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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


DNA a Galactic Blueprint and Portal

Peggy Black and the 'Team'

Posted on January 21, 2025


We are here, once again embracing you with our deep gratitude as well as our acknowledgment for your courage and willingness to anchor the intense energies that have been bathing humanity. These energetic rapids that you have been navigating are beginning to soften.
The celestial energy waves have been anchored into the matrix of earth. These vibrational seeds have been planted in the consciousness of humanity. Now these seeds of awakening must be nurtured and allowed to come forth. This process will be unique to each individual, the process, however, has begun.
There are those reading these words who are aware and who have welcomed the recalibration and the reset. Even if you are unsure just what that means, your inner knowing and awareness realizes that something profound has happened.
You can begin to nurture your own transformation and recalibration. Imagine that the galactic waves that you experienced triggered latent aspects and abilities held in your very DNA. We have shared that your DNA is a galactic blueprint.
Your DNA is actually a portal, a gateway to access the higher dimensions. You are slowly and gently being invited to realize that you are a cosmic traveler. You are becoming aware that you are not limited the 3rd or 4th dimensions of illusions.
We realize that your experience of the 3rd dimension is very real. If you could, just for a moment, consider the possibility as real that it might be just a hologram or hologame. We know that statement stirs up all your limited beliefs and arguments because from our observation you do experience your reality as real and solid.
So we would like you to consider that the reality in which you are reading our words is just one reality. Now having put that aside in a place that is acceptable, we can invite you to expand your thoughts to the possibility that you are capable of moving to the higher realms of truth and light.
In order to nurture the recalibrations that you have experienced, in order to strengthen the expansion and uncoiling of your very DNA, it is important that you hold the thoughts and feelings of what might be possible.
You have been informed that your very state of mind as well as the emotions that are generated by those thoughts and beliefs affect the way in which the DNA of each and every cell responds. You are powerful in this ability to influence your own personal expansion.
So the galactic energy and gifts you just experienced jump-started your cosmic awakening. Many have called this the Christ consciousness and the Buddha awareness. We could also say it is you becoming aware of your magnificent multidimensional SELF.
We like the example of the caterpillar becoming the butterfly, for it is a simple illustration of what humanity, one by one, is experiencing. The caterpillar has no idea that it will be transformed into a SELF that can fly. Be aware, that you cannot talk butterfly language to caterpillar people
You are in the process, the wondrous exciting process of becoming a cosmic being of pure light.
The goal is to understand that you are in a reality which exists in time and space and also to acknowledge that you are free to move between the dimensions beyond time and space. It does not need to be either or.
While you are a willing earth-walker here to contribute to the upliftment of the consciousness of humanity in the realms of cause, you are also an incredible being of divine light here to anchor a new earth, here to transform all the misqualified energy that has held this 3D reality in the illusion of limitations.
Claim your personal power; know that your very DNA has been triggered to allow all your incredible gifts and abilities to come forth. This has taken place at the very atomic, cellular level of your being. The influx of gamma rays began the process of your DNA strands expanding from the double helix to your original multidimensional twelve strands.
We realize that what we are sharing might not be exactly clear to you. However, we want you to know that you are in the most astonishing transformation. There has been a tremendous shift and you will begin to see what you might call miraculous changes occurring in your reality.
It is important that you own this possibility. It is important that you anchor this possibility of truth. Allow yourself to play with the possibilities of being unlimited. What would that look or feel like. Allow yourself to truly imagine awesome and magnificent possibilities.
Stretch beyond what you think is possible in your own personal life and experience as well as the physical world in which you observe. Remember often that you are unlimited; you are awakening to your true essence of divine light.
Start your day by claiming, I am fully embodied, anchored to this planet, I am my divine self in my physical form, always connected to divine source. This is a powerful statement that brings your multidimensional divine consciousness into your physical form.
Continue to ask yourself how could this reality be even better. Begin to envision the very things you would like to see in your news. Remember to not push against the very things you would like to see transformed. Instead, envision true solutions to the issues and the challenges humanity faces.
Remember you are a part of the solution; you are not just an observer or a judge. Claim your personal power and awareness that your opinions, thoughts, feelings either amplify the misqualified action and event or uplift and transform any pattern of violence, prejudice or hatred.
It is a shift that takes place internally within, however once that shift has occurred you begin to offer an attitude, a frequency, a vibration that actually joins other similar vibrations of love and forgiveness in the collective and a different reality becomes.
We invite you to begin to call forth your abilities and gifts that have been activated. Practice sending a mental or telepathic message to a friend. Give yourself a moment to mentally ask and know who is calling before you see the identity. Practice using your imagination many times a day. Allow yourself to see or envision an event unfold in a way that is pleasing to all. Spend a few minutes aligning your actions with your highest thoughts.
Realize that you are connected to the energy field of others, so begin to notice when you are still influenced by another's attitude or emotions. The best and quickest method in dealing with this is to say often to yourself, “All energy that does not belong to me, I send back blessed and transformed. I call my own energy back blessed and transformed and integrate it with grace and ease.”
This is like an energetic hand wash. Because your empathic or clairsentient abilities have been fully activated and are increasing, this is the first line of action that truly transforms and shifts the energy of the other.
Each time you send someone's energy/emotions back blessed and transformed, you are offering them a blessing of grace and you are doing your part in transmuting misqualified energies. Little by little you are sending light packets of awareness to everyone you encounter.
Begin to engage with the quantum field in which you exist in a manner that is pleasing and nurturing to the highest and best for all. Remember you are a creator, so create supportive and life sustaining projections onto this quantum field and this hologame.
Be gentle with yourself allowing these internal shifts, gifts and abilities to softly unfold for you.
This is an exciting time and we celebrate your expansion of awareness into the true starseed crystalline being that you are. We will continue to remind you of your true unlimited nature and all that is possible.
We are ever available as are other beings of light and love in the non-physical realms, Invite us into your awareness, your life and all that is occurring on your planet. Together we will support the true awakening of humanity and ascension into the higher dimensions of love and light. 
"The Team"

