho, a cada dia e saibam em seu interior que estão fazendo uma diferença muito grande, enorme no campo unificado da consciência. Isso tem se tornado evidente nos eventos que estão transpirando em sua volta.  



Por onde você olhar, observa que existe uma sensação de felicidade e de união maiores  nas atitudes das pessoas. 



Verdadeiramente, existem muitas pessoas que estão no meio do processo de purificação e de liberação. Isso irá continuar, mas vocês Amados já  estão lá, e já  tendo feito isso. Estão agora trabalhando no próximo nível de sua Jornada de Ascensão mantendo e expandindo a sua Luz , pois estão conectados com sua Presença EU SOU de  modo  ininterrupto e permanente.  



À medida que incorporarem mais Luz de sua Presença EU SOU é importante que agora caminhem, falem e atuem de modo a serem a sua própria Divindade o tempo todo. Pratiquem o pedir por assistência quando necessitarem ajuda para isso. 



Peçam pela elevação e emponderamento à  medida que caminharem no dia a dia de suas atividades. Tentem separar um tempo todos os dias para sentarem em atitude silente e receptiva. Vendo-se como Seres da Luz cuja Luz está  irradiando do interior de cada célula e da cada átomo de seu Ser irão assim, eventualmente trazer isso para ser manifestado em seus corpos físicos. Ousem sonhar GRANDE e visualizem o futuro através de ideais, dos mais elevados para si mesmo e para todas pessoas do Planeta. Sustentem essa visualização e tragam-na para serem o seu foco muitas vezes todos os dias. 



Suas afirmações e decretos FAZEM  a diferença, pois todas as vezes que fazem esse trabalho, os Anjos lhes circundam magnificando a energia que criaram; vocês são casas de poder energético, falando bem literalmente. Abençoem a cada um e a todos em sua volta e tenham a intenção de serem uma benção à medida que trabalham diariamente.  



Confiem na orientação que estão recebendo e saibam que tudo está  bem, não importando o que estiver acontecendo em sua volta. Através dessas ações, cada um de vocês e todos os dias, têm criado transformações maravilhosas nas pessoas e no Mundo em sua volta. Sejam bons e amem-se separando um tempo na natureza frequentemente fazendo atividades que lhes tragam alegria, felicidade, abundância. É tempo Amados, de permanecerem sorrindo nessa felicidade , harmonia e em paz . 



Nós estamos sempre com vocês, guiando-lhes e trabalhando com vocês nas dimensões superiores. Cada um de vocês  é conhecido e profundamente amado por sua Família de Luz. Permitam que esses pensamentos sempre estejam com vocês, pois, isso assim o É ! 

EU SOU  Melchizedek



©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff 

Tradução- Helena Renner 

Permissão  é dada para publicarem essa mensagem desde que esteja em sua íntegra, sem rasuras ou emendas, estando incluídos os nomes da autora, de seus direitos autorais e de seu sítio 



Grata por compartilharem o sítio acima quando postarem essa mensagem.




Se gostou! Por favor RECOMENDE  aos seus Amigos.  O Nazismo dos governantes de Israel



VioletFlame ~ The Illuminati ~ Alternative Media  ~ North Atlantic Islands ~ Indian Ocean Islands ~ South Atlantic Ocean Islands ~ Alternative Media ~ Creator's Map ~ ESU IMMANUEL ~ Exposing Media DesInformation ~ Galactic Federation ~ Hopi Indians, Prophecies and UFOs ~ Illuminati, The ~ Infinite Being ~ Israel (!?) ~ Jews..., The The Hebrews (Sephardim) are the Real ones! ~ Khazars, The ; the Jews of KHAZARIA are not real Jews ~ Meditation ~ Media News ~ NESARA (!?) ~ SCIENCE, SPIRIT, Free Energy!... ~ UFO CONTACTS ~ UFOs (MORE) ~ USA The 4th NAZI Reich!? ~ Zionism Lies and The Illuminati  ~ Light a Candle for PEACE   ~   


~ by Steve Beckow: 9/11 Truth, Abundance Program, Accountability, Disclosure, end times, Extraterrestrials, financial crash, Golden Age, Illuminati, Mayan Predictions, NESARA, New Paradigm, Spiritual Hierarchy, Spiritual Teachers, UFO Cover-up, Wisdom Economy


 marlene swetlishoff, melchizedek, melquizedeque

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