My Personal Message

Wishing each and everyone a blessed New Year. May this year of 2025 celebrate an awakening of humanity. May we welcome the awesome changes for good will and wellbeing for all. The shift has happened and we just need to call it forth into our experience.
I honored this new year with the 25th First Day Labyrinth Walk. I have hosted this event since 2000 for my friends and community. It is an open house with soup, cider and delicious foods that others bring to share. The day was bright and sunny and we had a lovely gathering. This ritual always feels so important, as everyone states their intentions and prayers for this coming year.
The next day was my 83rd birthday, which was celebrated with a lovely dinner. This year my goals include being physically active, doing some stretches with my daughter each day, and curbing my sugar intake.
I am in the process of writing a book of my personal experiences. This has been an exciting process since I get to review my life and share poems and stories. I have been writing for ages.
I also got an invitation for my 65th class reunion in June. Only 94 students graduated in 1960. I'm looking forward to seeing my old classmates.
It seems that 2025 has brought us another big energy shift. There has been a change, a transformation in the consciousness of humanity. We are moving into an awareness of the fifth dimension. January 17-29 a celestial spectacle, that had not happened for 400 years. Astronomers refer to this as a Planetary Parade. It was a remarkable planetary alignment. Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn Uranus and Venus will appear together in a row, although Neptune and Uranus will only be visible with binoculars or a telescope. The best time to see the planet parade will be the week of January 29 during the new moon. Then on February 28th , seven planets will align again in a spectacular configuration that will not occur again until the 2492.
We are in the midst of great change. This planet is being observed by our cosmic families. They are wondering just how the earthwalkers are going to shift into the higher dimension with the planet. This planet and humanity is being pushed to continue raising our vibrations in order to shift into the fifth dimension. We are continually being gifted with energy to activate our next levels of awakening. The energy from these cosmic downloads causes a variety of shifts and challenges. These changes can be physical, mental and emotional. Become aware of your increased sensitivity, clearer intuition, and a sense of knowing.
We are all being charged with the intense cosmic energies. We are invited to transform these world issues with powerful and clear intentions, prayers and the powerful tools we have been given. The 'team' reminds us to use sounds, as well as the light of the violet flame of transformation, to transmute all that is occurring in our lives and on the planet.
"In a universe of infinite possibilities, I'm so glad you happened." Hallmark
I appreciate your patience regarding setting up a session. This is an extremely busy time for me. Please call for your appointment. I continue to arrange session for all those who have sent me a request. Of course, I love this work and connecting with clients. It is rewarding and engaging. The sessions are powerful. It is amazing what is revealed, and what effective, simple tools the 'team' provides. They gently and lovingly stretch our consciousness. I love working with these incredible conscious beings and making them accessible to you.
I feel so blessed to be supported by this wonderful conscious community. Your kind words, emails and generous Bluesky donations are so appreciated. Thank you! You know who you are. It is so important that we own and acknowledge that we are a powerful community of conscious beings truly supporting the uplifting of our planet. We are making a difference. Together we will continue to envision a reality that is life-sustaining for all I offer you blessings of grace and delightful joy.
Thought for the Month 
Begin to engage with the quantum field in which you exist in a manner that is pleasing and nurturing to the highest and best for all. 
Remember you are a creator, so create supportive and life sustaining projections onto this quantum field and this hologame.
The 'Team'
Peggy Black

©2006/24 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Remember You are a Transformer

Peggy Black and the 'Team'

Posted on December 25, 2024


We greet you with our love and gratitude. We embrace you with our acknowledgment for the courage and the integrity with which you are meeting your challenges. These are the changing times, these are the ending of cycles, and these are the times of great chaos. The levels of dysfunction are being unveiled and confirmed. All that has been held in the shadows, all that is not in integrity, all that has been hidden is being revealed. Secrecy and deceit can no longer be concealed. It is the light shining in these dark places within the collective consciousness that is pushing all to the surface of awareness. This is generating much fear and anxiety in the collective consciousness.
Yet we say to you these are also times of great celebration, these are times of incredible expansion and awakening within each individual. It is your light that is coming forth. It is your personal awakening that is to be celebrated. You are here to support the transformation and the evolution of consciousness. You are an important aspect of all that is unfolding before you. You are far more powerful than you believe. We are here to remind you of your personal power and ability to uplift and transform dense dysfunctional energy. Resistance to the changes and the shift that is taking place will only cause more distress. When you are faced with great loss do all within your power to offer your feelings of distress and fear up to be transformed.
This is the task you have come here to do, to transform the energies that do not support your well-being and the expansion. We invite you to give the feelings of discouragement, loss, fear or anger a voice, allow this act of release to be sacred. Ask for support and see yourself surrounded by the love of divine consciousness, feel this embrace as you shout, weep, moan or scream your feelings. Give these feelings an expression in a sacred and holy way. Honoring what you are feeling yet being willing to allow them release and transformation. This is a powerful alchemical process.
When you offer a vibration that carries more light than darkness you are adding to the expansion and the shift. When you recognize your own shadow issues and bring those to the light with understanding and forgiveness you are doing global service work on a personal level. Your sacred heart is the vehicle of all transformation. When you consciously embrace an experience of fear with even the smallest shift of vibration into trust or hope, you own your power. Each and every time you consciously initiate a new response you open the door to more light and claim more of your power.
Remember you are a transformer. Step into your magnificence and own the ability to make a difference in each moment. Remember you are the one who carries the vision. You are the one who seeds your reality with your deepest knowing of truth and light. You are here to anchor the new reality and the new shift of consciousness in the collective. It is within your heart chalice that the vision of love and peace will be anchored and brought forth.  
"The Team"

My Personal Message

Sending my love and blessings to each and every one of you during this holy season. May your hearts be filled with deep gratitude and loving peace that will circle our beloved planet with the light of your protection and peacefulness for one and all.
Winter has begun for us with heavy rain and extremely strong winds. In fact we had a tornado five miles for my house. It wrecked havoc in the small town of Scotts Valley, turning over cars, taking down trees and light signals, several people taken to the hospital. I was taking a nap which was amazing considering it was pouring rain and wind at fifty miles an hour which was scary considering all the big trees around my house. I am so grateful that we did make it out ok
The family celebrated my four years old great granddaughter birthday. She is a totally different kind of tornado, full of energy and sass. I got a couple princess dresses for her, which was so adorable.
I am so grateful that my partner is recovering for the stroke. It was a mild one and he has been able to drive and such. We had a lovely Thanksgiving with family. It was different in the sense that I did not have to cook or clean, that is the blessings of having daughters who take over those preparations. It was a sweet quiet day for everyone. I hope that you also had a day to count your blessings
We are in the midst of great change. This planet is being observed by our cosmic families. They are wondering just how the earthwalkers are going to shift into the higher dimension with the planet. This planet and humanity is being pushed to continue raising our vibrations in order to shift into the fifth dimension. We are continually being gifted with energy to activate our next levels of awakening. The energy from these cosmic downloads causes a variety of shifts and challenges. These changes can be physical, mental and emotional.
We are all being charged with the intense cosmic energies. We are invited to transform these world issues with powerful and clear intentions, prayers and the powerful tools we have been given. The 'team' reminds us to use sounds, as well as the light of the violet flame, to transmute all that is occurring in our lives and on the planet.
" I always choose the path of most light." Tom Kenyon
I appreciate your patience regarding setting up a session. This is an extremely busy time for me. Please call for your appointment. I continue to arrange session for all those who have sent me a request. Of course, I love this work and connecting with clients. It is rewarding and engaging. The sessions are powerful. It is amazing what is revealed, and what effective, simple tools the 'team' provides. They gently and lovingly stretch our consciousness. I love working with these incredible conscious beings and making them accessible to you.
I feel so blessed to be supported by this wonderful conscious community. Your kind words, emails and generous Bluesky donations are so appreciated. Thank you! You know who you are. It is so important that we own and acknowledge that we are a powerful community of conscious beings truly supporting the uplifting of our planet. We are making a difference. Together we will continue to envision a reality that is life-sustaining for all
I offer you blessings of grace and delightful joy.
Thought for the Month 
Remember you are a transformer. Step into your magnificence and own the ability to make a difference in each moment. 
Remember you are the one who carries the vision. You are the one who seeds your reality with your deepest knowing of truth and light. 
You are here to anchor the new reality and the new shift of consciousness in the collective. 
It is within your heart chalice that the vision of love and peace will be anchored and brought forth.
The 'Team'
Peggy Black

©2006/24 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Manifest Your Focus

Peggy Black and the 'Team'

Posted on November 24, 2024


We are here, once again, reminding you of who you are and how you create the reality that you experience. We are here to empower you with the awareness of how you use your personal energy to create. We are aware that on some level you do know this. So you can consider we are only prompting your memory. Remember everything is energy. You are 100% energy 20% is physical. So use the other 80% to create your reality.
Every human on your planet is a multidimensional divine being. As a divine being you are powerful beyond measure, infinite in your knowing and awareness. However, as a divine being, when you choose to embody, you are required to match the energy and follow the laws of the 3D reality of this planet.
So when you as a divine being decide to take a physical form, the moment you take your first breath, you are required to match the vibrations or energy of this dimension. The energy of this dimension is a field of unconscious energy of limitations. So you as this divine being who are powerful beyond measure goes unconscious and is programmed with limitations.
Many humans will stay unconscious of their power to create and live their experience from this limited awareness. When an earthwalker awakens and realizes who they are, they began to grasp that they are creating their reality, things begin to change. They step into their power.
They also perceive how easy it is to match the unconscious energy field. They begin to understand when they go unconscious and act with automatic programming. This can be a very slippery slope. It is like us telling a fish, swimming in water, don't get wet. The goal is to shift out of this unconscious state of being as quickly as possible.
A divine being decides to come into this dimension to transform misqualified and negative energy and to practice using their awareness to create their physical existence. And what better place to practice creating your real life than in an energy field of unconscious limitations. Quantum physics says that as you go deeper into the working of the atom, you see that there is nothing there, just energy waves. Energy is the currency of the universe. You live in a vibrational universe. Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates. At the most fundamental level the Universe, and everything which comprises it, is pure vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways. The Universe has an agreement to manifest your focus.
Matter in merely energy in a state of vibration. Energy is a spiritual currency. So remember everything you give your attention to, you purchase with your energy! Remember energy is the currency of the Universe. When you "pay" attention to something, you buy that experience. When you focus your consciousness of anything or anyone who disturbs you, you have just given your personal energy to that that situation or person. You have empowered that situation or person.
We can give you an example of a current event that has just occurred in an election. This election was very polarized. The citizens of the country had very strong opinions about the outcome of this election. What most citizens did not realize, when they used their energy to focus on the one they did not want, the one they disliked, they were giving or feeding their energy to that candidate as their energy/vote. What you focus on you create. It seems this candidate understands energy manipulations. They understand it doesn't matter if is negative or positive energy, it is energy and they wanted the energy. So this negative focused energy by the collective minds tipped the scale and the candidate they opposed won the election.
You can become aware and selective of where you place your focus. Because that is what you are spending your energy in creation. Worry is using your energy thoughts on the things you do not want to happen.
When you are worried about a loved one, safety, health, behavior or addictions you are adding to their situation in a negative manner. The best way to support them is to see them doing well, recovering, and being safe. See them at their best, laughing, calling you with good news. They feel your energy and it supports their well being and healing. When you worry they feel that negative vibration directed toward them as well.
It is important to be selective and shift your focus to the things that you desire to create. The things that enrich your life and raise your vibrations. This is where the focus of intention is most powerful. When you state an intention your mental focused energy is sending a message to the quantum field, this invisible field will respond and answer that intention. When you can state an intention and keep your energy focused it will manifest in your reality or life. You become the creator of what you experience and what you desire. Or you create the very reality that you are worried about.
This is how you go about creating the events in your life. The more you practice this ability of focused intention the quicker those intentions will manifest. Your worry or negative thoughts are only sloppy intentions.
Watch what you give your attention or intention to. Make a game of this. The individual known as Mother Teresa stated "I am not opposed to war I direct my energy for peace." She understood the power of your thoughts, and emotions. Another example of the collection misdirected focus is the War on Drugs. That directed focus has only increased the situation of drugs, it has not eliminated them in any way. The more you focus on a negative issue or situation the more it increases.
The more you complain about a neighbor or a co-worker the more they do the things that annoy you. The more you focus on the issue of your health or the bills remember you are giving these very issues your energy, you are feeding them and they continue to get worst.
Instead make an intention that my health continues to improve. It is my intention and I am grateful that I pay my bills on time easily. It is my intention and I am grateful that my co-worker and I find a place of harmony. You will begin to see the results of this conscious shift in how you use your personal energy and focus. You will be amazed at the results and the miracles that will begin to manifest in your life. Be patient with yourself.
Re-set, re-adjust, re-start and re-focus as many times as you need to. Step into your personal power of awareness and focused consciousness in the use of your attention and energy. We will continue to support you and remind you of this truth.
"The Team"

My Personal Message

Our weather cannot make up its mind, some days are hot, some it is rain, other days are build a fire cold. We are adjusting. California weather is never really extreme, you might say we are spoiled. Today was gray, overcast and there is a fire in my fireplace. I have on two sweaters' and a jacket.
This month we had a visit from two special friends. This was reason for a flurry of activities around the half acre of garden and the house. It was my loving task to dust and polish the house from top to bottom, both floors. Since I am a collectors I got to touch all of my treasures. This is the kind of chore you do once a year, usually called spring cleaning, however this was fall cleaning. Before my guests arrived everything was shiny and sparkly. It felt so good to have all this completed and ready for winter.
When my guests arrived for breakfast we began our visit and throughout the day we just moved
to another place in the garden continuing our visit without missing a beat. We did have a lovely visit and connection. They attended my collage class the next day and then they were gone.
Our planet continues to be bathed in solar energies, which we are all feeling to some degree or another. This planet and humanity is being pushed to continue raising our vibrations in order to shift into the fifth dimension. We are continually being gifted with energy to activate our next levels of awakening. The energy from these cosmic downloads causes a variety of shifts and challenges. These changes can be physical, mental and emotional.
Two weeks ago my partner had a stroke. He was drinking some water and it dribbled out the side of his mouth. He checked his face in the mirror and realized what was happening. He walked outside, across the courtyard to the cottage and asked my daughter to take him to the emergency.
She called me, I raced downstairs and we drove scary, scary fast. We arrived at the hospital and they were ready for us, since I had called during the drive. It had been only twenty-five minutes since he was aware of what was happening.
They were able to give him the special medicine for early stroke victims arriving at the hospital. He was in the hospital for five days. Those were intense days for sure. He was blessed because there is very little damage, a slight slur and his vision is fuzzy. There were many miracles about the entire situation. It was at 5:30 and usually the freeway is bumper to bumper. However, the roads were clear that afternoon. He is home now and doing well. We are so grateful. It seems there were five or six strokes in the hospital during that time. Perhaps the intense cosmic energies might have pushed these individuals with some physical weakness. Something to consider.
Perhaps we are all being charged with the intense cosmic energies. This explains the intense physical issues that I have experienced over the last few months. It was the letting go of old fears, hurts and pain from my childhood. I am sure there were many of us who had these types of releases. We are invited to transform these world issues with powerful and clear intentions, prayers and the powerful tools we have been given. The 'team' reminds us to use sounds, as well as the light of the violet flame, to transmute all that is occurring in our lives and on the planet.
Is it time to connect with the 'team'? Please call for your appointment. I continue to arrange session for all those who have sent me a request. Of course, I love this work and connecting with clients. It is rewarding and engaging. The sessions are powerful. It is amazing what is revealed, and what effective, simple tools the 'team' provides. They gently and lovingly stretch our consciousness. I love working with these incredible conscious beings and making them accessible to you.
I feel so blessed to be supported by this wonderful conscious community. Your kind words, emails and generous Bluesky donations are so appreciated. Thank you! You know who you are. It is so important that we own and acknowledge that we are a powerful community of conscious beings truly supporting the uplifting of our planet. We are making a difference. Together we will continue to envision a reality that is life-sustaining for all I offer you blessings of grace and delightful joy.
Thought for the Month 
It is important to be selective and shift your focus to the things that you desire to create. The things that enrich your life and raise your vibrations. This is where the focus of intention is most powerful. 
When you state an intention your mental focused energy is sending a message to the quantum field, this invisible field will respond and answer that intention. When you can state an intention and keep your energy focused it will manifest in your reality or life. 
You become the creator of what you experience and what you desire. Or you create the very reality that you are worried about.
The 'Team'
Peggy Black

©2006/24 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Possibilities are Being Called Forth

Peggy Black and the 'Team'

Posted on September 17, 2024


We are here to acknowledge you with our love, support and this energy conveyed by these words. We are reminding you that you are the chalice, the physical container so to speak that is receiving the impulse of cosmic and galactic energies. These energy impulses and frequencies are offered to all. Yet many are blocked by their own limited beliefs and programmed patterns.
When energies of transformation are offer to a dimensional reality which has a free will aspect, it is always honored. So the energies of new patterns, possible realities and shifts are made available however these energies require a conscious willing receptive host that is physical in that dimension. So dear one, you are invited to be the host of this new transformation energy that is bathing every aspect of your planet.
You are witnessing the upheaval, chaos, turmoil and agitation taking place at this time. Individual are being triggered, repressed emotions can no longer be suppressed. You are observing the collective shadow rising up. There is an emotionally charged pushing against the differences. These are patterns that have been in the collective throughout time.
Even in the midst of this out picturing of violence and hatred that is a force moving through the awakened ones, like yourself, who are holding the pattern and template of a new reality. You are the driving force that will bring about this incredible transformation of consciousness. You are witnessing and are a very important player in this true shift of the ages.
Be mindful as you observe and witness what is happening around your world that is in such discord, do not let your vibration and focus drop to match that dense negative frequency. When this takes place you are adding to the very thing you want to transmute. Quickly shift how you are responding to what you are observing, do not let yourself be "plugged in" to these patterns of dysfunction being express by mass consciousness.
You selected to be here at this time doing this amazing transformational work. Own it. Step into your personal ownership of your power and magnificence. In the face of all that appears dark, fearful, and impossible, continue to hold and anchor firmly a new life sustaining reality.
With every thought, word and intention consciously seed the incoming cosmic energies with
with the unlimited possibilities of a future in which all people are honored, all people are care for and respected. A reality in which humankind is in partnership with nature and all living things.
Trust us when we say you remember other realities in which this these truths are so. This planet is a living library of the galaxy. It has been seeded by many, many life forms and patterns. Look around with awe and amazement at the diverse life forms and expressions. Divine expression has
offered this unlimited unfolding of life. You as a divine creator are participating in securing these multitudes of life forms in a space of harmony and peaceful co-existence.
What you are witnessing is the trashing out of the misqualified energy, suppression and misuse of personal power. We assure that the expression of love, gratitude and appreciation anchored and offered by all those who are awake and aware at this time are making a difference.
If you could see the expression of divine light radiating from those offering the highest frequency consciousness you would be humbled. So we invite to stay strong in your dedication and purpose as you walk your personal life. You are a part of the divine light we are speaking about.
The shadow aspect of your planets journey to ascension will be a small part of the story in the total amazing unfoldment. The possible realities that are being downloaded into the minds of conscious earthwalkers now would astound and amaze you. This planet is on the threshold of another so to speak awakening renaissance. This planet is moving up the spiral of evolution and rebirth in the most divine expression of the truth.
In order for this to occur the dense misqualified energy must be transformed. It cannot be transformed when it is hidden or suppressed. Once this energy of anger/rage, hatred, prejudge
is no longer hidden but exposed to the light of true understanding it will dissipate and lose its power.
Each awakened being is given all the celestial support they request to do this work of shifting and transforming the expression of misqualified emotions and energies. Think of the negative energy as a dark space, and you bring some form of light to that space, some of the darkness evaporates. Now consider millions and millions of conscious light beings shining their personal light onto this darkness until it is no longer visible or expressed.
This is truly what is occurring now. You are personally participating in bringing consciousness and light energy to the dark shadows of your personal life expanded to the collective. So whatever you are experiencing that feels and appears as shadow, be diligent and dedicated in offering a higher frequency of divine understanding and transformation.
Remember you are powerful beyond measure. You have the entire company of divine being available upon request. Be excited that you are finally able to anchor a new amazing reality, there are crews of awaken beings along with you who are bringing about this shift.
The future possibilities are being called forth. In which this planet will be restored to it pristine integrity, with clear air, clean water, respect of nature and all sentient beings living in harmony. Hold this vision, hold this truth, seed this reality. Imagine it the way you want it to be and know it is possible. It is you as divine creator who will call this forth.
We are honored to embrace you and acknowledge your courage to be embodied. We acknowledge the challenges that you transform with each and every breath. Know that you are loved and surrounded by our deep gratitude. the 'team'  
©2024 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited.  You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available.
"The Team"

My Personal Message

This month has been smooth and easy. My body has been healthy which is a blessing. Our weather has been a bit unusual with temperatures as high as 108 degrees. WOW! that is certainly hot and living close to the coast we do not usually have those kind of intense days.
I was more aware of these hot days because we were getting ready for a couple of friends coming for a visit. Of course all the little things we had put off doing, now it was time to do them. This included the dusting of all my collections, and I do have a few of those. The garden, as well, needed to be made conscious. My partner cleaned the debris from the fallen oak tree and he had to replace and rebuild a large section of the fence.
We were both working during the scorching days, so that every area of the home and garden was ready for our visitors. Now, the house and garden is ready for the next season and we can take a deep breath and relax. We did have a lovely visit and connection. They also attended my collage class the following day - which was fun.
Everyone in the family is doing well and I am so grateful for that reality. Especially since the energy has been intense. I am sure you have felt this incredible shift. We are being propelled to clear old patterns and step into our most magnificence self. This planet and humanity is being pushed to continue raising our vibrations in order to shift into the fifth dimension. We are continually being gifted with energy to activate our next levels of awakening. Be mindful of how you integrate these energies into your life. Set your intentions each day to integrate these energies easily. Because of the energy from these cosmic downloads, there are surprises in store. Challenge yourself to shine in new ways and be open to major personal growth.
There is more to come, we have a Super Full Moon in Aries October 17/18.
April 2024 we had a powerful Solar Eclipse in Aries. We began traversing our fears, hurts & pain living deep within ourselves. Shadows of the Eclectic. The upcoming Super Full Moon is the end of this chapter triggering an emotional goodbye to who we once were as we stand in the same doorway, ready to walk through more empowered and ready to let go.
This explains the intense physical issues that I experienced. It was the letting go of old fears, hurts and pain from my childhood. I am sure there were many of us who had these types of releases. We are invited to transform these world issues with powerful and clear intentions, prayers and the powerful tools we have been given. The 'team' reminds us to use sounds, as well as the light of the violet flame, to transmute all that is occurring in our lives and on the planet.
"We live in a vibrational universe. Energy is spiritual currency. Everything you give your attention to you buy with your energy! When you shift your mind to seeing life this way you'll only seek to give your attention to the things that nourish, enhance and/or raise your vibrations." -Twilight Ma'at
Is it time to connect with the 'team'? Please call for your appointment. I continue to arrange session for all those who have sent me a request. Of course, I love this work and connecting with clients. It is rewarding and engaging. The sessions are powerful. It is amazing what is revealed, and what effective, simple tools the 'team' provides. They gently and lovingly stretch our consciousness. I love working with these incredible conscious beings and making them accessible to you.
I feel so blessed to be supported by this wonderful conscious community. Your kind words, emails and generous Bluesky donations are so appreciated. Thank you! You know who you are. It is so important that we own and acknowledge that we are a powerful community of conscious beings truly supporting the uplifting of our planet. We are making a difference. Together we will continue to envision a reality that is life-sustaining for all
I offer you blessings of grace and delightful joy.
Thought for the Month 
Even in the midst of this out picturing of violence and hatred that is a force moving through the awakened ones, like yourself, who are holding the pattern and template of a new reality. 
You are the driving force that will bring about this incredible transformation of consciousness. You are witnessing and are a very important player in this true shift of the ages.
The 'Team'
Peggy Black

©2006/24 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Powerful Being of Manifestation

Peggy Black and the 'Team'

Posted on September 17, 2024


We are here connecting with you through the energy of these words. Words carry the energy of meaning as uniquely translated by your beliefs and programs. We find your words extremely limiting in offering expanded awareness of your true multidimensional existence.
You do not have words to illustrate many of the concepts and truths available to you as a divine, multidimensional being in human form. However since this is the tool that is available and which carries our energy, we use it to invite you to expand again and again.
When we say that you are beings of light, we realize that you have heard this concept many times, yet it might still sound a bit far out to you. It is, however, the truth. As we have expressed before, every cell, as well as your DNA, emits biophotons of light. Imagine that your very skin is like natural solar panels and the energies and frequencies given by the sun, moon and stars continually recharge your aliveness.
The electromagnetic emissions from your cells can now be measured with your modern instrumentation. We realize that you experience yourself as this solid and dense physical form. That is what this experience is about, to recognize that you have a physical vehicle, yet you are a starbeing. You are the essence of light energy that happens to be vibrating at a low frequency which gives you the sense of being solid.
Your real state of existence is a being of light energy. Yet while you are focused on the physical aspect, you are always offering your personal energy signature to all you encounter. Remember, your personal energy signature is influenced by what you have experienced, what you have been taught and what you have been led to believe as well as by the state of your emotions.
As you become aware that you are more than your physical form, consider that you might be a true member of the Galactic family and a starseed being. When you begin to accept this as a real possibility, and understand who you truly are, you begin to expand into your starseed presence.
When you consciously, on purpose, begin to release any limited beliefs and patterns you have acquired, when you clear your emotional storage, when you stop repeating your non-supportive stories, you begin elevating yourself to the higher dimensions. As you begin to refine your energy signature, you vibrate at a higher and purer form of the light spectrum, you begin to own and express yourself as a being of bio-luminosity, a being of light, a true starseed being.
As your frequencies and vibrations increase, the other dimensions become more available to your awareness. Of course this is the goal, is it not?
Your planet is in flux, it is shifting as well, moving to the higher dimensions. You are the active part of this occurring, for you are anchoring more and more conscious light vibrations within the very cells of your physical form.
You are a powerful being of manifestation. Your thoughts, words and emotional focus impact the quantum field. You are interfacing with this energy field in each moment. You are entrained and resonate with this unified field. So when you begin to expand your light quota and hold your focused intentions from a higher level of consciousness, you begin interfacing with the 4th and 5th dimensions of light consciousness.
You are here to anchor your starseed awareness into this reality. When you move your focused attention from the imposed limitations of the 3rd dimension, you begin to remember and open up to your awesome abilities and gifts.
Every situation and every perceived problem now occurring on your planet can and will be resolved with solutions generated from the higher realms of truth. Throughout your history there have been those who have tapped into these higher realms and created music which continues to inspire, art that continues to trigger emotions, and inventions that have changed the course of your history.
So it is a matter of you knowing that you also have the ability and can tap into these higher states of consciousness, realizing that there will be a flow of inspiration and solutions that will be downloaded so to speak. Play with this possibility; allow your imagination to travel to a place where the answers will be revealed. Trust the process. Practice and allow for this to unfold.
When you allow yourself to step outside your limited, perceived reality, you open the doors to unlimited awesome abilities. When you can acknowledge yourself as a powerful creator of your reality, you can begin to make the necessary shifts in attitudes that will change the very reality you are experiencing.
We are inviting you to play big. We are inviting you to own your power to make a difference in your personal life experience as well as the world events. You are invited to own this truth.
Remember, your focused intention will manifest. So begin to embrace yourself as a divine co- creator of this reality. Elevate and evolve your thinking, discard any limited beliefs. Allow yourself to play with the possibilities. Imagine that you are unlimited and as an unlimited, divine starbeing, what would you create?
Your focused intention does affect your reality. Imagine that your focused intentions are capable of changing the very molecular structure of matter. It is the highly coherent frequencies of your light awareness that gives this focus its power to transform.
It is this personal awakening that is occurring in the hearts and minds of humanity that will transform this planet. Realize that energy of thought can and will alter the reality that is the focus. When you begin to reach the frequencies of the higher dimensions and allow yourself to receive and download solutions to the current situations, you are actively bringing more conscious light awareness to the whole.
We are honored to remind you of your true power to create, your true connection with the stars. We celebrate your starseed awareness. We celebrate you stepping into this truth with deep gratitude for your personal work and service that you continue to offer to humanity from your divine presence in partnership with your physical focus. We are always available by your request.
"The Team"

My Personal Message

Talk about clearing old emotional energy and negative patterns - that seems to be what is up for me. This month was another intense physical experience. Throughout my life I have dealt with headaches, especially during my teens and early twenties. Some were migraine so intense that I just had to go to bed. So, I have known that is a vulnerable area for me. I have continued to have slight headaches, once in awhile, which do not last long and are mild.
Recently, I experienced a headache that started out slow and became more and more intense over several days. Finally, after four days of extreme pain, I was willing to go to emergency. They took a cat scan and said there looked like swelling, a bleed, a mass or even a slight stroke. My daughter and I said heartfelt prayers and made intentions for this to be resolved with ease and grace.
The hospital continued to run tests and we were there ten hours. My EKG was normal, my blood work was normal and the MRI was totally clear. Our prayers were answered. They finally found a medication that stopped the intense pain and they released me.
I read and use Louise L. Hays You Can Heal Your Life and The Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal. I looked up the headaches, it was fear of the flow of life, seriousness, perfectionism and over committing myself. Last month when I had shingles, I did look up the emotional component. When I was a child and had chicken pox my emotional state of mind was low self-esteem, feeling inferior, unworthy, fear of the future and being too sensitive. I have overcome those emotional issues. These are qualities that I continue to be aware of and process - they were energetic reminders of those thought patterns. I have used this understanding and cleared this energy. It seems to me that this is a part of my ascension process. All the solar flares and energy we are all feeling right now has been activating these old patterns and emotions to be cleared and transformed.
Right now, I am doing well, just feeling a bit fragile. I am taking care of myself and processing my emotions with sound and energy work. I invite you to notice if any health issues arise for you. How they are serving you and your own transformation? What are the results of this ascension process for you?
Other news of my month. My month was easy with sessions with the 'team,' taking care of myself, and my garden. Our weather has been so lovely and being outside at twilight is my favorite time. My granddaughter just completed her training to be a flight attendant. She is so excited and, of course, I am thrilled for her. Everyone else in the family is doing well. I did get fire insurance for my home, it is expensive plus I still need insurance for liability and personal possessions. Oh my! We finally got the big oak tree that fell in the back yard cleaned up. Now to repair the fence and such. It was certainly a mess. We had another successful and playful collage workshop and class. These once a month happenings at the local library are so much fun and the class is always full.
Please call for your appointment. I continue to arrange session for all those who have sent me a request. Of course, I love this work and connecting with clients. It is rewarding and engaging. The sessions are powerful. It is amazing what is revealed, and what effective simple tools the 'team' provides. They gently and lovingly stretch our consciousness. I am honored to be available to you in connecting with the 'team'. I love working with these incredible conscious beings and making them accessible to you.
There have been more powerful solar flares. We are continually being gifted with energy to activate our next levels of awakening. Be mindful of how you integrate these energies into your life. Set your intentions each day to integrate these energies easily. Because of the energy from these cosmic downloads, there are surprises in store. Challenge yourself to shine in new ways and be open to major personal growth.
We are invited to transform these world issues with powerful and clear intentions, prayers and the powerful tools we have been given. The 'team' reminds us to use sounds, as well as the light of the violet flame, to transmute all that is occurring in our lives and on the planet.
"Vibration! Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates. at the most fundamental level, the Universe and everything which comprises it is pure vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways. the Universe has no "solidity," as such. Matter is merely energy in a state of vibration." author unkown
I feel so blessed to be supported by this wonderful conscious community. Your kind words, emails and generous Bluesky donations are so appreciated. Thank you! You know who you are. It is so important that we own and acknowledge that we are a powerful community of conscious beings truly supporting the uplifting of our planet. We are making a difference. Together we will continue to envision a reality that is life-sustaining for all
Thought for the Month 
It is this personal awakening that is occurring in the hearts and minds of humanity that will transform this planet. Realize that energy of thought can and will alter the reality that is the focus. 
When you begin to reach the frequencies of the higher dimensions and allow yourself to receive and download solutions to the current situations, you are actively bringing more conscious light awareness to the whole.
The 'Team'
Peggy Black

©2006/24 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Myriad Realities.

Morning Messages.

Peggy Black.

Message 30







As a multidimensional being, you are at all times operating on many levels and dimensions... We are here to encourage you and others to recognize and honor the myriad realities in which you have a presence at all times. The day-to-day aspect of a human being's life is only one small fraction of what is taking place in the matrix that they hold.

Imagine the human is like your radio; each station or frequency invites one type of music. Most people never move the dial to explore the other signals, the other connections.

The focus is limited to what that one frequency provides, what information that one frequency offers. A person who is aware of their multidimensional self is able to move the dial from one station to the other with ease. They allow for more stimulation, more information, and a broader spectrum of consciousness.

Again, we invite you to expand your awareness to include more of your multidimensional beingness. It is much easier than one might imagine. You do it often. Now, just recognize when you have shifted.



©2006 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: subscribe to the FREE 88 messages.

Share with me your experiences and insights of how these Morning Messages have served you, email me at: Thank you.

Compiled by from: 
  • Morning Messages <>
  2. All Posts
  4. By Tags: Morning Messages, Peggy Black, Myriad, Realities

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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Each Dimension is Available.

Morning Messages.

Peggy Black.

Message 29







Being in human form is only one aspect of who you are. As a physical being focused on... this third dimension, it seems to you as if that is all that is. It feels real, looks real; yet it is only one perspective of the multidimensional aspects of what a human/being actually is. Each dimension is available to you at all times. Each is resonating at a different frequency. As more and more beings become conscious, these other realities/dimensions will begin to appear.

Your sages and wise ones have all spoken of the ability to shift from... one state of awareness to another. They have offered suggestions of prayer, meditation, fasting. Shamans and mystics have offered mind-altering herbs and ceremonies of dance and drums to bring a shift of consciousness... All these suggestions and techniques are for the important purpose of shifting your awareness - to understand that the world you view is only one small perspective of the whole.

Remember, you are a consciousness and an aspect of Divine Mind. You are multidimensional in nature and function. How the multidimensional aspect of yourself manifests depends on your belief systems, your expanded awareness, and your openness to all possibilities.



©2006 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: subscribe to the FREE 88 messages.

Share with me your experiences and insights of how these Morning Messages have served you, email me at: Thank you.

Compiled by from: 
  • Morning Messages <>
  2. All Posts
  4. By Tags: Morning Messages, Peggy Black, Dimensions, multidimensional

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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Universal Matrix.

Morning Messages.

Peggy Black.

Message 28







We observe the busyness that humans are so skilled with. We actually marvel at the various and diverse ways that most humans use their time, energy, and focus. This is the physical reality, and the goal here is to understand, manage, and transform energy that is dense and limiting - to bring consciousness to everything.

So the highest truth, in actuality, is that any activity that the human performs offers the incredible opportunity to infuse that activity with the purest consciousness and presence. The key to that statement is "purest consciousness and presence."
It is the habit of most humans to stay in their minds and the activities of their thoughts.

They give these thoughts much of their power, they allow the mind to be in control of the energy that is moving through the body. While in their thoughts and in their mind, they respond automatically; much like a robot, they complete one task and move to the next task totally disconnected from their heart center, their feelings and their power.

It is time to develop the keen awareness that no matter what you are doing in your daily life, it is affecting the entire universal matrix. We repeat: Anything you are doing.

An example is the job of taking out the trash; this mundane activity can be a moment of divine transformation for you and for the energy grid if you bring your full divine presence into the moment and the activity. You can infuse the trash with the light in such a manner that wherever it goes it also shifts the surrounding energy of everything and everyone it touches.



©2006 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: subscribe to the FREE 88 messages.

Share with me your experiences and insights of how these Morning Messages have served you, email me at: Thank you.

Compiled by from: 
  • Morning Messages <>
  2. All Posts
  4. By Tags: Morning Messages, Peggy Black, Matrix, Universal

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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